Politische Bildung Citizenship Education in Germany from Marginalization to New Challenges
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Country Report 118 Politische Bildung Citizenship Education in Germany from marginalization to new challenges Steve Kenner Leibniz University Hannover Keywords: (iti)en!*i% education, !c*ool develo%ment, democrac-, %artici%ation - .nal-!i! of different conce%t! and t*e /a!ic %rinci%le! of citi)en!*i% education in 0erman- - 1e!ult! fo a 2ualit- re!earc* on t*e con!titutional !tatus of citi)en!*i% education - Dea/te a/out citi)en!*i% education and neutralit- - 3ar4inali)ation of citi)en!*i% education a! a %ro/lem in !c*ool! - (*allen4e! for citi)en!*i% education: inclusion, %arti)i%ation, di4itali)ation Purpose: 6*e ai, of t*i! %a%er i! to de!cri/e t*e !tate of current citi)en!*i% education in 0erman- 7it* t*e focus on education in !c*ool!. 6*e ter, 8education9 in t*i! %a%er refer! to t*e conce%t of Bildun4. It not onl- de!cri/e! *o7 to teac*, /ut al!o t*e a/ilit- of !elf-determination of t*e individual. Methodology: 6*e main focus of t*i! article i! to di!cu!! t*e current !tate of citi)en!*i% education in 0erman- 7*ile ta;in4 into account various ,et*odolo4ie!. .,on4!t t*e!e are findin4! of 2ualitative !tudie!, 7*ic* for e<a,%le relate to t*e le4al anc*orin4 of citi)en!*i% education or to %olitical action a! a learnin4 o%%ortunit-. In addition, a co,%re*en!ive anal-!i! of t*e !tate=of=t*e=art re!earc* on t*e /a!ic %rinci%le! of citi)en!*i% education i! %rovided. Finall-, current c*allen4e! are di!cus!ed, ta;in4 into con!ideration e<i!tin4 !ocio"%olitical di!cour!e!, !uc* a! t*e 2ue!tion of neutralit-. indings: 6*e article !*o7! t*at t*e relevance of citi)en!*i% education i! increa!in4, al!o in re4ard to current !ocio"%olitical %*enomena, !uc* a! t*e 4ro7t* of ri4*t"7in4 %o%uli!, and di4itali)ation. .t t*e !a,e time, t*e re!ult! indicate t*at in various federal !tate! t*e !ub ect i! mar4inali)ed and t*reatened /- current de/ate! a/out t*e alle4ed JSSE neutralit- of citi)en!*i% education. Journal of Social Science ! "#$%&'(C$"&# Education Vol. 19, No. 1 (2020) De,ocrac- i! t*e onl- !tate-con!tituted !ocial order t*at need! to /e learned a4ain and DOI 10.4119/ !!e-161$ a4ain. 6*i! a%%lie! not onl- to c*ildren /ut al!o to adole!cent!, -oun4 adult! and elderl- %%. 118-135 Corresponding author: Ste+e ?enner, In!titute for Didactic! of De,ocrac- (IDD) / (enter for Inclu!i+e (iti)en!*i% (CIN() /oth at @ei/ni) Ani+er!ity Banno+er, (allin!tr. 20, 30167 Banno+er, 0er,an-, E,ail: ;ennerDcinc.uni"*anno+er.de Politische Bildung 119 indi+idual! (cf. Ne4t 201$, %. 21). Democrac- *a! to /e learned continuou!l-. Bo7e+er, t*i! doe! not i,%l- acce%tin4 t*e e<i!tin4 %olitical !-!te, 7it* it! current !ocio"%olitical relation! of %o7er and aut*orit-. In!tead, t*i! under!tandin4 of citi)en!*i% education i! /a!ed on t*e conce%t of maturit- E3ündi4;eitG of 6*eodor H. .dorno. Be e,%*a!i)ed t*at t*e 4oal of education EBildun4G i! maturit- and doe! not !to% at %roducin4 I7ell-ad usted %eo%leJ (.dorno, 19C1/19##, %. 109). .imin4 for a mature citi)en doe! not nece!!aril- entail %roducin4 a %oliticall- active citi)en. .lt*oug* ever-one i! e2uall- entitled to %artici%ate, it i! u% to t*e individual *o7 t*e- ma;e use of it. Bo7ever, *i! deci!ion not onl- re2uire! t*e ri4*t to %artici%ate /ut al!o t*e a/ilit- to %artici%ate. Bence, t*e 0erman re!earc*er Si/-lle 1ein*ardt de!cri/e! citi)en!*i% education a! %art of relevant 4eneral education 7*ic* must not /e c*aracteri!ed /- privater Beliebigkeit (%rivate ar/itrarine!!) (1ein*ardt, 201$, %. 1#). .! a con!e2uence, citi)en!*i% education i! of %rime i,%ortance in t*e 0erman education !-!tem. Even t*ou4* e<tracurricular citi)en!*i% education al!o %la-! a central role, t*i! article 7ill focus on !c*ool a! a %lace of learnin4 democrac- (?enner K Lan4e , 2019). 6*e !econd c*a%ter 7ill clarif- t*e ;e- ter,!. Bere, citi)en!*i% education i! cla!!ified in re4ard to t*e various field! of activit- (!c*ool !u/ ect, t*e ta!; of all !c*ool !u/ ect!, and !c*ool %rinci%le) (c*a%ter 2). 6*en, current de/ate! on t*e /a!ic %rinci%le! of !ucce!!ful citi)en!*i% education (c*a%ter &) 7ill /e !ummari)ed. (*a%ter 4 %rovide! an outline of t*e !i4nificance of citi)en!*i% education in 0erman- in re4ard to it! con!titutional 4roundin4. Sub!e2uentl-, t*e current !ocio"%oliticall- virulent 2ue!tion 7ill /e rai!ed5 H*at I! (iti)en!*i% Education .llo7ed to DoL (c*a%ter ') (*a%ter! one to five de!cri/e t*e nece!!it- of 4ood and co,%re*en!ive !c*ool" /a!ed citi)en!*i% education. (*a%ter # outline! t*e mar4inali)ation of citi)en!*i% education in t*e !tudent!M timeta/le! /a!ed on t*e late!t e,%irical findin4! concernin4 t*e !i4nificance of t*e !u/ ect. :- 7a- of e<a,%le, t*e c*a%ter al!o !*o7! t*at citi)en!*i% education a! a !c*ool !u/ ect in 0erman- i! in con!tant co,%etition 7it* ot*er no+el !u/ ect! !uc* a! et*ic! and economic!. Finall-, current c*allen4e! for citi)en!*i% education in 0erman- are identified and reflected u%on (c*a%ter C). 6*e follo7in4 2ue!tion! are *i4*li4*ted5 IH*at demand! are %laced on inclusive citi)en!*i% education in t*e mi4ration !ociet-LN (c*a%ter C.1), I6o 7*at e<tent can citi)en!*i% education ta;e u% %olitical %artici%ation a! a learnin4 o%%ortunit-LN, al!o in re4ard to t*e 4ro7in4 -out* ,ove,ent! (e.g. Frida-! for Future) (c*a%ter C.2), and IBo7 doe! citi)en!*i% education ada%t to di4ital c*an4eLN (c*a%ter C.&). 6o cla!!if- t*i! countr- re%ort, it i! nece!!ar- to %oint out t*at in t*e Federal 1e%u/lic of 0erman-, around '0 re!earc* in!titution! or c*air! for politische Bildung (%olitical education) are anc*ored at univer!itie! 7*ic* i! %ro/a/l- a uni2ue c*aracteri!tic t*rou4*out Euro%e. 6*i! field of re!earc* i! *etero4eneous and %ur!ue! different a%%roac*e!. 6*i! article i! mainl- !*a%ed /- ,et*odolo4ie! fro, kritische politische Bildung (critical %olitical education, !ee c*a%ter &), t*e 7or; at t*e Institut für Didaktik der De okratie (In!titute of Didactic! of De,ocrac-) and t*e (enter for Inclusive (iti)en!*i% ((IN() /ot* at Lei/ni) Aniver!it- of Banno+er. One of t*e c*allen4e! %olitical educator! are facin4 in 0erman- i! t*e diver!it- of t*i! di!ci%line. variet- of ter,! and conce%t! circulate 7it*in t*e field of re!earc* and %ractice of citi)en!*i% education. 6*us, an atte,%t 7ill /e made to outline t*ree a%%roac*e! t*at are currentl- di!cus!ed inten!ivel-. ) C"$"*E#S+"P E'(C,$"&# – M,#. C&#CEP$S/ &#E ,"M0 (iti)en!*i% education de!cri/e! an inte4rative %roce!! of education to maturit- E3ündi4;eitG 7*ic* emanate! fro, t*e !u/ ect and i! /a!ed on /a!ic democratic value! !uc* a! freedo,, e2ualit-, ustice, and !olidarit-. In t*e academic di!cour!e, various definition! and conce%t! in t*e field of citi)en!*i% education are continuousl- di!cus!ed contro+er!iall-. 6*i! c*a%ter 7ill not focus on different terminolo4-, /ut rat*er on different conce%t! t*at e<i!t for ac*ievin4 a Politische Bildung 120 common educational 4oal. Hit* !olitische Bildung (Oolitical Education) and Demokratiep"dagogik (Democrac- Oeda4o4-), t7o different a%%roac*e! *a+e /een e!ta/li!*ed in 0erman- (cf. Oo*l, 2009), 7*ic* differ %articularl- in re4ard to education in !c*ool!. In t*e follo7in4, an atte,%t 7ill /e made to unite t*e!e t7o contro+er!ial %er!%ective! under t*e umbrella of citi)en!*i% education in an under!tandin4 of !c*ool! a! %lace! of @earnin4 for Democrac- (?enner K Lan4e, 2019). 6*e %oint of reference for citi)en!*i% education i! not onl- t*e e<i!tin4 democratic !-!te,, /ut t*e citi)en!M a/ilit- to !ee t*roug* t*e 4iven order, !tandard! and nor,!, to reflect, to c*an4e, to critici)e, and to !*a%e it in 7a-! t*at t*e- con!ider ade2uate. 6*erefore, citi)en!*i% education can not /e affirmative - it inevita/l- *a! to /e critical. (cf. i/id) 6o ac*ieve t*i! 4oal, it i! %o!!i/le to rel- on t*e /a!ic %rinci%le!, e!ta/li!*ed t*roug* decade! of re!earc* in t*e field of %olitical education.