CURRICULUM VITAE Li Liu NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025 Phone: (212) 678-5579 E-mail:
[email protected] Research Interests Atmospheric Remote Sensing of Aerosols, Direct and Indirect Aerosol Forcing of Climate, Cloud and Aerosol Physics, Atmospheric Radiation, Electromagnetic Scattering Education Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science, February, 2004 Minor: Statistics and Climatology Dissertation title: Optical characterization of complex aerosol and cloud particles: remote sensing and climatological implications Advisors: Dr. Michael I. Mishchenko, and Dr. James E. Hansen Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY M.S. in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, 1999 Department of Geophysics, Beijing University, Beijing, China B.S. in Atmospheric Science, 1996 Department of Geophysics, Beijing University, Beijing, China Professional Experience 1999-2003 Graduate Research Assistant Columbia University and NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, NY Teaching Assistant W4950: Math methods in earth sciences, Fall, 2001 W4917: The earth/human system, Fall, 2002 V3003: The earth’s climate, Spring, 2003 1996-1999 Graduate Research Assistant Beijing University, Beijing, China Teaching Assistant Atmospheric radiation and atmospheric optics, Fall, 1998 Peer-Reviewed Publications 1. Liu, L., Optical characterization of complex aerosol and cloud particles: remote sensing and climatological implications, Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University, New York, 2004. 2. Liu, L., M. I. Mishchenko, I. Geogdzhayev, A. Smirnov, S. M. Sakerin, D. M. Kabanov, and O. A. Ershov, Global validation of two-channel AVHRR aerosol optical thickness retrievals over the oceans, submitted to J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer special issue on “Photopolarimetry in Remote Sensing”, 2004.