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~~ SPECIAL COURT FOR JOMO KENYATTA ROAD. . SIERRA LEONE P H 0 N E: + 1 ~: 1 2 9 6 3 9 9 1 5 Ext ens ion: 1 78 70 0 0 0 r + 3 9 0 8 3 1 2 5 7 0 0 0 0 r + 2 3 2 2 2 2 9 5 9 9 5 FAX: Extension: 178 7001 or +39 0831257001 Extension: 174 6996 or +232 22 295996


Registrar: Robin Vincent

Date: 3rd day of February, 2004

Prosecutor against Alex Tamba Brima, and

(Case No.SCSL-2003-016-PT)


Office of the Prosecutor: Defence Counsel for Alex Tamba Brima:

Luc Cote Terrence M. Terry Robert Petit Defence Office Boi-Tia Stevem

Defence Counsel for Brima Bazzy Defence Counsel for Santigie Borbor Kamara: Kanu:

Ken Fleming Geert-Jan Alexander Kn C.A. Osho Will iams

PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/6f7bb3/ THE REGISTRAR,

NOTING the Decision and Order on Prosecution Motions for Joinder by the Trial Chamber, dated 27 January 2004;

NOTING the order of the Trial Chamber that the indictments Prosecutor against Alex Tamba Brima, Prosecutor against Brima Bazzy Kamara and Prosecutor against Santigie Borbor Kanu be consolidated and jointly tried;

CONSIDERING the order of the Trial Chamber that the Registry assign a new case number to the consolidated indictment;

HEREBY DECIDES that the case of Prosecutor against Alex Tamba Brima, Brima Bazzy Kamara ond Santigie Borbor Kanu shall be assigned the new case number SCSL- 2004-16-PT, and that all documents filed from the date of 3 February 2004 in the joined case shall bear this new number.

~~~~ ~ Registrar

Dated this 3rd day of February 2004 Freetown Sierra Leone


PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/6f7bb3/