The Programme of the Conference
MICRO FINANCE What microfinance for developing countries' agriculture ? DECEMBER 4 - 6, 2007 CONFERENCE Pierre Mendès France Conference Center at the Ministry of Economy, Finances and Labor, and the Ministry of the Budget, Public Accounts and Civil Service. Bercy, Paris-France tuesday december 4 morning 8h30 Registration 9:15 - 10:00 OPENING REMARKS room Pierre Mendès France Ralph Dassa, General director, IGPDE (Institute for Public Management and Economic Development), France René Carron, President, Crédit Agricole S.A. and Farm (Foundation for World Agriculture and Rural life), France Marius De Sales Hygin Ratolojanahary, Minister of agriculture, fishery and farming, Madagascar Jean-Marie Bockel, Minister of State, attached to the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, responsible for Cooperation and Francophony, France 10h00 - 10h30 Break 10:30 - 11:00 INTRODUCTION room Pierre Mendès France Richard Meyer, Ohio State University, USA Bernard Bachelier, FARM, France 11:00 - 13:00 PLENARY SESSION 1 room Pierre Mendès France How can microfinance respond to the needs of farmers? Chair: Alpha Ouedraogo, Center for Financial Innovation, Burkina Faso Session moderator: David Myhre, Ford Foundation, Mexico Contributions, regional focuses: • Recent advances in agricultural financing: supply and strategies Cécile Lapenu, CERISE (Exchange and information committee on savings and credit organizations/French Microfinance Network), France • Does microfinance meet the needs of malagasy farmers? Mamy Rajohanesa, FI-FA-TA (Association for Farmers’
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