TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 RAJAB 28, 1438 AH Tangible strides, Nearing 100-day Syrian refugees No hurry as clear reforms to mark, Trump are New York inspirational build economy says milestone tourists for centenarian in Vision4 2035 not ‘meaningful’9 the39 day wins20 gold Barrak urges reconciliation, Min 23 º reforms to ‘rescue’ Kuwait Max 35º High Tide 11:07 & 23:29 Low Tide Freed opposition leader extends olive branch to govt 05:05 & 17:27 40 PAGES NO: 17209 150 FILS

KUWAIT: Prominent opposition leader Musallam Al- Barrak called yesterday for national reconciliation to res- Russia increases cue the state just days after his release from jail. Barrak, 61, was freed from prison on Friday after serving a two- military spending year sentence for insulting HH the Amir in public, a charge he had denied. The former lawmaker told thou- despite sanctions sands of supporters at a rally yesterday that the state had reached “the lowest point in its modern history”. STOCKHOLM: Russia became the world’s third largest “Kuwait is headed to catastrophe in all fields... It is so military spender in 2016 despite low oil prices and eco- close to becoming a failed state,” Barrak said. He called nomic sanctions, as the global expenditure rose for a on the government to initiate talks to achieve compro- second consecutive year, a study said yesterday. Russia’s mise in the state which has suffered bitter political dis- military spending was $69.2 billion in 2016, a 5.9 percent putes in the past decade. “If the government makes a rise over 2015, the Stockholm International Peace serious step towards political reforms, we are ready to Research Institute (SIPRI) said in a report, adding this was make many steps,” Barrak said. the highest proportion of its GDP since it became an He said that no one in the opposition was trying to independent state. “This increased spending and heavy burden on the economy comes at a time when the overthrow the regime. “No one disputes the constitu- Russian economy is in serious trouble due to low oil and tional legality of the Al-Sabah family,” he said. But Barrak gas prices and the economic sanctions imposed since said that for reconciliation to succeed, the government 2014,” (by the West over the Ukraine conflict), SIPRI said. must reinstate revoked citizenships of opposition fig- Saudi Arabia was the third largest spender in 2015 ures and scrap all freedom-curbing legislation issued in but dropped to fourth place in 2016 as its expenditure the past few years. He also demanded amnesty for all fell by 30 percent to $63.7 billion, “despite its continued activists, that the judiciary should be allowed to handle involvement in regional wars”, it added. “Falling oil rev- citizenship cases and called for cleaning security agen- enue and associated economic problems attached to cies of “corrupt” elements. the oil-price shock has forced many oil-exporting coun- As a result of lingering political disputes between the tries to reduce military spending,” SIPRI researcher Nan government and opposition groups, the National Tian said — AFP (See Page 10) KUWAIT: Freed opposition leader Musallam Al-Barrak addresses supporters at a rally yesterday. — Photo by Assembly has been dissolved seven times since 2006, Yasser Al-Zayyat the last of which was in October. — AFP Qatar Airways slams ‘bullying’ Obama says ready to train new leaders in first speech Airline sees ‘manageable’ decline in flights to US CHICAGO: Former US president Barack power over to Donald Trump - said he Obama returned to the public spotlight was “incredibly optimistic” about the DUBAI: The chief of Qatar Airways yester- Speaking to reporters at the annual yesterday, saying he hopes to spend the future, and that problems facing day accused American carriers complain- Arabian Travel Market in Dubai, Qatar next phase of his life helping to “prepare America could be solved. ing over alleged subsidies to Gulf airlines Airways chief Akbar Al-Baker said he the next generation of leadership”. After “On the back end now of my presi- of “bullying”, as he announced new US didn’t expect any action from US blacklists 271 three months off, Obama broke his dency, now that it’s completed, I’m routes in defiance of mounting airport Washington. “President Trump is a wise Syrian chemists silence in his adopted hometown of spending a lot of time thinking about restrictions. US carriers Delta, United and individual and a very good businessman, Chicago, speaking to high school and what is the most important thing I can American Airlines have accused Qatar and I don’t think he will buy into bullying over sarin attack college students about the need for do for my next job?” Obama said in his Airways along with Dubai’s Emirates and by the three American carriers,” Baker said. greater civic engagement. The 55-year- opening remarks at the University of Abu Dhabi’s Etihad of benefiting from Qatar Airways was among the airlines WASHINGTON: The US government put 271 Syrian old Democrat, who ended his two terms Chicago, where he once was a lecturer government subsidies to expand their affected by the ban imposed last month chemists and other officials on its financial blacklist at the White House in January - handing Continued on Page 13 transcontinental networks. They have on electronic devices larger than a smart- yesterday, punishing them for their role in the deadly urged US President Donald Trump to phone on flights to the United States from chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town in ear- take action against the Gulf airlines, who 10 airports in the Middle East and Turkey. ly April. In one of its largest-ever sanctions announce- deny any form of subsidy. Continued on Page 13 ments, the US Treasury Department took aim at the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC), which it said was responsible for developing the alleged sarin gas weapon used in the April 4 attack. The attack left 87 dead, including many children, in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, provoking outrage in the West, which accused Syrian President Bashar Al- Assad of being responsible. The sanctions include a freeze on all assets in the United States belonging to 271 individuals on the blacklist, and block any American person or business from dealing with them. According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a Washington-based think-tank, the SSRC is Syria’s leading scientific research center, with close links to the country’s military. The center itself was already the subject of two sanctions declarations, in 2005 and 2007, due to its alleged role in developing weapons of mass destruc- tion. The Treasury said in a statement yesterday that the SSRC is specifically behind the Syrian govern- ment’s efforts to develop chemical weapons and the means to deliver them. The 271 either have specific scientific expertise for the program or have been involved in it since 2012, it said. DUBAI: Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al-Baker speaks at a press conference during the Continued on Page13 Arabian Travel Market exhibition yesterday. — AP ‘Flying machine’ maker plans deliveries

WASHINGTON: A Silicon Valley “flying car” startup, Kitty Hawk, reportedly backed by Google co-founder Larry Page, released a video yesterday of its airborne proto- type and announced plans for deliveries of a “personal flying machine” this year. “Our mission is to make the dream of personal flight a reality. We believe when everyone has access to personal flight, a new, limitless world of opportunity will open up to them,” said a state- ment on the website of the Kitty Hawk company, based in Google’s home town of Mountain View, California. “Today we’re announcing our first prototype of The Flyer, a personal flying machine that will become avail- able for sale by the end of 2017.” The video showed the single-seat aircraft - with two pontoons and a spider web-like platform - taking off from a lake at an undisclosed location and hovering above the water, where it is meant to be used. The craft, propelled by eight rotors, takes off and lands vertically, like a helicopter. It is said to weigh about 100 kg, fly at speeds up to 40 kph and can hover at 4.5 m high. The company describes the Flyer as “a new, all-electric air- craft”, which is “safe, tested and legal to operate in the Cimeron Morrissey, an outdoor sports enthusiast and freelance writer, flies on the Continued on Page 13 Kitty Hawk Flyer prototype. — AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 LOCAL

Palestinian leader leaves Kuwait

KUWAIT: Palestinian President lowing a two-day official visit to the with His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mahmoud Abbas has left Kuwait fol- country, where he held official talks Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. The Palestinian leader was seen off at the airport by His Highness the Amir, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem, His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al- Hamad Al-Sabah, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khaled Al- Jarrah Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anas Al-Saleh, and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs and Acting Minister of Information Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al- Mubarak Al-Sabah, in addition to sen- KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and ior commanders of the army, police, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas walk hand-in-hand prior to the National Guard and Kuwait Fire Service His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah bids farewell Palestinian leader’s departure yesterday. — Amiri Diwan photos Directorate. — KUNA Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Arab Media Forum officially kicks off 14th edition

KUWAIT: Under the patronage of and Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh in the presence of His Highness the Jaber Al-Mubarak in recognition of his Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al- patronage to the forum as well as his Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, the 14th support to Arab media. Arab Media Forum commenced in On the sidelines of the main session, Kuwait Sunday evening. Addressing His Highness Sheikh Jaber met several the audience during the opening ses- Arab media figures participating in the sion, Kuwait’s Minister of State for forum. The 14th edition of the forum, Cabinet Affairs and Acting Minister of held under rubric of ‘Media.. Life’ wit- Information Sheikh Mohammad Al- nesses a number of seminars, work- Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah wel- shops, and discussion panels related to comed Arab and international guests media, featuring many of the event’s participating in the two-day event. He most prominent attendees. The forum highlighted the great impact of the also features a special exhibition dedi- information and telecommunication cated to media and technology com- revolution on Arab media. munications, which is expected to wit- “As it evolved tools and approaches, ness the attendance of nearly 1,000 dis- the telecommunication revolution has tinguished media personalities from KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber also changed ways of thinking and Arab and foreign media institutions Al-Sabah meet with Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Mark. — Amiri Diwan and KUNA photos behaviors. It was a surprise for all,” he that were specially invited to this event. said. During the opening session, The Arab Media Forum was founded in Secretary General of the Arab Media Kuwait in 2003 with the aim of devel- Forum Madhi Al-Khamis honored His oping Arab media. — KUNA

Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Mark meets with Rev Emmanuel Gharib, Chairman of the National Mark attends a mass in the Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church in Evangelical Church of Kuwait. Kuwait. Amir meets Tawadros II

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah erance among all people. Deputy Minister of “I have been longing to visit Kuwait which I Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah accompanied by Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah knew through Al-Arabi Magazine; the gift His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf attended the meeting. offered by Kuwait for all intellectuals in the Arab Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received yesterday Pope Tawadros II expressed happiness over world, which speaks to the mind and speaks at Bayan Palace Tawadros II, the Pope of his meeting with His Highness the Amir as well about human knowledge,” he said. Pope Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Mark as his visit to Kuwait, which is known for its toler- Tawadros II, whose mass was about ‘love,’ said his and his accompanying delegation. His ance and kindness of its people. Pope Tawadros love for Kuwait grew stronger following the Highness the Amir asserted on the importance II, in a mass in the Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox meeting with His Highness the Amir and some KUWAIT: Secretary General of the Arab Media Forum Madhi Al-Khamis (left) hon- of dialogue and understanding in all religions Church, commended Kuwait-Egypt deep-rooted citizens. He urged attendees to spread love in ors His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- and to bolster a culture of forgiveness and tol- relations at the official and public levels. words and deeds.—KUNA Sabah during opening session of the 14th Arab Media Forum. — KUNA Zain participates in Arab Media Forum inauguration

KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunica- his admiration of Zain’s strategic partnership The first day program witnessed a number guests and live-streamed the interviews on this very important sector which carries sig- tions company in Kuwait, announced its par- of the Arab Media Forum during the past six of seminars, workshops, and discussion panels its official YouTube channel. The company nificant and informative messaging to the ticipation in the inauguration ceremony of the consecutive years. The company is keen on related to media, featuring many of the event’s was keen on utilizing the latest telecommu- public at large and the communications 14th edition of the Arab Media Forum. The enriching media involvement, being a leading most prominent attendees, including Saudi nications tools to document the event, fur- world as a whole. company is the Diamond sponsor of the event, private sector company in the country. Professor of Psychology Dr Treq Al-Habib, ther highlighting the big role social media The Arab Media Forum has proven itself to which came under the patronage and atten- The opening day witnessed the attendance Saudi media personality Lujain Omran, Emirati plays nowadays in communities all around be one of the region’s most prominent events dance of His Highness the Prime Minister of many Arab ministers, journalists, and media singer Ahlam, Lebanese media personality the world. that attend to Arab media. Since 2003, the Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. personalities, including the Bahraini Minister Raaghda Shalhoob, Jordanian media personal- Zain’s strategic partnership of this forum event brought together many ministers, edi- Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs and of Information Ali Al-Rumaihi, the Omani ity Ola Faris, and more. highlights its social commitment, as the com- tors-in-chief of local and regional newspapers, Acting Minister of Information Sheikh Minister of Information Dr Abdulmonem Al- Zain participated in the forum through its pany believes in the importance of the role media executives, journalists, academics, Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah visited Hosni, the former Moroccan Minister of dedicated booth, where the company hosted press and media plays in the development of authors, actors, businessmen, and social fig- Zain’s booth at the event, where he expressed Foreign Affairs Mohamed Benaissa, and more. and interviewed a number of prominent communities. Zain will continue supporting ures from all around the Arab world.

KUWAIT: Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs and Acting Minister of Information Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah, BahrainiMinister of Information Ali Al-Rumaihi, Omani Minister of Information Dr Abdulmonem Al-Hosni, and former Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs A picture taken from the live-streamed interview of Bahraini Minister of Information Mohamed Benaissa pose at Zain’s booth. Ali Al-Rumaihi. LOCAL TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017

‘Afya’ insurance to cover people with special needs Labor bodies’ merger in progress

By A Saleh and to the north of the Seventh Ring Road, with a total value of KD 431,001. The contract KUWAIT: The parliament’s committee for was signed by Kuwait Municipality Director people with special needs affairs approved Ahmed Al-Manfouhi, engineer Mazen Al- proposals made to amend law number Sane and engineer Joseph Dow from EGIS 8/2010 pertaining with the rights of people International in the presence of the munici- with special needs, and agreed to include the pality’s deputy director for projects Nadiya Al- disabled in the ‘Afya’ health insurance project, Shereda and the environment affairs manag- including stateless disabled people, to pro- er Adnan Al-Sayyed. Manfouhi explained that vide them with proper health and social care the contract’s tenure would be 24 months rights. The health ministry-sponsored ‘Afya’ divided into seven stages, and that according program is an insurance policy that covers to the recommendations made by the study, beneficiaries’ treatment costs at private med- the three sites would be rehabilitated to be ical facilities in Kuwait. It is provided by the made use of later. government to retired citizens. Committee Chairman Marzouq Al-Khalifa Airport bridge said approving those proposals would bring The Ministry of Public Works’ assistant justice to stateless disabled people because undersecretary for road engineering Ahmed the law used to include only the children of Al-Hassan said the airport bridge, which is Kuwaiti women. “Including the disabled in the 1.25-km-long, would be opened next week as Afya project also entitles the disabled to treat- part of the fourth phase of the Jahra Road ment at private hospitals,” he underlined, development project. He also noted that the adding that a third amendment was suggest- bridge would facilitate traffic flow heading ed on having two family members instead of towards Shuwaikh port. only one to take care of a family member with KUWAIT: Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah meets with US Special Presidential Envoy for the Global severe disability, in addition to reducing the Bonuses Coalition to Counter the so-called (IS), Brett McGurk. —KUNA minimum years of service these caretakers The Ministry of Utilities recently set KD 4.5 have to work before retirement to 15 (instead million for the outstanding performance of 20) for men and 10 (instead of 15) for bonuses for over 5,000 employees working in Kuwait plays pivotal role in women. Khalifa said that the disability card’s the communications sector to be deposited validity would be set between 3 and 10 years in employees’ accounts by the end of May at according to the severity of the disability. most. The bonus will be divided into cate- the fight against IS: McGurk gories according to positions, giving the Merger undersecretary KD 2,500, assistant undersec- The Manpower and Government retaries KD 2,000, directors KD 1,500, supervi- ‘We cannot do anything against Daesh without Kuwait’ Restructuring Program’s (MGRP) Secretary sors KD 1,250, heads of sections KD 1,000, General Fauzi Al-Majdali stressed that meet- Kuwaiti employees up to grade four KD 800, ings with the Public Authority for Manpower Kuwaitis in grades 5-8 KD 600, Kuwaiti techni- KUWAIT: The visiting US Special Presidential Envoy were in progress to finish merging the two cians KD 300, non-Kuwaitis working accord- for the Global Coalition to Counter the So-called bodies. MGRP handles citizens’ recruitment in ing to first and second contracts KD 250 and Islamic State (IS) Brett McGurk said yesterday that the private sector, while the manpower non-Kuwaitis working for limited monthly Kuwait’s role is pivotal in the fight against IS. “The authority takes care of everything related to payments KD 200. purpose of my visit is just to say thanks to Kuwait foreign laborer’s hiring in private companies. for all what Kuwait has done and continues to do He added that the merger’s structural plan Prosecution for the United States, particularly in this very diffi- would be submitted for discussion with the Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and cult campaign against Daesh (IS), so I helped organ- Civil Service Commission (CSC) in the coming Minister of State for Municipal Affairs ize a global coalition, we cannot do anything weeks pending final approval before the end Mohammed Al-Jabri honored the promises against Daesh (IS) without Kuwait,” McGurk said in of June. Majdali said that both bodies would he made on tackling the remarks by the State an exclusive interview. be merged under the name of Public Audit Bureau and accordingly decided refer- He added “obviously we have been in close mili- Authority for Manpower, which will include a ring three information technology employees tary partners with Kuwait, and I hope this would sector for national labor, a sector for manpow- to the public prosecution over charges of continue, your critical voice of moderation here in er and a backup sector for financial and squandering public funds. Jabri also ordered the region, you are a co-chair of what we call a for- administrative affairs. Majdali added that the deducting five days’ wages of a director, a eign fighter working group within the global coali- Cabinet would issue a decision on merging supervisor and 12 other employees for failing tion together with Turkey and Netherlands.” The both bodies by the beginning of June, mark- to do their jobs and carrying out tasks they envoy noted that they were “constantly comparing ing the beginning of the merging process had been assigned to do. information about how to go after this enemy in an starting with IT and databases. He also Notably, Jabri granted the Public effective way.” stressed that both bodies’ budgets would be Authority for Agricultural Affairs and Fish merged too. Resources (PAAAFR) a one-week grace period Other side of the battle to tackle the 50 remarks mentioned in the McGurk noted that he started his visit in Kuwait Landfill sites Audit Bureau’s report for 2016. “PAAAFR’s meeting with Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS), Kuwait Municipality recently signed a con- reform has started,” he underlined, noting to see the other side of the battle, because this was tract with Mazen Al-Sane Engineering that he will not hesitate to use maximum a military campaign “to liberate people from the Kuwait’s Chief of General Staff of the Army Lieutenant General Mohammad Al- Consultancy House to provide consultancy penalties against negligence and wastage of grips of Daesh (IS), and to make sure that after Khadher meets with visiting US Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to services for three landfill sites in Qurain, Jleeb public funds. Daesh they can get on with their lives” with the help of relief organizations. The Special presidential Counter IS, Brett McGurk. envoy also noted that since late 2014 when they Syria’s chemical weapons was funding the demining and clearing operations formed the coalition, they have “liberated 50,000 On Syria’s chemical weapons, McGurk said the from areas liberated from IS. Former US President square kilometers of territory from Daesh, but more US has no doubt that a Sarin gas attack was con- Barack Obama appointed McGurk in October 2015, important than the territory are the people, we’ve ducted by the Syrian regime against Khan he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for liberated 2.5 million people who had been living Sheikhoun. This attack, he added, forced US Iraq and Syria in 2014. under these terrorists. President Donald Trump to act swiftly and attack “In Iraq we also helped 1.6 million displaced peo- the airfield from which the attack on Khan US Envoy meets FM ple return back to their homes” due to the “multifac- Sheikhoun has launched. Despite the US attack, In other news, Kuwaiti First Deputy Prime eted campaign we put together, and because of the McGurk added, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al- extraordinary work that Kuwait has done, particular- a very important visit to Russia, meeting with Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah received McGurk in his ly in the humanitarian side and stabilization side, so I Russian leaders, while “we are engaged with every- office yesterday. During the meeting, they dis- was very pleased to start my visit with KRCS,” one here in the region to try to reinforce a political cussed the progress in the ongoing war against the McGurk said. McGurk, on a two-day official visit, end to this (Syrian) conflict, and that can only hap- IS which threatens international peace and security, said he was eager to meet with Kuwaiti officials to pen if we have ceasefires that are enforced. “One in addition to finding ways to shore up all interna- know how to step up the anti-IS campaign “even thing that Secretary Tillerson reminded the Russians tional efforts to face this terrorist organization. better. “We are grateful for all you’ve (Kuwaitis) done in Moscow is that they are the self-proclaimed guar- McGurk hailed Kuwait’s role in this war on terror, and for our important partnership,” McGurk added. antor of a ceasefire, that’s what was negotiated in and its enormous contributions to the Global (Kazakhstan’s capital) Astana, and they’re the guar- Coalition against the IS. Mosul liberation operation antor for the Syrian regime to live up to a ceasefire, The meeting was attended by Deputy Foreign When asked about how long the Mosul libera- and today those ceasefires are not holding,” said Minister Khaled Suleiman Al-Jarallah, Assistant tion operation will take, McGurk noted that it was McGurk. The Russians, he said, have a real choice Foreign Minister for the First Deputy Prime Minister very difficult to put timeline because Mosul is a pop- here about how they want to go forward and and Foreign Minister’s Affairs Sheikh Dr Ahmad ulated city and the operations aimed at liberating whether they want to help “us resolve this conflict Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah, Assistant Foreign the Iraqi people from IS. He said Iraqi Prime Minister and get to the political solution everybody realizes Minister for Development Affairs and International Haidar Al-Abadi, whom he met in Baghdad last that we need.” Cooperation Nasser Sabeeh Al-Sabeeh and a num- No injuries in lumber Friday, “told me that they were very confident, that He said the US first priority was to defeat IS ber of the Foreign Ministry’s senior officials. they’re soon will clear the remaining neighborhoods which is a “threat to the US, and a threat to the Later, Kuwait’s Chief of General Staff of the Army of Western Mosul from IS. region.” First, he added, “we have to remove Daesh Lieutenant General Mohammad Al-Khadher met with warehouse fire “Again, we have to keep in mind the tactics IS is from Syria and we are accelerating operations to do McGurk. During the meeting, they discussed several using in terms of ... literally using civilians in Mosul as that, also we want to work to deescalate the overall issues of mutual concern, mainly military aspects, and human shields, so they put a sniper on top of a By Hanan Al-Saadoun the flames and put out the blaze before it conflict to help ensure that ceasefire can hold, and fighting the IS, the Defense Ministry’s Moral Guidance house, when they know they have families and civil- could spread to nearby warehouses. No we also work through the Geneva process to and Public Relations said in a statement. ians inside, so that is why this is very hard.” KUWAIT: The Public Relations and injuries were reported in the incident. enforce the political process” which could happen The meeting was attended by US ambassador to The US envoy said the coalition was ‘quite proud’ Information Department at Kuwait Fire Meanwhile, an investigation was opened to through UN Security Council resolution 2254. Kuwait Lawrence Silverman, Kuwait’s Deputy Army of the training of the Iraqi security forces and the Service Directorate (KFSD) said firemen put determine the cause of the fire. Frequent Meanwhile, on Iran, McGurk said the Islamic Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans Maj Gen level of professionalism, they have shown during the out a fire at a lumber warehouse in indus- fires happen in lumber warehouses and Republic “is a player in these conflicts in the region Ahmad Abdulwahab Al-Omairi and Kuwait’s operations. McGurk said eastern Mosul has now trial Shuwaikh. Firefighters from the indus- similar locations around Kuwait during the and they have a choice to make here, to be a part of Intelligence Chief Brigadier General Fahad Al-Turaiji. been fully liberated from IS, and the UN estimated trial Shuwaikh, Shuhada, Ardhiya, South summer, mostly due to lack of or insuffi- the political solution.” Meanwhile, Lt Gen Khadhar also met with a visiting that 250,000 boys and girls are back in schools. Salmiya and backup fire stations respond- cient measures taken to prevent fires under McGurk added that his next visit would be to Bangladeshi medical delegation, where they dis- These young boys and girls were living under IS rule ed to the scene. They managed to control hot and dry conditions. Saudi Arabia and later in the week to Oslo. He said cussed bilateral cooperation, mostly in the military only six months ago. Norway was playing a critical role against IS as it and medical fields. —KUNA Kuwaiti cabinet welcomes release of Saudi, Qatari abductees in Iraq

KUWAIT: The Kuwaiti Cabinet yester- to another terrorist attack in Paris. In rated on his talks with visiting US day welcomed the recent release and this context, it reiterated Kuwait’s Special Presidential Envoy for the home-return of Qatari and Saudi denunciation of such acts that run Global Coalition to Counter the so- nationals who were held captives by counter to all religions and human called Islamic State (IS), Brett McGurk. armed groups in Iraq for over a year. values and norms. Afterwards, Deputy Prime Minister This came during the cabinet’s cus- Meanwhile, the cabinet congratu- and Minister of Finance Anas Al-Saleh tomary weekly meeting held under lated the Turkish government on the expounded on his participation in chairmanship of His Highness the success of the recent referendum for recent annual meetings of Arab finan- Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al- the country’s constitutional changes, cial institutions in Rabat. Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. wishing the Turkish people everlast- The cabinet welcomed the visit of The cabinet also offered heartfelt ing progress and prosperity. Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and sincere condolences to the Saudi At the onset of the meeting, the and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, to government and people over the vic- cabinet was apprised of the outcomes Kuwait within the framework of his tims of a Saudi military plane crash of Palestinian President Mahmoud efforts to promote peace and amity in during a mission in Yemen, Minister of Abbas visit to Kuwait, which focused the Arab region and entire world. State for Cabinet Affairs and Acting on bilateral relations and the latest Furthermore, the ministers Minister of Information Sheikh regional and international develop- approved a draft decree to set up mili- Mohammad Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al- ments. First Deputy Prime Minister tary procurement committees in line Sabah said in a press statement fol- and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al- with Article 2 of Law 49/2016 regard- lowing the meeting. Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah briefed ing tenders, along with another a It sharply condemned a recent ter- the ministers on the outcomes of draft degree pertinent to a memo of rorist attack on a church in Egypt’s recent visits by the German and understanding (MoU) on industrial Sinai, which left a policeman killed Hungarian foreign minister to Kuwait. cooperation between Kuwait and Iraq. KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah chairs the cabi- and two others wounded, in addition Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled also elabo- —KUNA net’s meeting yesterday. —KUNA LOCAL TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017

Special report

This file photo shows His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- Jaber Al-Sabah delivering a speech during the inauguration of the first ses- sion of the National Assembly’s 15th legislative term, in which he addressed the need to take effective measures to mitigate the budget deficit’s effects.

KUWAIT: Kuwait City skyscrapers seen from Al-Shaheed Park. —KUNA photos Ongoing construction works at Kuwait Petroleum Corporation’s clean fuel and integrated refining complex projects. Kuwait ’35 vision: Tangible strides, clear reforms to build contemporary economy Empowering the private sector to contribute to national economy

KUWAIT: Supporting and developing the for Partnership Projects (KAPP), the Kuwait that affected the country’s status. Therefore, required to carry out scientific research pro- national productive economic sectors are Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDI- Kuwait seeks to achieve a sustain- there is a pressing need to get a clear invest- grams, including the establishment of a now one of government priorities to achieve PA), the Capital Markets Authority (CMA), and able and diversified economy ment map to investors in the country that global oil research center. Kuwait University an economy based on diversity, sustainability the National Fund For Small And Medium- provides competitive chances and legisla- and the Kuwait Institute for Scientific and modernity in 2035. This is part of a struc- Sized Enterprise Development. based on: tions necessarily required to offer an appro- Research are carrying out these goals tural and economic reform plan, which has Through these authorities, a sustainable l Empowering the private sector. priate environment. through some projects. been drawn up in accordance with the and diversified economy will be achieved l Increasing small and medium To overcome these challenges, which hin- The fifth program seeks to increase the ‘Kuwait 2035’ vision. which is known as the economy whose pillars enterprises (SMEs). der the achievement of goals of a sustain- efficiency and effectiveness of the public sec- Kuwait’s budget for 2035 will be different are based on empowering the private sector, able and diversified economy, five programs tor through rationalizing spending and than the current ones as the oil revenues in increasing SMEs and attracting foreign invest- l Attracting foreign investments. have been set and each one includes several increasing investment efficiency by selecting that budget will be limited compared with ments so as to provide government with effec- projects in accordance with specific criteria. projects with high development impacts, and the revenues collected from productive eco- tive and stable financial sectors. Therefore, achieving the country’s sustain- They are: creating business environment for increasing public revenues through develop- nomic sectors like industry, technology, The pillar of sustainable and diversified able and diversified economy is an imperative the private sector, diversifying production ing tax system, reviewing and rationalizing tourism, services, banking and investment, in economy affects citizens directly, therefore matter amid such challenges to guarantee the base, developing national tourism, knowl- the current subsidies, and restructuring them. addition to the activation of knowledge- the State of Kuwait has paid much attention provision of diversifying sources of national edge economy and the country’s financial Through achieving the goals, programs based economy, and small and medium-sized to it after His Highness the Amir Sheikh income and not depending on the oil as a and economic reform. and projects of the sustainable and diversified enterprises (SMEs). Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah had main source of income, as it is unstable due to Creating a business environment aims to economy, citizens will find development After 18 years, the private sector will con- called for paying further attention for eco- many external effective factors. overcome obstacles facing the private sector, effects through providing new jobs, increas- tribute to the national economy in accordance nomic development. and work on speeding up its contributions to ing GDP, improving services and supporting with several forms, including the partnership Diversification GDP and creating new jobs for citizens. financial stability. —KUNA with the public sector, or through managing Sharp decrease The diversification of national economy is Diversifying production and increasing invest- the State’s utilities. For this purpose, several During the inauguration of the first session ment rates seek to raise contribution to non- a shared goal to the parliament, govern- Five programs have been set to specialized bodies and authorities have been of the National Assembly’s 15th legislative ment and the private sector. However, this oil sectors in GDP and reduce dependence on established, they include the Kuwait Authority term, His Highness the Amir stressed that the faces some challenges, mainly the decrease oil to diversify sources of income. Two bodies help overcome the challenges that country is facing sharp decrease in the State’s of either foreign or national investments take part in this program, including Kuwait hinder the achievement of goals revenues, which hinder its march, due to the Petroleum Corporation (KPC), which provides of a sustainable and diversified His Highness the Amir recognized collapse of oil prices all over the world. some key projects like the clean fuel project His Highness the Amir said this caused a and integrated refining complex. economy: the need to reduce general spend- Kuwait’s financial and economic large deficit in the state budget, calling for tak- Due to the importance of tourist sector as l Creating business environment ing in order to: ing effective measures to address and mitigate reform program seeks to achieve: a main source of diversifying national income, for the private sector. l Address imbalances in the the deficit’s effects. His Highness the Amir reit- l Rationalizing spending and there is a special program for this sector that erated that it is an inevitable option to reduce pays much attention to develop national l Diversifying the production state’s budget. increasing investment efficiency general spending through carefully-studied tourism, which targets encouragement of base. l Stop waste in national measures to address imbalances in the state’s by selecting projects with high investment in different activities across the l Developing national tourism. resources. budget, stop waste in national resources, direct development impacts. country and the optimal use of tourist servic- them towards the right purpose, and at the es and utilities. The Ministry of Information l Launching a knowledge econo- l Direct national resources l Increasing public revenues same time to alleviate burdens on the low- contributes to this program through carrying my program. towards the right purpose. income class and take into account social jus- through developing tax system. out the marketing campaign. l The country’s financial and eco- l Alleviate burdens on the low- tice. It is part of a comprehensive program of an l Reviewing, rationalizing and The knowledge economy program aims nomic reform plan. income class. economic reform, which give a vital role to the to encourage relevant industries, marketing private sector, His Highness the Amir noted. restructuring the current subsidies. them, build capacities and promote skills

Ongoing construction works at Kuwait Petroleum Corporation’s clean fuel and integrated refining complex projects.

The Avenues Mall, already one of the largest shopping malls in the region, is an example of how the private sector could contribute to The Central Bank of Kuwait’s new head office building. The recently privatized Kuwait stock exchange (Boursa Kuwait). the national economy. TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 LOCAL

Legalese Domestic workers’ rights These are not exceptions but the norm discussed at AUK symposium

By Mona Kareem ‘13,000 cases of unpaid salaries resolved in three months’ By Nawara Fattahova pay pending salaries to the maid. But the new law improved this situation through KUWAIT: The Center of Gulf Studies at the the DWD that forces the sponsor to give e all saw the video of the Ethiopian worker American University of Kuwait (AUK), in col- the domestic workers their rights, and this who was holding to the verge of a window laboration with the One Roof campaign, simplified our work,” she explained. before falling off the seventh floor of a W held a symposium called ‘Domestic Falah Al-Mutairi from the foreign work- building in Kuwait. People in Kuwait and elsewhere Workers in Kuwait between Local Laws and ers’ shelter said the shelter was founded in were shocked and angered by the fact that her Social Attitudes’ at AUK on Sunday. 2014 and is the biggest of its kind capacity- employer was filming her, instead of trying to save Mohammad Al-Ajmi from the Domestic wise in the Middle East, but many people in her life. The woman screamed for help “hold me, Workers’ Department provided a legal view Kuwait doesn’t know about it. “Currently hold me” and her voice was heard across the globe, about the new domestic law. “This law was the shelter is for women only, but we are reminding us of a bitter reality that domestic workers issued on July 23, 2015, and was applied planning to expand it for men as well. We in Kuwait experience every day. from July 31, 2016. This law improves the help domestic workers in need and even In videos that circulated on social media in the rights of domestic laborers, as it allows victims of human trafficking. We offer psy- aftermath, many sympathized with the domestic them to file cases at the labor court, so they chological services, accommodation, food helper but many more also claimed that she was try- do not pay fees as they used to do at the and personal requirements, in addition to a ing to commit suicide or offered other justifications regular courts. This law also gave our fully-equipped clinic. It can accommodate for the employer’s failure to prevent the woman’s fall. department the power to cancel the con- 500 workers,” he pointed out. The helper recorded her own video, soon to be tract with the sponsor due to improper Taher Al-Baghli from the Human Line shared across social media, denying the suicide accommodation,” he noted. KUWAIT: A picture showing the keynote speakers at a symposium called ‘Domestic Organization highlighted some shortages rumors and saying that she had tried to escape He provided some statistics. “Our depart- Workers in Kuwait between Local Laws and Social Attitudes,’ held at the American in the new law. “The new domestic law because the employer had kept her prisoner inside ment received 1,431 complaints that we University of Kuwait on Sunday. — Photo by Joseph Shagra 68/2015 brought many advantages such as the home, even after she’d asked to be returned to resolved, while 41 were sent to the court. forbidding cutting a worker’s salary or set- the recruitment agency. Also, in the past three months, we solved “This law specified the working hours of down 68 of these agencies for breaking the ting penalties for forcing the workers to According to international human rights agree- 13,000 cases of unpaid salaries. We canceled workers - not to exceed 12 hours with rest new law,” said Ajmi. work overtime. But there is no mention of ments and declarations, this is ‘forced labor.’ Reports some contracts and allowed the domestic periods in between, and not work more blackmailing, for instance. The law also did- varied on the details of the worker’s circumstances, workers to go back home. There are 669,000 than five hours continuously,” he said. The Oppression n’t specify the penalties for the sponsor if some reports said she hadn’t been paid for months, domestic workers in Kuwait, while the cases Domestic Workers’ Department (DWD) is Bibi Al-Sabah from the Social Work the worker doesn’t get healthcare or indem- others said she had only been in the house for 60 filed in the court by domestic workers are part of the Residency Affairs Department of Society said when she started working at nity. The penalties for some violations are a days. around 1,300, which is around five percent, the Ministry of Interior that was founded in the society in 2005, the new law was not six-month ban on getting a domestic work- Whatever the truth, this case is similar to thou- which is not very high,” added Ajmi. The 1992. “We inspect domestic worker agen- issued yet and domestic workers were er, but the worker won’t benefit from this sands of others in the Gulf. Reports of mistreatment, new law brought more benefits for workers. cies even during holidays, and we shut oppressed. “We had to beg the sponsor to penalty,” he pointed out. forced labor, imprisonment, sexual, physical and ver- bal abuse, non-payment of salaries and other forms of exploitation against domestic laborers are as com- KIB sponsors Light Expo, mon as sunlight and sand in the Gulf Cooperation Duo arrested Council states. A few months ago, a Kuwaiti doctor was sen- supporting female entrepreneurs with 2kg heroin tenced to four years in jail for torturing her domestic worker. Her victim escaped and for weeks she stayed KUWAIT: In line with its social responsibility mission to sup- talents and entrepreneurs, as we have always dedicated a By Hanan Al-Saadoun at a local shelter, where many others have arrived port youth initiatives and local small businesses, Kuwait big portion of our social initiatives to supporting youth and with horrific stories of exploitation, harassment, and International Bank (KIB) announced its sponsorship of the empowering women.” Najia also noted that a team from KIB KUWAIT: The Relations torture. It turns out that the doctor in that case had 4th ‘Light Expo,’ the exhibition dedicated to showcasing will be present at a booth throughout the exhibition. KIB and Security Information allegedly committed prior violations of the same local Ramadan products. This year’s exhibition will take staff will be on hand to answer all questions related to the Department at the nature against domestic workers, but no case was place at Al-Raya Conference Hall from the 24th through Bank’s products and services, as well as its new campaigns Interior Ministry said filed. Last November, we read with horror about the 27th of April, featuring the participation of a number of and offers, which are designed to meet the various needs Drugs Control General case of a Bahraini woman who received two months young, local female talents. of all segments of the population. Department men arrest- in jail for torturing a Sri Lankan woman with an iron. Light Expo is an annual event held prior to the holy month It serves to note that KIB has continued to support and ed two Asians with pos- Another Kuwaiti woman got only six months in jail of Ramadan, which every year hosts a large collection of sponsor the Light Expo and its participants year on year, stem- session of two kilograms for assaulting her worker. In the UAE, an Emirati handcrafted Ramadan products, designed by local female ming from its belief in the need to provide moral and financial of heroin. Tips were woman allegedly tortured her domestic worker on entrepreneurs and small business owners. support to young entrepreneurs and their innovative ideas. received about a lorry various occasions using scissors, boiling water, and On this occasion, Manager of the Corporate The bank has always considered youth initiatives and entre- driver bringing heroin an iron. Communications Unit at KIB, Nawaf Najia, commented: preneurial programs to be integral components towards from a Gulf country, and This is routine violence. It’s not an exception. It’s “This sponsorship comes as part our leading social respon- empowering and nurturing future generations; by providing he was arrested upon not unusual. It’s not a rare case. It’s every day. Every sibility program which aims to support a diverse number of employment opportunities in the private sector for young arrival with the 2 kg of hour, minute by minute, physical, emotional, verbal social activities and initiatives, targeting all different seg- men and women, nurturing the creative ideas of ambitious heroin hidden in an oil and economic violence against the weakest seg- ments of our local community. We are particularly proud to young minds, and all together helping build a brighter future container. ments of our societies. be part of an initiative that supports local female creative for the country. This happens because the law fails to protect domestic workers. This is specifically tied to the fact that domestic workers are confined to the house- hold, and when they leave, they’re frequently report- Crime ed as “absconding” and become illegal workers. Report When the Kuwaiti parliament was discussing the domestic workers’ law two years ago, legislators ignored calls to revise these conditions that continue Man lured to trap to make workers vulnerable to violations. They often via social media excuse the lack of change by pointing to ‘local cul- KUWAIT: Detectives put an end to the activities of two girls ture or society’. The sponsorship system places a and three men, all Kuwaitis, who lured users of a social worker under the full power of his/her employer. media app, then blackmailed them after filming them Discourses on ‘family values’ or ‘protecting society’ naked. A citizen was surprised by a request from a girl to be are often deployed to justify the very limited free- friends on social media. He obliged, and after some days, doms and rights of domestic workers. they agreed to meet. The girl said the first meeting should The social and legal structures deny the right of a be in her flat. The man went there on time, only to find her domestic worker to her body; whether to refuse with another girl she introduced as a friend, who left them serving a certain employer, or to take a walk or make alone. But she returned later pretending to be scared and a trip outside the household, or to avoid being told her that her husband was at the door. The man attempt- harmed and assaulted by employers. ed to escape, but was surprised by the alleged husband, Working as a domestic worker in the Gulf is who was with two other men. They threatened him with a becoming more of a risky adventure, as it lacks the spray bottle containing a combustible gas, saying that they least assurances for safety and wellness. In the would set him on fire unless he takes off his clothes and Philippines, media documented the story of a handed over everything he had. He gave them KD 100 and Filipina domestic worker who now resides in a men- stood in front of them naked as they took pictures of him, tal health clinic, as she tries to recover from years of before they let him go. Afterwards, the man went to police exploitation and sexual harassment in Kuwait. We and told them about what happened, then the case was also heard about the Sri Lankan worker who had referred to detectives who were able to arrest one of the sus- worked for a Kuwaiti family for 11 years without pects, and he led them to the rest. The two girls said they wages, only to be paid her wages in sum, and get used social media to lure victims and blackmail them. All five deported without much compensation for her free- citizens were sent to concerned authorities. dom and wellbeing. A domestic worker might be harassed, raped, Missing girl found pushed towards suicide, or even forced to commit a A young girl and a man were taken to criminal detec- crime. In such conditions, one cannot maintain sani- tives in order to continue interrogations after the girl ty and good spirits. These are not exceptional scenar- admitted she was living with the man all the time she ios, these are not individual cases. This is the norm. was absent from her family. Detectives had stopped Nothing stops the employer from harming his work- the girl who was reported missing by her family. The er, other than his/her own conscience. girl said she befriended a man through Snapchat, and family disputes made her escape. The man put her up Kareem, a stateless Arab from Kuwait, in several flats. is a member of, a blogger and writer who lives in New York. Stamps stolen Criminal detectives in Jahra launched an investigation to determine the identity of thieves who broke into Jahra traf- fic department, pried open two stamp machines and stole stamps and money. They also attempted to steal the department’s safe and took stamps and seals belonging to traffic department officials. Policemen who were supposed to guard the place were interrogated and cameras were checked. The possibility of the guards being away at the time of the theft still exists.

Brewery busted Ahmadi security authorities busted a large illegal liquor brewery run by a Nepalese man in Sabah Al- Ahmad, where they found 150 liquor drums along with 480 bottles ready for sale. Distillation equipment was also found. Police asked the municipality emergency team to help them transfer the liquor drums to con- cerned authorities.

Dumpster fire Jahra firemen had an exhausting day as a person deliber- ately set fire to another metal garbage dumpster every time firemen returned to the center. Fire authorities received a call about a fire in a garbage container near Wara Complex, so firemen responded and put out the fire. While on their way back, they received a call about another garbage fire in Qasr, and the same incident was repeated eight times. Detectives are investigating. — Translated from the Arabic press TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 LOCAL

In Brief Precious metals examined E-Government expo Amir shooting cup KUWAIT: Kuwait has examined up to 30 tons of pre- SHARM EL-SHEIKH: General Manager of the Kuwaiti ROME: Kuwait’s Ambassador in Rome Sheikh Ali cious metals worth KD 300 million ($986.5 million) in Nouf EXPO Yousef Al-Marzouq said Sunday it is impera- Khaled Al-Sabah opened Sunday His Highness the 2016, said Minister of Commerce and Industry tive for Arab countries to share experience, information Amir of Kuwait International Shooting Cup, a tourna- Khaled Al-Roudhan. The ministry testes and stamps and programs in the e-government field. Speaking on ment co-organized by Kuwait Embassy and Italy’s gold and diamonds before they are offered for sale, the sidelines of Arab forum on e-government in Sharm shooting federation. Sheikh Ali and president of the Roudhan who also doubles as Acting Minister of El-Sheikh, Marzouq said the conference is hoped to Italian shooting federation, Senator Luciano Rossi, State for Youth Affairs added in a press statement come up with a set of recommendations that could con- opened the competitions, which were held at after the opening of the 15th International Gold and tribute to developing e-government programs. E-gov- Umbriaverde shooting range in Todi, central Italy, the Jewelry Exhibition 2017, with the participation of ernments have become part of the future, as convention- Embassy said in a statement. More than 460 shooters 140 local and foreign exhibitors. —KUNA al governments need some change in order to attain sus- from Kuwait, Italy, Europe, South America and New tainable development goals, he added. — KUNA Photo of the day

KUWAIT: Young Kuwaiti pearl divers participate in a cultural-themed sea voyage in Kuwait. — KUNA Warba Bank participates in AUM’s Job Fair

KUWAIT: Warba Bank participated in the Job ence with new graduates seeking to enter the important fairs including GUST and Kuwait Fair organized recently by the American job market. The new graduates interacted with University job fairs held earlier this year. The University of the Middle East (AUM). This posi- the bank’s team that offered full demonstrations bank believes that such exhibitions leave a huge tion reflects Warba Bank’s commitment to recruit regarding the bank’s operations and working positive impact on the ability to open new hori- Kuwaiti graduates and train them to work in environment. This also provides added value to zons for young people in order to enable them Islamic banking, and to improve the capabilities staff members in terms of experience and other to gain advanced professional skills and attain a of national cadres in this sector; thus, reflecting advantages. Furthermore, they gave students an general idea regarding their future careers.” positively on enriching the local market with idea about the skills and other requirements Warba Bank’s participation reflects its com- Kuwaiti manpower which is the backbone of sol- needed to apply for jobs in this field, and offered mitment to help such activities succeed, consid- id economic development. advice based on Warba Bank’s experience in hir- ering that they contribute in enriching the labor On that regard, Essam Al-Shaya, Chief Human ing, training, and qualifying national manpower.” market. These job fairs are considered a great Resources and General Services Officer at Warba Shaya further added: “This is not the first time platform in which job seekers and companies Bank, said: “Our participation in the exhibition that Warba Bank participates in career fairs. It can directly meet and have discussions on the enabled Warba Bank to share its banking experi- has participated previously in several other nature of work and other issues.

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti and Iraqi borders officials met at Abdaly land border outlet yester- day. Director General of Land Border Security Department Maj Gen Fuad Al-Athari headed the Kuwaiti side, while Maj Gen Salam Kazem, commander of the fourth zone, headed the Iraqi side. Issues of mutual interest were discussed. Ahli United Bank participates in celebrating Earth Day KUWAIT: As part of its social responsibili- rate of general consumption of electricity ty and support for environmental protec- in particular, and its positive and environ- tion initiatives, Ahli United Bank (AUB) mental impact on the national economy participated in the celebration of the in general.” anniversary of Earth Day, which falls on The bank added “Earth Day is also an April 22nd each year. The bank’s manage- opportunity to raise people’s awareness ment extinguished all lights and unnec- about the need to adopt different essary electric appliances in the bank’s lifestyles and to contribute to the reduc- main building for six hours, from 6:00 pm tion in energy usage highlighting the to 12:00 am, in support of the environ- simple actions that one can take to con- mental conservation process, as well as tribute to energy conservation today.” raising awareness of the importance of In the same context, AUB has unveiled energy conservation and environmental the start of its project to transform elec- protection in our daily activities. tric lighting in Head Office and the bank’s On this initiative, AUB said in a press new branches into a power saving LED release: “The Bank’s support for Earth Day lighting system. The management of AUB is part of the Bank’s desire to participate said it would implement several initia- in spreading environmental awareness in tives aimed at supporting the environ- rationalizing the use of electric power in ment and contributing to sustainable private institutions, and its impact on the development this year. TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017

Maoist rebels kill 24 Trump denounces anti-Semitism on Israel’s annual Holocaust day police in central India

Page 9 Page 8 Rejected mainstream unites behind Macron Hollande: ‘Far-right would deeply divide

PARIS: France’s political mainstream, shut out of the pres- skeptical of the EU and France’s role in it.”I’m not con- idency by an angry electorate, united yesterday to urge vinced that the French are willing to sign a blank check voters to back centrist Emmanuel Macron in the presi- to Mr Macron,” he said. But Macron’s party spokesman, dential runoff and to reject Marine Le Pen’s populist Benjamin Griveaux, scoffed at the idea that Le Pen is a nationalism. Politicians on the moderate left and right, vector of change. including French President Francois Hollande and the “She’s been in the political system for 30 years. She losing Socialist and Republicans party candidates in inherited her father’s party and we will undoubtedly have Sunday’s first-round vote, maneuvered to block Le Pen’s Le Pen’s running for the next 20 years, because after we path to power in the May 7 runoff. had the father, we have the daughter and we will doubt- In a solemn address from the Elysee palace, Hollande less have the niece,” he said, referring to Marion Marechal- said he will vote for Macron, his former economy minister, Le Pen. “So she is in a truly bad position to be talking because the far-right Le Pen represents “both the danger about the elites.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel of the isolation of France and of rupture with the European wished Macron “all the best for the next two weeks.” Union.” Hollande said the far-right would “deeply divide Merkel’s chief of staff, Peter Altmaier, tweeted that France” at a time when the terror threat requires “solidarity. “the result for Emmanuel Macron shows: France AND “Faced with such a risk, it is not possible to remain silent or Europe can win together! The center is stronger than the to take refuge in indifference,” he said. populists think!” Macron came in first in Sunday’s vote, European stock markets surged, and France’s main with just over 23 percent while Le Pen had 21 percent. index hit its highest level since early 2008, as investors Francois Fillon, the scandal-plagued conservative gambled that the rise of populism around the world - Republicans candidate, came in third with just shy of 20 and its associated unpredictability in policymaking - may percent of the vote, just ahead of Melenchon. Socialist have peaked. Voters narrowed the French presidential candidate Benoit Hamon, whose party holds a majority field from 11 to two on Sunday. The contest is widely in the legislature, got just 6 percent of the vote. seen as a litmus test for the populist wave that last year Turnout for Sunday’s vote was 78 percent, down prompted Britain to vote to leave the European Union slightly from 79 percent in the first round of presidential and US voters to elect Donald Trump president. voting in 2012. Protesters burned cars, danced around Only the defeated far-left candidate, Jean-Luc bonfires and dodged riot police overnight at the Place de Melenchon, pointedly refused to back Macron. Le Pen’s la Bastille and Republique in Paris. Twenty-nine people far-right National Front party, meanwhile, is hoping to were detained at the Bastille, where protesters waved red peel away voters historically opposed to a party long flags and sang “No Marine and No Macron!” in anger at tainted by racism and anti-Semitism. “The voters who PARIS: French centrist presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, center, leaves his apartment, in Paris, yesterday. —AP the results. voted for Mr Melenchon are angry voters. They can be in year. Macron’s optimistic vision of a tolerant France and a no such thing as French culture. There is not one domain “We are in a phase of decomposition, demolition, agreement with us,” National Front Vice President Steeve united Europe with open borders is a stark contrast with that he shows one ounce of patriotism,” she said. Le Pen’s deconstruction,” former Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Brios told The Associated Press, adding that those far-left Le Pen’s darker, inward-looking “French-first” platform father, Jean-Marie, made it into a presidential runoff Valls said. “We didn’t do the work - intellectual, ideologi- voters sought choices “outside the system.” that calls for closed borders, tougher security, less immi- against Jacques Chirac in 2002 and was crushed. cal and political - on what the left is, and we paid the Choosing from inside the system is no longer an gration and dropping the shared euro currency to return Many commentators expect the same fate for his price.” Elaine Ganley reported from Henin-Beaumont. Lori option. Voters rejected the two mainstream parties that to the French franc. daughter, but she has already drawn far more support Hinnant, Thomas Adamson, Angela Charlton et Philippe have alternated power for decades in favor of Le Pen and Le Pen went on the offensive against Macron in her than he ever did and she has transformed the party’s Sotto contributed from Paris. A previous version of this the untested Macron , who has never held elected office first public comments yesterday.”He is a hysterical, radical once-pariah image. National Front vice president Louis story has been corrected to show that the Socialist candi- and who founded his own political movement just last ‘Europeanist.’ He is for total open borders. He says there is Aliot insisted that Le Pen offers an alternative for anyone date was Benoit Hamon, not Manuel Valls.—AP INTERNATIONAL TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017

From aspiring stylist to jihadist widow: One woman’s Syria story

QAMISHLI, Syria: Islam Maytat thought mar- groups in Syria, including women who are majority city of Qamishli, Maytat holds her you here?’ And they told me they were there jihadists, mostly Uzbeks and Russians. This is rying an Afghan-British businessman was her encouraged to marry and raise the children gurgling 10-month-old daughter Maria in to migrate to the caliphate in Syria,” Maytat when the military training started. “When ticket to a new life as a fashionista in London. of IS fighters. her lap as she tells her story. recalls. In June 2014, IS declared a self-styled they forced us to do weapons training I was Instead she became a widow living under Some, like Maytat, have been lured “Meeting my husband was one of the “caliphate” across Syria and Iraq, where it pregnant, but I had no choice,” she says. jihadist rule in Syria. At just 23, the young unknowingly into marriages with would-be things that motivated me to study fashion implemented its literal interpretation of Unable to communicate with many other Moroccan spent three traumatic years in jihadists. Maytat spoke to AFP after fleeing design in Europe, but I had no luck. Islamic law. “I began to cry. It was two weeks widows, Maytat was allowed to move into a northern Syria under the Islamic State IS’s northern stronghold of Raqa to territory Everything went wrong,” she said. She first after the caliphate was declared and the building housing other Arabic-speakers. group’s so-called “caliphate”. Tens of thou- controlled by a US-backed alliance fighting met Khalil Ahmed-an Afghan-British trader women kept saying ‘We’re going to the land “There were French, Tunisians, Moroccans sands of foreigners have joined jihadist the extremist group. Now safe in the Kurdish- who worked in Dubai online in early 2014 of the caliphate, the land of the Muslims’, and Algerians. I stayed there until I gave and they married two months later. He flew and they were all happy,” Maytat says. In birth to Abdullah.” to Morocco to marry her and they then went August, Ahmed and Maytat made their own to Dubai, stepping into a complex web of lies journey across the border into war-ravaged ‘Secret route’ to safety and journeys across the Middle East that northern Syria. Less than a year after her first husband would eventually take her to Syria. died, Maytat remarried in order to escape the ‘I had no choice’ shelter. Her second husband, an Afghan Going to the caliphate They settled in the northern Syrian town known as Abu Abdullah, took her to Raqa, Ahmed proved to be a strict, controlling of Manbij, where Ahmed’s brother was the de facto capital of IS’s caliphate. “I husband who did not allow her to wear already living with his family. “I said to my hus- couldn’t deal with life there-he wouldn’t let makeup or bright clothes. After a brief trip band ‘Why did you destroy my life like this? me leave the house-so I asked him for a to Afghanistan to meet his family, Maytat You should have told me from the beginning divorce two months later,” she says. She then was eager to get to London and start work- that this is what we were going to do’,” Maytat married for the third time in three years, this ing as a stylist. Ahmed proposed travelling recalls. “And he said ‘You’re my wife-you have time to an Indian fighter in Raqa known as to Istanbul, convincing a reluctant Maytat to listen to what I say’.” Tears welling, Maytat Abu Talha al-Hindi. That 18-month marriage that it would be easier to move to London says she had felt powerless to resist Ahmed, produced her daughter, Maria. from there. But as soon as they landed in her only link to her previous life. When Maytat learned Abu Talha had Turkey, Ahmed immediately drove her to By September, she was pregnant with been killed battling the US-backed Syrian the southeastern city of Gaziantep near the her first child-Abdullah-and Ahmed was sent Democratic Forces, she joined up with anoth- border with Syria. to a month-long military training before er jihadist widow, a Yazidi woman. They Ankara has long been accused of turning deploying to IS’s front in Kobane. On escaped IS territory via “a secret route” that a blind eye to IS fighters using the porous October 8, 2014, Ahmed’s brother told she refused to divulge. Traumatized by her Twenty-three year old Islam Maytat from Morocco poses for a photo Syrian-Turkish border to transport people, Maytat her husband had been killed in com- past, Maytat is now also worried about her goods, and funds-allegations it vehemently bat. “I became more depressed. I said to future and that of her two young children. “I with her children Maria (L) and Abdullah in the Kurdish-majority city of denies. In Gaziantep, Maytat and Ahmed myself, this is the only person I knew in this still don’t know what to do with my life. “I Qamishli in northern Syrian on April 13, 2017, after she escaped from moved into a large house full of ecstatic cou- foreign land, and now I’m alone here,” she hope to return to Morocco with both of my Islamic State (IS) group territory following three traumatic years living ples from countries including Saudi Arabia, tells AFP. Pregnant and alone, Maytat moved children, but I don’t know if I’ll have a future in the group’s so-called “caliphate”.—AFP Algeria and France. “I asked them ‘Why are into a shared “guest house” for widows of or not there.” —AFP Maoist rebels kill 24 police in central India Deadly attack leaves six wounded

RAIPUR, India: Suspected Maoist Mohammed, told reporters from More precaution needed occurred, was a stronghold for rebels killed 24 paramilitary com- his hospital bed that “almost 300 State chief minister Raman Singh Maoists waging a guerilla war from mandos and wounded six yester- of them attacked us”. said Sukma, where yesterday’s attack their jungle bases. The Maoists day in a remote part of central opposed efforts to build new roads India in one of the deadliest and infrastructure in the remote area attacks of a long-running internal because it undermined their long- conflict. The soldiers were guard- running campaign against India’s ing road workers in the Sukma security forces, he added. “In future district of Chhattisgargh state, a we will need to take more precau- hotbed of insurgent violence, tions,” said Singh, who called an when they came under heavy fire. emergency meeting and rushed “We have recovered 23 bodies back from New Delhi after the attack. ISTANBUL: A woman looks from a window as demonstrators shout during a from the spot and one jawan (sol- The Maoist insurgency started as dier) died in Raipur during treat- a peasant uprising in 1967, and protest against the result of the nationwide referendum that will hugely ment,” Anand Chhabra, a senior since then has cost thousands of enhance the president Recep Erdogan powers at the Kadikoy district in police officer, said, referring to lives in the rebel-dominated “red Istanbul. —AFP the state capital. corridor” stretching through central He said six other commandos and eastern India. Tit-for-tat jungle from the Central Reserve Police skirmishes often result in heavy President Erdogan accuses Force were critically injured and casualties on both sides. Last month had been evacuated for treat- 11 paramilitary policemen were French researcher of ment. Another police officer, Sunil killed when their convoy was Tiwari, told AFP that Indian secu- ambushed in Chhattisgarh, while at inciting assassination rity forces were looking for “some least 20 troops died in a separate CRPF jawans who are missing”, attack in 2015. ISTANBUL: President Recep Tayyip West, and suggested Defarges should adding that the rebels snatched In 2010 Maoists killed 76 police in Erdogan’s lawyer has lodged a com- undergo checks for his mental health if weapons during the ambush. the worst-ever massacre of security Prime Minister Narendra Modi forces by the insurgents. The inci- plaint against a former French diplomat he ever came to Turkey. condemned the attack and dent shook the country and led to accusing him of inciting an assassina- “And if he is in good health mental- offered condolences to the fami- pressure on the government to tion of the Turkish leader, the state-run ly, his alleged links with the outlawed lies of the deceased, saying the rethink its tactics. Critics believe news agency reported yesterday. The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) or US- sacrifice of their loved ones would attempts to end the revolt through move follows comments by Philippe based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen not be in vain. tough security offensives are Moreau Defarges about the outcome of blamed by the Turkish government for “Attack on CRPF India person- doomed to fail, saying the real solu- the April 16 referendum on controver- orchestrating the failed July coup nel in Chhattisgarh is cowardly tion is better governance and devel- sial constitutional changes that will should be investigated.” Defarges’ com- and deplorable. We are monitoring opment of the region. tighten the president’s grip on power. ments went viral on social media, with the situation closely,” Modi posted The guerrillas, who say they are Defarges, now a senior fellow at the a senior Erdogan advisor calling on the on Twitter. Fatal attacks by insur- fighting for the rights of tribal peo- gents on security forces in central ple and landless farmers, often col- French Institute of International French institute to revoke his fellow- and eastern India are frequent, but lect funds through extortion. Modi Relations, said all legal paths to chal- ship. “Former French diplomat openly yesterday’s assault was among the had been seeking to stem the insur- lenge Erdogan had been shut off and calls for assassination of President deadliest in years. Television INDIA: This handout photo released by the Indian Defense gency by earmarking development that the only two options left were civil Erdogan. @IFRI_ should terminate his footage showed injured comman- Ministry yesterday shows wounded Indian security personnel funds for revolt-hit areas and war or assassination. The ‘Yes’ camp fellowship, apologize,” Gulnur Aybet dos in their army fatigues being being treated in an army helicopter as they are airlifted to a improving policing. In 2015 he won just over 51 percent in the vote, a wrote on Twitter. stretchered from ambulances into urged Maoists to put down their narrower-than-expected victory, but “What would be the reaction if a for- hospitals for treatment. One sol- hospital following an attack by Maoist rebels in Sukma district guns and take up ploughs, saying of Chhattisgargh state. —AFP Turkey’s top election board last week mer diplomat and senior fellow at a dier who survived the attack, Sher “violence has no future”. —AFP rejected opposition calls to annul the Turkish think tank called for the assassi- referendum after complaints of vote- nation of the French President? rigging. Defarges said on French ”Defarges on Sunday offered his “sin- Palestinian leader on hunger broadcaster BFM on Saturday that cere apologies” for his remarks. “Some Erdogan’s strengthened powers would of what I said was clumsy and might lead “only to catastrophe”. have been wrongly interpreted,” he said strike sees health decline: NGO “There will either be a civil war or on Twitter. Critics say the constitutional another scenario... his assassination,” he changes will lead to one-man rule in said. Huseyin Aydin, a lawyer represent- NATO member Turkey. They accuse RAMALLAH, Palestinian Territories: imprisonment without charge. Palestinian ing Erdogan, said in a petition to an Erdogan of becoming increasingly Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti’s prisoners have mounted repeated hunger Kremlin respects Ankara prosecutor that the comments authoritarian after 14 years in power as health has declined seriously over the past strikes, but rarely on such a scale. were not a simple expression of opin- either president or prime minister. week after he joined a hunger strike with Barghouti is popular among Palestinians, French vote, ion, but were “clearly instigating the There have been a number of prosecu- more than 1,000 other prisoners in Israel, with polls suggesting he could win the an NGO said yesterday. Barghouti, 57 and Palestinian presidency. While many denies favoring crime in question”. He said the com- tions for insulting Erdogan, with artists, serving five life sentences over his role in Palestinians view him as a hero, Israelis any candidate ments showed how far the hostility journalists and schoolchildren all tar- the second Palestinian intifada, is refusing point to the bloody suicide attacks of the against Erdogan had reached in the geted.—AFP medical treatment, according to Amani second intifada of 2000-2005 and his role MOSCOW: The Kremlin yesterday said it respect- Sarahneh of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club in the uprising. He was convicted of ed the result of the first round of the French presi- NGO. He told AFP this was causing his attacks that killed five people, though dential election, and denied favoring any candi- health to decline seriously. declined to defend himself and did not date in the polls. “We respect the choice of the Egypt sentences 20 to death The hunger strike began on April 17, recognize the court’s legitimacy. French people. We are in favor of building good with those taking part ingesting only For Palestinians, the prisons have and mutually beneficial relations,” said Kremlin over police killings water and salt. They have issued become a stark symbol of Israel’s occupa- spokesman Dmitry Peskov, quoted by state-run CAIRO: An Egyptian court yesterday instead for the retrial of 149 suspects demands ranging from better medical tion. Some 850,000 Palestinians have been RIA Novosti news agency. Russia has been seen as a keen backer of sentenced 20 people to death for the who were behind bars. Of those 149, care to phone access. Asked about incarcerated since the start of Israel’s killing of 13 policemen in the after- yesterday a Cairo criminal court sen- Barghouti, however, an Israeli Prisons occupation 50 years ago, Palestinian lead- Kremlin-friendly far-right leader Marine Le Pen, who met President Vladimir Putin in a surprise vis- math of the ouster nearly four years tenced to death 20 people, a judicial Service spokesman said that “no decline ers say. Palestinian leaders have ago of Islamist president Mohamed official said, adding that a decision in his health condition has been denounced Israel’s refusal to negotiate it to Moscow ahead of the vote. But Peskov insist- ed to reporters that Russia did not have a pre- Morsi. On August 14, 2013, a month concerning the others would be made observed”. “If Barghouti feels bad, all he with the hunger strikers, warning of a ferred candidate in the election. “These are incor- after Morsi was overthrown by the at another hearing on July 2. has to do is eat,” the spokesman told AFP. “new intifada” if any of them die. rect assertions, they are quite primitive,” Peskov army, security forces forcibly dispersed The death sentences issued yester- According to the NGO, authorities at Demonstrations have been held in the said. “In this case to say that Russia more or less two pro-Morsi protest camps in Cairo day will be submitted to the mufti, the Jalame prison, where Barghouti was occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip to supports one candidate or another would be in an operation that killed more than Egypt’s official interpreter of Islamic transferred and placed in solitary confine- support the prisoners, occasionally result- wrong.” Pro-European centrist Emmanuel Macron 700 people. Hours later a furious crowd law, as his opinion is legally required ment after the strike began, have pres- ing in clashes with Israeli forces, though and Le Pen claimed the most votes in the election attacked a police station in the Cairo but not binding. Egyptian courts have sured him to accept medical treatment they have been limited in number. A Sunday to progress to a second round run-off on suburb of Kerdassa, where 13 police- sentenced hundreds of Morsi sup- and also urged other prisoners to try to Palestinian former minister, Hamas mem- May 7. Macron is clear favorite to become France’s men were killed. porters to death since his overthrow, convince him. Some 6,500 Palestinians are ber Wasfi Kabha, released on the fourth youngest president after topping Sunday’s ballot A year later a Cairo court sentenced but many have appealed and won currently detained by Israel for a range of day of the hunger strike, said on Facebook with 23.75 percent of votes, slightly ahead of to death 183 Islamists but a higher new trials. Morsi and other top figures offences and alleged crimes. Around 500 that Barghouti had told him “the strike National Front (FN) leader Le Pen on 21.53 per- court scrapped the verdict last year, of his Muslim Brotherhood have also are being held under Israel’s system of aims to achieve more humane, fairer and cent, according to final results.—AFP amid an international outcry, calling faced trial.—AFP administrative detention, which allows for more dignified prison conditions”.—AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Nearing 100-day mark, Trump says milestone not meaningful WASHINGTON: For nearly 100 days, played an understanding that many of Washington. Trump has never really had through Trump’s nominee for the Tremendous success President Donald Trump has rattled his own lofty expectations for his first either. A deeply divisive figure, he lost Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch, but “When it came time to, as an exam- Washington and been chastened by its 100 days in office have not been met. the popular vote to Democrat Hillary had to blow up long-standing Senate ple, send out the 59 missiles, the institutions. He’s startled world leaders “It’s an artificial barrier. It’s not very Clinton and had one of the narrower rules to do so. Then there was the leg- Tomahawks in Syria,” Trump said of his with his unpredictability and tough talk, meaningful,” he said. Electoral College victories in history. islative debacle when Trump’s own party decision to strike a Syrian air base in but won their praise for a surprise strike Trump waffled on whether he should Since taking office on Jan. 20, his couldn’t come together to fulfill its long- retaliation for a chemical weapons on Syria. He’s endured the steady drip of be held accountable for the 100-day approval rating has hovered around 40 sought promise of repealing President attack. “I’m saying to myself, ‘You investigations and a seemingly endless plan he outlined with great fanfare in his percent in most polls. Barack Obama’s health care law. know, this is more than just like 79 churn of public personnel drama. “It’s a campaign’s closing days, suggesting his Trump’s early presidency has been HW Brands, a history professor at the (sic) missiles. different kind of a presidency,” Trump “Contract with the American Voter” was- dogged by FBI and congressional inves- University of Texas at Austin, said Trump This is death that’s involved because said in an Oval Office interview with The n’t really his idea to begin with. tigations into whether his campaign is learning that “the world is the way it is people could have been killed. This is Associated Press, an hour-long conversa- “Somebody put out the concept of a coordinated with Russians to tilt the race for a whole bunch of complicated rea- risk that’s involved.’” “Here, everything, tion as he approached Saturday’s key 100-day plan,” he said. One hundred in his favor. It’s a persistent distraction sons. And changing the guy at the top pretty much everything you do in gov- presidential benchmark. days are just a fraction of a president’s that Trump would not discuss on the doesn’t change the world.” Trump won’t ernment involves heart, whereas in busi- Trump, who campaigned on a prom- tenure, and no president has quite record. Furthermore, his three months- concede that point. ness most things don’t involve heart,” he ise of instant disruption, indirectly matched the achievements of Franklin plus in office have amounted to a swift But he acknowledged that being said. “In fact, in business you’re actually acknowledged that change doesn’t D. Roosevelt, who set the standard by education in a world wholly unfamiliar commander in chief brings with it a better off without it.” come quickly to Washington. He showed which all are now judged. to a 70-year-old who spent his career in “human responsibility” that he didn’t As for accomplishments, Trump cited signs that he feels the weight of the Still, modern presidents have tried to real estate and reality television. much bother with in business, requiring “tremendous success” on an undefined office, discussing the “heart” required to move swiftly to capitalize upon the For example, his two disputed travel him to think through the consequences strategy for defeating the Islamic State do the job. Although he retained his sig- potent, and often fleeting, mix of politi- ban executive orders are languishing, his decisions have on people and not group. He talked at length about saving nature bravado and a salesman’s confi- cal capital and public goodwill that usu- blocked by federal judges. On Capitol simply the financial implications for his taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars dence in his upward trajectory, he dis- ally accompanies their arrival in Hill, majority Republicans muscled company’s bottom line. on the price of F-35 fighter jets. — AP NYC house fire kills five, including three children NEW YORK: Investigators are scouring for ing to piece together who the victims were, clues about what sparked a deadly, fast- and how or if they were all related. Police moving house fire that killed five people, said the victims ranged in age from 2 to 20. including three children, on a sunny spring They said the man who escaped the fire is afternoon. The fire broke out Sunday after- in the hospital and is expected to survive. A noon, on a street full of single-family neighboring home also caught fire and was homes in the middle class neighborhood of badly damaged, but no one was inside at Queens Village, a neighborhood near the time. Four firefighters suffered minor Belmont Park, which hosts the Belmont injuries; no other people were injured. Stakes, the final leg in horse racing’s Triple Neighbor Dorothy Murray told reporters Crown. Television news footage showed that when she looked out her door and saw flames chewing through the roof of the two- the fire, “I could have fainted.” “The fire was story home and roaring in upstairs rooms of so intense - there’s no way in the world the house as smoke poured from it. nobody could go over there to save “It was a fire that moved very, very nobody,” said Murray. She said she babysat quickly, and the loss was horrendous,” said sometimes for one of the children - “cute Mayor Bill de Blasio. “This is the devastation little fellow,” she said. “He’s adorable.” First- of a family,” he said, adding: “There’s a lot responders carried a limp child from the we need to know about what happened wreckage. “It was the worst thing I’ve ever here.” There was no immediate theory on seen in my life,” neighbor Foster McPhee, what started the blaze. A burned-out car 67, told the New York Post. was found behind one of the homes, and “The guy who was carrying the baby witnesses reported hearing loud booms, out, you could just see the stress on his but Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro said it face. I’m just emotional about it because didn’t appear there was an explosion. I’m a grandfather and I have kids, too.” Nigro said a passing motorist saw Firefighters tried to save the family even as someone tumble from a window as smoke the rescuers mourned one of their own, billowed, and called the fire department. firefighter William Tolley, who died The victim, a roughly 46-year-old man, fell Thursday after falling five stories while bat- onto a porch roof and then a lawn and sur- tling a blaze in Queens. The fire was the vived, Nigro said. The wood-frame home deadliest in the nation’s biggest city since burned rapidly and was already engulfed March 2015, when a house fire in Brooklyn in flames by the time firefighters arrived. killed seven children, all siblings. That fire They struggled to reach some of the vic- was touched off by a hot plate. NEW YORK: Guests watch video messages from US President Trump as they attend the World Jewish Congress in New York.—AFP tims who were as high up as the attic, a By nightfall Sunday, neighbors who’d “super-human” task for firefighters to reach been standing in horror outside had gone people in a home engulfed by such a mas- back into their homes, and first responders Trump denounces anti-Semitism sive fire, Nigro said. had blocked off the street as they contin- ued to investigate. Brenda Lewis, who lives Deadly fire six houses down the fire scene, said she They managed to bring a 2-year-old and was still in shock. With her iPad in hand, she on Israel’s annual Holocaust day someone else from the attic where they stood in the evening cold, showing the had been trapped, he said. But they were neighbors the videos she took earlier in the Trump calls Holocaust darkest chapter of human history too late to save them. Officials were still try- day. “It was something,” she said.—AP NEW YORK: President Donald Trump vowed to severance, condemning anti-Semitism.”We must When asked by an Orthodox Jewish reporter wipe out anti-Semitism in a message to mark stamp out prejudice and anti-Semitism every- at a White House news conference about the Israel’s annual Holocaust Remembrance Day where it is found. We must defeat terrorism, and post-election surge in anti-Semitic incidents, after his administration was criticized for past we must not ignore the threats of a regime that Trump reacted defensively, telling his questioner statements about the genocide. In a four- talks openly of Israel’s destruction,” he said. to “sit down.” Earlier this month, White House minute taped video played to the World Jewish “We cannot let that ever even be thought of,” spokesman Sean Spicer sparked outrage around Congress in New York, the US leader called the he said, adding “America stands strong with the the world after minimizing the atrocities of Adolf Holocaust “the darkest chapter of human his- State of Israel.”The White House raised eyebrows Hitler in comments on Syria. tory” and pledged “never again” would such on International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Critics and political opponents in the United horror occur. January by issuing a statement that made no States say Trump’s rise to the White House has “Six million Jews, two-thirds of the Jews in mention of the six million Jews killed in the Nazi emboldened extreme right, neo-Nazi groups. Europe, murdered by the Nazi genocide. They genocide. In February, Trump drew fire for One of Trump’s closest advisors is son-in-law were murdered by an evil that words cannot remaining silent for several days over a spate of Jared Kushner, the Orthodox Jewish grandson of describe, and that the human heart cannot bear,” anti-Semitic threats against Jewish community Holocaust survivors. His daughter Ivanka, who is he said. The Republican commander-in-chief centers, before condemning them as “horrible” also an unpaid White House advisor, converted went on to pay tribute to Israel and Jewish per- and “painful.” to Judaism in 2009.—AFP Pence cites challenging times to troops in American Samoa

PAGO PAGO, American Samoa: US Vice whose prior foreign policy experience was limit- matic playbook includes several components, all President Mike Pence thanked American service ed to trips to the Middle East as a congressman steeped in humility, personal ties and his reli- NEW YORK: In this photo provided by the New York City Fire Department, firefighters members based in American Samoa, citing and trade missions to Japan, China, Israel and gious faith. In some ways, Pence is the advance work to put out a deadly house fire in the Queens Village neighborhood of the “challenging times” for the military in the Asia- Europe as Indiana’s governor. team: His earlier trip to Europe and his Asia trip Queens borough of New York. —AP Pacific. Completing a visit to the region and en that ends today are partly laying the foundation route back to the United States, Pence Greetings for journeys being planned for Trump. In other addressed some 200 soldiers during a refueling Pence’s early foreign travel schedule contrasts ways, Pence is the face of reassurance, offering Venezuela protesters plan stop in Pago Pago. He told the troops the Trump sharply with a mostly homebound Trump, who is in-person outreach to world leaders Trump has administration was seeking a large increase in not scheduled to travel overseas until late May clashed with or who have doubted Trump’s com- military funding. for NATO meetings in Belgium and a gathering mitment to them at the start of his presidency. nationwide road blocks During his stop, Pence also dedicated a sign of the Group of Seven major industrial nations in In meetings with his counterparts, Pence fre- CARACAS: Protesters plan yesterday to Court to take over the powers of the that will greet visitors at a veteran’s clinic. He Italy. Pence partly covered that ground when he quently passed along “greetings” from Trump block Venezuela’s main roads including opposition-dominated Congress. Most of met with American Samoan officials and troops visited Germany and Belgium in February. and told his hosts how much America valued the capital’s biggest motorway, trigger- the demonstrations have degenerated and then flew to Hawaii at the last stop on a Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, had visited their alliance, language that’s commonplace in ing fears of further violence after three into riots and clashes with security tour that included a visit to the Demilitarized nine countries by late April 2009, his first three diplomacy but understated compared to the weeks of unrest left 21 people dead. The forces, who dispersed them using tear Zone separating North and South Korea. The months in office, checking in with allies such as more free-wheeling Trump. On Thursday, for wife of jailed opposition leader Leopoldo gas and rubber bullets. trip offered evidence that Pence has become Canada, Britain and Germany. example, Pence told Indonesian President Joko Lopez started a vigil Sunday outside the one of President Donald Trump’s chief emis- The last first-term president to wait until May “Jokowi” Widodo how “proud” he and Trump prison where he is being held, pressing Trading blame saries on the world stage, patching up relations, to take his first foreign trip was Jimmy Carter in were to partner with him and spoke of their for permission to visit him after he spent The government and the opposition reassuring allies still wondering what to expect 1977. Enter Pence, whose still-evolving diplo- hopes of working together.—AP a month in isolation. have accused each other of fomenting from Trump and diving into international crises President Nicolas Maduro said Sunday the deadly violence that has also seen like North Korea. that he wants “elections now,” referring hundreds of people detained or wound- Meanwhile, it was revealed that the vice pres- to elections for governors which were ed and businesses looted. The latest vic- ident was shortening his stay in Hawaii to a few supposed to be held last December, and tim, Almelina Carrillo, 47, succumbed to hours so that he could fly back to Washington in those for mayors scheduled for this year. injuries suffered when she was struck in what promises to be a very busy week for the A presidential election is scheduled for the head by a bottle thrown from a administration and Congress. Pence’s office said 2018. “I am ready for what the Electoral building during the march in Caracas. he would depart Hawaii on Monday afternoon Power says,” insisted Maduro, who won Interior Minister Nestor Reverol called after meeting with US Pacific Command leaders the 2013 election by a narrow margin. her “another victim of the Terrorist Right, and troops stationed in Honolulu. Plans for Venezuela has seen near-daily which is full of hatred.” “We will not rest today’s visit to the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor protests since the beginning of April, until we capture those responsible for have been postponed, Pence’s office said. with opponents of Maduro demanding this repugnant crime,” he added. Pence’s trip to Asia was planned weeks ago. his ouster. Maduro has called for local The opposition has said it will use the But it dropped him in South Korea just in time elections in Venezuela, but the govern- momentum to keep taking to the streets to deliver North Korea a stern warning from the ment has ruled out voting this year at demanding elections and pushing for US: that “all options are on the table” when it presidential level as opposition leaders the release of political prisoners. comes to curbing the North’s nuclear ambi- have demanded. The opposition blames Thursday marked one of the most violent tions, and that the Trump administration will Maduro for the unraveling of the oil days in the latest wave of protests, with seek support from its allies to pressure giant’s once-booming economy, leaving the Caracas neighborhood of El Valle the Pyongyang to give up its nuclear weapons and the country with critical shortages of scene of shootings, looting and pitched ballistic missile programs. food, medicine and basic goods. battles between demonstrators and His foray into the DMZ and his meetings with The spark that set off the near-daily police officers, who forced the evacua- South Korean and Japanese leaders allowed protests was an attempt by the Supreme tion of a maternity ward. —AFP Pence to shape a key American foreign policy PAGO PAGO: Vice President Mike Pence stands with his wife Karen as they pose for a photo with issue, presenting a new challenge for a politician officials and US service members during a refueling stop in Pago Pago, American Samoa. —AP INTERNATIONAL TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 Nine killed in Brazil massacre were shot, stabbed to death

RIO DE JANEIRO: Nine men, including an ers to displace small-scale farmers from Assembly of God church, police said. confirm or deny this. Earlier, police ranchers using “terror to get the small pro- Evangelical pastor, massacred in a remote lucrative territories. “Preliminary information is that the victims described the raid as the work of “hooded ducers to leave the area.” “Gleba has been part of western Brazil were knifed and shot The state’s security service said in a showed signs of stabbings and gunshots,” attackers.” Globo reported that the victims subjected to conflicts and violence for to death, police said Sunday after releasing statement Sunday that the victims, all men, the police statement said. had been starting to work on unauthorized more than 10 years. the bodies for burial. No arrests were ranged in age from 23 to 57. They were CBN radio and other Brazilian media plots of land and that they were killed Other murders and attacks have already announced in the slayings which took reported to be inhabitants of Gleba reported that some of the dead had been inside the huts they’d erected at the site. taken place there,” the commission said. place Thursday in a hard-to-access settle- Taquarucu do Norte, which is near the bor- found decapitated, while Globo news site The Pastoral Land Commission, which is According to the CPT’s latest annual ment in Mato Grosso state. A human rights der with Bolivia and only reachable on foot said there were signs of torture and that linked to the Roman Catholic church, and report, 61 people were killed in land con- group said the killings were part of a pat- or by boat, with no cell phone coverage. some victims had been tied up. Contacted acts on behalf of the rural poor, described a flicts in Brazil last year, the highest number tern of brutal pressure from rich landown- One was a pastor from the popular by AFP, a police spokeswoman would not network of armed gangs employed by since 2003. — AFP Germany sees rise in crimes by foreigners

BERLIN: Germany recorded a sharp rise in attacks last year, with the deadliest being last politically motivated crimes by foreigners December’s assault on a Christmas market in including jihadists and Kurdish militants Berlin. A Tunisian suspect had rammed a last year, a trend branded “unacceptable” truck into the crowded market in the attack by Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere claimed by the Islamic State organization yesterday. Some 3,372 such cases were that killed 12. But beyond jihadist attacks, recorded last year, up 66.5 percent from Germany has also seen a rise in violence pit- 2015, according to the latest crime statis- ting its sizeable minority communities of tics unveiled by de Maiziere. They include Turks and Kurds, as Turkey was increasingly “criminal offences carried out in the name split over President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s of foreign extremists of the so-called IS, or rule. Overall, the number of politically driven the (outlawed Kurdish militants) PKK”, said crimes was also up in Germany, reaching the interior minister. 41,549 such offences in 2016, 6.6 percent Germany was hit by a string of jihadist more than a year ago. — AFP Russia, EU fail to mask divisions on Mogherini visit

MOSCOW: The top diplomats from Russia Crimea in 2014 and support for east Ukrainian and the European Union struggled yester- rebels. Moscow responded with an embargo day to overcome deep rifts that have on agricultural products from the West. plunged ties to a post-Cold War low despite Mogherini said the EU’s sanctions calling for closer cooperation. In her first against Russia were “not an objective in official visit to Russia, EU foreign affairs themselves” but were meant to help end chief Federica Mogherini insisted that the crisis in Ukraine, which has claimed cooperation between the sides was “not more than 10,000 lives since it erupted in frozen” but said that progress was ham- 2014. Lavrov meanwhile said the two sides pered by profound disagreements on sub- had reiterated the need to fulfill the stalled jects including Ukraine and Syria. European-brokered Minsk peace agree- “It would be quite surreal to consider our- ments to end the conflict in eastern selves as strategic partners and to have Ukraine. He also called for a “thorough, respective sanctions,” Mogherini said after quick and transparent” investigation after talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei an American monitor with the Organization Lavrov. “We share the interest to make our for Security and Cooperation in Europe was relations better,” she added. The EU imposed killed Sunday when a patrol vehicle hit a sanctions on Russia for its annexation of landmine in the rebel-held east. — AFP PARIS: French presidential election candidate for the left-wing French Socialist (PS) party Benoit Hamon reacts after delivering a speech at the Maison de la Mutualite in Paris after the first round of the Presidential election. — AFP France’s Socialists on rocks after historic drubbing ‘Socialist Party not in the top three is a disaster’

PARIS: A “drubbing” suffered by the Socialist French voters return to the polls to elect a new years on, after Hollande failed to turn around a candidate in France’s presidential election on parliament on June 11 and June 18. moribund economy and the country suffered a Sunday dealt a devastating blow to the century- PS chief Jean-Christophe Cambadelis said string of terror attacks, the PS heads just five of old party, analysts said. Benoit Hamon, 49, who Friday that the party will be fielding candidates France’s 13 regions, and 26 of its 101 depart- took up the Socialist mantle after the deeply in all 577 of France’s parliamentary districts, ments. The worst defeat was to come in 2014 unpopular Francois Hollande decided against adding: “The party still has good days in front of when the PS lost municipal elections in more seeking re-election, crashed out in fifth place in it.”Hamon proved unable to sustain the magic than 150 cities of at least 9,000 inhabitants. Sunday’s first round of the two-stage vote, that won him the Socialist primary in January, according to projections. ahead of former prime minister Manuel Valls, Parties don’t just disappear It was the first time the Socialists have lost in with proposals such as a universal basic income. As this year’s campaign wore on, party the first round since 2002, when Lionel Jospin Key Socialist stalwarts deserted him, led by Valls, infighting turned into open warfare between fell at the first hurdle behind then far-right who last month threw his weight behind diehard leftists and the more centrist, economi- leader Jean-Marie Le Pen. And it is the first time Emmanuel Macron, the centrist former Socialist cally liberal wing represented by Valls. The party in modern history that neither of France’s main- who came out on top in Sunday’s vote. failed to find a “third way... between social liber- stream parties have made it past the first round Hamon’s poll numbers went into a steady alism and the radical left,” said Thibaut Rioufreyt, of a presidential election. “Symbolically, the fact slide from a high of around 17 percent as the a political scientist based in the central city of that the Socialist Party (PS) is not in the top three charismatic Melenchon steadfastly refused to Lyon. “They broadly abandoned the intellectual MOSCOW: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, right, shakes hands with Federica and not even the leading leftist party is a disas- join forces and Macron also siphoned off sup- work.” The PS joins the ranks of other social- Mogherini, the high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and ter,” said political scientist Remi Lefebvre of the port. Melenchon, who enjoyed a late surge in democratic forces in Europe that have recently security policy, after a joint press conference following their meeting in Moscow yes- northern city of Lille. the race after strong debate performances, suffered deep losses, such as in Greece, Austria, terday. — AFP scored 19 to 20 percent on Sunday. Spain, Ireland and the Netherlands. The left is not dead “Melenchon’s political goal, which was to “The problem with social democracy is that it Scoring just 6.2 percent according to the pro- beat the PS, was unimaginable just a few does not have the answers to new changes in Italian reporter jections, Hamon fared worse than Communist- years ago,” Lefebvre said. The party founded modern society such as globalization, the digital backed Jean-Luc Melenchon, who was set to fin- in 1905, which first came to power in 1981 revolution and the ecological transition,” ish fourth behind scandal-scarred conservative with Francois Mitterrand, fell from a great Rioufreyt said. freed in Turkey candidate Francois Fillon. height since Hollande’s 2012 victory brought But the June parliamentary elections hold Hamon tried to put a brave face on what he the left back to power after three rightwing out some hope for France’s Socialists, Lefebvre ROME: An Italian journalist arrested in people who had fled the war-torn neigh- admitted was a “historic drubbing” on Sunday. presidencies in a row. said. “Political parties don’t disappear just like Turkey while researching refugees near the boring country for a book he is writing on “The left is not dead,” he said. “The fight contin- Then, the Socialists were riding high, with a that. The PS has been around for 100 years, Syrian border has been freed after two the conflict and the birth of the Islamic ues... with the parliamentary elections.” After the huge majority of France’s regions and even a (with) an organizational structure, elected offi- weeks in detention, Italy’s foreign ministry State group. The blogger, writer and second round of the presidential election, majority in the Senate for the first time. Five cials, activists, a tradition and a memory.” — AFP said yesterday. human rights activist began a hunger strike Gabriele Del Grande, 34, was expected last week after claiming he had no access to arrive at Bologna airport in Italy yester- to a lawyer and had been “interrogated” on day and be met by his parents and Foreign the content of his research. South African pleads not guilty Minister Angelino Alfano. “I spoke to him Del Grande, who comes from Lucca in just now and he’s on his way back to Italy. I Tuscany, was a co-author and co-director of had the great joy of telling his family. We a documentary on Syrian and Palestinian to slaying his wealthy family are waiting for him,” Alfano said. refugees, “Io sto con la sposa” (“On the Del Grande was handcuffed by Turkish Bride’s Side”), that was presented at the police on April 9 as he was interviewing Venice Film Festival in 2014. — AFP CAPE TOWN: In a case that has gripped South Yesterday, he said in his statement that he had Africa, the 22-year-old son of a wealthy family passed out after disarming the attacker, who pleaded not guilty yesterday to slaughtering his then fled the house. “I later woke lying on the parents and brother in a frenzied axe attack. The stairs. I was unsure how long I was uncon- trial, which opened in Cape Town after several scious... I could see it was light. I then saw Marli delays, has attracted international interest as moving. I could also hear what sounded like police failed to arrest anyone for the grisly Rudi making gurgling sounds,” he said. In a killings until Henri van Breda handed himself in leaked tape of his call to emergency services, to police. van Breda said his family members were “bleed- Van Breda is alleged to have killed his brother ing from the head” before he appeared to gig- Rudi and parents Martin and Teresa, and left his gle briefly. Van Breda in his statement said he sister Marli struggling with near-fatal injuries to was in the toilet playing games on his phone her head, neck and throat. The events took place when the intruder broke in. on January 27, 2015 at the family’s luxury home He described his family as “fairly close-knit” at an exclusive golf estate in Stellenbosch out- who enjoyed boating and shark cage diving CAPE TOWN: Henri Van Breda arrives at the High side Cape Town, where they lived after returning together. Before the attack, they had spent the Court in Cape Town, South Africa, yesterday. — AP from several years in Australia. At the Western evening watching a Star Wars movie, while their Cape High Court, van Breda, dressed in a suit recall the attacker was laughing.” Van Breda said mother spoke on the phone. The run-up to the tri- and tie, quietly said “not guilty” to three counts he heard his mother’s voice, and then the attack- al generated fevered interest over a privileged son of murder and one of attempted murder. er left the room. According to media reports, allegedly unleashing a savage attack on his family, In a statement read out by his lawyer Pieter Rudi, a 21-year-old engineering student, was whose fortune has been estimated at $16 million. Botha, van Breda said that a masked intruder had found on a blood-soaked bed next to his father, There is a continuing legal battle over entered the house and attacked his family with 54. Both were killed by savage blows from the whether the trial can be broadcast live on televi- an axe in the early hours of the morning. The axe. His mother, 55, was found with a gaping sion. Local reports suggested van Breda had accused said he could “make out the silhouette head wound on the bedroom’s balcony. spent time in drug rehabilitation before the of somebody” attacking his brother in the high- deaths. He was enrolled as a science undergrad- security property. Disarmed attacker uate at the time. He handed himself in to a local “I shouted for help, shouting to attract atten- Marli, then 16, was left in a coma after the police station 18 months after the attack, during tion,” he said. Van Breda said his father came into attack and suffered memory loss, but she may which time the police had made no arrests. the room “trying to tackle the attacker.” “My give evidence during the trial. Van Breda himself Since being arrested, he has been on $8,000 bail father was struck as he lunged towards the had only minor bruises and scratches, which while living with his girlfriend. The trial contin- ITALY: Gabriele Del Grande, left, is flanked by his partner Alexandra D‚ after landing attacker. He was hit a number of times... I also experts say may have been self-inflicted. ued yesterday. — AFP at the Bologna airport, Italy, yesterday. — AP


Xi urges restraint over North Korea as US carrier approaches China, US maintain close contact, exchange opinions

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping on China, the North’s sole major ally, to do increase tensions in the Korean peninsula,” all imports of coal from North Korea-a cru- try’s official name. A separate editorial on urged “restraint” over North Korea in a more to rein in Pyongyang, as tensions in Xi said, according to the foreign ministry. cial earner for Pyongyang-for the rest of the North’s propaganda website phone call with Donald Trump yesterday, the region soar amid speculation it will “The only way to realize denucleariza- the year. It also issued a stern warning ear- Uriminzokkiri said the dispatch of the Carl as Japan joined exercises with an American conduct another nuclear test. “(China) tion in the Korean peninsula and quickly lier this month that a conflict over North Vinson signaled “that an invasion of the super carrier heading to the Korean penin- hopes that the relevant parties can main- resolve North Korea’s nuclear problem is for Korea could break out “at any moment”. North is nearing day by day”. sula. The US leader has repeatedly called tain restraint and avoid actions that would each relevant party to fulfill its duties.”The The comments came ahead of a failed mis- In the event of an attack, it said, “The conversation-the second since their sum- sile test a day after the 105th anniversary world will witness how Washington’s rash mit at Trump’s luxury resort in Florida early of the birth of North Korea’s founder Kim Il- nuclear aircraft carriers are turned into a this month-highlights rising concern in Sung. Missile and nuclear tests are often huge pile of steel and buried at sea and Beijing that tensions between Washington timed around major dates and speculation how a country called America is wiped out and Pyongyang could spiral into military is now focused on today’s anniversary of from the Earth.” Pyongyang has also conflict. “The international situation is rap- the founding of its military. detained a US citizen-Kim Sang-Duk, or idly changing, it is essential that China and Tony Kim, who was lecturing at a foreign- the US maintain a close contact and China can do more funded university in Pyongyang, the uni- exchange opinions on important matters in US Vice President Mike Pence said versity said yesterday. Two other US citi- a timely manner,” Xi told Trump. Saturday that the Vinson and its strike zens-college student Otto Warmbier and Trump also spoke to Japanese Prime group would arrive in the Sea of Japan Korean-American pastor Kim Dong-Chul- Minister Shinzo Abe yesterday, discussing (East Sea) — which sits between the are currently being held in the North after the joint drills under way between the US Korean peninsula and Japan-”in a matter of sentenced to long prison terms. carrier Carl Vinson and Japan’s Maritime days”. South Korea also said it was consid- North Korea has arrested and jailed sev- Self-Defense Force. “We completely agreed ering drills with the carrier group, which is eral US citizens in the past decade, often that we strongly demand restraint by currently conducting joint exercises with releasing them only after high-profile visits North Korea, which has repeatedly taken Japan in the Philippine Sea. Confusion had by current or former US officials or former dangerous provocative actions,” Abe told clouded the carrier’s whereabouts after US presidents. The new US president has reporters after the call. Tensions have Trump earlier indicated the “armada” was indicated he will not allow North Korea to soared in recent months as North Korean steaming towards North Korea when in achieve its goal of developing an intercon- missile tests have brought ever-more belli- fact it was heading south and was pho- tinental ballistic missile capable of deliver- cose warnings from Trump’s administra- tographed off Java. ing a nuclear warhead to the western tion-and repeated demands for China do The North’s ruling party newspaper yes- United States. Pyongyang insists it needs a FLORIDA: In this file photo, US President Donald Trump, left, and more to help. terday called the Vinson’s deployment powerful arsenal-including atomic Chinese President Xi Jinping pause for photographs at Mar-a-Lago in Despite its longstanding ties with the “undisguised military blackmail”. “Such weapons to protect itself from what it says Palm Beach, Florida. —AP North, China has stepped up pressure, threat may startle a jellyfish, but can never is the ever-present threat of invasion by announcing in February that it was halting work on the DPRK,” it said, using the coun- hostile US forces.—AFP Pentagon chief visits Afghanistan after deadly Taleban attack Afghan army chief, defense minister resign

KABUL: US Defense Secretary Jim tions, along with the announce- dead as high as 130. The raid, the Afghan security forces targeted Mattis arrived in Afghanistan on an ment of a corps commanders latest in a series of brazen Taleban Mattis’ visit also comes after the US unannounced visit yesterday, hours reshuffle, came amid fury over the assaults, underscores the insurgents’ dropped a GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance after his Afghan counterpart Taleban assault on an army base growing strength more than 15 Air Blast, dubbed the “Mother of All resigned over a deadly Taleban outside the northern city of Mazar-i- years since they were ousted from Bombs”, on Islamic State hideouts in attack that triggered anger and left Sharif on Friday. power by the US invasion of 2001. eastern Nangarhar province, killing embattled security forces facing Gunmen in soldiers’ uniforms and Afghans slammed the govern- nearly 100 militants, according to unver- disarray. Mattis, making his first visit armed with suicide vests entered ment for its inability to counter the ified figures from Afghan officials. The to Afghanistan as Pentagon chief, the base in army trucks and opened attack, though Habibi said at a press attack triggered global shockwaves, was due to meet top officials fire at unarmed troops in the conference in Kabul yesterday that with some condemning the use of including President Ashraf Ghani mosque and dining hall in potential- his resignation was voluntary, com- Afghanistan as what they called a test- less than two weeks after the US ly the deadliest-ever Taleban attack paring himself to “a soldier who sac- ing ground for the weapon, and against dropped its largest non-nuclear on an Afghan military target. Afghan rifices in battle”. “Nobody in the a militant group that is not considered bomb on Islamic State hideouts in officials have so far ignored calls to world has been able to prevent such as big a threat as the Taleban. Mattis, who has previously served with the US military in Afghanistan, has said he is DHAKA: Bangladeshi activists chant slogans as they mark the fourth compiling an assessment for President anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse at the site where the build- Donald Trump on the brutal and seem- ing once stood in Savar, on the outskirts of Dhaka, yesterday. —AFP ingly intractable conflict. The Afghan war is the longest in US history but Bangladeshi workers mark four Trump has scarcely given it a passing mention-other than to call the MOAB years since factory collapse strike a success-while campaigning or since entering office. SAVAR, Bangladesh: Thousands of survivors say it is not enough. “I would Mattis said in February his com- Bangladeshi garment workers staged a tear- rather die than live like this,” said Nilufa mander-in-chief had been “rightfully ful demonstration yesterday to mark the Begum, who was rescued 10 hours after reticent” on the matter, as he was wait- anniversary of a factory disaster that killed the factory collapsed and still needs ing for input from his generals. The 1,138 people, demanding justice for the vic- crutches. “I want to live like a normal Pentagon chief, who is on a tour of the tims and better pay. Four years later, no one human being,” said the 37-year-old, adding Middle East and Africa, is the second has yet been convicted over the collapse of she had spent 450,000 taka ($5,700) on senior US security official to visit the Rana Plaza factory complex in one of the treatment. Many survivors were in tears as Afghanistan this month: National world’s worst industrial tragedies. they protested at Savar on the outskirts of Security Advisor General HR McMaster Another 2,000 people were wounded in Dhaka, and at a state-run graveyard where arrived in Kabul days after the MOAB the disaster, which sent shockwaves across many of the workers were buried. was dropped. The US has around 8,400 the world and highlighted the failure of troops in the country with about many top Western fashion brands to pro- Worst paid in the world another 5,000 from NATO allies assist- tect workers in the poor developing coun- Security was tight, with hundreds of ing a much larger Afghan force in the tries where their goods are manufactured. police and water cannon deployed. “Why war against the Taleban and other “If four years are not enough to punish the do they have a water cannon? We came Islamist militants. culprits, bring them to us: we will find jus- here to honor our departed brothers and Afghan security forces, beset by tice for ourselves,” said Marium Akter, sisters,” said one angry garment worker. killings and desertions, have been whose daughter Shieuly died in the disas- Some shouted slogans demanding an struggling to beat back insurgents since ter, as she laid a wreath at the site. “I don’t increase in the basic monthly wage of $68 KABUL: US Defense Secretary James Mattis, 3rd right, is met by US Army Command Sergeant US-led NATO troops ended their com- need any compensation any more. I want for the country’s four million garment Major David Clark, left, and General Christopher Haas, 2nd right, as he arrives at Resolute bat mission in December 2014. Sohel Rana to be hanged,” she said, refer- workers. “Bangladeshi workers are the Support headquarters in the Afghan capital Kabul yesterday. —AFP According to US watchdog SIGAR, casu- ring to the owner of the factory complex worst paid in the world. We want minimum alties among Afghan security forces who has been charged with murder. monthly wages of $200 to have a decent the country’s east.He arrived as break down the toll it has given of attacks,” he said of the base assault. soared by 35 percent in 2016, with A court last year ordered that Rana and living,” Saiful Islam, a union leader, said. Afghan security forces, already pay- more than 100 soldiers killed or “It is an intelligence war and a war 6,800 soldiers and police killed. More 40 others, including factory officials and A survey last week by global charity ing a heavy price against the resur- wounded. They have been known to on terrorism. It is very difficult.” He than a third of Afghanistan is outside government inspectors, should face trial for Action Aid of more than 1,400 Rana Plaza gent Taleban ahead of the spring minimize casualties in such attacks repeated that an investigation was government control and many regions murder. They are accused of falsely certify- survivors found nearly half were still job- fighting season, faced chaos with in the past. ongoing and more information are fiercely contested by various insur- ing the factory complex as safe. Thousands less while roughly 31 percent were too the resignations of defense minister The US has said that at least 50 about the death toll would be given gent groups, as Kabul’s repeated bids to of textile workers were forced to enter the traumatized to work. In the wake of the Abdullah Habibi and army chief soldiers were killed, and some local when it is complete, though he launch peace negotiations with the building to start shifts even though some disaster, authorities pledged to improve Qadam Shah Shaheem. The resigna- officials have put the number of admitted the casualties were “high.” Taleban have failed. —AFP expressed fears after noticing cracks in the working conditions at factories but acci- structure. Bangladesh has 4,500 textile fac- dents are still commonplace. Even as work- tories, shipping some $30 billion worth of ers rallied for safer conditions on Monday a garments-the second largest exporter after boiler explosion at a factory in the western Indian minister ridiculed as China-but only a few hundred of these district of Kushtia killed two workers, said have been certified as safe. local police chief Shahabuddin Authorities have provided compensa- Chowdhury. In September a fire at factory bizarre drought plot backfires tion for the 3,000 victims, including the just miles from Rana Plaza claimed 34 injured and families of the dead, but many lives.—AFP

NEW DELHI: An Indian politician who attempted to cover a dam in sheets of polystyrene has been left red-faced after his bizarre water-saving scheme back- Police fire at student fired. Tamil Nadu state minister Sellur K Raju waded into the dam with dozens of sheets of polystyrene, protesters in Kashmir convinced they could help reduce water evaporation in the drought-stricken state. But the noble yet puz- SRINAGAR: Police fired into a crowd of police attempted to detain the alleged zling effort went belly-up almost immediately as stone-throwing students in Kashmir yester- ring-leaders of earlier protests. strong winds lifted the lightweight sheets into the air, day, as violence in the disputed region Government forces are not supposed to tossing them across the surface of the water. intensified. Hundreds of student protesters enter college or university premises with- Footage of last Friday’s incident showed officials shouted “We want freedom” and “Go India, out special permission. Indian-adminis- in rowing boats pursuing the airborne sheets, go back” as they fought with government tered Kashmir has been tense since April 9, while others used rocks to try and keep them in forces after taking to the streets of the main when eight people were killed by police place. Elsewhere broken chunks of the white poly- city Srinagar. An AFP reporter saw police fire and paramilitary troops during election mer plastic, stuck together with colored tape, were live rounds as well as tear gas and water day violence. seen washed up on the dam banks. The minister canon to try to disperse the protestors. Footage apparently showing a civilian defended the hare-brained scheme-which report- The violence broke out as colleges in the tied to the front of an army jeep to deter edly cost one million rupees ($15,500) — saying he city reopened following clashes last week protesters from throwing stones at the vehi- had been told “thermocol technology” could between students and government forces. cle has also caused outrage after it was cir- reduce water evaporation. “A few students were detained. Three photo- culated on social media. Kashmir has been “I learnt about this (technology) from a source,” journalists and eight policemen were divided between India and Pakistan since he told reporters, without elaborating. Images of the injured with stones,” a police officer said on the end of British rule in 1947. Both claim minister flailing waist-deep in water with the condition of anonymity. Nearly 100 students the territory in its entirety. Armed encoun- unwieldy sheets attracted widespread scorn on and around the same number of police ters between rebels fighting Indian rule and social media, where Indians blasted the botched were wounded in last week’s disturbances, government forces have become more fre- experiment as a waste of public money. “Instead of which prompted authorities to temporarily quent since the killing of a popular rebel using thermocol sheets to cover the entire dam, shut down schools and universities. leader by security forces last July sparked how about using a huge tarpaulin sheet to cover the MADURAI: In this photograph, Co-operatives Minister for the Indian state of Tamil The students were angered by a raid widespread unrest. Police and army officials sun. Problem solved,” one Twitter user wrote sarcasti- earlier this month on a college in the say dozens of local youths have joined the cally. “Tamil Nadu’s Next project, putting sunglasses Nadu Sellur K Raju, center, government officials and civic workers use thermocol poly- southern district of Pulwama in which rebel ranks since then. —AFP to the Sun!” said another. —AFP styrene sheets to attempt to cover the reservoir at the Vaigai Dam in Madurai. —AFP NEWS TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017

US blacklists 271 Syrian chemists over sarin attack Continued from Page 1 The Treasury’s action followed the US military’s firing vetoed a resolution on April 12 demanding the Syrian weapons used to commit these atrocities”. 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield on April 7 government cooperate with an investigation of the The US has gradually been expanding its sanctions “These sweeping sanctions target the scientific support to punish the government and set a warning against any attack. Assad has denied the attack, branding it a “fabrica- program against Syria since 2004, when it issued sanc- center for Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad’s horrific chemi- further chemical weapons attacks. “These sanctions are tion” by the West. The US Treasury already had imposed tions targeting Syria for a range of offenses, including its cal weapons attack on innocent civilian men, women, and intended to hold the Assad regime and those who sup- sanctions against 18 Syrian officials in January. The sanc- support of terrorism, as well as its occupation of Lebanon, children,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said. “The port it - directly or indirectly - accountable for the regime’s tions effectively aim to shut those targeted out of global efforts to undermine stability in Iraq and pursuit of United States is sending a strong message with this action blatant violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention financial networks, making it difficult for them to do busi- weapons of mass destruction. More recently, sanctions that we will hold the entire Assad regime accountable for and UN Security Council Resolution 2118,” Mnuchin said. ness or even travel. Mnuchin said the administration “will were expanded in connection with its civil war, now in its these blatant human rights violations in order to deter the The attack on Khan Sheikhoun was also debated in the relentlessly pursue and shut down the financial networks sixth year, to target offenses linked to the ongoing vio- spread of these types of barbaric chemical weapons.” UN Security Council. But Russia, a close ally of Assad, of all individuals involved with the production of chemical lence and human rights abuses. — AFP

‘Flying machine’ maker plans deliveries Obama says ready to train new leader... Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 placed on a waiting list and to get a discount on the at-risk youth from the South Side to Geffen’s yacht - and was reportedly price of the new transporter. The price is to be discuss gang violence, jobs and working on his book. United States in uncongested areas” under US fed- announced later this year. at the law school. “What I’m con- training, according to The Chicago But after yesterday, his public sched- eral regulations for ultralight aircraft. No pilot’s license The startup offered only limited details about the vinced is that... the single most important Tribune. ule will pick up pace. On May 7, he will is required, and two hours’ training is said to be all company. An email response to an AFP query said the thing I can do is to help in any way I can The Obamas are currently renting a receive the 2017 Profile in Courage that is needed. lead engineers were Cameron Robertson and Todd to prepare the next generation of leader- house in Washington, where their award from the John F Kennedy Library The website offered few details about the company, Reichert, who created a startup called Aerovelo which ship to take up the baton and to take youngest daughter Sasha is finishing Foundation in Boston. He will give a pri- but several reports in recent months have said Page has aims to produce the fastest human-powered vehicle. their own crack at changing the world.” high school. Since leaving office, vate paid speech during a visit to Italy. poured millions of dollars into Kitty Hawk and another Kitty Hawk said the flyer going on sale later this year will Until yesterday, Donald Trump’s Obama has gone kitesurfing in the And then on May 25, he will deliver a electric car startup. Kitty Hawk president Sebastian have a different design than the prototype. Democratic predecessor had not given Caribbean with British billionaire speech at a Protestant church gather- Thrun, a Stanford University computer science professor A blog post by writer Cimeron Morrissey, who took a public speech or an interview since Richard Branson. He then spent nearly ing at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, who has been called the father of Google’s self-driving the flyer for a test run, offered some clues on how it leaving the White House on Jan 20. He a month in French Polynesia, where he with Chancellor Angela Merkel at his car, tweeted: “Changing the future of personal trans- feels. “The prototype looks and feels a lot like a flying has tweeted a few times and issued a vacationed on media mogul David side. — AFP portation. Join us @kittyhawkcorp to get information motorcycle. You mount the seat and lean forward, just few statements through a spokesman, about #theFlyer prototype.” The company announced it like you would on a bike,” she wrote. “I feel light and notably to defend his signature was offering three-year “memberships” for $100 to be ecstatic and utterly free. domestic policy achievement, health- care reform - which Trump’s Republicans are now hoping to dis- Qatar Airways slams ‘bullying’ mantle. Obama also spoke up when Continued from Page 1 quipped that if a flight was full, he would travel on a his billionaire successor accused him of jump seat where cabin crew often sit because the air- personally ordering the wiretapping of Baker, whose carrier is offering free laptops to premi- line’s policy is not to remove passengers. He was refer- Trump Tower during the 2016 presi- um passengers in response to the ban, said Qatar ring to an incident in which a United Airlines passenger dential campaign. Airways has faced some drop in business to US destina- was filmed being dragged off an airplane by airport But for now, he has abstained from tions. “There was some decline. Something manage- security officers on an overbooked flight. any substantive commentary on how able. We did not have massive declines,” he said. “We still “We would never offload a passenger in Qatar Trump is doing, in keeping with presi- have robust business in the United States... and we will Airways even if it is the CEO of the airline that wants to dential protocol which dictates that continue our expansion,” he added. Baker announced travel,” he said. “We would not drag out people out of an past residents of the White House do San Fransisco as a new route to be added to its 10 US airplane.” He said Qatar Airways has plans to expand to not step on the toes of the current destinations early next year. A route to Las Vegas will be 26 new global destinations, adding: “The United States occupant. That silence comes in the launched in the second quarter of 2018, he said. is not the entire world.” The airline, he said, also has face of accusations by Trump on every- A pressure group called The Partnership for Open plans to apply with Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund for a thing from Syria, with the Republican and Fair Skies - which includes American Airlines, license to operate a new domestic Indian carrier. all but accusing Obama of bearing Delta Air Lines and United Airlines - said the planned Emirates, the Middle East’s largest carrier, said last responsibility for chemical weapons San Francisco expansion represents “another subsi- week it was reducing flights to the United States in attacks by the Damascus regime, to dized route into the United States”. “Qatar Airways response to “weakened travel demand”. The US ban gang violence in America. receives billions of dollars in illegal subsidies from its went into effect on March 25 on nine airlines in Turkey, Youth civic engagement and government in order to fly to our country and trash Morocco, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and community organizing are at the American jobs,” said the group’s spokesperson Jill the United Arab Emirates. Britain followed with a similar heart of the mission of the Obama Zuckman in a statement. ban from five countries from the Middle East, northern Center, which is located on The blunt and plain-spoken CEO described the US Africa and Turkey. The fast-growing Gulf carriers have Chicago’s South Side, where Obama started his career as a community competition as “wicked” for the way their passengers turned their home airports into major hubs for interna- CHICAGO: Former US President Barack Obama smiles as he hosts a con- activist. On Sunday, America’s first are treated and said they operate in cities where they tional travellers, capturing a sizable chunk of travel versation on civic engagement and community organizing yesterday at black president privately met with “can swindle their customers”. In a further dig, Baker between the West and Asia and Australasia. — Agencies the University of Chicago. —AP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 ANALYSIS


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Focus Pence clean-up act in Trump’s first 100 days

ike Pence has spent many of his first 100 days as US vice president ironing out MTrump-induced problems at home and abroad, but he’s also been steadily building political capital of his own. Whether it’s on an isolated run- way in the South Pacific or in a hotel ballroom state- side, a positive meeting or a challenging, Seoul or Sydney, Mike Pence is always “honored” to be there. The 57-year-old former Indiana governor and con- gressman has spent much of the last 100 days shut- tling around Washington and the world, happily rep- resenting an administration that seems to stagger from one crisis to the next. On his travels, Pence is almost always carrying the political equivalent of a mop and bucket. His latest trip - a grueling nine-day swing through the Asia- Pacific - saw Pence try to reassure panicky allies that Donald Trump is not about to rip up decades-old mutual defense pacts that underpin the global order. “His job has been to clean up messes, try to assure foreign leaders and members of Congress and to present the image of governance in times of turbulence,” Julian Zelizer, a political expert at A Le Pen wins more acceptance than ever Princeton University, told AFP. “He is trying to be the better half of this relationship.” hen France last put a Le Pen onto more socially acceptable than ever. Many electorate are becoming an increasingly National Front in 2011, Le Pen is planting At home, that task has meant trying to rescue the threshold of the presidential of his voters kept their far-right political unavoidable force and feature on the land- ever-deeper roots into a broader spectrum Trump’s healthcare and tax reforms from the legisla- WElysee Palace, one step from pow- sympathies to themselves, afraid of being scape, however unsavory that reality is to of voters - including 18- to 24-year-olds hit tive shoals. “He’s been willing to do the shuttle er, it could write off the 2002 election shock labelled racists and anti-Semites by associ- mainstream politicians who immediately hardest by chronic unemployment and, diplomacy it takes to get things done in Congress,” as a mere accident. Jean-Marie Le Pen ation with the ex-Foreign Legionnaire con- appealed for a repeat of the “all against Le despite her plans to roll back some of their one Republican told AFP, pointing to Pence’s talks squeezed into the winner-takes-all runoff victed for describing Nazi gas chambers as Pen” second-round unity of 2002. rights, among gays. Those groups largely with moderates in the so-called “Tuesday Group” against Jacques Chirac with just 17 percent a “detail of history”. wouldn’t have been seen dead voting for and the hardline Freedom Caucus. “It’s not uncom- of the vote, a record low. Ashamed and Marine Le Pen’s backers are far less Unchartered Territory her father. mon to see Pence and his entourage making their stunned by the ultra-right leader’s break- inhibited. Although older voters on the left By refusing to debate Jean-Marie Le Pen Sunday’s outcome shows a France split way from one end of the Capitol to the other through, French voters of all political per- still sniff that the National Front remains a in 2002, Chirac cast his opponent as a almost down the middle. Le Pen outper- between meetings with House and Senate leaders. suasions regrouped for round two, filling redoubt of “fachos” - or fascists - she has pariah and himself as a champion of formed Macron in National Front strong- Members seem to like and trust him,” the Republican the streets in protest and rallying at the partially punctured that argument by French democracy. That Macron couldn’t holds along the Mediterranean coast, on source added. ballot box to hand Le Pen a humiliating sidelining much of the party’s old guard, do likewise without looking undemocrat- the front lines of Europe’s efforts to control defeat from which his sulfurous political including her father in 2015. By consistent- ic is another measure of how Marine Le migration from Africa and the Middle East Style and substance career never recovered. ly hammering on her populist themes that Pen is fighting her way into France’s politi- that she rails against, and in the east and In many ways, Pence is an unlikely messenger for This time, the presidential election suc- the European Union is straightjacketing cal inner circle. By stopping both the northeast, with rust-belt pockets of Trump. A dyed-in-the-wool conservative, Pence is as cess of another Le Pen, Jean-Marie’s and impoverishing France, that open bor- mainstream right and left from reaching despairing working-class voters who see down-at-home Midwestern as his trash-talking daughter, Marine, was anything but acci- ders are open doors for job-taking migrants the second round - a first for modern succor in “French first” economic and social New York boss is brash. He rarely eats out, regularly dental. Voters propelled her Sunday into and murderous extremism, and that the France - Le Pen and the centrist, pro-EU protectionism. Le Pen is their whip to sanc- goes to church and only has the odd sip of wine dur- the decisive May 7 duel against Emmanuel French political elite is guilty in all this and Macron are redrawing the contours of tion the French and EU political establish- Macron with their eyes wide open. The more, Marine Le Pen is more on-message that circle and taking the country into ment - even among some voters who don’t ing a toast. While Trump loves action movies, Pence entire political establishment and every than her father. unchartered territory. otherwise share her politics. compels staff, Secret Service agents and traveling poll had forewarned and foretold of Le Sharp-tongued like him, she also jumps Fifteen years ago, Jean-Marie Le Pen’s As in 2002, voters probably will come journalists on Air Force Two to watch “Hoosiers” - the Pen’s first-round breakthrough. That voters the tracks of respectability from time to qualification to the runoff provoked mas- together in sufficient numbers to keep a Le tale of an underdog Indiana farm-boy basketball pulled the trigger anyway - giving her 1.2 time - for instance, with her denial earlier sive street protests - voters’ way of making Pen from power. After election setbacks for team made good. million more votes than in 2012 and, with this month that France was responsible for amends for not turning out in sufficient rightwing populists in the Netherlands and While Trump’s family has opted not to join him in 21.5 percent of the total, the best score in a rounding up more than 13,000 Jews at a numbers to keep him out in round one. Austria, a Le Pen defeat will signal a halting the White House, Pence frequently brings his wife presidential race for a Le Pen - showed Paris cycle track to be sent to Nazi death There were scattered protests in Paris on - at least for now - of the populist wave that Karen and college-aged daughters Charlotte and how ingrained her brand of anti-establish- camps during the Holocaust. Overall, how- Sunday night, with police reporting 29 crashed over the EU with Britain’s Brexit Audrey on official trips. Many of his staff have ment “French-first” nationalism has ever, she is better packaged and more arrests. But it appears less likely this time vote last year to leave the bloc and, across worked for him for years, and show none of the become in areas most bruised by and fear- media-savvy than the cantankerous Jean- that more than 1 million people will take to the Atlantic, helped put Donald Trump in stresses and strains from the back-biting that ful of globalization’s blows. Marie ever was. streets across France on Monday’s May Day the White House. But polls suggest Le Pen plagues their West Wing counterparts. Most A less divisive and more polished politi- Macron quickly agreed to share the holiday as they did against Jean-Marie Le won’t suffer a beating as severe as that notably, while Trump revels in saying what he really cian than her father, the mother of three stage with Le Pen in the traditional tele- Pen in 2002. endured by her father. At 48, she still has thinks - consequences be damned - Pence is almost has made voting for the National Front vised debate between rounds one and two. With slow but sure gains at the ballot time and, with each passing vote, perhaps painfully scripted. party that Jean-Marie founded in 1972 That showed how she and her expanding box since she assumed leadership of the a little bit more of France on her side.— AP His stock speech changes little from event to event, country to country - aides can recite it almost verbatim - yet the teleprompter often comes out for the most perfunctory remarks. During his travels, Pence has studiously worked not to eclipse the boss Sharapova back in business, like it or not or show any hint of difference with him. “I bring you greetings from the President of the United States of aria Sharapova returns after a 15-month dop- illness or some other random event. Not for those sus- America,” he often says, stressing he is only there ing ban Wednesday, desperate to rediscover pended for doping,” said Radwanska. Sharapova’s agent because Trump asked him to be. Mthe glory which brought her five Grand Slams, Max Eisenbud believes his client’s rivals are motivated If there is political daylight between the two men, the world’s top ranking and a spectacular multi-million solely by jealousy especially with Sharapova battling also then Pence and his staff do their best to make sure it dollar lifestyle. The poster girl of women’s tennis won’t for a wild card. “All those ‘journeyman’ play- is never seen in public. “The vice president’s role, necessarily be welcomed back with open arms by rivals ers like Radwanska and Caroline Wozniacki who have other than being the president of the Senate, is 100 who were already suspicious of the towering Russian’s never won a slam and the next generation passing them. percent defined by the president,” said a senior ice-cold detachment even before her fall from grace. They are smart to try to keep Maria out of Paris,” administration official and aide. “I think you’ve seen However, Sharapova isn’t losing any sleep as the 30- Eisenbud said. “NO Serena, NO Maria, NO Vika, NO Petra, up to this point that the two of them have built a year-old prepares for her first match since being defeat- it’s their last chance to win a slam,” he added, a nod to very close relationship - they work very well togeth- ed by in the 2016 the absence of pregnant Serena Williams, Petra Kvitova er,” the official said. “The president and the vice pres- quarter-finals and Victoria Azarenka, expected to return in July after ident are constantly talking about what message “That is the least of my concerns. I know that I am having a baby. respected in my field. I see it in how my opponents play Sharapova can expect plenty of support from the they want to be conveyed and while their styles may against me,” said Sharapova who was controversially Stuttgart organizers as her return is the highlight in the be a little bit different in how they do that, the mes- handed a wild card into this week’s Stuttgart event, a tournament’s 40th anniversary celebrations. As an sage is the same.” clay court tournament sponsored by Porsche, one of ambassador for Porsche, she is sure of a warm wel- And yet, there is a lingering sense in Washington her headline backers. She was even given a Wednesday come. Her confectionary brand - Sugarpova - will have that Pence’s deference may mask a burning political start as that’s the day her ban - imposed for testing pos- a stand in the tournament’s retail village. Tournament ambition. After all, at just 57 years old, Pence is just a itive for meldonium at last year’s Australian Open - director Markus Guenthardt knows her presence will heartbeat away from the presidency. When the time comes to an end. boost ticket sales. “Her return in the Porsche Arena is a comes, Pence’s caution and hard work wooing allies Sharapova, who starts her Stuttgart campaign against fabulous present for our fantastic spectators and is cer- may help him more than Trump can. — AFP Italian veteran Roberta Vinci, had been taking the over- tain to be one of the sporting and emotional highlights the-counter cardiac supplement when it was within the of our anniversary tournament,” he said. rules, but was later reclassified as a prohibited drug. Far As well as Radwanska, many of her other potential from being remorseful, Sharapova recently hit out at ten- Stuttgart rivals have made it clear they disapprove of her All articles appearing on these pages nis authorities for failing to give her sufficient warning getting a helping hand into the main draw. Germany’s are the personal opinion of the writers. that meldonium had become a banned substance. The Angelique Kerber, this year’s top seed and the only Russian will step onto center court at 1830 (1630 player to have beaten Sharapova in Stuttgart, said Kuwait Times takes no responsibility GMT) on Wednesday and could not have picked a her place should have gone to local talent. “It’s a for views expressed therein. Kuwait better tournament for her return, having won the German tournament, and we (have) so many good Stuttgart title three times, and suffering just one defeat. German players, so this is also a little bit strange,” Times invites readers to voice their If she gets through her opener, she could face said Kerber. “It’s also strange for the players, that she opinions. Please send submissions via Poland’s Agnieszka Radwanska, one of her fiercest critics, can walk on site on Wednesday and she can play on in the second round. Radwanska, the sixth-seed in Wednesday.” email to: [email protected] or Stuttgart, expects a “fierce” return from the Russian, but Dominika Cibulkova, seeded third but who was forced via snail mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, says Sharapova should have had to qualify on merit to withdraw from the tournament yesterday due to a rather than being given a free pass on a wild card. wrist injury, claims Sharapova is benefiting from unfair Kuwait. The editor reserves the right to treatment. “It’s not about her, but everyone who was edit any submission as necessary. ‘Journeyman’ rivals doping should start from zero,” said the Slovakian whose “This kind of entry into the tournament should apply spot was taken by Spaniard Garbine Muguruza, the to players who dropped in the ranking because of injury, reigning Roland Garros champion. — AFP p15_Layout 1 4/24/17 7:34 PM Page 1


Marquez wins 5th Grand Australia-born McQueen in Mathews leads Sri Lanka Prix of the Americas squad for Samoa at ICC champions trophy WASHINGTON: Spain’s Marc Marquez captured his fifth consecutive Moto LONDON: Brisbane-born forward Chris McQueen has been called up by Grand Prix of the Americas on Sunday, remaining perfect at the US race after COLOMBO: Angelo Mathews will return as Sri Lanka skipper for the England’s Australian coach Wayne Bennett for the mid-season interna- beating Italy’s Valentino Rossi by 3.069 seconds. Honda rider Marquez, Champions Trophy after missing the ODI series against South Africa, the tional against Samoa in Sydney on May 6, it was announced yesterday. whose Americas wins have all come from the pole, won in 43min 58.770sec tour of Australia and the home series against Bangladesh. Sri Lanka The 29-year-old McQueen, currently with the Gold Coast Titans but set with Yamaha star Rossi second in his best-ever finish at the Texas track. Cricket yesterday announced a 15-member squad led by to join Wests Tigers for the 2018 season in Australia’s NRL, was Spanish Honda rider Dani Pedrosa was third in his third podium finish over Mathews, who cut short his tour of South Africa after twist- among a 20-man England squad named by Bennett. McQueen, the 5.513km, 20-turn layout in Austin. Marquez, who has won 11 starts in a ing his ankle in January. “I am 100 percent fit now and I who has made six State of Origin appearances, qualifies row on US tracks, rebounded from an early crash out two weeks ago at also hope to be able to bowl,” said the all-rounder who will through his England-born father. His selection came just Argentina as he tries to jump start his bid for a fourth world championship turn 30 on June 2, a day after the ODI tournament begins days after another former Queensland player, the in five years and second in a row. “This was a crucial race because after in England. He said he was “very happy” with the squad Argentina it was important to come back in the best way, so we are really Auckland-born Ben Te’o, was included in the British and chosen for the tournament and hopeful of making a good happy with this result,” Marquez said. “Although I won, it was difficult, Irish Lions rugby union squad for their upcoming tour of impression. “I have got the best squad.” he said. “We can do because the temperature was much higher than yesterday. Five minutes New Zealand. McQueen previously turned down the well with this team. I am very happy. I have a lot of confi- opportunity to play for England at the 2013 World Cup. before the start, I said to my chief mechanic, ‘OK, let’s use the hard tire’ because I knew that I would push the medium front tire a lot. Spaniard dence. We have an opportunity to bring an ICC trophy He was one of three uncapped players named in a to Sri Lanka.” Chief selector Sanath Jayasuriya said squad that will be captained by Wigan’s Sean Maverick Vinales, the early season points leader after winning the first two races at Qatar and Argentina, crashed out on his Yamaha early and lost the Lasith Malinga was also being inducted into the squad O’Loughlin, who missed the 2016 Four after nearly two years and was fully fit to play in Nations tournament through injury. —AFP points edge to teammate Rossi, who stands on 56 to 50 for Vinales and Marquez jumping to third overall on 38. —AFP England. — AFP

BALTIMORE: Vidal Nuno #52 of the Baltimore Orioles pitches against the Boston Red Sox in the seventh inning at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. — AFP/AP photos Barnes ejected as Boston beats Baltimore 6-2

BALTIMORE: A tempestuous three-game series ROCKIES 8, GIANTS 0 defending World Series champions took two of WHITE SOX 6, INDIANS 2 Central opponents. between the Red Sox and Baltimore wound up Kyle Freeland scattered six hits over seven three in the series and moved back into first Melky Cabrera drove in a pair of runs, Derek with Matt Barnes being ejected for throwing a sharp innings, Gerardo Parra hit a two-run place in the NL Central. Holland tossed six strong innings and the CARDINALS 6, BREWERS 4 fastball behind the head of Orioles star Manny homer and the Rockies finished off their first White Sox busted out of an offensive funk. Mike Leake pitched six effective innings and Machado in Boston’s 6-2 victory Sunday. Barnes’ three-game sweep of the Giants at Coors Field DODGERS 6, DIAMONDBACKS 2 Avisail Garcia and Leury Garcia each added run- drove in two runs, leading St. Louis to its sixth win ejection was the latest facet of this tense rivalry since 2002. Freeland (2-1) mixed a wicked sinker Brandon McCarthy gave Los Angeles a much- scoring hits for Chicago, which managed a total in seven games. Leake (3-1) gave up two runs and between AL East contenders. His high, very with a two-seam fastball to get 12 groundouts needed strong start, Yasmani Grandal homered in of six hits in the first two games of the series. three hits. He scored in the third inning and his inside pitch came two days after Machado took and three strikeouts. The Denver native also a six-run fifth inning and the Dodgers averted a The win snapped a three-game skid. Francisco two-run single capped a three-run fourth. The out Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia shattered three bats on a day when the Giants sweep. After scoring 24 runs in the first two games Lindor homered for Cleveland, which had won Cardinals took advantage of six walks by Jimmy with a spikes-high slide. changed their lineup to try to break out of a hit- of the series, the Diamondbacks managed only a five in a row. Danny Salazar (1-2) allowed four Nelson (1-1) and an error by the Brewers for their Pedroia watched from the dugout for a sec- ting funk. It didn’t work as they lost for the sixth two-run homer for Paul Goldschmidt in the first. runs and seven hits in five innings. Holland (2- first four runs. Manny Pina opened the ninth ond straight day with knee and ankle injuries. time in seven games. At 6-13, they’re off to their McCarthy (3-0) allowed five hits in seven innings. 2) improved to 7-1 with a 2.27 ERA against inning for Milwaukee with his first homer and Machado apologized with a text message on worst start since 1983. Jeff Samardzija (0-4) Arizona’s Shelby Miller (2-2) threw four shutout Cleveland in his career. He was charged with Jonathan Villar added an RBI single. Seung-Hwan Friday night, but that evidently wasn’t the end of remains winless after going 5 1/3 innings and innings before walking the first two batters and one run and three hits. Oh got three outs for his fifth save. it. Mookie Betts and Hanley Ramirez homered on surrendering seven runs. Colorado leads the NL giving up an RBI double to Corey Seager in the successive pitches in a four-run first inning, and West with a 13-6 mark. It’s tied for the second- fifth. He threw one more pitch and left after a visit TIGERS 13, TWINS 4 MARLINS 7, PADRES 3 Andrew Benintendi had a career-high five hits to best start in franchise history. to the mound by the Arizona trainer. Miller had John Hicks had three hits, including his first Justin Bour capped Miami’s six-run sixth help Boston avert a three-game sweep. Eduardo tightness in his right forearm. career homer, and drove in five runs to lead inning with a three-run homer. The first six Rodriguez (1-1) pitched six effective innings for BLUE JAYS 6, ANGELS 2 Michael Fulmer and Detroit to the road win. One Marlins batters reached and scored in the sixth, the win. Machado ended up making the last out, Marcus Stroman pitched a seven-hitter for ASTROS 6, RAYS 4 day after the benches cleared when Tigers starter helping Tom Koehler (1-1) to his first win of the hitting a two-out popup on a pitch from Craig Toronto, and Devon Travis hit a go-ahead, two- Brian McCann and Yuli Gurriel hit RBI singles Matthew Boyd threw behind slugger Miguel season. San Diego’s Luis Perdomo came off the Kimbrel, who got his seventh save. Baltimore run homer during a four-run eighth inning. in the 10th inning, and Houston rallied for the Sano in retaliation for teammate JaCoby Jones disabled list and shut down the Marlins through right-hander Kevin Gausman (1-2) allowed five Stroman (2-2) survived a rocky ninth by inducing road win. Carlos Beltran opened the 10th by being hit in the face, there was no sign of linger- five before hitting the wall in the sixth. Martin runs in 5 1/3 innings. a game-ending double play in his third career drawing a walk from Ryan Garton (0-1). He ing hard feelings. Fulmer (2-1) allowed two runs Prado hit a leadoff single, Christian Yelich walked complete game - and his second in 12 days. advanced to second on Jose Altuve’s single and in seven innings, striking out seven. Jim Adduci and Giancarlo Stanton hit an RBI single to chase NATIONALS 6, METS 3 Albert Pujols delivered a run-scoring single for reached third on Carlos Correa’s fly to center. had three hits and two RBIs on the day he arrived Perdomo. Craig Stammen (0-1) came on and Daniel Murphy hit a against his the Angels in the third inning shortly after McCann then singled him home, and Gurriel’s from Triple-A Toledo and Alex Avila hit a two-run allowed Marcell Ozuna’s RBI double just past the former team, Max Scherzer pitched eight fiery Toronto manager John Gibbons’ ejection. Los two-out single made it 6-4 Astros. Luke homer for the Tigers. Kyle Gibson (0-3) gave up glove of first baseman Wil Myers and JT innings and the Nationals earned their seventh Angeles has lost 10 of 12 with an injury-plagued Gregerson (1-1) pitched the ninth for the win and seven runs in just 2 2/3 innings for the Twins, Realmuto’s RBI single to left before Bour hit a no- straight victory. Ryan Zimmerman added a two- pitching staff. The Angels clung to a 1-0 lead Ken Giles got three outs for his fifth save. The who went 2-7 on the homestand against AL doubter to right. — AP run homer for the Nationals, who completed a until Travis connected on a high cutter from Astros tied it at 4 on pinch-hitter Evan Gattis’ sac- three-game sweep of the short-handed Mets in Deolis Guerra (0-1) for his first homer. rifice fly off closer Alex Colome in the ninth. the first series this season between the NL East Colome was trying for a two-inning save. rivals. Missing slugger Yoenis Cespedes and two MARINERS 11, ATHLETICS 1 Wielgus, head of USA other injured starters, New York (8-11) has lost Nelson Cruz homered and drove in five runs PHILLIES 5, BRAVES 2 four in a row and eight of nine to fall 5 1/2 games for Seattle, and Taylor Motter hit his first career Cesar Hernandez, Aaron Altherr and Odubel behind the Nationals, who own the best record grand slam. Yovani Gallardo (1-2) pitched into Herrera hit consecutive homers in the eighth, Swimming dies at 67 in the majors at 13-5. Scherzer (3-1) struck out the seventh for his first win with the Mariners, helping Philadelphia complete a three-game nine. Koda Glover got three outs for his second who ended a three-game losing streak and sweep. Joey Rodriguez (1-0) got two outs in the COLORADO: USA Swimming executive direc- increased by about 600 percent, and its four- major league save. Michael Conforto and Neil won for only the second time in 11 road games. eighth to earn the win and Hector Neris finished tor Chuck Wielgus, who led a federation that year, Olympic-cycle budget grew from $35 Walker homered for New York. Zack Wheeler (1- Oakland had won five in a row. Motter drove a with a shaky ninth. Neris allowed one run and brought home 156 Olympic medals during million to nearly $160 million. Membership 2) got the loss. 1-0 pitch from Andrew Triggs (3-1) over the left the bases loaded. The Phillies have won five his 20 years at the helm, died Sunday. He was more than doubled, to 400,000-plus, and wall in left-center in the third. It was Motter’s of six to even their record at 9-9. Matt Kemp 67. USA Swimming said Wielgus died in Wielgus helped turn swimming’s Olympic RANGERS 5, ROYALS 2 second homer in four games and No. 5 this sea- went deep for the Braves, who have dropped six Colorado Springs, Colorado, of complications trials into a showcase event. The 2016 trials Yu Darvish pitched eight innings in his longest son overall. in a row after winning five straight. Arodys from colon cancer. The cancer was first diag- sold out more than 200,000 tickets. outing since elbow surgery two years ago and Vizcaino (1-1) got the loss. nosed in 2006 and Wielgus underwent regu- Wielgus came under fire in recent years for the Rangers scored the tying and go-ahead runs REDS 7, CUBS 5 lar chemotherapy while leading USA his handling of numerous sexual-abuse cases without a hit, completing a four-game sweep. The Bronson Arroyo pitched six innings of three- PIRATES 2, YANKEES 1 Swimming to record growth. He was due to against the organization, with some calling Japanese right-hander retired 15 of 16 batters hit ball, and Cincinnati salvaged the finale of the Pittsburgh’s Ivan Nova gained a measure of retire in August. He had announced his for his resignation. After saying he had done after giving up three consecutive hits in the third. weekend set. The 40-year-old Arroyo (2-2) revenge over his old team, limiting the Yankees planned retirement in early January on the nothing wrong in a defiant TV interview in Two of those were back-to-back drives from Mike allowed Anthony Rizzo’s two-run homer - his to just four hits over seven innings. Nova (2-2) same day he learned he’d been approved to 2010, he apologized four years later, writing Moustakas and Jorge Bonifacio, whose first big third of the series - and struck out seven batters struck out a season-high seven and walked just use a new cancer drug that’s in clinical trial. in a blog: “I wish my eyes had been more league homer came two innings after he singled for the first time since May 13, 2014. The lanky one, his lone mistake a home run by Jacoby “Chuck fought a long and hard battle open to the individual stories of the horrors for his first career hit. Darvish (2-2) struck out right-hander has needed more than two years to Ellsbury in the seventh. Tony Watson picked up with amazing grace and optimism, and will of sexual abuse. I wish I had known more so eight as the Rangers finished their second four- recover from Tommy John surgery. Raisel Iglesias his sixth save after working out of a bases be missed,” US Olympic Committee CEO perhaps I could have done more.” game sweep of Kansas City in as many seasons. gave up a pair of runs in the ninth before finish- loaded, one-out jam in the ninth. Andrew Scott Blackmun said. Wielgus was the The national governing body said current The Royals have lost five of six since a four-game ing off the Reds’ 3-7 homestand. Patrick McCutchen reached base twice and scored on a longest-tenured leader among US Olympic assistant executive director Mike Unger will winning streak. Matt Bush pitched a perfect ninth Kivlehan’s bases-loaded double highlighted a double by Gregory Polanco off New York’s Jordan organizations. The 156 medals represent serve as interim executive director. Unger has for his first save this season. Kansas City’s Jason four-run sixth inning off John Lackey (13) and Montgomery (1-1). David Freese added a sacri- about one-third of America’s overall total taken an active role in helping run the organi- Hammel (0-2) pitched three-plus innings and was decided a matchup of up-in-years starters. The fice fly for Pittsburgh, which won despite going from the last five Olympics. During his two zation while Wielgus was dealing with his ill- charged with three runs. 38-year-old Lackey and Arroyo have combined just 1 for 10 with runners in scoring position. decades, USA Swimming’s revenue ness in recent years.— AP for 793 starts in the majors. Despite the loss, the TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 SPORTS Snooker: Champion Selby edges towards last eight

LONDON: Defending champion Mark Selby opening two frames of the evening. looks comfortably placed to reach the Robertson, who revealed last week his quarter-finals of this year’s World form had suffered in past years because of Championships needing just three frames an addiction to computer games, edged yesterday to see off Chinese opponent Xiao back in front to lead 8-7 but 39-year-old Fu Guodong. The 33-year-old Englishman took the final one to send them to bed tied leads Xiao 10-6 after Sunday’s second ses- at 8-8. Giantkiller Rory McLeod’s progress sion which saw them share the eight came to an abrupt end as the conqueror of frames on offer with the Chinese cueman championship favorite Judd Trump was landing the final two blows of the session. given a salutary lesson with a 13-3 hum- For Xiao it was a markedly better display bling by Stephen Maguire. Maguire, who than the first session where he was out- will be making his first appearance in the played and trailed 6-2. The winner will play last eight since 2012, will play the winner of either Australia’s former world champion the second round clash between Graeme Neil Robertson or Hong Kong veteran Dott and Barry Hawkins. Hawkins looked to Marco Fu, who were embroiled in an have been energized by his 38th birthday engrossing battle. Neither would yield an in taking a 9-3 lead but the champagne inch-like the first session, where Fu looking was put on ice as the ever resilient Dott all at sea at 4-1 down, had suddenly crack- took three consecutive frames. Hawkins led into life to win three frames in a row won the last frame of the evening to lead including a break of 118 — and shared the 10-6 heading to the final session. — AFP Emotional Thomas feeds Off his teammates’ love

CHICAGO: Isaiah Thomas has endured an Thomas delivered 33 points and seven emotional and difficult week following the assists as the Celtics drew even in their first- recent death of his sister, but he has still round playoff series with a 104-95 victory managed to elevate his game in the play- over the Chicago Bulls. “(My teammates) TORONTO: Braden Holtby #70 of the Washington Capitals stops Tyler Bozak #42 of the Toronto Maple Leafs in overtime in Game Six of the offs. Speaking for the first time since his sis- give me a lot of confidence. I can’t do it Eastern Conference Quarterfinals during the 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs at the Air Canada Centre. —AFP ter, Chyna, died on April 15 in a single-vehi- without those guys. They believe in me,” cle car crash, the Boston Celtics star said he Thomas said. “Being here is what makes is thankful for the support of his team- me, I guess, sane. It makes me feel some- Caps win series over Leafs, mates. “Mentally and emotionally, I’m not what normal through these tough times.” here, so I just feed off what the guys give Celtics coach Brad Stevens said he is in awe me,” Thomas said on Sunday. of how Thomas is handling himself both on and off the court. Senators survive OT again “I can’t believe it,” said Stevens. “I tried to say that earlier this week. But what he’s been through and the day-to-day, it’s been TORONTO: On paper, it looked as if the in the first round - though this time it was more Sunday, finishing off the Bruins after six straight unfathomable the way that he’s performed Washington Capitals could cruise past the Toronto’s speed than Philadelphia’s physicality. one-goal games - four of them in sudden death. on the court. “It’s been really incredible. Toronto Maple Leafs as the Pittsburgh Penguins The Capitals scored 18 goals to the Maple Leafs’ “It was quite a fight,” Ottawa coach Guy And it didn’t go our way in Boston, but the and Columbus Blue Jackets beat each other up 16 and had one fewer shot (213-212) over the Boucher said after Clarke MacArthur scored a guys were resilient enough to come back on the other side of the bracket. On the ice, the course of the series. “They gave us everything power-play goal 6:30 into overtime to help the and tie this up. What he has done has been series could not have been more different. they had, and we had to work hard for it and we Senators advance to the Eastern Conference remarkable.” But when it comes to basket- Hardly looking as good as they did in the regular had to stick with it for a long time,” said semifinals against the Rangers. “In overtime, the ball not everyone is willing to cut Thomas season, the Capitals needed six one-goal games Johansson, who was one of the best Capitals message was clear - we’re not going to play on some slack this week. - five of which went to overtime - to eliminate players in the series but didn’t score until Game our heels. We didn’t work all year just to sit back Bulls coach Fred Hoiberg is taking the up-and-coming Maple Leafs. 6. “We’re ready (to face the Penguins). We’re and hope things turn out our way,” Boucher said. exception to Thomas’s offensive style and “Give them credit, they battled hard,” Alex excited. We can’t wait to get going. We’ve “I thought we played great in the overtime, and claimed that Thomas regularly gets away Ovechkin said after a series that was decided by worked hard for it. We’ve worked all year and all instead of being scared to lose, we were hungry with carrying the basketball. “He had a hell two total goals and two shots separated the summer to get back into this position, and now to win.” of a game tonight. But when you’re teams. “They’re young, but they’re strong. They we’re here.” And no one was hungrier than MacArthur. allowed to discontinue your dribble on have a very good future.” The Capitals’ future is a Meanwhile, those Penguins again got The Senators forward sustained a concussion on every possession, he’s impossible to rematch against the defending Stanley Cup through the first round in five games largely Oct. 14, 2015 - Game 4 of last season - and guard,” Hoiberg said. “He’s impossible to champion Penguins, who dispatched the Blue unscathed because even goaltender Matt missed 156 games before he finally passed a guard when you’re able to put your hand Jackets in five and have been waiting since Murray’s lower-body injury has been shuffled to baseline test in the last weeks of this season and underneath the ball and take two or three Thursday night. the back of concerns by the play of Marc-Andre was cleared to return. He played in only four steps and put it back down. It’s impossible After Washington finished off Toronto in over- Fleury. Mid-series, Holtby worked on body con- games this year, without recording a point. to guard him in those situations.” Asked time Sunday night on Marcus Johansson’s sec- trol and bounced back to allow just two goals in “You’ve been off for a couple of years and you’re about Hoiberg’s comments, Thomas said ond goal of Game 6, it’s all set. The Capitals and the final two games of the series. “You always say thinking, ‘Yeah, I should make this play,’ or, ‘I he has no plans to change his style of play. Penguins will meet in the second round for the expect the unexpected and you really have to should be able to do that,’” he said. “I’ve just “That’s not the reason I’m an impossible second consecutive year with the winner again reiterate it in those circumstances to just react,” been trying to stick with it and be patient, and cover. I guess (Hoiberg) is just going to considered the favorite to come out of the Holtby said. “Don’t guess, just react.” you know it’s slowly coming.” continue to say it. I’ve been dribbling that Eastern Conference. It’s a showdown of the top MacArthur scored in Game 2 against Boston, two teams in the NHL this season after the Senators survive OT to advance and then got past David Pastrnak on his way into Isaiah Thomas way my whole life.” — AFP Capitals won the Presidents’ Trophy with 118 After five extra periods in four overtime the Bruins’ zone in overtime, tempting the points and the Penguins had 111. “We know games, the Ottawa Senators will get a chance to Boston forward into pulling him down from how good they are,” Washington coach Barry rest before meeting the New York Rangers in the behind. Just 36 seconds into the power play, Chappell edges Koepka by 1 Trotz said. “They knocked us out last year, so we second round of the NHL playoffs. They’ll need MacArthur grabbed a puck that deflected off get a chance to go back at them again.” it. The Senators eliminated Boston with a 3-2 vic- goalie Tuukka Rask and beat him on the stroke to win Texas Open Much like a year ago, the Capitals were tested tory in Game 6 of their first-round series on rebound for the series-winner. —AP

SAN ANTONIO: Kevin Chappell made an 8- back tied for sixth. Koepka, trailing foot birdie putt on the final hole to win the Chappell by a shot coming up the 18th, Valero Texas Open by one stroke on took a 3-metal out of his bag and consid- Jazz beat clippers 105-98 Sunday. Chappell had a 4-under 68 in the ered taking a crack at reaching the 606- final round to finish at 12 under for the yard par-5 in two. But he had 293 yards left tournament, edging Brooks Koepka at TPC with a slight uphill shot into the wind with San Antonio to earn his first PGA Tour victo- a creek fronting the green. to even riveting series ry in his 180th career start. “I really wanted to go for it - I really “A big relief,” the 30-year-old Chappell wanted to,” Koepka said. “But my caddy was said. “There’s been quite the monkey on my kind of pulling the reins back and he want- SALT LAKE CITY: Joe Johnson saved the Utah its first-round playoff series against Oklahoma back for some time now about getting that ed me to lay up, and it was probably a Jazz - again. “Iso Joe” has become a major prob- City. Nene made all 12 of his shots and had 10 CELTICS 104, BULLS 95 first win. And to take that off and not have good thing that we did.” He put the club lem for the Los Angeles Clippers. Johnson rebounds. He helped the Rockets overcome an off Isaiah Thomas scored 33 points, and the to answer those questions anymore is nice.” back in his bag and laid up to create a 90- scored 28 points, and the Jazz beat the Clippers night by James Harden, who finished with 16 Celtics beat the Bulls to tie their first-round play- Koepka, a member of the US Ryder Cup wedge approach. He stuck that to about 105-98 on Sunday night to tie their first-round points on 5-for-16 shooting. Eric Gordon and Lou off series at 2-all. Boston blew a 20-point lead, team last year, was aiming for his second three feet and made the birdie to go into playoff series at 2-all. It was Utah’s first home Williams each scored 18 points for the Rockets. but Thomas keyed a third-quarter run that put PGA Tour win. He had the best round of the the clubhouse tied with Chappell. Chappell playoff win since 2010. “He’s so sure with the Game 5 is Tuesday night in Houston. Oklahoma the Celtics back on top after Chicago briefly day at 65. Before Chappell came down the had almost the same distance for his ball,” Jazz coach Quin Snyder said. “It’s not often City star Russell Westbrook had a triple-double by went ahead. Gerald Green made four 3-pointers 18th hole, Koepka had birdied the hole with approach on 18, and he landed it past the you find a guy that has that combination of skill, halftime and finished with 35 points, 14 rebounds on his way to 18 points, helping the top-seeded a 3-foot putt to tie him. “It’s hard to win out hole to set up the winning putt. as far as his ability to handle the ball and make and 14 assists. The Thunder said Westbrook joined Celtics return the favor in Chicago after drop- here - everybody knows that,” Koepka said. “I wouldn’t want it any other way,” said plays. And the strength to get to spots on the Wilt Chamberlain as the only players to claim ping the first two games at home. Al Horford “I’m knocking on the door to get my second Chappell, who had been runner-up six floor. “The thing that really takes us to a unique three consecutive playoff triple-doubles. Steven added 15 points and 12 rebounds. Game 5 is win. It’s nice for Kevin to get his first win. times in his career. “Brooks kept me honest place is he’s such a willing passer. He basically Adams scored 18 points and Victor Oladipo added Wednesday in Boston. Jimmy Butler carried the That’s pretty cool.” Second-round co-leader out there today. He made me had to do it either scored or assisted on every basket (down 15 for the Thunder. Bulls with 33 points and nine assists. — AP Tony Finau got in a position to tie Koepka the right way. There wasn’t any question I the stretch). ... We knew this is who he is and he when he birdied four of five holes on the was going to make 4 (birdie) and win the knows it’s playoff time.” back nine. But his par-bogey finish left him golf tournament.” Finau closed with birdies Johnson, who hit the winning shot in Game to settle for 69 and a share of third place on four of five holes coming to the 17th. He 1, scored 11 straight Jazz points during a crucial with Kevin Tway (69) at 9 under. was just a shot behind Chappell’s lead, but stretch in the fourth quarter, including a pull-up he parred there and drove next to a cactus jumper for a 91-90 lead with 3:55 remaining ‘Pulling the reins back’ bush on the 18th. He punched out to the after Utah trailed by seven with 7:37 left. The Australian Aaron Baddeley fired 68 to fairway, removed cactus needles from his Clippers never led again after controlling the finish fourth at 8 under. Brian Gay (70), leg, then put his approach into the creek. game for most of the night. “Just trying to be Sung Kang (68), Ryan Palmer (71) and He took a penalty drop, and his bogey end- aggressive and make plays,” Johnson said. “We Cameron Smith (71) were a shot further ed his chances. — AP had to get stops, which kind of fueled our offense. ... We were getting into the teeth of the defense, whether we had layups, dunks or kick- outs for 3s, thought we did a good job of mak- ing the right decision.” Rodney Hood and Joe Ingles, who had a career-high 11 assists, also hit huge baskets for Utah down the stretch. The Jazz needed all the help they could get after Gordon Hayward left with food poisoning. The series returns to Los Angeles for Game 5 on Tuesday night. Chris Paul had 27 points, 12 assists and nine rebounds for Los Angeles, which played with- out Blake Griffin after he suffered a toe injury in Game 3. Griffin has been ruled out for the rest of the postseason, increasing the pressure on the rest of the Clippers. “We let that one slip away,” Paul said. “It was 87-80, and that’s on me. Being the point guard, I have to manage the game better and make sure we get good shots. “We came here to get back home court. Had an opportunity to get two, but it is what it is.” Jamal Crawford scored 25 points, and DeAndre Jordan had 12 points and 10 rebounds. But Los Angeles shot 44 percent from the field, compared to 54.1 percent for Utah.

ROCKETS 113, THUNDER 109 SALT LAKE CITY: Joe Johnson #6 of the Utah Jazz goes up for a shot over Jamal Crawford #11 of SAN ANTONIO: Kevin Chappell hits into the wind on the 9th tee during the third Nene scored 28 points on perfect shooting the Los Angeles Clippers in the first half in Game Four of the Western Conference Quarterfinals round of the Valero Texas Open at TPC San Antonio Oaks Course. — AP from the field, and Houston grabbed a 3-1 lead in during the 2017 NBA Playoffs at Vivint Smart Home Arena. — AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 SPORTS Serena posts heartfelt baby message on fiance’s birthday

LOS ANGELES: US tennis great Serena @alexisohanian bday... from the world’s Williams yesterday marked her fiance’s oldest number one to the world’s youngest birthday and her return to the world num- number one. -Your Mommy.” ber one ranking by posting an emotional Williams is due to give birth in message to her unborn baby on Instagram. September, the month she turns 36 years Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian turned old. In December, Williams announced her 34 yesterday, the day that Williams also engagement to tech entrepreneur Ohanian recaptured the women’s top ranking. and last week revealed she is expecting her Williams’ social media post showed the 35- first child and will not play again this year. year-old sitting on a beach lounger in a She was already expecting when she won black two-piece swimsuit that revealed her her record-setting 23rd Grand Slam title at growing baby bump. the Australian Open in January-where she “My Dearest Baby, You gave me the beat her elder sister Venus in the final. Kelly strength I didn’t know I had,” Williams wrote Bush Novak, Williams’ publicist, had said on her Instagram account, as she hinted this week that the US star “looks forward to that she expects to be back playing next returning in 2018” and that was echoed by year. “You taught me the true meaning of her coach Patrick Mouratoglou. Overtaking serenity and peace. I can’t wait to meet you. Australia’s Margaret Court for the all-time I can’t wait for you to join the players box record of 24 Grand Slam singles crowns- next year. But most importantly, I am so Williams is on 23 — is also “a determining happy to share being number one in the factor” in her motivation to plough on, the world with you.... once again today. On Frenchman said. —AFP Kohli pain after RCB

sets new low in IPL KINGSTON: Pakistan’s batsman Younis Khan leaves the field after being dismissed on day three of the first Test match between West Indies and Pakistan at the Sabina Park. —AFP NEW DELHI: Skipper Virat Kohli said “it real- team IPL table. “There’s nothing to review ly hurts” after Royal Challengers Bangalore anything about the second half, it was slumped to a record low score of 49 against that bad. We need to forget it and move Younis hits 10,000-runs Kolkata Knight Riders in the Indian Premier forward. We’re a much better team,” he League. Chasing a modest 132, the added. Kolkata bowler Nathan Coulter- Bangalore batsmen-including Kohli, Chris Nile, who was man of the match for his 3- Gayle and AB de Villiers-crashed in just 9.4 21, had Kohli caught by Manish Pandey in overs to mark a new low for the Twenty20 the very first over to trigger the rout of as Pakistan builds reply tournament, now in its 10th edition. last year’s runners-up. England’s Chris Opener Kohli’s first-ball duck started the rot Woakes and New Zealand fast bowler KINGSTON: Younis Khan became the first for Bangalore, as none of their batsmen Colin de Grandhomme returned figures of Pakistan player to complete 10,000 Test runs as SCOREBOARD reached double digits and Kedar Jadhav 3-6 and 3-4 as Bangalore lost their last six his team reached 201 for four in reply to the top-scored with nine at Kolkata’s Eden wickets for only nine runs. “I’m sure we West Indies first innings total of 286 at stumps KINGSTON, Jamaica: Scoreboard at stumps on the third day of the first Test between the West Indies and Pakistan Gardens. It set an unwanted new IPL record won’t bat like that again in the tourna- on the third day of the rain-affected first Test at at Sabina Park in Jamaica on Sunday. after Rajasthan Royals, currently barred ment... We’ve got back-to-back games, Sabina Park on Sunday. Younis moved on from a over a spot-fixing scandal, totaled just 58 need to try and win those to get some West Indies 1st Innings (overnight 278 for 9) Bowling: Amir 26-11-44-6, Abbas 22-4-63-1, Riaz 23-6- painfully slow start to get to 58 while Babar against Bangalore in 2009. momentum,” said Kohli. For Kolkata, the K. Brathwaite c Khan b Abbas 0 66-1, Shah 24-5-91-2. Azam stroked 72 in dominating a 131-run third- “Our worst batting performance, it really West Indies’ Sunil Narine top-scored with K. Powell c Khan b Amir 33 wicket partnership with the former captain to hurts,” a disappointed Kohli said on Sunday, his 17-ball 34 while opening the innings S. Hetmyer b Amir 11 Pakistan 1st Innings give the tourists the ascendancy into the final as Bangalore stayed bottom of the eight- for the home side. —AFP S. Hope b Amir 2 A. Ali c Dowrich b Joseph 15 session of the day. V. Singh c Ali b Riaz 9 A. Shehzad lbw b Holder 31 However, fast bowler Shannon Gabriel dis- R. Chase c Riaz b Shah 63 B. Azam b Gabriel 72 missed both in the space of three deliveries to S. Dowrich b Shah 56 Y. Khan c Brathwaite b Gabriel 58 limit Pakistan’s progress and leaving captain J. Holder not out 57 Misbah-ul-Haq not out 5 Misbah-ul-Haq and Asad Shafiq to continue the D. Bishoo c Ahmed b Amir 28 A. Shafiq not out 5 A. Joseph b Amir 0 Extras (b4, lb3, nb8) 15 workmanlike effort heading into the fourth day. S. Gabriel b Amir 5 Total (4 wkts, 78.2 overs) 201 Having confirmed this series as the last Extras (b4, lb18) 22 To bat: S. Ahmed, M. Amir, W. Riaz, Y. Shah, M. Abbas before he retires from international cricket, 39- Total (all out, 95 overs) 286 Fall of wickets: 1-23 (Ali), 2-54 (Shehzad), 3-185 (Khan), year-old Younis played with exaggerated care at Fall of wickets: 1-1 (Brathwaite), 2-23 (Hetmyer), 3-32 4-186 (Azam) the start of his innings. In contrast, Azam dis- (Hope), 4-53 (Singh), 5-71 (Powell), 6-189 (Chase), 7-189 Bowling: Gabriel 16-5-37-2 (3nb), Joseph 16.2-5-35-1 played much more aggression and purpose (Dowrich), 8-264 (Bishoo), 9-274 (Joseph), 10-286 (2nb), J. Holder 18-3-40-1 (3nb), Bishoo 15-1-35-0, Chase although he once again fell short of a maiden (Gabriel). 6-1-25-0, Brathwaite 7-1-22-0. Test century. Possibly mindful of his proximity to the landmark when he started his innings 23 sand runs,” Khan said at the end of the day. “I am delayed start to another rain-affected day as runs away from the cherished goal, Younis took finished after the series, no matter how many Mohammad Amir completed his best Test 47 minutes to get off the mark while Azam runs I score, but I just hope I have been able to innings figures to wrap up the home side’s attempted to keep the scoreboard ticking over make a useful contribution as a player and also innings after they resumed at the overnight at the other end. help the younger ones to do as well as I have, or position of 278 for nine. even better.” He bowled last man Gabriel to finish with six Oldest player to break barrier Hailed as a potential successor to Younis as for 44, an effort which improved on his previous Playing his first Test in the Caribbean after the permanent occupant of the number three best of six for 84 against England at Lord’s in missing the 2011 tour due to the death of his batting position, Azam enjoyed a moment of 2010. Play started 90 minutes later than sched- brother, the former captain eventually started luck just after lunch when West Indies captain uled due to the continuing effects of heavy, tor- KOLKATA: Royal Challengers Bangalore captain Virat Kohli reacts after losing his to creep towards his 10,000th run, triggering Jason Holder failed to hold on to a caught-and- rential rain on a damp outfield which reduced wicket during the 2017 Indian (IPL) Twenty20 cricket match between the celebrations when he swept a delivery bowled chance with the batsman on 12. Yet just play to just 55 minutes on the second day. Kolkata Knight Riders and Royal Challengers Bangalore at The Eden Gardens Cricket from off-spinner Roston Chase in the first over as it looked as if their partnership would contin- Pakistan started their reply brightly with Azhar Stadium. —AFP after tea to the backward square-leg bound- ue until the close of play, Gabriel broke through. Ali looking ominous before he chased a wide ary to become just the 13th player overall-and Younis mistimed an off-drive to give to be delivery from Alzarri Joseph to give a catch to the oldest-in the history of the game to scale caught at extra-cover and become the fast wicketkeeper Shane Dowrich. Ahmed Shehzad, Merritt heads US dominance that summit. bowler’s 50th Test wicket. Then in his next over playing his first Test for almost two years, also “I thought about bowing out of international a tentative Azam played on to spark further cel- opened brightly with a flurry of shots, including NASSAU: American veteran Lashawn Merritt Aaron Brown holding off American Ameer cricket three years ago but one of the motivat- ebrations among the West Indian players. five boundaries in 31 only to be trapped leg- showed all his experience to bag a third suc- Webb for a scintillating victory in the 4x200m ing factors for me to stay was to get to ten thou- Earlier, Holder finished unbeaten on 57 after the before on the back foot by Holder. — AFP cessive 4x400m gold at the IAAF World relay, Jamaica taking bronze. Relays on Sunday, as Canadian Andre de Canada’s victory, with Gavin Smellie and Grasse underlined his credentials as Usain Brendon Rodney running the first two legs, Bolt’s most likely successor. was the first time a country other than the US The maleficent seven: Drug users in tennis The all-powerful US team followed up on or Jamaica had won a sprint relay and made victories on Saturday in the women’s up for the disappointment of not finishing 4x800m and men’s 4x100m relays by clinch- the 4x100m. “It was a great run by all of us,” STUTTGART: Former world number one and years but returned to the sport in 2013 and has Monte Carlo Masters, claiming he had felt unwell ing gold in both the men and women’s said De Grasse, 22. “We came together collec- five-time major winner Maria Sharapova returns since built a successful doubles career. and had a long-standing fears of needles. He did 4x400m and men’s 4x800m to easily top the tively, we just wanted to keep the stick to tennis in Stuttgart tomorrow after a 15-month however provide a urine sample. “Despite the medals table. Merritt, whose first senior around. We told ourselves to trust each other doping ban. Take a look at seven other high- Richard Gasquet misunderstanding between the player and the relay gold dates back to the Helsinki worlds and be patient.” profile suspensions in the sport: The French player tested positive for cocaine doping control officer, there was no suggestion in 2005, had teammates David Verburg, Canada’s win was followed by another in 2009 but was banned for just two and a half that Mr. Troicki intended to evade the detection Tony McQuay and Kyle Clemons to thank for upset as Germany picked up an unexpected Mariano Puerta months after he successfully argued that he had of a banned substance in his system,” said the putting him out in front. gold in the women’s 4x100m, Alexandra In 2003, Argentina’s Puerta, who was to reach accidentally ingested the drug when he kissed a Court of Arbitration for Sport who cut his ban to But he hadn’t counted on 18-year-old Burghardt, Lisa Mayer, Tatjana Pinto and number nine in the world, received a two-year girl at a Miami nightclub. “We have found the 12 months. Botswanan sensation Karabo Sibando, who Rebekka Haase combining to outpace suspension after testing positive for clenbuterol player to be a person who is shy and reserved, caught the 30-year-old American up before Jamaica with their winning time of 42.84sec. but the ban was cut to nine months after he honest and truthful and a man of integrity and Marin Cilic Merritt battled down the home stretch to The US presence in the race came to an argued the substance was in an asthma treat- good character,” the tribunal which cleared him Before he went on to become a US Open hold on for a nerve-racking win in 3min abrupt halt after first leg Tianna Bartoletta ment. Two years later, he was banned again after said in its ruling. “He is neither a cheat nor a user champion, Croatia’s Cilic was banned for nine 02.13sec from the Africans, Jamaica taking tumbled nastily to the floor before baton failing a drugs test following his 2005 French of drugs for recreational purposes.” months for testing positive for the banned stim- bronze. “We have a great group of guys passover. But otherwise, the US team shone, Open final defeat to Rafael Nadal. He was ulant nikethamide at the 2013 Munich tourna- here tonight,” said Merritt. “They did what with self-proclaimed ‘relay queen’ Natasha banned for eight years but the sanction was cut Viktor Troicki ment. Cilic claimed the substance was in an they had to do and I did what I do best, Hastings adding yet another gold to her tro- again to two years when he claimed the sub- Troicki, the hero of Serbia’s 2010 Davis Cup over-the-counter glucose product purchased that’s ‘bring it home,’ my third time here phy cabinet as she ran in the anchor leg in stance etilefrine was ingested accidentally after triumph, was banned for 18 months in 2013 from a pharmacy. His ban was eventually and third gold!” the 4x400m in the footprints of teammates it was in a glass used by his wife. Last played on after failing to provide a blood sample at the reduced to four months on appeal. —AFP Phyllis Francis, Ashley Spencer and Quanera tour in 2009 on the Challenger level. On the rise Hayes for victory in 3min 24.36sec, Poland Canadian De Grasse, who won three taking silver ahead of Jamaica. Wayne Odesnik medals at last year’s Rio Olympics, under- And Olympic bronze medallist Clayton American Odesnik was banned for 15 years in lined his coming of age as Jamaican legend Murphy bolted with 150 metres to run in a 2015 after a second doping violation having Bolt’s own tip as world sprinting’s next domi- tactical men’s 4x800m to claim an impressive tested positive for steroids. He had already been nant figure by laying down a startling third win for the US team also including Brannon suspended in 2010 after being caught with leg in the 4x200m relay. It was enough to Kidder, Erik Sowinski and Casimir Loxsom human growth hormone. That was later reduced wrest back control for Canada, teammate over a strong Kenyan quartet. —AFP to 12 months after he had co-operated with investigations.

Sesil Karatantcheva As a precocious 15-year-old, the Bulgarian reached the French Open quarter-finals in 2005, knocking out on the way and end- ing the year at 35 in the world. However, in January 2006 she was banned for two years after testing positive for nandrolone. Karatantcheva claimed her positive result had been caused by pregnancy but tests showed this not to be the case. She lost her appeal and did not play at all in 2006 and 2007. Karatantcheva has struggled ever since with her ranking now at 216 forcing her to scratch out a living on the second-tier ITF Tour.

Martina Hingis The former world number one, now 36, had already stepped back from the tour in 2003 after a career which saw her claim five Grand Slam singles titles. Returned in 2005 before announcing in 2007 that she had tested positive for a small amount of NASSAU: LaShawn Merritt of the USA and Karabo Sibanda of Botswana run to the cocaine at Wimbledon. “I have tested positive but I MINSK: Martina Hingis, of Switzerland, left, returns a ball as partner Belinda Bencic follows finishline in the Men’s 4x400 Metres Relay Final during the IAAF/BTC World Relays have never taken drugs and I feel 100 per cent play during their Fed Cup World Group semifinal tennis match against Vera Lapko and Olga Bahamas 2017 at Thomas Robinson Stadium. — AFP innocent,” she said. Hingis was banned for two Govortsova, of Belaru. —AP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 SPORTS

Kuwait comes from behind to beat India

By Abdellatif Sharaa when the Indian team was leading with the score of 3-0, but our determination KUWAIT: Kuwait Ice Hockey National along with our coach’s instructions team came one step closer to winning enabled us to come back. Al-Hunaidi said the title after defeating India with the the final match with Oman will be an score of 8-5 in their second match. India opportunity to win the title, and solidify scored three unanswered goals, before Kuwait’s Ice Hockey supremacy which is Kuwait’s players came back strongly and evidently moving in the right direction. scored four goals. Oman defeated Macao The 2017 Ice Hockey Challenge Cup 2-1 in the previous match. of Asia will be concluded today as Kuwait Kuwait National team player Fahad Al- meets Oman at 8:00 pm. Kuwait only Hunaidi said the win against India was requires a draw to win the cup for the possible because of the fighting spirit second time as they won its first two that distinguished all team members and matches, while Oman needs to win by a the strong determination to win and get large margin while hoping that India los- closer to grabbing the title. He said the es to Macao in the match that will be most difficult stage of the match was held at 4:30 pm.

City will be stronger next Masterful Mbappe leads News season vows Guardiola In brief

LONDON: Pep Guardiola insists Manchester City will be Monaco to Ligue summit Giant smoke bombs a far more formidable force next season after their FA interrupt PSV v Ajax Cup semi-final defeat to Arsenal left the Spaniard emp- PARIS: Teenage sensation Kylian from one game to the next so it’s were all but extinguished in a 1-1 EINDHOVEN: Thick black fumes from smoke bombs ty-handed for the first season in his glittering career. Mbappe produced another stylish straight back to work for us to prepare draw at mid-table Toulouse. Fired by engulfed stands at PSV Eindhoven’s crunch home game Guardiola’s side wasted their chance to reach the final as winning goal as Monaco climbed back for our next game with Toulouse,” the goals of Balotelli, Nice had been against Ajax on Sunday, interrupting the match and leav- poor finishing and sloppy defending allowed Arsenal to to the top of with a 2-1 victory Mbappe told French television after the early pacesetters in the French ing several fans with breathing and eye problems. Dozens come from behind and snatch a 2-1 victory in extra-time at Lyon on Sunday. A seventh straight the game. Next weekend, third-placed league but they have drawn too many of people scattered to take refuge as black smoke billowed on Sunday. league win leaves Monaco level with Nice host PSG, while in the following games-the stalemate at Toulouse was through the Philips Stadion, forcing the referee to suspend With City trailing 11 points behind Premier League Paris Saint Germain on 80 points but midweek Monaco play Juventus in a their 11th of the season-and Balotelli’s play five minutes into the second half. Ten fans, four securi- leaders Chelsea, their last realistic chance of silverware with a game in hand on the champi- potentially draining Champions form has dipped. A goal apiece from ty guards and a steward suffered respiratory or eye prob- vanished at Wembley, leaving Guardiola to face the ons and a far superior goal difference. League semi-final first leg. Earlier Edinson Cavani and Angel di Maria lems, according to the Dutch press agency ANP. A 35-year- uncomfortable reality that he has failed to provide the PSG had climbed provisionally top Sunday, Mario Balotelli started on the gave Paris Saint-Germain a 2-0 win old man was arrested on suspicion of letting off the trophies expected from him when he arrived last year. for the very first time this season after bench as Nice’s own faint title hopes over Montpellier on Saturday. — AFP devices, it added. The game resumed shortly after the Having dominated in the Spanish and German their own 2-0 win over Montpellier on interruption but photos and videos of the huge cloud of leagues with Barcelona and then Bayern Munich, while Saturday, serving a challenge that the smoke, spewing out from behind advertising hoardings also winning two Champions League titles, Guardiola Champions League semi-finalists near the touchline, were shared widely on social media. has found life much harder in the cutthroat world of the Monaco rose to with gusto in Lyon. Players from both teams stood on the pitch watching the Premier League. The Spaniard admits this season has Colombian striker Radamel Falcao smoke cloud after referee Kevin Blom brought the game to been a learning process and, with his ego clearly pounced on a loose ball for his 19th a halt. Jurgen Locadia scored the only goal after 25 min- bruised, Guardiola promised City would be much league goal of the campaign to break utes as defending Eredivisie champions PSV won 1-0, deal- improved next term once he has time to make changes the deadlock in the 31st minute of a ing a blow to 33-time winners Ajax who are bidding for to an underachieving squad. frantic first-half. their first title since 2014. “We will improve next season. We will be strong, The opener came straight after especially in the games away against the Premier Memphis Depay had fluffed a chance Atletico Madrid to League teams,” he said. “For what I have done in my past to give the hosts the lead as the fight transfer ban the pressure will be on my shoulders for the rest of my Europa League semi-finalists threw LAUSANNE: Atletico Madrid officials were at sport’s career. “Always in my life and always in the rest of my life everything at Monaco. Battling mid- highest court yesterday to challenge a FIFA transfer I try to be better. That is all. “Some players will stay and fielder Bernardo Silva then hit the ban that prevents the club from signing any players in some will come in. I will try to be proactive. “That is what crossbar for Monaco as they flooded the coming offseason. The Court of Arbitration for I want to do. I’m not a guy who complains.” After leading forward and the hosts hardly had time Sport is hearing the appeal, but said a verdict is not City to 10 successive wins at the start of the season, City to breathe before the outstanding expected immediately. Atletico and FIFA previously have gradually fallen back into the bad habits that Mbappe made it 2-0. With a brilliantly agreed to seek a CAS verdict by June, before the sum- prompted the club’s Abu Dhabi-based owners to axe timed run into the box, the 18-year- mer trading period opens. FIFA imposed a one-year Manuel Pellegrini and bring in Guardiola. old’s slick flick rounded off another ban on registering new players as punishment for lightning break from Leonardo Atletico breaking rules introduced to prevent child FRESH INDIGNITY Jardim’s side, for whom the striker has trafficking and luring youngsters from their home While City are always capable of dominating posses- emerged, mainly in the second half of country. Atletico denies wrongdoing, though it agreed sion, too often poor finishing and a lack of killer instinct the campaign, with 13 league goals so not to sign players in January while its appeal went means that control doesn’t bring enough goals, opening far. Lyon’s Lucas Tousart however pro- ahead. By appealing to FIFA against the original ban the door for a leaky defence to be fatally breached. City’s duced a thundering header on 50 last year, Atletico was able to delay it taking effect last 4-0 thrashing at Everton in January was the heaviest minutes to convert a corner and peg offseason when the club completed the signings of league defeat suffered by Guardiola in his managerial Monaco back to 2-1 and ensure a forward Fernando Torres and Kevin Gameiro, and mid- career, while their Champions League last 16 exit against tense struggle all the way to the final fielder Nicolas Gaitan. Spain’s soccer federation has Monaco was the earliest he had bowed out of that tour- whistle. Monaco are looking for a first been criticized for its role in player registrations, with nament. Losing to Arsenal was a fresh indignity and RHONE: Monaco’s French forward Kylian Mbappe Lottin (L) vies with Lyon’s French title since 2000 and have five Barcelona and Real Madrid also having served FIFA Guardiola is left with little time to pick up the pieces defender Mouctar Diakhaby (R) during the French L1 football match matches remaining in a tight race transfer bans. with City facing a vital derby against Manchester United with PSG. “Everything can change between and AS Monaco. — AFP on Thursday. —AFP 4 arrested over Bastia violence BASTIA: Four people were arrested in Bastia yesterday as Ban reversal of Kuwait Shooting part of an investigation into violence which marred the Corsican team’s match against French Ligue 1 rivals Lyon, judicial sources said. A hardcore section of home fans at recognized by global federations Bastia’s Armand Cesari stadium targeted Lyon’s players as they warmed up before the game on April 16, causing it to be delayed by more than 50 minutes, and then again as the two sides went in for the break. Two Lyon players Anthony Lopes and Mathieu Gorgelin have filed police complaints after being attacked by Bastia fans during the game. Bastia’s next home game against Rennes on April 29 will be played at a neutral ground with no fans allowed. Other disciplinary measures against the club who are already bottom of Ligue 1 and facing relegation next sea- son could follow on May 4. The violence followed crowd trouble several days earlier at Lyon who hosted Turkish team Besiktas in the Europa League quarter-final.

Toure ‘mocks’ referees LONDON: Yaya Toure has said he would “prefer” Thursday’s Manchester derby to go ahead without a ref- eree after claiming his City side had been on the wrong end of decisions in their FA Cup semi-final loss to Obaid Al-Osaimi Eng Duaij Al-Otaibi Arsenal. Referee Craig Pawson was in the spotlight after Shooter Abdallah Al-Raheedi City were denied what appeared to be a legitimate goal By Abdellatif Sharaa Arab Shooting Federations Obaid Al- of the sport and contributed to laying its President of Egyptian and African before losing 2-1 to the Gunners at Wembley Stadium Osaimi said the late Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem foundation in the country. Shooting Federations Brig Hazim Hosni also on Sunday. Sergio Aguero had a goal disallowed after KUWAIT: Kuwait Shooting Sport Club Al-Humoud Al-Sabah Cup is one of the Meanwhile, President of Kuwait and expressed his pleasure towards the ruling the officials ruled Leroy Sane’s cross had gone out of announced the organization of the late most important tournaments for shooters. Arab Shooting Federations Eng Duaij Khalaf against the ISSF and recognized Kuwait’s play before reaching the City striker, a decision which Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud Al- It is also a great opportunity for junior Al-Otaibi received several congratulatory important role in the sport. President of the replays indicated was wrong and Toure said his side had been denied an early penalty as well. “I think the refer- Sabah tournament at Sheikh Sabah Al- shooters to gain experience by participat- calls and letters for the ruling to lift the sus- European Shooting Confederation, ISSF ees have to stop this. I am very disappointed,” said Toure. Ahmad Olympic Shooting Complex on ing and learning from more experienced pension of Kuwait Shooting from interna- Vice-president Vladimir Lisin congratulated “It is not the first time, there have been a couple of Thursday 27/4 and will continue until contestants. tional events. A letter was received from the Kuwait Shooting and invited KSF to partici- times.” Asked if the ball had stayed in play, Toure was in Saturday. The tournament will include Al-Osaimi said the club always com- President of Asian Shooting Confederation pate in the World Championship to be held no doubt: “Definitely, and it was a penalty and some- skeet, trap, double trap, 10m air pistol and memorates those who had served the Sheikh Ali Abdullah Al-Khalifa who congrat- in Moscow in August. ISSF Vice-president thing more. “But what can we do? If (we) talk about the rifle, 50m rifle in addition to Olympic country and those who supported and ulated HH the Amir and all the people of and President of the Italian Shooting referee the FA is going to come in for the punishment if archery. The closing ceremony of the tour- cared for the sport of shooting, which is an Kuwait and recognized the importance of Federation Senator spoke to Eng Duaij Al- we think like that, but I think I need to sleep and rest nament will be held on Sunday at the club integral part of Kuwaiti heritage. He added KSF’s role in all international, continental Otaibi over the phone and congratulated and forget this game.” — Agencies premises. Secretary General of Kuwait and that the late Sheikh was one of the pioneers and Arab levels. KSF on the CAS ruling. TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 SPORTS Dortmund hope to end Bayern’s double dream

BERLIN: Thomas Tuchel’s Borussia with the league and cup double. er sealed the win in Gladbach. “I’m last four games and picked up their only out Germany’s goalkeeper Manuel Dortmund hope to add to Bayern However, first Dortmund must be over- proud of the character of this team.” victory in their last six games, when Neuer, who has a foot fracture, for the Munich’s recent woes in tomorrow’s come in a repeat of last year’s final which While Dortmund picked up a morale- they romped to a 4-1 win over rest of the season and Sven Ulreich will crunch German Cup semi-final to end Bayern won 4-3 on penalties after a boosting victory, Bayern had to twice Dortmund in the league three weeks again deputize. Austria defender David Carlo Ancelotti’s bid for the domestic goalless draw in Berlin. come from behind as they labored to a ago. Bayern’s top-scorer Robert Alaba is doubtful with a knee injury hav- double. Both Bayern and Dortmund had “Now we want to spoil Bayern’s sea- 2-2 draw at home to relegation-threat- Lewandowski scored twice in the ing limped off early in Saturday’s draw their Champions League campaigns son a little bit more,” quipped Tuchel ened Mainz. “Of course, the game thumping home win, but Dortmund against Mainz, but Ancelotti hopes to ended last week by Real Madrid and after Dortmund’s 3-2 comeback win at against Real is still bothering us, even if have Marco Reus back and the Germany have centre-backs Jerome Boateng Monaco respectively in the quarter- Moechengladbach on Saturday to go it shouldn’t. We’re professionals, but winger has scored in each of his three (groin) and Mats Hummels (ankle) fit finals, but they meet at the Allianz Arena third in Germany’s top flight. The victory we’re also human,” said Bayern’s stand-in games after six weeks sidelined by a again. Tuchel is hoping defender Sokratis for a place in Berlin’s cup final on May 27. came the day after police arrested a sus- captain Thomas Mueller. “As well as the hamstring injury. Reus is predicting a Papastathopoulos overcomes a leg Bayern are runway leaders in the pect for the April 11 bomb attack on the league title, reaching the Berlin final is different type of game when the teams knock, while Turkey midfielder Nuri Sahin German league and had been hoping Dortmund team bus which left defender our biggest goal, so that means, puff out meet again at the Allianz Arena. is out with suspected torn ankle liga- for a place in the Champions League’s Marc Bartra needing wrist surgery. “The your chest and show that we deserve to “It will be totally different, I see our ments. Today, Borussia semi-finals before a Cristiano Ronaldo- victory put the wind in our sails and be there!” chance as 50-50. We have a lot of self- Moenchengladbach host Eintracht led Real thwarted their ambitions. As gives confidence for Wednesday,” said confidence in the tank after our win in Frankfurt in the other semi with both compensation, Ancelotti is hoping to Dortmund’s director of sport Michael SELF-CONFIDENCE IN THE TANK Gladbach,” said Reus. Both teams have teams chasing their first final appearance finish his first season as Bayern coach Zorc after Raphael Guerreiro’s late head- However, Bayern are winless in their injury concerns. Bayern are already with- in more than a decade. — AFP Bonucci on target as Juventus go 11 clear

MILAN: Premier League target Leonardo own rebound four minutes before the interval, Bonucci scored an impressive goal as the Croatian striker pounced from the left of Juventus moved 11 points clear at the top of the area to curl a superb shot past the out- Serie A with a comprehensive 4-0 win over stretched hands of Lamanna at the far post. Genoa on Sunday. Bonucci, a former target Bonucci had the ball in the net 10 min- for Chelsea manager Antonio Conte, has utes after the restart when he volleyed been linked in recent days with a big-money home a Dybala free kick at the far post, move to Manchester City. although it was ruled out for a Mandzukic And the Italy centre-back underlined his foul. Barely 10 minutes later, Genoa’s all-round class with a great finish in the 64th defence stood off as Bonucci burst through minute of a one-sided encounter in Turin to hit a shot that appeared to take a slight that saw Massimiliano Allegri’s men take deflection before looping over Lamanna another step towards a record sixth consec- from 20 yards out. utive ‘scudetto’. Genoa had stunned Juve should have had a fifth but hit the Juventus 3-1 at the Luigi Ferraris last woodwork three times. Marchisio’s drive September. But days after holding Barcelona came off the crossbar 20 minutes from the to a scoreless draw to advance to the semi- end and when Higuain pounced on the finals of the Champions League 3-0 on rebound, the ball then came off the post. aggregate, Juve were never likely to buckle. Seven minutes later, Ghanaian midfielder A bright start saw the hosts in front by 17 Kwadwo Asamoah’s 25-yard drive also came minutes, when Ezequiel Munoz scored an off the upright. Roma face basement side own goal past his own ‘keeper Eugenio Pescara on Monday but even with a win the Lamanna after Claudio Marchisio had got capital club will struggle to close an eight- the slightest of touches to Gonzalo Higuain’s point gap over the remaining five games. delivery in deep from midfield. But if “It was a good performance in both Genoa’s fans were aggrieved, they could attacking and defensive terms,” Allegri told have little argument two minutes later. Mediaset Premium. “Coming a few days after Paolo Dybala, the architect of Juve’s quar- Barcelona, we could have suffered a dip. But MADRID: Barcelona’s Lionel Messi is tackled by Real Madrid’s Mateo Kovacic during a Spanish La Liga soccer match between Real Madrid and ter-final tie against Barcelona when he scored the lads really kept their level high. “I don’t Barcelona, dubbed ‘el clasico’, at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium. — AP a first-leg brace-turned on the class to beat want to talk about the scudetto, because Lamanna with a crisp shot from the edge of mathematically nothing’s guaranteed. Today the area. When Mario Mandzukic picked up his we simply had to go out and win.” — AFP Messi shows who’s in charge at ‘El clasico’ against Madrid

MADRID: Lionel Messi took off his shirt and lifted it high in front of him, boldly displaying his name and number to the stunned crowd at the Santiago Ibrahimovic recovery will Bernabeu Stadium. He stood there for a few seconds, staring at the fans, as if making sure they knew who be very hard: Mourinho was really in charge. Messi had just scored a last- minute goal that gave Barcelona a crucial 3-2 come- BURNLEY: Jose Mourinho admitted it to midweek comments from his manag- from-behind victory against Real Madrid, putting the will be “really hard” for veteran striker er that questioned his work ethic. Catalan club back in the Spanish league title race and Zlatan Ibrahimovic to recover from his “Yes,” said Mourinho when asked if adding to his dominance in the “clasico.” season-ending knee ligament injury. The Martial had responded as he wished. “Of There’s been no one better than Messi when the Manchester United manager was talking course, it was a very good performance two Spanish powerhouses meet. He now has 23 goals after his side had recorded an impressive by him-with the ball, without the ball, in in games between the two clubs, five more than 2-0 victory at Burnley just three days defence, matched in the middle against Madrid great Alfredo Di Stefano and eight more than after Ibrahimovic and defender Marcos two strong central defenders and with- TURIN: Juventus’ Leonardo Bonucci celebrates after scoring a goal during the Italian Cristiano Ronaldo. While Ronaldo faltered throughout Rojo suffered knee injuries which require out anyone just behind him supporting Seria A soccer match between Juventus and Genoa at the Juventus stadium. — AP Sunday’s game at the Bernabeu, failing to score goals surgery during a midweek Europa him.” The win sets up an intriguing that could have given his team a commanding lead League win over Anderlecht. Manchester derby trip to City on over its rival in the league standings, Messi came “Everyone is very sad. We were think- Thursday in which a United victory through for Barcelona once again. ing about them. They have to be strong,” would lift them above their rivals, said Mourinho. “Unfortunately they although Mourinho admitted he will rest Chelsea’s Kante voted He also scored the team’s first goal, helped set up won’t be the first or last players to get an players with an eye on the Europa the second by Ivan Rakitic and drew the foul that led important injury. “No player deserves to League semi-final with Celta Vigo. “I will England’s player of year to a red card for Madrid defender Sergio Ramos, lead- be injured but I think in this case it’s even rotate players again, rest some players ing Barcelona to a victory that reignited its chances of more sad because Zlatan, in this stage of again,” he said. “And let’s see what we can LONDON: Chelsea midfielder N’Golo Kante ceremony when Dele Alli won the young winning a third straight league trophy. “Leo’s great- his career it’s really, really hard. “And do. “Of course it’s important to play in has been voted the player of the year by his player of the year vote for a second straight ness is that he keeps surprising us,” Barcelona captain Marcos probably at this moment in his the Champions League but this club fellow professionals, collecting the award year. Alli was a surprise omission from the Andres Iniesta said. “After years and years, he contin- career is playing very well for us and also wants trophies. We have a 25 percent at a ceremony on Sunday that honored shortlist for the main award, given the 21- ues to be decisive. For us, it’s an honor to play with finally getting a position as central chance to win the Europa League and ’s contribution to English year-old midfielder’s 16 goals and five him. And for the club, it’s a blessing. We have to try to defender in the international team, so have to put everything into it we can.” football. The 26-year-old Kante has some assists in the league alone. That’s the most keep up with him as much as possible so we can all we’re really sad for them.” Paul Pogba, who limped out of the way to go to match Beckham’s six Premier goals for a player who isn’t recognized as a play well and stay in contention in La Liga, which is Reports have suggested that, given game in injury-time with a muscle injury, League titles with Manchester United but forward. wide open.” his age, Ibrahimovic may not play at the is likely to be rested against City. he is closing in on the rare achievement of Instead, Kante topped the PFA poll Messi’s late winner allowed Barcelona to tie Madrid top level again-his United contract is up Mourinho also issued a challenge to Phil collecting England’s top prize with two dif- ahead of Chelsea teammate Eden Hazard, on 75 points at the top of the Spanish league stand- at the end of the season-although his Jones and Chris Smalling to return from ferent clubs. the 2015 recipient and a quartet of strikers: ings with five rounds to go. Barcelona has the lead on manager did not want to become injuries and give in-form Eric Bailly a Kante, a 5-foot-6 (1.70-meter) force in Arsenal’s Alexis Sanchez, Everton’s Romelu the head-to-head tiebreaker, but Madrid still has a involved in such speculation. “Yeah I break. “If I was Smalling or Jones, I would midfield, secured his move to Chelsea last Lukaku, Manchester United’s Zlatan game in hand, at Celta Vigo. “Messi was decisive, as know but I think it’s for the medical play Thursday with everything. I wouldn’t July after his tackles, interceptions and tire- Ibrahimovic and Tottenham’s Harry Kane. department to be more specific and to accept one guy to play nine matches in a always he always is,” Barcelona goalkeeper Marc-Andre less box-to-box running helped 5,000-1 Manchester City’s Lucy Bronze topped the evaluate over the next few days to seek row,” he said. “If they have a crazy men- outsider Leicester win the title for the first voting for women’s player of the year for ter Stegen said. “He makes the difference. There is not an expert’s opinion and we have to wait tality like I have, they would play. time. Chelsea has also benefited from the second time and Birmingham’s Jess a lot to talk about him. He is a very special player.” and see for that,” he said. “If they’re safe-thinking and surround- Kante running its midfield, with the Carter won the young player accolade. ed by people with the same mentality as London side four points out in front with Beckham won the PFA merit award after a SPECIAL PLAYER ‘CRAZY MENTALITY’ they have, they will be more cautious six games remaining. career that saw Beckham represent Messi is enjoying another remarkable season, with “I don’t care about it in this moment, I and it would be more time. If it was me, Chelsea is being pushed for the title by England 115 times and also win titles with 47 goals in 46 games. He has scored 14 goals in his just want the player to recover the best nobody would stop me playing.” Defeat Tottenham, which was also recognized at Real Madrid, the Los Angeles Galaxy and last 10 Spanish league games, and is the competi- he can and we’ll see about it. Honestly, leaves Burnley in real danger of being the Professional Footballers’ Association Paris Saint-Germain. —AP tion’s leading scorer with 31 goals, seven more than I’m not sad for the team, I’m not worried dragged into the relegation picture at teammate Luis Suarez and 12 more than Ronaldo. about the impact of not having them. “I the foot of the table in the final weeks of Messi had been going through a scoring drought in don’t care about it, I just think about the season, although manager Sean the “clasico”, unable to find the net in six straight them, and like everybody I’m really sad.” Dyche remained confident. “For us the games. The last time he had scored against Madrid United’s win at Burnley came with goals challenge is getting points on the board was with a hat trick at the Bernabeu in a 4 -3 win in from Anthony Martial and Wayne and we’re still in good shape, despite all the league in 2014. Rooney with the former responding well the odds,” he said. — AFP Playing with a bloodied mouth after a collision with Madrid left back Marcelo, Messi ended the drought by clearing two defenders with a run inside the area before sending a low shot past Madrid goalkeeper Keylor Navas in the first half at the Bernabeu. His second goal decided the game, a left- footed shot from the top of the area with 12 seconds left in stoppage time after a low pass by Jordi Alba. Messi’s celebration, parading his shirt, sparked a fierce reaction from many Madrid fans on the stands behind the goal, where only a few people wearing Barcelona colors could be seen. The visitors’ section was behind that same goal, but in the opposite side of where Messi ran to celebrate. Messi eventually was shown a yellow card for taking off his shirt. The two goals on Sunday gave the 29-year-old Messi a total of 500 for his career with Barcelona, the most of any other player who has ever played for the club. MANCHESTER: Manchester United’s Swedish striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic reacts LONDON: Chelsea’s N’Golo Kante, center, competes for the ball with Tottenham “Leo’s 500th goal had to be special, just like he is,” Hotspur’s Mousa Dembele, left, during the English FA Cup semifinal soccer match after falling awkwardly during the UEFA Europa League quarter-final second leg Barcelona defender Gerard Pique said. “I hope he will football match between Manchester United and Anderlecht at Old Trafford. —AFP between Chelsea and Tottenham Hotspur at Wembley stadium. — AP only retire several years from now.” —AP Messi shows who’s Younis hits 10,000 in charge at runs as Pakistan ‘El clasico’19 builds reply TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 17 Caps win series over Leafs Page 16

INDIANAPOLIS: Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James (23) shoots against Indiana Pacers’ Thaddeus Young during the first half in Game 4. —AP James helps Cavs sweep past Pacers

INDIANAPOLIS: LeBron James stuck to 33 points, 10 rebounds, four assists, four his team takes a double-digit lead into of 2 free throws to seal the win. Now Stephenson led the Pacers with 22 which way he’s leaning after the game the old script Sunday.Again, he bailed steals and two blocks. the fourth quarter. James considered Cleveland takes a seven-game winning points. George had a series-low 15. “It’s and there has been rampant specula- out the Cleveland Cavaliers. And again, the milestones a footnote on a day the streak into the conference semifinals real frustrating to continue on losing to tion he could be traded this summer. he sent the Indiana Pacers home for MILESTONES GALORE Cavs blew a 13-point lead and allowed against either Milwaukee or Toronto. the same team or same person,” George “I’m not at that point yet. Next question,” vacation. On yet another milestone day By winning his 21st consecutive first- the Pacers to come all the way back and said. “Ultimately, he (James) is who I’m George said. for basketball’s king, James’ crowning round game, James broke a tie with take a 102-100 lead with 1:31 to go. CHAPTER OF TORMENT always going to have to see and face.” Things got physical and painful achievement was making the go-ahead Michael Cooper, Magic Johnson and “They were giving it all they had,” James For Indiana, it will go down as yet The Pacers sure didn’t make it easy, Sunday. James stayed down on one 3-pointer with 1:08 to play and helping James Worthy for the longest streak said. “Obviously, a loss would have end- another tormenting chapter in their though. They charged back from a 96-83 knee after taking a shot to the head in the defending champions hold on for a under the NBA’s current playoff format. ed their season. We just had to weather rivalry with James. James’ teams have deficit with a 7-0 spurt early in the in the the first half. George was writing in series-clinching 106-102 victory at By sweeping a series for the 10th time, the storm once again.” eliminated the Pacers four times in six fourth quarter. Then they methodically pain after taking a knee to the groin. Indiana. James broke a tie with Tim Duncan for Of course that’s when James took years and completed the first-four game continued chipping away until Young Teague also remained on the ground “You have to mentally challenge the most in a career, according to Elias the cue and came to the rescue. He sweep in Indiana’s NBA history. tied the score at 100 and then gave briefly when he got hit in the head, yourself every year and go out and try Sports Bureau. By going 13 of 25 from made the long 3 to give Cleveland the Cleveland finished the season 7-1 them the lead. But James answered with too. All three finished the game. to do what’s right - putting your body the field, he pulled into a tie with Kobe lead, poked the ball away from Young against the Pacers, winning the last four the go-ahead 3. Cleveland now gets some extra rest on the line, putting your team on the Bryant for the fourth highest postsea- on the next possession, grabbed the with a defensive stand, a rare 25-point Now the Pacers’ attention turns to before finding out who it will play in line and trying to be successful,” James son field goal total with 2,014. rebound when Paul George missed a 3 game from three players, the largest the future of George, the 26-year-old the second round. Indiana embarks on said. “It’s very hard.” But the four-time And by holding on for the win, James with 1.9 seconds to go that could have second-half comeback in playoff history All-Star who can become a free agent in a crucial offseason that could dictate MVP makes it look easy. He finished with improved to 52-0 in the playoffs when forced overtime and, of course, made 1 and now James’ knockout punch. Lance 2018. He didn’t drop any hints about the franchise’s future. —AP India’s inspirational centenarian wins gold

AUCKLAND: With a jaunty victory dance, 101-year- Late bloomer phy which World Masters Games is all about and old Man Kaur celebrated winning the 100 meters Kaur only took up athletics eight years ago, at we are thrilled to have her here,” she told AFP. “I sprint at the World Masters Games in Auckland yes- the tender age of 93. She had no prior sporting have no doubt that she and many of the other terday, the 17th gold medal in the Indian athlete’s experience before her son Gurdev Singh suggested 24,905 athletes competing in these games are remarkable late-blooming career. Kaur clocked one she join him in competing on the international inspiring others to lead more active lifestyles minute 14 seconds as a small crowd cheered her masters games circuit. After a medical check-up and take up a sport.” on-ending a mere 64.42 seconds off Usain Bolt’s she was given the all-clear and since then mother While Kaur was the only 100-plus athlete to 100m world record set in 2009. and son have taken part in dozens of masters ath- compete in Auckland, there are a surprising num- In truth her dash became more of a gentle amble letics meets around the globe. ber of spritely centenarians still on the sporting the closer the diminutive centenarian came to the Kaur already has a swag of gold medals that stage. Japan’s Hidekichi Miyazaki, 106, holds the finish line, with more energy spent beaming at spec- would rival Michael Phelps’ haul and also plans to 100m record in the category with a time of 29.83, tators than running. But Kaur was guaranteed victo- compete in the 200m sprint, two kilogram shot put earning him the nickname “Golden Bolt” after the ry as the only participant in the 100-years-and-over and 400 gram javelin in Auckland, taking her tally Jamaican Flyer. Miyazaki, who credits his daugh- category at the New Zealand event, which has to 20. Her son told the Indian Weekender newspa- ter’s tangerine jam for his age-defying exploits, attracted 25,000 competitors. Participation, not rac- per that Kaur was on a strict diet that included even mimics Bolt’s signature victory pose and is ing the clock, is the priority for Kaur, who has been wheat grass juice and a daily glass of kefir (fer- keen to race against the Olympic superstar. dubbed the “miracle from Chandigarh” in New mented milk). Frenchman Robert Marchand, 105, set a cycling Zealand media. “I enjoyed it and am very, very hap- World Masters Games 2017 chief executive record for his age in January, riding 22.547 kilome- py,” she told reporters via a Punjabi interpreter. “I’m Jennah Wootten said the Auckland organisers ters in one hour. Afterwards, the former fireman AUCKLAND: 101-year-old Man Kaur from India celebrates after competing in the 100m sprint going to run again, I’m not going to give up. I will were delighted to host such an inspiration. “Man said he was not even tired and said he could have in the 100+ age category at the World Masters Games at Trusts Arena. —AFP participate, there’s no full stop.” Kaur truly personifies the ‘sport for all’ philoso- gone faster. — AFP Stocks, euro surge on hopes of Macron win

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Ageing German population Business to sap growth: Bundesbank TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 Page 25 VIVA and Huawei launch Kuwait’s credit growth picks up pace in Feb Huawei P10 and P10 Plus Page 22 Page 27

BEIJING: A man rides past a China Mobile store in an alley in Beijing Yesterday. The International Monetary Fund on April 18 raised its economic growth forecast for China for this year and next but warned of serious longer-term prob- lems unless it reduces its reliance on credit. —AFP Ooredoo reports 27% rise in net profit for Q1 2017 Customer base up by 5% to reach 25 million

KUWAIT: National Mobile Telecommunications Ooredoo Algeria and Ooredoo Maldives. Ooredoo - Tunisia Company K.S.C.P - Ticker: OOREDOO, a member of “Driven by improved efficiency and cost opti- Ooredoo’s Tunisia customer base stood at 8.0 Ooredoo Group, announced yesterday its financial mization initiatives, Ooredoo increased EBITDA million at the end of Q1 2017, an increase of 6 results for the quarter ended 31 March 2017: by 14 percent to reach KD 65 million and main- percent compared to the same period in 2016. Sheikh Saud Bin Nasser Al-Thani, Chairman of tained a healthy EBITDA margin of 38 percent for the Board of Directors commented: “Despite a the quarter ended 31 March 2017. highly competitive environment, Ooredoo “Capitalizing on last year’s launch of 4G and increased the customer base by 5 percent to further expansion of the 3G network, Ooredoo Algeria increased its customer base to almost 14 million customers up by 5 percent over Q1 2016. Ooredoo Algeria also maintained a good grasp on operational efficiencies, increasing EBITDA by 14 percent to reach KD 33.4 million. “Ooredoo Maldives delivered a strong set of results, increasing Revenues by 14 percent to Revenues for Q1 2017 were KD 31.8 million com- reach KD 9.5 million and showed significant pared to KWD 33.8 million in Q1 2016. However, growth in profitability, with EBITDA up 20 per- in local currency terms revenue increased by 5 cent to KD 5.6 million in Q1 2017. Ooredoo percent. EBITDA was KD 12.1 million compared Maldives is well positioned to continue deliver- to KD 11.4 million for the same period in 2016. ing growth as it is preparing to list on the local Ooredoo - Algeria stock exchange at the end of this month.” Ooredoo’s customer base in Algeria increased to 13.9 million customers in Q1 2017, up by 5 Review of operations percent compared with the same period in 2016. The Group’s operational performance can be Revenues for Q1 2017 were KD 73.8 million com- summarized as follows: pared to revenues of KD 76.9 million for the same period in 2016. EBITDA for Q1 2017 stood Sheikh Saud bin Naser Al-Thani Ooredoo - Kuwait at KD 33.4 million, an increase of 14 percent on reach 25 million, testament to the company’s Ooredoo’s customer base in Kuwait stood at KD 29.2 million in Q1 2016. million, in line with the same quarter last year. base was 0.4 million, an increase of 11 percent award-winning network, a wide range of com- 2.3 million at the end of Q1 2017, representing a EBITDA for Q1 2017 was KD 1.5 million compared from the same period in 2016. Revenues for Q1 petitive products and good customer service. 2 percent decrease compared to the same period Wataniya - Palestine to an EBITDA of KD 1.8 million for the same peri- 2017 were KD 9.5 million, an increase of 14 per- Ooredoo grew profitability levels during Q1 in 2016. Revenues for Q1 2017 were KD 47.8 mil- The total customer base for Wataniya Mobile od in 2016. cent compared to KD 8.3 million for the same peri- 2017, with Net Profit increasing by 27 percent to lion, a decrease of 4 percent compared to KWD Palestine at the end of Q1 2017 was 0.8 million, od in 2016. EBITDA for Q1 2017 was KD 5.6 million, reach KD 13 million. Growth for the period was 50.0 million in 2016. EBITDA was KD 12.4 million an increase of 10 percent from the same period Ooredoo - Maldives an increase of 20 percent compared to an EBITDA mainly supported by our performance in versus EBITDA for Q1 2016 of KD 10.2 million. in 2016. Revenues for Q1 2017 stood at KD 6.2 At the end of Q1 2017 Maldives total customer of KD 4.7 million for the same period in 2016. Emiratis, Malaysians reach German DAX index hits all-time high deal over troubled fund FRANKFURT AM MAIN: Germany’s blue- chip share index, the DAX, hit an all-time DUBAI: Emirati and Malaysian officials said half being due by July 31 and the other half by high yesterday, as stock markets across yesterday they reached a deal to resolve a Dec. 31. The filing said Malaysian officials also Europe reacted with relief to pro-business legal dispute over the indebted and troubled have agreed “to assume responsibility for all French presidential candidate Emmanuel Malaysian investment fund 1MDB, with the future interest and principal payments” on two Macron’s first-round success. The index of 30 United Arab Emirates set to receive $1.2 billion $1.75 billion bonds. The agreement is contin- leading stocks flirted with levels just below over this year. The deal, which still would need gent on the arbitration panel making a con- 12,400 points. It briefly touched 12,399.91, to be approved by an arbitration panel in sent award on May 31, the filing said. only slightly higher than the previous record London, resolves merely one part of the 1MDB released a short statement yester- of 12,391 reached in April 2015. sprawling, worldwide investigation into 1MDB. day saying it was “pleased” by the agreement, By 0915 GMT, it had fallen back to around Money from the fund, which was to develop saying it “represents the resolution of a signif- 12,390 points, up 2.85 percent since trading Malaysia’s economy, instead found itself fun- icant challenge.” Officials with the opened in Frankfurt. “We don’t expect a sus- neled through a global embezzlement and International Petroleum Investment Co., tained jump above the old record,” com- money-laundering scheme involving people known as IPIC, could not be immediately mented Wolfgang Albrecht of LBBW bank. close to Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, reached for comment. “May is being seen as an especially weak luxury properties and the production of the The resolution comes as 1MDB remains the month for markets and that could negatively 2013 film “The Wolf of Wall Street,” US investi- target of investigators in Singapore, impact investors’ appetite for risk.” With gators allege. Switzerland, Luxembourg and the US gains for almost all the major firms listed on In 2016, the Abu Dhabi-based International American investigators allege officials at the the index, the biggest winners were lender Petroleum Investment Co alleged 1MDB fund diverted more than $3.5 billion through a Commerzbank, which gained 9.32 percent defaulted on more than $1.1 billion in debt it web of shell companies and bank accounts. by 0915 GMT to trade at 9.09 euros ($9.88), owed to the sovereign wealth fund and its Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak start- while bigger rival Deutsche Bank added 7.39 FRANKFURT: The DAX curve on the display panel of the stock exchange is on a record subsidiary, Aabar Investments. It filed a case ed the fund shortly after taking office in 2009 percent to reach 16.72 euros. high of 12417,09 points in Frankfurt yesterday. — AP against the fund in the London Court of to promote economic development projects, Stock markets across Europe shot up yes- International Arbitration. but the fund accumulated billions in debt. terday after pro-business outsider Macron that the continent’s second-largest economy Luc Melenchon is now out of the race, A filing yesterday on the London Stock Najib has denied any wrongdoing, but the reached pole position in the first round of could quit the EU and the euro single cur- Macron must still face far-right candidate Exchange said Malaysian officials agreed to scandal sparked a mass rally in November presidential voting in France, quieting fears rency. While leftwing anti-EU firebrand Jean- Marine Le Pen in a runoff on May 7. — AFP pay the wealth fund $1.2 billion this year, with against his government. — AP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 BUSINESS

Kuwait’s credit growth picks up pace in Feb

KUWAIT: Credit growth picked up pace in February, with the month seeing a healthy NBK ECONOMIC REPORT increase in outstanding loans. Growth rose to 3.3 percent year-on-year (y/y), on a monthly gain of KD 165 million. The strongest gains Industry remained the exception, with a KD 44 reach KD 4.6 billion or 7.6 percent of total bank were in the business sector, dominated by the million decline, as the sector continued to see assets, the lowest level in six years. The govern- oil and gas sector. Private deposits also rose in a contraction in credit by 8.8 percent y/y. ment continued to tap bank liquidity through February, though growth remained weak. The business sector has been dragged issuance of domestic bonds; outstanding Rates were mostly steady in February but have down by the real estate sector and lending for domestic public debt instruments (PDIs) rose since picked up following March’s discount the purchase of securities. Outside these two by KD 252 million during February to KD 3.8 rate hike by the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK). sectors, business credit growth has been billion or an estimated 10 percent of GDP. Household lending was weaker in stronger, accelerating to a robust 8.6 percent Interest rates moved slightly higher in February, though this could have been due to y/y, though a large part of that has come from February. The 1-month and 12-month inter- seasonal factors. The sector saw a relatively strong growth in the oil and gas sector. Private bank rates were up by 2-4 basis points to 1.19 modest gain of KD 40 million coming exclu- deposits rose in February, though a drop in percent and 2.06 percent, respectively. The 3- sively from installment loans. Growth slipped government deposits offset some of that. month and 6-month rates were steady. to 6.7 percent y/y. Despite the increase, broad M2 money supply Customer deposit rates were mostly Lending to nonbank financial companies growth slipped to 1.4 percent y/y, though unchanged, with rates on longer maturities saw a second consecutive month of decline. growth in the narrower M1 improved to 3.2 edging up 1-2 basis points. Nonbank credit fell by KD 61 million, with percent y/y. The gains were in KD deposits, led More recently, rates have been increasing growth easing to 2.3 percent y/y. The sector’s by time deposits which saw inflows of KD 167 steadily following the CBK’s policy rate hike. borrowing has been seeing positive growth million; savings and sight deposits also rose. The discount rate was raised by 25 basis points over the last year following several years of con- Meanwhile, foreign currency deposits effective 16 March to 2.75 percent in tandem traction in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. declined by KD 67 million. A drop in govern- with the US Fed’s rate hike. The move ensures Business credit rose by a healthy KD 186 ment deposits by KD 88 million offset some of the CBK policy rate maintains a spread to the million, with growth improving to 1.6 percent the gains in private deposits, with growth US federal funds rate target of 1.75 percent, y/y. Gains were largely in the oil and gas sector slowing to 15 percent y/y. which is in line with the historic spread which added KD 126 million in new loans. Banking system liquidity edged lower in between the two rates and helps stave off out- Construction and real estate were also up KD February. Bank reserves (cash, deposits with flows that could pressure the dinar’s peg to a 30 million and KD 19 million, respectively. the CBK, and CBK bonds) lost KD 171 million to basket of major currencies. Oil workers’ strike triggers DAE buys aircraft leasing firm AWAS DUBAI: Aircraft leasing company Dubai and committed aircraft fleet of 394 aircraft Aerospace Enterprise has agreed to buy worth more than $14 billion. gasoline lines in Sri Lanka rival AWAS, more than tripling the size of its DAE is majority-owned by the Dubai fleet. DAE said yesterday it agreed to buy government holding company COLOMBO: Long lines formed at gaso- the Dublin-based company from funds Investment Corporation of Dubai, which line stations across Sri Lanka yesterday as managed by its shareholders, Terra Firma also controls the parent company of workers from a state-run petroleum Capital Partners and the Canadian Pension Dubai airline Emirates. DAE reported hav- company went on strike to protest the Plan Investment Board. It did not disclose ing a portfolio of 112 aircraft earlier this government’s plan to lease out oil tanks the purchase price, but said the combined month. Aircraft lessors lease planes to to neighboring India. D J Rajakaruna, company would have an owned, managed airlines and other aircraft operators. —AP secretary of the Ceylon Petroleum Common Workers Union, said workers stopped releasing fuel from 12 storage Greece, creditors to resume facilities on Sunday night. He said they would stop work entirely at the state-run talks in Athens, seek swift deal refinery if the government fails to halts plans to transfer oil tank operations to ATHENS: Representatives of Greece’s excludes debt servicing costs - reached 3.9 India, saying such an agreement would bailout creditors are due in Athens to percent of annual output, according to the benefit only Indian companies. restart talks on further cutbacks, European system of calculations used by Greece’s sta- Rajakaruna said the tanks are a prime officials said yesterday, as they confirmed tistical authority. According to the terms of asset of the country and that the workers that the country last year vastly exceeded the country’s bailout, the surplus was 4.2 will continue to strike until their demand its budget targets. percent. Either way, it far overshot the ini- is met. There are 99 tanks at the site in Commission spokesman Margaritis tial target of 0.5 percent of GDP. the eastern port city of Trincomalee. The Schinas said the negotiations are expected Schinas said the surplus, which is sub- tanks, built by the British during World to start today and should last several days, ject to final verification, “confirms the War II, were unused until some of them with the objective of reaching an agree- trends which we at the Commission have were given to Lanka IOC, a unit of Indian ment “as soon as possible.” been reporting for a while,” and expressed Oil Corporation, in 2002 as part of a pri- That would clear the way for further confidence the country can meet its budg- vatization deal, giving Indians a presence talks on easing Greece’s debt burden, cur- et targets in 2017 and 2018. at the strategic port. Rajakaruna said the rently at 179 percent of GDP. Following Greeks have suffered seven years of government is now trying to lease out 14 long delays in the negotiations, Greece has repeated income cuts and tax hikes after of the 99 tanks to Indian companies and already agreed to further slash pensions in the public finances imploded in 2010, forc- to have a joint venture for the other 2019 and drastically expand the tax base in ing the country to rely on international tanks. He said such a move would 2020 by reducing the current tax-free bailouts. To secure the rescue loans, succes- severely affect Sri Lanka’s economy and threshold. sive governments imposed harsh cutbacks, sovereignty. The forthcoming talks are expected to amid a rapidly shrinking economy that has Anura Kithsiri, a spokesman for the focus on the final details of these measures, lost a quarter of its pre-crisis value, and Ministry of Petroleum Resources which will be worth about 3.6 billion euros record-high unemployment. The current, Development, said the agreement has ($3.85 billion). Schinas also noted that third bailout signed by the left-led govern- not yet been finalized. He said Minister Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical ment in 2015 runs until mid-2018 - after of Petroleum Resources Development authority, has confirmed Greece’s 2016 which the country is expected to be in a Chandima Weerakkody was to meet with COLOMBO: Sri Lankan auto rickshaw drivers and motorists wait to pump gasoline during a strike in budget figures, which far exceeded forecasts. position to start borrowing again from trade union leaders yesterday.—AP Colombo yesterday. — AP The primary budget surplus - which international bond markets.—AP


Chinese Yuan Renminbi 44.745 Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. Swiss Franc 308.230 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000018 0.000024 Australian Dollar 232.220 Thai Bhat 9.860 Japanese Yen 0.002682 0.002862 US Dollar Buying 303.950 Turkish Lira 84.130 ASIAN COUNTRIES Kenyan Shilling 0.002945 0.002945 Japanese Yen 2.772 GOLD Korean Won 0.000259 0.000274 Indian Rupees 4.730 20 Gram 260.990 BAHRAIN EXCHANGE COMPANY WLL Malaysian Ringgit 0.065645 0.071645 Pkistani Rupees 2.908 10 Gram 133.410 Nepalese Rupee 0.003014 0.003184 Srilankan Rupees 2.004 5 Gram 67.550 CURRENCY BUY SELL Pakistan Rupee 0.002692 0.002982 Nepali Rupees 2.964 Singapore Dollar 219.690 Europe Philippine Peso 0.006009 0.006309 Hongkong Dollar 39.243 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd British Pound 0.383340 0.393340 Sierra Leone 0.000038 0.000044 Bangladesh Taka 3.716 Czech Korune 0.004321 0.016321 Singapore Dollar 0.213235 0.223235 Philippine Peso 6.128 Danish Krone 0.040485 0.045485 South African Rand 0.017413 0.025913 Rate for Transfr Selling Rate Thai Baht 8.891 Euro 0. 325889 0.334889 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001636 0.002216 US Dollar 304.800 Norwegian Krone 0.031665 0.036865 Taiwan 0.009958 0.010138 GCC COUNTRIES Canadian Dolla 226.525 Romanian Leu 0.073011 0.073011 Thai Baht 0.008510 0.009060 Saudi Riyal 81.428 Sterling Pound 392.135 Slovakia 0.009130 0.019130 Qatari Riyal 83.867 Euro 328.485 Swedish Krona 0.030477 0.035477 Arab Omani Riyal 793.009 Swiss Frank 305.110 Bahraini Dinar 810.810 Swiss Franc 0.299342 0.310342 Bahraini Dinar 0.802580 0.811080 Bahrain Dinar 808.430 UAE Dirham 83.136 Turkish Lira 0.078977 0.089277 Egyptian Pound 0.014043 0.019951 UAE Dirhams 83.380 Iranian Riyal 0.000084 0.000086 ARAB COUNTRIES Qatari Riyals 84.605 Australasia Iraqi Dinar 0.000195 0.000255 Egyptian Pound - Cash 19.150 Saudi Riyals 82.175 Australian Dollar 0.222210 0.234210 Jordanian Dinar 0.4248948 0.433894 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 16.777 Jordanian Dinar 429.815 New Zealand Dollar 0.208110 0.217610 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.226 Egyptian Pound 16.978 Tunisian Dinar 133.540 Lebanese Pound 0.000152 0.00252 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.005 America Jordanian Dinar 430.030 Moroccan Dirhams 0.020378 0.044378 Indian Rupees 4.728 Canadian Dollar 0.220906 0.229905 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.034 Nigerian Naira 0.000396 0.001031 Pakistani Rupees 2.907 Georgina Lari 0.137777 0.137777 Syrian Lira 2.176 Omani Riyal 0.785917 0.791597 Morocco Dirham 30.823 Bangladesh Taka 3.742 US Dollars 0.300950 0.305350 Qatar Riyal 0.082978 0.084428 Philippines Pesso 6.121 US Dollars Mint 0.301450 0.305350 Saudi Riyal 0.080260 0.081580 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Cyprus pound 168.208 Syrian Pound 0.001293 0.001513 US Dollar Transfer 305.150 Japanese Yen 3.795 Asia Euro 332.310 Tunisian Dinar 0.124511 0.132511 Syrian Pound 2.420 Bangladesh Taka 0.003419 0.004003 Sterling Pound 391.510 Turkish Lira 0.078977 0.089277 Nepalese Rupees 3.950 Chinese Yuan 0.042801 0.046301 Canadian dollar 227.130 Hong Kong Dollar 0.037132 0.039882 UAE Dirhams 0.081629 0.083329 Turkish lira 85.240 Malaysian Ringgit 70.185 Indian Rupee 0.004272 0.004960 Yemeni Riyal 0.000992 0.001072 TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 BUSINESS

NBK opens smart branch in Khaitan

KUWAIT: The National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) launched Farwaniya Governor Sheikh Faisal Al-Humoud Al-Malik Speaking on the occasion, Al-Sager stated that this most-densely populated ones. Al-Othman stressed that its first smart branch in Khaitan recently, the first of its Al-Sabah, NBK CEO Essam Jassem Al-Sager, NBK’s step comes within the bank’s constant efforts to facili- modern technology is used in the new branch where kind in Kuwait in terms of the technology it uses. The Personal Banking General Manager Suresh Pajpai and his tate better services to its clients through its presence tablets are made available to customers to carry out opening ceremony was held in the presence of Deputy Mohammed Al-Othman. in important areas across the country, especially the transactions. LafargeHolcim CEO to step down over Syria probe Olsen departure expected to ‘restore serenity to company’

ZURICH: French-Swiss cement maker oil as part of a sanctions package tar- agement, selected members of who is set to temporarily take over LafargeHolcim said yesterday its chief geting the regime of Syrian President group management were aware of the chief executive seat after Olsen’s executive Eric Olsen is stepping Bashar al-Assad. circumstances indicating that viola- departure, stressed yesterday that down following an internal investiga- According to an investigative tions of Lafarge’s established stan- “we are absolutely committed to tion into the company’s activities in piece published in French daily Le dards of business conduct had tak- ensuring that events like those that Syria. His resignation will be effective Monde last June, Lafarge entered en place,” it added. occurred in Syria must never hap- on July 15, LafargeHolcim said in a into deals with armed groups in It stressed though that its internal pen again at LafargeHolcim.” statement, adding that its board had Syria, including the Islamic State investigation had “concluded that Vontobel analyst Bernd Pomrehn agreed to his departure even though group, to protect its business inter- Eric Olsen was not responsible for, meanwhile described Olsen’s depar- an internal probe had determined he ests there. nor thought to be aware of, any ture in a research note as “extremely was not responsible for any wrong- Yesterday, LafargeHolcim pub- wrongdoings that have been identi- disappointing” at a time when the doings. Olsen’s departure follows an lished findings from an independent, fied as part of its review.” recently merged company was inquiry into the indirect financing by internal investigation into the plant, “gaining traction and delivering on Lafarge of armed groups in civil war- commissioned by its board. “A num- Never again targeted synergies.” ravaged Syria to keep one of its ber of measures taken to continue The company, which said it But, he said, his departure “high- MANILA: The Philippine National Police Civil Disturbance Unit prepares to cement plants operational. reinforce other police officers near the entrance to the Philippine “My decision is driven by my con- International Convention Center, the venue for the 30th ASEAN leaders’ viction that it will contribute to summit in Manila yesterday. The Philippines hosts the summit of the 10- addressing strong tensions that member Association of Southeast Asian Nations with the theme: have recently arisen around the “Partnering for Change, Engaging the World,” slated for April 26-29. —AP Syria case,” said Olsen. “While I was absolutely not involved in, nor even aware of, any wrongdoing I believe my departure will contribute to LinkedIn membership bringing back serenity to a company that has been exposed for months reaches half a billion on this case,” he added.

WASHINGTON: The professional social social media company. At the time of the ‘Unacceptable practices’ network LinkedIn said yesterday its mem- announcement last June, LinkedIn had 433 Last month, LafargeHolcim admit- bership had swelled to 500 million, as its million registered users. The acquisition ted that it had resorted to “unaccept- user base showed steady growth following aims to position the former tech sector able practices” to continue opera- its acquisition last year by Microsoft. leader as a Facebook-like entity oriented to tions at one of its now-closed facto- “We recently crossed an important and business, with an array of services centered ries in Syria, and yesterday it said an exciting milestone,” LinkedIn vice president around cloud computing. internal probe had confirmed that Aatif Awan said in a blog post. “We now Awan said LinkedIn has some 10 million finding. The admission came after have half a billion members in 200 coun- active job listings, access to nine million sources close to the case told AFP in tries connecting, and engaging with one companies, and more than 100,000 articles January that the French government another in professional conversations and published every week. “A professional com- had filed a legal complaint against finding opportunities through these con- munity of this size has never existed until Lafarge for buying oil in Syria to pow- nections on LinkedIn.” now,” he wrote. “The impact of half a billion er the Jalabiya factory, in violation of Microsoft’s $26 billion acquisition of professionals connecting and communicat- sanctions. LinkedIn which was completed in ing is very real, and very accessible to any- French cement maker Lafarge December was the biggest-ever deal for a one who wants to take part today.” —AFP bought the factory in 2007 and invested some $680 million to get it working by 2010, representing the ZURICH: In this March 2, 2017 file photo Eric Olsen, CEO of Cement group LafargeHolcim, speaks biggest foreign investment in the during a press conference in Zurich, on the company’s activities in Syria. —AP country outside the petroleum sec- tor. The plant, located in northern Syria some 150 kilometres (95 miles) safe operations at the Syrian plant would begin searching for Olsen’s lights that especially companies northeast of Aleppo, was finally evac- were unacceptable, and significant successor “immediately”, said it had being active in politically challenging uated in 2014, and closed down errors of judgement were made that taken “remedial measures”, including regions such as Syria have to follow before Lafarge merged with its Swiss contravened the applicable code of the creation of an “Ethics, Integrity strict code of standard practices.” competitor Holcim in 2015. Lafarge is conduct,” it said. and Risk Committe” to strengthen “LafargeHolcim’s decision to cre- suspected of sourcing oil locally to “The findings also confirm that, and enhance compliance with its ate an Ethics, Integrity and Risks com- operate the factory in defiance of a although these measures were insti- ethics rules. Chairman of mittee following the Syria issue came 2012 EU ban on purchases of Syrian gated by local and regional man- LafargeHolcim’s board Beat Hess, probably too late,” he said. —AFP Britain back in favor for Gulf Bank announces winners corporate deals despite Brexit

of Al-Danah daily draws LONDON: Britain has reclaimed its place as one In all, Krouskos thinks that elections can Already this year, Johnson & Johnson, the of the top five countries that firms look to make have a short-term impact on the appetite for world’s biggest maker of health care products, KUWAIT: Gulf Bank held its Al-Danah daily Five reasons why the Al-Danah deals in, just six months after dropping off the corporate deals, but that longer-term issues has announced its largest-ever acquisition - the draws on 23 April 2017 announcing the account is the Best: list in the wake of the country’s surprise to leave such as rapid technological change are what pending $30 billion purchase of Swiss biophar- names of its winners for the week of 16 1) Kuwait’s single biggest yearly cash the European Union, according to a survey really drive firms. maceutical company Actelion. And British April - 20 April 2017. The Al-Danah daily prize of KD 1 million released yesterday. “Geopolitical and policy uncertainty is a per- American Tobacco has offered $49 billion bid draws include draws every working day for 2) Kuwait’s biggest quarterly cash prizes, In its half-yearly report of business execu- manent feature of the boardroom, but technol- for the nearly 58 percent of rival Reynolds it two prizes of KD 1,000 per winner. up to KD 500,000 tives, consulting firm EY said Britain has ogy-enabled disruption poses a greater chal- doesn’t already own. The winners are: 3) Two winners of KD 1,000 every work- rebounded to be the third most attractive desti- lenge to many business models,” he said. “The Getting deals through isn’t always easy (Sunday 16/4): Ali Ismail Al-Houli, ing day nation for mergers and acquisitions, behind the exponential pace of disruption and transforma- and this year has shown that. Recent failures Rashed Abdullah Al-Rahmani 4) The most chances to win U.S. and China. Last October, in the wake of the tion is compelling executives to engage in M&A. include the proposed $30 billion tie-up (Monday 17/4): Zahra Najaf Ramadan 5) Only Bank that transfers your chances Brexit vote, it had slumped to seventh and out Companies need to innovate to follow rapidly between the London Stock Exchange and Mohammed Shah, Khaled Fahad Khaled Al- to win from year to year of the top five for the first time in EY’s seven- changing customer preferences and buying Deutsche Boerse and most dramatically Otaibi Only Al-Danah makes millionaires. year history of assessing deal intentions. assets can be the fastest way to radically Unilever’s rebuff of a $143 billion approach (Tuesday 18/4): Mona Abbas Ali Al- Al-Danah also offers a number of Steve Krouskos, EY’s global head of transac- reshape their business for future growth.” from Kraft Heinz. And Rupert Murdoch’s Hazeem, Bader Ali Mousa Mohammed unique services including: the Al-Danah tions, said that irrespective of the Brexit vote, As a result, the interest in deals remains high. attempt to consolidate his media empire with (Wednesday 19/4): Meshaal Issa Deposit Only ATM card which helps Britain remains a “major force in the global According to EY’s survey of 2,300 executives Twenty-First Century Fox’s purchase of Mohammed Al-Qattan, Hameed Ahmad account holders deposit their money at economy and a center of deal-making activity.” across 43 countries, the majority of whom are Britain-based Sky is no done deal following Mohammad Al-Rasheed their convenience; as well as the Al-Danah In the City of London, Britain has the most com- CEOs, 56 percent of companies expect to the British government’s decision to give reg- (Thursday 20/4): Mervat Naser Ibrahim calculator to help customers calculate prehensive financial sector in Europe and most actively pursue deals in the next 12 months. ulators more time to weigh the matter Al-Tuwaijri, Suaad Abdullah Mohammad Al- their chances of becoming an Al-Danah commentators think the government, whoever That’s down a percentage point from October, because of the election. Failakawi winner. wins the upcoming general election, will seek but six points higher than a year ago and way One concern that’s risen in the wake of the Gulf Bank’s Al-Danah 2017 draw lineup Gulf Bank’s Al-Danah account is open to retain that status in the Brexit discussions above the survey’s long-run average. Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump as includes daily draws (2 winners per work- to Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti residents of and that Britain will remain an open and trans- “Executives recognize that staying on the US president is that the global economy is ing day and each receive KD1,000). Al- Kuwait. Customers who open an account parent place to do business. deal sidelines could mean they are sidelined heading for a period of increasing protection- Danah’s 2nd Quarterly draw for the prize and/ or deposit more will enter the draw Last month, before she called the general from securing future-proofing assets,” Krouskos ism. However, despite speculation about trade of KD 250,000 will be held on 29 June and within two days. To take part in the Al- election for June 8, Prime Minister Theresa May said. EY’s findings echo those of specialist barriers, Krouskos said cross-border M&A has the 3rd quarterly draw for the prize of KD Danah 2017 upcoming quarterly and formally triggered the two-year process by Mergermarket, which this month found that already been a hallmark of 2017, with a resur- 500,000 will be held on 28 September. yearly draws, customers must have an Al- which Britain will leave the EU. There’s now global deal-making has remained resilient this gence of deals between the United States and The final Al-Danah draw for KD1 million Danah account containing at least KD growing talk that whoever wins the election will year in the face of uncertainties, with deals Western Europe. According to the survey, only will be held on 11 January, 2018 whereby 200; customers can visit one of Gulf be in a better position to get a transitional deal worth $678.5 billion announced in the first quar- 36 percent of companies now plan to focus on the Al-Danah millionaire will be Bank’s 56 branches. For assistance and with the EU that might last around three years. ter, 8.9 percent up on the previous year’s value. domestic deals in the next 12 months. —AP announced. guidance. TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 BUSINESS Stocks, euro surge on hopes of Macron win

LONDON: Europe’s stock markets and the euro ing got under way in New York. “Relief. That is a wave of populism, which swept Donald Trump out by the time of the second election round Friday that there would be “a big surged yesterday after moderate candidate the word that basically describes the sharp to the White House and saw Britain vote to leave in two weeks’ time, but in the meantime announcement on Wednesday having to Emmanuel Macron won the first round of France’s moves in the markets today,” said Fawad the EU, could lead to a win for the anti-European enthusiasm was rampant. “Bullishness has do with tax reform”. Eyes are now on presidential election and looked set to triumph in the Razaqzada, a market analyst at The Le Pen and put the future of the bloc in doubt. returned to equities,” said Mike van Dulken, Washington, where lawmakers have just run-off against far-right candidate Marine Le Pen next euro shot higher to trade above $1.09 at one However, Macron is widely expected to gallop Head of Research at Accendo Markets. four days to agree a funding bill to avoid a month. Germany’s blue-chip share index, the DAX, hit point, compared with $1.0726 on Friday. to victory over the divisive Front National leader The surge in optimism drove down the painful government shutdown that would an all-time high as stock markets across Europe and “European markets are in a buoyant mood... and traders gave a huge thumbs-up. “Markets are yen-considered a safe bet in times of uncer- cost the economy billions of dollars. There Asia breathed easier after pro-business French presi- after the French pollsters got it near enough happy to buy what they see as the fact-that 39- tainty-which in turn lifted Japanese exporters. are fears Trump will refuse to sign anything dential candidate Emmanuel Macron’s first-round spot on,” said Joshua Mahony, market analyst at year-old Emmanuel Macron will be confirmed as Tokyo’s Nikkei ended up 1.3 percent, Sydney that does not contain spending for his con- success. The Frankfurt index of 30 leading stocks IG trading group. “The move back into risk assets the next president of the French republic in two added 0.3 percent, Seoul gained 0.4 percent troversial Mexican border wall, with briefly touched 12,428.62 points, compared with the means the chief losers have been the likes of weeks’ time,” Ray Attrill, head of FX strategy at and Wellington put on 0.4 percent. Democrats saying they will not back any- previous record of 12,391 reached in April 2015. gold and the Japanese yen, with stock markets National Australia Bank, said in a commentary. Hong Kong closed 0.4 percent higher but thing that does include such provisions. moving sharply higher.” Shanghai sank 1.4 percent, extending a Oil had another volatile day as investors ‘Relief’ is the word The price of gold fell by nearly 1.5 percent on The bulls are back recent sell-off fuelled by profit-taking, liquid- mulled the chances of OPEC extending an Wall Street also posted healthy gains as trad- the day. Investors globally had been fearful that Some cautioned that the party mood may fizzle ity concerns and regulatory plans. The gains output cut agreement beyond June. After a in Asia extended Friday’s rally that was built firmer start, the oil price fell back into nega- on comments from US Treasury Secretary tive territory by the European afternoon on Steven Mnuchin, who promised that a tax selling by traders doubting that any exten- reform plan would be unveiled soon. sion, if agreed, would actually soak up the That was followed by Trump saying current glut on oil markets. —AFP

TOKYO: A man walks past an electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo yes- terday. Asian stocks were mixed yesterday as investors weighed the results of the first round of the French presidential election. —AP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 BUSINESS Ageing German population to sap growth: Bundesbank German business confidence edges up in April

FRANKFURT AM MAIN: Germany’s ageing popu- Germans in the 60- to 75-year-old cohort grow highest level since July 2011. Businesses were lation will undermine potential economic growth by more than 3.0 million, as people born during much more confident about the present econom- by the middle of the next decade as more of the the baby boom lasting until the late 1960s reach ic situation but slightly gloomier about the future baby boomer generation heads for retirement, retirement age. outlook, the survey of around 7,000 firms showed. the country’s central bank predicted yesterday. Meanwhile, the number of German-born “The mood in German boardrooms has “In the medium term, falling population and people aged between 45 and 54 will fall by 3.5 improved again,” commented Ifo president the ageing of the workforce in Germany will sig- million, and there will be 2.5 million fewer Clemens Fuest, noting that “the German econo- nificantly reduce economic growth,” economists between 15 and 29 years old. Relatively high lev- my is growing powerfully,” despite the slightly from the Bundesbank in Frankfurt wrote in their els of immigration and higher productivity less positive expectations for the coming monthly report for April. Based on current trends, among older workers, who have more experi- months. Looking to different sectors, manufac- LAWRENCE: In this March 3, 2017, photo, a woman works with fabric at 99Degrees the number of people of working age in 2025 will ence and training and higher rates of participa- turers were less upbeat than in March, while Custom, an apparel manufacturer specializing in sewn and bonded sports and be the same as in 2016, the experts predict-mean- tion in the economy, are expected to compen- retailers, wholesalers and construction firms all activewear, in Lawrence, Mass. — AP ing that potential growth will fall to “significantly sate for the effects of ageing for a time. saw the mood improve. below 1.0 percent” from the almost 1.25 percent But the number of people available for the “The German economy seems to have entered Survey of US economists finds seen between 2011 and 2016. labor force will begin falling by 2025 at the lat- an almost endless positive cycle,” said analyst Germany, once known as the “sick man of est-even in a very high immigration scenario Carsten Brzeski of ING Diba bank, pointing to “ear- optimism about economy Europe”, has become the continent’s economic with some 300,000 new arrivals per year. lier reforms, low interest rates, a weak euro and powerhouse in recent years, recording 1.9 per- strong private and public consumption.” WASHINGTON: Business economists are June 2009, the economy has averaged annu- cent growth in 2016. Meanwhile, the country’s Confidence up “Not only the German economy, but the entire generally optimistic about the US economy al GDP growth of just 2.1 percent, the slowest unemployment rate is at its lowest since reunifi- Menwhi, German businesses felt more confi- eurozone economy could become the positive with most expecting stronger growth than recovery since the end of World War II. Only 1 cation in 1990, at 5.8 percent. dent in April but were cautious about the future growth surprise of 2017,” Brzeski went on. Jennifer last year’s poor performance. percent of the economists expected no Early-2000s labor market reforms brought economic outlook, a monthly survey from the McKeown of Capital Economics cautioned that Economists surveyed by the National growth or a decline in GDP during the next many of Germany’s jobless back into work, while Munich-based Ifo institute showed yesterday. Ifo’s “expectations softened slightly, perhaps suggest- Association for Business Economics also year. President Donald Trump has pledged to a high proportion of women are in employment closely-watched business confidence index ing that growth may be nearing a peak”. But she expect improved or unchanged sales and boost GDP growth to 4 percent or better, compared to other advanced economies. But climbed to 112.9 points from 112.4 points in allowed that “upside risks” to the economic fore- profits at their companies in the second though private economists are doubtful he the coming years will see the number of March, beating analyst expectations to reach its casts seemed more likely. — Agencies quarter, with most reporting no changes in can achieve that goal given the headwinds hiring or investment in response to policy the economy faces from an aging workforce changes expected after the November elec- and disappointing productivity growth. tion. Nearly two-thirds of economists in the The survey also found that 91 percent of poll released yesterday expect gross domes- those polled expect rising or unchanged tic product growth of 2.1 percent to 3 percent inflation-adjusted sales in the second quar- in the next four quarters. That would be a sig- ter. That’s down slightly from the results in nificant improvement from anemic growth of January. Fifty-three percent expected sales 1.6 percent in 2016, the weakest showing in to rise, down four percentage points from five years. Since the Great Recession ended in January’s survey. — AP Outstanding returns for KIB’s Arzaq Deposit in Q1 2017

KUWAIT: Kuwait International offerings are designed to meet Bank (KIB) announced that the the diverse needs of both retail performance indicators for its and corporate customers, as we Arzaq Investment Deposit are fully aware that customers achieved outstanding returns do not only look for high during the first quarter of 2017 returns on their investments, in Kuwaiti Dinar, as the deposit but also seek flexible solutions recorded an annualized gross that cater to their specific profit rate of 2.65% by end of requirements.” the quarter. Ramy Khalifa The Arzaq Investment Ramy Khalifa, Assistant Deposit operates in accordance General Manager - Retail Distribution Sales with the Mudarabah principle, and has Services at KIB, said, “We are always looking been designed to offer customers safe, to offer the most competitive returns in the short-term investments available in Kuwaiti market across all our investment products, Dinar as well as three major foreign curren- which is why we are proud to say that our cies (USD, Euro, GBP). The deposit also Arzaq Deposit achieved one of the highest offers flexible deposit period options, rang- returns nationwide during the year 2016 ing from one month to one year. Upon and in the first quarter of this current year.” completion of the tenure, the investment Khalifa further added: “Our investment account can be automatically renewed. BEIJING: Two women walk past shops in a mall in Beijing yesterday. — AFP Scams push foreclosure fraud to limit Investors from Kuwait, Australia and UK caught up in scams

NEW YORK: The phone call came as Raymond Investors in Kuwait, Australia and the United died suddenly of ovarian cancer in early 2009, in his home. After signing, Murray left that day son “war room” dedicated to fighting deed theft, Murray neared the bottom of his luck. His wife Kingdom looking to capitalize on Detroit’s resur- the real financial pinch set in. He cut back on awash in relief. That feeling was short-lived. with representatives of his office working along- had died, his career had been ended by injuries, gence are among those who have been caught food, kept the house darkened and found other Alvarenga phoned to tell him the loan modifica- side prosecutors and deputies. They’ve raised and struggling to get by on his disability check, up in scams. ways to scrimp. tion wasn’t approved, but pleaded for him to be awareness for police more used to dealing with he had scraped together just enough to pay a * In Indianapolis, Crystal Francis, an attorney “I tried and I tried and I tried and I tried with patient. As Murray grew worried and suspicious, stolen purses or cars. “They had never heard of lawyer to avoid imminent foreclosure on his with Indiana Legal Services, tells of deed theft my little savings,” Murray said. Before long, his he tried several times to reach Alvarenga, each stolen houses,” he said. modest Brooklyn home. cases sprinkled throughout the area in recent savings were nearly gone and he was falling time turned away by a receptionist, he said. Undoing deed theft damage can take her- The voice on the line offered a godsend: No years, with elderly people the preferred targets. short on the mortgage, and in time, a default “Well, what do I have to do, call the FBI?” he culean efforts. Linda Fisher, a law professor at more attorney fees, no more foreclosure, a lower One woman victimized by a scam while in the notice alerted him that he was being referred for remembered saying. “Something is funny.” Seton Hall University who runs a legal clinic that monthly mortgage, and all this help for free. throes of a liver problem and dialysis treatment foreclosure. Turning to an attorney to try to It all climaxed with Murray finding a man on frequently litigates mortgage fraud cases, says Murray was soon picked up by a black Mercedes- was overcome with shame. She couldn’t muster restructure his debt, he spent $5,000. his property taking pictures and informing him deed theft typically takes two to three years to Benz, off to meet the man on the phone. Not the strength for a protracted legal fight, choosing Then came that chance call in January 2014, the house now belonged to him. An eviction resolve. Her first case, she said, took eight years. long after, he was back at the office again, prop- to simply walk away from her longtime home and from a man named Mario Alvarenga whose notice was soon posted on the door, ordering While cases are often complicated, they are erty deed in hand and a ring of people around a move in with a friend. “She was so discouraged,” promises, Murray said, were exactly what he him to vacate. winnable, said Amy Mix, an attorney with Legal conference room table, finalizing the supposed Francis said. “She just concluded it was too much.” needed to hear. He was impressed by the black The chilling realization dawned: “They stole Counsel for the Elderly, a Washington-based affil- fix to keep him in the home he hoped to die in. Mercedes that picked him up, by the politeness my home from me.” In many cases, a deed theft iate of AARP. Homes are frequently returned to Eventually, the blessing Murray thought he Gravest problem of the woman at the Homeowner Assistance does not become evident to the homeowner their rightful owners. And since it’s often “the had found was revealed as a curse. Amid unful- The problem has been gravest in New York, Services office, and by the Alvarenga’s profes- until months or even years after it happened. only asset of any real value that they have,” it’s a filled promises, unreturned calls and unwelcome particularly the ever-pricier neighborhoods of sionalism. “These people have class,” he thought. Francis, the Indiana lawyer, said some of her worthy fight, she said. visitors at his door, the truth became clear: This Brooklyn. The New York sheriff’s office has taken After finding the eviction notice on his door, aging immigrant, who thought he’d realized an a lead on the cases and since 2014, the office has Murray got help from attorneys at JASA Legal American dream, was scammed out of his home. amassed more than 1,700 complaints, with hun- Services for the Elderly in Queens, who found a Around the US, deed theft has emerged as dreds under investigation, and some 32 arrests vast paper trail they believe was part of the ruse one of the most sophisticated and devastating already tallied. The cases can take investigators to make the transaction look legitimate. A real frauds ever to menace homeowners. Foreclosure years to solve. Sheriff Joseph Fucito points to a estate agent had even posted Murray’s home on “rescue” scams that have stolen thousands of graphic of a single case, a snare of lines repre- the multiple-listing service. (“Property sold ‘as is,’” dollars from individual homeowners in the years senting the three partners at the center of the it said, in a listing detailing the brick construc- since the housing collapse have been pushed by probe, and their ties to 110 different companies tion, steam heat and $170,000 asking price.) savvy perpetrators to their limit. They use lies to and 189 properties. In this case, like many others, convince the desperate to sign over their title, Fucito said the perpetrators did a mix of above- Restructuring then force them into homelessness or a years- board and fraudulent business through a series What Murray believed was a mortgage long legal battle. of limited-liability companies, leaving it to detec- restructuring was actually a sale, meticulously “The scammers are no longer content with tives to pinpoint victims. documented in the paperwork, making the fight stealing $5,000. Now they want the whole “Some of it’s legitimate, some of it’s not legiti- to undo it a legal challenge. A judge initially house,” said Dina Levy, who heads the mate, and we have to pick through it,” Fucito ruled against Murray on his eviction, but his Homeowner Protection Program in the New York said. “But all of it smells funny.” The sheriff ticks attorneys got a stay of that order. There is no res- attorney general’s office, which has spread word off the ways the thefts happen, from oppor- olution yet, but Murray has been allowed to about deed theft and prosecuted culprits. tunists cobbling together documents on vacant remain in the house even as, on paper, he is no Although there are no firm numbers on how properties to those transferring the home of an longer the owner. Murray sees the whole ordeal many cases of deed theft have occurred, they unwitting family member into their name, to as a battle between good and evil. When he have been reported around the US, particularly fake housing assistance businesses that prey on received the call from one of his lawyers, Robert in markets that have rebounded from the hous- those in financial crisis. Seewald, telling him Alvarenga and others had ing crisis or in neighborhoods that are gentrify- Cases in that final category are the hardest to DETROIT: Bernard Youngblood, Wayne County Register of Deeds, poses with an old deed been arrested and faced federal charges in the ing. “It’s growing, absolutely,” said Kristen Clarke, prove, and the toughest to undo. Companies use registry book in Detroit. — AP scheme, he says he felt as if he had seen an who heads the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil misrepresentations to get a home signed over to Murray left the office that day with a sense of elderly clients became aware when strange mail angel. “These defendants manipulated and took Rights Under Law, a nonprofit that has them and often use licensed professionals to hope he hadn’t felt in years. He said Alvarenga started arriving in their box or when receiving an advantage of vulnerable people,” then-U.S. attor- researched foreclosure-related fraud. “We’re notarize and file legal documents. told him his mortgage could be restructured to eviction notice. Deed theft victims are often old- ney Preet Bharara said in announcing the beginning to see these scammers operate in a far “You can just wake up,” Fucito said, “and it fit his income. It wouldn’t even cost anything, so er, or have some other perceived vulnerability, charges. In court papers, Alvarenga’s attorneys more bold way.” happened on a piece of paper.” Murray came to long as Murray fired his attorney. such as difficulty with English or a limited grasp dismissed Murray’s story, saying he had “simply * In San Diego, federal prosecutors netted a New York in 1989 from his native Guyana, and Because of his poor credit, Murray said he was of finances. “People will say things like, ‘I’m really conspired a plan to live for free, for as long as guilty plea and a six-year prison sentence last dove into long days at work - as a telephone told, his home would need to go in the name of stupid.’ They’re embarrassed,” Francis said. possible.” But Alvarenga later pleaded guilty to year for a man who forged deeds on at least 15 technician sometimes chased by dogs, and later another company Alvarenga was tied to, Launch “Having your trust broken is so harsh.” conspiracy. He awaits sentencing. Six others also homes, and then quickly sold them to the sur- as a police traffic control agent dodging irate Development, for 90 days; then the loan modifi- Sometimes, the fraud takes place entirely on face federal charges in the case, two of whom prise of unwitting owners. The ringleader of what motorists. He and his wife Desrie, a teacher, lived cation would be finalized and the property could paper. Bernard Youngblood, the register of deeds have pleaded guilty. investigators called a “tangled web of deceit” in a relative’s basement, then rented a home be put in the name of one of his children or, as in Wayne County, Michigan, tells of a case in his Jim Druker, one of Alvarenga’s attorneys, said, netted about $2.2 million in the scheme. Buyers before saving enough to buy. It wasn’t much - a he’d remarried, his new wife. office, when a man came to file a quitclaim deed “Mario is just a nice guy who got caught up in coaxed into purchasing the homes were left with two-story brick house with a white metal gate, transferring ownership on a property. A clerk rec- something,” and that it went “from overzealous worthless claims to titles. on a quiet, tree-lined Brooklyn street - but he felt ‘Something is funny’ ognized the address and went to a co-worker salesmanship into the criminal arena.” * In Detroit, the Wayne County Register of like he finally could see what he’d been working When Murray returned to Alvarenga’s confer- with a question. “Are you selling your house to Murray’s lawyers are still fighting in court for Deeds is looking to expand its mortgage and for. “It was an American dream,” the 67-year-old ence room, it was full of people - a man he was that guy?” she asked. the return of the title to his home. Meantime, he deed fraud unit to deal with a crush of cases. The says. After two on-the-job accidents, Murray was told was his new attorney, a real estate agent, a She wasn’t. Youngblood said he faked a com- worries his neighbors will learn he was scammed problem is so severe the office runs a round-the- forced into retirement. Money became tighter, notary public and others. Murray, whose vision puter outage, leaving the would-be fraudster and he says it’s hard to trust people now, after his clock property fraud hotline and has a marked and the couple refinanced their mortgage for was blurred by cataracts, struggled to read stacks waiting at the counter. It bought enough time to bitter experience with those who targeted him. deed-theft patrol car used by investigators fol- $388,000 in 2006 and took out another $21,800 of documents presented for his signature - get deputies to respond and make an arrest. “They see that I was desperate, that I was in need,” lowing up on tips. loan a year later to stay afloat. After Murray’s wife papers he said he was assured would keep him Today, Youngblood’s office has an eight-per- he said. “But I can see justice coming.” — AP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 BUSINESS Kuwait Airways adds 2 routes to its network for summer KAC adds Vienna and Sharm El-Sheikh as international destinations reach 38

KUWAIT: Kuwait Airways, the official national carrier percent ownership, making it the longest serving, of the State of Kuwait, has announced that Vienna official single-state carrier operating from the and Sharm El-Sheikh have been added to its interna- Arabian Gulf region. tional network, for the IATA Summer Season (26 In 2016, Kuwait Airways announced a five-year March - 28 October). These seasonal additions take transformation strategy with a mandate of reassert- the airline’s total number of destinations up to 38. ing the official national carrier of Kuwait’s proud Having recently announced a 16 percent legacy and status within the regional aviation mar- increase in frequencies across its network for the ket, while also reclaiming the position as the “pre- Summer Season, the additional routes are in ferred airline linking Kuwait to the world”. response to Kuwait Airways’ increasing passenger A member of the Arab Air Carriers Organization numbers and market share, within its domestic and employing over 4,800 people, Kuwait Airways’ market and with transit passengers. head office is situated in the heart of Kuwait City, close “Vienna has long been a cultural capital, within to Kuwait International Airport. The airline currently Europe, and has proven to be a popular destination provides regular scheduled services to 38 internation- during the Summer Season. Kuwait Airways is al destinations in the Far East, Middle East, Europe and pleased to resume this service for both our loyal North America. In 2017, the airline is expected to cross passengers and an ever-increasing number of new the milestone of serving over three million passen- passengers who are flying with us,” said Shorouk Al- gers, per year (TTM). Kuwait Airways’ fleet of 25 aircraft Awadhi, Director of Network Planning and Strategy, currently consists of: 6 x B777-300ER; 7 x A320- Kuwait Airways. “Sharm El-Sheikh is a renowned 200CEO (completed delivery Q2 2015); 5 x A330s regional holiday destination and popular with (completed delivery Q4 2015); 4 x A340-300s; 2 x Kuwaitis, GCC nationals and many other nationali- Boeing 777-200; and 1 x Boeing 747-400. ties. It is a route that has been served by Kuwait In December 2016, Kuwait Airways received the Airways before and, because it continues to prove first of 10 Boeing 777-300ERs, with expected com- to be in seasonal demand, it is a commercially- Established in 1953 as a private company, the air- pletion of delivery of the final aircraft in Q3 2017. Once the delivery of these 35 new aircraft are con- viable route that makes a welcome return to our line was initially 50 percent owned by the Kuwaiti Further additions to the fleet will include 15 cluded, Kuwait Airways will boast the youngest international network,” Al-Awadhi added. government; In 1962, the government assumed 100 A320neo’s and 10 A350s (delivery to start in 2019). commercial airline fleet in the world. Gulf Bank’s exclusive offer for priority customers from Fauchon Boutiques

KUWAIT: Gulf Bank announced yesterday that selection of privileges that match their it is providing an exclusive offer for its Priority lifestyle as well providing access to Peacock Banking customers from Fauchon Boutiques. Concierge’s renowned local concierge serv- The new offer will run for one month only, ices. With Gulf Bank Priority Banking, cus- starting 22nd April until 21st May 2017. tomers enjoy personalized and preferential Gulf Bank’s Priority Banking customers treatment coupled with a suite of Banking are provided with 15 percent discount on and Investment products and services all retail items from Fauchon Boutiques designed to meet their financial goals. A Toyota Genuine Parts brings located in Prestige - The Avenues, Salhiya dedicated Relationship Manager is Plaza, and Crowne Plaza - Al-Thuraya City. assigned to manage customers banking By only using their premium credit cards requirements in the comfort of dedicated including Visa Infinite, MasterCard World, private floors. exciting special promotion Visa Signature, Visa Platinum and In addition, they will receive a branded MasterCard Platinum, customers can bene- ATM card that recognizes their status across fit from the wide selection of premium Gulf Bank Network, premium credit cards chocolate gift items. The offer does not with exclusive privileges, discounted fees Al-Sayer announces winners of the first raffle include dine-ins. and waivers on banking transactions and Gulf Bank is committed to offering its added-value benefits through the Bank’s KUWAIT: Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & Sons Co Priority Banking customers with a wide premium partner merchants. (MNSS) Group Spare Parts Division, one of the Al-Sayer Group Holding Companies, held 1st raf- fle on Wednesday 19 April 2017 at their Canada Flydubai wins at 2017 Business Dry outlet, to select the winners of the first draw of Toyota Genuine Parts special promotion in the Traveller Middle East Awards presence of Abdulaziz Ashkanani from Ministry of Consumer Protection Affairs, Mohamed Nasimi Senior Manager After Sales Marketing, Xavier Yesudas Manager Parts and Accessories Sales, Oommen Philip Deputy Parts Marketing Manager along with the members from Group Parts and Marketing.

Be a Winner with Toyota Genuine Spare Parts Customers will be entitled to enter one draw every month for three months upon every KD 5 spent on Toyota Genuine Parts to win exciting prizes. The offer is only available at Toyota Al- Sayer parts outlets and service centers for all invoices issued between 19 March and 18 June 2017. Four lucky winners will be selected in each monthly draw who will be presented with cash prizes in total of KD 2,500. In addition to cash prizes all customers will also have a chance to win Third Prize: Toyota vehicle’s exact specifications. Each Bassel Ahmed Al-Khatib - KD 500, part will fit perfectly and meet the high qual- KUWAIT: 2017 Toyota Yaris through the grand prize draw. Dubai-based flydubai was creating trade and tourism flows in previ- Fourth Prize: ity standards of Toyota. named “Best Low-Cost Airline serving the ously underserved markets. flydubai cur- Names of the winners of the first raffle and the prizes won are as follows: Mohamed Haidar Aghaz - KD 250. All the winners can collect their prizes from Middle East” at the 2017 Business rently has a network of 93 destinations in Show genuine love for your Toyota by taking Al-Sayer Group Head Quarters at Kuwait Free Traveller Middle East Awards held in 44 countries, and carried 10.4 million Names of first draw winners care of it with Genuine Toyota Parts Trade Zone by presenting the official letter Dubai on 23 April. Voted by readers of passengers in 2016. Toyota Genuine Spare Parts reputation from Ministry. Last date to enter the draw will the magazine, the distinction reflects fly- Ken Gile, Chief Operating Officer at fly- First prize-Shaheen Abdullah Mohammed Al - Husseini - KD 1000, and trust among customers are grounded on be the 18th of each month. The remaining dubai’s comprehensive regional network, dubai, represented flydubai at the awards their highest standards of quality, durability draws of this promotion will be held on 21 May evolving business model and its role in ceremony and is pictured with the award. Second Prize: Othman Abdullah Al-Othman - KD 750, and performance. They are designed to fit and 20 June 2017 respectively. GE tie-up with Sonelgaz to boost Algeria’s power sector

ALGIERS: GE is collaborating with Sonelgaz Joint venture programs to train its workers, technicians, and Industrial Internet software deals to date for GE Furthermore, GE will work with Algerian SPE, a subsidiary of Sonelgaz, in a landmark The agreement was signed by president engineers, and thus contribute to the develop- Power. Sonelgaz has selected GE’s Asset Engineering Services Company’s (ALGESCO) deal that highlights its Fleet360 total plant and CEO of Sonelgaz SPE, Sabri Lezhari; and ment of local expertise and Algerian talent. Performance Management and Operations engineers to repair its 9FA gas turbine technol- solutions capabilities. The largest services con- president and CEO of GE Northwest Africa, Activities began at GEAT a few months ago Optimization software applications to monitor ogy locally, creating more than 100 new engi- tract in GE Power’s history, the agreement will Touffik Fredj, in the presence of the Prime after Sonelgaz placed the first order of 4 gas and analyze data drawn from thousands of neering jobs and building a local center of lead the digital industrial transformation of Minister of Algeria, HE Abdelmalek Sellal; the turbines and 2 steam turbines. The equipment sensors throughout its power plants. excellence for turbine repairs. First established Sonelgaz’s plants throughout Algeria and Minister of Energy, HE Noureddine Boutarfa; will be delivered between 2019 and 2020 and The software leverages advanced data ana- in 1993, ALGESCO is a joint venture of GE with strengthen local industrial capabilities. the CEO of Sonelgaz, M Mustapha Guitouni; will be connected to the national grid by 2021. lytics to predict and eliminate unplanned Sonatrach and Sonelgaz. GE will also train up The landmark collaboration includes long- president and CEO of GE Power, Steve Bolze; downtime, and improve power plant produc- to 1,000 Sonelgaz field engineers and opera- term operations and maintenance (O&M) serv- president and CEO of GE Middle East, North Top priority tivity. GE’s software is built on Predix, a data tors on industry best practices to strengthen ices for 10 Sonelgaz plants throughout the Africa and Turkey, Nabil Habayeb; president Speaking at the occasion, the Minister of platform purpose-designed for the scale and their expertise and competitiveness, which will country that generate 11 gigawatts of power, and CEO of GE’s Power Services business in the Energy, HE Noureddine Boutarfa said, “The complexity of industrial data. “Algeria is potentially enable Sonelgaz to collaborate with a capacity building system for Energy Middle East and Africa (MEA), Joseph Anis; government’s top priority is to strengthen focused on building a diversified economy and GE on future O&M projects in Africa. Efficiency that will deliver more than 420 General Manager Sales of GE’s Power Services power generation in the country through a strengthening the operational efficiency of its This agreement builds on GE’s long term megawatts of additional power with greater business in MEA, Adel Omrani and other high- highly efficient, sustainable, and productive power sector and natural gas generation and presence in Algeria. In 2013, GE signed three fuel efficiency, and the introduction of GE’s level GE and government representatives. infrastructure. The new GEAT facility, which distribution assets,” said Mustapha Guitouni, major contracts to supply heavy-duty gas tur- digital solutions. Together, these capabilities The signing ceremony took place at the GE manufactures high-end equipment for the president and CEO of Sonelgaz. “The opening bine and aeroderivative gas turbine technology will strengthen the operational efficiency and Algeria Turbines (GEAT) plant in Ain Yagout, a power sector, and the development of the of GEAT and the digital industrial transforma- for nine power plants throughout the country. productivity of the plants. They will also help joint venture created in 2014 by GE and Maintenance Des Equipements Industriels tion of our plants are significant steps forward With over 40 years of presence in the country, save up to $2 billion in gas that can be made Sonelgaz, which will manufacture gas turbines (MEI) shop to manufacture spare parts are a in achieving our economic vision of industrial GE is a strategic partner supporting Algeria’s available for sale in international markets. and steam turbines for Sonelgaz’s power gen- strong value-add to the economy as they will diversification, boosting productivity, and max- growth aspirations. Today, GE Power’s technolo- “The Algerian government and Sonelgaz eration needs. boost our exports, enhance the efficiency of imizing asset utilization. GE’s advanced suite of gies generate nearly 70 percent of the electricity have a clear vision for the future of the coun- The Ain Yagout site in Batna, covering an our power plants and create new jobs for digital technologies will help transform our distributed across the country, GE Aviation’s jet try’s power sector,” Steve Bolze, president and area of 20 hectares, was chosen by both part- Algerian youth. Further, the digital transforma- power plants, build local talent, and strength- engines power approximately 70 percent of CEO of GE Power said. “The emphasis on build- ners to house this industrial complex, which tion of the power plants will enable us to opti- en the culture of localization.” domestic aircrafts and up to 3,000 advanced ing industrial capacity and the focus on the will annually be able to manufacture equip- mize the use of our natural resources, and in In a significant contribution to the Algerian solutions from GE Healthcare are deployed in digital transformation of power plant assets ment with the capacity to generate up to 1.5 turn, create added value for the economy. GE’s economy, the new agreement will drive the healthcare facilities across the country. GE has are long-term investments in the future of the GW of power. expertise in digital industrial technologies will development of a local supply chain with MEI, four offices and two facilities in Algeria and over country. GE is honored to strengthen our col- GEAT will employ between 300 and 350 contribute to enhancing the efficiency of the an affiliate of Sonelgaz, to manufacture spare 700 employees. Focused on strengthening the laboration with Sonelgaz and help create a people and its construction will create about power sector, as well as the skills of Algerian parts for GE’s turbines in Algeria. The ‘Made in skills of its employees and nurturing business vibrant local ecosystem for the power sector 600 additional indirect jobs. It will also offer professionals through knowledge sharing and Algeria’ initiative will be a part of GE’s interna- leadership skills, GE also provides several training that will help meet the needs of people and opportunities to develop a local supply chain. hands-on training.” The collaboration with tional supply chain, and create up to 300 high programs in line with the government’s vision to various industries across Algeria.” GEAT will draw on GE’s globally recognized Sonelgaz also includes one of the largest technology engineering jobs for Algerians. promote human capital development. technology TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017

Sophos introduces new anti-ransomware CryptoGuard Technology

DUBAI: Sophos, a global leader in network and end- they contain proprietary financials, personally iden- source of compromises faster. Sophos Central its server protection to be ‘lightweight.’ Many of our point security, yesterday announced, that its next-gen- tifiable information and other key data, and should Server Protection also includes Malicious Traffic customers are educational institutions with older eration anti-ransomware CryptoGuard technology is be protected as such. Detection, which monitors for traffic to Command computers, so having an anti-ransomware capabili- now available with its “Servers are considered the jackpot for cyber- and Control servers and application white listing ty that doesn’t impact server performance - no mat- SophosServer Protection criminals, since they can store confidential corpo- with one-click Server Lockdown, which secures ter how old or new - is a must. The evolution of ran- products. With this opti- rate and employee information, medical records servers in a safe state and prevents unauthorized somware is a reality our customers need to deal mization, Sophos Server with social security numbers or private customer applications from running. with right now. We are focused on selling Sophos Protection now has sig- documents. It would be devastating for organiza- Sophos Server Protection products with Central Server Protection Advanced and Sophos nature-less detection tions to lose this kind of sensitive data to ran- CryptoGuard capabilities now includes Central Intercept X to guard against ransomware threats.” capabilities to combat somware,” said Dan Schiappa, senior vice president Server Protection Advanced on the cloud-based “At Lifeways, our userslog into servers to access ransomware - similar to and general manager of Sophos’ Enduser and Sophos Central platform and Sophos Server their email and websites, so we definitely need a Sophos Intercept X for Network Security Groups. “Most organizations back- Protection Enterprise, which is managed with a tra- solution that prevents ransomware. Already, we use endpoints. In September up their data, but recovery from a backup is not ditional on-premise console. Sophos Central Server Protection Advanced for 2016, Sophos launched always easy. Businesses, schools or hospitals do not approximately 100 servers. We also have Sophos SophosIntercept X with want the liability, hassle and operational disruption Partner and Customer Feedback Intercept X running on roughly 600 endpoints or CryptoGuard, which stop required to restore from a backup. Anti-ransomware “Protection for servers is especially critical for our about 50 percent our estate so far. With Intercept X’s Dan Schiappa the spontaneous encryp- technology is a critical layer for the protection and customers who allow remote desktop connections root cause analysis feature, we have a holistic view tion of data by ran- ongoing accessibility of the information that resides or have weak desktop credentials, which is a known of breaches and the ability to investigate every somware within seconds of detection. on servers. Sophos has optimized its Server vulnerability for ransomware attacks. Even our cus- node that’s been infected. We can also reverse ran- By adding CryptoGuard to server security, Protection products with CryptoGuard, adding tomers who have put every safeguard in place somware attacks on the endpoints, which is huge,” Sophos is closing a critical gap by preventing ran- another layer of next-gen protection to block this could still have an exposed server, due to that one said Andy Pitcher, group infrastructure manager at somware attacks that could come in through pervasive and highly-damaging cyber threat.” rogue laptop someone connects into the network. Lifeways, a Sophos customer in London, England. rogue, guest or remote access users or other weak- Sophos has also expanded Synchronized Just one click on a tainted email could encrypt “Lifeways has been hit by ransomware in the past nesses in a company’s network. For example, if a Security by adding Sophos Security Heartbeat every file with ransomware. We’ve seen this happen and it was not fun. The attack came in through an company allows bring-your-own-laptops on the capabilities to Sophos Central Server Protection with a customer, so from a technical standpoint, it’s end point and hit the serveras well. We were able to network, remote access for employees or is victim- Advanced. By adding Security Heartbeat to servers, exciting to have anti-ransomware capabilities at the restore quickly, but our business did come to a halt ized by an insider cyber threat, servers become an IT administrator can now leverage Sophos XG server level,” said Dan Russell, chief information offi- for a while. Sophos Server Protectionand Sophos highly susceptible to ransomware. Additionally, Firewall to automatically isolate infected servers cer, Pine Cove Consulting, a Sophos channel partner Intercept X are critical defenses for us, and we plan network shares on servers are high-value targets as and endpoints to identify and respond to the based in Bozeman, Montana. “Sophos also designed to use them throughout our entire estate.” VIVA and Huawei launch Huawei P10 and P10 Plus Another milestone in Viva’s track record: Al-Badran

KUWAIT: VIVA, Kuwait’s fastest- growing and most developed tele- com operator, and Huawei Kuwait, launched Huawei P10 and P10 Plus devices, during a ceremony at Radisson Blu Hotel. Commenting on this launch, Eng Slaman bin Abdulaziz Al-Badran, VIVA’s CEO said: “We are proud of our concrete partnership with Huawei, and joint efforts between VIVA’s team and Huawei’s team led to announce about those significant devices. This achievement is yet a In this April 12, 2017 photo, Taiwan’s ‘digital minister’ Audrey Tang speaks milestone in VIVA’s track record.” during an interview in Seoul. —AP “At Huawei, we’re always inspired by people’s lives and experiences. In today’s fast-paced life, it’s hard to Taiwan’s ‘hacker minister’ always be in the moment; taking pic- tures helps us document and pre- reshaping digital democracy serve our best moments and memo- ries. It also helps us express ourselves Taiwan’s “digital minister” “The idea is not about spotting ‘fake creatively and tell our stories better. SEOUL: With the HUAWEI P10 and HUAWEI Audrey Tang, a computer prodigy and news’ but about being able to make P10 Plus, our ambition is to offer entrepreneur who taught herself pro- decisions ... so that people don’t get people a compelling photography gramming at age 8, says she’s a “civic swayed in one way or another based on experience by putting the power of hacker,” who like a locksmith uses spe- rumors,” Tang said. a photography studio in their pock- cialized skills to help rather than harm. Taiwanese are keen on online forums et, together with standout features Appointed by leaders hoping to bet- like Twitter, whose 140-character limit that redefine portrait photography”, ter connect with young voters who for posts favors writing in Chinese said Peter Wu, Director Of Consumer helped sweep independence-leaning ideograms that often can say more with BG at Huawei Kuwait. President Tsai Ing-wen into office last fewer characters than in English. The new Huawei P10 and P10 year, 35-year-old Tang is using her Tang objects to the term “fake Plus set a new benchmark in style expertise to more directly involve the news,” saying it’s unfair to journalists. and craftsmanship. Customers now public in policymaking, and to counter But she says she finds US President can enjoy their many exciting fea- “fake news.” Donald Trump’s enthusiastic use of tures including the new Leica Dual “Just by getting people to listen to Twitter “refreshing.” Trump’s short dec- Camera 2.0 Pro edition that pro- the ideas that they don’t like, basically, larations, though often surprising, duces stunning artistic portrait shots develops their immune systems,” Tang leave little leeway for misinterpreta- with 20x12 MP. In addition to 3D said in an interview with The Associated tion, she contends. facial detection for stunning por- Instagrammer, blogger or just some- Press while visiting Seoul for the annual “If I make all my messages self-con- traits, ultra-memory for higher one who loves to capture precious Codegate international hacking compe- tained and short, then there’s no dan- speed, double download speed and moments, you deserve the HUAWEI tition. “If people have already consid- ger of being taken out of context. That’s accurate GPS with 4X4 MIMO LTE & P10 Plus that gives you amazing por- Wi-Fi antenna. ered carefully even the position of peo- the basic thing I’ve learned,” Tang said. traits like no other! Check out 9 rea- As well as redefining portrait ple they don’t agree with, they already “@realDonaldTrump uses Twitter ... the sons why the HUAWEI P10 Plus is the photography, the HUAWEI P10 and ideal smartphone for your portraits! 3. Hybrid Zoom 2x: 6. Front Camera Sensor: have some kind of inoculation in their way it is meant to be (used),” she said. HUAWEI P10 Plus boast remarkable The HUAWEI P10 Plus offers an The HUAWEI P10 Plus is equipped mind, so that they will not fall victim to Tang is Taiwan’s first transgender technology and design features by additional new feature that allows with an all-new front camera sensor rumors,” she said. government minister, a rarity especially 1. Rear and front cameras introducing the powerful Kirin 960 co-engineered with Leica: you to focus in on specific areas of an that captures twice more light to Keeping the public engaged is cru- in East Asia, where outspoken conser- processor, an all-new EMUI 5.1, as Not all smartphone cameras are image while still keeping the sharp- improve picture quality in low-light cial given Taiwan’s status as a self-ruled vative groups often publicly condemn well as a fingerprint sensor on the created equal. The HUAWEI P10 Plus ness of image quality. It improves the conditions. democracy of 23 million people that sexual minorities. front. With 3,200 for the HUAWEI P10 is the world’s first smartphone with a smoothness, clarify and simplicity of separated from the Chinese mainland Not so in Taiwan, she says. “I would and 3750 mAh battery for the rear Leica dual-camera Pro-Edition portrait photography. 7. Natural Color and amid civil war in 1949. say I’m just post-gender or post-genre, HUAWEI P10 Plus, both smartphones 2.0 and a Leica front camera co-engi- Monochrome Bokeh: Communist-ruled Beijing insists the meaning that I don’t think there should support HUAWEI SuperCharge tech- neered with the camera giant Leica. 4. Studio-like Portrait HUAWEI P10 Plus’ Leica Dual- two sides are part of a single Chinese be things that only one gender should nology. The low voltage, low temper- The Leica Dual-Camera Pro Edition Enhancements: Camera 2.0 enables wide aperture nation. Public opinion on the issue is do,” said Tang, who early on showed she ature fast charging solution comes 2.0 features a 12MP sensor and a The artistic imaging algorithm in photography to produce stunning divided. One of Tang’s initiatives is an has a mind of her own. with a super safe 5-gate protection 20MP monochrome with fusion the HUAWEI P10 Plus is based on the artistic portraits with natural bokeh artificial intelligence-powered system Seeking ways to streamline math cal- mechanism, which offers real-time algorithm that captures detailed extensive research of various differ- effect. Coupled with its depth-of-field called Pol is that aggregates and shares culations, she taught herself computer voltage, current and temperature facial features and improves image ent face shapes and skin colors. By algorithm, you can capture sharper, public views on policy issues to help programming while only 8. She monitoring to make charging not quality; it also carries a new high- understanding the relative position clearer edges and vivid color in every determine the exact degree of support dropped out of school by the time she only fast but safe. class SUMMILUX-H Leica lenses of each facial feature and the unique- shot, while the background remains for a particular position. The govern- was 14. By the time she was 20 she had Postpaid customers are now eligi- and a 4-in-1 Hybrid Autofocus sys- ness of skin type, the portrait blurred or out-of-focus. enhancements can be applied in a ment can use that data, for example, in already started a software company in ble to own those two devices avail- tem with a larger F/1.8 aperture to able in different colors, upon signing customized and more natural way. negotiations over regulating Uber and Silicon Valley. capture more light in low-light sit- 8. Highlights: two years commitments with one of The HUAWEI P10 Plus includes other taxi services, Tang says. A dry wit, she quips that sometimes uations. VIVA’s postpaid packages: KD 15, KD 5. Dynamic Illumination: Highlights, which create dynamic The approach reflects an effort to people mistake her height, 180 cen- 20 and KD 30, and enjoy local calls The HUAWEI P10 Plus includes an slideshows of your photos based on encourage deep thinking and listening timeters, for her apparently genius-lev- 2. Intelligent 3D facial detection: and internet. The HUAWEI P10 Plus boasts an auto-sensing algorithm that tracks time, location, and shooting mode. on a mass scale, unlike the fragmented el IQ. Tang’s involvement in politics took 9 reasons why you need to get all-new intelligent facial recognition environment lighting changes and and “half-baked” ideas often found in off during Taiwan’s Sunflower move- your hands on the HUAWEI P10 Plus system that features over 190 automatically adjusts the shooting 9. Embedded ISP: social media posts, said Ming-Yeh ment of 2014, when she became well & experience amazing portrait pho- detailed nodes and enables quicker, configuration, including the AWB, Huawei’s Kirin 960 with embedded Rawnsley, a research associate at Centre known for helping officials interact with tography: Whether you’re a photog- more accurate identification of facial shutter speed, and more, to add artis- ISP enables real-time viewing of depth- of Taiwan Studies, SOAS University of citizens using the internet during the raphy amateur, an enthusiast features. tic flair and glow to your portrait shots. of-field changes and facial features. London. protests against a trade agreement “It is important that Taiwanese gov- with Beijing. ernment is thinking about practicing Given the ever-present risk of cyber- deliberative democracy,” said Rawnsley. attacks, as digital minister one of the Samsung to update software “While the explosion of social media first things Tang did after joining the platforms creates many exciting oppor- Cabinet was to make government infor- tunities for public expression and mass mation systems more secure and then over ‘red screen’ smartphone participation, it also leads to a phenom- rigorously test them for loopholes. enon where everyone wants to talk, but “The utmost importance is to get few care to listen.” people to still see the internet as a SEOUL: Electronics giant Samsung will users who pre-ordered the phones com- software update starting from this week Tang’s digital-friendly stance secure place ... so that people can still this week offer an unusually early soft- plained their screens displayed an unusu- which will provide consumers with a fur- includes allowing top-level computer form communities where it is still possi- ware update for its newly-released Galaxy ally reddish hue. ther enhanced ability to adjust the colour game players in Taiwan to serve an ble to talk with strangers, to learn from S8 phone, it said yesterday after some Online images of their phones went setting to their preference,” it said in a alternative form of the island’s compul- strangers,” she said. “Basically, if we consumers complained of red-tinted viral on social media but Samsung denied statement. Samsung-the world’s largest sory military service. That gives profes- don’t do our job right on security on screens. a hardware flaw and maintained that maker of smartphones-has pinned its sional e-sports “League of Legend” play- the internet, it becomes a fragmenting The launch of the device is a key step users could manually adjust the colour hopes on the Galaxy S8 to compete ers the same opportunities an Olympics force instead of a community force.” for the South Korean tech firm as it seeks range according to their preferences. against archrival Apple’s iPhone after last medalist would get. The risk is that the online world to move on from last year’s humiliating As more users voiced doubts, Samsung year’s Note 7 disaster. Next year, she plans to introduce would become a place where people withdrawal of the Galaxy Note 7 over said Monday that a software update The recall debacle cost Samsung bil- classes on “information technology and live “essentially in their own reali- exploding batteries, which hammered the would fix the problem by allowing them lions of dollars in lost profits and ham- media literacy” for all school years to ties, and that is as undemocratic and firm’s once-stellar reputation. The Galaxy to readjust colours over a wider range mered its global credibility, forcing it to help students learn to distinguish as non-humane as we can imagine,” S8 started over-the-counter sales in the than at present. apologise to consumers and postpone rumors and falsehoods from facts. she said. —AP US and its home market but South Korean “Samsung... has decided to release a the S8 launch. —AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 HEALTH & SCIENCE Man lucky to escape croc clutches in Australia SYDNEY: A man who accidently snorkeled it was illegal to kill the reptiles. “Based on headfirst into a crocodile in northern an initial inspection, the four meter animal Australia escaped with minor injuries as appears to have been deceased for some wildlife officers yesterday worked to track time,” the department spokesperson said. down the reptile. The croc, measuring up to “(The Queensland Department of two meters (6.5 feet), “reacted defensively” Environment and Heritage Protection) would when the swimmer “inadvertently” swum like to remind the public that it is illegal to into it on Sunday near popular Lizard Island deliberately interfere with, harm or kill croco- in Queensland state. “The man suffered diles without authorization.” Last month a fish- minor cuts and abrasions to his head and erman was killed by a crocodile near Innisfail was treated for his non-life threatening while a teenager was lucky to escape with injuries on the island,” a department of envi- only two broken bones when a croc latched ronment spokesperson said. “Wildlife offi- onto his arm after he jumped into a river in cers are travelling to the area and will search the area. Repeated attacks have lead to calls the area for the crocodile responsible.” from some parts of the community for a cull The waters surrounding Lizard Island are of the animals, but the state government has a known hotspot for crocs with signs in the so far resisted, saying it would have little effect area cautioning swimmers of the threat. In on the animals’ behavior and give people a a separate incident Sunday, a crocodile was false sense of security. People can be fined up found decapitated near Innisfail in to Aus$27,425 (US$20,700) for killing a croco- Queensland, prompting authorities to warn dile, which are protected.—AFP New Zealand: US doctor must pay reparations for deadly crash WELLINGTON, New Zealand: A They rented an SUV and traveled exten- Wisconsin heart surgeon who was vaca- sively around the South Island before the tioning in New Zealand when he caused a Feb. 27 accident. Wolnak’s lawyer Tony highway accident that killed two people Bamford said his client suffered a concus- and injured four others was ordered yes- sion and has no memory of the accident. terday to make reparation payments but According to Bamford, the son of one of avoided jail time. A district court judge the victims who died read a statement in ordered Kenneth Wolnak to pay a total of court that said: “I hope you are able to SPACE: In this Jan 13, 2017 file photo made available by NASA, astronaut Peggy Whitson, center, floats inside the Quest airlockf o the 165,000 New Zealand dollars ($116,000) continue saving lives and making a real International Space Station with Thomas Pesquet, left, and Shane Kimbrough before their spacewalk.—AP photos to the victims or their families. Last difference in the world. That’s what Dad month, the 63-year-old pleaded guilty to would have wanted, too.” six charges of careless driving after As part of a legal process in New Trump calls US astronaut who attempting a U-turn on a coastal highway Zealand known as restorative justice, near the town of Nelson. Several vehicles Wolnak met with some of the victims and were involved in the ensuing accident. their families. He also agreed at the broke record for time in space According to a police summary of request of a woman whose husband died facts, Wolnak and his wife, Elizabeth, in the accident to participate in an inter- arrived in New Zealand in mid-February. view with Radio New Zealand. — AP CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida: President Donald American. That record was set last year by support of NASA. Last month, Trump signed new Trump made a very long distance phone call to Jeffrey Williams. legislation adding human exploration of Mars to the International Space Station, to congratulate Trump joked that the call was possible NASA’s mission. Whitson said she’s excited about its commander on breaking the record for the because of “great American equipment that the new legislation and said there is equipment most time spent in space of any American astro- works, and that is not easy.” He said he’s more being made now in preparation for the launch. naut. The president spoke yesterday with Peggy impressed by the astronauts than by any of the Whitson already was the world’s most experi- Whitson, commander of the International Space politicians he deals with in Washington. Trump’s enced spacewoman and female spacewalker Station, and fellow astronaut Jack Fischer. daughter and close adviser, Ivanka Trump, and and, at 57, the oldest woman in space. By the Whitson, the first woman to command the NASA astronaut Kate Rubins, joined him in the time she returns to Earth in September, she’ll International Space Station, surpassed the Oval Office during the call. Whitson says it’s a have logged 666 days in orbit over three flights. record of 534 days, two hours and 48 minutes “huge honor to break a record like this,” and that The world record - 879 days - is held by Russian for most accumulated time in orbit by an it would not have been possible without the Gennady Padalka.—AP

KIRYANDONGO, Uganda: A patient rests on a bed after being discharged from the malaria ward at Panyadoli Health Center III in Kiryandongo refugee settlement, northwestern Uganda, on April 11, 2017.—AP First large-scale malaria vaccine trials for Africa

NAIROBI: A new malaria vaccine will be four successive doses must be given on a tested on a large scale in Kenya, Ghana and strict timetable. The immunization cycle is Malawi, the World Health Organization said not in sync with routine childhood inocula- yesterday, with 360,000 children to be vac- tions against diseases such as hepatitis, cinated between 2018 and 2020. The measles and meningitis, with injections injectable vaccine RTS,S could provide lim- required at five months, six months, seven ited protection against a disease that killed months and two years. Symptoms of malar- 429,000 people worldwide in 2015, with 92 ia include fever, muscle pain and headache percent of victims in Africa and two-thirds as well as vomiting and diarrhea. While of them children under five. “The prospect RTS,S does not promise full protection of a malaria vaccine is great news. against the mosquito-borne disease it is Information gathered in the pilot will help the most effective potential vaccine so far us make decisions on the wider use of this developed reducing the number of hospi- vaccine,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, the talizations and blood transfusions. WHO’s regional director for Africa. Malaria episodes reduced by 40 percent The vaccine should be used alongside in tests on 15,000 people in seven coun- CALIFORNIA: In this file photo, a man carries a young boy over his shoulder as he walks among beach goers enjoying unusually warm winter other preventative measures such as bed tries over five years of clinical trials, and temperatures in Encinitas, Calif.—AP nets, insecticides, repellents and anti-malari- could therefore save hundreds of thou- al drugs, the WHO said. “Combined with sands of lives. “It’s an efficacy rate which is existing malaria interventions, such a vac- quite low, but given the amount of affected At least global warming may get cine would have the potential to save tens people, the impact will be huge,” said Mary of thousands of lives in Africa,” Moeti said. Hamel, who is coordinating the vaccine’s “This vaccine is a weapon amongst others, it implementation program. “There will be Americans off the couch more is one of the tools at our disposal,” she other vaccines and they’ll be more efficient, added. The vaccine, also known as but in the meantime, this will have a signifi- WASHINGTON: Global warming’s ly to see activity drop off the most professor. Obradovich said he got likely to be less physically active in Mosquirix, has been developed by the cant influence.” milder winters will likely nudge by the year 2099, the study found. the idea to look about what climate July, August and September by the British pharmaceutical giant Moeti emphasized that while the dream Americans off the couch more in “It’s a small little tiny silver lining change will do to people’s activities end of the century, but a similar GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in partnership with is “a vaccine that replaces everything”, the future, a rare, small benefit of amid a series of very bad, very a few Octobers ago when he was majority would also likely exercise the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, and the insecticide-treated bed nets remain the climate change, a new study finds. unfortunate events that are likely to living in San Diego and running more in November, December, large-scale three-country pilot will test it on most effective protection against malaria, With less chilly winters, Americans occur,” said study lead author Nick regularly in the afternoon. There January, February, March and even children aged five to 17 months. The drug which remain, “at the moment, our will be more likely to get out- Obradovich , who studies the social was a heat wave, temperatures April in the year 2099, the study finds. passed previous scientific testing-including strongest preventive weapon”. Kenya, doors, increasing their physical impacts of climate change at both broke 100, and he stayed home. Dr Jonathan Patz, director of the a phase three clinical trial between 2009 and Ghana and Malawi were selected for the tri- activity by as much as 2.5 percent Harvard’s Kennedy School of Obradovich looked at government Global Health Institute at the 2014 — and was approved for the pilot pro- al because malaria rates are high and they by the end of the century, accord- Government and MIT. Global warm- surveys about health activity University of Wisconsin-Madison, gram in 2015. have a long history of use of bed nets and ing to a new study in yesterday’s ing “almost certainly will be very habits, daily weather data from faulted the study for not taking into other interventions. The large-scale pilot is edition of the journal Nature costly on net for humanity.” Any when they were interviewed and account people who have jobs that ‘Huge impact’ the latest step in decades of work seeking Human Behavior. overall benefit for Americans as a simulations of future climate condi- require lots of physical activity nor The aim of the trial is to assess the effec- to eradicate malaria with the numbers Places like North Dakota, whole will probably be far out- tions. The warmer it gets, the more the growing popularity of winter tiveness of the vaccine as well the feasibili- dying falling nearly two-thirds since the Minnesota and Maine are likely to weighed by many other ways that people go outside, which he said sports. Other outside experts said ty of its delivery to populations at risk as turn of the century.—AFP see the most dramatic increases, climate change hurts health, said makes sense. Until it gets too hot. the study made sense, but the big- usually the result of more walking. both Obradovich and outside At about 82 to 84 degrees (28 to 29 ger picture is more important. But that good global warming side health experts. For example, deaths degrees Celsius) people start to go “While milder winters will permit effect is not likely to extend to the from heat waves are expected to out less. For most of America for more exercise - a good thing - it’s deep south and especially the increase, allergies are likely to wors- most of the year, the daily high important to put the results of the desert southwest because hotter en and infectious diseases will be does not hit 84, so the net effect paper in that broader context,” summer days may keep people more easily spread, said Dr. Howard nationwide is more exercise. Frumkin said in an email, emphasiz- inside. Arizona, southern Nevada Frumkin, a University of But the affect varies by month ing “climate change threatens far and southeastern California are like- Washington environmental health and location. Nearly all the country is more than it benefits.”—AP UK could face legal battle over air pollution delay LONDON: The British government is seeking to paigning, and then for general election cam- cation late on Friday night, after the court had postpone the publication of its keenly-awaited paigning ahead of the nationwide June 8 vote. closed, has meant that we have spent the air-pollution plan due to elections, raising the “Following advice from the Cabinet Office, we weekend considering our response,” said chief prospect a legal challenge. The High Court had sought a short extension to the publication of executive James Thornton. “We are still exam- demanded ministers come up with a plan to the draft plans” in order to comply with elec- ining our next steps. tackle illegal levels of nitrogen dioxide pollu- tion rules, said a Downing Street spokesman. This is a question of public health and not tion, largely caused by diesel emissions, by “We remain firmly committed to further of politics and for that reason we believe that 3:00 pm (1400 GMT) yesterday. But the improving air quality,” he added. ClientEarth, the plans should be put in place without delay.” Downing Street office of Prime Minister the environmental law firm which brought the Air pollution contributes to the death of more Theresa May said yesterday it had applied to original case, said it was considering a legal than 40,000 people per year in Britain, accord- the courts “to publish this plan by 15 challenge to the extension. “The unacceptable ing to official figures, with nitrogen dioxide a September” to allow for local election cam- last minute nature of the government’s appli- particular problem.—AFP BUDUDA, Uganda: An elderly woman gets tested for Malaria at FIMRC Health Center III in Bududa district, eastern Uganda.—AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Guatemalan land activist wins prestigious Goldman prize GUATEMALA CITY: Rodrigo Tot, a 60- el and gold deposits that lie beneath. year-old farmer and activist, was awarded The struggle began in 1974 in response the prestigious Goldman Environmental to a new law requiring landholders to Prize yesterday for work in his Guatemala pay about $4,500 to receive property homeland, an honor that comes after two titles. In 1985 a provisional title was previous Latin American winners were granted to Tot and 63 other indigenous murdered in the last year. The diminutive, farmers in the community while they soft-spoken evangelical pastor was rec- completed payment. ognized for defending his indigenous But three years later, records of the Q’eqchi community’s lands against a min- community’s ownership of the land mys- ing company and the government. In a teriously disappeared. And when the last statement, Goldman praised Tot for “intre- payment was made in 2002, the govern- pid leadership of his people and defense ment refused to hand over the legal title. of their ancestral land” and noted his fight In 2004, the Mines and Energy Ministry has come at great personal cost: In 2012, granted a mining license for a region one of his sons was shot to death in “an covering 16 Maya communities includ- assassination that was passed off as a ing Agua Caliente, and those rights later robbery.” passed to Compania Guatemalteca de In an interview with The Associated Niquel. “That is why we defend it, Press, Tot said he was grateful for the because there are lots of natural honor but remains the same leader and resources,” Tot said. “There are 10 springs person as before. “I think this could be a that supply lots of communities. We are stimulus for the work we do,” he said, preserving the mountain because if it adding that he considered the award all dies, there will no longer be any water.” to be recognition for “the struggle, He and the community have fought in because we are fighting hard for our the courts to block mining on their land, land and our natural resources.” Latin arguing it poses environmental risks to America is one of the most dangerous forests and streams. regions for environmental activists, with more than 450 of them murdered Many disappearances between 2010 and 2014, according to “Tot indefinitely delayed mining in FRANKFORT, Kentucky: In this undated photo released by Kentucky Gov Matt Bevin, Bevin takes a self-portrait of his family.—AP the London-based group Global Witness. Agua Caliente,” Goldman said in its In March 2016, Goldman honoree statement. Mining companies have Berta Caceres of Honduras was killed by been accused of using violence against Inspired by own family, Kentucky armed men who invaded her home. And those who oppose their projects in in January 2017, Mexican indigenous Guatemala, often in poor and marginal- leader Isidro Baldenegro, another recipi- ized indigenous communities. Other gov tackles foster system ent of the prize, was slain in Mexico’s lawsuits allege abuses including rape northern state of Chihuahua. Tot, leader and forcibly removing farmers from of the Agua Caliente “Lote 9” community their terrain. According to Calas, a ‘This was never the state’s job. This job belonged to the church’ in El Estor in Guatemala’s eastern depart- Guatemalan environmental and social ment of Izabal, has fought for decades to law nonprofit group, in every case FRANKFORT, Kentucky: The little girl was 11, failed them and the girl, an experience shaping make the decisions that they are making. try to make the government recognize where indigenous communities have living in a foster care group home, when she one of his most ambitious initiatives: An overhaul Because some of them are making terrible, terri- locals’ right to fertile farmlands that are opposed mining projects, the govern- ended up playing tag in a Louisville park with of Kentucky’s child-welfare system. A former ble decisions,” Bevin said. “They are not looking also coveted by mining interests for nick- ment has backed the companies. — AP the daughters of a wealthy investment manager state official said privacy rules prevent staff from at what is best for the child.” who would one day be Kentucky’s governor. commenting on the Bevins’ case. Health and It’s unclear what a governor could do to alter Matt Bevin said he and his wife, Glenna, noticed Family Services Cabinet Secretary Vickie Yates judicial decision-making in child-welfare cases, how the girl attached herself to their daughters, Brown Glisson, appointed by Bevin in 2015, said which Bevin acknowledges would be difficult. “like she was just one of the kids.” Moved by her his “firsthand knowledge of the burdensome He said he’s asked his general counsel to “start situation, the Bevins started the process of try- bureaucracy and unnecessary requirements” of looking at this.” The strategy dovetails with ing to adopt her from Kentucky’s child-welfare the system is why it’s being transformed. The Bevin’s broader plans to shake up government, system. They had their fingerprints taken, took Bevins and their children split time between their including his aggressive use of executive orders, parenting classes, had their fingerprints taken Louisville home and the governor’s mansion in many of which have been challenged and, in again, opened their home to an inspection, and Frankfort, where he and his wife sat down with some cases, struck down in court. were fingerprinted a third time. The Associated Press for an interview last month. Legislative leaders are pursuing their own The state ultimately rejected their application Bevin said he wants to “rethink the entire sys- review of foster-care and adoption policies. because, the Bevins said, they had five children tem,” a process that - excluding a small raise for Republican House Speaker Jeff Hoover said he’d and officials worried the girl wouldn’t get state social workers he signed in 2016 - will encourage the Bevin administration “to under- enough attention. So the Bevins “gave up” and come without a significant increase in spending. stand, it is the legislative body that makes the went to Ethiopia to adopt four children, a process That puts him at odds with many child-welfare policy.” Chief Justice John Minton said he’s confi- they called simpler and cheaper. That was eight advocates who say the program suffers from dent family court judges are qualified and dedi- years ago, before Bevin became well-known for underfunding and inadequate staffing. “That’s cated, and said he and the governor should “pro- his failed challenge to US Sen Mitch McConnell in just impossible,” said Democratic state Rep. Joni vide positive leadership and encouragement.” the Republican primary and his surprising come- Jenkins, co-chairwoman of a committee study- The latest federal review of Kentucky’s child-wel- back win in the 2015 gubernatorial election. ing child-welfare system changes. He’s also fare system found the state didn’t meet govern- picked a fight with family court judges, saying ment standards, including ones requiring that GUATEMALA: In this April 18, 2017 photo, Maya Q’eqchi leader Rodrigo Tot pos- Unnecessary requirements some “genuinely, I’m convinced, don’t even care.” “children are, first and foremost, protected from es for photos during an interview in Guatemala City.—AP Now Bevin’s in charge of the system he says “The judges should not have the latitude to abuse and neglect.” — AP As orbit becomes more crowded, risk from space debris grows

BERLIN: Decades’ worth of man-made junk is satellites into space over the coming years. They up into tiny pieces that become a hazard in their cluttering up Earth’s orbit, posing a threat to said steps should be taken to reduce space own right. The nightmare scenario would be an spaceflight and the satellites we rely on for debris. Getting all national space agencies and ever-growing cascade of collisions resulting in weather reports, air travel and global communi- private companies to comply with international what’s called a Kessler syndrome - named after cations. More than 750,000 fragments larger guidelines designed to prevent further junk in the NASA scientist who first warned about it four than a centimeter are already thought to orbit orbit would be a first step. At the moment those decades ago - that could render near-Earth Earth, and each one could badly damage or rules - which can be costly to implement - aren’t orbits unusable to future generations. even destroy a satellite. Last year, a tiny piece of legally binding. ESA’s director-general, Jan “Without satellites, you don’t have weather debris punched a gaping hole in the solar panel Woerner, told The Associated Press on Friday reports, live broadcasts from the other side of the of Copernicus Sentinel-1A, an observation satel- that so-called mega-constellations planned by planet, stock market, air travel, online shopping, lite operated by the European Space Agency, or private companies should have a maximum sat-nav in your car,” Rolf Densing, ESA’s director of ESA. A solar array brought back from the Hubble orbital lifetime of 25 years. After that, the satel- operations, said. “You might as well move into a Telescope in 1993 showed hundreds of tiny lite constellations would need to move out of museum if all the satellites are switched off.” Even holes caused by dust-sized debris. the way, either by going into a so-called ‘grave- if future launches adhere to the guidelines, Experts meeting in Germany this week said yard orbit’ or returning to Earth. though, there’s the question of what to do with the problem could get worse as private compa- That’s because dead satellites pose a double all of the debris already in orbit. “We have to GERMANY: In this undated photo provided by the European Space Agency, ESA, ana- nies such as SpaceX, Google and Arlington, danger: they can collide with other spacecraft or clean the vacuum, which means we need a vacu- lysts at work in the space debris facility located at ESA’s ESOC mission control centre, Virginia-based OneWeb send a flurry of new be hit by debris themselves, potentially breaking um cleaner,” Woerner said. — AP Darmstadt, Germany.—AP WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017

Authentic Turkish culinary experience in Garden Cafe

umeirah Messilah Beach Hotel and Spa, caramelized carrots and enriched with roasted Kuwait's idyllic resort is continuing to host walnuts, hazelnuts and shredded coconut. its popular Turkish Nights in Garden Cafe as The extensive buffet features cuisine from all Jpart of the restaurant's widely-admired monthly Turkish regions, cooked by expert Turkish chefs themed nights. Guests are welcome to relish the using ingredients imported from their home essence of traditional Turkish cuisine expertly country and combined with local flavors to prepared by the resort's seasoned Turkish Chefs. enhance the taste for curious diners. The menu Every Friday, Garden Cafe features numerous also features dishes inspired by the Ottoman traditional home-style Turkish dishes with live- Empire, such as dolma - a dish of stuffed vegeta- cooking stations of grilled meats offering an bles - with five different options available. expansive selection of delights, including the Diners are welcomed with a traditional mouth-watering 48-hour braised lamb, baked Turkish sherbet drink, while the night is rounded rice with chicken and almonds, and Turkish off with a serving of either a special blend of spiced kebabs in different combinations such as Turkish tea or freshly baked Turkish coffee. With pistachio, aubergine, adana and lamb. more than 24 cold dishes, 34 hot and 24 delec- Specialties also include Lahmacun and assort- table desserts there's something to suit all ed Pides. For desserts, aromatic stations cover tastes. Turkish Nights are scheduled for every the signature Nutella flavored Baklava and Friday from 7 pm to 11 pm for KWD 15 per per- Cezerye from Southern Turkey, made of son and offer indoor and outdoor seating. Gulf University for Science and Technology ABK announces receives fifth prestigious accreditation working hours

ulf University for Science and the Department can improve for students, fac- collaborative conferences, the most recent of faculty, the whole University, and for Higher during Al Israa Technology announced this week that it ulty, the whole University, and for Higher which raised over USD$60,000 for local chil- Education in Kuwait." has just received its fifth international Education in Kuwait. The ACA is US-based on- dren's charities, and have attended numerous In addition to the new ACA accreditation, and Al-Mearaj accreditation,G this time for its Mass profit professional association, committed to national and international events to hone their GUST also holds accreditations from the Communication and Media (MCM) Department enabling the effective use of new and evolving skills and demonstrate their talents. Commission on English Language Program from the American Communications technologies to facilitate communication Dr Ali Ansari, Dean of the College of Arts and Accreditation (CEA) for its English Foundation l Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) announced that dur- Association (ACA), at a press conference on its instruction, research, criticism, and offer a tech- Sciences, said, "Accreditation not only confirms Program, the College Reading & Learning ing the occasion of Al-Israa and Al-Mearaj, its campus in West Mishref. Accreditation not only nologically supportive venue for all who study the strength of the program to potential Association (CRLA) for its Student Success branches and the Head Office will be closed on AprilA 27, 2017, in line with the timing set by the Kuwait confirms the strength of the program to poten- howhumans communicate. The GUST MCM employers, but also distinguishes GUST as a Center, the Accreditation Board for Engineering tial employers, but also distinguishes GUST as a Department is the first communication and respected, leading institution in the region and and Technology (ABET) for its Computer Banking Association (KBA). The Bank will resume its reg- respected, leading institution in the region and media department in Kuwait, and one of only beyond. In addition, the accreditation process Science Program, and the AACSB- ular working hours on April 30, 2017. beyond. seven worldwide to receive an international itself provides very constructive guidance on Internationalaccreditation for its College of ABK's online services and Call Center will be avail- In addition, the accreditation process itself accreditation of this kind. how the Department can improve for students, Business Administration. able 24 hours a day during the holiday and can be provides very constructive guidance on how Professor Donald Bates, GUST President, reached by contacting a customer service agent via said, "As a university, our ambition to establish a 'Ahlan Ahli' at 1899899. On the occasion of Al-Israa and strong reputation is clear. In 15 short years we Al-Mearaj, ABK would like to extend its warmest wishes have earned four full accreditations, and a rank- to the Amir of the State of Kuwait, His Highness Sheikh ing that places us as the 73rd university out of Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, HH the Crown 971 in the Arab region, which translates into Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and to GUST being the number one private university Kuwait and its people. in Kuwait. Our mission is to go from strength to strength, and continue to provide our students with the best educational experience possible." This accreditation is a demonstration of the international standards at which the depart- ment operates. As a testament to the department's efforts, it has grown from approximately 380 students in 2013 to over 500 today, and faculty numbers have increased correspondingly. During this time, GUST students have broken a world record for charitable donation collections, vol- unteered in international aid work trips Linden Education throughout Asia, won second place worldwide in an anti-extremism campaign judged by Facebook Inc. and the US State Department, Services Graduate Fair conducted three national-level student-faculty he Linden US University Graduate Fair will be held at the Marine Museum at the Radisson Blu Hotel tomorrow. The fair will take place from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Prior to the fair,T university representatives will give free, brief presenta- tions from 4:00 - 5:30 pm on graduate study in the fields of computer science, business and engineering as well as on 'The Path to Graduate Admissions.' The fair, organized by Linden Education Services in con- junction with the US Embassy, will host representatives from several universities throughout the United States. The Embassy Educational Adviser will be present to answer ques- tions about applying to American universities. US Embassy Consular Officers will answer questions about the student visa process and will offer a presentation at 7.15 pm. Participating universities include: Ball State University (Indiana), St John's University (New York), University of Minnesota and University of Missouri-Kansas City. The Linden University Fair gives Kuwaiti students a chance to meet with representatives from accredited US institutions to explore the possibilities of higher education in the United States. FOKE Vanithavedi holds 'Vanitha Fest 2017'

riends of Kannur Expats Association Kuwait honored and prizes were distributed at the closing (FOKE) Vanithavedi, an organization formed by ceremony which was inaugurated by Dr Reeni the residents of Kannur currently in Kuwait Korah MBBS, DVD, Metro Medical Care. conductedF 'Vanitha Fest 2017' on April 21, 2017 The function was chaired by FOKE Vanithavedi from 9 am to 4 pm in United Indian School, Chairperson Bindu Radhakrishnan. In her speech, Abbassiya. Several competitions including cookery she mentioned that Vanithavedi conducted many contest and a variety of cultural programs were programs for the welfare of women back home and held providing an opportunity for Indians in Kuwait in Kuwait and the Fest 2017 was organized for a to prove their skills. The winners of the event were charity purpose. Vanithavedi, Gen Convener, Adv Rema Sudheer, gave a welcome speech and Vanitha Fest Program Committee Convener Leena Sabu pro- posed a vote of thanks. The entire function was under the leadership of FOKE Program Committee Gen Convener Jithesh M P and Unit Committee members. Hamza Payanuur, FOKE Vice President Xaviour Antony, FOKE Gen Secretary Saleem MN, FOKE Patron N Jayashanker, and FOKE Vanithavedi Treasurer Bindu Rajeev addressed the audience. Peravoor MLA Sunny Joseph and Shiny Frank, social worker and patron of VIVID Kerala-Kuwait chapter took part in the func- tion and greeted the audience. WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017

Enjoy the memorable perfect wedding at Arraya Ballroom

very couple wants their big day to the professional wedding planners at arrangements and customized wedding options that will surpass everything you be perfect, special, and truly memo- Arraya Ballroom will guide you through cakes tocutting-edge audio-visual tech- have ever imagined. When it comes to rable. What better place to cele- every step to ensure your special day is nology andhigh speed internet, Arraya cuisine, we satisfy every taste with a wide brateE this special occasion than at Arraya truly unforgettable. From stunning flower Ballroom offers a choice of packages and range of buffet menus designed by our Ballroom - the epitome of elegance and world class chefs. breathtaking beauty. Located in the heart To ease the stress and take care of of the city close to Courtyard by Marriott every single detail, we offer tailor-made Kuwait, Arraya Ballroom is one of the packages that can be individually most popular wedding venues in the designed to suit your special needs. The country. special wedding package includes a com- Its idyllic location, aesthetic appeal plimentary night in one of the deluxe and picture perfect grounds make it ideal rooms at Courtyard by Marriott Kuwait, a for a regal wedding, leaving a lasting free use of the bridal suite, a customized impression on you and your guests. The wedding cake, an upgraded menu featur- decor is superlative with mood lights that ing an elegant buffet, free parking and a exude aura and create a serene and ele- lot more. Whether you dream of an inti- gant ambience. The pre-function area, mate gathering or a grand gala, our expe- corridors and banquet lobby- all have rienced team will craft the perfect cele- been designed to offer a perfect setting bration, allowing you and your guests to for your wedding ceremonies. relax and enjoy the experience. Before and throughout your big day,

Jordanian community Kuwait holds 'Jordanian Family Dinner'

nder auspices of the Jordanian ambassador to banquet was also attended by embassy staff, the commu- Kuwait and the community's honorary chairman, nity secretary general, Ghassan Deyab and a large num- Mohammed Al-Kayed, the Jordanian community ber of the community members of whom were honored Uin Kuwait recently held its 'Jordanian Family Dinner' at for their efforts in serving the Jordanian community in Pescado restaurant at the Costa Del Sol Hotel. The dinner Kuwait.

Burgan Bank's airport branch to serve its customers on Al-Isra' Wal Miraj

urgan Bank takes the opportunity of Al-Isara' Wal Miraj to extent its best wishes to all its customers celebrat- ing the Islamic Holiday and announces that its airport branch will remain open on April 27, 2017 in an effort Bto accommodate the banking requirements of regular customers and travelers during the Al Isra' wal Miraj holiday. The branch will be commencing operations from 08:00 am to 10:30 pm to ensure that it provides the utmost care to its customers. TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 TV PROGRAMS

21:50 Running Wild With Bear 08:00 Lawless Island Grylls 09:00 Worldʼs Toughest Fixes 22:40 Running Wild With Bear 10:00 Monster Fish Grylls And President... 11:00 Wicked Tuna 12:00 Air Crash Investigation 00:00 The Night Crew 00:15 Snake Sheila 13:00 Genius 02:00 Rise Of The Legend 00:45 Bondi Vet 0:00 Binny And The Ghost 14:25 Brain Games 04:15 Jurassic Hunters 01:40 Gibbons: Back In The Swing 00:25 Hank Zipzer 15:00 Alaska Fish Wars 06:00 Insurgent 02:35 Tanked 00:45 The Hive 16:00 Monster Fish 08:00 Beverly Hills Cop 3 03:25 North America 00:50 Sabrina Secrets Of A 17:00 Wicked Tuna 10:00 Bad Company 04:15 Gator Boys Teenage Witch 18:00 Air Crash Investigation 12:00 Age Of Tomorrow 00:05 Keeping Up With The 05:02 Snake Sheila 01:40 Hank Zipzer 19:00 Alaska Fish Wars 14:00 Insurgent Kardashians 05:49 Gibbons: Back In The Swing 02:05 Binny And The Ghost 20:00 Monster Fish 16:00 Rivers Nine 01:50 Botched 06:36 Swamp Brothers 02:55 Hank Zipzer 20:50 Wicked Tuna 18:00 Escape 02:50 Celebrity Style Story 07:25 Pit Bulls & Parolees 03:15 The Hive 21:40 Air Crash Investigation 20:00 The Transporter: Refueled 03:50 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 08:15 Gibbons: Back In The Swing 03:20 Sabrina Secrets Of A 22:30 Alaska Fish Wars 22:00 Wild Card 05:30 Celebrity Style Story 09:10 North America Teenage Witch 23:20 Chinaʼs Grand Canal: A 06:00 Just Jillian 10:05 Tanked 04:10 Hank Zipzer Photographerʼs Journey 11:00 Pit Bulls & Parolees 06:55 E! News 04:35 Binny And The Ghost 11:55 Bondi Vet 07:10 La Clippers Dance Squad 05:25 Hank Zipzer 12:50 Gibbons: Back In The Swing 08:10 E! News 05:45 The Hive 09:10 Rob & Chyna 05:50 The 7D 00:00 Top Five 13:45 Gator Boys 02:00 All About Christmas Eve 14:40 North America 12:00 E! News 06:00 Jessie 12:15 Revenge Body With Khloe 06:25 Jessie 04:00 The Beautician And The 15:35 Penguins On A Plane: Great Beast Animal Moves Kardashian 06:50 Tsum Tsum Shorts 15:00 E! News 06:55 The Zhuzhus 00:00 StartUp 06:00 Turbo Kid 16:30 Snake Sheila 08:00 All About Christmas Eve 17:25 Meet The Penguins 15:15 Botched 07:20 Elena Of Avalor 01:00 American Crime 19:00 E! News 07:45 Bunkʼd 02:00 Code Black 10:00 The Beautician And The 18:20 Pit Bulls & Parolees Beast 19:15 Wildlife SOS 20:00 Hollywood Medium With 08:10 Stuck In The Middle 03:00 Mistresses Tyler Henry 08:35 Bizaardvark 04:00 Pitch 12:00 Turbo Kid 20:10 Wildest Islands 14:00 Outside Bet 21:05 Meet The Penguins 21:00 Hollywood Medium With 09:00 Shake It Up 05:00 Good Morning America Tyler Henry 09:50 Thatʼs So Raven 07:00 The Chew 16:00 The Butcherʼs Wife 22:00 Pit Bulls & Parolees 18:00 Perfect Match 22:55 Gator Boys 22:00 Hollywood Medium With 10:15 Thatʼs So Raven 08:00 The View Tyler Henry 10:40 Sonny With A Chance 09:00 Notorious 20:00 Hit By Lightning 23:00 E! News 11:30 Good Luck Charlie 10:00 Pitch 22:00 Afternoon Delight 23:15 Botched 11:55 Disney Mickey Mouse 11:00 Rosewood 12:00 Welcome To The Ronks 12:00 The Chew 12:15 Gravity Falls 13:00 The View 12:40 Hank Zipzer 14:00 Live Good Morning America 00:00 Killers: Behind The Myth 13:05 Star Darlings 16:00 Notorious 01:00 Measuring Evil: Britainʼs 13:10 Austin & Ally 17:00 Pitch 00:15 Moonwalkers Worst Killers 13:35 Jessie 18:00 The Voice 02:00 Changeling 02:00 Homicide Hunter 14:00 Bunkʼd 20:00 24: Legacy 04:30 The Better Angels 03:00 Crimes That Shook Australia 00:20 The Curse Of Oak Island 14:25 Kirby Buckets 21:00 Quantico 06:15 I Believe In Miracles 04:00 Killers: Behind The Myth 01:10 The Curse Of Oak Island 14:50 Sunny Bunnies 22:00 Supergirl 08:00 I Am Bolt 05:00 Measuring Evil: Britainʼs 02:00 Mummies Alive 14:55 The Zhuzhus 23:00 Better Call Saul 10:00 Jappeloup Worst Killers 02:50 Storage Wars 15:20 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug 12:15 2001: A Space Odyssey 06:00 My Crazy Ex 03:15 American Pickers And Cat Noir 14:30 Ordinary People 08:00 Evil Up Close 04:05 Pawn Stars 15:45 Elena Of Avalor 16:30 5 Flights Up 09:00 It Takes A Killer 04:30 Pawn Stars 16:10 Liv And Maddie 18:15 Rio, I Love You 10:00 Robbie Coltraneʼs Critical 05:00 Mountain Men 16:35 Descendants Wicked World 20:00 The Lobster Evidence 06:00 Ultimate Wheels 16:40 Girl Meets World 22:00 A Clockwork Orange 11:00 The First 48 06:50 Ice Road Truckers 17:05 Stuck In The Middle 13:00 My Crazy Ex 07:40 Counting Cars 17:30 Bunkʼd 14:00 Evil Up Close 08:05 Counting Cars 17:55 Bizaardvark 15:00 Robbie Coltraneʼs Critical 00:00 The Goldbergs 08:30 Pawn Stars 18:20 Disney Mickey Mouse Evidence 00:30 Two And A Half Men 08:55 Pawn Stars 18:25 Alex & Co. 00:30 V/H/S Viral 16:00 It Takes A Killer 01:00 Two And A Half Men 09:20 Storage Wars 18:50 Jessie 02:00 Reign Over Me 17:00 The First 48 01:30 Baskets 09:45 Storage Wars 19:15 Tsum Tsum Shorts 04:30 Air Force One 19:00 Evil Up Close 02:00 Difficult People 10:10 American Pickers 19:20 Backstage 07:00 Quantum Of Solace 20:00 Gangs Of Britain With Gary 02:30 Ballers 11:00 Time Team 19:45 Austin & Ally 09:00 10 Things I Hate About You And Martin Kemp 03:00 Scrubs 11:50 Billion Dollar Wreck 20:10 The Next Step 11:00 Air Force One 21:00 Robbie Coltraneʼs Critical 03:30 Scrubs 12:40 Swamp People 20:35 Cracke 13:30 The Chronicles Of Narnia: Evidence 04:00 Breaking In 13:30 Ax Men 20:40 Disney The Lodge Voyage Of The Dawn... 22:00 Crime Stories 14:20 Mountain Men 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 21:05 Girl Meets World Jimmy Fallon 15:30 Skyfall 15:10 Alaska Off-Road Warriors 21:30 Thatʼs So Raven 18:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 16:00 Ultimate Wheels 05:30 The Mindy Project 21:55 Star Darlings RISE OF THE LEGEND ON OSN MOVIES ACTION HD 06:00 Til Death 19:45 Erin Brockovich 16:50 Pawn Stars 22:00 Good Luck Charlie 22:00 Indecent Proposal 17:15 Pawn Stars 07:50 I Almost Got Away With It 06:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 22:25 Sabrina Secrets Of A 23:35 The Hive 17:40 The Curse Of Oak Island 08:40 Young, Hot & Crooked 07:30 Dr. Ken Teenage Witch 23:45 Loopdidoo 18:30 The Curse Of Oak Island 09:05 Young, Hot & Crooked 08:00 Breaking In 00:30 Redesign My Brain 19:20 Mountain Men 09:30 A Crime To Remember 08:30 Scrubs 01:20 Kids Do The Craziest Things 20:10 American Pickers 10:20 Evil Online 09:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 02:10 Pick A Puppy 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 11:10 Nightmare Next Door 10:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 00:20 Betty White Goes Wild! 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 03:00 Destroyed In Seconds 21:50 Fifth Gear 12:00 Iʼd Kill For You 01:00 Big Baby 01:10 Hunter Hunted Jimmy Fallon 03:50 Beyond Survival With Les 22:40 Swamp People 12:50 I Almost Got Away With It 02:45 Hey Arnold! The Movie 02:00 Jaguar: Catching The Cat 12:00 Til Death Stroud 23:30 American Pickers 00:00 Henry Hugglemonster 06:00 Gravity Falls 13:40 Young, Hot & Crooked 04:15 Daddy Iʼm A Zombie 02:50 Animals Gone Wild 12:30 Breaking In 04:40 How Itʼs Made 00:15 Calimero 06:25 Star vs The Forces Of Evil 14:05 Young, Hot & Crooked 06:00 Rugrats Go Wild 03:45 Africaʼs Deadliest 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 05:30 Dirty Jobs 00:30 Art Attack 06:50 Penn Zero: Part Time Hero 14:30 A Crime To Remember 07:45 Worms 04:40 Ultimate Animal Countdown 14:00 Scrubs 06:20 Mythbusters 00:55 Zou 07:15 Milo Murphyʼs Law 15:20 Evil Online 09:15 Rugrats In Paris: The Movie 05:35 Jaguar: Catching The Cat 14:30 Dr. Ken 07:00 Doki 01:05 Loopdidoo 07:25 The 7D 16:10 Vanity Fair Confidential 10:45 Big Baby 06:30 Animals Gone Wild 15:00 The Mindy Project 07:25 Kids vs Film 01:20 Henry Hugglemonster 07:40 Supa Strikas 17:00 Iʼd Kill For You 12:30 Hey Arnold! The Movie 07:25 Africaʼs Deadliest 15:30 Two And A Half Men 07:50 Bad Dog 01:35 Calimero 08:05 Two More Eggs 17:50 I Almost Got Away With It 14:00 Dixie And The Zombie 08:20 Ultimate Animal Countdown 16:00 Two And A Half Men 08:40 How Itʼs Made 01:50 Zou 08:10 K.C. Undercover 18:40 Bad Blood Rebellion 00:00 Restaurant: Impossible 09:15 Animals Gone Wild 16:30 Til Death 09:30 Redesign My Brain 02:05 Art Attack 08:35 Counterfeit Cat 19:05 Bad Blood 16:00 Rugrats In Paris: The Movie 01:00 Mystery Diners Compilations 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 Mythbusters 02:30 The Hive 09:00 Lab Rats: Bionic Island 19:30 A Crime To Remember 18:00 The Nutcracker Sweet 02:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 10:10 Man And The Wild 18:00 Scrubs 11:10 Bad Dog 02:40 Loopdidoo 09:25 Lab Rats: Bionic Island 20:20 Evil Online 20:00 Cher Ami 03:00 Man Fire Food 11:05 Africaʼs Deadliest 18:30 Gary Unmarried 12:00 Beyond Survival With Les 02:55 Henry Hugglemonster 09:50 Future-Worm! 21:10 Killer Instinct With Chris 21:45 Dixie And The Zombie 03:30 Man Fire Food 12:00 Shark Men 19:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Stroud 03:10 Art Attack 10:15 Two More Eggs Hansen Rebellion 04:00 Chopped 12:55 Asiaʼs Deadliest Snakes 19:30 New Girl 12:50 How Itʼs Made 03:35 Loopdidoo 10:20 Pair Of Kings 22:00 The Darkest Of Nights: 23:30 Worms 05:00 Guyʼs Grocery Games 13:50 Animals Gone Wild 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 13:40 Dirty Jobs 03:50 Calimero 10:45 Pair Of Kings People Magazine... 06:00 Barefoot Contessa 14:45 A Penguinʼs Life Jimmy Fallon 14:30 Doki 04:05 Art Attack 11:10 Danger Mouse 22:50 March To Justice 06:30 Barefoot Contessa 15:40 Jobs That Bite! 21:00 Two And A Half Men 04:30 Henry Hugglemonster 11:35 Supa Strikas 23:40 A Crime To Remember 16:35 Animals Gone Wild 21:30 Two And A Half Men Compilations 22:00 Family Guy 17:30 Man And The Wild 22:30 Bordertown 18:25 Man V. Monster 23:00 Better Things 00:20 Married By Mum And Dad 19:20 A Penguinʼs Life 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 01:10 Return To Amish 20:10 Jobs That Bite! 02:00 My Big Fat Fabulous Life 21:00 Animals Gone Wild 02:50 Love, Lust Or Run 00:10 The Chase Compilations 01:00 Emmerdale 03:15 Cake Boss 21:50 Man And The Wild 03:35 Promzillas 01:30 Coronation Street 22:40 Man V. Monster 02:00 Coronation Street 04:20 Little People, Big World 02:30 Guess This House 04:45 Little People, Big World 01:00 James And The Giant Peach 05:10 Toddlers & Tiaras 03:25 Vera 03:00 One Christmas Eve 05:15 Come Date With Me 06:00 Say Yes To The Dress: The 05:00 Beverly Hills Chihuahua Big Day Australia 07:00 Brother Bear 06:10 The Chase 06:50 Say Yes To The Dress 09:00 The Land Before Time: 07:40 Randy To The Rescue 07:05 Guess This House 00:10 Scam City Journey Of The Brave 08:00 Vera 08:30 Little People, Big World 01:00 Lawless Island 11:00 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 08:55 Little People, Big World 09:35 Ginoʼs Italian Escape 02:00 Primal Survivor 13:00 Atlantis: The Lost Empire 10:00 Come Date With Me 09:20 Sister Wives 03:00 Reinventing Seoul: Smart 15:00 Turner & Hooch 10:10 Love, Lust Or Run Australia City On The Rise 17:00 Eight Below 10:55 The Chase 10:35 Cake Boss 04:00 Scam City 19:00 K-9 Adventures: Legend Of 11:00 My Big Fat Fabulous Life 11:50 Guess This House 05:00 Worldʼs Toughest Fixes The Lost Gold 12:45 Emmerdale 11:50 Say Yes To The Dress: The 06:00 River Quest 21:00 Hocus Pocus Big Day 13:15 Coronation Street 07:00 Alaska Fish Wars 23:00 Turner & Hooch 13:45 Coronation Street 12:40 Promzillas 14:15 The Chase 15:10 Guess This House 16:00 The Moorside 17:00 Doctor Thorne 17:50 Come Date With Me Australia 18:20 Come Date With Me Australia 18:45 Emmerdale 19:15 Coronation Street 19:45 Coronation Street 20:10 Guess This House 21:00 The Moorside QUANTUM OF SOLACE ON OSN MOVIES HD 22:00 Doctor Thorne 22:50 Emmerdale 14:55 Kids vs Film 07:00 The Kitchen 12:00 Supa Strikas 04:45 Zou 12:30 Gravity Falls 15:20 Mythbusters 08:00 The Pioneer Woman 05:00 Art Attack 16:10 Redesign My Brain 09:00 Cooking For Real 12:55 Annedroids 05:30 Henry Hugglemonster 13:20 Atomic Puppet 17:00 React To That 10:00 Sibaʼs Table 05:45 Loopdidoo 11:00 The Kitchen 13:45 Star vs The Forces Of Evil 17:50 Now Thatʼs Funny 06:00 Zou 00:15 Food Loverʼs Guide To The 12:00 The Pioneer Woman 14:10 Disney Mickey Mouse 18:40 Destroyed In Seconds 06:15 Calimero Planet 13:00 Sibaʼs Table 14:15 Mighty Med 19:30 How Itʼs Made 06:30 Loopdidoo 00:40 The Game Chef 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 14:40 Disney Cookabout 20:20 Mythbusters 06:45 Henry Hugglemonster 01:05 Raw Travel 15:00 Chopped 15:05 Lab Rats 21:10 React To That 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 01:30 Dog Whisperer 16:00 The Kitchen 15:30 Gamerʼs Guide To Pretty 22:00 Worldʼs Funniest Fails 07:25 Sofia The First 02:20 Living Free With Kimi Werner 17:00 Cooking For Real Much Everything 22:50 Destroyed In Seconds 07:50 The Lion Guard 03:10 Charlie Luxtonʼs Homes By 18:00 Chopped 15:55 Right Now Kapow 23:15 Destroyed In Seconds 08:15 PJ Masks The Med 19:00 Chopped Junior 16:25 K.C. Undercover 08:40 Jake And The Never Land 04:00 Patisserie With Michel Roux 20:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 16:50 Walk The Prank Pirates Jr 21:00 Man Finds Food 17:15 Mech-X4 09:05 Goldie & Bear 04:50 Places We Go 21:30 Man Finds Food 17:40 Milo Murphyʼs Law 09:30 Minnieʼs Bow-Toons 05:20 Lyndey Milan - Taste Of 22:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 18:05 Disney Mickey Mouse 09:35 The Lion Guard 18:10 Gravity Falls Australia 00:20 Street Outlaws 10:00 Sofia The First 18:35 Mighty Med 05:45 My Restaurant In India 01:10 Gold Rush: Parkerʼs Trail 10:30 Doc McStuffins 19:00 Atomic Puppet 06:15 Chasing The Sun 02:00 Idris Elba: No Limits 10:55 Miles From Tomorrow 19:25 Gamerʼs Guide To Pretty 07:10 Raw Travel 02:50 Killing Fields B-Story 11:20 My Friends Tigger & Pooh Much Everything 07:35 Dog Whisperer 03:40 Fast Nʼ Loud 11:50 Sheriff Callieʼs Wild West 19:55 K.C. Undercover 08:30 Living Free With Kimi Werner 04:30 Storage Hunters 00:30 How Do They Do It? 12:15 Gummi Bears 09:25 Charlie Luxtonʼs Homes By 00:55 Food Factory 20:20 Mech-X4 05:00 How Do They Do It? 12:40 Miles From Tomorrow 20:45 Mighty Med The Med 05:30 How Do They Do It? 01:20 How The Universe Works 13:10 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 10:20 Patisserie With Michel Roux 02:10 Invisible Worlds 21:10 Walk The Prank 06:00 Railroad Australia 13:35 PJ Masks 21:40 Disney Mickey Mouse Jr 06:50 Street Outlaws 03:00 Prototype This 14:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 11:15 Places We Go 03:48 Mythbusters 21:45 Marvelʼs Avengers: Ultron 07:40 Fast Nʼ Loud 14:30 The Lion Guard Revolution 11:45 Lyndey Milan - Taste Of 08:30 Marooned With Ed Stafford 04:36 How Do They Do It? 15:00 Sofia The First Australia 05:00 Food Factory 22:10 Ultimate Spider-Man 09:20 Storage Hunters 15:30 Doc McStuffins 22:35 Boyster 12:10 My Restaurant In India 09:45 How Do They Do It? 05:24 How The Universe Works 15:55 Goldie & Bear 12:40 Raw Travel 10:10 How Do They Do It? 06:12 Invisible Worlds 16:20 Miles From Tomorrow 13:05 Dog Whisperer 10:35 Gold Rush: Parkerʼs Trail 07:00 How Do They Do It? 16:50 PJ Masks 14:00 Living Free With Kimi Werner 11:25 Idris Elba: No Limits 07:26 Prototype This 17:15 Sofia The First 14:55 Places We Go 12:15 Alaska: The Last Frontier 08:14 Mythbusters 17:40 Doc McStuffins 15:25 Lyndey Milan - Taste Of 13:05 How Do They Do It? 09:02 Ecopolis 18:05 Jake And The Never Land Australia 13:30 Storage Hunters 09:50 How Do They Do It? Pirates 15:50 Chocolate Perfection With 13:55 Storage Hunters 10:14 Food Factory 18:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 00:30 Blood Relatives Michel‚Ķ 14:20 Gold Rush 10:38 How The Universe Works 19:00 Goldie & Bear 01:20 Deadline: Crime With Tamron 16:45 Croatiaʼs Finest 15:10 Marooned With Ed Stafford 11:26 Prototype This 19:25 Goldie & Bear Hall 17:40 My Restaurant In India 16:00 Railroad Australia 12:14 Mythbusters 19:50 Doc McStuffins 02:10 The Grim Sleeper: People 18:10 Chasing The Sun 16:50 Fast Nʼ Loud 13:02 How Do They Do It? 20:05 Goldie & Bear Magazine Investigates 19:05 Places We Go 17:40 Street Outlaws 13:26 Food Factory 20:35 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 03:00 Pandoraʼs Box: Unleashing 19:30 Lyndey Milan - Taste Of 18:30 How Do They Do It? 13:50 Invisible Worlds 21:00 Gummi Bears Evil Australia 18:55 How Do They Do It? 14:38 Prototype This 21:30 Miles From Tomorrow 03:48 I Almost Got Away With It 20:00 Chocolate Perfection With 19:20 Marooned With Ed Stafford 15:26 How The Universe Works 22:00 PJ Masks 04:36 Young, Hot & Crooked Michel‚Ķ 20:10 Storage Hunters 16:14 Mythbusters 22:25 PJ Masks 05:24 A Crime To Remember 20:55 Croatiaʼs Finest 20:35 Storage Hunters 17:02 Invisible Worlds 22:55 PJ Masks 06:12 Evil Online 21:45 My Restaurant In India 21:00 The Wheel: Survival Games 17:50 Nextworld 23:20 Henry Hugglemonster 07:00 Iʼd Kill For You 22:10 Chasing The Sun I AM BOLT ON OSN MOVIES FESTIVAL Classifieds



KNCC PROGRAMME FROM THURSDAY TO WEDNESDAY Civil ID (No. 278051605719), I, Abdullah Abdur Rashid s/o Kuwait driving license, ATM Abdul Rashid, holder of (20/04/2017 TO 26/04/2017) card, name of Jogi Pratap Indian Passport No. J5395474 Reddy, has been lost in and Civil ID No. 273022102554 has changed SHARQIA-1 BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 12:15 AM FAST & FURIOUS 8 12:05 AM COLOSSAL 7:00 PM Khaitan area. If anyone my name to Abdullah Shaikh, GHOST IN THE SHELL 1:15 PM COLOSSAL 9:15 PM found please contact: hereinafter in all my dealings THE BOSS BABY 1:30 PM FANAR-2 MARINA-3 COLOSSAL 11:30 PM 51310611. and documents. (C 5301) GHOST IN THE SHELL 3:30 PM THE BOSS BABY 11:30 AM GHOST IN THE SHELL 11:45 AM 25-4-2017 GHOST IN THE SHELL 5:45 PM THE BOSS BABY 1:30 PM THE BOSS BABY 2:00 PM 360º- 3 I, Mario Costa R/o H.No. 1310, Cuncolim Voddi UNFORGETTABLE 8:00 PM THE BOSS BABY 3:30 PM THE BOSS BABY 4:00 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 1:15 PM FOR SALE Salcete, Goa, hereby change GHOST IN THE SHELL 10:15 PM THE BOSS BABY 5:30 PM THE BOSS BABY 6:00 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 3:30 PM my name from Mario Pedro UNFORGETTABLE 12:30 AM THE BOSS BABY 7:30 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 8:00 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 5:45 PM Toyota Prado 2003 - golden Costa to Mario Costa, here- UNFORGETTABLE 9:30 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 10:15 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 8:00 PM color, 4 doors, 4 clr, in excel- after in all my dealings and SHARQIA-2 Real Madrid Vs Barcelona - Live Game GHOST IN THE SHELL 12:30 AM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 10:15 PM lent condition. KD 1700. documents I will be known as Mob: 50994848. (C 5302) Mario Costa. (C 5300) FAST & FURIOUS 8 12:30 PM 9:45 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 12:30 AM 24-4-2017 23-4-2017 THE BOSS BABY 3:15 PM UNFORGETTABLE 12:05 AM AVENUES-1 THE BOSS BABY 5:15 PM UNFORGETTABLE 12:00 PM AL-KOUT.1 FAST & FURIOUS 8 7:15 PM FANAR-3 UNFORGETTABLE 2:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 11:30 AM FAST & FURIOUS 8 10:00 PM COLOSSAL 11:30 AM UNFORGETTABLE 4:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 2:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 12:45 AM SMURFS: THE LOST VILLAGE 1:45 PM SAFRA 5 NJOOM 6:45 PM SMURFS: THE LOST VILLAGE 5:00 PM COLOSSAL 3:45 PM UNFORGETTABLE 9:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 7:00 PM SHARQIA-3 COLOSSAL 6:00 PM UNFORGETTABLE 11:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 9:45 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 12:15 PM COLOSSAL 8:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 12:30 AM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 2:30 PM COLOSSAL 10:30 PM AVENUES-2 BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 5:00 PM COLOSSAL 12:45 AM THE BOSS BABY -3D-4DX 11:45 AM AL-KOUT.2 THE BOSS BABY 7:30 PM THE BOSS BABY -3D-4DX 2:00 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 1:00 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 9:30 PM FANAR-4 THE BOSS BABY -3D-4DX 4:15 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 3:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 11:45 PM THE BOSS BABY 11:30 AM THE BOSS BABY -3D-4DX 6:30 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 5:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 1:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8-2D-4DX 9:15 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 7:45 PM MUHALAB-1 FAST & FURIOUS 8 4:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8-2D-4DX 12:05 AM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 10:00 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 12:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 7:00 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 12:15 AM GHOST IN THE SHELL 3:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 9:45 PM AVENUES-3 GHOST IN THE SHELL 5:15 PM Real Madrid Vs Barcelona - Live Game COLOSSAL 1:00 PM AL-KOUT.3 GHOST IN THE SHELL 7:30 PM 9:45 PM COLOSSAL 3:15 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 11:45 AM UNFORGETTABLE 9:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 12:30 AM COLOSSAL 5:30 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 2:00 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 12:05 AM COLOSSAL 7:45 PM THE BOSS BABY 4:15 PM FANAR-5 COLOSSAL 10:00 PM THE BOSS BABY 6:15 PM MUHALAB-2 GHOST IN THE SHELL 11:45 AM COLOSSAL 12:15 AM GHOST IN THE SHELL 8:15 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 1:15 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 2:00 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 10:30 PM THE BOSS BABY 1:30 PM SMURFS: THE LOST VILLAGE 4:15 PM AVENUES-4 GHOST IN THE SHELL 12:45 AM COLOSSAL 3:30 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 6:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 1:30 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 5:45 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 8:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 4:15 PM AL-KOUT.4 BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 8:00 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 10:45 PM Special Show “THE BOSS BABY” 4:45 PM COLOSSAL 12:30 PM Automated enquiry COLOSSAL 10:15 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 1:00 AM FAST & FURIOUS 8 7:00 PM COLOSSAL 2:45 PM about the COLOSSAL 12:30 AM FAST & FURIOUS 8 9:45 PM UNFORGETTABLE 5:00 PM Civil ID card is MARINA-1 FAST & FURIOUS 8 12:30 AM COLOSSAL 7:15 PM 112 MUHALAB-3 BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 1:15 PM COLOSSAL 9:30 PM 1889988 THE BOSS BABY 12:45 PM SMURFS: THE LOST VILLAGE 1:30 PM 360º- 1 UNFORGETTABLE 11:45 PM THE BOSS BABY 2:45 PM SMURFS: THE LOST VILLAGE 3:30 PM THE BOSS BABY 11:30 AM PRAYER TIMINGS THE BOSS BABY 4:45 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 5:30 PM THE BOSS BABY -3D 1:45 PM BAIRAQ-1 FAST & FURIOUS 8 6:45 PM COLOSSAL 7:45 PM THE BOSS BABY 4:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 12:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 9:30 PM COLOSSAL 10:00 PM THE BOSS BABY -3D 6:15 PM THE BOSS BABY 3:00 PM Fajr: 03:48 FAST & FURIOUS 8 12:15 AM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 12:15 AM THE BOSS BABY 8:30 PM THE BOSS BABY -3D 5:00 PM THE BOSS BABY 10:45 PM THE BOSS BABY 7:00 PM Shorook: 05:11 FANAR-1 MARINA-2 GHOST IN THE SHELL 1:00 AM THE BOSS BABY 9:00 PM Duhr: 11:46 BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 12:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 1:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 11:00 PM MINE 3:00 PM GHOST IN THE SHELL 1:30 PM 360º- 2 Asr: 15:21 BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 5:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 3:45 PM COLOSSAL 12:15 PM BAIRAQ-2 Maghrib: 18:20 MINE 7:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 6:30 PM COLOSSAL 2:30 PM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 11:45 AM BISTERI RAJEL - Arabic 10:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 9:15 PM COLOSSAL 4:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 8 2:00 PM Isha: 19:42

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page ( DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION

Arrival Flights on Tuesday 25/4/2017 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:45 Departure Flights on Tuesday 25/4/2017 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 Airlines Flt Route Time KAC 788 Jeddah 14:55 Airlines Flt Route Time KAC 513 Tehran 14:10 KNE 529 Jeddah 14:55 AIC 982 Ahmedabad/Chennai 00:05 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 THY 772 Istanbul 00:10 JAD 301 Amman 15:00 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 KAC 673 Dubai 15:00 SVA 502 Jeddah 00:20 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 15:05 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:30 KNE 382 Taif 15:00 SVA 514 Riyadh 00:25 KAC 562 Amman 15:10 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:00 KAC 786 Jeddah 00:30 OMA 645 Muscat 15:10 PIA 206 Lahore 01:00 KAC 775 Riyadh 15:00 MSC 411 Asyut 00:30 KAC 502 Beirut 15:25 THY 773 Istanbul 01:40 FDB 060 Dubai 15:05 JZR 267 Beirut 00:35 KAC 412 Bangkok 15:30 KAC 363 Colombo 01:55 QTR 1079 Doha 15:15 RJA 642 Amman 00:45 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 DLH 635 Frankfurt 02:00 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 KAC 102 London 00:55 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:35 KNE 530 Jeddah 15:55 DLH 635 Doha 01:00 RJA 640 Amman 16:00 THY 765 Istanbul 02:50 KAC 661 Abu Dhabi 15:55 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 JZR 539 Cairo 01:25 FDK 801 Damascus 16:00 KAC 743 Dammam 16:00 KKK 6505 Istanbul 02:55 UAE 853 Dubai 01:40 JZR 325 Al Najaf 16:15 KAC 619 Doha 16:00 KAC 351 Kochi 03:05 OMA 646 Muscat 16:10 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 FDB 051 Dubai 16:15 UAE 854 Dubai 03:30 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 KKK 6506 Istanbul 01:55 QTR 1072 Doha 16:15 OMA 644 Muscat 04:05 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:20 AXB 395 Kozhikode 02:00 JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 QTR 1087 Doha 04:10 KAC 563 Amman 16:25 KLM 446 Bahrain 02:05 NIA 361 Alexandria 16:50 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:10 KAC 615 Bahrain 16:30 KAC 358 Kochi 04:50 KAC 118 New York 16:55 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 SAW 706 Damascus 16:50 KAC 784 Jeddah 05:00 KAC 542 Cairo 17:05 KAC 417 Manila 04:20 FDK 802 Damascus 16:55 FEG 953 Asyut 05:00 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 PGT 861 Istanbul 04:25 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 THY 6376 Istanbul 05:05 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 JZR 560 Sohag 04:45 FDB 052 Dubai 17:05 THY 770 Istanbul 05:05 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:35 CEB 019 Manila 05:30 JZR 266 Beirut 17:15 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 QTR 1077 Doha 05:35 QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 KAC 414 Bangkok 05:20 QTR 1080 Doha 18:05 UAE 874 Dubai 06:15 JZR 240 Amman 17:30 KAC 332 Trivandrum 05:40 MSR 620 Cairo 18:30 RJA 643 Amman 06:25 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 BAW 157 London 06:05 JZR 483 Istanbul 18:30 THY 771 Istanbul 06:25 KAC 357 Kochi 17:40 KAC 284 Dhaka 06:35 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 KAC 381 Delhi 17:50 KAC 206 Islamabad 06:40 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 KAC 331 Trivandrum 17:55 KAC 302 Mumbai 06:55 KAC 776 Riyadh 19:05 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 KAC 283 Dhaka 18:00 KAC 354 Bangalore 07:50 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 KAC 167 Paris 07:15 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 KAC 501 Beirut 07:50 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 KAC 384 Delhi 08:00 KAC 154 Istanbul 19:30 KAC 613 Bahrain 07:55 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 KAC 674 Dubai 19:40 BAW 156 London 08:20 JZR 538 Cairo 18:35 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 08:55 KAC 616 Bahrain 19:40 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 KAC 785 Jeddah 18:45 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:00 FDB 057 Dubai 19:50 KAC 511 Mashhad 08:35 QTR 1081 Doha 19:15 QTR 1070 Doha 09:20 KAC 620 Doha 19:50 KAC 773 Riyadh 08:35 KAC 345 Ahmedabad 19:20 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 OMA 647 Muscat 20:05 KAC 117 New York 09:00 MSR 621 Cairo 19:30 IRA 675 Lar 09:40 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:15 KAC 161 Geneva 09:10 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 SVA 512 Riyadh 10:00 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:15 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 QTR 1088 Doha 20:35 KAC 671 Dubai 09:15 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 KAC 164 Rome 20:55 KAC 165 Rome 09:20 FDB 058 Dubai 20:30 PAL 668 Manila 11:00 KAC 564 Amman 21:00 KAC 691 Muscat 09:30 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 JZR 561 Sohag 11:10 KAC 172 Frankfurt 21:05 JZR 482 Istanbul 09:35 KAC 353 Bangalore 20:55 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:40 KAC 614 Bahrain 11:15 KAC 168 Paris 21:05 DLH 634 Doha 21:00 KAC 101 London 09:45 OMA 648 Muscat 21:05 MSC 403 Asyut 11:15 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:10 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 KNE 232 Riyadh 21:10 KAC 742 Dammam 11:45 KLM 445 Amsterdam 21:15 KAC 561 Amman 09:55 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 ALK 229 Colombo 21:15 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 KAC 543 Cairo 21:30 JZR 1331 Al Najaf 12:20 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 KAC 541 Cairo 10:00 KAC 301 Mumbai 21:40 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:50 IRA 666 Esfahan 10:15 QTR 1089 Doha 21:45 THY 766 Istanbul 12:50 QTR 1082 Doha 22:00 KAC 153 Istanbul 10:30 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 FEG 933 Sohag 12:55 NIA 0161 Cairo 22:10 QTR 1071 Doha 10:35 KAC 205 Islamabad 21:55 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 FDB 056 Dubai 10:35 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:00 AXB 393 Kozhikode 13:10 AIC 987 Chennai/Hyderabad 22:25 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 PIA 239 Sialkot 22:35 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 KLM 445 Bahrain 22:25 KAC 692 Muscat 13:55 JZR 241 Amman 22:55 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:00 UAE 860 Dubai 22:35 QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 JZR 185 Dubai 22:55 AXB 890 Mangalore 12:05 KAC 383 Delhi 22:35 KAC 364 Colombo 14:15 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:00 KAC 413 Bangkok 13:05 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:50 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:15 MSC 405 Sohag 23:30 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 KAC 618 Doha 14:20 FDB 071 Dubai 23:35 JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 KAC 783 Jeddah 23:10 FDB 059 Dubai 14:20 ICV 675 Luxembourg 23:35 MSC 402 Alexandria 13:30 QTR 1083 Doha 23:20 QTR 8511 Doha 14:40 THY 764 Istanbul 23:45 THY 767 Istanbul 13:45 KAC 411 Bangkok 23:35 stars34 TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22) Someone near you this morning has a tendency to use hidden messages Personal and romantic feelings may interfere greatly with your ability to for self-expression but a customer or new co-worker cuts through to the facts. You are work well. However, once involved in the process of your profession you forget those impressed and right away will make quick friends with this new person. You aim to bothering personal thoughts. This period will bring about good conditions and communi- improve your life in all sorts of ways and enjoy people that you can have in your life as a cation among co-workers. You could be most persuasive with others and charismatic in mentor or guide. Get ready-this new person in your life may find things about you from your communication. You gain your confidence as you process through your day. You will which this person will learn. Practical, effective ideas are the ones that make the most also be confident when you express your viewpoint. Don’t always be the last one to leave sense now-putting them to good use is a focus for you. You may find yourself analyzing your place of work; others may take advantage of you. You cannot afford to neglect your- your life situation and surroundings. You have luck with residential matters at this time. self. This evening the romantic frustrations have been solved and you are more clearhead- Buying or selling property now will get you a good price. ed and able to know what you want.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Effective decisions are important and with your leadership status, you will Your ability to concentrate is better than usual. Technical problems are easi- be able to show off your talents in a most extraordinary way this year. You do not stand er for you to solve as you have learned to be more patient with yourself and feel better alone in your company and whether you own a company or you work for a company, about taking more time to decipher the instructions or to do particular research. You suc- this is the year your talents will be acknowledged. You not only use your talents to bene- cessfully ignore the one who keeps telling you to hurry and you come through the day fit the company you own or for which you work, you encourage others to do the same with more results, answers, progress and discoveries than ever before. You will find the thing. This lends itself to good teamwork and dependable, reliable team employees. An person who wants you to hurry will calm eventually and the work atmosphere will build old friend appears to you before your day is over and in no time at all a party is formed; into a more beneficial one in the future. Endurance and patience with yourself is the you are the guest of honor. You have a lot of things to be grateful for and one of them is answer toward your progress. Close relationships on the home front become deeper. You yourself. Enjoy the celebration of life. and a loved one laugh together and enjoy the evening.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Communication exchanges with others might lead you toward a teaching In your professional life, it is ideas that count, much more than narrowly career in some way. This could be lecturing, part-time or full-time teaching, personal concerns. A business will honor the employee that works to tutoring, career guidance, etc. Whatever the case, this new venture will keep you busy as improve, enhance and help the business move forward. Intimate ties and business part- ACROSS 4. A period of time spent sleeping. well as satisfied intellectually, financially and socially. You may find you already have the nerships get the green light today. Business deals and superiors, as you know, can be han- 1. The sign language used in the United 5. South American armadillo with three education that is necessary to qualify for an education profession. There is a good feeling dled best with tact. Progress is good. An understanding for all the people in your life is States. bands of bony plates. about some new ideas you have. You are looking forward to talking over these ideas admirable and may be one of the reasons you are usually called on to help out in some 4. Genus of North American and east 6. An especially luminous meteor (some- with a loved one. Tonight may be a good time to have dinner away from home. Tonight cause. You might consider ways to help those that are homebound and may have a diffi- is the time you and your mate may also enjoy a bit of shopping. You may finally find a cult time in seeing. Perhaps some recorded stories, biographies, etc., would bring much Asian perennial herbs. times exploding). pleasure to those who can no longer drive or read. Music is most relaxing this evening. 11. Tropical woody herb with showy yel- 7. (archaic) Of persons. particular item for which you have been searching for a long time. low flowers and flat pods. 8. The expression on a person's face. 15. Aircraft landing in bad weather in 9. Activity involved in maintaining some- which the pilot is talked down by ground thing in good working order. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) control using precision approach radar. 10. Relating to or characteristic of or 16. Abbreviation of a word by omitting occurring on the sea or ships. You push to solve a work problem but some key information may be miss- This may be a challenging day in that you will need to become more the final sound or sounds. 11. 43rd President of the United States. ing. You will find the answer soon-pace yourself. After you have found what absorbed in your work. There seems to be a time element that is important is needed, you may want to take a break from the tension and do a little exercise and have today. You are very enterprising and can encourage others to perform well. Creatively, you 17. Cancel, annul, or reverse an action or 12. A blue dye obtained from plants or a little refreshment. This afternoon the trend for solving problems seems to continue and need to focus on completing projects and seeing things through to a successful conclu- its effect. made synthetically. you encourage and raise the spirit of a depressed person through the art of listening. You sion. Mental stimulation is important after work and you seek to find a new game, new 18. An ugly evil-looking old woman. 13. A television system that has more have a positive attitude and can usually spread joy wherever you go. There is nothing that music, new restaurant, etc. If you are involved in a relationship you will find all sorts of 19. A second-rate prize fighter. than the usual number of lines per frame pleases you quite so much as work or volunteer service that can make a difference in improvements as your attention is focused on pleasing others. If you are looking for a rela- 20. A strong post (as on a wharf or quay so its pictures show more detail. somebody else’s life. You may find a friend or family member joining you or helping you tionship, the thrill of the chase might be most of the fun for now. This is a successful and or ship for attaching mooring lines). 14. A globular water bottle used in Asia. with a worthwhile project. Tonight is for relaxation and perhaps a good book. progressive day. Your focus brings many rewards. 21. The blood group whose red cells car- 22. The seventh month of the civil year. ry both the A and B antigens. 24. A dress worn primarily by Hindu 23. German poet (born in Austria) whose women. Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) imagery and mystic lyricism influenced 26. A genus of Ploceidae. All indications lead to your being extremely busy in the workplace today. 20-th century German literature (1875- 29. A French river that flows through the Practical, workable ideas are the ones that make the most sense now- putting them to good use is a focus for you. There are optimism, faith and a tendency to There may be many instances where you will have to supply a solution to a particular 1926). heart of Paris and then northward into take chances. Today you will be able to stretch your talents farther than usual as you tack- problem. Be prepared to work quickly and take your allocated breaks when you can. You 25. The sciences concerned with gather- the English Channel. le tasks that require real discipline. You could find yourself working successfully-with the will bring an excellent idea to higher-ups as you write out a plan to adjust a routine or ing and manipulating and storing and 31. A unit of weight used in some flow of energy and being productive. You may have some serious or contemplative eliminate a step that has slowed a work process. Focus into your day by finding out where retrieving and classifying recorded infor- Spanish speaking countries. moments that help you communicate well with higher-ups. There may be a need for your energies can be best applied. You are good at expressing your authority with a sensi- tivity that many supervisors do not have. In-depth discussions and probing conversations relaxation during the noon meal but you might find a leisure walk beneficial. Opt for mation. 32. Covered with scabs. find you at your mental best. The subject of adoption is of some interest to you this some quiet time alone this afternoon and then you will be ready for more interaction in 27. A doctor's degree in religion. 33. Wild or seedling sweet cherry used as evening and you may find yourself attracted to the concept. 28. (Old Testament) The eldest son of stock for grafting. the business world. This evening you share some quiet time with a loved one. Isaac who would have inherited the 35. (anatomy) Opposite to or away from Covenant that God made with Abraham the mouth. and that Abraham passed on to Isaac. 36. A thin cylindrical pointed writing Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) 30. Kneading and rubbing parts of the implement. Time will work out most difficulties, particularly if you remain respectful. You are likely to find yourself tuning into some pretty amazing things if you body to increase circulation and promote 37. Hot or warm and humid. let your visionary side really wake up. This is not a great time for career or vocational deci- relaxation v 1. 40. A composition that imitates some- There is optimism and you take few risks when approaching difficult people. You have a certain way of winning over the most difficult personality and are pleased with the results sions, but your creative ideas will bring about motivation for others. Some of your moti- 34. By chance. body's style in a humorous way. you discover. Just remember, steer into calm waters and take them with you as you make vating ideas will be beneficial to you in a roundabout way. You seem to take the fluctua- 38. A covered passageway. 45. Any tree or shrub of the genus Inga your presentations. Professional people recommend you because you consistently suc- tion of the day with a grain of salt and a bit of humor. You work with a good focus and are 39. A soft silver-white ductile metallic ele- having pinnate leaves and showy usually ceed in your endeavors. This afternoon, at home, is a different atmosphere as you find happy not to have any more responsibilities than you have. You are intuitively aware of ment (liquid at normal temperatures). white flowers. friends gather to gain your attention. There is a chance to help a friend shop for baby any adjustments that are needed today, whether it is in the work you do or in how you 41. That is to say. 46. West Indian tree having racemes of clothes this afternoon; there is an indication this child will come early. This might be a communicate with the people around you. The need to adapt to the game of work, poli- 42. The money risked on a gamble. fragrant white flowers and yielding a good time to plan the baby shower or at least check and see if one is in the works. tics and performing on a personal level is satisfied. 43. The father of your father or mother. durable timber and resinous juice. 44. The seed-producing cone of a pine 49. 1/10 gram. tree. 52. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. Wordsearch Puzzle Yesterday’s Solution 47. A cruel and brutal fellow. 53. Enchanter's nightshade. 48. An associate degree in nursing. 55. Render verbally, "recite a poem". 50. Type genus of the family Arcidae. 56. Any of various deciduous or ever- 51. A French abbot. green ornamental shrubs of the genus 54. A column of light (as from a beacon). Abelia having opposite simple leaves and 57. With respect to the face. cymes of small white or pink or purplish 60. The ball-shaped capsule containing flowers. the vertebrate eye. 58. Large American feline resembling a 61. Having facets. lion. 68. Jewish republic in southwestern Asia 59. Large brownish-green New Zealand at eastern end of Mediterranean. parrot. 71. Electrical conduction through a gas in 62. United States tennis player who was an applied electric field. the first Black to win United States and 72. The federal agency that insures resi- English singles championships (1943- dential mortgages. 1993). 73. One of four subclasses or superorders 63. A steep rugged rock or cliff. of Monocotyledones. 64. Remove with or as if with a ladle. 75. A decree that prohibits something. 65. (Babylonian) God of wisdom and agri- 76. A graphical record of electrical activi- culture and patron of scribes and ty of the brain. schools. 77. Widespread genus or herbs or soft- 66. A republic in the Middle East in west- wooded arborescent shrubs cultivated ern Asia. for their showy flowers. 67. An inflammatory disease involving 78. (Hawaiian) A small guitar having four the sebaceous glands of the skin. strings. 69. An independent agency of the United States government responsible for col- DOWN lecting and coordinating intelligence and 1. Title for a civil or military leader (espe- counterintelligence activities abroad in cially in Turkey). the national interest. 2. Someone who works (or provides 70. A successful stroke in an athletic con- workers) during a strike. test (especially in baseball). 3. The act of slowing down or falling 74. Being five more than fifty. behind.

Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 information

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Afghanistan 0093 Lithuania 00370 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Albania 00355 Luxembourg 00352 Algeria 00213 Macau 00853 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Andorra 00376 Macedonia 00389 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Angola 00244 Madagascar 00261 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Anguilla 001264 Majorca 0034 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Antiga 001268 Malawi 00265 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Argentina 0054 Malaysia 0060 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Armenia 00374 Maldives 00960 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967 Australia 0061 Mali 00223 Austria 0043 Malta 00356 Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Azerbaijan 00994 Marshall Islands 00692 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Bahamas 001242 Martinique 00596 Bahrain 00973 Mauritania 00222 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Bangladesh 00880 Mauritius 00230 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Barbados 001246 Mayotte 00269 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Belarus 00375 Mexico 0052 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Belgium 0032 Micronesia 00691 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Belize 00501 Moldova 00373 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Benin 00229 Monaco 00377 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Bermuda 001441 Mongolia 00976 Bhutan 00975 Montserrat 001664 Rawda 22517733 Bolivia 00591 Morocco 00212 Adaliya 22517144 Bosnia 00387 Mozambique 00258 Botswana 00267 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Khaldiya 24848075 Brazil 0055 Namibia 00264 Kaifan 24849807 Brunei 00673 Nepal 00977 Bulgaria 00359 Netherlands 0031 Shamiya 24848913 Burkina 00226 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Shuwaikh 24814507 Burundi 00257 New Caledonia 00687 Cambodia 00855 New Zealand 0064 Abdullah Salem 22549134 Cameroon 00237 Nicaragua 00505 Nuzha 22526804 Canada 001 Nigar 00227 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Cape Verde 00238 Nigeria 00234 Cayman Islands 001345 Niue 00683 Qadsiya 22515088 Central African 00236 Norfolk Island 00672 Dasmah 22532265 Chad 00235 N. Ireland (UK) 0044 Chile 0056 North Korea 00850 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 China 0086 Norway 0047 Shaab 22518752 Colombia 0057 Oman 00968 Comoros 00269 Pakistan 0092 Qibla 22459381 Congo 00242 Palau 00680 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Cook Islands 00682 Panama 00507 Costa Rica 00506 Papua New Guinea 00675 Mirqab 22456536 Croatia 00385 Paraguay 00595 Sharq 22465401 Cuba 0053 Peru 0051 Cyprus 00357 Philippines 0063 Salmiya 25746401 Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Poland 0048 Jabriya 25316254 Czech Republic 00420 Portugal 00351 Denmark 0045 Puerto Rico 001787 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Diego Garcia 00246 Qatar 00974 Bayan 25388462 Djibouti 00253 Romania 0040 Mishref 25381200 Dominica 001767 Russian Federation 007 Dominican Republic 001809 Rwanda 00250 W Hawally 22630786 Ecuador 00593 Saint Helena 00290 Sabah 24810221 Egypt 0020 Saint Kitts 001869 El Salvador 00503 Saint Lucia 001758 Jahra 24770319 England (UK) 0044 Saint Pierre 00508 New Jahra 24575755 Equatorial Guinea 00240 Saint Vincent 001784 Eritrea 00291 Samoa US 00684 West Jahra 24772608 Estonia 00372 Samoa West 00685 South Jahra 24775066 Ethiopia 00251 San Marino 00378 Falkland Islands 00500 Sao Tome 00239 North Jahra 24775992 Faroe Islands 00298 Saudi Arabia 00966 North Jleeb 24311795 Fiji 00679 Scotland (UK) 0044 Finland 00358 Senegal 00221 Ardhiya 24884079 France 0033 Seychelles 00284 Firdous 24892674 French Guiana 00594 Sierra Leone 00232 French Polynesia 00689 Singapore 0065 Omariya 24719048 Gabon 00241 Slovakia 00421 N Khaitan 24710044 Gambia 00220 Slovenia 00386 Georgia 00995 Solomon Islands 00677 Fintas 23900322 Germany 0049 Somalia 00252 Ghana 00233 South Africa 0027 Gibraltar 00350 South Korea 0082 Greece 0030 Spain 0034 Greenland 00299 Sri Lanka 0094 PRIVATE CLINICS Grenada 001473 Sudan 00249 Guadeloupe 00590 Suriname 00597 Guam 001671 Swaziland 00268 Guatemala 00502 Sweden 0046 Ophthalmologists Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Endocrinologist Guinea 00224 Switzerland 0041 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Guyana 00592 Syria 00963 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Haiti 00509 Serbia 00381 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Taiwan 00886 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Honduras 00504 Tanzania 00255 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Hong Kong 00852 Thailand 0066 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Hungary 0036 Togo 00228 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Tonga 00676 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Iceland 00354 Tokelau 00690 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Dermatology Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Mohammed Salam India 0091 Trinidad 001868 Rheumatologists: Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 Bern University 23845955 Indian Ocean 00873 Tunisia 00216 Indonesia 0062 Turkey 0090 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dentists Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Iran 0098 Tuvalu 00688 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Iraq 00964 Uganda 00256 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ireland 00353 Ukraine 00380 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Italy 0039 United Arab Emirates 00976 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 Ivory Coast 00225 0044 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Jamaica 001876 Uruguay 00598 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Japan 0081 USA 001 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Jordan 00962 Uzbekistan 00998 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Head, Division of Cardiology Internists, Chest & Heart Kazakhstan 007 Vanuatu 00678 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Kenya 00254 Venezuela 00582 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Consultant Cardiologist Kiribati 00686 Vietnam 0084 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Kuwait 00965 Virgin Islands UK 001284 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Virgin Islands US 001340 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Laos 00856 Wales (UK) 0044 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Latvia 00371 Yemen 00967 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Lebanon 00961 Yugoslavia 00381 Soor Center Liberia 00231 Zambia 00260 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center Noor Clinic William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Libya 00218 Zimbabwe 00263 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 23845955 Lesotho 00266 lifestyle TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017

GOSSIP Gallagher's new album set for November release

oel Gallagher says his new album is scheduled to be released in artwork, videos, the lot done by the time I go to Glastonbury in June". "All November. The former Oasis rocker has been working with produc- the songs that I was writing towards making a record have not been used Ner David Holmes at the music maestro's home in Belfast, Northern because when we decided to make a record with David Holmes the way Ireland, and at his private studio at his house in London and he has spilled he works is that all the writing gets done in the studio. So I started this that it will be out by November. Appearing on his close friend Russell record at his house in Belfast. The process is the complete opposite to the Brand's Radio X show, he was quizzed by the comedian as to when fans way that I've always worked. With this, you have no idea what you've got can expect to hear his next batch of songs. He replied: "I believe it's slated until it's there, and the end results are great because they're constantly for a November release." When pushed for a song title, he said: "There's evolving." Noel's younger brother and former Oasis bandmate Liam one just called instrumental number three." Noel, 49, previously revealed Gallagher is also putting the finishing touches to his own album. The 44- that he expected the third High Flying Birds LP - the follow-up to 2015's year-old singer is releasing his debut solo LP, titled 'As You Were', and the 'Chasing Yesterday' - to be finished by June before he makes his annual wild rocker has previously told the band's fans to expect 2017 to be "the trip to Glastonbury with his wife Sara MacDonald. And the 'AKA... What a year of the face off" between him and Noel - who he has barely spoken to Life!' hitmaker admitted he is very excited about unveiling the album to since the guitarist quit Oasis in 2009 following a backstage fight between the world because Holmes - who is famous for his movie soundtrack work the siblings. In a Twitter rant, Liam posted: "2017 the year of the face off - got him to record in a totally different way for him. In a 2016 interview Wright vs wrong Real Vs fake Love vs Hate as you were LFUKING x "He's not with BBC Radio 6, he said: "I think we're into the home straight now. I've the messiahs he's a vet NORTY boy ... Chilli putter Carlo void man (sic)" been given the deadline which is to have everything finished - mastered, Ed Sheeran is rumored to Will Smith to join DJ Jazzy Jeff for UK festival quit the music industry ill Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff are entertainment." The festival will be held at reuniting to headline the the Blackpool Headland Arena and tickets WLIVEWIRE Festival this summer. go on sale on Tuesday at 10am from d Sheeran is rumored to quit the maker, who is currently dating Cherry The 48-year-old actor-and-rapper is getting Jeff, 51, is a regular music industry to pursue a "more Seaborn, would gladly put his career on back on stage with his long-time friend - on the festival circuit and has made no Enormal life". The 26-year-old hold for his partner if their relationship whom he performed with under the name secret of his wish to get his friend Will back vocalist made his comeback earlier this was to progress on to the next step and DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, a nod to on stage with him. Jeff's dream would be year when he released two new singles he was to marry and start a family. The his TV series 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' - to for the duo to bring their brand of hip hop 'Shape of You' and 'Castle On The Hill' insider continued: "When or if he gets top the bill at the music event in Blackpool, to the world famous Glastonbury Festival. from his 'Divide' album after taking a married he wants to put his wife and England, which will be held over the week- Speaking to BANG Showbiz previously, he one-year hiatus, but it has been report- kids first and not his career. If that end of August 25 to August 27. Not only said: "We've had interest in Glastonbury, ed the flame-haired musician is contem- means going AWOL for years then so be will festival-goers see the pair perform whenever the decision comes down, I'm plating taking a more permanent break it." Ed is set to headline Glastonbury fes- their biggest hits, such as 'Summertime' there. The hardest part of us doing this because he has "achieved everything tival this year, and he is also travelling and 'Boom! Shake the Room', but they will [reuniting] is the clearing of the schedule. I there is to achieve". Speaking about the around the UK as part of his latest tour, also be able to watch The Jacksons and tour about 180 days out of the year but he award-winning artist - who picked up but it is rumored his busy work sched- some of the biggest pop hits of the 1980s makes movies so it's more on his side of the gong for Song of the Year at the ule will be a "big test" for him and his as part of Pete Waterman's Hit Factory having to clear a schedule for us to be able 2016 Grammy Awards of 'Thinking Out girlfriend because "every day" for the including the producer himself as well as to rehearse and go on the road. Sometimes Loud' - a source told the Daily Star next 12 months he is believed to be Jason Donovan. A LIVEWIRE spokesperson it gets a little hard with him being one of newspaper: "Ed has pretty much "practically full". The source said: "The said: "This is LIVEWIRE Festival's first year the biggest movie stars in the world to free achieved everything there is to achieve big test is if the relationship survives and we are thrilled to be launching this up his time. But he absolutely, positively in music. "He absolutely loves what he this album and the tour, "When they got fabulous weekend of music. We can't wait wants to do this." does and is riding the wave of his suc- together Ed was on his year off but to bring Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff, The cess at the moment, but at the same every day in his schedule for the next Jacksons, Jason Donovan and more to time he wants a more normal life." And year is practically full." Blackpool, the best location in the UK for it has been reported the 'A Team' hit-

Lady Gaga is always trying to 'expand' her creative bubble ady Gaga never stops trying to "expand her Lupita Nyong'o and bubble" creatively, according to her visual Jon Favreau goes swimming Ldirector Richy Jackson. The pair started work- ing together back in 2011 when Richy became her Rihanna want to star lead choreographer and he has been responsible for helping the pop megastar create some of her most with his kids if his films flop iconic moments, including her unforgettable in a movie together 'Telephone' video with BeyoncÈ, her Super Bowl half- on Favreau goes swimming with do. Love it to the point of obsession. again. So, I have to really examine all time show and her headline performances at this upita Nyong'o and Rihanna want to star in a movie his kids if one of his films is a flop. So there are things that I might want of those plot points. Also, the myths year's Coachella Festival. Richy, 38, says the greatest together. An old photograph of the '12 Years A Slave' JThe 50-year-old actor-and-direc- to see or be involved with or act in are very strong in that, so you're hit- thing about working with Gaga, is that she never Lstar and the singer and part-time actress sat next to tor's last project was working on the but that's a lot different than I have to ting something even deeper than the wants to stall as an artist and is always determined to each other at a 2014 Miu Miu fashion show resurfaced on remake of Disney classic 'The Jungle live, breathe, sleep it, dream it. If I'm movie sometimes." And in order to tap push herself and everyone who is part of her team. In Sunday prompting Twitter users to inventing a plotline for Book', a critical and box office success, going to do my best work, I have to into the viewers' best loved movie an interview with Billboard, he said: "I think we've a potential heist movie featuring the pair. But the hysteria but he accepts that not every movie be completely immersed." Favreau has moments, Favreau said he tries to learned to continue pushing our creative bubbles. the imaginary project created on Twitter - with 79,000 likes he puts out will do so well. If the been entrusted by Walt Disney recall his own memories. He said: "I She'll challenge me to try this or go with that. I'll say, and 28,000 re-tweets - has prompted the two stars to response to one of his projects is not 'OK, how do we make it faster or slower? How do we accept the invitation. Nyong'o, 34, tweeted: "I'm down if what he was hoping for, then Favreau turn it another way?' I always think about where you are @rihanna (sic)" And Rihanna - who was most takes some time out with his three we've come from and where we're going on. For recently seen in TV show 'Bates Motel' as Marion Crane, the kids - son Max, 15, and two daughters, instance, for 'John Wayne', I knew that was about her character who is murdered in the shower by Norman Bates Madeleine, 14, and nine-year-old intense relationships with men, so I wanted the - agreed to get on board for the film too. The 29-year-old Brighton Rose, aged nine - and his dance to feel rougher. I loved the couple section I Bajan beauty tweeted: "I'm in Pit'z (sic)" One Twitter user wife Joya Tillem to get into a different created for her where she's hopping on the guy's set the project in motion by tweeting the picture with the head space. Speaking during a Q&A back and still dancing and singing. That's the beauty caption: "Rihanna looks like she scams rich white men and session at the Tribeca Film Festival of our organic, creative relationship: we both keep lupita is the computer smart best friend that helps plan the where actress Scarlett Johansson was trying to expand each other's bubble." Richy - who scans (sic)." Many fans responded with potential plot and the interviewer, Favreau revealed that has also worked with Usher, Will Smith, Katy Perry, script lines, and even 'Whiplash' producer Helen Estabrook every time he "would start to get Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliot and *NSYNC among many waded in on the filmmaking. She offered to produce, by bummed out" by the reaction to his more big names - is very proud of the stage show he tweeting: ".@Lupita_Nyongo @rihanna I will more than 2011 sci-fi film 'Cowboys and Aliens' and Gaga created for Coachella. The dance expert happily produce this movie". But fans will have to watch he'd go swimming with his kids as a was delighted when their rock vision for the annual this space to see if anything comes of it. distraction. Favreau said: "By the end event - which is held at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, of the summer, I was so tanned. I California - was realized fully by Gaga for her fans. He would look in the mirror and I'd say, said: "What we decided to do with this show 'I'm going out to the pool a lot.' " [Coachella] is play with the many genres within [Lady 'Cowboys and Aliens' - which starred Gaga]. She can go from a pop vibe to a rock style. We Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde and found a way to mix all her vibes with the set. When Harrison Ford - was considered to be a Pictures to helm the remake of 'The remember Mowgli and the snake. I we performed 'Just Dance' it was more of her and the financial disappointment, after it took Lion King', which stars the likes of remember the snake's eyes. I remem- band, and she remixed it a bit at the top. Normally, just $174.8 million at the box office, Donald Glover as Simba and James ber Baloo going down the river and we have her with all the dancers. It's usually more of despite costing $163 million to make. Earl Jones as Mufasa, and he admits Mowgli riding on him like a raft. I a pop visual, as opposed to Coachella where [we It received mixed reviews, with critics he feels the pressure for his work to made a big list, and I said those are made it] more of a rock visual that allows the band to praising the acting and production live up to fans' "expectations" when the images we definitely need ... It's soar." And Richy is excited for the rest of 2017 which but panning some inconsistencies in re-working these Disney animated about the audience having the expe- will see Gaga take her 'Joanne World Tour' around the plot. But when he does take the classics. He said: "What I'm trying to rience they're hoping they have, and if the globe. He said: "With Lady Gaga, it's going to be directors' seat for a film, Favreau do is honor what was there ... There you can surprise them along the way, the 'Joanne Tour', I'm really excited about that. It's admits he gets "completely are certain expectations people have. they'll enjoy it even more, but you going to be fun to bring that album to life, so people immersed" in the project. He 'The Jungle Book' was 50 years ago; gotta live up to what they want, so can see the vision. I love going on tour and seeing all explained: "When you direct it, you 'Lion King' was 20, and people grew you get greater pressure with these the fans in different cities. They're so excited and wel- have to love it, especially one of those up with it in an age of video where beloved stories." coming." that takes like two or three years to they're watching it over and over TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 lifestyle


A woman having her hair done during an event for fans of China's boy band sensation TFBoys "The Fighting Boys" at a A woman holding her mobile phone carrying a picture of Roy Wang from China's boy band sensation TFBoys "The university in Beijing. — AFP photos Fighting Boys" during an event. For Chinese fans, popular teen band are mama's boys

iang Shanshan considers herself a mother of two: one child is her biological son, the other is a 16-year-old LChinese teen pop star she has never met. She is a "moth- er fan" and part of a group of women in their mid-20s to 60s whose maternal instincts are set off by China's boy band sen- sation TFBoys("The Fighting Boys"). The band has won millions of Chinese followers since their 2013 debut, rapidly amassing a following ardent enough to buy a giant ad in New York's Times Square for a band member's birthday. Liang insists her feelings are no fleeting fancy: Just like a real mother, her devo- tion to TFBoys' singer Roy Wang (Wang Yuan) is unwavering. "Our fandom isn't shallow," she explains, adding: "I intend to follow him through his entire career." While tween fans are attracted to the teenagers' boyish good looks, Liang and her friends are drawn to their cherubic personas and wholesome values, with songs that explore the trials of growing up ("Practise Book for Youth," "Imperfect Kid"). Some, like 24-year- old Yang Andan, even make annual pilgrimages to Wang's hometown of Chongqing in southern Sichuan province. "The more I learn about (Wang), the more I like him," Yang said.

Empty nest Liang's family has embraced her fandom. Her four-year-old refers to TFBoys as his "big brothers," and her husband accom- Woman handing out leaflets during an event for fans of China's boy band sensation A group of women reacting as a poster of Roy Wang from China's boy band sensation panies her to concerts to see Wang, describing him as their TFBoys "The Fighting Boys". TFBoys "The Fighting Boys" blows over during an event for fans. "kid". Anthony Fung, a Chinese University of Hong Kong profes- sor who studies pop culture, said this trend of mothers who only one child to spoil thanks to decades of the one-child poli- celebration of Wang's birthday, spending several sleepless Yang and Liang, who addressed each other by their fan "worship young idols" began with teen stars of Korean dramas, cy, are more than happy to splash out on their celebrity kids. nights on enormous decorations. She has even seen her idol aliases ("Mushroom" and "Goldfish," respectively), both vowed which are hugely popular in China. TFBoys are "quite Korean in To celebrate the birthday of TFBoys member Jackson Yi in person a handful of times, at meet-and-greets and as part to remain loyal to Wang, whom they firmly believe is more tal- aesthetic", he pointed out, adding that so-called mother fans (Yiyang Qianxi) in November, fans flew a cake-shaped hot air of airport welcoming parties. "Every time I see him I feel like I ented and a better person than the other TFBoys. Even when are "repeating the same kind of relationship where they will balloon over New York and held a party on a cruise ship in haven't seen enough," Yang said. "But my heart hurts thinking her childlike icon is a child no more, Liang said-in an echo of a follow an idol... from the beginning to the end". Shanghai. Sometimes, their loyalty is rewarded. On his 15th about how hard he works. I hope he'll have more time to rest." TFBoys song-they can indulge in the "very joyful process of "They love that kind of healthy, cute boy image," he birthday, Wang debuted a song dedicated to his fans called Aside from his entertainment career, Wang also works with growing up together." Like young people everywhere, howev- explained. Nearly a quarter of TFBoys fans are at least 30 years "Because I Met You." several charities and represented China earlier this year at the er, TFBoys's more traditional teenybopper fans are not always old-double the band members' age, according to a survey by United Nations Youth Forum in New York. The schedule does- happy to share their idols with people of their parents' gener- Chinese media giant Sina. Fung says in some cases the obses- 'My heart hurts' n't leave him much time for his real family, which the star is ation. "A girl at one of the concerts said my husband was too sion with TFBoys is a symptom of empty nest syndrome. "The A recent university graduate who works at a Beijing-based only able to see a handful of times a year. "My dream has old to be there," Liang said with a shrug. — AFP older fans may have kids who are grown up, so now they're Internet company, Yang said she has learned a lot from the always been to make enough money to buy my parents and looking for someone else to be at the centre of their atten- singer nearly ten years her junior. Every year, she gathers with grandparents a house," Wang said during a TV interview in tion," he said. Affluent Chinese women, many of whom have fans in Chongqing to coat the streets with TFBoys posters in February.

Ivorian drummer boy turned globetrotting virtuoso aco Sery was a kibanging on tin cans before a I did. All the musicians were surprised. 'We'll hire job at a Club Med in Ivory Coast opened the you,' the bandleader said." Pway to drumming for Congo's rumba king "I told myself that it wasn't worth asking my Papa Wemba as well as Nina Simone and other jazz father and went off with them at the age of 10. We greats. The Ivorian drummer has performed with went to Dabou and I earned 30,000 CFA francs (45 Manu Dibango and Dee Dee Bridgewater, display- euros) a month as well as board. In those days, that ing a talent and fervor that could only lead to Paris, was enormous," he added. The child wonder fre- a European hub for mixing and merging global quented night clubs, concert venues and dances, styles. French jazzman Eddy Louiss, a genius of the and he was invited to perform on television. He Hammond organ, took him on for a tour. "That was played with artists of all kinds, from the stars of amazing. People made me listen to all the great Ivorian pop to rumba musicians and singers cover- musicians. I also found myself playing in front of ing American and French hits. them," recalls Sery, now nearly 61 years old. "These are super memories because every In his music career Sery became a core member singer I played with was a new experience. That's of Sixun, an experimental jazz fusion band that saw This file photo shows Ivorian jazz drummer how I got my musical training. When I was young, I the light of day in 1984 and made a dozen records Paco Sery performing on a stage during an didn't want to get stuck in a rut. I wanted to take by 2010, while the musicians also nurtured side- hommage to the victims of March 13, 2016 ter- everything in, discover and play it all. All styles. That projects. He befriended Jaco Pastorius and Wayne ror attack at the resort of Grand Bassam, east hasn't changed. Today I still want to play everything: Shorter, famed US members of the pioneering jazz- of Abidjan. — AFP jazz, coupe-decale, hip-hop, rumba, rock, pop rock fusion band Weather Report founded by the music, rap... it doesn't matter," the musician laughs. late Austrian keyboard wizard Joe Zawinul. bass drum, large cans of tomatoes for tom toms, lids "Zawinul was a great guy," Sery says. "We played for cymbals. I even made a pedal out of wood and Composing by ear In This file photo candles sit near the site where 21 people died and some 500 were together often." He became drummer in the elastic for the bass drum." From such makeshift In the 1970s at Club Med Sery was a "drummer- injured in a stampede during the Love Parade in Duisburg, western Germany. — AP Zawinul Syndicate, an international ensemble beginnings, Paco was totally self-taught. "I watched DJ at the nightclub" and "water-skiing instructor by whose release "My People" was nominated for a the drummers, their movements, the way they did day", incidentally gaining a part in the cult 1978 1997 Grammy Award for Best World Music album. things and later I imitated them." French comedy film "Les Bronzes". He remained in In 2009, a live double album by Zawinul's band, Ivory Coast for another half-dozen years before try- German court allows trial called "75" and featuring Sery, won a Grammy for 'Give it a try!' ing his luck in Europe. He frequented the most Best Contemporary Jazz Album. Born into a family The racket infuriated his father. "Every afternoon, renowned jazz dens of Paris from the Chapelle des of 18 children in Divo, a small town 180 kilometres since I couldn't play at my dad's, I went to play at my Lombards to the River Bop and Le Chat qui Peche. over Love Parade disaster (112 miles) west of Abidjan, Sery would accompany aunt's. That was fun for her with her alloco (fried Once he was established, he had a hand in launch- older sister Lucie to local dance contests. "She won plantain) business. She sold allocos with that!" Paco ing the Sunset-Sunside club in the heart of German court ruled yesterday that 10 The court did not set a starting date for little things, a bit of money, and I immersed myself was just 10 when he tried his luck at a dance hall. "I town.While with Sixun, Sery toured with Pastorius people will face trial accused of negli- the trial. Negligent manslaughter carries up in the music. I wanted to do everything like her," managed to sneak into the hall and during the and gained a painful insight into self-destruction Agently causing a catastrophic stam- to five years in prison. Prosecutors blamed Paco recalls, but he was mostly infatuated with the break, I asked the bandleader, who was also the with drugs. —AFP pede at a 2010 "Love Parade" techno music serious planning errors for the July 24, 2010 glistening drums. drummer and the singer, if I could have a go. 'You're festival that killed 21 people. Overturning a tragedy at the site, a former cargo rail depot "In the end, I built myself a kit with boxes for the a child, you've got a cheek,' he said. 'Give it a try!' So year-old ruling, the court decided that four in the western industrial city. Eight men and event organizers and six officials of the city 13 women were killed-included seven for- of Duisburg will face charges including neg- eigners, from Australia, China, Italy, the ligent manslaughter and causing bodily Netherlands and Spain. The city mayor at the harm. Prosecutors, victims' relatives and sur- time, Adolf Sauerland, became the prime tar- James Gunn to write, vivors have pointed to chaotic crowd man- get of public anger, accused of having agement as the cause of the disaster in ignored warnings that the summer festival which revelers were crushed, trampled to was a disaster waiting to happen, and was direct 'Guardians death and suffocated. forced to resign by a 2012 city referendum. More than 650 people were injured in the The Love Parade started as an under- mass panic as pressure from a heaving sea of ground event in the former West Berlin in of the Galaxy Vol. 3' hundreds of thousands of young people 1989 and was held there most years until squashed the victims against fences and 2006, at times drawing over one million peo- arvel's continuing space opera "Guardians of the walls. A Duisburg court a year ago dismissed ple. Following wrangling over permits and Galaxy Vol. 2" has yet to hit theaters, but plans are the criminal case, casting doubt on an expert arguments over the mountains of trash left Malready in the works for the third installment. report on the disaster, in a ruling that behind, the festival moved from Berlin to Yesterday, James Gunn announced on Facebook that he angered victims' groups. But now, after an cities in western Germany's industrial Ruhr would be returning to write and direct "Guardians of the appeal, a higher panel in Duesseldorf over- region until the tragedy of 2010. The deadly Galaxy Vol. 3." Gunn also wrote and directed the first and sec- turned that ruling, saying there was a "suffi- disaster led organizers to declare that the ond "Guardians" films. The franchise stars Chris Pratt, Zoe ciently" high chance of convicting those Love Parade would never be held again "out Saldana, Dave Bautista and features the voices of Bradley responsible. It said in a statement there was of respect for the victims". — AFP Cooper and Vin Diesel. In his post, Gunn said that "Guardians "cause to believe" that shortcomings in 3" will come after 2018's "Avengers: Infinity War" and conclude organizers' duty of care caused the deaths This image released by Disney-Marvel shows Zoe Saldana, from left, Karen Gillan, Chris the story of this iteration of Guardians of the Galaxy, helping and injuries. Pratt, Dave Bautista and Rocket, voiced by Bradley Cooper, in a scene from, "Guardians to launch Marvel's next 10 years. "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Of The Galaxy Vol. 2." — AP 2" hits theaters on May 5. — AP lifestyle TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017


Atlantis, The Palm: A world full of luxury

By Faten Omar ing and memorable experience. Hotel Atlantis With many different species of rays in The provides more than 1,539 rooms and suites, Ambassador Lagoon, they are a firm favorite e all look forward to our yearly holi- including seven signature suites. Every room with guests. Rays are amongst the oldest sur- day, as it gives us the chance to offers a spectacular view of the artificial viving group of jawed vertebrates, first Wrelax, put our feet up and spend island. appearing in the fossil record during the some quality time with our families. But Hotel visitors can also take advantage of Lower Jurassic (about 150 million years ago) choosing the right hotel is a trying task, and Aquaventure Water Park, one of the top water and during the Ancient Greek times, dentists with the number of promotions and deals out parks in the Middle East and Europe. The used the venom from the stingray's spine as there, it can be overwhelming. Aquaventure Water Park consists of rides with an anesthetic. Surrounding yourself with luxury and be cascades, tidal waves and rapids, and the Since Dive Atlantis opened in July 2015, treated like celebrities is part of the spoils at Mesopotamian-styled The Tower of Neptune dive teams certified 159 divers in 2015 and Atlantis, The Palm, the luxury hotel resort in Temple, reaching over 30 m into the sky and 205 divers in 2016. The number of people that the United Arab Emirates. "Atlantis, The Palm featuring seven heart-throbbing water slides - snorkel in The Ambassador Lagoon averages is a world full of luxury that everyone seeks. It two of which catapult riders through shark- about 40 guests per day. On average, 20 offers adventure, diving, a water park, mall filled lagoons. "At Atlantis we have a vet and guests are lucky enough to dive in The and hospitality services for families to enjoy," specialist nutritionist and professional Ambassador Lagoon every week. In order to said Linda Abdul Hay, Director, Public trainees to deal with marine organisms," train, the divers log 110 hours of dives every Relations of Atlantis, The Palm. Linda added. month. Under the umbrella of Kerzner The Ambassador Lagoon and The Lost It is also a place to attract celebrities and International Holdings Limited, a leading Chambers Aquarium combined are home to important activities such as Redbull's water- international developer and operator of desti- over 65,000 marine animals and more than slide skateboarding at Aquaventure. nation resorts, Atlantis, The Palm is in Kuwait 250 species of fish at Atlantis. More than 100 Shahrukh Khan, the king of Bollywood, had to meet travel and tourism agencies to dis- team members care for marine animals at an amazing experience shooting 'Happy New cuss the needs of Kuwaiti citizens. Atlantis. They include aquarists, water quality Year' at the Atlantis. In 2016, three episodes of "'Understand your customer' is our motto to technicians, veterinarians and even chefs. The "The Real Housewives of Melbourne" were promote Atlantis, The Palm. Travel and Ambassador Lagoon is an 11-million-liter based at the Palm Atlantis and "Housewives tourism companies are communicating with marine habitat and one of the top 10 largest of Beverly Hills" was also filmed here. Kim Kuwaitis on a daily basis - they are our ambas- aquariums in the world. Kardashian West has also been known to stay Linda Abdul Hay, Director sadors in Kuwait who will give us a view of It is also the largest open air aquarium in at the hotel and this year filmed two episodes Public Relations of Atlantis, Kuwaitis' priorities," Linda said. Africa and the Middle East at just over three of "Keeping up with the Kardashians". The Palm. Designed with the theme of the Lost City million gallons. The fish in The Ambassador of Atlantis, The Palm Atlantis Hotel has an Lagoon have their favorite dishes. The baby underwater tunnel, which is a profound expe- white tip reef sharks love milkfish, angelfish rience. Underwater sights such as ruins of lost devour romaine lettuce and bowmouth gui- civilizations and shipwrecks make it an amaz- tar sharks love blue crab.

Weird clouds may have From a Syrian kitchen to TV CEO: inspired 'The Scream' An entrepreneur's story

he psychedelic clouds in Edvard ditions to form-very cold temperatures or Syrian cook and entrepreneur Alia acquired Lebanese cooking site Shahiya for a Munch's iconic "The Scream" have in the atmosphere, in a high altitude Adi, the kitchen is also a filming set. reported $13.5 million. Talternatively been interpreted as a band of about 20-30 kilometers (12-19 FHere, she creates Arabic-language Adi's videos take hard work behind the metaphor for mental anguish or a literal miles). They tend to appear at high lati- recipe videos, cooking food ranging from scenes, including collaborating with brands depiction of volcanic fallout. Yesterday, tudes in winter. Because they are thin, Middle Eastern specialties to all-around for recipe creation and product placement. scientists hypothesized that the these clouds are typically not visible favorites like brownies and ice cream. Adi is She spends hours shooting video and photos Norwegian painter's inspiration may in during daytime, but before sunrise or the founder and CEO of Basmaty World, an of her recipe creations, before editing and fact have been rare clouds which form in after sunset. Arabic-language cooking channel on posting the mouth-watering final results for cold places at high altitude. The first ver- "We do know that there were moth- YouTube that she is transforming into a net- her more than 180,000 subscribers on sion of "The Scream" was released in er-of-pearl clouds in the Oslo area in the work that brings cooks from across the YouTube. On this particular shoot, Adi whips 1893. It depicts a dark humanlike figure late 19th century," said Muri. At least one region under one brand. Basmaty generates up a popular Levantine dip called lebnah, clutching its head in apparent horror scientist documented the phenomenon around 1 million views per month on made fresh from yoghurt she strained against the backdrop of a swirling, red- and wrote "they are so beautiful you YouTube and has more than 300,000 follow- overnight. She chops pistachios and apricots orange sky. In 2004, American could believe you are in another world", ers on Facebook. before drizzling honey on one lebnah dish. astronomers theorized that Munch had she added. Similar sightings of nacreous She is part of a growing group of entre- On another, she adds chopped olives, sun- painted a sky brightly coloured by parti- clouds over southeast Norway in 2014, preneurs who have chosen Dubai as a dried tomatoes drenched in olive oil, and cle pollution from the 1883 Krakatoa and their striking resemblance to ground for growing their business. Two of more olive oil for good measure. volcanic eruption. Munch's painting, is what sparked the the region's biggest success stories are Adi says she has saved thousands of dol- But the new paper, presented at a latest research. based in Dubai. Valued at some $1 billion, lars in licensing fees and other government- meeting of the European Geosciences "Edvard Munch could well have been ride-hailing app Careem and, related costs for her business thanks to help Union in Vienna, said he more likely terrified when the sky all of a sudden which was acquired by Amazon last month, from In5, a government-backed incubator depicted a rare sighting of "mother-of- turned 'bloodish red'," the researchers have given the local entrepreneurship scene that assists entrepreneurs. In5 also offers pearl" clouds over Oslo. A volcanic out- concluded. "Hence, there is a high prob- Alia Adi, founder of YouTube cooking channel Basmaty a boost. Adi started her business in 2011 in Dubai-based entrepreneurs access to work burst does not account for the "wavi- ability that it was an event of mother-of- World, poses with her YouTube award at her studio in her hometown of Damascus, Syria, working space, training and mentorship programs, ness" of Munch's clouds, Helene Muri, a pearl clouds which was the background Dubai, United Arab Emirates. — AP photos with a small team of videographers and networking events and investors. "I think one researcher at the University of Oslo, told for Munch's experience in nature, and Syrian chefs, known in the Middle East for of the major challenges for young entrepre- journalists in Vienna. for his iconic Scream." Muri conceded producing some of the most complex and neurs here is related to funding... because Furthermore, volcano-tinted sunsets the latest was but "another hypothesis". delicious Mediterranean dishes. ideas, there are a lot of ideas. There's a lot of tend to be common for several years "There are other hypotheses. But of "As I was searching for recipes in Arabic, I creativity," she said. Adi initially relocated to after an outburst, "whereas Munch's course, we are natural scientists, we saw that there was a gap, there was not London after leaving Syria, but despite it scary vision was seemingly a one-time tend to look for answers in nature, whilst much out there, so the idea emerged this being easier and cheaper to establish her experience, the way he described it in the psychologists have suggested it was way, "she said. "I decided why don't I do a business there, she settled on Dubai to be his journal," she said. In his diary, inner torment that made Munch paint website that provides reliable and high- closer to her customers and clients. "Dubai for Munch wrote of the sky turning sud- 'The Scream'." — AFP quality recipes in Arabic to serve the MENA me was the best location to do that. It's the denly blood red. Mother-of-pearl or (Middle East and North Africa) region." Soon country that provides most value for me, as a "nacreous" clouds, require unusual con- after the war erupted in Syria that same year, startup," she said. "Leaving Syria, I was look- Adi left Damascus. To keep her business run- ing for somewhere stable where I could con- ning, she quickly taught herself how to tinue and grow my business so Dubai was shoot and edit videos featuring herself as a definitely the number one option." — AP passionate cook. For Adi, cooking means potentially big business with lucrative deals. Alia Adi works at her studio in Dubai, United Arab In 2014, Japan's recipe portal Cookpad Emirates.

This file photo taken on May 23, 2008 shows a visitor viewing Edvard Munch's painting "The Scream" at the Munch Museum in Oslo.— AFP Alia Adi works at her studio in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. lifestyle TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017


A group of mostly Syrian but some Iraqi refugee families take selfies in Times Square during a tour of Manhattan Refugee families take photos as they walk toward Times Square. in New York. — AFP photos Syrian refugees are New York tourists for the day 'My family's happy and my children are happy, so I'm very happy'

fter fleeing war in Syria and arriving in America with her family four months ago, for one day Mona Hafez Ais not a refugee. She is a tourist seeing the sights of New York. "Coming to the park was really fun. Riding the subway was awesome. I love all of New York City," says the 10-year-old, words tumbling out of her mouth in delight. Hafez was one of 150 refugees last week treated to free Refugee families gather outside Madison Square Garden for a tour of Manhattan. tours of the US cultural capital, complete with a pizza lunch, in a charity drive organized by a New York guide desperate to make refugees feel welcome at a time when President Donald Trump wants them banned. So ugly and so polarized is today's US debate around immigration that organizer Luke Miller received death threats on Facebook while raising money to cover the cost of the day-long tours. "People wrote just really vitriolic, nasty, nasty things," said the 48-year-old, who owns family business Real New York Tours. "Overall the response has just been incredible." For five days over spring break, he took mostly Syrians but also some Iraqis around the city, treating groups of children, teenagers and parents to stories about New York's history, fun facts and indelible memories. For one day, the refugees could put aside worries about ing under a white headscarf and dressed in a sweater to Refugee families take overcoming the language barrier and finding work, and fend off the April chill. The family lived through the first selfies in Times Square. just enjoy themselves after years of living in fear and year of the war in Homs before fleeing to Damascus and uncertainty. The tour took in Madison Square Garden, onto Jordan where they lived for four years before their Times Square-where a spot on the Marriott Marquis bill- visas came through for the United States. board costs $2.5 million a month to rent, Miller tells the flabbergasted group-then Central Park to see the sea lions Trump carousel and ride the carousel, ironically operated by the Trump In Syria her husband owned a shoe store. But like other Tour guide Luke Miller talks to refugee families gathered outside Madison Square Organization. refugees in the group they have yet to find jobs, first trying Garden. to learn English. But the children are flourishing. Mona, a 'Wonderful' beautiful child with long brown hair tucked into a bun, Then it's back on the subway to head downtown to loves math and science at school in New Jersey. She wants Battery Park to see the Statue of Liberty across the harbor to be a doctor when she grows up. "Now that they're pick- and eat pizza. "You guys want to see something cool?" asks ing up more and more of the language, I get very happy Miller, inviting the group to crane their necks up to the when they're able to communicate," says her proud moth- Empire State Building shrouded in cloud. He whips out pic- er. None of the refugees who spoke to AFP said they had tures of King Kong clambering up the side in the 1933 experienced any prejudice in the United States. They live in movie to laughs and tells stories of construction workers Elizabeth, a diverse New Jersey town in the shadow of laboring at dizzying heights who died in days of relaxed Newark Liberty International Airport. safety standards. Passers-by drop in to listen. Miller does Miller calls it "divine justice" that Trump's company magic tricks to put the children at ease. Five Arabic transla- operates the carousel, saying he did not know that before tors make sure everyone understands. Another volunteer drafting the itinerary. Certainly the refugees don't care. "My has a bag of snacks-fruit, nuts, cookies and chips-to keep family's happy and my children are happy, so I'm very hap- the children energized. py," says Ammar Ahmed, 45, a father of four and account- Strolling through Central Park, past lush grass, tulips ant who fled war in Iraq by going to Syria, only to move and blossoms, a busker played "Somewhere Over the back to Iraq to escape war in Syria. "It's my dream!" he said Rainbow" on the saxophone, and the children pose at the of living in America. Increasingly confident in English, his bronze Balto dog statue. Their parents filmed or took pic- next task is to find a job. — AFP tures on their phones or selfie sticks. Teenagers were already chomping on gum, US-style. "This has been the most wonderful day I've spent in America. It's been beauti- A group of mostly Syrian but some Iraqi refugee families ride the subways. ful, it's been amazing," says Mona's mother Rawda, beam-

One of the members of refugee families taking selfie near Tour guide Luke Miller shows a picture of King Kong on the Empire State Building as he Refugee families walk through Central Park. Madison Square Garden. talks to the refugee families gathered outside Madison Square Garden for a tour of Manhattan. Syrian refugees are New York tourists for the day

TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 39

Christian Borle, center, and cast appear on stage for the Broadway opening night curtain call of Roald Dahl’s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ at the Lunt-Fontanne Theater on Sunday in New York. — AP Musicians in aquariums make sounds in a silent world

alk about fluid tunes: A group of innovative Danish musicians submerged like fish in an Taquarium have created an underwater con- certo with instruments specially adapted to res- onate in a silent world. In the central Danish town of Aarhus, a Godsbanen center concert hall looks more like a fish farm than a music set, with its jum- ble of water tanks, canisters, tubes, pipes and retro- futuristic objects. One after the other, the five members of the Between Music band-Laila, Robert, Morten, Dea Maria and Nanna-descend into their own individual glass-paned water tanks for their latest project AquaSonic, where they play the violin, cymbals, bells, a crystallophone with a pedal, and a kind of hurdy gurdy with a long neck. Hydrophones, or special microphones that pick up the sound of the music in the water, amplify the soundwaves, producing music that resembles the sounds whales make. A pioneer in the field of aquatic music, Laila Skovmand wears several hats with the ensemble: She is artistic director, music and lyrics writer, and vocalist. She sings both underwater and at the water's surface. Like a siren, her lips at water level, Skovmand releases a capti- vating chant. "I'm an educated singer and I wanted to explore new songs. I got the idea that if I sang into the surface of the water I might get some oth- A member of the Between Music band performing with a custom-made instrument in a glass water er timbre, some delays, so I tried that," she explains. tank during a rehearsal. The group collaborates with engineers and makers of musical instruments to develop water- The water is kept at 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 can feel claustrophobic in a bathtub. But somehow resistant instruments whose sounds respect the Fahrenheit). "We do some diving training, practic- when I get into this tank and am playing an instru- harmonies composed by Skovmand. "There are a ing to hold our breath under water," Bech explains. ment, I get calm and really secure," he says. lot of musical limitations. There are so many things And she has developed a special technique to sing Between Music is currently performing AquaSonic we can't play because of the struggle with the under water. "I can't let the air bubbles get out of across Europe. After a world premiere in Rotterdam water, the struggle with the sound, but I think that my mouth, because they will become bubbles (in last year, the band is now touring Denmark, and what the water gives is that special kind of timbre the water) and that makes a lot of noise under will take part in the International Diaghilev Festival that you can't get in air," she says. water. So I can only make short notes." For Karlsson, in Perm, Russia in May. — AFP making music in water has a magical effect on him. Pink Floyd in slow motion "I'm actually not very fond of water personally. I These file photos show the members of the Between Music band performing with a cus- The resulting effect is a sound closer to an tom-made instrument in a glass water tank during a rehearsal ahead of the AquaSonic accompaniment for Tibetan meditation than it is to underwater concert in Aarhus, Denmark. — AFP photos chamber music. And it's far from other well-known tributes to water such as Maurice Ravel's "Fountains" or Luciano Berio's "Water Piano". While the water transports the sound, it also stifles it and slows it down considerably: The effect is a bit like playing Pink Floyd or Jean-Michel Jarre in slow motion. Musician and producer Robert Karlsson plays the violin-made of carbon fibre-and the crys- tallophone, a distant relative of the glass harmoni- ca invented by Benjamin Franklin. Nanna Bech per- forms the rotacorda, an instrument inspired by a traditional Byzantine hurdy gurdy. It has six stain- less steel strings which can make sound either with a sustained pulling of the string or when fingered. "It's the only one in the world so I don't even have a teacher. And that's a shame!," she jokes. Skovmand also plays the hydraulophone, a type of underwater organ. "We want to show that the impossible is possible, to discover a new element with live music," says Karlsson. The band spends the entire performance under water, surfacing reg- ularly as part of the choreography to take breaths of air. Ahead of the recent Aarhus concert, the ensemble spent almost six hours in the tanks in A member of the Between Music band perform- A member of the Between Music band singing in Members of the Between Music band performing with custom-made instruments in glass one afternoon to prepare for that night's 50- ing with a violin and a custom-made instrument a glass water tank during a rehearsal. water tank. minute performance. in a glass water tank during a rehearsal.