Interviewer: Jean Chaudhuri
SOUTHEASTERN INDIAN ORAL HISTORY PROJECT UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA In cooperation with The Seminole Tribe of Florida INTERVIEWEE: D.T., A Miccosukee Housewife INTERVIEWER: JEAN CHAUDHURI DATE: MAY, 1971 INDEX Alcoholism, 11 Alligator wrestling, 8 Brighton Reservation, 1, 5 Clans, 1 Communication, 5-6 Dances, 13 Dress, 13 Education and drop-out rate, 11-12 Everglades, 7 Food, 7-8 Green Corn Dance, 5 Hollywood Reservation, 1 Honesty, 9-10 Hospitality, 7, 10 Housing, 12-13 Hunting and fishing, 4-5 Indian stickball game, 6-7 Jackson, Andrew, 2-3 Land ownership, 3-5 Language Creek [Muskogee], 1 Miccosukee, 12 Seminole, 1 teaching of, 12 Medicine men, 10 Osceola, 4, 7, 9 Punishment, 9 Religion, 10-11 Seminole meaning, 2 Seminole War, 3 Tamiami Trail, 1, 13 I: Are there a lot of Otters [Otter Clan] living here? S: No. I: Have you always lived here at Hollywood ·reserve? S: No, I come from the Tamiami Trail. I: Can you marry into your own clan? S: No. I: Why? S: Because we're brothers and sisters, all of the people that belong to that clan. They can marry outside the clan. I: You're a Miccosukee yourself? S: Uh huh. I: All right, let's say you belong to the Otter Clan with the Miccosukee tribe--could you marry an Otter tribe of the Seminole tribe? S: I don't know what the difference is between Seminole and Miccosukee. To me they're all the same. I: How about the languages? Is it a little bit different? S: No, the same.
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