Ada User Journal 2 Editorial 3 Quarterly News Digest 5 Conference Calendar 30 Forthcoming Events 37 Student Programming Contest “The Ada Way” 40 Articles B

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Ada User Journal 2 Editorial 3 Quarterly News Digest 5 Conference Calendar 30 Forthcoming Events 37 Student Programming Contest “The Ada Way” 40 Articles B ADA Volume 32 USER Number 1 March 2011 JOURNAL Contents Page Editorial Policy for Ada User Journal 2 Editorial 3 Quarterly News Digest 5 Conference Calendar 30 Forthcoming Events 37 Student Programming Contest “The Ada Way” 40 Articles B. J. Moore “A comparison of work-sharing, work-seeking, and work-stealing parallelism strategies using Paraffin with Ada 2005” 43 S. T. Taft “Designing ParaSail – Parallel Specification and Implementation Language” 49 Ada Gems 60 Ada-Europe Associate Members (National Ada Organizations) 64 Ada-Europe 2010 Sponsors Inside Back Cover Ada User Journal Volume 32, Number 1, March 2011 2 Editorial Policy for Ada User Journal Publication Original Papers Commentaries Ada User Journal — The Journal for Manuscripts should be submitted in We publish commentaries on Ada and the international Ada Community — is accordance with the submission software engineering topics. These published by Ada-Europe. It appears guidelines (below). may represent the views either of four times a year, on the last days of individuals or of organisations. Such March, June, September and All original technical contributions are articles can be of any length – December. Copy date is the last day of submitted to refereeing by at least two inclusion is at the discretion of the the month of publication. people. Names of referees will be kept Editor. confidential, but their comments will Opinions expressed within the Ada Aims be relayed to the authors at the discretion of the Editor. User Journal do not necessarily Ada User Journal aims to inform represent the views of the Editor, Ada- readers of developments in the Ada The first named author will receive a Europe or its directors. programming language and its use, complimentary copy of the issue of the general Ada-related software Journal in which their paper appears. Announcements and Reports engineering issues and Ada-related We are happy to publicise and report activities in Europe and other parts of By submitting a manuscript, authors grant Ada-Europe an unlimited license on events that may be of interest to our the world. The language of the journal readers. is English. to publish (and, if appropriate, republish) it, if and when the article is Although the title of the Journal refers accepted for publication. We do not Reviews to the Ada language, any related topics require that authors assign copyright to Inclusion of any review in the Journal are welcome. In particular papers in the Journal. is at the discretion of the Editor. any of the areas related to reliable Unless the authors state explicitly A reviewer will be selected by the software technologies. otherwise, submission of an article is Editor to review any book or other taken to imply that it represents publication sent to us. We are also The Journal publishes the following prepared to print reviews submitted types of material: original, unpublished work, not under consideration for publication else- from elsewhere at the discretion of the • Refereed original articles on where. Editor. technical matters concerning Ada and related topics. News and Product Announcements Submission Guidelines Ada User Journal is one of the ways in All material for publication should be • News and miscellany of interest to which people find out what is going on sent to the Editor, preferably in the Ada community. in the Ada community. Since not all of electronic format. The Editor will only accept typed manuscripts by prior • Reprints of articles published our readers have access to resources arrangement. elsewhere that deserve a wider such as the World Wide Web and Prospective authors are encouraged to audience. Usenet, or have enough time to search through the information that can be contact the Editor by email to • Commentaries on matters relating found in those resources, we reprint or determine the best format for to Ada and software engineering. report on items that may be of interest submission. Contact details can be to them. found near the front of each edition. • Announcements and reports of Example papers conforming to conferences and workshops. Reprinted Articles formatting requirements as well as some word processor templates are • Reviews of publications in the While original material is our first available from the editor. There is no field of software engineering. priority, we are willing to reprint (with limitation on the length of papers, the permission of the copyright holder) though a paper longer than 10,000 • Announcements regarding material previously submitted words would be regarded as standards concerning Ada. elsewhere if it is appropriate to give it exceptional. a wider audience. This includes papers Further details on our approach to published in North America that are these are given below. not easily available in Europe. We have a reciprocal approach in granting permission for other publications to reprint papers originally published in Ada User Journal. Volume 32, Number 1, March 2011 Ada User Journal 3 Editorial In this first editorial of 2011, I would like to start by briefly presenting to our readers some of the highlights this year will bring to the Ada community. First, I am happy to announce that the Ada User Journal will publish the Rationale for Ada 2012, under preparation by John Barnes. The Rationale will be a valuable asset for the Ada community and will be published in several parts, the first being planned for next September. Also, a brief note to the return of the International Real-Time Ada Workshop, which will take place next September, organized by our friends of the University of Cantabria, Spain. Note that the deadline is around the corner. Last, but definitely not least, a note for all Ada practitioners to converge to Edinburgh, this June, for the Ada-Europe 2011 conference, which will join efforts with the Ada Conference UK, in an event called “The Ada Connection”. I must draw your attention to the rich contents of this event (briefly presented in the forthcoming events section of the Journal), which, apart from the tutorials, exhibition and scientific and technical presentations will also provide a very rich networking environment. A particular highlight this year is the panel discussions which will be held, on the challenging topics of “DO178C and Object- Orientation for Critical Systems” and “Programming Languages Meet Multi-Core”. And it is in line with the latter, that the technical contents of this issue discuss parallel programming approaches. In the first paper, Brad Moore, of General Dynamics, Canada, discusses the results of applying different approaches to manage parallel work items using Paraffin, a set of Ada 2005 generics supporting the incorporation of parallel computation in Ada programs. Afterwards, the issue provides a paper, contributed by Tucker Taft, of SofCheck, USA, with the edited and consolidated trail of the ParaSail blog, detailing the (evolving) design of a new programming language, targeted to the development of parallel and high-integrity software. It is interesting to verify that although the time passing notion of a blog is difficult to map into the "static" and self-contained nature of a Journal paper, the result is a pleasure to read. Continuing with the contributions, the Ada Gems section provides the series of gems on Reference Counting, from Emmanuel Briot, of AdaCore. And, as usual, you will find the valuable information of the News and Calendar sections, contributed by Marco Panunzio and Dirk Craeynest, their respective editors. Luís Miguel Pinho Porto March 2011 Email: Ada User Journal Volume 32, Number 1, March 2011 5 Quarterly News Digest Marco Panunzio University of Padua. Email: Contents All very nice. Of special interest to me is 20 - 24 June 2011, Edinburgh, UK the new string encoding package, which looks to shape up very nicely. Also the Ada-related Organizations 5 Containers.Multiway_Trees is interesting. conference2011 Ada-related Events 5 Here's a comparison chart showing the Ada-related Resources 7 differences between the various Ada Ada-related Tools 8 standards. Ada-related Products 14 *** DEADLINE Saturday 8 JANUARY References to Publications 15 I'm still a bit worried about Conditional 2010 *** Ada Inside 16 expressions / Case expressions and In-out Ada in Context 17 parameters for functions, but given the excellent track-record of Ada, I'm sure --------------------------------------------------- even those two will come out both The Ada Connection combines the 16th Ada-related looking and working quite well. International Conference on Reliable [the draft can be downloaded at Software Technologies - Ada-Europe Organizations 2011 - with Ada Conference UK 2011. It will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland's New AdaIC website ada12.html capital city and the UK's most popular conference destination. From: Thomas Løcke <> the comparison chart can be downloaded Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 at In addition to the usual Call for Papers, Subject: New AdaIC website. the conference also seeks industrial URL: ada-comp-chart/ —mp] presentations which deliver value and news_id=227 insight, but may not fit the selection process for regular papers. And it is gorgeous. It is probably the best looking Ada website I've seen. Ada-related Events Authors of industrial presentations are [To give an idea about the many Ada- invited to submit a short overview (at Pleasant, clean and easy to navigate. related events organized by local groups, least one page) of the proposed The website is a regular treasure trove of some information is included here. If you presentation by 8 January 2011. The Ada information, and I especially enjoyed are organizing such an event feel free to Industrial Committee will review the these pages: inform us as soon as possible.
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