Tour De Louisiane Race Bible, 1975

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Tour De Louisiane Race Bible, 1975 PROMDTED BY: Gue aETAT'. ~ ~ ~--------------------------------~ THE AN OLVMPIC DEVELOPMENT .V.NT. Mfa-W.ST AEaIlON. al8TAICT THAE...::_ , AMATEUR mCYCLE LEAGUE OF AMERICA / New Orleans APRIL /2 + 13 1975 MELD UNaE" 8ANCTIoN all THE ABL OF A ! - THE TOUR DE LOUISIA.NA . 1975 A racing tour is an event which consists of two or more stages, spread over a period of· two days to three weeks. stage racing demands enormous IItamina. determination. and fitness. because the .rider must compete on aue­ e.slivedats, and Q.uite often, compete twiCe on the Same day. The Tour 4e Louisiana is a three-day racing tour promoted and spon­ sored by the New Orleans Bicycle Club. The Tour. now in its fourth year, will attract riders from as far away as New Jersey, Wisconson and California. The riders will be competing indirectly for approximately $1500 in prizes donated by the N.O.B.C. and local merchants. Stage I is a 4.2 mi. Time Trial. The time trial is a race against the clock, and the winnerqf this stage will become the race leader, and will don the blue leaders jersey until he loses his first place standing. After each stags. the leading rider is given the blue jersey. stace II is a Road Race •.This 80 mi. event will be the most demanding of all the stages. The winners will average about 2)., mph for over J hours. stage III is a Criterium. This race tests a. riders bike handling ability, and the 35m! raee will be completed at about 2Smph. After this stage, over­ all times will be computed, and the overall winner determined. ****************************** The liewOrleans Bicycle Club would like to thank all those who made this event possible, especially, GUs Betat & Son Inc. Raleigh Industries of America Betat"s Country Roads Inc. New Orleans Lightweight Cycles '.r'he Canoe and Trail Shop. Joe's Bicycles & Lawnmowers New Generation Bicycles Le Jeuet Bicycles Hughes Bicycles Clearview Shopping Center ~rieAntionette Restaurant Mr. W. Richards *******.*********************** ~ -;:- IIIACINCB SCHEOULE -::­ SATURDAY. Al'RIL 1& 6,4Sam----------------Regist~ation at shelter #1. Lakeshore Dr. .. New Orleans, La. 7IJOam- ... ~---------..---4.2miTimeTrial, all classes, same location. 1 a15am ... ---------------RIDERS MEETING all classes at starting. line on . La.",1081, Northeast of Covington. La. 1.JQpa----------------Junior Road Race 40mi, same location. t.S,,... ... --------------S.nIor R'O'ad Ra.'Ci 80mi, same location. 2aOGpm----------------interme'dIite-;-w'Omel'f.. Veteran Road ~ same·locat. SUNDAY. APRIL 0 10aOOam-":'-------------10mi Criterium tor Intermediates. Women and VeterMs. Clearview Shopping Center next to, New Orleans, La. 10.45am---------------2Q:mi Criterium for Juniors. same location. 1.1.45a.m---------------20m;1. Criterium for senior fa same location. 12.4Sp-------...-------35mi'Criterium for Samor 1&2, same location. 2s00pm----------------Awards Ceremony. ****************************** The Tour de Louisiana is' promoted anually by the New Orleans Bicycle Club. The club sponsors weekly races throughout the season, in addition to weekday training and. raCing series. Annual dues are $10.00 for returning memberS. For new members, purchase of the N.O.B.C. jersey ($t5) constitutes payment of' •. For more information concering the N.O.B.C., contact DoqHaddock, 6741 Gen Diaz. N.O.La. 70124. or Gus Betat·s bicycles, 819 N. Broad. St. N.O.La. 70119. --------~-.----' .... RULES AND REGUL'ALATIONS . 1. The winners in all classes will be determined by~~otal elapsed time. Time bonuses of 15. 10, S sec. for Seniors, and 7. 5. J sec. for Juniors will be given to the first. second, and third placed riders in both the Road Race a.nd Criterium stages. 2. Prize Distribution (number of places): Senior I & 11-10. Senior 111-5. Juniors-5•.lntermediates-J. Women-J. veterans-J. 3. Olympic Development point. will be given for performance in the Road stage only. 4. A restart in the T.T. stage will be allowed if proof of puncture or mechanical failure is shown to the Referee promptly. 5. Feeding will be allowed after SOmi. in the Road Race. No Feeding from vehicles. Use Musette bags. 6. Fo;t.lowiDi lars in the Senior Road Race must stay behind the official's car tImmed ately behind bunch). Cars in Junior R.R. must stay 100 ft. behind riders. No more than two following cars per team. 7. Parts or complete bikes may be changed at any time. 8. Laited riders cannot tjke or receive pace from leaders. Lapped riders wI bepu!led in the Criterium. 9. Riders must maintain lane positions in the last 200 yds. in the Road Race arid Criterium. 10. Riders must complete previous stage to compete in following stage. 11. Please irr! on the left hand side of the road at the Road Race. 12. fn_iddi 9n to the a~ove, all standard rules of the Amateur Bicycle League of America will apply. Special or unusual problems, protests, etc should be referred to the race director promptly. "~~~~~UMMY~~~~~~~~~~aaaaa**·*************************************** ~------------------------------------~* * REMEMBER ME FOR ALL 821-'2350 :* YDUR CYC'-.ING NEEDS,! ;* * .* CUSTOM "RAMIE-BY, it * * STRAWBERRY *GU5BETAT *' * * ROMIC * FOLLIS L. LYLE MCiNTYRE, JR. 2501 Tulane Avenue * Owner New Orleans, La. 70119 * * *Caap!inolo *Shim!no *Suntour * * PARTS ACCESSORIES CLOTHING BACK PACKS * COMPLETE SERVICE DEPARTMENT * * ,VEW ORLEANS LIGHTWEIGHT CYCLES, INC. * 13"0 S. CARROLLTON AVENUE • NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA 70118 * U.S.A. * 4­* Racing and Touring * 10 Speed Specialists * NEW GENERATIDN * L.IClHTWIISClHT _POAT_ * 3327 HIGHLAND ROAD at the gates of // , 387-2036 .. ;n}/ .__- --.....J.1:;J/ --~- LaK~ f'ontahatrain • Clearview lighthouse~ ,-~----- N Shopping w+, C ter ime Trial start s 1 I 1-10 TIME TRIAL & CRIT~R~UM MAP 1·10 ..********************************************************************************** Drat ons to Road Races Follow Lakeshore Dr to * onto atrainBlvd. 'T'iii the Blvd to 1-10. Go *ROAD RACE MAP west on 1-10, exit Causeway North. Take Cause- * wayaoross lake ($1 toll). continue north on 190* to Covington. At Junction withLa 21 take left * terk labelled US 190 to Franltlington , go over * bridge, turn right at second signal (La 437). * Take 431 about 4 mi and turn right on 1801. * Follow to starting line. .. girections ~ Crtteriuma :From intersection of * aus.way Blvd and I~io (see R.R. directions above ~ake 1...:10 west tQ Cle.rview exit North. Go * a tew hundred feet to·interseotion with VeteransI' Here Turn right and .enter shopping·center near Sears * store. * ~~*~~**.*'**~*.**~.******~*********************.. AS5!JeCIALTVSHQP * ·flCIIII· THE \ftiILDERNEsB.. * '. ... AI:J\IENTURER ': - CANOBS& "tAKS. 'Only the * k beet. ,t~!le'IO']i ~_v'£~.• ..* •. !:D..4 * x. * IGHT TENT.. S. Nmh i.rrx. Wtlla/ :Covington * u~.\cto * 1'!N.t~'t t.?.\~6.l. • **********..i6;.... *:tI:* ****************,. .. i..'.>- ' 'te' ',.' ­ " ' 'JOU€T .." - . ~. J~"1A1,fh.;Mwy. : Mattalrl., Le. 70011 pagnolo OI.ff: ano , mplex· :.~J;'.y. ._.' "I Wood ...__.... ~ EARTICIPANTS SENIOR I & II 1 •. John Bartle VCBR 19. Gary McKenzie CRCA 2. Del Blund.ell Turin 20. Douglas Miller ABC Ronald. Bol . VCR 21. Capt. Jim Montgomery. A'll l: Carl.o.Buitron ABC 22. James Moore HW 5. Frtf Burgin . DBRC 2J. Tim Onth!nk 'liS 6. Jo,·· veBR 24. Donald Page DERC 7. Jerry Colomb NODe 25 • .Gus Papageorge CDI-DRBC 8. Jl, Crue VCR 26. Kim Papageorge CDIDRBC 9. James Dobbs A'll 27. Craig Roberts HW ­ 10'•• Boyd Fink NOBO 28. Skip Sparry CDI-DRBC 11. Do"glas Haddock NOBC 29. D. Parker Suttle ABC 12. HoWard Hale S.R JO. Eddie Tinsley MCBC 1,. val, Hargrove ABC .31. Chris Todd NOBC l' • Hbward Horn' ETBC .32. Al Valdea Noac 15. Ja.mes Ingram 1'P J~. Randy Walther DBRC 16. Keith Kessel ABC J • Edgar watts A'll 17. Da'tld.Klenk CDI-DRBCJ5. Brant Wymond DBRC 18. Ra)\dy Legeai. NOB<: samoll tIl & IV )6. S. Chris Bennett NOBC 47. Jim Puckett T 31. SiUyOr.nell IK 48. Ed Rae Me J8. G.orge:Evans VCBR 49. Ken Royal DC . tlennQulotta NODe 50. stew Rosenan 'tVS l:: S en Hodges A'll 51. Howard Skipper A'll 41. Le Nelsen VCBR 52. JohnSipay TVS 42. 130 ' Perrin unat Jim WatsoJl. VA nan Pershell CTGW 5,'5 • Morgan Wilson VCBR ~: David Person VA 45. Bil1Plnltston HW' 46. hiene Pruftty VCBR JUNIOR 55. Don Applegate Mes 62. Taylor Hogan SW ,56. Steve Applegate MOS 6,. Randy Holiiles NO Be 57.:' Lai'l7 Blancharc1 VA, 6 • Tony Mitch.ell TVS .sS. K.evin :Suey sa 65. Blain Norfleet SRRC g9. Toit Finklea SW 66. stanley Stewart TVS o. Mile Hodges SJ.BR 67. Stanley White PF 61. Pat Hodges (~fu\ ou.") SABR­ "UN 68. sujanGurney VCR 69. Linda. Walker MC INTElUIEDIATE 70. EriC Cbauvin NOse 72. Loyd Rabalais VCER 71. Re~'vert Coe' ':VCBR 73. Jim Radford Unat CLUBS &t . ,Vela Club de Baton Rouge --., ~ VeiR lfCa '. ,Velo Club Roubaix ABC sAustinB.C. DBRC ,Dallas Bicycle Racing Club . NQBCaNew Orleans B.C. AW ,Alabama ne.lmen SR .san Remo HUGHES ETBC ,East Tenn. Bicycle Club PF ,Florida Freewheelers CRCA ,Century Road Club of A. HW ,Houston Wheelmen WS ,Wolverine-Soh_inn CDI ,Dallas CDI MCBO .Music Ci'ty B.C. IK .Indianola Kiwanis CTGW ,Chi-Town Golden Wheelmen CYCLES VA ,Ve108 Acadians T ,Tracers DC ,Den.ton Cyclists TVSS,'rallahass•• Velo Sport BATON ROUGE PF ,PaMacola fteewheelers SRRe JSan Remo Roi(1 Club SW •Savannah Wheelm.en l.Uac ,San An,omo BRC aACKIllACKIN. AND CYCL.TDURINCI DUTPITT.A• ••• N ••ADA D ,J'81.a.1841 Offering a full line of equipment and accelsories for the lightweight traveller. Included are suCh items as. JIIAN.NI... by AVANTI. and IlACKJIIACK. KAlRIMORE., ECLIPSE, by ALPINE DESIGNS, MEDALIST, and CLASS 5. ..••JIIIN. aA.. by CLASS 5. ASCENTE, and MOUNTAIN "PRODUCTS, T.NTII by EUREKA.
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