[email protected] Official Gazette of Montenegro Number 1 The price of this issue is 2 Euros – Podgorica Year LXIII Subscription for 2007 is 198 Euros Novaka Miloševa 10/I Podgorica, 25 October 2007 Complaints to be lodged within 10 days Giro account: 550-5716-07 520-941100-57 1. Pursuant to Article 15, paragraph 1, of the Law on the Procedure for the Adoption and Promulgation of the New Constitution of Montenegro ( Official Gazette of the RCG 1, number 66/06), the Constitutional Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro, at its third sitting of the second regular session in 2007, held on 22 October 2007, adopts hereby the following D E C I S I O N ON THE PROMULGATION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF MONTENEGRO The CONSTITUTION OF MONTENEGRO, adopted by the Constitutional Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro, at its third sitting of the second regular session in 2007, held on 19 October 2007, is hereby promulgated. SU-SK Number 01-514/22 Podgorica, 22 October 2007 Constitutional Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro President Ranko Krivokapić, signed Mindful of: the decision adopted by referendum on 21 May 2006 of the citizens of Montenegro to live in the independent and sovereign state of Montenegro; 1 RCG: Republic of Montenegro the commitment of the citizens of Montenegro to live in a state in which the fundamental values are: freedom, peace, tolerance, respect for human rights and freedoms, multiculturalism, democracy and the rule of law; the determination that as