United States Patent [19] [11] 15 Re. 30,811 Dykstra Et A1
United States Patent [19] [11] 15 Re. 30,811 Dykstra et a1. [45] Reissued Dec. 1, 1981 [54] SUBSTITUTED PIPERIDINES 2,780,577 2/1957 Phillips et a]. .................. .. 424/267 THERAPEUTIC PROCESS AND 3,192,213 1/1965 Krapcho . .. 260/253 COMPOSITIONS 3,789,072 1/1974 Bernstein ...... .. 260/557 D 3,931,195 1/1976 Dykstra et a1. .............. .. 260/293.58 [75] Inventors: Stanley J. Dykstra; Joseph L. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Minielli, both of Evansville, Ind. 73 A. - ._ Mead J hnson 81 C a Lawson, J. Pharm. Ex p . Thera p ., 160, pp . 21-31 (1968). [ 1 ‘Slgnee Evansv?le in mm’ ‘W’ Krapcho et al., J. Med. Chem, 6, p. 219 (1963). ' Krapcho et al., J. Med. Chem, 7, pp. 376-377 (1964). [2!] Appl- NW 98.008 Krapcho et 31., .1. Med. Chem, 9, pp. 809-812 (1966). [22] Filed. No“ 28, 1979 Krapcho et al., J. Med. Chem, 12, pp. 164-166 (1969). Phillips, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, pp. 1850-1852 (1950). Related US. Patent Documents Primary Examiner—Stanley J. Friedman Reissue of. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Robert H. Uloth; Robert E. [64] Patent NO.I 4,064,254 Camha" Issued: Dec. 20, 1977 [57] ABSTRACT F531:A 1. N 0 .: 0cL734,583 21 1976 The compounds are of the heterocycltc, class of 2 v _ ’ phenethylpiperidines having an amido substituent in the U-5- APPl1cat1°I151 ortho position of the phenethyl moiety. Substituents in 160] Dlvisio" 0151?’ NO- 620-207’ Ocl- 3» 19751 Pa" N°~ the ortho position include formamido, benzamido, cin 4‘00Oé143' wh‘ch '5 agd‘wls‘gn 025:", No- 384'34l' Jul" namamido, 2-thiophenecarboxamido, alkanesul 31' 1.
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