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Full Global Comprehensive media coverage in the Americas, including the US (National Circuit), Canada and Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe (including saturated coverage of Central and Eastern Europe), Middle East, and Africa. Distribution to a global mobile audience via a variety of platforms and aggregators including AFP Mobile, AP Mobile and Yahoo! Finance. Includes Full Text translations in Arabic, simplified-PRC Chinese & traditional Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesia (Bahasa), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese based on your English-language news release. Additional translation services are available. Full Global Der Standard Thomson Reuters OSCE Secretariat All Europe Die Furche Magazines & Periodicals Information Technology Albania Die Presse New Business GMBH Newspapers Heute Belarus 24 Orë Hrvatske Novine Profil Newspapers Albanian Daily News Kleine Zeitung Trend BDG Gazeta 55 Kurier Television Belarus Today Gazeta Ballkan Neue Kronen Zeitung ATV Belarusky Riynok Gazeta Shqip Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung ORF Belgazeta Gazeta Shqiptare Neues Volksblatt Radio Television Autrichienne - Gomel'skaya Pravda Integrimi Niederösterreichische APA Minskij Kurier Koha Jone Nachrichten Servus TV Narodnaya Gazeta Metropol Oberösterreichische ServusTV Nasha Niva Panorama Nachrichten Radio Respublika Rilindja Demokratike Gazete Osttiroler Bote Antenne Oesterreich - Radio Telegraf Shekulli
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