CC HH AA LL II CC EE October - November- December 2005

Soorp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church 315 Church Street, Whitinsville, MA 01588 Tel: 508-234-3677 Fax: 508-234-4333 www.armenianchurchofwhit.org

Rev. Fr. Aram Stepanian, Pastor CHALICE

A publication of: Sunday Worship St. Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic All Welcome Church Morning Service - 9:30 a.m. Rev. Fr. Aram Stepanian, Pastor Divine Liturgy (Soorp Badarak) - 10:00 a.m. Sermon (English/Armenian) - 11:00 a.m. Editor: Alice Sagherian Sunday School (Sept-June) 10:00 a.m. Format & Layout: Ani Gigarjian Divine Liturgy followed by fellowship Chairman: Peter Bedrosian and refreshments. 508-234-4043 Air Conditioned Sanctuary and Hall V. Chairman: John Berberian 508-842-5512

Secretary: Rick Kazarian 508-234-5028

Treasurer: Raffi Samkiranian 508-868-4450

Asst. Treasurer: Joe Montecalvo 508-234-5162

Advisors: Lucy Almasian 508-653-8515 Chuck Gigarjian 508-234-5413 Papazian 508-234-3261 Will Whittlesey 508-545-2225

HEAVENLY KING, MAINTAIN THY CHURCH UNSHAKEN NRA Delegates: Peter Bedigian AND KEEP THE WORSHIPPERS OF THY NAME IN PEACE. Alan Goshgarian Andre’ Markarian About the Cover: The Nativity. In terms of composition, Ladies Guild Carol Tosoonian this is one of the most complex scenes in the manuscript. Chairlady: Contrary to his usual practice of choosing laconic ver- sions of the Gospel scenes, Toros Roslin depicts here a Sunday School Alan Goshgarian great number of figures connected with various sub- Director: sidiary motifs. Thus, apart from the angels above the cave, the miniature includes the scenes of The Bathing of the Child, The Annunciation to the Shepherds and The Adoration of the Magi. This combination of several motifs Soorp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church irrespective of time and place, typical of medieval art, 315 Church Street, Whitinsville, MA 01588 imparts to the scene a somewhat artificial character, 508-234-3677 fax: 508-234-4333 which is on the whole unusual for Toros Roslin. At the same time, the multifigured composition does not Rev. Fr. Aram Stepanian, Pastor in any way impede the understanding of its message, Direct office line: 508-865-2454 [email protected] since the focal point of the scene is made conspicuous by means of a contrast between the bright red cover of the Virgin’s bed and the deep black mouth of the cave. web site: www.armenianchurchofwhit.org inquiries: [email protected] Page 2 Pastor’s Message


It is said that death has dominion over everything in this world; but there is one thing that is stronger than death. It is THE LOVE OF A MOTHER. Death has never been able to conquer over the love of a mother. Mother’s love is a special gift given to mothers.

The love of a mother is unselfish, dedicated to her children and, she expects nothing in return. Yet look what the Lord says about the kind of love that He, the Creator, has toward us. God says; “CAN A MOTHER FORGET THE BABY AT HER BREAST AND HAVE NO COMPASSION ON THE CHILD SHE HAS BORN? THOUGH SHE MAY FORGET I WILL NOT FORGET YOU” (Is. 49:15)

God’s love is unsurpassed. Your wife, your husband or anyone so dear now may for some reason or another, love you or change the kind of love that they now have toward you; but God being the same yes- terday, today and forever never changes His love toward you and never fails you. The Apostle says, “In this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be expiation for our sins.” (I John 4:10)

In other words, God loves you and me not because we deserve His love or because we are good people, but He loves you and me because THAT IS HIS OWN NATURE. He cannot hate you and me, because “GOD IS LOVE.” (I john 4:16) The Apostle Paul says, “ But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8)

We may have bad habits so that society hates us; but God will never, never forsake us or abandon us because of who we are. Jesus said in John 13:1, that, “Having loved His own who were in the world, HE LOVED THEM TO THE END.” He did not stop loving Peter when he denied Him. On the contrary, He looked at Peter with such compassion and reaffirmed with His look that He still loved him. He did not stop loving the rest of His disciples because they all left Him alone after His capture. Jesus loved and loves every one of us “… TO THE END.”

There is one thing. Though God is a loving compassionate God but He hates sin. The sin that we commit. That is also His nature. Because God is a Holy God. Sometimes, because of our sinful nature, we like and desire to do something is not right, the Bible says we are born in sinful nature. God loves the sinner but hates the sin that he/she commits. So He invites us with great passion and love.


Do you want to be aware of the love of God? Turn to Him! Regardless of how much you have sinned against Him, accept the fact that Christ came and was crucified because He loved you and is ready to

Page 3 Pastor’s Message, cont. forgive your sins. Until you and I accept this fact, we can not fully partake of the love of God. It is an experience. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all our righteousness.” ( 1 John 1:9)

God Bless You All,

Rev. Fr. Aram Stepanian Pastor

His Eminence, Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan presiding over the Blessing of the Grapes at our annual picnic.

The Chalice is being sent to you free of charge; any contribution to cover the cost of printing and postage will be greatly appreciated. You will be acknowledged, unless requested otherwise, in the next issue of The Chalice. For your convenience, we have enclosed a self-addressed envelope. Please call Alice Sagherian at 508-234-3677 with any questions. Thank you.

If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, perhaps in memory of a loved one, please contact Alice Sagherian for information. Additionally, if you would like to host a fellowship hour, please contact Yeretsgin Margaret for available dates. Thank you.


The Building Expansion Committee has spend the last few months working with Wayne Salo from Dixon- Salo Architects to finalize two schemes for Evaluation and Costing. The committee has chosen two designs, one that includes a new hall with kitchen on ground level and the renovation of our existing hall to accommodate permanent Sunday School classrooms, and the other that involves creating a new classroom environment on ground level, thus allowing for the downstairs hall to be set up permanently as a hall with no partitions or classrooms. We have also included and will cost out a separate design that will house handicapped accessibility to the sanctuary and downstairs hall as well as a couple of offices for Der Hayr and a general church office.

In Addition, recognizing that the expansion will take some time to coordinate and that we have an immedi- ate need to expand our Sunday School area and open up our hall more fully for fellowship hour and other functions, we are evaluating the possibility of temporary mobile classrooms that can be on a lease arrange- ment and be parked somewhere on the church grounds; these would be self-contained classrooms that are similar to those used by several school districts to ease space deficits.

The plan of the committee is to have all of these scenarios outlined and costed and to present a report to the Trustees within the next two months so that we can have a special parish meeting within the next three months to make a formal presentation.

The committee recognizes the importance of its job and is taking time to evaluate all options in order to be able to make a complete and detailed report for all to review.


Soorp Asdvadzadzin continues to be an integral part of the Northbridge Association of Churches, taking part if many worthwhile and fulfilling activities within the community.

The Peace of Bread Program continues to be a successful and rewarding program supplying hot meals to the needy of Whitinsville. Those that help out with Peace of Bread are internally rewarded by the warm appreciation received from those who benefit from this program.

On August 24, our church provided a chicken dinner to approximately 90 men, women, and children. There was a tremendous response from our parishioners as many of us stood ready to help out where need- ed.

As word came out about the devastation on the Gulf Region from Hurricane Katrina, our church took the lead in a fundraising campaign by offering our church grounds and equipment to the NAC for a cookout on September 17 from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm, with all proceeds going to the victims of Katrina. In 4 short hours, the NAC raised $1100. for the Katrina Recovery Fund.

Our church's mission is to serve others in need and to help spread God's message and make Him known through our actions as well as our words. Page 5 Committee Reports

Christian Education Committee

Submitted By: Barbara Berberian

The current members of the Christian Education Committee (CEC) are Der Hayr and Yeretsgin Margaret, Barbara Berberian (Chairperson), John Berberian, Linda and Magdy Faltaous, Diran Der Kosrofian and Andre Markarian.

On September 26, 2005, the committee met at the home of Kristi and Andre Markarian to put the finishing touches on the CEC Christian Education Resource Library which is scheduled to open by the end of this October. We are fortunate to have Priscilla Altoonian (a librarian) to help us plan an effective and efficient procedure to share books and media with our parishioners. A variety of books on Christian Education and the teachings of the Armenian Apostolic faith have been gath- ered that we feel would be of interest to all ages. In addition, the library will include teaching videos, and CD's on various Christian topics, the Bible on tape (for those with visual limitations) plus classic Christian movies, such as the Robe or Ten Commandments. Parents will be pleased to find the Veggie Tale series and many other colorful, animated CD's, videos and DVD's for their children.

CEC plans to continue this year with the mini lessons after Badarak two times a month. If any- one has a particular question about our church that they feel would be informative if addressed in this series, please give your input to one of our CEC members and we would be happy to con- sider it. For example, the mini lesson that is at the end of this article was specifically requested by one of our deacons as he has been personally asked about the significance of woman wearing head coverings during Holy Communion. Please remember, if you miss church on a particular Sunday you can review the mini lessons on our church web site (www.armenianchurchofwhit.org).

Under Der Hayr's guidance, we are presently working on a variety of ways and multimedia teach- ing tools for our parishioners to more fully understand our Badarak. God willing, we will be announcing these types of programs in the near future.

Once again, Der Hayr and CEC thank you all for your continued support of our projects and activ- ities.

CEC Mini-lessons can also be found on the church’s web site. Go to www.armenianchurchofwhit.org and click on the CEC mini-lesson “Quick link”.

Page 6 CEC Lesson Mini-Lessons on the Church

Women’s Head Covering in Church

The teaching in the Armenian Church is that a woman should cover her head and be modestly dressed in church. The reasons for this time-honored practice are quite simple but have often been misunderstood and, over the years, the tradition has been partially neglected. This mini les- son will attempt to clarify the reasons, both scriptural and from tradition, why women should wear a head covering in church, especially when approaching the altar to take Holy Communion.

Throughout the Bible, the woman's veil has been a sign of modesty (Gen. 24:65). In 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11 (especially verses 5, 6 and 13) Saint Paul makes reference to the appropriateness of women in church wearing a headdress. In these verses, he emphasizes that to not wear a headdress or veil can be considered as disgraceful. The context seems to be that since hair gives glory to a woman, her glory should be totally shielded as a sign of humility when coming before God. Although Paul makes a strong case for this, it should be noted that he also emphasizes that head coverings are a matter of tradition.

Furthermore, the symbolism of the veil is also a sign of a wedding ceremony for both the bride of man and the bride of Christ. In the history of the Church, priestly vestments have played a similar symbolic role. In our church, veils are available up front and are given to women as they approach the altar for Communion.

In summary, the principle reasons for a woman to cover her hair in Church, especially when approaching the altar to receive Holy Communion: 1. A sign of piety and holiness 2. A sign of reverence, humility and modesty. 3. As a sign of submission to the will of God. 4. To avoid distracting others from meditation and prayer by bringing attention to her self.

NOTE: Any form of dress or appearance that draws attention to oneself or is distracting to others in church is discouraged for men as well as women.

Scripture verses: "Every woman who has her head uncovered while praying or prophesizing, disgraces her head (her husband); for it is the same as if her head were shaved." "For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head." 1Cor 11:5, 6 "Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with head uncovered?" 1Cor 11:13

Page 7 PICNIC 2005

Whitinsville Picnic Shines Among the Clouds

by Rick Kazarian

WE. Two letters that define success. From Friday afternoon to Sunday night there is no one individual, but simply a group of hard working people of all ages whose collective belief that no matter what the task or weather, WE will have a great picnic. WE sacrifice time, WE con- tribute money to offset rising costs. If that were not enough there are those who said WE will sign up to donate bone marrow to save lives.

This year the picnic committee, at the suggestion of Der Aram and with the blessing of the Board of Trustees, sent letters to all those on our mailing list asking for a donation to a specific item to be purchased for the picnic. Eighty respondents, many of whom live outside the community, contributed over $2800.00 prior to the event, which more than offset what we knew would be increased expenses.

Another innovation was the mailing of work schedules which required checking off what assignment was accept- able and returning it by mail. This proved to be a huge time saving method for the committee and we received a won- derful response. Those few who did not respond were called and asked why they had not. As typifies our commu- Co-chair Ricky Kazarian smiling as nity the response was always the same: "Of course I will the skies open up and the sun shines. be there. I just assumed you knew."

The willingness to give was again evident based on the response to the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry Charitable Trust. We have been told that the picnic was the largest number of volunteers of any event the Trust has attended.

Once again we were honored by the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan and many other clergy. Perhaps the most memorable moment of the day took place during the Blessing of the Grapes. Moments before the ceremony began, it was asked of Our own Bruce and John, along with Der Hayr if we should go into the church. With a flippant Mal, Roger and Steve. wave of the hand he said, "Don’t worry about a thing. It will not rain. As one looked around, only ominous, dark

Page 8 PICNIC 2005 clouds shown and the rain slowly began. As the ceremony progressed, small rays of light began to show through and continued to strengthen more and more. Finally with His Eminence nearing the end of his personal remarks the sun showed full for the first time all day.

On behalf of Der Hayr and the Board of Trustees we congratulate all of you for giving of yourselves in such a way that the spirit of the community shines through on the cloudiest of days. Celeste, Barbara, Jamie and Claudia working the never-ending food line.

Serpazan, Der Aram and members of the New England Clergy at the Blessing of the Grapes Ceremony.

Yeretzgin leading the dancing line!

Page 9 Recreational Activities

Bike Hike (Armenian style) Submitted by: Barbara Berberian

On Saturday, September 10, several enthusiastic "bikers" met at our church at 8:00 AM (well, SOME of us were there at that time) to take a bike ride. The happy crew was: Der Hayr and Yeretsgin Margaret, Mark, Cindy and Lindsey Dermugrditchian, Carol Jaffarian, John and Barbara Berberian, and Mark's friend Bob Campbell (who later in the day became our Frisbee instructor). The day was planned by Mark, so you know it was an energetic agenda, to say the least. The plan was to drive to Cole State Park in Rhode Island, claim a spot for an end of the day barbeque and then follow the nearby bike trail. What we didn't know was that the plan was to ride until we drop. Only kidding, but we did end up biking for about 20 miles on beautiful scenic paths. Some of us (John and Barbara) headed back a couple of miles sooner. For Barbara, it was either head back or go straight to UMass emergency room. In fair- ness to John's athletic ability, he was fine but decided to accompany his wife whose legs couldn't take another mile. On the other hand, you should have seen our Yeretsgin! Twenty miles wasn't enough for her…she kept taking supplementary side trips. It should be noted that the very clever Linda and Magdy Faltaous joined us in the park AFTER the bike ride.

One of the highlights of the day was our stop at a Baptist Church in Warren, RI. This church was built in the 18th century and was quite beauti- ful and quaint. We noticed a sign announcing they would be having a barbeque luncheon with proceeds going to aid the victims of Katrina. We took a break from our bicycles and had a delicious lunch in their church yard and at the same time felt happy that we were supporting a good cause.

We continued on our scenic bike trail and at the end of the day relaxed on our lawn chairs ( do come prepared) just a stones throw from the water and enjoyed the breathtaking view of sail boats and ultimately the sunset. We enjoyed hot dogs, hamburgers and all the trimmings. We even made a pot of fresh coffee on the grill (thanks Cindy) as the guys recalled their days (or fantasies) as cowboys on the ole trail. It was a perfect end to a perfect day of fellowship and fun (ask Der Hayr to tell you his joke about Sam Ting).

For those of you that would like to join our group in the future, don't feel you have to be advanced riders. Just do what I am going to do next time…ride for an enjoyable amount of time and head back to the "campsite" with a good book. We encourage beginners….all you need is a bicycle. Another option is to do what Linda and Magdy did and just come for fellowship. Bring a book, tavlu, knitting, kites, a frisbee, etc. If you would like to be informed of outings, please contact Mark Dermugrditchian (508) 234-7930. All are welcome!

Page 10 Humanitarian Efforts

NAC Cook-Out

On September 17, 2005, the Northbridge Association of Churches (NAC) put on a cook- out to benefit the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The cookout was held on our own church grounds, with volunteers from many churches coming out to help with the set up, cooking, serving and cleanup. In a short amount of time, the cookout brought in over $1000. The money will go directly to the relief efforts for those who suffered from Hurricane Katrina’s Enjoying the cookout, from left: Grace and Harry devastating storm. Kazarian, Alan Goshgarian, Magdy Faltaous, and Coke and Nancy Gigarjian. For more information on NAC and it’s missions, please contact Celeste Bedigian. Be sure to read the NAC article in this edition of the Chalice.

Everyone lending a hand during the NAC Cookout.

Katrina Bake Sale

Thanks to a few willing mothers, the imprompto Bake Sale to benefit Hurricane Katrina victims was a total success. Once again, through the generosity of the parishioners of our church, the bake sale contributed over $275.00 towards the Katrina fund!! Thanks also to our younger helpers who contributed by making signs, baking cookies, and serving food. The sale was held on Sunday, September 4th during fellowship.

The money was collected as part of a church- wide effort organized by the Prelacy.

Page 11 Miscellaneous

David and Peter Bedrosian, manning the drinks at the picnic.

Grace Kazarian, Zowie Tiberian and Annie Malkasian working the vegetables in preparation for the picnic.


New Armenian Dance group for girls between the ages of 5 and 13, starting in October.

Learn traditional Armenian dances Frequent practices Local performances $30 to join (includes costume)

If interested, please contact Kristi Markarian at 508-7769-22591

Page 12 Sunday School

The Sunday School Program is pleased to announce this year’s teaching staff.

Grade Teacher Pre-K Y. Margaret Stepanian Gr 1 - Gr 2 Celeste Bedigian Gr 3 - Gr 4 Joy Callan Gr 5 - Gr 6 Bob Torosian Gr 7 - Gr 8 Roy Callan Gr 9 - Gr 10 Barbara Berberian Interns Pricilla Altoonian

Sunday School Pool Party - Summer 2005

At left, Talia with her life- jacket on, ready to jump in the pool. At right, Anoush getting ready for some swimming fun!

Erin taking a ride on a friendly dolphin!


Page 14 CORNER

Learn some Church words in Armenian Learn some conversation in Armenian

Jesus Christ Hee-soos Krees-dos Hello Parev Cross Khah-ch How are you? Eench bes es? Bible Soorp Keerk I’m fine (Yes) lahv em Candle Mohm Good Morning Pah-ree looys Altar Khoh-rahn Good Afternoon Pah-ree geh-sor Church Yeh-geh-gheh-tsee Good Evening Pah-ree ee-ree-goon Incense Khoong Good Night Kee-sher pah-ree Communion Hah-ghor-too-tyoon Good Night (response) Looys Pah-ree To Pray Ah-ghoh-tel Good Bye Muh-nahk pah-rov Hymn Shah-rah-ah-gahn Yes Ah-yo God Asd-vadz No Voch Bread Mahs Please Hah-jees/Khun-trem To Bless Orh-nel Thank You Shnor-hah-gahl em Priest Der Hayr You’re Welcome See-rohv Confession Khos-doh-van-oo-tyoon Come Here Hos yeh-goor

Participants at the Sunday School Bake Session. The baked goods table at the annual picnic is spon- sored by the Sunday School stu- dents, and all proceeds from the table benefit Nelly, the Sunday School’s orphan in Armenia. That is Shousan Seropyan on the right. Imagine, help for our bake sale came all the way from Armenia!!

Page 15 Potpourri

By Alice Sagherian

The wiff is in the air..Summer had some very hot and hazy days, and now we look forward to Fall..with its brilliant color displays and the breeze whistling thru the trees as the leaves begin to fall - Sunday School has started and everyone is back in Church-Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful summer - resting - vacationing and doing things…

Oops - cannot forget our PICNIC - the rains held off - thank God - and the Picnic contin- ued…It was fantastic - what a grand crowd!! Please read all about it in the picnic article in this issue!!

It’s BAZAAR TIME - December 3rd - at the familiar place, The Christian Reform Church Fellowship Hall, East Street - right in the heart of Whitinsville -- See you there!!

Please reserve Saturday October 29, 2005 for a dinner and live entertainment to be held at St Asdvadzadzin's Church Parish Hall. Chef of the Month -DIRAN DERKOSROFIAN -- - dinner will be served at 5:30 pm - promptly.

Live Entertainment at 7 pm - singing songs from Broadway shows and great standards from the 1920's - 1930's - 1940's etc. It’s party time with Sue & Dolores - featuring TED NIGRO and FRIENDS. Come hear your favorite tunes of yesteryear --- and enjoy great food prepared by DIRAN & C0.

THE SIROUN DANCERS- An Armenian dance group for girls between the ages of 5 - 13 is being organized by Kristi Markarian. Come and learn traditional Armenian dances, … Fee to join is only $30.00. Please contact Kristi at (508) 769- 2591 for more information.

Happy October BIRTHDAY greetings to Joanne Khoury, and Sandra Ovian and a Happy Anniversary to Sebouh and Margaret Kalousdian and Ted and Joyce Torosian. November Birthday greetings -Ann Samkiranian, Peter Andonian Ted Torosian, Linda Bagdasarian, Sarah Barsamian, Michella Bedrosian, Leven Der Kosrofian, Grace Kazarian, Sue Bedrosian,and Peter A. Bedrosian. -and my son, Mark Sagherian. And now on to December....Greetings to Alan Goshgarian, Roxie Tiberian, Carol Tosoonian, Yeretskin Azniv, Barbara Berberian, Joe Derderian and Eddie Ovian.

Do you love to sing? The Blackstone Valley Community Chorus wants YOU. Its upcoming concert is scheduled for Friday night, December 16th at the Northbridge Middle School Auditorium. You will be singing wonderful Christmas and Holiday songs under the leadership and direction of Chorus Founder and Conductor Diane Pollard. The first meeting is set for Sunday, October 2nd at the Our Lady of the Valley School, located in the back of St. Page 16 Potpourri, cont

Mary's Church , Rt. 16 in Uxbridge. Practice starts at 6:30 PM. Need more info? -- call Maria @ (508) 278-9262.

Sts. Vartanantz (Providence RI) bid farewell to Rev. Dr. Mesrob Tashjian and Yeretsgeen Carmen. They moved to California. Many of us remember Der Mosrob when he would come to Whitinsville to help us out whenever needed We wish Der Mesrob a happy and healthy retirement.

Food for Thought!

I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving - we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

OUR GRADUATE - MEGAN YOUNG Megan graduated this past year from Roger William's University in Bristol, R.I. She received a bachelor's degree in Political Science with a minor in Spanish. Upon grad- uation, she moved to Washington D.C. to work for the Armenian National Committee of America. (ANCA)

The Armenian National Committee of America is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affili- ated organizations around the world. The ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American Community on a broad range of issues.

Page 17 Miscellaneous

A photo from the Picnic in the Park, held in June. Our church partic- ipates annually in this event, selling baked goods and Losh Kebab. Above, from left, Angela, Matt and Peter Bedigian, Sebouh Kalousdian, Karnig Ovian, Joe Montecalvo, and Nish Ovian (seated).

Selling baked goods and Losh Kebab to a hungry crowd. You can see Vivian Nigro and Nay Avakian hard at work.

Master Chief Sgt. Paul C. Der Sarkisian, son of the late Peter Der Sarkisian, nephew of Sara Barsamian and Susan Der Sarkisian, was honored at a retirement ceremony on July 29, 2005 for his 30 years of service. During his long and distinguished career, he held a wide variety of jobs in all facets of the Legendary 823 RED HORSE Squadron. Chief Der Sarkisian's career achievements have earned him many awards and decorations. Our con- gratulations to Paul.

Page 18 Memorial Donations

In Lieu of Flowers in Memory of Rina Vanni

Martha B. Garabedian Joe & Margo Montecalvo Al & Ann Nigro Almas Boghosian Total $85.00

Vivian and Ted Nigro $ 100.00 in memory of Vivian mother Rina Vanni in memory of Ted's brothers Fiore Nigro & Otto Colangelo

In Lieu of Flowers in Memory of Vicky Gigarjian

George & Nancy Gigarjian & Katherine Iobst Mrs Sue Bedrosian family Mrs Queeney Boghosin Barbara Papazian Bruce & Ani Gigarjian & family Mr & Mrs Diran DerKosrofian Jerry & Armen Bagdasarian Arakel Arakelian Mr & Mrs John Berberian Mr & Mrs Peter Andonian Verkin Arakelian Margaret Hougasian Pauline Hagopian Carol Tosoonian Mr & Mrs David Papazian Sylvia Bedrosian Agnes Spratt Shirley Demagian Rose Malkasian Alan Goshgarian Peter Bedigian Annie Malkasian Gerry & Joan Papazian Joe & Lucy Almasian Lillian Malkasian Harry & Grace Kazarian Alice Sagherian Varky & Mary Arakelian Hagop & Claudia Antranigian Rosemarie Ford Martha B Garabedian Mary & Dan Amorello Joan McGloughlin Agnes Tebeau Carolyn Bucchino Total $825.00

Grateful acknowledgement is expressed to the families of the deceased for making it possible for friends and relatives to contribute in lieu of flowers to our church.

Gifts to our Church

Chalice Donations

Mariam Yaralyan - CA $100.00 Joe & Margaret Derderian 20.00 Arakelian 100.00 Elizabeth Telian - CA 20.00 Paul & Sarah Piligian - CA 50.00 Mr & Mrs Ted Nigro 15.00 in Memory of Peter & Sararpe Johnson Pauline Ovian 10.00 Shoushan & Sarkis Stepanian 30.00 Mr & Mrs Diran DerKosrofian 25.00 Thank you for contributing to help defray the Penny & Dick Hanoian 25.00 cost of printing & mailing the Chalice Aroxy Zacarian 25.00

The above donations are gratefully accepted. -Der Hayr and the Board of Trustees Page 19 Sacraments Obituaries “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Victoria Gigarjian, entered eternal rest on September 10, 2005.

Our condolences to her brothers, George “Coke” Gigarjian and his wife Nancy, and Harold Gigarjian, and to her sisters Rose Garabedian and Mary Gigarjian.

Rina Vanni, entered eternal rest on August 19, 2005 Our condolences to her daughters Vivian Nigro and Claudette Magalhaes.

Denis Downing, entered eternal rest. Our condolences to his wife Alyce Downing, and to his stepdaughter, Dona Nashawaty.

Our sympathies to the families of the deceased.


Yeva DerKosrofian, born on August 23, 2005. Her parents are Diran and Susanna DerKosrofian. Congratulations to her proud parents, as well as to her sisters, Molly and Mary.

Page 20 Golf Tournament

This year’s golf tournament was a great success. Not only was the weather beautiful, but the compan- ionship and camaraderie was equal- ly great.

Thanks to the generosity of so many people, from financial donations and hole sponsorships, to raffle and auc- tion donations, the tournament raised over $10,000!

The church is extremely grateful to David Papazian who graciuosly agreed to head up this year’s tourna- ment (again!). A special thank you to Martha Garabedian, Margo Above, Jimmy and Haig Altoonian, Roy Callan, and Gary Montecalvo, and Almas Boghosian Aprahamian. Below, Rick and Peter Bedrosian, along with Paul for making the delicious yalanchi Mandrafino. enjoyed by all at the cocktail and appetizer hour.

Additionally, a big thank you to Jeanne Papazian for all of her tire- less efforts and constant support.

Thank you to all who attended and supported our church once again.

Page 21 Armenian Apostolic Church of Whitinsville’s

AAnnnnuuaall BBaazzaaaarr

Saturday December 3, 2005 At the Christian Reform Church Cross Street, Whitinsville

11:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Come join us for a delicious Armenian Meal (shish kebab, losh kebab, chicken, pilaf, hot dogs, salad and more!). Try our fresh Armenian baked goods and homemade desserts. Relax with friends, visit all of our gift and food tables, and get your Christmas shopping done early this year! Plenty of seating and free parking.

Delicious Armenian Meals Armenian Baked Goods

Armenian Boutique Crafts Table Country Kitchen Table

Silent Auction Kid's Korner Dessert Table

and much more!!!

For more information or for directions, please call the church office at 508-234-3677 or visit our website at www.armenianchurchofwhit.org

We are looking for volunteers to help at this year’s bazaar. If you can donate your time, or donate items to be sold, please contact the church office at 508-234-3677. Thank you. E APPL


Page 23 The visit of His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, to the Eastern Prelacy, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Cilician Seminary in Antelias, , will extend from October 19 to November 1. His Holiness will visit New York, New Jersey, Washington, DC, Boston and Chicago. The steering committee has released the following schedule of public events:

Thursday, October 27 - Hrashapar Service, 75th anniversary celebration and Achahampooyr, St. Stephen Armenian Church, 38 Elton Avenue, Watertown, Massachusetts, 7:30 pm.

Friday & Saturday, October 28 & 29 - International Conference dedicated to the 1600th anniversary of the founding of the Armenian Alphabet. Sponsored by the Eastern Prelacy and Harvard University. His Holiness will open and address the Conference Friday evening. Center for Government and International Studies, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts.. Friday 7:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Parishioners and friends are encouraged to attend local events.

Soorp Asdvadzadzin U.S. Postage Armenian Apostolic Church Paid 315 Church Street PERMIT # 78 Whitinsville, Massachusetts 01588 Whitinsville, MA 01588