Senate the Senate Met at 9:30 A.M
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2005 No. 149 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was appoint the Honorable JOHN E. SUNUNU, a JORDAN BOMBINGS called to order by the Honorable JOHN Senator from the State of New Hampshire, Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, yesterday E. SUNUNU, a Senator from the State of to perform the duties of the Chair. the world received the sobering news New Hampshire. TED STEVENS, President pro tempore. that a series of three explosions struck PRAYER Mr. SUNUNU thereupon assumed the Jordan’s capital city of Amman. At The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- chair as Acting President pro tempore. least 57 innocent civilians were killed in the immediate blast, and well over fered the following prayer: f Let us pray. 100 were wounded. Eternal Spirit, fountain of wisdom, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY In an apparently coordinated attack, reveal to us the path that leads to the LEADER terrorists targeted three large hotels fulfillment of Your will. Illuminate the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- that are frequented by Americans. In- minds of our Senators that they will pore. The majority leader is recog- deed, when I traveled to Jordan, I accomplish Your purposes. Thwart the nized. stayed at one of those hotels, as many plans of the enemies of peace. in this body have in the past. One of As Veterans Day approaches, we ask f the blasts occurred during a wedding You to give wisdom to our military SCHEDULE party of over 300 guests. We have seen people in harm’s way that they will be Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, today, fol- over the course of the night and the instruments of Your providence. Lord, lowing the 1 hour for morning business, morning those pictures displayed on hasten the day when peace will reign. we will resume work on the Depart- television. Empower the citizens of this Nation ment of Defense authorization bill. On behalf of the Senate and the to live with integrity so that You will Under the agreement reached last American people, I express my heart- hear our prayers and heal our land. night, we have two rollcall votes to felt condolences to the victims, their Give us wisdom today to see what we begin at 11:30 this morning. The first families, and the Jordanian people. I ought to do, courage to begin it, fidel- vote is on Senator TALENT’s amend- condemn in no uncertain terms the ity to continue it, and skill to com- ment relating to C–17s, and the second perpetrators of this grievous attack. It plete it. vote is in relation to the Dorgan is an attack on all free peoples. It is an We pray in Your powerful Name. attack on civilization. Together, we Amen. amendment on a special committee. Yesterday, we made good progress on will help the Government of Jordan, if f the bill, and we will finish the bill requested, to hunt down the criminals PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE today. responsible for this egregious event and bring them to justice. The Honorable JOHN E. SUNUNU led In addition to a couple amendments the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: already pending, there are only a few Throughout the global war on ter- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the remaining amendments in order to be rorism, Jordan has been our steadfast United States of America, and to the Repub- offered. Senators should be prepared to partner, a reliable partner of our coun- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, offer those amendments this morning. I try. King Abdullah has bravely spoken indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. hope we can finish this bill at a reason- against Islamic terrorism and extre- f able time today. I encourage the two mism in the Arab world. Under his leadership, Jordan has demonstrated APPOINTMENT OF ACTING managers to move forward with the bill their commitment to peace, stability, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE if Senators do not show up to offer their amendments. We must finish the and moderation. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Defense bill today, along with three ap- Yesterday’s violence against the Jor- clerk will please read a communication propriations conference reports that danian people is another reminder of to the Senate from the President pro are now at the desk. I do not expect a the indiscriminate brutality and vi- tempore (Mr. STEVENS). great deal of debate on those con- cious nature of the terrorist enemy. The legislative clerk read the fol- ference reports, but we will need to My Senate colleagues and I renew our lowing letter: schedule rollcall votes on each. call on the international community to U.S. SENATE, Having said that, we will have a full redouble its efforts to defeat the ter- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, day of voting to finish our work, but rorists and dismantle their networks. Washington, DC, November 10, 2005. To the Senate: with the cooperation of Senators, we Defeating terrorism is the duty of all Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, can complete our work at a reasonable civilized nations. It is the challenge of of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby time today. our age. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S12631 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:39 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S10NO5.REC S10NO5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S12632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 10, 2005 The United States stands shoulder to vilians first and soldiers second. They providing a representative form of gov- shoulder with the people of Jordan dur- are our doctors and our business men ernment, and stabilizing that area of ing this difficult time. We share their and women, plumbers, farmers, teach- the world. The 116th from Idaho, these grief and their determination to bring ers. Yet they have all answered their tremendous civilian soldiers, partici- the killers to justice. country’s call to action during this pated in that, and I must tell you that Mr. President, I yield the floor. time of need. The skills these civilian in representing the largest deployment f soldiers bring to the table have proven from the State of Idaho that has ever to be invaluable as our soldiers work happened to our National Guard, we RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME side by side with the Iraqi people to re- stand as Idahoans today tremendously The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- store the critical infrastructure, estab- proud of the work they did. pore. Under the previous order, leader- lish a thriving economy, and promote a The good news is, they are coming ship time is reserved. free and prosperous system of govern- home, and most of them will be home ment. for Thanksgiving. We will be glad to f Earlier this year, I had the privilege, see them back with their families and MORNING BUSINESS once again, to visit Iraq—it was my back in their communities and re- second time while we have been en- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- assuming their civilian lives and doing gaged there in the war on terrorism— pore. Under the previous order, there that not only for the Idaho National fulfilling a promise I had made to the will now be a period for the transaction Guard but for all guardsmen and re- 116th as I and the delegation and the of morning business for up to 1 hour, servists around the country. As chair- Governor saw them off now over a year with the first half of the time under man of the Veterans’ Affairs Com- ago. So I was extremely proud to be the control of the majority leader or mittee, working with the Secretary of there and to see this phenomenally en- his designee and the second half of the the VA, holding hearings in Idaho and thusiastic civilian soldier in his or her time under the control of the Demo- other places around the country, we work area as they did what they do so cratic leader or his designee. want to make sure that this transition very well in a very courageous and The Senator from Idaho. back into civilian life is as seamless as skillful manner. possible. f These civilian skills not only were These are men and women who have 116TH BRIGADE COMBAT TEAM IN essential to provide the security for been at war. To simply step out of a IRAQ the Iraqi people, but they also provided war zone and step into their commu- the essential ongoing construction ef- nity is not going to be an easy task. Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, tomorrow forts. I was humbled to have that op- Yet that is exactly what a civilian cit- and through the weekend, we will be portunity to meet with these fine izen soldier does. Whether it is the celebrating Veterans Day. I thought it young men and women on the battle- Idaho 116th or whether it is the tens of was appropriate that I come to the field in Iraq and to express the grati- thousands of other guards men, women, Chamber this morning for two pur- tude of the people of the State of Idaho and reservists around the country, we poses. First, as chairman of the Vet- and our Nation for these efforts. owe them a phenomenal debt of grati- erans’ Affairs Committee in the Sen- I also have enormous respect for tude for the work they have done.