Rose Farm, Traps Hill drawn by Bob Stevenson Newsletter 212 LRA’s committee members and ALL SYSTEMS GO FOR LOUGHTON councillors have been active in the various panels, committees and Focus After years of campaigning by LRA and Brooklyn Parade into Brooklyn Avenue, Groups working on the High road planning by consultants, council officers with pedestrianisation of that area and a enhancement plans. They, and all the and Town Centre groups, the first stage reorganisation of the traffic lights, plus others who have been involved, are to of Loughton High Road’s enhancement rearranged parking in the remainder, be congratulated. At last we can see has been given the go-ahead. Following with a lay-by. The final stage will take the beginning of the project, which will last year’s public consultation, the the new works to the lower end of improve the appearance of the High District Council Cabinet has accepted Church Hill, bringing the whole of the Road and make it a safer and more the plans, which divide the High Road shopping area of the High Road up to pleasant environment for pedestrians, into four phases. the same design and standard in motorists, traders and shoppers. The first phase, from the Crown to St paving, lighting and street furniture. Mary’s Church will be put in hand next When the works are complete, the High year by Sainsbury’s, under a legal Road will be a shopping area of which agreement which was included in the we can be proud. Parking will be easier M&S PLANS planning approval for their new store. for shoppers, pedestrians will have Marks & Spencer has won planning The remaining phases will be carried out room to stand and chat, while traffic permission for a food store on the old as and when the District council should have an easier journey through Lambs Garage car park, after a decision identifies funds for the work. LRA the town. had been deferred to allow negotiations councillors will continue to press for the For many years LRA has been the on a number of points. It has now been completion of this scheme and for only group to fight for the enhancement agreed that the car park, which will be further funds to be made available at an of the High Road, which has not had a owned and managed by M&S, will remain early date for the enhancement of the major refurbishment for over 20 years. open in the evenings until 11.00pm, Broadway. Work on Phase 1 of the High The last refurbishment only happened which will allow Lopping Hall users to Road will probably not begin until mid- because there were materials left over park off-street. In addition, daytime use of 2005 and will be organised to avoid the from work to improve the car park will not be restricted to M&S Christmas shopping period. town centre, which is why the brick customers. M&S have also agreed to Phase 1 will mainly consist of paving paviours stop at the end of Centric contribute £100,000 towards the Town works, with some controlled parking Parade – the Waltham Abbey leftovers Centre Enhancement plans in the area of lay-bys; Phase 2 will see the ran out at that point! The High Road is the new store. Other issues regarding pedestrianisation of Centric Parade and now unattractive to shoppers and new vehicle fumes, boundaries with adjoining lay-bys off the High Road. Phase 3 will traders, and without them Loughton will properties and delivery lorry routing have involve the closure of the exit from deteriorate as a major shopping centre. also been resolved. PLEASE BE AWARE that any suggestion that LRA councillors are part of any coalition with any political party or parties, on any council, is TOTALLY UNTRUE.

Loughton Residents Association Townwide Edition Townwide Edition How will all of this be reflected in the other issues mentioned are linked YOU SAY …… LRA’s programme for the next year or with this, for example poor traffic so? management and parking. Happily, the In the September issue of Loughton We are enormously fortunate that the first stage of High Road enhancement is Life we asked you to let us know what Forest is protected by a specific Act of now on track, but it may be some time you most like and dislike about Parliament, but our other green spaces before the other sections are Loughton, so that this could be and the surrounding green belt are completed. In the meantime we intend reflected in LRA’s priorities. under tremendous threat from to come up with some practical Nearly 200 of you replied and the government policy on development (see solutions that, hopefully, EFDC will feel same issues came up time and time elsewhere in this issue) and LRA will be able to act upon in the short term. again. working with other interested groups to We keep in contact with Police Not surprisingly, for a large try and mitigate the proposals. regarding problems in the town. proportion of respondents (73%), We shall certainly be taking on board Inspector Quinnell, who is now in proximity to and the your concerns about litter, and looking charge at Loughton Police Station, is countryside was Loughton’s most at practical ways in which the situation targeting the problem of gangs of important positive feature. This was can be improved. Several of you youths, and his policy seems to be followed by the town’s convenient mentioned specific problem areas and having an effect. situation and transport links (45%). our councillors are bringing these to the Many thanks to all those who Good housing, shops and schools attention of the waste management completed the questionnaire. We were were mentioned by nearly 20% and contractor. particularly encouraged by the number the friendliness of the neighbourhood The state of the High Road has long of positive and encouraging comments was appreciated by 14%. been an LRA concern and we are about LRA – thank you for your When it came to dislikes, litter and continuing to pursue this. A number of invaluable support. Carol Murray lack of cleanliness were top of the list for 38% of respondents, closely followed by poor traffic management (37%). Police issues (mainly gangs of LOUGHTONRESIDENTS.COM youths) were highlighted by 24% and the poor state of the built Is the new website packed full of information environment (High Road, roads, about Loughton and LRA. pavements) by 23%. Interestingly, a number of respondents said that Visit to contact us for Loughton was deteriorating and information and help. becoming like Leytonstone. Uncontrolled parking was a concern is updated frequently to for 19% and a poor retail mix was bring you news about our town. mentioned by 11%. CHURCHES RING THE CHANGES Two churches in the district are about to submit plans for new developments. Trinity Church held a public consultation last Autumn where they unveiled the plans for a new church, community hall and housing development. After making changes to meet some of the objections of local residents the church now plans to apply for planning permission in the spring. St. Mary’s in the High Road wishes to replace the church hall which they feel no longer meets the needs of the community and is becoming a liability to maintain. They hope

to sell off land adjacent to the vicarage for a housing development in order to partially finance the new hall. A public meeting was held on the 28th January and opposition was expressed by some residents of Priory Road and Churchfields who would lose the current open aspects at the rear of their properties. The vicar and architect agreed to consider the objections in any revision of the plans prior to an application for outline planning permission, probably in April. The land will be sold to a developer under a deed of covenant that will keep strict control in the hands of the church. No plans for the new hall will be drawn up until it is known how much money is raised from the sale of the land. LRA has taken a close interest in both proposals and will formally comment when the planning applications are made. Ken Angold-Stephens

Loughton Residents Association is non party political, working for the best interests of Loughton residents real life many of these new homes will LOUGHTON – THE NEW CONCRETE JUNGLE? be snapped up by commuters wanting We know that people who live in on our roads. We will need more to get out of , adding more Loughton value the countryside around schools, libraries, hospitals and health pressure to the already overcrowded the town, but will it still be there in 20 centres – and guess who will ultimately Central Line and the roads into the City. years time? The Government has plans be paying for them! The District Council believes that to build more than 18,000 new houses The civil servants drawing up these 8,000 houses would be realistic, not in in the period plans have the weird idea that the 18,000. The County Council agrees. to 2021. (For comparison, there are people in these new homes will work So do we, and LRA will be fighting to about 12,000 houses in Loughton at nearby (which would then mean even protect Loughton residents’ quality of the moment, and 52,000 in the whole more land will be lost for offices and life. District). light industrial buildings). However, in County Cllr David Linnell Where will these houses go? Well, the planners will be looking for “gaps” • between Loughton & CARE • between Theydon and Epping Caring And Repairing in Epping private work in addition to their work for • in the areas to the east of Loughton Forest (CARE) is an agency based at the the agency, and CARE will provide within the M25, as far as (about) Civic Offices in Epping, which is jointly names and contact details for builders, funded by the District Council, the electricians, plumbers and carpenters • to the east of, and close to the M11, County Council, Circle 33 Housing who can be contacted privately. in parish. Group and central government. CARE Residents who use tradespeople But this will mean building on Green helps elderly or disabled people to approved by CARE can be sure they are Belt, and breaking the planning rules remain in their own homes by assisting not employing cowboys or rip-off about keeping settlements such as them to access benefits or grants, find merchants. Loughton and Theydon Bois specialist support and obtain reliable Whether you are looking for grant- or separated. contractors to do repair work. benefit-aided assistance, or simply the It’s not just the loss of part of our Tradespeople and contractors used name of a reliable person to carry out “green lung”. A new road to the south by CARE are vetted for the quality of repairs to your home, CARE can be and east of , with associated their work and the appropriateness of contacted on 01992 564086. building, will put extra traffic pressure their charges. Most of them also do Carol Murray

route out of the East End via MORE MEMORIES OF OLD LOUGHTON Leytonstone and . Following the review of the book Life lived in Carroll Hill. I thought then that in Loughton 1926-1946 in our last issue, Loughton was a magical place and (We’d love to publish other Ron Heath contributes the following longed to live there. Happily, that reminiscences of old Loughton. If you reminiscence: ambition was achieved in 1963, when I have interesting memories, do please The photograph shows W J Scott’s moved with my family into Ollards get in touch with Carol Murray or Diane pick-up truck (a converted Austin Grove, having followed a traditional Rhodes – contact details on back page.) saloon), decorated for the carnival celebrating the coronation of King George V! in 1937. In the picture are Walter Scott, his nephew John and son Eric. I’m told it came second, but would have won first prize had they covered up the name of the business on the side of the vehicle! Senior residents of Loughton may remember the Scott family’s wood yard/shop in Old Station Road, which always appeared totally chaotic, yet they knew where everything was, whether you wanted a piece of 4x2, a tube of glue or some 2 inch No. 8 screws. It was probably Loughton’s first DIY shop. The Forest Medical Centre now occupies the site. As a child, before and during the war, I used to be taken to visit the Scotts, who

Loughton Residents Association Townwide Edition Townwide Edition WORKING TO IMPROVE LOUGHTON LRA has liaised with various organisations over the years to improve Loughton – some of the things we work on take years to achieve success, but they are worth the wait!

EFDC wanted to mow the Roding Valley meadows on the far In the 1980s Loughton was flooded several times. Hard work side of the , to make more football pitches, but by LRA eventually resulted in a Flood Alleviation Scheme LRA discovered they were the last remaining ancient water being agreed and implemented by Thames Water. The most meadows in Essex. We took EFDC to Appeal and won. As visible sign of this major scheme is the reservoir in Staples a result Loughton now has the Roding Valley Nature Road, which collects and regulates excess run-off from the Reserve and a Site of Special Scientific Interest for Forest. everyone to enjoy.

CONSERVATION AREA REJECTED BY EFDC In the September 2003 Loughton Life we reported that LRA had suggested Conservation Area status for Debden Green, in order to protect its particular charm. Unfortunately, the suggestion has been rejected by the Council’s Conservation Officer, Paul Sutton. Reasons given for the decision are that it has insufficient ‘special interest’, its Green Belt status already affords protection and the Council does not have enough staff and resources to look after the current Conservation Areas (there is one full-time member of staff and an annual It took 15 years of determined effort to get the Children’s budget of £8000 to cover the district’s 25 existing Playground in Traps Hill, which was opened in 1998. Conservation Areas!!). Perhaps Mr Sutton might now have second thoughts about the amount of GREEN BELT, GREEN ARC – OR BOTH? protection afforded by the Green Belt, given that Government proposals for ‘The Future of the Green Belt’ was the establishment of a ‘green arc’ in the housing and light industrial subject of a talk given by Jeremy region. development in our part of Essex are Wisenfeld, Superintendent of Epping In a lively question session, speakers likely to mean a huge expanse of Forest, on 6 February. He described asserted the popularity of the local concrete from Loughton to , the new concept of a Green Arc (as in Green Belt. Mr Wisenfeld regarded the swallowing up Theydon Bois and the Office of the Deputy Prime Green belt as having failed some of its Debden Green in the process. Minister’s ‘Communities Plan’) as open original purposes, in that the Carol Murray space within urban areas leading out countryside was not always accessible into the countryside and extending to for town dwellers’ leisure, and that there include areas of special countryside were areas of dereliction and non- value (forests, new/existing woodland, conforming uses which maybe should lakes, footpaths etc) – for access and be built upon. leisure for those living in towns, and to Leaving the meeting, the audience create movement corridors for wild- were wondering whether to regard the life. Green Arc as an exciting new creative Clearly Epping Forest will play a huge approach – or as a ‘consolation prize’ part in the ‘Arc’ for NE London & West on offer for relinquishing much of our Essex, and the Conservators are part of Green Belt to Government-sponsored Debden Hall Gates drawn by Christine a consortium which is looking into the development. John Woods Brunn.

Loughton Residents Association is non party political, working for the best interests of Loughton residents WHY LRA? LOUGHTON ON District and Town Council elections will be held on Thursday 10 June this year, and many candidates will be looking for your vote. Why should you support the LRA BBC WEB SITE candidates? Richard Morris, Secretary of Loughton BECAUSE LRA has a record of over 22 years of independent and committed & District Historical Society, was service for Loughton and for all Loughton residents. recently contacted by the BBC and BECAUSE LRA councillors and members have a consistent record of involvement asked to contribute material to their in community affairs. We do not appear just before elections making reckless new ‘Legacies’ website. BBC web promises. teams from across the UK have BECAUSE LRA has always fought for high quality services at the lowest possible cost, looking for real value for your money. Our Councillors look for savings by collaborated to supply local detail on a cutting waste and bureaucracy – not essential services. range of historical themes for the new BECAUSE LRA councillors are Independent – they will support good ideas from site. other groups, but WILL NOT BE PART OF A COALITION IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS The BBC suggested that Richard BECAUSE unlike other groups, which have to work to the policies of their national write three articles – The Verderers of parties, LRA councillors are only responsible to YOU, the residents. Epping Forest, and Epping BECAUSE LRA has always sought your views on important local issues and has Forest and The Bank of worked to meet your wishes. Printing Works. These are now on the BECAUSE we inform and consult you via our newsletter, Loughton Life, and via our website and the BBC have made a website reference to the Society. BECAUSE although national parties deserve your support in national elections, there is a better alternative for you at the local level. LRA councillors are free from To access the articles go to the pressures, posturing and play-acting of national party politics and are backed by Then click an association of over 1500 households in every part of the town. on the UK index, select England, then LRA – a better alternative Essex and click on ‘Your Stories’. THE FARMERS’ MARKET – HOW DOES IT WORK? Loughton’s highly successful monthly provides our only income and 2 stalls for singing in December, with mince pies Farmers Market is promoted by LRA in charities. with mulled wine – which went down order to meet a need in the town, and it LRA has also arranged special very well! A collection was also made also creates a ‘community occasion’ events at the market, including carol for charity. where people can The market has socialise. LRA has a proved popular with stand at the market as a both buyers and traders, means both of keeping but despite requests for residents informed and more, there can only be of gathering reactions one each month – 14 and comments. markets are the When the idea of the maximum which can be market was first held in a year without suggested, LRA turned planning permission, to Hughmark, the and it must be company which runs remembered that the North Weald Market. As LRA side of the a residents’ association operation is run by a we had neither the small band of unpaid expertise to manage a volunteers. If you’d like market, nor the stalls to help, do please and other equipment contact Suzanne Harper needed. LRA oversees (details on back page). the bookings for the The market is held in market which enables us Centric Parade in the to have some control High Road on the first over the kinds of stalls, Sunday of each month. but Hughmark supplies It runs from 9.00am to the stalls and collects 2.00pm, but if you want the rents from the the best produce, come traders. LRA receives no early! money at all for John Woods arranging the market, but we receive 2 stalls LRA committee for our displays and member Mitch Cohen at book stall which the Farmers Market, assisted by Seamus

Loughton Residents Association Townwide Edition Townwide Edition LOUGHTON RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION COUNCILLORS’ NEWS Chairman Chris Harper 23 Algers Road IG10 4NG 020 8508 4770 Borders Lane: in our last newsletter we told Members that, after Vice Chairman Diane Rhodes 9 Ashley Grove IG10 1HS months of pressure by County Councillor David Linnell, the 020 8508 3284 construction of a footpath on the north side of Borders Lane, along to Hon Secretary Carol Murray 20 Queens Road IG10 1RS Traps Hill, was finally underway. Work has now also been carried out 020 8508 4892 to construct a “refuge” at the top of Traps Hill, so that those using the Treasurer Tony Paddon 12 Forest View Road IG10 4DX footpath can cross Traps Hill in greater safety. Further along Borders 020 8508 2238 Lane, again after months of pressure from David, Epping Forest Press Officer College have finally cut back the branches which were overhanging Michael Benbow 28 Brook Road IG10 1BP 020 8508 4457 the verge and restricting drivers’ vision. Membership Secretary Juliet Pollard 14 The Hawthorns IG10 3QT Epping New Road: work has been carried out by the County Council 020 8502 0552 Committee on traffic calming measures on Epping New Road and Rangers Road, Ken Angold-Stephens 89 Lower Park Road, IG10 4NE and there will be consultation on speed restrictions. County Councillor 020 8281 0674 Jack Benjamin 23 Newnham Close IG10 4JG David Linnell will be monitoring the effect – the aim is make the roads 020 8508 4765 safer for drivers and for those using the Forest. Rose Brookes 3 Lower Park Road IG10 4NB 020 8502 5981 Mitch Cohen 16 Ollards Grove, Loughton IG10 4DW New Housing: the Government has offered to put up some money for 020 8502 1533 James Dean 69 Colebrook Lane IG10 2HN extra health, environment, education and transport services to go 020 8281 7932 alongside their plans to build thousands of houses, together with light Ron Heath 46 Ollards Grove IG10 4DW 020 8508 3458 industrial units, partly on Green Belt land in Epping Forest District Jan Kinrade, 28 Hillyfields, IG10 2JS (including the buffer land between Loughton and Theydon Bois and 020 8532 0488 Brian Moore 6 Forest View Road IG10 4DX land to the south-east of Harlow). However, the amount is minuscule 020 8508 7112 compared with what would be needed, and LRA and its councillors will Sheila Shillitto 11 Eleven Acre Rise IG10 1AN 020 8508 2900 continue to fight these plans. Janet Woods 1a Woodland Road, IG10 1HQ 020 020 8508 1764 John Woods 1a Woodland Road IG10 1HQ Wansfell College: the County Council has had to subsidise the 020 8508 1764 College in recent years, and has decided to close it, despite the Bela Yorke 8 The Greens Close IG10 1QE Governors developing a Business Plan which would have returned the 020 8508 4729 Sam Zendell-Ellis 4 Clifton Road, Loughton College to financial stability. The closure was rushed through by the 020 8532 0025 Tory majority in County Hall – the prospect of millions of pounds from LRA COUNCILLORS (County, District & Town) the sale of the site clearly counted more than the loss of a valuable County Councillor St Mary's Division educational resource! Many people, including LRA and the District David Linnell 20 Eleven Acre Rise IG10 1AN 020 8508 2932 Council protested, but to no avail. This is a sad loss to the area. Roding Ward Larry Ford (T) 47 Stonards Hill IG10 3EH Land transfers: LRA Town Councillors are still trying to mop up the 020 8508 4344 St John's Ward unfinished business caused by Epping Forest District Council not Kay Ellis (T) 31 Algers Road IG10 4NG having transferred either the Roding Valley or the Willingale Road 020 8508 6018 John Markham (D) 77 Queen’s Road IG10 1RR allotments to the Town Council when it was set up in 1996. This has 020 8508 1945 dragged on over eight years of interminable meetings and legal Roger Pearce (T) 32 Millsmead Way IG10 1LR 020 8281 1386 squabbling. The latest state of play on Willingale allotments is that the Caroline Pond (D) 7 Staples Road IG10 1HP very energetic allotments association has managed to let a large 020 8508 2361 (T) 7 Staples Road IG10 1HP number of plots to new tenants, which has rather undercut EFDC’s 020 8508 2361 plan to reserve part of the site in case future housing land is required. Bob Wilmot (T) 50 Baldwins Hill IG10 1SF 020 8508 1987 LRA councillors (supported by the ward councillor) have been pressing St Mary's Ward for this land to be retained as open space, and as much of it as Tony Lee (D&T) 33 Priory Road IG10 1AF 020 8508 7649 possible as allotments. Pam Meadows (T) 98 Roding Road IG10 3EJ 020 8508 4136 School Green – reconciling the irreconcilable?. The Conservators of Dorothy Paddon (D)12 Forest View Road IG10 4DX 020 8508 2238 Epping Forest own School Green (at the junction of Staples Road and Mike Wardle (T) 61 The Drive IG10 1HG York Hill), and Loughton Town Council (LTC) pay for grass mowing. A 020 8508 2771 Forest Ward dispute has now arisen as to how frequently the grass should be cut. Ken Faulkner (D) ‘Briar Patch’, Park Hill IG10 4ES Some people prefer it to be left long, whilst others, possibly a majority, 020 8508 1215 Suzanne Harper (T) 23 Algers Road IG10 4NG want it cut more frequently. A meeting has now been arranged 020 8508 4770 between LTC and the Corporation of London to take instructions from Les Harris (T) 32 Upper Park IG10 4EQ 020 8508 1333 the landlords, bearing in mind residents’ views as much as possible. Peter House (D) 10 Connaught Avenue IG10 4DP 020 8532 1275 Judith Woodman (T) 164 Forest Road IG10 1EG Have your say: members of the public can now briefly address 020 8502 0785 meetings of LTC and its committees on agenda items. If you see an item on which you want to speak, phone the Town Clerk 3-4 days in April 2004 advance of the meeting. © Loughton Residents Association 2004

Loughton Residents Association is non party political, working for the best interests of Loughton residents