Corsinotti, Wong et al.


2 Distinct SoxB1 networks are required for naïve and primed pluripotency

1, 2, 3 1, 2, 4 1 3 Andrea Corsinotti , Frederick C. K. Wong , Tülin Tatar , Iwona

1, 5, 6 1, 7 1 1 4 Szczerbinska , Florian Halbritter , Douglas Colby , Sabine Gogolok ,

1 1 1 1 5 Raphaël Pantier , Kirsten Liggat , Elham S. Mirfazeli , Elisa Hall-Ponsele ,

1 1, 8 1, 8 6 Nicholas P. Mullin , Valerie Wilson and Ian Chambers

1 7 MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Institute for Stem Cell Research, School of

8 Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh, 5 Little France Drive, Edinburgh EH16 4UU,

9 Scotland

3 10 Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba,

11 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan


13 2 Joint 1st authors

14 4,5-7 Present addresses : 3 The WT/CRUK Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, Tennis

15 Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1QN, England; 5 Regulation Laboratory, Genome

16 Institute of Singapore, Singapore 138672, Singapore; 6 Department of Biochemistry, National

17 University of Singapore, Singapore 117559, Singapore. 7CeMM Research Center for

18 Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Lazarettgasse 14, AKH BT 25.3,

19 1090 Vienna, Austria

20 8Co-corresponding authors: email: [email protected]; [email protected]

21 Tel: (44) 131 651 9500 ; FAX: (44) 131 651 9501


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

22 Abstract

23 Deletion of from mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) causes trophectodermal

24 differentiation. While this can be prevented by enforced expression of the related SOXB1

25 , SOX1 or SOX3, the roles of SOXB1 proteins in epiblast stem cell (EpiSC)

26 pluripotency are unknown. Here we show that Sox2 can be deleted from EpiSCs with

27 impunity. This is due to a shift in the balance of SoxB1 expression in EpiSCs, which have

28 decreased Sox2 and increased Sox3 compared to ESCs. Consistent with functional

29 redundancy, Sox3 can also be deleted from EpiSCs without eliminating self-renewal.

30 However, deletion of both Sox2 and Sox3 prevents self-renewal. The overall SOXB1 levels in

31 ESCs affect differentiation choices: neural differentiation of Sox2 heterozygous ESCs is

32 compromised, while increased SOXB1 levels divert the ESC to EpiSC transition towards

33 neural differentiation. Therefore, optimal SOXB1 levels are critical for each pluripotent state

34 and for cell fate decisions during exit from naïve pluripotency.


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35 Introduction

36 Pluripotent cells have the unique ability to differentiate into every cell type of an adult

37 organism (Nichols & Smith, 2009). During mouse development, the embryo contains

38 pluripotent cells in the epiblast until the onset of somitogenesis (Osorno et al, 2012;

39 Chambers & Tomlinson, 2009). Distinct pluripotent cell types can be isolated in culture from

40 the preimplantation and postimplantation epiblast. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) (Evans &

41 Kaufman, 1981; Martin, 1981) from preimplantation embryos are termed ‘naïve’ pluripotent

42 cells. Epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) (Tesar et al, 2007; Brons et al, 2007), commonly isolated

43 from the post-implantation epiblast, are known as ‘primed’ pluripotent cells. Naïve and

44 primed cells differ dramatically in responses to extracellular signals (Nichols & Smith, 2009).

45 ESCs self-renew in response to a combination of leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and either

46 foetal calf serum (FCS), bone morphogenic (BMP) or Wnt (Smith et al, 1988; Ying et

47 al, 2003a; ten Berge et al, 2011) and differentiate in response to fibroblast growth factor

48 (FGF) (Kunath et al, 2007; Stavridis et al, 2007). In contrast, FGF together with

49 Nodal/Activin A are required for EpiSCs self-renewal (Vallier et al, 2009; Guo et al, 2009).


51 Pluripotency is regulated by a pluripotency gene regulatory network (PGRN) (Chambers &

52 Tomlinson, 2009; Festuccia et al, 2013; Wong et al, 2016). While some transcription factors

53 such as Esrrb and T () are associated more closely with naïve or primed pluripotent

54 states respectively (Festuccia et al, 2012; Osorno et al, 2012; Tsakiridis et al, 2014), the core

55 TFs of the PGRN, Nanog, Sox2 and Oct4 (the Pou5f1 gene product, also referred as Oct3/4)

56 are expressed in both naïve and primed pluripotent cells (Niwa et al, 2000; Masui et al, 2007;

57 Avilion et al, 2003; Chambers et al, 2003; Karwacki-Neisius et al, 2013; Osorno et al, 2012;

58 Festuccia et al, 2012; Brons et al, 2007; Tesar et al, 2007). While the role of Sox2 has been


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59 extensively characterised in naïve cells (Wong et al, 2016), its role in primed pluripotency is

60 less well known.


62 Sox2 is a member of a family of twenty Sox TFs (Pevny & Lovell-Badge, 1997; Kamachi &

63 Kondoh, 2013). All SOX proteins contain a High-Mobility-Group (HMG) box DNA binding

64 domain closely related to the founding member of the Sox family, SRY (Kondoh & Lovell-

65 Badge, 2016). While some SOX proteins contain a transcriptional activation domain, others

66 contain repression domains (Uchikawa et al, 1999; Bowles et al, 2000; Ambrosetti et al,

67 2000). The paradigm of action for SOX proteins is that they bind to target gene sequences

68 through a DNA-mediated interaction with a partner protein, to specify target gene selection

69 (Kamachi et al, 1999; Remenyi, 2003; Williams et al, 2004; Kamachi & Kondoh, 2013). In

70 pluripotent cells the principal interaction of SOX2 with OCT4 (Ambrosetti et al, 1997, 2000)

71 is considered to positively regulate expression of many pluripotency-specific including

72 Nanog, Oct4 and Sox2 (Tomioka et al, 2002; Chew et al, 2005; Okumura-Nakanishi et al,

73 2005; Rodda, 2005; Kuroda et al, 2005). Loss of SOX2 in ESCs induces trophoblast

74 differentiation, phenocopying OCT4 loss and supporting the idea of a mutually dependent

75 mode of action (Niwa et al, 2000; Masui et al, 2007).


77 Analysis of sequence conservation within the HMG box has divided the Sox family into eight

78 groups that can be further divided into subgroups based on homology outside the HMG box

79 (Kondoh & Lovell-Badge, 2015; Kamachi, 2016). Together with SOX1 and SOX3, SOX2

80 belongs to the SOXB1 group, each of which also contain transcriptional activation domains

81 (Uchikawa et al, 1999; Ambrosetti et al, 2000; Bowles et al, 2000; Kondoh & Kamachi,

82 2010; Ng et al, 2012; Kamachi & Kondoh, 2013). SOXB1 proteins bind the same DNA


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83 sequence in vitro (Kamachi et al, 1999; Kamachi, 2016). Previous studies demonstrated that

84 SOXB1 factors are co-expressed during embryonic development and can substitute for each

85 other in different biological systems, both in vitro and in vivo (Wood & Episkopou, 1999;

86 Niwa et al, 2016; Adikusuma et al, 2017). Here we investigate the requirements of naïve and

87 primed pluripotent states for SOXB1 expression. Our results indicate that the essential

88 requirement of SOXB1 function for naïve pluripotent cells extends to primed pluripotent

89 cells. SOX3, which is highly expressed in primed pluripotent cells, functions redundantly

90 with SOX2, rendering SOX2 dispensable in these cells. We further provide evidence that

91 critical SOXB1 levels are required to specify the identity of cells exiting the naïve pluripotent

92 state.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

93 Results

94 A fluorescent reporter of SOX2 protein expression

95 To investigate the expression of Sox2 in pluripotent cells, a live cell reporter that retained

96 Sox2 function was prepared by replacing the Sox2 stop codon with a T2A-H2B-tdTomato

97 cassette (Figure 1A; Figure 1 – Figure supplement 1A). Correctly targeted cells were

98 identified by Southern analysis and are referred to as E14Tg2a-Sox2-tdTomato (TST) cells

99 (Figure 1 – Figure supplement 1B). Fluorescence microscopy of targeted cells showed a

100 close correlation between SOX2 and tdTomato levels (Figure 1 – Figure supplement 2).

101 Moreover, tdTomato expression recapitulated the SOX2 expression pattern in chimeric

102 embryos (Figure 1 – Figure supplement 3). Targeted cells also showed the expected

103 morphological differences when cultured in a combination of LIF plus inhibitors of MEK and

104 GSK3 (LIF/2i), in LIF/FCS, in LIF/BMP or after passaging in Activin/FGF (Figure 1A).

105 These results indicate that Sox2-tdTomato reporter (TST) cells behave normally and provide

106 a useful live cell report of Sox2 expression levels.


108 TST ESCs were next assessed by fluorescence microscopy and FACS. In LIF/2i, tdTomato

109 expression was high and unimodal. In LIF/FCS or LIF/BMP the same predominant high

110 expressing population was present but with a shoulder of reduced expression and a small

111 number of tdTomato-negative cells, which appeared to coincide with morphologically

112 differentiated cells (Figure 1A). In continuous culture in Activin/FGF (p16), tdTomato

113 expression was bimodal with the highest expression levels overlapping the lower expression

114 levels seen in ESCs cultured in LIF/FCS or LIF/BMP (Figure 1A, B).



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116 in ESCs and EpiSCs expressing distinct Sox2 levels

117 ESCs and EpiSCs expressing distinct Sox2 levels were separated by FACS according to the

118 tdTomato level (Figure 1B). Microarray analysis was then used to compare gene expression

119 in cells from different cultures expressing similar Sox2 levels and in cells from the same

120 cultures expressing distinct Sox2 levels (Supplementary File 1). Cells expressing the highest

121 tdTomato levels in LIF/2i, LIF/FCS or LIF/BMP cultures were purified using gate C. The

122 mid-level expression gate B enabled purification of the Sox2-low fraction of ESCs cultured

123 in LIF/FCS or LIF/BMP as well as the highest Sox2-expressing EpiSCs. EpiSCs were also

124 purified using the lower expression gate A. Re-sorting confirmed effective purification prior

125 to RNA extraction and analysis (Figure 1B). Compared to the Sox2-high population, Sox2-

126 low EpiSCs have upregulated differentiation markers. Transcripts expressed by Sox2-low

127 EpiSCs differed from those expressed by Sox2-low ESCs (Figure 1 - Figure supplement 4;

128 Supplementary File 1) suggesting that ESCs and EpiSCs have distinct differentiation

129 propensities. ESCs from both LIF/BMP and LIF/FCS cultures sorted for highest tdTomato

130 expression (gate C) are enriched for naïve pluripotency transcripts with mRNAs common to

131 both, including Nr5a2, Tbx3 and Tcl1, positively correlated to Sox2 in all samples (Figure 1 -

132 Figure supplement 5). Moreover, principal component analysis indicated that these Sox2-

133 high ESCs cluster together and separately from ESCs cultured in LIF/2i (Figure 1C) as seen

134 by others (Boroviak et al, 2014). More importantly, principal component analysis also

135 showed that EpiSCs and ESCs expressing the same Sox2 level (gate B) were transcriptionally

136 distinct (Figure 1C). Moreover, they shared no commonly enriched mRNAs (Figure 1D).

137 Thus Sox2 levels alone do not dictate the distinction between ESC and EpiSC states.



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139 Microarray and RT-qPCR analyses highlighted changes in Sox gene expression levels

140 (Figure 1E, Figure 1 – Figure supplement 6). Although other Sox gene expression changes

141 occurred, the ability of SOXB1 proteins to function redundantly in ESC self-renewal (Niwa

142 et al 2016), prompted us to assess the capacity of SOXB1-related proteins to function more

143 widely in pluripotent cells.


145 A subset of SOX family proteins can functionally replace Sox2 in ESC self-renewal

146 Recently, Niwa et al. (2016) reported that ESC self-renewal could be maintained in the

147 absence of SOX2 by expression of other SOXB1 and SOXG proteins (Niwa et al, 2016). We

148 addressed the question of functional redundancy with Sox2 in ESCs using an independent

149 Sox2 conditional knockout (SCKO) ESC line (Favaro et al, 2009; Gagliardi et al, 2013).

150 SCKO ESCs have one Sox2 allele replaced by β-geo, the second allele flanked by loxP sites

151 and constitutively express a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase (CreERT2) (Figure 2A).

152 SCKO ESCs were transfected with a plasmid in which constitutive Sox cDNA expression

153 was linked to hygromycin B resistance and were either left untreated or were simultaneously

154 treated with tamoxifen to excise Sox2 (Figure 2A). ESC self-renewal was assessed after 8-10

155 days of hygromycin selection. Transfection of plasmids encoding transcriptional activator

156 proteins of the SOXB1 family (SOX1, SOX2 or SOX3) enabled similar levels of ESC colony

157 formation in the absence of Sox2 (Figure 2B, C). In contrast, the SOXB2 proteins (SOX14

158 and SOX21), in which the SOXB1 DNA binding domain is linked to transcriptional

159 repression domains, did not direct undifferentiated ESC colony formation (Figure 2C). Of

160 the SOX proteins tested, only SOX15 showed any capacity to direct undifferentiated ESC

161 colony formation (Figure 2C), as previously described (Niwa et al, 2016), possibly because

162 it has the most similar DNA binding domain to SOXB proteins (Kamachi & Kondoh, 2013).


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163 These results indicate that ESC self-renewal requires the function of a SOX protein with a

164 SOXB-like DNA binding domain coupled to a transcriptional activating function.


166 To further assess the ability of SOX proteins to sustain ESC self-renewal, we attempted to

167 expand transfected cell populations. PCR analysis confirmed deletion of the Sox2 conditional

168 allele (400bp) from expanded cell populations expressing SOX1, SOX2 or SOX3 (Figure 2 –

169 Figure supplement 1). Furthermore, SoxB1-rescued (S1R and S3R) SKO ESCs retained

170 OCT4 and NANOG expression, similar to SCKO and Sox2-rescued SKO (S2R) ESCs

171 (Figure 2 – Figure supplement 2). The transgene expression levels in ESC populations

172 rescued by Sox1, 2 or 3 were assessed by quantitative transcript analysis using common

173 primers across the CAG intron. This demonstrated that Sox3 transgene mRNA was expressed

174 at a higher level than the Sox1 or Sox2 transgenes (Figure 2D). These results confirm the

175 findings of Niwa et al. in an independent cell line (Niwa et al, 2016).


177 Sox3 is dispensable for both naïve and primed pluripotency

178 Sox3 transcripts are present in ESCs at lower levels than Sox2 (Figure 3 – Figure

179 supplement 1) and a previous report has suggested that Sox3 is dispensable for ESC self-

180 renewal (Rizzoti & Lovell-Badge, 2007). To directly assess this possibility, and as a first step

181 to determining whether Sox3 is required in EpiSCs, CRISPR/Cas9 was used to delete the

182 Sox3 gene from male E14Tg2a ESCs (Hooper et al, 1987) using two guide RNAs (sgRNA1

183 and sgRNA2) (Figure 3A). After targeting, E14Tg2a ESCs were plated at low density and

184 single clones were isolated. PCR genotyping using primers flanking the predicted Cas9 cut

185 sites (Figure 3A) identified two clones (S3KO8 and S3KO35) in which Sox3 had been

186 deleted (Figure 3B). Replating at clonal density indicated that both clones retained an


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187 efficient self-renewal ability (Figure 3C). Moreover, both clones had unchanged levels of

188 Nanog, Oct4 and Sox2 mRNAs (Figure 3D). These findings indicate that Sox3 is dispensable

189 for ESC self-renewal, confirming previously unpublished data (Rizzoti et al, 2004).


191 Next, the requirement of SOX3 for primed pluripotency was determined by examining the

192 ability of the above Sox3 knockout ESC clones, together with parental E14Tg2a ESCs, to be

193 converted to EpiSCs by serial passaging in Activin and FGF (Guo et al, 2009). Quantitative

194 transcript analysis at passage 12 indicated similar levels of Sox2, Oct4 and Nanog mRNA

195 expression in wild-type and Sox3 knockout EpiSCs (Figure 3E). In contrast, Sox1 mRNA

196 levels were reduced in both Sox3 knockout clones (Figure 3E) and T (Brachyury) was more

197 variably expressed (Figure 3E). The ability of EpiSCs to self-renew in the absence of SOX3

198 was maintained over 25 passages without affecting SOX2 and OCT4 protein expression or

199 EpiSC morphology (Figure 3F, G). These data demonstrate that both naïve and primed

200 pluripotent cells can self-renew in the absence of Sox3.


202 Sox2 is dispensable for the maintenance of primed pluripotency

203 To investigate whether primed pluripotency can be maintained in the absence of SOX2,

204 SCKO EpiSCs were derived by in vitro culture of SCKO ESCs (Guo et al, 2009). SCKO

205 EpiSCs were then transfected with a plasmid encoding both Cre recombinase and tdTomato

206 (Figure 4A), since the CAG CreERT2 transgene (Figure 2A) had been silenced during the

207 EpiSC transition. After 12-24 hours, tdTomato-positive EpiSCs were sorted by FACS and re-

208 plated at low cell density to allow expansion of single clones. PCR genotyping of expanded

209 EpiSC clones revealed that the loxP-flanked Sox2 allele had been excised generating Sox2-/-

210 (SKO) clones (Figure 4A). Immunoblot analysis confirmed that these SKO clones did not

211 express SOX2 protein and that Sox2fl/- EpiSCs expressed SOX2 at 50% the level of Sox2+/+


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212 EpiSCs (Figure 4B). Moreover, NANOG protein levels were similar to parental SCKO

213 EpiSCs or wild-type E14Tg2a EpiSCs (Figure 4B). Sox2-/- EpiSCs retained an

214 undifferentiated morphology (Figure 4C) and immunostaining confirmed the absence of

215 SOX2 and continued OCT4 expression compared to parental SCKO EpiSCs (Figure 4D).

216 Quantitative transcript analysis of Oct4, Nanog and Sox2 mRNA levels, indicated that, while

217 Sox2 mRNA was absent from Sox2-/- EpiSCs, both Oct4 and Nanog mRNA levels were

218 unaffected (Figure 4E). This suggests that the core pluripotency gene regulatory network

219 remains active even in the absence of SOX2 and that, in contrast to the situation with naïve

220 pluripotency, primed pluripotency is not critically dependent upon Sox2.


222 The ability of SOXB1 proteins to substitute for one another in ESCs raised the hypothesis

223 that functional redundancy between SOX2 and SOX3 may be responsible for the

224 maintenance of pluripotency in primed EpiSCs. Expression of both Sox1 and Sox3 mRNAs

225 was increased in EpiSCs compared to ESCs (Figure 1E). Examination of Sox2-/- EpiSCs

226 showed that while Sox1 mRNA expression was reduced, Sox3 mRNA levels were elevated

227 compared to control cells (Figure 4E). This suggests that Sox3 expression might functionally

228 compensate for the lack of Sox2 in Sox2-/- EpiSCs, as is the case in Sox2-null E14.5 forebrain,

229 where a 2-fold increase in Sox3 mRNA was detected (Miyagi et al, 2008). Alternatively,

230 SOXB1 proteins may be irrelevant for EpiSC self-renewal. To distinguish between these

231 possibilities we developed an approach to gene disruption using CRISPR/Cas9.


233 Testing the functional effects of SOX ORF disruption using CRISPR/Cas9

234 To examine the functional dependence of cells on Sox genes, a CRISPR/Cas9 approach was

235 developed and tested initially using Sox2. Insertions or deletions (indels) into the Sox2 coding


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236 sequence were introduced immediately upstream of the sequence encoding for the SOX2

237 HMG domain (Figure 5 – Figure supplement 1A). Out of frame indels in this position are

238 expected to abolish the DNA binding ability of any aberrant protein that might still be

239 produced. The frequency and length of indels induced by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeting

240 of the endogenous Sox2 locus were investigated by TIDE (Tracking of Indels by

241 Decomposition) analysis (Brinkman et al, 2014). Sox2fl/- SCKO ESCs that constitutively

242 express Sox1, Sox3 or GFP (generated in Figure 2B in the absence of tamoxifen) were

243 analysed. If, as expected, Sox1 or Sox3 can rescue self-renewal, then such cells would carry

244 both in-frame and out-of-frame (deleterious) indels (Figure 5 – Figure supplement 1B). In

245 contrast, if ESC self-renewal relies on the remaining Sox2 allele, as anticipated in the case of

246 SCKO ESCs constitutively expressing GFP, then cells carrying deleterious indels should be

247 eliminated from the population. In this case the only modifications present would be non-

248 deleterious in-frame indels (Figure 5 – Figure supplement 1B). SCKO ESCs expressing

249 Sox1, Sox3 or GFP were transfected with a plasmid encoding the sgRNA and eCas9. Cells

250 were selected, genomic DNA isolated, PCR amplified, sequenced and analysed by TIDE. The

251 population of SCKO ESCs expressing GFP contained Sox2 loci with no out-of-frame indels

252 detected (Figure 5 – Figure supplement 2). In contrast, SCKO ESCs constitutively

253 expressing Sox1 or Sox3 tolerated out of frame, deleterious indels at Sox2 (size +1, -10, -13)

254 (Figure 5 – Figure supplement 2). These results show that indel analysis can be applied to

255 study functional redundancy between SOXB1 group members in the maintenance of

256 pluripotent cells.


258 Sox2 and Sox3 are functionally redundant for the maintenance of EpiSCs.


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259 Having established the utility of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated indel induction for gene function

260 analysis, a similar strategy was applied to Sox2-/- EpiSCs to determine whether SOXB1

261 proteins operate in a functionally redundant way to maintain EpiSCs. Since Sox2-/- EpiSCs

262 showed an increase in Sox3 mRNA expression upon deletion of the second Sox2 allele, we

263 focussed on Sox3, which is X-linked and thus present in only one copy in these male EpiSCs

264 (Sox3+/Y). Two sgRNAs (sgRNA 1 and 2) were designed to independently target the Sox3

265 ORF immediately upstream of the sequence encoding the HMG DNA binding domain and

266 tested individually (Figure 5A). TIDE analysis (Figure 5B) showed that in control cells

267 expressing endogenous Sox2 (E14Tg2a and SCKO) both in frame and out of frame indels

268 within Sox3 were detected using either sgRNA (Figure 5C). In contrast, two independent

269 Sox2-/- EpiSC lines (SKO1, SKO6) retained only in frame deletions that did not disrupt the

270 SOX3 HMG box (Figure 5C). Together with earlier results on Sox3-/Y EpiSCs (Figure 3),

271 these data indicate that EpiSCs lacking either Sox2 or Sox3 alone can be maintained, while

272 cells lacking both SOX2 and SOX3 proteins are lost. Therefore, EpiSC self-renewal requires

273 SOXB1 function and this can be provided by the expression of either endogenous Sox2 or

274 Sox3.


276 Modulating SOXB1 levels affects differentiation and can prevent capture of primed

277 pluripotency.

278 Since Sox2 and Sox3 transcript levels change during ESC to EpiSC differentiation, this raised

279 the question of their importance for attainment of a primed pluripotent state. ESCs that delete

280 Sox2 differentiate to trophectoderm (Masui et al, 2007), while ESCs that continue expressing

281 high SOX2 protein levels during differentiation are biased towards neural fates (Zhao et al,

282 2004). To assess the effect of increasing the SOXB1 concentration upon differentiation, we

283 examined three clones overexpressing either SOX2 (Figure 6) or SOX3 (Figure 6 – Figure


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284 supplement 1), generated using the approach outlined in Figure 2A, When placed in an

285 EpiSC differentiation protocol, both SOX2- and SOX3-overexpressing clones showed

286 reduced expression of Oct4, Nanog and Nr5a2 transcripts as well as increased expression of

287 Sox1, Mash1 (the Ascl1 gene product) and Pax6 transcripts (Figure 6A; Figure 6- figure

288 supplement 1). Examination of SOX2-overexpressing clones in Activin/FGF showed neural-

289 like cellular morphology (Figure 6B) and III-tubulin-positive axonal processes (Figure

290 6C). These findings indicate that while high SOXB1 levels are tolerated by ESCs, a

291 decreased dosage of SOXB1 is essential for ESCs to transit effectively to an EpiSC state and

292 avoid ectopic neural differentiation.


294 To further assess the effect of reducing the SOXB1 concentration upon ESC differentiation,

295 ESCs lacking one Sox2 allele were examined. Initially, we compared ESCs previously

296 cultured in LIF/FCS or LIF/2i during neural differentiation induced by culture in N2B27

297 medium (Ying & Smith, 2003; Ying et al, 2003a). Our results indicate a more rapid induction

298 of a Sox1-GFP reporter and Sox1 mRNA from LIF/FCS cultures than from LIF/2i cultures

299 (Figure 7A). The Sox1-GFP kinetics from 2i/LIF cultures that we observe here agree with

300 those reported (Marks et al, 2012), although this study noted a slower induction of Sox1-GFP

301 from FCS/LIF cultures. However, as the timing of Sox1-GFP induction from FCS/LIF

302 cultures in previous studies from the same group (Ying et al, 2003a) was consistent with the

303 timings we report here, we initiated further differentiation experiments from LIF/FCS.

304 Expression of pluripotency markers Nanog and Nr5a2 was decreased in the neural

305 differentiation protocol, although with lower efficiency in Sox2fl/- ESCs than in control cells,

306 while Fgf5 was induced (Figure 7B). Strikingly, Sox1, Mash1 and Pax6 mRNAs were

307 induced in Sox2+/+ but not Sox2fl/- cells (Figure 7B), and an increase in Sox3 was not

308 sustained. These data indicate that a SOXB1 level above that present in Sox2fl/- cells is


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309 required to enable ESCs to undergo neural differentiation in vitro. Furthermore, the

310 expression of Fgf5 suggests that Sox2fl/- cells attain some aspects of an early post-

311 implantation identity (Figure 7B). This contrasts with the neural differentiation observed in

312 Sox2+/- embryos, suggesting compensatory mechanisms other than SOXB1 redundancy exist

313 in the embryo (Avilion et al, 2003; Rizzoti & Lovell-Badge, 2007; Favaro et al, 2009).


315 To eliminate the possibility that the neural differentiation defect in SCKO cells resulted from

316 a defect unrelated to Sox2, CRISPR/Cas9 was used to introduce indels in the Sox2 ORF in

317 E14Tg2a ESCs. Using independent sgRNAs, two Sox2+/- ESC clones were isolated. Clone

318 H2.1 carried an 8-bp deletion on one Sox2 allele; clone BH1.21 carried a 10-bp deletion on

319 one allele and a 3-bp deletion on the other allele (Figure 7 – Figure supplement 1A). Two

320 additional clones in which the Sox2 alleles were not modified (H2.14, H2.17) were used as

321 controls. The -8 and -10 deletions cause frame-shifts introducing stop codons, while the -3bp

322 deletion is likely to be functionally neutral as it occurs N-terminal to the HMG domain

323 (Figure 7 – Figure supplement 1B). Placing Sox2+/+ ESCs (H2.14, H2.17 and E14Tg2a) in

324 a neural differentiation protocol produced III-tubulin positive neurons. In contrast, no III-

325 tubulin positive cells were detected from parallel treatments of H2.1, BH1.21 and SCKO

326 Sox2+/- ESCs (Figure 7C). This establishes that the lack of a functional Sox2 allele impairs

327 effective neural differentiation of ESCs.


329 Neural differentiation of pluripotent cells is stimulated by FGF (Ying et al, 2003a; Ying &

330 Smith, 2003) and inhibited by both BMP and Nodal/Activin (Ying et al, 2003b; Vallier et al,

331 2004, 2009; Guo et al, 2009). To determine whether perturbations in these pathways could

332 overcome the neural differentiation defect of Sox2+/- ESCs, H2.1 and SCKO cells were


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333 placed in the neural differentiation protocol supplemented with either recombinant bFGF or

334 inhibitors of BMP or Nodal. Additional FGF, or inhibition of Nodal alone, was without

335 effect, while BMP inhibition resulted in only a few III-tubulin-positive cells. However,

+/- 336 simultaneous BMP and Nodal inhibition enabled Sox2 ESCs to form III-tubulin-positive

337 cells (Figure 7D). These results indicate that a reduction in SOX2 levels in ESCs enhances

338 the response of cells to endogenous BMP and Nodal signalling, preventing effective neural

339 differentiation.


341 To further investigate the effects of modulating SoxB1 gene dosage upon ESC

342 differentiation, Sox3-/Y ESCs were generated by CRISPR/Cas9 mediated gene deletion from

343 heterozygous Sox2fl/- ESCs (SCKO). PCR genotyping identified two Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y ESC

344 clones (#36 and #37) (Figure 8A). Quantitative transcript analysis showed that while Sox2fl/-

345 ESCs had an expected reduction in Sox2 mRNA and unchanged levels of Sox1 and Sox3

346 mRNAs compared to E14Tg2a ESCs, deletion of Sox3 from Sox2fl/- ESCs increased Sox1 and

347 surprisingly, also Sox2 mRNA to a level similar to that present in E14Tg2a ESCs (Figure

348 8B). These data suggest cross-regulatory interactions between SoxB1 members in which

349 SOX3 protein represses Sox1 and Sox2, either directly or indirectly, in ESCs (Figure 8B).

350 However, as Sox3 deletion in Sox2+/+ ESCs did not increase Sox1 and Sox2 mRNA levels

351 (Figure 3D) this suggests that the repressive effect of SOX3 on Sox2 is sensitive to the SOX2

352 protein concentration.


354 Next, the ability of Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y ESCs to transition to primed pluripotency was assessed by

355 passaging in Activin/FGF. Whereas Sox2fl/- EpiSCs could be successfully established and

356 maintained (Figure 4), Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y cells displayed a differentiated morphology within 2


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357 passages. Quantitative transcript analysis showed that in comparison to Sox2fl/- cells, Sox2fl/-;

358 Sox3-/Y cells induced less Fgf5 but more Mash1 and Pax6 (Figure 8C). These data suggest

359 that while primed pluripotency can be maintained in the absence of either Sox2 or Sox3, the

360 transition from a naïve ESC state to a primed EpiSC state does not occur effectively when

361 Sox3 is absent and the Sox2 gene dosage is halved. Notably, compared to Sox2fl/- ESCs,

362 Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y ESCs have the same Sox2 mRNA level as Sox2+/+ ESCs and Sox1 mRNA is

363 increased >10-fold (Figure 8B). Such an increase in Sox1 mRNA expression is sufficient to

364 enforce neural differentiation following LIF withdrawal (Zhao et al, 2004).


366 The increased levels of Sox1 and Sox2 mRNAs in LIF/FCS (Figure 8B), together with the

367 increased levels of neural differentiation markers during EpiSC induction of Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y

368 ESCs (Figure 8C), prompted us to examine the behaviour of Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y ESCs during

369 neural differentiation. While Sox+/- ESCs did not effectively undergo neural differentiation

370 (Figure 7), deletion of Sox3 from Sox2fl/- ESCs was sufficient to rescue neural differentiation

371 as judged by induction of Sox1, Mash1 and Pax6 mRNAs and of the βIII-tubulin protein

372 (Figure 8D, Figure 8 – Figure supplement 1). This is likely a secondary consequence of the

373 increase in Sox2/Sox1 mRNA expression in ESCs resulting from Sox3 deletion (Figure 8B).

374 The two Sox2+/+; Sox3-/Y ESC clones (Figure 3A) were able to differentiate into neural cells

375 with similar efficiency to parental cells as shown by induction of Sox1, Mash1 and Pax6

376 mRNAs (Figure 8 – Figure supplement 2) and appearance of βIII-tubulin-positive cells

377 (Figure 8 – Figure supplement 1).


379 These data demonstrate that altering the SoxB1 genetic composition by deletion of Sox3 and

380 elimination of one functional Sox2 allele induces a transcriptional de-regulation of the


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

381 remaining SoxB1 alleles. The increased mRNA levels of Sox1 and Sox2 are then sufficient to

382 rescue neural differentiation of Sox2fl/- ESCs but also impair the ability of Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y

383 ESCs to be captured as primed EpiSCs.



Corsinotti, Wong et al.

385 Discussion

386 Our examination of SoxB1 function in pluripotent cells extends previous findings that

387 SOXB1 proteins can act redundantly in ESCs (Niwa et al, 2016) and during somatic cell

388 reprogramming (Nakagawa et al, 2007) by showing that in EpiSCs, SOX2 and SOX3

389 proteins are functionally redundant within an altered PGRN. Functional redundancy implies

390 that we can consider the total SOXB1 complement as a key factor in the outcomes selected

391 by cells genetically engineered to express varying combinations of functional SoxB1 alleles.

392 In particular, a broad range of SOXB1 levels are tolerated by ESCs. However, upon exit from

393 naïve pluripotency, low SOXB1 levels permit entry to the EpiSC state, while high levels

394 enforce neural differentiation (Figure 9). We have also uncovered cross-regulatory

395 relationships between Sox3 and the other SoxB1 members, that we hypothesise act to

396 maintain an adequate SOXB1 level.


398 SOXB1 function in primed pluripotent cells is provided by SOX2 and SOX3

399 In ESCs Sox2 mRNA is expressed at much higher levels in ESCs than either Sox1 or Sox3,

400 and thus, in spite of redundancy, Sox2 can be considered to provide the dominant SOXB1

401 function in ESC pluripotency. However, even though Sox2 is also the most abundant Soxb1

402 transcript in EpiSCs, functional properties of the PGRN have changed. While Sox2 mRNA

403 levels in EpiSCs are lower than in ESCs, Sox3 levels are increased, and SoxB1 function is

404 provided redundantly by Sox2 and Sox3. Sox1 mRNA levels are also increased in these cells.

405 The ability of Sox1 or Sox3 to substitute functionally for Sox2 in ESCs might suggest that

406 Sox1 could also function redundantly with Sox2 to maintain EpiSCs. However, Sox1 may be

407 less relevant to pluripotency as, unlike Sox2 and Sox3, which are widely expressed in the

408 pluripotent postimplantation epiblast, Sox1 expression is uniquely associated with neural fate


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

409 in the epiblast (Wood & Episkopou, 1999; Uchikawa et al, 2011; Cajal et al, 2012); Figure

410 9). Indeed, Sox1 expression in EpiSC populations is associated with neural committed cells

411 (Tsakiridis et al, 2014).


413 SOXB1 redundancy in vivo

414 In the seminal Sox2 deletion study (Avilion et al, 2003) Sox2-/Y embryos fail to develop a

415 postimplantation epiblast. This was hypothesised to be due to the fact that neither Sox1 nor

416 Sox3 were expressed sufficiently at the time of embryonic failure and therefore no

417 redundantly acting SOXB1 protein could compensate for the SOX2 absence. Additional

418 instances of potential SoxB1 redundancy have been reported in vivo. Replacement of an

419 endogenous Sox2 allele with a Sox1 ORF produced no phenotype, suggestive of functional

420 interchangeability (Ekonomou et al, 2005). SOXB1 redundancy is likely to be evolutionarily

421 conserved since in the chick, Sox2 and Sox3 both promote development of ectoderm and

422 neurectoderm at gastrulation, although interestingly, in this case Sox3 expression occurs

423 before Sox2 (Acloque et al, 2011). Moreover, while genetic knock-ins have shown that

424 placement of Sox2 ORF at the Sox3 locus can rescue pituitary and testes phenotypes caused

425 by Sox3 deletion (Adikusuma et al, 2017), the effects on pluripotent cells were not assessed.

426 It is therefore interesting that while Sox3-/Y mice can be viable, on a 129 genetic background

427 they exhibit gastrulation-stage lethality (Rizzoti & Lovell-Badge, 2007; Adikusuma et al,

428 2017). This suggests that aspects of the regulation of SoxB1 expression that we show here to

429 be important in vitro could also contribute to strain-specific differences in the timing or

430 regulation of SOXB1 activity in vivo. Further studies will be required to establish the extent

431 to which SOXB1 proteins can substitute genetically for one another in pluripotent cells in

432 vivo.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.


434 Low SoxB1 levels permit entry to the EpiSC state

435 Our results indicate that the total SoxB1 transcript level in ESCs needs to be reduced to

436 enable entry into the EpiSC state rather than neural differentiation (Figure 9). Sox2+/- ESCs

437 placed in a neural differentiation protocol showed a reduced down-regulation of pluripotency

438 markers (Nanog and Nr5a2) and failed to induce markers of neural differentiation.

439 Surprisingly however, deletion of Sox3 from SCKO cells to produce Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y ESCs

440 restored neural differentiation capacity (Figure 8D). Moreover, placement of Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y

441 ESCs in an EpiSC differentiation protocol resulted in a skewing of differentiation towards a

442 neural identity as indicated by loss of Nanog, Nr5a2 and Fgf5 transcripts, and increase in

443 mRNAs for neural differentiation markers (Figure 8C). This paradoxical behaviour may be

444 explained by the fact that both Sox1 and Sox2 mRNAs increase upon elimination of Sox3

445 from Sox2fl/- ESCs (Figure 8B). Interestingly, reciprocal repression of Sox3 by Sox2 also

446 occurs in EpiSCs (Figure 4E). Unravelling the regulatory relationships between SoxB1 genes

447 is a relevant point for future studies.


449 High SOXB1 levels enforce neural differentiation

450 Previous results have shown that elevating SOX1 or SOX2 expression in differentiating ESCs

451 promotes neural differentiation (Zhao et al, 2004). In the present study, we showed that ESCs

452 with either elevated SOX2 or SOX3 self-renew efficiently. However when these cells were

453 placed in an EpiSC differentiation protocol, differentiation was skewed towards a neural

454 identity despite the presence of FGF and neural-antagonising Activin signals (Vallier et al,

455 2004, 2009). This indicates that enforced expression of SOXB1 proteins overrides the

456 signalling system that captures primed pluripotent cells in vitro.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.


458 Parallels between SOXB1 function during in vitro and in vivo neurogenesis

459 The dynamics of ESC differentiation in vitro towards neural and EpiSC states show

460 interesting parallels with early development in vivo (Figure 9). While ESCs and pre-

461 implantation embryos express only Sox2, early post-implantation embryos, and

462 differentiating ESCs, express Sox2 and Sox3 but not Sox1 (Wood & Episkopou, 1999;

463 Uchikawa et al, 2011; Cajal et al, 2012). At gastrulation stages, which are transcriptomically

464 similar to EpiSCs (Kojima et al, 2014), Sox2 and Sox3 are expressed widely in the epiblast.

465 As noted above, Sox1 expression is restricted to a subdomain within the Sox2/Sox3-positive

466 epiblast that overlaps extensively with the prospective brain (Wood & Episkopou, 1999;

467 Cajal et al, 2012), where early neural differentiation occurs in vivo. Thus the region

468 expressing all three SOXB1 members might undergo neural induction as a consequence of

469 expressing high levels of SOXB1 proteins, while the rest of the epiblast experiences lower

470 SOXB1 levels, enabling pluripotency to extend through gastrulation.


472 An interplay between SOXB1 function and anti-neural signals

473 Inhibition of both BMP and Nodal signalling rescues the neural differentiation ability of

474 Sox2+/- ESCs. These results suggest that Sox2+/- ESCs can initiate exit from naïve

475 pluripotency but cannot complete neural differentiation due to enhanced responses of cells to

476 endogenous anti-neuralising signalling by BMP and Nodal. The viability of Sox2+/- mice

477 (Avilion et al, 2003; Rizzoti & Lovell-Badge, 2007; Favaro et al, 2009) indicates that the in

478 vivo environment is able to overcome these anti-neural signals. In wild-type embryos, the

479 prospective brain is shielded from Nodal and BMP signalling by secreted inhibitors of these

480 pathways, including Cer1, Lefty1/2 (Perea-Gomez et al, 2002), Chrd and Nog (Bachiller et


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

481 al, 2000). Removal of either Nodal or BMP inhibition leads to absence of anterior neural

482 tissue. Interestingly, the cells that express these inhibitors (including the anterior visceral

483 endoderm and node) do not express SOXB1 proteins and are therefore likely to be

484 functionally unaltered in Sox2+/- embryos. The observation that the reduced SOXB1

485 concentration in Sox2+/- pluripotent cells is compatible with neural differentiation, provided

486 that endogenous anti-neuralising signals are blocked indicates that to fully understand how

487 the choice between neural and primed pluripotency is made, it will be necessary to elucidate

488 how the signalling environment connects to the SOXB1-driven transcriptional programme.



Corsinotti, Wong et al.

490 Materials and Methods

491 Cell culture

492 For a complete list of cell lines, their name, their genotypes and their original

493 characterisation, see Supplementary File 2. All the cell lines used in this study were

494 regularly tested for contaminations and were mycoplasma negative.

495 ESCs grown in LIF/FCS conditions were cultured on dishes coated with 1% gelatin (Sigma)

496 and in GMEM medium (Sigma) supplemented with 1x non-essential aminoacids (Life

497 Technologies), 1mM sodium pyruvate (Life Technologies), 2mM glutamine (Life

498 Technologies), 100U/ml human LIF (Sigma), 10% ESC-grade FCS (APS) and 100μM β-

499 mercaptoethanol (Life Technologies). G418 (200μg/mL, Sigma) was supplemented to

500 maintain SCKO ESCs.

501 To adapt ESCs into LIF/2i/N2B27 (Ying et al, 2008) (LIF/2i) or LIF/BMP4/N2B27 (Ying et

502 al, 2003b) (LIF/BMP) conditions, ESCs were replated in LIF/FCS on gelatin-coated plates

503 for 24 hours before changing the culture media to N2B27 medium (Ying & Smith, 2003)

504 supplemented with 100U/ml LIF, 1μM PD0325901 and 3μM CHIR99021 (Stemgent)

505 (LIF/2i) or 10ng/ml BMP4 (Life Technologies) (LIF/BMP). Cells were passaged for at least 4

506 passages before using for analysis.

507 EpiSCs were derived from LIF/FCS-cultured ESCs as described previously (Guo et al, 2009;

508 Osorno et al, 2012) and cultured on dishes pre-coated with 7.5μg/ml fibronectin without

509 feeders in N2B27 medium (Life Technologies) ActivinA (20ng/ml, Peprotech), bFGF

510 (10ng/ml, Peprotech). In brief, ESCs were plated at a density of 3×103 cells/cm2; the

511 equivalent of 30×103 cells per well of a 6 well plate. Medium was changed to Activin/FGF

512 conditions 24 hours after replating. Cells were passaged after 4-5 days in a 1:20 dilution for


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

513 the first 8-10 passages. Stable EpiSC lines were propagated by passaging in a 1:10-1:20

514 dilution.

515 For neural differentiation, ESCs were cultured with minor modifications as previously

516 described (Ying et al, 2003a; Ying & Smith, 2003). Briefly, ESCs were replated in LIF/FCS

517 on gelatin-coated plates for 24 hours before changing the culture media to N2B27 medium

518 (Life Technologies) only and allowed to grow for the indicated amount of time. When

519 indicated, cells were differentiated in the presence of bFGF (10ng/ml, Peprotech), LDN-

520 193189 (100nM, Stemgent) and/or SB-431542 (10μM, Calbiochem).


522 Sox2 deletion in ESCs and EpiSCs

523 Sox2 deletion in SCKO ESCs was performed similarly to previously described (Gagliardi et

524 al, 2013; Favaro et al, 2009). In brief, 107 SCKO ESCs grown in LIF/FCS conditions were

525 transfected using Lipofectamine 3000 (Life Technologies) with 6-15μg of transgene-

526 expressing plasmid the indicated test cDNA before replated in LIF/FCS at a density of

527 1.5×106 per 10cm dish cultured overnight in the presence or in the absence of 4-

528 hydroxytamoxifen (1μM, Sigma). Medium was changed 12 to 24 hours later to LIF/FCS

529 medium supplemented with Hygromycin B (150μg/mL, Roche). Transfected cells were

530 cultured for 8 to 10 days before they were stained for alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity

531 (Sigma). Stained colonies were scored based on the presence of AP-positive cells within the

532 colony. In parallel, unstained populations were expanded to generate cell lines before

533 genotyping by PCR.


535 SCKO EpiSCs were transfected with ptdTomato-T2A-Cre by lipofection (Lipofectamine

536 2000, Life Technologies). After 12-24 hours cells were sorted for tdTomato expression and


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

537 replated in the presence of ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632, Calbiochem) for 24 hours before

538 medium was changed to remove ROCK inhibitor. Clones were expanded before genotyping

539 by PCR.


541 CRISPR/Cas9 deletion of the Sox3 gene

542 Two sgRNAs were designed upstream of the ATG (sgRNA1) and downstream of the stop

543 codon (sgRNA2) using an online CRISPR Design Tool ( and

544 subsequently cloned in the BbsI-linearised pSpCas9(BB)-2A-GFP plasmid (Addgene 48138)

545 as previously described (Ran et al, 2013). sgRNA sequences used in this study are listed in

546 Suppl. Table 1. 106 E14Tg2a ESCs were co-transfected with 1μg of sgRNA1-encoding

547 plasmid and 1μg of sgRNA2-encoding plasmid using Lipofectamine 3000 (Life

548 Technologies) following the manufacturer’s instructions. 24 hours after transfection, GFP-

549 positive cells were sorted by FACS and replated at clonal density to allow the isolation of

550 single colonies. After 8-10 days, single ESC colonies were expanded and the Sox3 locus was

551 genotyped by PCR.


553 Indel induction and TIDE analysis

554 SgRNAs targeting the Sox2 or Sox3 ORF immediately upstream of the sequence encoding for

555 the HMG box were designed using an online CRISPR Design Tool (

556 The Sox2 sgRNA was subsequently cloned in the BbsI-linearised pSpCas9(BB)-2A-Puro

557 (PX459) V2.0 plasmid (Addgene 62988) as previously described (Ran et al, 2013). The

558 resulting plasmid, or the empty vector control, were then transfected using Lipofectamine

559 3000 (Life Technologies) into SCKO ESCs constitutively expressing either SOX1, SOX3 or

560 GFP. After 24 hours, ESCs were selected with a high concentration of 1.5μg/ml of


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

561 puromycin for 24 hours to enrich for transfected cells, and then expanded for 72 hours. For

562 Sox3 indel analysis, two individual sgRNAs were cloned in BbsI-linearised pSpCas9(BB)-

563 2A-mCherry that was obtained by fusing a 2A-mCherry cassette to the Cas9 CDS of the

564 eSpCas9(1.1) plasmid (Addgene 71814). 106 E14Tg2a (Sox2+/+), SCKO (Sox2fl/-), SKO1

565 (Sox2-/-) and SKO6 (Sox2-/-) EpiSCs were then transfected with 1μg of sgRNA-containing

566 plasmids or empty empty vector using Lipofectamine 3000 (Life Technologies). 48 hours

567 after transfection, mCherry-positive cells were FACS sorted, replated and expanded for 72

568 hours. Genomic DNA (gDNA) was extracted using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit (Qiagen)

569 following the manufacturer’s instructions. gDNA was PCR amplified using the Q5 HotStart

570 Polymerase (NEB) and primers flanking either the Sox2 sgRNA or Sox3 sgRNAs recognition

571 sites. Primers and sgRNAs used in this study are listed in Supplementary File 3. PCR

572 amplicons were purified and submitted for Sanger sequencing using the same forward primer

573 that they had been generated with. Sanger sequencing electropherograms were then submitted

574 for indel analysis with the TIDE tool (, (Brinkman et al, 2014))

575 using amplicons obtained from cells transfected with empty vector as reference sequences.

576 Indel analysis was performed using the default TIDE settings and a window of 27bp for

577 SCKO ESCs and Sox2 indel induction, and a window of 30bp for EpiSCs and Sox3 indel

578 induction. Indels with pvalue > 0.001 were scored as statistically significant.


580 PCR genotyping

581 Genomic DNA (gDNA) was extracted from cells using DNeasy kits (Qiagen) according to

582 the manufacturer’s recommended protocol. 100ng of gDNA was used per PCR reaction.

583 Primers used in this study are listed in Supplementary File 3.



Corsinotti, Wong et al.

585 Plasmid constructs

586 A mouse genomic BAC containing 5kb on either side of the Sox2 stop codon (Source

587 bioscience bMQ314D22) was shredded by pSC101-BAD-gbaA mediated recombineering

588 using the pACYC177 backbone comprising the p15-origin and β-lactamase gene to produce

589 pSox2-10kb. To construct the Sox2-T2A-H2B-tdTomato-IRES-Neo cassette, 89bp and 168bp

590 immediately upstream and downstream of, and excluding the Sox2 stop codon were PCR

591 amplified to serve as homology arms for recombineering. The 89bp upstream fragment has a

592 5’ Xho I site and a GSG-T2A sequence at the 3’ end containing an in-frame Fse I site that

593 preserves the T2A Gly-Pro residues and is followed by Not I, Pac I, Asc I, San DI, Bam HI,

594 Afl II, Nhe I, Cla I and Xho I sites. The sequence of this fusion is shown below:




598 The 89bp fragment was cloned into a PCR amplified, pUC19-derived 2kb minimal vector

599 comprising β-lactamase gene and Col E1 origin with 150nt flanking sequences and a single

600 Xho I site (pL). Individual features were PCR-amplified, flanked with unique sites and cloned

601 as follows: H2B-tdTomato was cloned in-frame between Fse I and Not I, using TAA stop

602 codon from Pac I; Gtx-IRES was cloned between Pac I and Asc I; neomycin

603 phosphotransferase (Npt) was cloned between San DI and Bam HI, using the TAA stop

604 codon from Afl II. The 168 bp downstream fragment is flanked with Nhe I at the 5’ side and

605 Cla I at the 3’ end and was cloned between Nhe I and Cla I (pL-Sx-5HTiN3).


607 To insert a selection cassette for use in recombineering and targeting, a linker was made by

608 annealing the following two oligonucleotides:


Corsinotti, Wong et al.



611 The linker was cloned into the Xho I site of a pTOPO-BluntII-derived, Zeocin-resistant

612 version of pL (pZ-Linker). A 3.6kb Bam HI fragment containing PGK-EM7-Npt-pA and

613 MC1-HSVtk-pA flanked by FRT sites (FNF) was subcloned from pBS-M179 (a kind gift

614 from Dr. Andrew Smith) into the Bgl II site of pZ-Linker (pZ-FNF), destroying the Bam HI

615 and Bgl II sites. This places an Afl II site on one side and Nhe I site on the other side of the

616 FNF cassette and these are used to subclone into pL-Sx-5HTiN3 to make pL-Sx-

617 5HTiNFNF3.


619 To make the targeting vector, a 7.1kb Xho I-Cla I fragment from pL-Sx-5HTiNFNF3 was

620 transfected into E. coli containing pSox2-10kb and pSC101-BAD-gbaA to replace the Sox2

621 stop codon by recombineering. Successful kanamycin-resistant recombinants carrying a 20kb

622 targeting vector (pSox2AHTiN-FNF-10kb) were amplified at 37°C to restrict pSC101-BAD-

623 gbaA replication and identified by diagnostic Bam HI digest.


625 The targeting construct was linearised, electroporated into E14Tg2a ESCs and G418 resistant

626 colonies expanded and genotyped by southern blot analysis as described below. The FRT-

627 flanked cassette was removed by transiently transfecting pPGK-FlpO into verified E14TG2a-

628 derived Sox2-tdTomato ESC clone 18 (TST18).



Corsinotti, Wong et al.

630 Overexpression constructs were generated by cloning open reading frames (ORFs) of

631 indicated Sox genes, preceeded upstream by the Kozak consensus sequence (GCCGCCACC),

632 into pPyCAG-IRES-Hyg vector between the XhoI and NotI sites (Chambers et al, 2003).

633 634 Southern blot analysis

635 40µg of genomic DNA were digested with Eco RI (5’ probe analysis) or with Hind III (3’ and

636 internal probe analysis) and assessed by Southern blot analysis using probes synthesised by

637 PCR from the oligonucleotides indicated in Supplementary File 3.


639 RNA level quantification

640 Total RNA was purified from cells using RNeasy mini kits (Qiagen) following the

641 manufacturer’s protocol. cDNA was prepared from 1μg of total RNA using SuperScript III

642 reverse transcription kits (Life Technologies) according to the recommended protocol and the

643 final cDNA solution was diluted 1:10 prior to use. 2μl of cDNA solution was used per

644 reaction with the Takyon Sybr Assay (Eurogentec). Primers used in this study are listed in

645 Supplementary File 3.


647 Microarray gene expression analysis

648 Total RNA (127ng/sample) from three independently replicated experiments was converted

649 into biotin-labelled cRNA using the Illumina TotalPrep RNA amplification kit (Ambion).

650 Microarray hybridization reactions were performed on a Mouse WG-6v2 BeadChip

651 (Illumina). Raw data were normalised in R using the beadarray (Dunning et al, 2007), limma

652 (Smyth, 2005) and sva (Leek & Storey, 2007) packages from the Bioconductor suite


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

653 (Gentleman et al, 2004). Briefly, low-quality probes were removed from the input and data

654 was then quantile-normalized. ComBat was used to account for batch effects (Leek & Storey,

655 2007) between microarrays run at different dates. Differential expression in the log2-

656 transformed data was assessed with the limma algorithms (Smyth, 2005). Probes were

657 considered differentially expressed if they showed a FDR-adjusted p-value of ≤ 0.1 and an

658 absolute log2 fold change ≥ log2(1.5). Primary analysis results were uploaded to GeneProf

659 (Halbritter et al, 2011) and mapped to Ensembl-based reference genes, collapsing multiple

660 probes for the same gene by picking the most responsive probe (i.e., the probe with the

661 highest absolute fold change across all pair-wise comparisons). Data are available in

662 Supplementary File 1. Raw and processed microarray data have been submitted to GEO and

663 are available to reviewers under accession code GSE99185

664 ( with reviewer access

665 token: qtmjkeoevvepxgr


667 Immunofluorescence staining

668 Cells were fixed with 4% PFA (10 mins, RT) and permeabilised using PBS/0.1% (v/v)

669 Triton-X100 (PBSTr) for 10 mins, before quenching with 0.5M Glycine/PBSTr (15 mins).

670 Non-specific antigens were blocked using 3% (v/v) donkey serum/1% (v/v) BSA/PBSTr (1

671 hour, RT) before incubating with primary antibody in blocking solution (4°C, overnight).

672 Cells were washed with PBSTr before incubating with donkey-raised secondary antibodies

673 conjugated with Alexa-488, -568 or -647 in blocking solution (1-2 hours, RT). DAPI (1-

674 2μg/mL, Molecular Probes) in PBS was added to cells for at least 30 mins before imaged

675 using the Olympus IX51 inverted fluorescent microscope. Primary antibodies used were: α-

676 SOX2 (Abcam ab92494; 1:400), α-NANOG (eBioscience 14-5761, 1:500) and α-OCT4


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

677 (Santa Cruz sc8628, 1:400), α-SOX3 antibody (ab42471, 1:400), α-βIII-tubulin (Covant,

678 MMS-435P, 1:1500).


680 Immunoblotting analysis

681 Cells were lysed with lysis buffer comprising 50mM Tris pH 8.0, 150mM NaCl

682 supplemented with fresh 0.5% NP-40, 0.5mM DTT, 1× protease inhibitors cocktail (Roche)

683 and 1.3μl of Benzonase (Novagen) (1 hour, 4°C). Concentrations of total protein extracts

684 were quantified with an adaptation of the Bradford assay (Bio-Rad) according to the

685 manufacturer’s recommended protocol. Samples were prepared by boiling 40μg of total

686 protein extract with Laemmli buffer (1:1 mix) (BioRad) in a total volume of 25μl for 5 mins

687 before chilling on ice (5 mins). Samples were analysed using Bolt™ 10% Bis-Tris+ SDS-

688 PAGE (Novex) and electroblotted onto 0.2µm pore Whatman-Protran nitrocellulose

689 membranes (Capitol Scientific) in transfer buffer comprising 25mM Tris/0.21M glycine/20%

690 methanol. Membranes were blocked using 5% (w/v) low-fat milk in 0.01% (v/v) Tween-

691 20/PBS (PBSTw) (1 hour, RT) before incubating with primary antibody in blocking solution

692 (overnight, 4°C). Membranes were washed with PBSTw before incubating with donkey-

693 raised secondary antibodies conjugated with IRDye 800CW (LI-COR 926-32213) and HRP-

694 conjugated α-βActin (Abcam ab20272, 1:10000) antibody in blocking solution (1 hour, RT).

695 HRP-staining was developed using a Super-signal West Pico kit (Pierce) (5 mins, RT) before

696 imaging the membranes using LI-COR Odyssey Fc imager. The primary antibodies used

697 were: α-Sox2 (Abcam ab92494; 1:1000) and α-Nanog (Bethyl A300-397A, 1:2000).


699 Embryo manipulation


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

700 Mice were maintained on a 12h light/dark cycle. All animals were maintained and treated in

701 accordance with guidance from the UK Home Office. Embryonic day (E)0.5 was designated

702 as noon on the day of finding a vaginal plug. Morula aggregations, blastocyst injections and

703 embryo transfer were performed using standard procedures. Chimeric, gastrulation-stage

704 embryos were collected at E7.5 and imaged using an inverted fluorescence microscopy

705 (Olympus IX51). Chimeric E9.5 embryos were fixed with 4% PFA at 4°C for 3h and

706 cryosectioned as described before (Wymeersch et al, 2016). Sections were stained for GFP as

707 described above.


709 Acknowledgements

710 We thank Emily Erickson and Christine Watson (Cambridge) for suggesting the use of TIDE

711 analysis; CRM Animal House, Microscopy Facility and FACS Facility staff for assistance;

712 Donal O’Carroll for comments on the manuscript. This research is supported by grants from

713 the Medical Research Council (IC and VW) and the Biotechnological and Biological

714 Sciences Research Council of the United Kingdom (IC) and by a Japan Partnering Award

715 from the Biotechnological and Biological Sciences Research Council (IC). FCKW was

716 supported by an MRC studentship and a Centenary Award; EM received an award from the

717 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

718 Figure Legends


720 Figure 1: Different roles of Sox2 in preimplantation and postimplantation pluripotency.

721 A. Expression of the Sox2-T2A-H2b-tdTomato (Sox2::HT) reporter from the

722 endogenous Sox2 allele in targeted TST18 cells. TST18 cells cultured in LIF/FCS/GMEMβ

723 were replated in LIF/2i/N2B27 or LIF/BMP4/N2B27 for 4 passages or in

724 Activin/FGF/N2B27 (Activin/FGF) for 9 passages, examined microscopically (top) and

725 assessed by flow cytometry (bottom); E14TG2a cells were represented as a grey dashed line.

726 B. Three gates (A-C) were used to purify cells for microarray analysis. Gate C captured

727 the Sox2::HT level in LIF/2i cultured ESCs. Gate B captured the overlapping Sox2::HT level

728 in LIF/FCS, LIF/BMP and Activin/FGF cultured cells. Gate A captured the lower Sox2::HT

729 level in Activin/FGF.

730 C. Principle component analysis of cells in different culture conditions, either unsorted

731 or sorted using the gates indicated by brackets.

732 D. Despite similar Sox2::HT levels, no differentially expressed genes (DEGs, FDR

733 =0.1) were common to LIF/FCS-low and Activin/FGF-high cell populations.

734 E. RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in ESCs (LIF/FCS, red bars) and

735 EpiSCs (Activin/FGF, cultured for 16 passages, blue bars). Transcript levels were normalized

736 to Tbp and plotted relative to ESCs (horizontal line). Error bars represent standard error of the

737 mean (n=3 to 4).

738 Figure 1 – Figure supplement 1.

739 A. Targeting T2A-H2b-tdTomato to the Sox2 locus stop codon yields the Sox2::HT

740 fluorescent reporter allele. The Sox2 ORF is represented by a blue box and the Sox2 UTRs


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

741 by beige boxes; homology arms are shown (red line). The Sox2::HT ORF is followed by

742 GtxIRES-Neo and an FRT-flanked PGK-Neo-pA (PNpA)/MC1-TK-pA (MTpA) selection

743 cassette. The FRT sites (cyan triangles), EcoRI sites (E), HindIII sites (H) and probes (black

744 boxes) used for Southern analysis are shown. Sizes of relevant fragments produced before

745 and after targeting and excision of the FRT-flanked cassette are indicated.

746 B. Southern analysis of TST cell lines expanded after G418 selection. FNF denotes lines

747 prior to excision of the FRT-flanked cassette.

748 Figure 1 – Figure supplement 2.

749 Imaging of E14Tg2a and TST (clone 18) ESCs for SOX2 by immunofluorescence (green)

750 and of Sox2::HT fluorescence (red); DAPI is grey. Scale bar, 100m. Trend line was plotted

751 between Sox2 and Sox2::HT average nuclear intensity (ANI) distributions of TST18 cells.

752 Correlation coefficient (PMCC, r2) is indicated for the trend line.

753 Figure 1 – Figure supplement 3.

754 TST (clone 18) cells transfected with a CAG-GFP constitutive reporter were aggregated with

755 isolated morulae and chimeric embryos assessed at the indicated stages for contribution of

756 TST18 cells. Transverse cryostat-sectioning of E9.5 chimeric embryos showed appropriate

757 restriction of Sox2::HT expression. Non-specific auto-fluorescence (cyan) was captured in

758 the far-red (647nm) channel. Scale bar, 100m.

759 Figure 1 – Figure supplement 4.

760 DEGs common to LIF/FCS-low and Activin/FGF-low were not associated to any gene

761 ontology (GO) terms using high-stringency GO term clustering analysis.

762 Figure 1 – Figure supplement 5.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

763 Common differentially expressed genes (DEGs, FDR=0.1) enriched in LIF/FCS-high,

2 764 LIF/BMP-high and DEGs positively correlated to Sox2 (r ≥0.9). DEGs listed in descending

765 order of fold-change between LIF/FCS-high and LIF/FCS-low cells.

766 Figure 1 – Figure supplement 6.

767 Microarray signal intensity of Sox family members in all sorted populations. Sample legend

768 and culture conditions refer to Figure 1C.


770 Figure 2: The ESC function of Sox2 can be substituted by SOXB1 and SOXG proteins.

771 A. Strategy for testing the ability of candidate Sox cDNAs to rescue ESC self-renewal

772 upon Sox2 deletion. Sox2fl/- (SCKO) ESCs were treated with 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen (4OHT) to

773 induce nuclear localisation of CreERT2 and consequent loxP-mediated Sox2 excision.

774 Simultaneous transfection of test cDNAs linked to hygromycin phosphotransferase via an

775 IRES (i) were tested for Sox2 complementation activity.

776 B. SCKO ESCs transfected with the indicated cDNAs were cultured in the presence of

777 hygromycin B and in the absence (−4OHT) or presence (+4OHT) of 4-hydroxyl-tamoxifen

778 for 8 days before being fixed and stained for alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity.

779 C. Stained colonies were scored based on AP+ (undifferentiated), mixed or AP−

780 (differentiated) morphology. Error bars represent standard error mean (n=3).

781 D. RT-qPCR analysis of the rescuing transgenes of Sox1-, Sox2- and Sox3-rescued

782 (S1R, S2R, S3R) in SCKO ESC populations grown in the presence of 4-hydroxyl-tamoxifen

783 as described in Figure 2A, B. RT-qPCR was performed using common primers designed

784 across the CAG intron upstream of the rescuing transgene. Values were normalised over Tbp

785 and expressed relative to S2R cells. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean (n=3).

786 Figure 2 – Figure Supplement 1.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

787 (TOP) Strategy for genotyping the Sox2 deletion by PCR. Primers a and b flank the position

788 of the loxP site 5’ to Sox2; primer c flanks the loxP site 3’ to Sox2. Amplification of wild-

789 type (WT) and βgeo targeted alleles produces a 250bp band whereas the loxP-flanked Sox2

790 allele (flox) produces a 400bp band. Upon Cre-mediated recombination, the deleted () allele

791 produces a 550bp band amplified by primers a+c. (BOTTOM) Wild-type E14Tg2a ESCs

792 (E14) exhibited only the 250bp band. SCKO ESCs exhibited both 250bp and 400bp bands

793 whereas Sox2-/- S1R, S2R and S3R ESCs retained the 250bp band and exhibited the 550bp

794 band corresponding to the deleted allele.

795 Figure 2 – Figure supplement 2.

796 Immunofluorescence staining of SOX2, NANOG and OCT4 in SCKO, S1R, S2R and S3R

797 ESCs. Scale bar, 100m.


799 Figure 3: Sox3 is dispensable for pluripotent cell maintenance.

800 A. Schematic representation of the Sox3 locus on the mouse X showing the

801 CRISPR/Cas9 strategy for the generation and genotyping of Sox3 knockout ESCs. The

802 positions of sgRNA1 and sgRNA2 used for the deletion of the Sox3 locus are indicated

803 alongside the positions of PCR primers used for genotyping.

804 B. PCR genotyping of parental ESCs (E14Tg2a), a wild-type clone (37) and two Sox3

805 knockout clones (S3KO8, S3KO35) after CRISPR/Cas9 targeting of the Sox3 locus. Band

806 sizes for the WT (~2kb) and the targeted (~600bp) allele are shown.

807 C. Alkaline phosphatase staining in Sox3 knockout (S3KO8, S3KO35) and WT (Clone

808 37 and E14Tg2a) ESCs grown at clonal density for 7 days.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

809 D-E. RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in wild-type E14Tg2a and Sox3-/Y

810 (S3KO8, S3KO35) ESCs (D) and EpiSCs (E) derived by serial passaging (>10 passages) in

811 Activin/FGF conditions. Error bars represent standard error of the mean (n=3).

812 F.-G. Immunofluorescence staining of SOX2 (F), SOX3 (G) and OCT4 proteins in

-/Y 813 E14Tg2a and Sox3 EpiSCs (S3KO8, S3KO35). Scale bar, 100m.

814 Figure 3 – Figure supplement 1.

815 RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in E14Tg2a and SCKO ESCs. mRNA levels

816 were normalised over Tbp. Error bars represent standard error of the mean (n=3).


818 Figure 4. Sox2 is dispensable for the maintenance of EpiSCs

819 A. Strategy for Sox2 deletion in EpiSCs. Sox2fl/- (SCKO) EpiSCs were transfected with

820 pCMV-tdTomato-T2A-Cre. After 12-24 hours cells were sorted for tdTomato expression and

821 re-plated in the presence of ROCK inhibitor. Clones were picked and expanded before

822 genotyping by PCR as indicated in Figure 1. SCKO EpiSCs were also transfected with

823 pCMV-tdTomato (lacking Cre). Expanded clones were numbered as indicated.

824 B. Immunoblot analysis of E14Tg2a, Sox2fl/- (SCKO) and Sox2-/- (SKO) EpiSCs showing

825 that SOX2 protein (red) is reduced in SCKO and absent in SKO EpiSCs. NANOG protein

826 levels (green) were unaffected. Protein levels (normalized to the βactin level) are graphed

827 below.

828 C. Bright-field morphology of E14Tg2a and SKO4 EpiSCs after 2 weeks (8 passages) in

829 culture. Scale bar, 100m.

830 D. Immunofluorescence staining of SOX2 and OCT4 in SCKO and SKO6 EpiSCs. Scale

831 bar, 100m.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

832 E. RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in E14Tg2a, Sox2fl/- (SCKO) and Sox2-/-

833 (SKO) EpiSCs. Clone numbers are indicated. Error bars represent the standard error of the

834 mean (n=2 to 3).

835 Figure 4 – Figure supplement 1.

836 RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in E14Tg2a grown in ESC (LIF/FCS)

837 conditions or differentiated in Activin/FGF conditions for two passages (13 days). mRNA

838 levels were normalised over Tbp and plotted relatively to ESC (LIF/FCS) values. Error bars

839 represent the standard error of the mean (n=3).


841 Figure 5. Sox3 indel analysis in Sox2-/- EpiSCs.

842 A. Schematic representation of the Sox3 ORF with the HMG box highlighted in dark

843 blue. The amino-acid positions of the HMG box relative to the start (ATG) codon of the ORF

844 are shown. The positions of the sgRNAs 1 and 2 used are represented as black bars.

845 B. Experimental design for Sox3 indel analysis in Sox2-/- EpiSCs.

846 C. Indel analysis performed using the TIDE tool ( in two

847 Sox2-/- EpiSC lines (SKO1 and SKO6), in the parental Sox2fl/- (SCKO) EpiSCs and in control

848 E14Tg2a EpiSCs using Sox3 sgRNAs 1 and 2. Histograms represent indel frequency and

849 size. Black bars indicate the frequency of unmodified (WT) alleles; grey bars indicate

850 significant in frame indels and red bars indicate significant out of frame indels (p<0.001). Not

851 significant (n/s, p≥0.001) indels are not shown.

852 Figure 5 – Figure supplement 1.

853 A. Schematic representation of the Sox2 coding sequence (ORF) showing the N-terminal

854 domain (N, pink), the HMG box (dark blue), two transactivation domains (TAD1/2, yellow)


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

855 and the serine-rich domain (green) (Gagliardi et al, 2013). The amino-acid positions of each

856 domain relative to the start (ATG) codon of the ORF are shown. The position of the sgRNA

857 used is represented as black bars.

858 B. Experimental rationale for the expected Sox2 indel pattern in Sox2fl/- ESCs (SCKO).

859 Figure 5 – Figure supplement 2.

860 Indel analysis performed using the TIDE tool ( in SCKO ESCs

861 expressing either Sox1, Sox3 or GFP transgenes. Histograms represent indel frequency and

862 size. Black bars indicate the frequency of unmodified (WT) alleles; grey bars indicate

863 significant in frame indels and red bars indicate significant out of frame indels (p<0.001). Not

864 significant (n/s, p≥0.001) indels are not shown.


866 Figure 6: Increased SOXB1 levels skew ESC differentiation towards the neural lineage.

867 A. Schematic diagram showing experimental plan. RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated

868 transcripts in SCKO cells stably transfected and rescued with a Sox2 transgene (12-24h prior

869 to a 24h treatment with 4OHT) (termed Sox2-rescued, S2R cells). Cells were grown in

870 LIF/FCS conditions or differentiated in Activin/FGF conditions for 13 days. Transcript levels

871 were normalized to Tbp and plotted relative to SCKO ESCs. Error bars represent standard

872 error of the mean (n=3 to 5).

873 B. Bright field images of the indicated cells maintained in LIF/FCS or differentiated in

874 Activin/FGF conditions (P2). Scale bar, 100m.

875 C. Immunofluorescence staining of the neural marker βIII-tubulin (cyan) in cells

876 differentiated in Activin/FGF conditions (P2); DAPI represented in grey. Scale bar, 100m.

877 Figure 6 – Figure supplement 1.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

878 RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in E14Tg2a cells, Sox2fl/- cells (SCKO), and

879 Sox2-/- S2R and S3R cells maintained in LIF/FCS or differentiated in Activin/FGF conditions

880 (P2). Transcript levels were normalized to Tbp and plotted relative to SCKO ESCs. Error bars

881 represent standard error of the mean (n=3 to 5).


883 Figure 7: Decreased SOX2 levels prevent ESC differentiation into neurons.

884 A. (top) Schematic diagram showing experimental plan for neural differentiation.

885 (middle) Sox1-GFP (Aubert et al, 2003) expression in 46C cells cultured in LIF/FCS (green)

886 or LIF/2i (purple) and for the indicated number of hours in N2B27 neural differentiation

887 medium were assessed by flow cytometry. The positive (+) gate was set above the GFP

888 expression level observed in 46C ESCs. The error bars indicate the standard error of the mean

889 (n=4). (bottom) RT-qPCR analysis of Sox1 mRNA level in 46C cells during neural

890 differentiation. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean (n=2).

891 B. RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in differentiating E14Tg2a (E14,

892 Sox2+/+) and SCKO (Sox2fl/−) cells. Transcript levels were normalized to Tbp. Error bars

893 represent standard error of the mean (n=3).

894 C. Immunofluorescence staining of the neural marker βIII-tubulin (green) in Sox2+/+

895 E14Tg2a (E14), H2.14 and H2.17 ESCs, and in Sox2+/- SCKO, H2.1 and BH1.21 ESCs

896 differentiated in N2B27 medium for 4 days; DAPI represented in blue. Scale bar, 100m.

897 D. Immunofluorescence staining of the neural marker βIII-tubulin (green) in Sox2+/-

898 SCKO and H2.1 ESCs differentiated in N2B27 medium for 4 days in the presence or in the

899 absence of the LDN-193189 BMP inhibitor (BMPi), of the SB-431542 Nodal inhibitor

900 (NODi) and of recombinant bFGF; DAPI represented in blue. Scale bar, 100m.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

901 A. Figure 7 – Figure supplement 1.Genotyping analysis performed four ESC clones

902 generated after transfection of CRISPR/Cas9 reagents to induce indels within the Sox2 ORF

903 in E14Tg2a ESCs. PCR amplicons surrounding the Cas9 cutting site were generated starting

904 from gDNA of the individual clones and submitted for Sanger sequencing.

905 Electropherograms containing possible indels were then analysed using the TIDE tool

906 ( Histograms represent frequency and size of deletions found

907 within the Sox2 alleles of the indicated clones. Black bars indicate the frequency of

908 unmodified (WT) alleles; grey bars indicate in frame indels and red bars indicate out of frame

909 indels. Clone H2.1 carries an out of frame 8-bp (8) on one allele and no deletion on the

910 other allele; clone BH1.21 carries an out of frame 10-bp (10) on one allele and an in frame

911 3-bp deletion (3) on the other allele; two clones that did not carry any deletion on either

912 Sox2 allele (H2.14 and H2.17) were also isolated as controls.

913 B. WT SOX2 aminoacid sequence aligned with the sequences produced by the mutated

914 Sox2 alleles in clones H2.1 and BH1.21 (as indicated). Bold blue font indicates residues

915 forming the HMG DNA binding domain of the protein; small font indicates mutated residues

916 and * indicates premature stop codons generated by the alleles containing out of frame indels;

917 - indicates the deleted serine (S) residue produced by the BH1.21 3 allele.


919 Figure 8: Sox2/Sox3 requirements during EpiSCs differentiation.

920 A. Genotyping analysis of the Sox3 locus in E14Tg2a (E14, Sox2+/+), SCKO (Sox2fl/-)

921 ESCs ( 2kb band) and in two Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y ESC clones (#36 and #37) derived after

922 deletion≃ of the Sox3 locus ( 600bp band). Gene targeting was performed following the

923 strategy depicted in Figure 3A.≃


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

924 B. RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in E14Tg2a ESCs (E14, Sox2+/+),

925 SCKO ESCs (Sox2fl/-) and in two Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y ESC clones (#36 and #37). mRNA levels

926 were normalised over Tbp and plotted relative to E14Tg2a. Error bars indicate the standard

927 error of the mean (n=3).

928 C. RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in SCKO cells (Sox2fl/-) and in two

929 Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y; Sox2fl/- clones (#36 and #37) grown in LIF/FCS condition and in

930 Activin/FGF conditions for 2 passages (P2). mRNA levels were normalised to Tbp and

931 plotted relative to ESC (LIF/FCS). Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean (n=3).

932 D. RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in SCKO cells (Sox2fl/-) and in two

933 Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y clones (#36 and #37) grown in LIF/FCS condition and in neural

934 differentiation medium (N2B27) for the indicated number of hours. mRNA levels were

935 normalised to Tbp and plotted relative to ESC (LIF/FCS). Error bars indicate the standard

936 error of the mean (n=3).

937 Figure 8 – Figure supplement 1.

938 Immunofluorescence staining of the neural marker βIII-tubulin (TUJ1, green) in the indicated

939 cells grown for 96 hours in neural conditions (N2B27 medium); DAPI staining represented in

940 blue. Scale bar, 100m.

941 Figure 8 – Figure supplement 2.

942 RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated transcripts in wild type E14Tg2a cells (Sox2+/+; Sox3+/Y)

943 and in two Sox2+/+; Sox3-/Y clones (S3KO8 and S3KO35) (see Figure 3) grown in LIF/FCS

944 conditions and neural differentiation medium (N2B27) for the indicated number of hours.

945 mRNA levels were normalised to Tbp and plotted relative to ESC (LIF/FCS). Error bars

946 indicate the standard error of the mean (n=3).


Corsinotti, Wong et al.


948 Figure 9: Dependence of cell fate potential of ESCs on the total SOXB1 concentration.

949 The overall SOXB1 concentration inferred from SoxB1 transcript levels in different SoxB1

950 mutant cell lines. Naïve ESCs self-renew in a wide range of SOXB1 concentrations.

951 However, only ESCs with approximately wild-type SOXB1 levels can differentiate towards

952 both primed EpiSCs and neural cells. ESCs with increased SOXB1 concentrations are poised

953 towards neural differentiation, preventing their capture as primed EpiSCs in FGF/ActivinA.

954 Decreased SOXB1 concentrations are insufficient to enable neural differentiation due to

955 increased activity of neural antagonists (BMP and Nodal). A further reduction in SOXB1 is

956 tolerated in the primed state due to SOX2/SOX3 functional redundancy but complete loss of

957 the predominant SoxB1 forms is incompatible with self-renewal of both naïve and primed

958 pluripotent cells.

959 Depicted below are diagrams of pre- (E3.5) and postimplantation (E5.5 and E7.5) mouse

960 embryos indicating the published expression patterns of SoxB1 mRNAs (Wood &

961 Episkopou, 1999; Uchikawa et al, 2011; Avilion et al, 2003; Cajal et al, 2012), and the areas

962 of BMP/Nodal signalling and inhibition during gastrulation (Constam & Robertson, 2000;

963 Bachiller et al, 2000; Kinder et al, 2001; Levine et al, 2006; Pereira et al, 2012; Norris et al,

964 2002; Lawson et al, 1999; Perea-Gomez et al, 2002).


966 Supplementary File 1

967 Microarray gene expression data described in Figure 1.


969 Supplementary File 2


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

970 List of the cell lines used in this study with their genotype and additional transgenes if

971 present.


973 Supplementary File 3

974 List of the PCR primers and sgRNAs used in this study.


Corsinotti, Wong et al.

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Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 2 - Figure supplement 2 Sox2 Nanog Oct4 DAPI




S3R Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 3

Sox3 locus, chr X C A S3KO8 S3KO35 ATG 144 212 Stop

Sox3 locus, chr X HMG box 3’UTR ATG 144 212 Stop

fwd sgRNA1 sgRNA2 rev HMG box 3’UTR

fwd sgRNA1 sgRNA2 rev

B E14Tg2aClone 37 (WT)S3KO8 S3KO35 Clone 37 (WT) E14Tg2a

2kb (WT)

600bp (KO)

DE LIF/FCS (ESCs) Activin/FGF (EpiSCs)

1.5 Sox2 1.5 anog 1.5 Oct4 (Pou5f1) 1.5 Sox2 1.5 Nanog 1.5 Oct4 (Pou5f1)

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

8 Sox3 30 Sox1 12 8 Sox3 30 Sox1 12 S3KO8 S3KO8 S3KO8T S3KO8 S3KO8 S3KO8T E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35

6 6 20 8 20 8

mRNA/Tbp/E14Tg2a ESCs 4 4

10 4 10 4 2 2

0 0 0 0 0 0

S3KO8 S3KO8 S3KO8 S3KO8 S3KO8 S3KO8 E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35 E14Tg2a S3KO35

F DAPI Sox2 Oct4 G DAPI Sox3 Oct4 E14Tg2a E14Tg2a S3KO8 S3KO8 S3KO35 S3KO35 Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 3 - Figure supplement 1

Sox1 Sox2 Sox3 10


0.100 mRNA/Tbp


0.001 E14 Tg2a SCKO

B A Corsinotti, Wong etal.Figure5 eCas9-2A- ATG Lipofection with sgRNA and mCherry ! ! as3days 2 days sgRNA1 4 212 144 sgRNA2 Sox3 ORF HMG Sorting of mCherry +ve cells

! ! gDNA extraction, TIDE analysis PCR and Stop ! ! C SKO6! SKO1! SCKO! E14Tg2a! (Sox2!/-; Sox3+/Y) (Sox2!/-; Sox3+/Y) (Sox2fl/-; Sox3+/Y) (Sox2+/+; Sox3+/Y)

% of sequences % of sequences % of sequences % of sequences 70 80 90 70 80 90 10 15 10 15 60 70 80 60 70 80 10 15 10 15 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 -18 -18 -18 -18 -15 -15 -15 -15 -12 -12 -12 -12 Sox3 sgRNA1

-9 -9 -9 -9 in frameindel(p<0.001) -6 -6 -6 -6 -3 -3 -3 -3 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 18 18 18 18

% of sequences % of sequences % of sequences % of sequences 80 90 10 15 60 70 80 10 15 60 70 80 60 70 80 10 15 10 15 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 -30 -30 -30 -30 out offrameindel(p<0.001) -27 -27 -27 -27 -24 -24 -24 -24 -21 -21 -21 -21 -18 -18 -18 -18 -15 Sox3 sgRNA2 -15 -15 -15 -12 -12 -12 -12 -9 -9 -9 -9 -6 -6 -6 -6 -3 -3 -3 -3 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 18 18 18 18 21 21 21 21 24 24 24 24 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 5 - Figure supplement 1 A Sox2 ORF ATG 34 121 Stop

N HMG TAD1 Ser rich TAD2



SCKO ESCs ! (Sox2fl/-)

Transfection of Sox2! sgRNA and eCas9

��No indel! In frame indel! Out of frame indel

+ Sox1 or Sox3 + GFP only! rescuing factor (no rescue)

TIDE analysis

No indel! No indel! In frame indel! In frame indel! Out of frame indel Out of frame indels are lost Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 5 - Figure supplement 2

Sox2 sgRNA

90 80 70 15


SCKO+GFP 5 % of sequences

0 0 3 6 9 -9 -6 -3 27 12 15 18 21 24 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12

80 70 60 15


% of sequences 5

0 0 3 6 9 -9 -6 -3 27 12 15 18 21 24 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12

80 70 60 15

10 % of sequences SCKO+Sox35 SCKO+Sox1

0 0 3 6 9 -9 -6 -3 27 12 15 18 21 24 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12

in frame indel (p < 0.001) out of frame indel (p < 0.001)

Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 6 - Figure supplement 1

Sox2 15 Sox3

1.0 10

5 SCKO Sox3-rescued LIFLIF/FCSLIF Ac Ac 0.0 0 Activin/FGF P2! 1.5 1.5 1.5 Oct4 (Pou5f1) anog 5a2

1.0 1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0 0.0 mRNA/Tbp/SCKO ESC 10 15 o a ash1 (Ascl1)



0 0 0 Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 7 20 AB-24h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h Nanog Nr5a2 2.0 15 E14 (Sox2+/+) ! ! 10 SCKO (Sox2fl/-) LIF/FCS (neural differentiation) 5 LIF/2i LIF/FCS 80 0 0.0 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 60 0.4 Fgf5 2.5 Sox2 Sox3

40 2.0 0.2

%GFP+ 1.5 20 0.2 1.0 0.1 0 0.1 0.5 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h mRNA/Tbp LIF/2i LIF/FCS 0.0 0.0 0.0 15 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h Sox1 0.25 Sox1 0.8 Pax6 0.25 ash1 (Ascl1) 0.20 0.20 10 0.6 0.15 0.15 0.4 5 0.10 0.10 mRNA/Tbp

mRNA/Tbp 0.2 0.05 0.05 0 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0.00 0.0 0.00 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h C Sox2+/+ Sox2+/- III-tubulin DAPI ) +/- III-tubulin Sox2 DAPI ) +/- III-tubulin Sox2 DAPI Wong, Corsinotti et al. Figure 7 - Figure supplement 1! A

! !10 !3 % of sequences % of sequences 3 6 9 3 6 9 -9 -6 -3 -9 -6 -3 % of sequences % of sequences 3 6 9 3 6 9 -9 -6 -3 -9 -6 -3



15 2.0 2.0 A B Sox1 Sox2 Sox3

1.5 1.5 10

E14 SCKO #36 #37 1.0 1.0

5 E14Tg2a (E14) (WT) 0.5 0.5 a b SCKOb (Sox2fl/-; Sox3+/Y) 2kb (WT) 0 0.0 0.0 E14 SCKO #36 #37 E14 SCKO #36 #37 E14 SCKO #36 #37 c 3 2.5 4 #36c (Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y) Nanog Nr5a2 Fgf5 b 2.0 #37c (Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y) 3 2 600bp (KO) 1.5 mRNA/Tbp/E14 2 1.0 1 1 0.5

0 0.0 0 E14 SCKO #36 #37 E14 SCKO #36 #37 E14 SCKO #36 #37 C EpiSC differentiation

1.5 Nanog 1.5 Nr5a2 100 Fgf5

80 1.0 1.0 60

40 0.5 0.5 20 a a LIF/FCSActivin/FGF (p2) 0.0 0.0 0 b SCKOb (Sox2fl/-; Sox3+/Y) SCKO #36 #37 SCKO #36 #37 SCKO #36 #37 b b 15 Sox1 103 Pax6 104 Mash1 (Ascl1) c c c #36c (Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y) b b 103 102 #37 (Sox2fl/-; Sox3-/Y) mRNA/Tbp/ESCs 10 c c 102 101 101 5 100 100

0 10-1 10-1 SCKO #36 #37 SCKO #36 #37 SCKO #36 #37

D Neural differentiation

1.5 Nanog 1.5 Nr5a2 40 Fgf5

30 LIF/FCSN2B27 fl/- fl/- +/Y WT 1.0 1.0 SCKSCKOO ( Sox2(Sox2; Sox3; Sox3) ) null 20 #36 ( Sox2(Sox2fl/-;fl/ Sox3-; Sox3-/Y) ) 0.5 0.5 null 10 #37 ( Sox2(Sox2fl/-;fl/ Sox3-; Sox3-/Y) )

0.0 0.0 0 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 4 Sox2 40 Sox1 150 Pax6 1500 Mash1 (Ascl1)

3 30 100 1000

mRNA/Tbp/0h 2 20

50 500 1 10

0 0 0 0 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 8 - Figure supplement 1

!III-tubulin DAPI !III-tubulin DAPI ) ) +/Y +/Y ! ! ; Sox3 ; Sox3 fl/- +/+ SCKO E14Tg2a Sox2 Sox2 ( ( ) ) -/Y -/Y ! ! ; Sox3 ; Sox3 #36 fl/- +/+ S3KO8 Sox2 Sox2 ( ( ) ) -/Y -/Y ! ! ; Sox3 ; Sox3 #37 fl/- +/+ S3KO35 Sox2 Sox2 ( ( Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 8 - Figure supplement 2

200 Sox1 2.0 Sox2

150 1.5

100 1.0

50 0.5 + ¡ E Sox2+ + )

0 0.0 -£¤ 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h ¢ £¢ )

20 Pax6 400 h1 Ascl1) -£ ¤ S O ¢ £¢ ) 15 300

10 200

5 100 mRNA/Tbp/0h 0 0 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 1.5 Nr5a2 2.0 Nanog 8 Fgf5

1.5 6 1.0

1.0 4

0.5 0.5 2

0.0 0.0 0 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h 0h 24h 48h 72h 96h Corsinotti, Wong et al. Figure 9 ESCs Neural cells

Sox2OE or Sox3OE

Sox2fl/-; Sox3null

Sox2+/+; Sox3WT Sox2+/+; Sox3null

BMP EpiSCs Sox2fl/-; Sox3WT Nodal Total SOXB1 concentration Total

Sox2-/-; Sox3WT

TE differentiation No self-renewal

Sox2-/-; Sox3WT Sox2-/-; Sox3null Preimplantation- Postimplantation- like like E3.5 E5.5 E7.5 Blastocyst Egg cylinder Late streak early bud

BMP Sox1 Sox3

Sox2 BMP Nodal Nodal