Special Feature Regarding the Environmental Impact ◆Ex-Situ Conservation of 2 Statement on Functionality Enhancement the Japanese Pond Japanese Pond Turtle The rivers around Narita International Airport are Scientific name : japonica at Narita Airport inhabited by Japanese pond (Mauremys Classification : Class Reptilia Testudine japonica ), which are an endemic of Japan. Mauremys n September 2015, the "Four Party Council on an assessment based on the Environmental Impact Their habitat has deteriorated significantly due the I [Species characteristics] Narita Airport" made up of the Ministry of Land, Assessment Law (EIA Law) to evaluate the effects of our increase of alien species, the three-sided concreting of Endemic to Japan. The carapace is slightly flat Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), Chiba activities on the surrounding area, compiled a report waterways, etc. and juveniles have three ridges on their back, but Prefectural Government, the nine municipal governments on the result including the protection measures to Presently, we catch and raise them for emergency adults have only one distinct ridge in the center. around Narita Airport, and NAA began discussing remedy them, and published our Environmental Impact relocation with the counsel of experts who are The trailing edge of the carapace is serrated, but specific measures to further enhance the functionality Statement (EIS) on September 27, 2019. familiar with the local environment and this species, this becomes less noticeable as the turtle ages. at Narita Airport, including the extension of the existing We will continue to implement measures to reduce or in line with the basic policies of Japan. With their Japanese pond turtles are found in upper and mid- runways and the construction of an additional runway, compensate for the impacts indicated in the EIS with the release into the wild in mind, we strive for ex-situ river areas, ponds and marshes in mountains, and in order to meet the expected increase in global cooperation of the concerned parties. conservation of this valuable endemic species by wetlands. The turtles are omnivorous and spawn demand for air travel. Subsequently, we conducted breeding and removal of hybrid specimens through once or twice from May to August. genetic research. Reference: The important Species for Protection in Chiba ◆Natural Environment Conservation Prefecture, Red Data Book Chiba, Edition 2011 The EIS summarizes the conservation methods of air vascular plants and large fungi, were identified, of quality, noise, water quality, hydrological environment, which 88 are important species listed as endangered , plants, and ecosystems by category. or otherwise threatened. Turtles’ breeding pool Especially in the fields of animals and plants, we For these precious species, we will assess the needs identified more than 2,000 species of animals such as of their conservation and implement compensatory Japanese Pond Turtle birds, amphibians, insects, and fish, of which 215 are measures such as transplanting to sites with less important species designated as endangered species. impact, along with environmental protection activities. Conservation Activities Further, more than 1,800 plant species, including There are few cases of ex-situ Examples of animals and plants to be protected conservation activities for the Japanese pond turtle, and breeding methods are currently being explored. Breeding turtles requires time and effort, including frequent and detailed checks for parasites and fungus. We operate through trial and error with guidance from Japanese fire belly newt Golden orchid Goshawk Eight-barbel loach experts regarding any breeding- Escaping from the breeding pool! related issues that we run into. Baby turtles were born! ◆Post-Project Survey & Environment Monitoring Survey Last year, we confirmed spawning for Of the items selected for this EIA, a post-project conduct environment monitoring surveys for items survey will be carried out for those whose prediction deemed to necessitate them. the first time and we had successful remain highly uncertain. In addition, we will voluntarily hatchings. Fallen leaves were laid for the juveniles’ hibernation, and they Manager's Comment overwintered safely.

Maki Doko Eco-Airport Development and Planning, Community and Environmental Affairs Department, NAA With the cooperation of the Until now, I tended to focus on the development of the airport, but since being put in charge of this area, I have personally gone out into nature and discovered our precious concerned parties, we will promote flora and fauna andsatoyama (countryside forest) landscape, and I have become aware the ex-situ conservation of Japanese of the richness of the natural environment around the airport and the magnitude of the pond turtles, aiming to return them impact of our functional improvements on the natural environment. Going forward, I would like to contribute to the further development of Narita Airport by to the wild. Checking a turtle’s condition focusing on both environmental conservation and airport development.

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