Annual Report 2014-2015 Contents

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Annual Report 2014-2015 Contents ANNUAL REPORT 2014-2015 CONTENTS Our Mission 01 Introducing Foundation House 03 Indigenous Acknowledgment 04 Reports from the Chair and CEO 05 Financial Report 07 Our Thanks 16 THIS REPORT: Co-ordination: Sue West, Siobhan O’Mara & Josef Szwarc Proofreading: Sue West OUR MISSION Layout: Blue Corner Creative Printing: Impact Digital To advance the health, wellbeing Foundation House 2015 Incorporation number: A0016163P This work is copyright. No part of this publication and human rights of people from may be reproduced, translated or adapted in any form without prior written permission. Apart from any use as permitted under the refugee backgrounds who have Copyright Act 1968, all other rights reserved. Requests for any use of material should be directed to: [email protected] experienced torture or other or phone (03) 9388 0022. ISBN 978-0-9874334-6-6 (Print) traumatic events. 978-0-9874334-7-3 (Electronic) 01 02 INTRODUCING INDIGENOUS FOUNDATION HOUSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc. (also known as The Victorian Foundation for people and other Indigenous build respectful and informed Foundation House) provides services to people of refugee backgrounds in Survivors of Torture’s primary Victorians due to the impact of relationships with the Victorian locations at Brunswick, colonisation. We believe that Indigenous community based Victoria who have experienced torture or other traumatic events in their Dandenong, Sunshine and acknowledging the past and its on the acknowledgment of their country of origin or while fleeing those countries. Ringwood are on the traditional impact on the present is vital unique position as the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people. In in building strong Victorian owners of Victoria. As such, Foundation House was established in 1987. It is a not-for-profit organisation keeping with Foundation House’s communities. Foundation House is committed and its work is funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth governments, aspirations to heal individuals and to the acknowledgment and communities, we recognise the We recognise the survival and participation of Indigenous charitable organisations and donations from private individuals. loss of land, children, language, enduring strengths of Victorian Victorians within Foundation lore and spiritual and physical Indigenous culture in spite of House events, and this is wellbeing of the Wurundjeri such dispossession and aim to reflected in our official protocols. THE MAIN AREAS OF ACTIVITY OF FOUNDATION HOUSE ARE: • providing direct services to clients in the form Foundation House is non-denominational, politically PATRONS BOARD of counselling, advocacy, family support, group neutral and non-aligned. work, psycho education, information and PATRON IN CHIEF Lynne Haultain (Chair) complementary therapies Foundation House head office is located at Brunswick, Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AM, with other offices in Dandenong and Sunshine, and an David Bilander (Deputy Chair) • offering professional and organisational Governor of Victoria outpost in Ringwood. Foundation House also provides development, consultancy and resources to assist Michelle Groves (Secretary) services in partnership with other agencies in rural PATRONS health, education and other community service and regional centres across Victoria including: Ballarat, Richard Home (Treasurer) providers to enhance their responsiveness to the • Prof Hilary Charlesworth AM Bendigo, Geelong, Mildura, Shepparton, Swan Hill and needs of people of refugee backgrounds Ian McKenzie (deceased October 5, 2014) the Latrobe Valley • Ms Dur-é Dara OAM • working with the Victorian and Commonwealth Karen McLeod Adair • Professor David de Kretser AC Governments to ensure that policies and Dick Sloman programs have proper regard to the needs • Mrs Jan de Kretser Helen Casey of people of refugee backgrounds • Mr Andrew Demetriou Sally Richardson • conducting and contributing to research about the needs of people of refugee backgrounds and the • Mr Petro Georgiou AO Travers McLeod (from May 12, 2015) best possible ways of meeting those needs. • Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG Shyla Vohra (to November 2014) 03 04 FROM THE CHAIR FROM THE CEO implementation of a new Strategic Plan for the agency, • Delivering high quality services to survivors of with key objectives to improve the quality of our services torture and other traumatic events; and to build a sustainable organisation. • Improving the capability of service systems and Since I last reported, Foundation House lost longstanding client communities; Board member and great friend Ian McKenzie OAM, who • Advocating for improved policies and programs; died on 5 October 2014. Ian made a deep and valued contribution to VFST and is fondly remembered by his • Consolidating organisational sustainability and colleagues on the Board, senior management and staff. capability. A measure of his commitment became apparent after his death when his wife, Louise, notified us that Ian had Within each area, we have identified actions to enhance bequeathed a considerable sum to Foundation House. our capacity and that of other service providers to We have chosen to direct these funds to establish the Ian respond effectively to the needs of individuals, families McKenzie Endeavour Grant (IMEG). The IMEG is designed and communities. to support a client of Foundation House to pursue an ambition – particularly in creative fields. The first IMEG A high priority of our advocacy work continues to be will be presented at our End of Year Celebration in amelioration of the treatment of asylum seekers who December 2015. arrived without visas and who are in the Australian community, in immigration detention or were In May 2015 we were delighted to welcome new transferred to Nauru and Papua New Guinea. member Travers McLeod to the Board. Travers comes with a wealth of policy experience and is a valuable We have received legal advice that the manner in addition to our ranks. LYNNE HAULTAIN PARIS ARISTOTLE AM which we have worked for years may be contrary to CHAIR I am also honoured to report that Her Excellency the CEO provisions of the Australian Border Force Act, which Honourable Linda Dessau AM, Governor of Victoria was enacted in May and came into effect on 1 July has accepted our invitation to become our Patron in 2015. The law imposes restrictions on the dissemination As always, 2014-15 was a year of challenges and Chief. Following in the footsteps of Professor David de Twenty eight years on from inception, the work of of certain information about policies and practices of significant achievements. Kretser AC and Jan de Kretser, we are delighted that Her Foundation House continues to develop in complexity the Immigration Department, which we have gained Excellency has joined the Foundation House family. and breadth of services to survivors of torture. I am through our work. We have conveyed our concerns to We continue to operate in a social and political pleased to have this opportunity to record my great the Department. environment which is most welcoming to refugees Finally, on behalf of the Board let me express deep appreciation of the contributions of the diverse parties selected for settlement and harsh towards those who thanks to our CEO, Paris Aristotle, and his outstanding The government recently announced it would provide with whom I am privileged to work: arrive without visas. Our ongoing work and new projects team for the daily effort in advancing the health, an additional 12,000 places in Australia’s Humanitarian wellbeing and human rights of people from refugee however continue to be very highly regarded - testament • A committed and talented staff; Program for people fleeing the conflicts in Syria and to the talent, resilience and enormous commitment of backgrounds who have experienced torture or other • A wise and supportive Board; Iraq. This is a very positive announcement and was the staff. In turn, these play a critical part in the influence traumatic events; and to our extraordinary clients – widely acknowledged as such across the country. We we can bring to bear on government policy and practice from whom we learn so much. • Our wonderful members and supporters; are currently planning the Foundation House response across the sector. • Commonwealth and Victorian government, to the increased intake of humanitarian arrivals and In April this year the VFST Board of Management philanthropic and private funders; continue to provide ideas and advice on how to further improve settlement services in Australia. finalised the development of the Board Charter which • Individuals from government and non-government contains our governance policies: setting out the way we agencies, health and other practitioners, researchers engage to add best value in our role and provide effective My personal gratitude is extended to our clients and all and community members, who generously share leadership and oversight. This includes how authority is who make our work possible. their knowledge and expertise. delegated from the Board to the VFST Executive, and the accountability of the Executive to the Board. After an intensive review, we adopted a strategic plan for 2015-18, focusing on four areas: The Board has also overseen the development and 05 06 Financial Report STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS AS AT 30 JUNE 2015 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2015 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2015 NOTES 2015 2014 NOTES 2015 2014 CURRENT ASSETS CASH FLOW
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