REVIEWS mice (6), and studies in 1982 demonstrated that the intravenous injection of immune expanded in IL-2 could effectively treat bulky Adoptive cell transfer as personalized subcutaneous FBL3 (7). In addition, administration of IL-2 after cell transfer could enhance the therapeutic potential of these adop- immunotherapy for human cancer tively transferred lymphocytes (8). The demonstra- tion in 1985 that IL-2 administration could result Steven A. Rosenberg* and Nicholas P. Restifo* in complete durable tumor regressions in some patients with metastatic (9)provided Adoptive cell (ACT) is a highly personalized cancer therapy that involves a stimulus to identify the specific T cells and their administration to the cancer-bearing host of immune cells with direct anticancer activity. cognate antigens involved in this cancer immuno- ACT using naturally occurring tumor-reactive lymphocytes has mediated durable, complete therapy. Lymphocytes infiltrating into the stroma regressions in patients with melanoma, probably by targeting somatic mutations of growing, transplantable tumors were shown to exclusive to each cancer. These results have expanded the reach of ACT to the treatment represent a concentrated source of lymphocytes ca- of common epithelial . In addition, the ability to genetically engineer lymphocytes pable of recognizing tumor in vitro, and studies in to express conventional receptors or chimeric antigen receptors has further murine tumor models demonstrated that the adop- extended the successful application of ACT for cancer treatment. tive transfer of these syngeneic tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) expanded in IL-2 could mediate doptive cell therapy (ACT) has multiple manipulate T cells in culture. Thus, ACT used regression of established lung and liver tumors advantages compared with other forms of transfer of syngeneic lymphocytes from rodents (10). In vitro studies in 1986 showed that human that rely on the heavily immunized against the tumor, and modest TILs obtained from resected contained active in vivo development of sufficient growth inhibition of small established tumors cells capable of specific recognition of autologous A 1 2 11 numbers of antitumor T cells with the func- was observed ( , ). In early preclinical studies, tumors ( ), and these studies led in 1988 to the tions necessary to mediate cancer regression. For theimportanceofhostinhibitoryfactorswassug- first demonstration that ACT using autologous use in ACT, large numbers of antitumor lympho- gested by findings that lymphodepletion using TILs could mediate objective regression of can- cytes (up to 1011) can be readily grown in vitro either or radiation before cell trans- cer in patients with metastatic melanoma (12). on April 28, 2015 and selected for high-avidity recognition of the fer enhanced the ability of transferred lymphocytes Populations of TILs that grow from tumors tumor, as well as for the effector functions required to treat established tumors (3, 4). are generally mixtures of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells to mediate cancer regression. In vitro activation The ability to use ACT was facilitated by the with few if any major contaminating cells in allows such cells to be released from the inhibito- description of T cell growth factor [interleukin-2 mature cultures. The ability of pure populations ry factors that exist in vivo. Perhaps most impor- (IL-2)] in 1976, which provided a means to grow of T lymphocytes to mediate cancer regression tantly, ACT enables the manipulation of the host T lymphocytes ex vivo, often without loss of ef- in patients provided the first direct evidence that before cell transfer to provide a favorable micro- fector functions (5). The direct administration of T cells played a vital role in human cancer immu- environment that better supports antitumor im- high doses of IL-2 could inhibit tumor growth in notherapy. However, responses were often of short munity. ACT is a “living” treatment because the administered cells can proliferate in vivo and maintain their antitumor effector functions. Reinfuse post- Excise lymphodepletion tumor A major factor limiting the successful use of ACT in humans is the identification of cells that can target antigens selectively expressed on the cancer and not on essential normal tissues. ACT has used either natural host cells that exhibit antitumor reactivity or host cells that have been Downloaded from genetically engineered with antitumor T cell re- Select and ceptors (TCRs) or chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). expand to With the use of these approaches, ACT has me- 1010 cells Plate diated dramatic regressions in a variety of cancer fragments histologies, including melanoma, , , , bile duct cancer, and neuro- blastoma. This Review will discuss the current state --+ of ACT for the treatment of human cancer, as well as the principles of effective treatment that point toward improvements in this approach. - + -

A brief history of ACT Assay for VerylittlewasknownaboutthefunctionofT specific tumor lymphocytes until the 1960s, when it was shown recognition that lymphocytes were the mediators of allo- Culture with graft rejection in experimental animals. Attempts 6000 IU/mL IL-2 to use T cells to treat transplanted murine tu- mors were limited by the inability to expand and Fig. 1. General schema for using the adoptive cell transfer of naturally occurring autologous TILs. The resected melanoma specimen is digested into a single-cell suspension or divided into multiple tumor fragments Surgery Branch, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer that are individually grown in IL-2. Lymphocytes overgrow, destroy tumors within 2 to 3 weeks, and generate Research, National Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, pure cultures of lymphocytes that can be tested for reactivity in coculture assays. Individual cultures are then CRC Building, Room 3W-3940, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (S.A.R.); restifo@ rapidly expanded in the presence of excess irradiated feeder lymphocytes, OKT3, and IL-2. By approximately (N.P.R.) 5 to 6 weeks after resecting the tumor, up to 1011 lymphocytes can be obtained for infusion into patients.

62 3APRIL2015• VOL 348 ISSUE 6230 SCIENCE duration, and the transferred cells could rarely tered for 5 days followed by cells and IL-2 given at 34 complete responders thus far seen in the two be found in the circulation just days after admin- 720,000 IU/kg to tolerance (Fig. 2). In a pilot study trials at the NCI, only one has recurred, and only istration. A critical improvement in the applica- in the Surgery Branch, National Cancer Institute one patient with complete regression received more tion of ACT to the treatment of human cancer was (NCI), objective cancer regressions by RECIST crite- than one treatment. The brain is not a sanctuary reported in 2002, when it was shown that lympho- ria (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors) site, and regression of brain metastases has been depletion using a nonmyeloablative chemotherapy were seen in 21 of 43 patients (49%), including 5 observed (21). Prior treatment with targeted ther- regimen administered immediately before TIL patients (12%) who underwent complete cancer apy using the Braf inhibitor (Zelboraf) transfer could lead to increased cancer regression, regression (13).When200or1200centigray(cGy; does not appear to affect the likelihood of having as well as the persistent oligoclonal repopulation 1 Gy = 100 rads) total-body irradiation (TBI) was an OR to ACT treatment in patients with mela- of the host with the transferred antitumor lympho- added to the preparative regimen in pilot trials noma. ACT can also be effective after other immu- cytes (13). In some patients, the administered anti- of 25 patients each, objective response (OR) rates notherapies have failed. Of the 194 patients treated tumor cells represented up to 80% of the CD8+ T cells in the circulation months after the infusion. cultures can be grown from many tumor histologies; however, melanoma appeared Lymphodepletion prior to T cell transfer is followed tobetheonlycancerthatreproduciblygaverise to TIL cultures capable of specific antitumor rec- by immune reconstitution ognition. The stimulus to more widely apply ACT Peripheral blood cell count to treat multiple human cancers led to studies 6000 cells per mm3 of the genetic engineering of lymphocytes to White blood express antitumor receptors. Following mouse 5000 cell count 14 models ( ), it was shown for the first time in humans in 2006 that administration of normal Absolute 4000 circulating lymphocytes transduced with a retro- neutrophil encoding a TCR that recognized the MART-1 count 3000 melanoma-melanocyte antigen could mediate T cell tumor regression (15). Administration of lympho- 2000 transfer cytes genetically engineered to express a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) against the anti- genCD19wasshownin2010tomediateregres- 1000 IL-2 Absolute 16 lymphocyte sion of an advanced B cell lymphoma ( ). These count findings of the use of either naturally occurring 0 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 or genetically engineered antitumor T cells set Days from cell infusion the stage for the extended development of ACT for the treatment of human cancer. Fig. 2. A substantial increase in cell persistence and the incidence and duration of clinical re- sponses is observed when patients received a lymphodepleting preparative regimen before the ACT using TILs is an effective cell infusion. The most frequently used lymphodepleting preparative regimen consists of 60 mg/kg immunotherapy for patients cyclophosphamide given for 2 days and 25 mg/m2 fludarabine administered over 5 days, followed by with metastatic melanoma T cells and IL-2 administration. Adoptive cell therapy using autologous TILs is the most effective approach to induce complete of 52 and 72% were seen, including 20 and 40% in the NCI trials, OR rates in patients who had no durable regressions in patients with metastatic complete regressions. However, there were no sta- prior therapy or who progressed through IL-2, anti- melanoma (Table 1). The general approach for tistically significant differences in the OR rates body to cytotoxic T lymphocyte–associated pro- growing and administering human TILs is shown between preparative regimens (13, 17). Twenty of tein 4 (anti–CTLA-4), anti-PD1, or Braf inhibitors in Fig. 1. The resected melanoma specimen is the 93 patients (22%) in these trials had complete were 48, 63, 42, 50, and 43%, respectively. digested into a single-cell suspension or divided regressions, and 19 (20%) have not experienced Lymphodepletion appears to be an important into multiple tumor fragments that are individ- recurrencesatfollow-uptimesof5to10yearsand component of ACT, and mouse models have shown uallygrowninIL-2.Lymphocytesovergrow,de- are probably cured. A prospective randomized that lymphodepletion given before cell transfer stroy tumors within 2 to 3 weeks, and give rise to study comparing the chemotherapy preparative can increase the effectiveness of treatment more pure cultures of lymphocytes that can be tested regimen alone versus chemotherapy plus the ad- than 10-fold. In the clinic, the persistence of T cells for reactivity against tumors, if available, in co- dition of 1200 cGy TBI in 101 patients was re- was once a rarity (22), but in trials conducted after culture assays. Individual cultures are then rapid- cently concluded at the NCI, National Institutes the initiation of lymphodepleting therapy, adop- ly expanded in the presence of excess irradiated of Health (NIH), and results are pending. tively transferred T cells could comprise the major- feeder lymphocytes, an targeting the In the combined experience of the treatment ity of the peripheral blood CD8+ cells 1 month after epsilon subunit within the human CD3 complex of of 194 patients using TILs grown from individ- transfer (13). The cellular basis of the effect of the TCR, and IL-2. By ~5 to 6 weeks after resect- ual melanoma fragments at the NCI (Bethesda, lymphodepletion is complex and still not complete- ing the tumor, up to 1011 lymphocytes can be ob- Maryland), 107 patients (55%) have shown ORs. ly understood. In mouse models, myeloid-derived tained for infusion into patients. A substantial Similar OR rates to TIL therapy have been re- suppressor cells and CD4+ FoxP3 regulatory T cells increase in cell persistence and the incidence and ported by multiple groups, including those from can be found at high levels in tumors in vivo and duration of clinical responses was seen when pa- the Moffitt Cancer Center (Tampa, Florida) (38% can depress immune responses in the mouse tu- tients received a lymphodepleting preparative OR rate) (18), the MD Anderson Cancer Center mor microenvironment (23). In accord with these regimen before the cell infusion (13). It might be (Houston,Texas)(48%ORrate)(19), and the Ella preclinical findings, preparative chemotherapy in possibletooptimizetheintensityordurationof Cancer Institute (Ramat Gan, Israel) (40% OR humans severely depletes lymphocytes and mye- the lymphodepletion that is employed, but the rate) (20)(Table1). loid cells from the circulation at the time of cell most frequently used lymphodepleting preparative There is no relation between the bulk of disease infusion, although the rate of reappearance of regimen consists of 60 mg/kg cyclophosphamide or the site of metastases and the likelihood of FoxP3 inhibitory T cells after lymphodepletion for 2 days and 25 mg/m2 fludarabine adminis- achieving a complete cancer regression (17). Of the was inversely correlated with clinical response (24).


Table 1. Selected clinical trials of ACT for the treatment of human cancer. CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; ALL, acute lymphocytic leukemia; CR, complete response; HPC, human papillomavirus; allo-HSCT, allogeneic hematopoietic transplantation; DLBCL, diffuse large B cell lymphoma; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus. Dashes indicate not applicable.

CELLS USED FOR ACT YEAR CANCER HISTOLOGY MOLECULAR TARGET PATIENTS NUMBER OF ORS COMMENTS Tumor-inflitrating 1998 Melanoma (12) 20 55% Original use TIL ACT lymphocytes* ...... 88 ...... 1994 Melanoma ( )...... 86 34% ...... 13 ...... 2002 Melanoma ( )...... 13 46% Lymphodepletion...... before cell transfer 17 ...... 2011 Melanoma ( )...... 93 56% 20%...... CR beyond 5 years 19 ...... 2012 Melanoma ( )...... 31 48% ...... 18 ...... 2012 Melanoma ( )...... 13 38% Intention...... to treat: 26% OR rate 20 ...... 2013 Melanoma ( ) ...... 57 40% Intention...... to treat: 29% OR rate 89 ...... 2014 Cervical cancer ( )...... 9 33% Probably...... targeting HPV antigens 44 ...... 2014 Bile duct ( )...... Mutated ERB2 1 – Selected...... to target a somatic mutation In vitro sensitization 2008 Melanoma (90) NY-ESO-1 9 33% Clones reactive against cancer-testes ...... antigens...... 91 – ...... 2014 Leukemia ( )WT-111...... Many...... treated at high risk for relapse Genetically engineered 2010 Lymphoma (16) CD19 1 100% First use of anti-CD19 CAR ...... with CARs ...... 68 ...... 2011 CLL ( )...... CD19 3 100% Lentivirus...... used for transduction 70 ...... 2013 ALL ( )...... CD19 5 100% Four...... of five then underwent allo-HSCT 92 ...... 2014 ALL ( )...... CD19 30 90% CR in...... 90% 71 ...... 2014 Lymphoma ( )...... CD19 15 80% Four...... of seven CR in DLBCL 93 ...... 2014 ALL ( )...... CD19 16 88% Many...... moved to allo-HSCT 94 ...... 2014 ALL ( )...... CD19 21 67% Dose-escalation...... study 78 ...... 2011 ( )...... GD2 11 27% CR2...... CARs into EBV-reactive cells Genetically engineered 2011 Synovial (81) NY-ESO-1 6 67% First report targeting nonmelanoma ...... with TCRs ...... solid...... tumor 2006 Melanoma (15, 32) 11 45% ...... MART-1 ......

*Molecular targets of TIL in melanoma appear to be exomic mutations expressed by the cancer (39, 40, 44)

Levels of homeostatic , which promote T cells is highly positively correlated with their abil- Melanoma TILs recognize the cell proliferation and survival, are dramatically ity to eliminate vascularized tumor in vivo. These products of cancer mutations induced upon lymphodepletion (25)inmouse findings are in accordance with the high posi- Early studies identified two nonmutated melanoma- models. In humans, lymphodepletion leads to the tive correlation between the persistence of the melanocyte differentiation proteins, MART-1 and appearance in the circulation of the T cell growth transferred TILs in the circulation of patients at gp100, that were often recognized by melanoma factor IL-15, which serves to promote the expansion 1 month and with the induction of partial and com- TILs (30, 31). Melanocytes in the skin, eye, and of the transferred cells in the absence of competing plete clinical responses (17). Further, one clinical ear express the MART-1 and gp100 proteins, and endogenous lymphocytes (26). Further, lympho- study showed a strong correlation between expres- yet toxicity targeting these proteins was not depletion can enhance the translocation of com- sionofthephenotypicmarkerCD27,whichisas- seen in the majority of patients treated with mensal microflora across mucosal barriers in the sociated with cells early in their differentiation TILs who underwent complete cancer regres- mouse, and this can enhance the effect of ACT by pathway, and clinical response (17).Thepresenceof sion. In contrast, when a high-affinity TCR against stimulating Toll-like receptors (27) to activate longer telomeres as a correlate of clinical response MART-1 or gp100 was inserted into lymphocytes antigen-presenting cells (APCs). These preclinical wasseeninonestudy(17) but not in another (18). used for ACT, profound eye and ear toxicity was results have highly affected clinical translation, and The observation that melanoma TILs can mediate often seen in the absence of antitumor activi- it seems likely that immune ablation will be a part durable, complete, and probably curative cancer ty, which suggests that the reactivity against offuturecell-basedtreatmentsinpatientswith regression in patients with metastatic melanoma melanoma-melanocyte antigens was not the cancer. has raised considerable interest in the possible use decisive target resulting in the in vivo antitumor Adoptive cell therapy is a “living” treatment, and of TILs for the treatment of multiple cancer types. activity of melanoma TILs (32). administered lymphocytes can expand more than Although TILs can be grown in vitro from virtually A study of exomic mutation rates in more than 1000-fold after administration. Studies in mouse all tumors, only melanomasconsistentlygiverise 3000 tumor-normal pairs revealed that the fre- models, including those involving the injection of to TILs with antitumor reactivity. In an attempt to quency of nonsynonymous mutations varied more human cells into immunodeficient animals, have gain insight into the possible extension of ACT to than 1000-fold across different cancer types (33). emphasized the importance of the differentiation the treatment of other common cancers, extensive Pediatric cancers exhibited mutation frequen- state of the infused cells (28, 29). The phenotypic studies of the antigens recognized by TILs have cies as low as 0.1/Mb, whereas melanomas and and functional status of less differentiated murine been pursued. lung cancers often exceeded 100 mutations/Mb.

64 3APRIL2015• VOL 348 ISSUE 6230 SCIENCE The suggestion that mutations might be tar- mutations that we have taken is to identify noma that responded to ACT identified 45 mu- gets of immune recognition of tumor cells has 21– to 25–amino acid polypeptides, each one tations presented on a variety of class 1 and beenaroundforsometime(34). The responsive- containing a mutated amino acid flanked by class 2 MHC molecules. Thus far, every muta- ness of melanoma to a variety of immunother- 10 to 12 normal residues. Using peptide-MHC tion recognized by TILs was distinct (i.e., each apy approaches such as ACT, IL-2, anti–CTLA-4, binding algorithms, these polypeptides can then from a different expressed protein), with none and anti–PD-1 suggested that peptide epitopes be scanned to identify peptides with high bind- shared by another melanoma in the set studied. encodedbythelargenumberofmutationsin ing to individual MHC molecules of the patient. These findings provide suggestive evidence that melanoma might be the targets of TIL therapy The top-predicted binding peptides are then melanoma TILs capable of mediating antitu- (35). Support for this hypothesis comes from re- synthesized and tested for recognition by cocul- mor responses were recognizing random so- cent observations that anti–PD-1 can mediate ture with TILs that mediated cancer regression. matic mutations in the cancer. In many cases, ORs not only in patients with melanoma but This method depends on the accuracy of peptide- multiple mutations were recognized by an in- also in patients with lung and bladder cancer, MHC binding algorithms, which are often in- dividual TIL population. The concept that cancer the two tumor types closest to melanoma with adequate for many of the less frequent MHC regressions after immunotherapy are the re- a high frequency of mutations (36). A patient molecules (39). sult of targeting mutations explains why patients successfully treated with anti–CTLA-4 gener- An alternate method eliminates the need for can experience tumor regression without auto- ated circulating T cells that recognized a dis- predicted peptide binding to MHC and enables immune sequelae. Conversely, the ineffective- tinct mutation in the melanoma (37). Another the screening of all candidate peptides on all ness of the vast number of therapeutic cancer study suggested that increased numbers of MHC loci in a single test (40) (Fig. 3). As above, vaccines that targeted nonmutated self-proteins exomic mutations in a cancer correlated with minigenes, rather than polypeptides, are con- can also be explained (41, 42). Whereas strong better outcomes (38). structed that encode each mutated amino acid reactivity to self-antigens causes autoimmune New approaches using whole-exomic sequenc- flanked by 10 to 12 amino acids. Strings of 6 to toxicity, vaccines against self-antigens trigger ing of tumor-normal pairs in patients with 20 minigenes are then linked into tandem mini- the expansion of low-affinity TCRs against self- melanoma have consistently identified non- genes, and these DNA constructs are subsequent- proteins that escaped negative selection in the synonymous cancer mutations recognized by ly cloned into an expression plasmid and in vitro thymus. This raises the possibility that vaccines autologous TILs that mediated complete can- transcribed to RNA, which is electroporated into targeting mutated immunogenic epitopes may cer regressions (39, 40). However, not all ex- the patient’s autologous APCs. These APCs present be much more effective. The specific targeting pressed mutations can be recognized by T cells. all mutated peptides capable of being processed of individual mutated antigens in a patient’scan- Proteins incorporating the mutations must be and binding to any of the patient’s class 1 or cer presents a daunting problem for widespread processed to short peptides of ~9 amino acids class 2 MHC molecules. Culture of the patient’s therapeutic application of ACT but also presents for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) TILs with these APCs can identify the tandem an opportunity to develop treatments for multiple class 1 and a bit longer for MHC class 2; these minigene as well as the individual minigene cancer types. Schumacher and Schreiber discuss peptides are then presented on the cell sur- responsible for tumor recognition. Using these additional aspects for targeting mutated antigens face. One approach to identify the immunogenic approaches, TILs from 21 patients with mela- in this issue (43).

Tumor sample Reinfuse post-lymphodepletion Expand and treat or isolate TCR for insertion into autologous lymphocytes

Extract DNA from normal T cells from peripheral and malignant tissue blood or tumor

T cells

Co-culture T cells Some mutations 41BB or are presented by APC Exome sequencing to OX40 identify cancer mutations in the context of MHC TCR autologous MHC APC α Select using activation marker β DSSLQARLFPGLTIKIQRSNGLIHS Activation Tandem minigenes or synthetic peptides marker of all mutations introduced to autologous APC Fig. 3. A “blueprint” for the treatment of patients with T cells recogniz- T cells with these APCs can be used to identify all mutations processed ing tumor-specific mutations. The sequences of exomic DNA from tumor and presented in the context of all of a patient’s MHC class I and class II cells and normal cells from the same patient are compared to identify tumor- molecules. The identification of individual mutations responsible for tumor specific mutations. Knowledge of these mutations can then be used to recognition is possible because T cells express activation markers, such as synthesize either minigenes or polypeptides encoding each mutated amino 41BB (CD8+ T cells) and OX40 (CD4+ T cells), when they recognize their acid flanked by 10 to 12 amino acids. These peptides or minigenes can be cognate target antigen. T cells expressing the activation marker can then expressed by a patient’s autologous APCs, where they are processed by purified using flow cytometry before their expansion and reinfusion into and presented in the context of a patient’s MHC. Coculture of the patient’s the tumor-bearing patient.


TILs from common epithelial cancers Mutations that are targeted may be driver cluding costimulatory domains encoding CD28 can also recognize cancer mutations mutations essential for the malignant phenotype (46)orCD137tofullyactivateTcells(47, 48). CARs A recent report has shown that the mutated of the cell, or alternatively, the TILs may contain can provide non-MHC–restricted recognition of antigens in a nonmelanoma epithelial cancer reactivity against multiple immunogenic passenger cellsurfacecomponentsandcanbeintroduced can give rise to immune responses, despite the mutations, which would decrease the likelihood into T cells with high efficiency using viral vectors. low number of mutations in these cancers (44). that the loss of any individual antigen would sub- An important question confronting the use of Exomic sequencing of a metastatic cholangio- vert the clinical antitumor response. TIL popula- genetically engineered cells in the ACT of cancer carcinoma in a patient who had progressed tions can be highly polyclonal and thus are likely involves selection of the ideal human T cell sub- through multiple revealed 26 to be capable of potentially recognizing multiple population into which the gene should be intro- nonsynonymous mutations. Tandem minigenes antigens simultaneously. Given their curative po- duced, as well as the selection of appropriate that encoded each mutated amino acid and its tential, it seems likely that TILs are able to recog- antigenic targets of the introduced TCRs or CARs. flanking sequences wereconstructedandelec- nize antigens expressed by cancer stem cells. Preclinical studies in mouse models strongly sug- troporated into the patient’s APCs. CD4 cells from Although some of the mutations are probably gest that improved antitumor responses are seen TIL cultures from this patient’stumorrecognized driver mutations because they are found in ex- when T cells in early stages of differentiation (such the ERBB2IP mutation restricted by the MHC pressed genes associated with known oncogenic as naïve or central memory cells) are transduced class 2 antigen HLA-DQ O6. ERBB2IP is a tumor pathways (e.g., mutated b-catenin), many of the (49), a result supported by studies in monkeys suppressor that binds to ERBB2 and attenuates targets of TILs may well be passenger mutations. showing improved in vivo persistence of infused downstream RAS/ERK signaling. Despite the lack central memory compared with effector memory of an objective clinical response to the adminis- Genetic engineering of lymphocytes cells (50). CD8+ T cells can be categorized into dis- trationofbulkautologousTILsinthispatient, for use in ACT tinct memory subsets based on their differentia- administration of TILs that were selected to con- In an attempt to broaden the reach of ACT to tion states. We and others have found that CD8+ tain more than 95% ERBB2IP mutation-reactive other cancers, techniques were developed to in- T cells follow a progressive pathway of differenti- TILs mediated a dramatic regression of liver and troduce antitumor receptors into normal T cells ation from naïve T cells into central memory and lung metastases ongoing beyond 1 year. This re- thatcouldbeusedfortherapy(Fig.4).Thespec- effector memory T cell populations [summarized sult provides compelling evidence that mutation- ificity of T cells can be redirected by the inte- in (51)]. CD8+ T cells paradoxically lose antitumor reactive T cells are capable of mediating in vivo gration of genes encoding either conventional T cell functionality as they acquire the ability tumor regression in patients with this epithelial alpha-beta TCRs or CARs. CARs were pioneered to lyse target cells and to produce the cancer. Further, the findings suggest that this byGrossandcolleaguesinthelate1980s(45)and interferon-g, qualities thought to be important in treatment approach may be suitable for patients can be constructed by linking the variable regions their antitumor efficacy (52). The differentiation with other common epithelial cancers that are of the antibody heavy and light chains to intracel- state of CD8+ T cells is inversely related to their not normally considered to be immunogenic. lular signaling chains such as CD3-zeta, often in- capacity to proliferate and persist (52–54). These

Preconditioning T cell with chemotherapy receptor (TCR) Tumor cell T cell MHC

Antigen Viral or processed and non-viral T cells from presented by MHC insertion of Expand Cell peripheral genes into TCR gene- infusion blood T cells engineered with IL-2 T cells Chimeric antigen receptor Tumor cell (CAR) T cell

Antigen expressed on the cell surface Preconditioning with chemotherapy

Fig. 4. Gene-modification of peripheral blood lymphocytes. In an attempt recognize. TCRs are composed of one a chain and one b chain, and they to broaden the reach of ACT to other cancers, techniques are being developed recognize antigens that have been processed and presented by one of the to introduce antitumor receptors into normal T cells that could be used for patient’s own MHC molecules. CARs are artificial receptors that can be therapy. The top panel shows the insertion of a conventional TCR into a constructed by linking the variable regions of the antibody heavy and light patient’s T lymphocytes, followed by the expansion and infusion back into the chains to intracellular signaling chains (such as CD3-zeta, CD28, 41BB) alone patient. The bottom panel shows the insertion of a CAR into a patient’s T cell, or in combination with other signaling moieties. CARs recognize antigens that followed by the expansion of these cells and their re-infusion. TCRs and CARs do not need to be MHC-restricted, but they must be presented on the tumor are fundamentally different in their structures and in the structures that they cell surface.

66 3APRIL2015• VOL 348 ISSUE 6230 SCIENCE findings may be clinically relevant, and younger tis and colonic hemorrhage that precluded fur- stantial toxicity can be seen by the excessive release T cells are statistically positively correlated with ther use of this TCR, even though one patient of cytokines by CAR-expressing cells, and thus, care- clinical effectiveness in ACT trials (17). It seems exhibited a partial response of liver metastases. ful selection of the lymphodepleting preparative clear that, like many organ systems in the body, Unexpected toxicities can also result when pre- regimenandthecelldoseisrequiredtosafelyapply CD8+ T cells can exist in a stem cell–like state, viously unknown cross-reactivities are seen that ACT targeting CD19, as well as many other anti- capable of clonal repopulation. Human T memory target normal self-proteins expressed in vital gens now under experimental study (72). stem cells express a gene program that enables organs. MAGE-A3, a cancer-testes antigen to be Dramatic regressions of lymphomas and leuke- them to proliferate extensively and can further discussed in more detail below, is not known to mias with ACT have elicited considerable enthu- differentiate into other T cell populations (29). be expressed in any normal tissues. However, siasm, although most reports contain fewer than Much of the existing work in cancer immu- targeting an HLA-A*0201–restricted peptide in 20 patients, and fewer than 200 patients have been notherapy has focused on CD8+ T cells. However, MAGE-A3 caused severe damage to gray matter treated worldwide. The introduction of CARs into CD4+ T cells can also efficiently promote tumor in the brain, resulting in two deaths because lymphocytes has mainly used gammaretroviruses rejection. CD4+ T cells do not merely enhance this TCR recognized a different but related epi- and lentiviruses, although nonviral approaches such CD8+ T cell function, but they also play a more tope expressed by MAGE-A12, expressed at very as transposon-transposase systems (73)andCRISPR- direct role in tumor elimination. This notion has low levels in the brain (59). It should also be cas (CRISPR, clustered regularly interspaced palin- been validated recently in humans (44). The roles notedthatCARsarecapableoftoxicityagainst dromicrepeat)technologytointroducegenesare that CD4+ T cells play in the antitumor immune self-antigens as well. Acute pulmonary toxicity also being explored (74). The single-chain anti- response crucially depend on their polarization, resulting in death was observed after infusion of body governs recognition of the antigen to be which is determined by their expression of key CAR T cells specific for ERBB2, which seemed targeted, although the T cell is activated via the transcription factors. CD4+ cells can destroy tu- likely due to the recognition of low levels of this CD3-zeta chain signaling domain. In addition to mor cells, and recent evidence suggests that adop- antigenonpulmonaryepithelium(60). the zeta chain, a variety of costimulatory molecules tively transferred T helper 17 cells can promote Several groups have attempted to affinity- have been employed in retroviral constructs such long-lived antitumor immunity (55). enhance TCRs by altering amino acids in the as CD27, CD28, CD134, CD137, or ICOS that can antigen-combining sites of the TCR (61, 62). By profoundly influence the function of the CAR Toxicity of ACT when targeting antigens removingtheprotectiveeffectsofnegativethy- [reviewed in (64–66)]. Optimization of these co- shared by tumors and normal tissue mic selection that eliminate high-affinity TCRs stimulatory domains is a subject of active study. The marked potency of T cells enables the recog- against normal proteins, these modified TCRs The results of CAR therapy for B cell malig- nition of minute levels of antigen expressed on could potentially recognize new and unrelated nancies might be confounded by the sensitivity normal cells. Thus, targeting normal, nonmutated determinants. Two patients (one with multiple of lymphomas and to the preparative antigenic targets that are expressed on normal myeloma and one with melanoma) were treated chemotherapy regimen. Thus, delineation between tissues but overexpressed on tumors has led to with an HLA-A1–restricted MAGE-A3–specific the effects of the preparative therapy and those severe on-target, off-tumor toxicity in patients. TCR whose affinity was enhanced by this site- of the CAR T cells needs to be considered. Suitable antigens to target are those presented specific mutagenesis, and both experienced fatal Multiple other B cell antigens are being studied exclusively on the cancer or, alternatively, on nor- cardiogenic shock due to the recognition of an as targets, including CD22, CD23, ROR-1, and the mal cells that are not essential for survival. HLA-A1–restricted peptide derived from an un- immunoglobulin light-chain expressed by The first successful application of ACT using related protein, titin, present in cardiac muscle the individual cancer (65). CARs targeting either genetically engineered lymphocytes treated 17 pa- (63). Thus, methods aimed at enhancing the af- CD33 or CD123 have been studied as a therapy for tients with metastatic melanoma using autologous finities of TCRs can be fraught with problems of patients with , though the T cells transduced with a weakly avid human TCR unexpected toxicities, which remain difficult to expression of these molecules on normal precur- recognizing the MART-1 melanoma-melanocyte predict. Of course, the same pitfalls of unexpected sors can lead to prolonged myeloablation (75). differentiation antigen (15). Two patients experi- toxicities may apply to the use of novel CARs. BCMA is a receptor family enced objective partial regressions of metastatic protein expressed on mature B cells and plasma melanoma, and in both patients the transferred Targeting antigens expressed on cancers cells and can be targeted on (65). cells could be found in the peripheral blood 1 year and nonessential human tissues The Reed-Sternberg cell expresses CD30, and this after cell infusion. This approach was expanded Cancers that express target molecules shared with target is being explored as a treatment for pa- to 36 patients with metastatic melanoma who nonessential normal organs represent potential tients with refractory Hodgkin lymphoma (75–77). received high-avidity TCRs that recognized either targets for human cancer immunotherapy using Although CARs are being successfully applied the MART-1 or gp100 melanoma-melanocyte anti- ACT. A prominent example of such an antigen is to the treatment of hematologic malignancies, the gens (32). Although objective cancer regressions the CD19 molecule expressed on more than 90% of lack of shared antigens on the surface of solid tu- were observed in 30 and 19% of patients who B cell malignancies and on B cells at all stages of mors that are not also expressed on essential nor- received the MART-1 or gp100 TCR, respectively, differentiation, excluding plasma cells. Following mal tissues has severely limited the application of severe off-tumor, on-target toxicity was seen in preclinicalworkbymanygroups[summarizedin CARs to the treatment of solid tumors. Thyroglo- the skin, eyes, and ears of patients due to the ex- (64–67)], the first successful clinical application bulin is a potential target for some patients with pression of melanocytes in these organs. These of anti-CD19 CAR in humans was thyroid cancers because thyroglobulin is present findings coincided with severe eye toxicity seen reported in 2010 (16). Administration of autologous only in the thyroid gland and not on solid tissues. in mice when targeting melanocyte antigens and cells expressing the anti-CD19 CAR to a patient with express GD2, which has been provided an early demonstration of the power refractory lymphoma resulted in cancer regression targeted by CARs (78). Mesothelin has also been of T cell therapy (56). The treatment of patients in a patient who remains progression-free after forwarded as a potential target, although it is with renal cancer using T cells encoding a CAR two cycles of treatment ongoing 4 years after treat- also expressed on normal tissues, including cells against carbonic anhydrase 9, which is overex- ment.Multiplegroupshavenowshowntheeffec- in the pericardium and pleural and pertitoneal pressed in renal cancer, led to severe liver tox- tiveness of ACT targeting CD19 in patients with linings (79). A search is ongoing for other tissue- icity due to expression of this antigen in biliary , large-cell lymphomas, chro- specific surface antigens expressed on tissues that duct epithelium (57). A high-affinity TCR against nic lymphocytic leukemia, and acute lymphocytic are not essential for survival. the carcinoembryonic antigen was used to treat leukemia (68–72). On-target toxicity against CD19 Cancer-testis antigens are a family of intracel- patients with metastatic that results in B cell loss in the circulation and in the lular proteins that are expressed during fetal de- expressed high levels of this antigen (58). All bone marrow and can be overcome by the periodic velopment but have highly restricted expression three patients experienced life-threatening coli- administration of immunoglobulin infusions. Sub- in adult normal tissues (80). There are more than


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68 3APRIL2015• VOL 348 ISSUE 6230 SCIENCE Adoptive cell transfer as personalized immunotherapy for human cancer Steven A. Rosenberg and Nicholas P. Restifo Science 348, 62 (2015); DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa4967

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