Sultana Tafadar Crime

LLB (Hons), LLM (Human Rights Law) () Called to the Bar 2005

Sultana is a popular choice amongst lay and professional clients,

Sultana’s busy practice spans across criminal litigation & appellate

work; terrorism & national security; financial crime & regulatory matters; Year of Call: 2005 human rights & civil liberties; international criminal & humanitarian law.

Clerks Criminal Litigation & Appellate Work Sultana is an experienced criminal defence barrister who, as a led Senior Practice Manager Andrew Trotter junior and sole counsel, has been instructed across the full spectrum of high-level crime. Her practice encompasses a wide range of serious Practice Director offences including terrorism, homicide, serious violence, firearms, Tony McDaid robberies, complex drugs and fraud conspiracies. She is also

Contact a Clerk experienced in advising in appeals against conviction and sentence and Tel: +44 (0) 845 210 5555 has successfully acted as sole and led junior before the Criminal Fax: +44 (0) 121 606 1501 Division of the Court of Appeal. [email protected]

Terrorism & National Security Sultana provides advice and representation in high profile terrorism and national security cases and has significant experience of the multiple and diverse legal, religious and strategic complexities that arise in these cases. She is on the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Roster of Criminal Justice Sector Experts dealing with Counter-Terrorism. Prior to coming to the Bar, she produced reports on issues including conflicts and post-conflict Afghanistan; human rights and humanitarian law issues relating to tactics deployed in the War on

Terror; and implications of US & UK domestic anti-terror measures.

Further, she provided specialist/ expert reports for cases (including anti-

terror/SIAC cases) on the human rights situations in particular countries

and their treatment of members of ‘Islamist’ groups/organisations.

Regulatory Matters & Financial Crime Sultana regularly advises corporate clients, in particular a large multi- national corporation, on regulatory matters where criminal law intersects with matters of health and safety, employment, privacy & data production. She is also a versatile practitioner in white-collar crime and is regularly instructed in complex, large-scale, multi-handed cases. She has defended in large banking frauds and money laundering cases.

Human Rights & Civil Liberties 2

Sultana has a strong commitment to the protection of human rights and civil liberties, regularly advising and representing NGOs on issues relating to the right to a fair trial, the right to , Interpol Red Notices, and cross-jurisdictional matters . She is a member of Legal Expert Advisory Panel for Fair Trials International. She has advised NGOs such as the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre and the Latin American Centre for Human Rights (CLADH) on issues ranging from the rights of prisoners to the right to freedom of expression. She also specialises in law surrounding protest and demonstration and, in particular, represented the late Brian Haw, and other Parliament Square protestors for several years in relation to SOCPA, public order and other offences as their Counsel of choice.

International Criminal & Humanitarian Law Sultana advises NGOs on issues pertaining to these areas. She is currently Joint Chair of Lawyers Against Violence Against Women that focuses on eliminating sexual violence against women in conflict. Prior to coming to the Bar, Sultana worked at the International Secretariat of Amnesty International (AI) on the Africa Program, on the International Justice Project of the International Law and Organisations Program, and assisted the legal advisor of the Middle East Program. Her work covered such diverse areas as: • Investigation and intervention in ‘urgent action’ cases of arbitrary arrests & detentions, disappearances, , extrajudicial killings; • Working on projects relating to violence against women in domestic and conflict settings, children in armed conflict, issues pertaining to the War on Terror, and the Darfur Crisis; • International Criminal Court implementing legislation of various states in terms of compatibility with the Rome Statute; • Working on law and order issues relating to post conflict ; namely analysing the Iraqi Constitution, the Penal Code, and the justice system in relation to international human rights and humanitarian law. Her work with Redress included working on issues relating to •International Criminal Court implementing legislation; universal jurisdiction issues; amnesties and immunities under international human rights and humanitarian law.


• Member of Legal Expert Advisory Panel for Fair Trials International • OSCE Roster of Criminal Justice Sector Expert dealing with Counter- Terrorism • Joint Chair of International Association of Lawyers Against Violence Against Women • Member of the International Legal Network of Avocat Sans Frontieres • Member of Oxford Pro Bono Publico (University of Oxford) • Member of Bar Pro Bono Volunteer Panel • Joint Head of Criminal Law Group (with Michael Mansfield QC), Mansfield Chambers) (2013).

Conferences & Seminars • Designed and delivered Advocacy training for NGOs, attended by Oxfam, London, 2014 3

• Advocacy training programme for Amnesty International, London, 2014 • Advocacy training programme Women For Women International, London, 2014 • Speaker at 'Race Equality: “Removing Barriers”Conference, Home Office, The Network's 15th Annual General Meeting, London, March 2015


Terrorism & National Security

R v Rahman & Another (2016 - upcoming) Along with Anjum Choudhury, charged with inviting support for a ISIL. Attracted national press.

R v A & Another (2016 - upcoming) Youngsters charged with distributing terrorist publications. Attracted national press.

R v Rahman and Another (2016) - Interlocutary appeal of the legal ingredients of section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000 as to what amounts to 'inviting support for a proscribed organisation ISIL'.

R v Ziamani (Awaiting judgement) - Appeal against sentence of extended sentence of 27 years of 18 year old revert accused of planning to behead a soldier. Attracted national press.

EB v The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Ongoing) - Junior Counsel contesting TPIM imposed by the Home Secretary. Involves consideration of highly sensitive national security evidence.

EB v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWHC 137 (Admin) - Applications in relation to Section 16 appeal of TPIM measures and disclosure.

R v Jaman & Another (2015) - charged with s.5 of the Terrorism Act 2006, preparation for acts of terrorism, amongst others. Brothers of 'five star jihadi' who was killed in battle in Syria. Attracted national press.

R v Coe & Others (2015) - Junior Counsel in case where Defendant charged with preparing for acts of terrorism, namely planning to go to Syria to fight alongside ISIS. Acquitted. Attracted national press.

R v Shabaaz Hossain (2012) Junior Counsel where defendant was accused of engaging in overseas terrorism, namely Somalia. He was charged with 7 counts of fundraising and 4 counts of engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism. Attracted national press.

R v Akmol Hussein and others (2011) Junior Counsel representing Akmol Hussein in counter-terrorism prosecution. He, along with others, committed grievous bodily harm against a religious education teacher. They were captured as a result of probe evidence obtained by the 4

security services. Attracted national press.

R v Waris Ali & Another (2008) – Leeds CC. Defendant accused of possessing ‘bomb-making manuals’ and chemicals for the purpose of terrorism contrary to section 57 of the Terrorism Act 2000. He, allegedly planned to ‘blow up the BNP’. Unanimously acquitted of all three counts. Attracted national press.

R v Shakil & Others (2008) – Kingston CC. Led Junior where defendant alleged to have been involved in the conspiracy to cause explosions with intent to endanger life – the 7/7 bombings of the London transport system. Attracted national press.

Court of Appeal

R v Rahman and Another (2016) - Interlocutary appeal of the legal ingredients of section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000 as to what amounts to 'inviting support for a proscribed organisation ISIL'.

R v Ziamani (Awaiting judgement) - Appeal against sentence of extended sentence of 27 years of 18 year old revert accused of planning to behead a soldier. Attracted national press.

EB v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWHC 137 (Admin) - Applications in relation to Section 16 appeal of TPIM measures and disclosure.

R v El-Araj & Others (2010) EWCA Crim 1760. Led by Joel Bennathan QC. Junior Counsel representing Sayed Al-Haddad who was involved in disturbances during the Gaza Protests in London in January 2009. Resulted in reduction in sentence. Attracted national press.

R v Agostini (2010) – Court of Appeal. Sole Counsel. Possession of sawn-off shotgun, 46 rounds of expanding ammunition and 29 rounds of standard ammunition in the context of gang warfare. Sentence reduced from eight years to six and a half years.

R v Dublin [2007] All ER (D) 414 (Nov) - Undue pressure and the appropriate circumstances in which to give a Watson Direction.

R v Riley (2008) – Reduction in sentence for manslaughter.

Homicide, Serious Violence, Armed Robberies & Firearms

R v M & Others (2014) Junior Counsel in case involving a conspiracy to murder where defendant was accused of commissioning the shooting of the victim. Attracted national press.

R v K & Others (2012) - Junior Counsel in multi-handed armed robbery, acting for defendant accused of conspiracy to rob cash-in transit vehicles.

R v K & Others (2011) – Junior Counsel in multi-handed trial involving offences relating to firearms, drugs and money laundering in the context 5

of gang-related violence.

R v K & Other (2011) – Conspiracy to rob whereby the victim was repeatedly stabbed, after a failed ‘con’ to extract money from him.

R v Farley (2010) – Central CC. Junior Counsel in high profile case where defendant accused of the single punch manslaughter of Jade Defoe (the half- brother of Jermaine Defoe, Tottenham and England footballer). The sole issue was causation, revolving around complex neurological/ medical evidence. Attracted national press.

R v S & Another (2010) – Central CC. Junior Counsel for defendant charged with Assisting an Offender and Perverting the Course of Justice following a murder committed by her husband. Attracted national press.

R v B (2010) – Juvenile charged with grievous bodily harm with intent; robbery; and possession of firearms at the time of arrest.

R v A (2010) – Possession of sawn-off shotgun and large arsenal of ammunitions in the context of gang warfare.

R v W (2010) – Commercial robbery including use of firearm and the spraying of flammable liquid onto employees.

R v C (2010) – Defendant charged with numerous counts of committing grievous bodily harm and actual bodily harm against a group of friends at a nightclub. Incident appeared in a reconstruction on Crimewatch.

R v A & Others (2010) - Violent disorder arising out of the anti-BNP protest in the Bury Park area of Luton.

R v F & Others (2009) – High profile multi-handed armed robbery that culminated in the death of a police officer. Complex case involving expert evidence relating to fingerprints, footprints and mobile telephones. Attracted national press.

R v A & Another (2009) – Possession of firearms with intent to endanger life & other related offences; class A drugs with intent to supply.

R v R & Another (2009) – Doorman in nightclub accused of grievous bodily harm & wounding with intent.

R v R (2008) – Central CC. Junior Counsel in retrial for manslaughter following acquittal of murder in drugs ‘turf war’.

Financial, Drugs & Other Conspiracies

R V R & Others (2015) - Defendant alleged to have been operating a national money laundering operation for drug dealers nationally. Alleged to have laundered over £200 million.

R v S & Other (2011) – Defendant, along with nine others, accused of 6

large scale fraud related offences.

R v P & Others (2010) – Junior counsel in conspiracy to commit fraud by employee of bank. Complex and voluminous evidence relating to fraud centred around banking processes and procedures.

R v M (2009) – Conspiracy to commit fraud of around £2,000,000 alleged by the Crown. Involved breach of trust.

R v M (2009) – Large-scale drugs offences. Included successful emergency judicial review during the trial of judge’s decision to remand the defendant ‘for his own protection’ for running a defence of duress.

R v Brian Haw; R v Barbara Tucker; R v Charity Sweet - represented the renowned Parliament Square protestors for several years in relation to SOCPA, public order and other offences. Attracted national press.

R v Maya Evans & – represented first person/s prosecuted under SOCPA for unauthorised demonstration at contempt of court proceedings.

R v M & Others (2012) - Large conspiracy involving sham marriages and related immigration offences.

Please note that these are some examples of notable cases that Sultana has been instructed in. For further details, please contact the Clerking Team.