Curriculum Vitae


Address: Department of Economics, School of Business, Monash University , Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, 46150, Malaysia. Tel: +603 55144908 (Office); +6013-3810266 (h/p) Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Monash profile:

RESEARCH INTERESTS Financial Economics, Applied Economics, Business Economics, Sustainable Development, Higher Education.

EDUCATION BACKGROUND 1. GCHE, Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Monash University, 2014. 2. Ph.D., Financial Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2007. 3. M.Ec, Industrial Economics, Universiti Malaya, 2001. 4. B.A.ed (Hons), Economics, University Science Malaysia, 1999. 5. Diploma in Accounting, L.C.C.I . (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry), 1996.

ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS ( )  Associate Professor, Monash University Malaysia (2017 –).  Senior Lecturer, Monash University Malaysia (2010 – 2016).  Lecturer, Monash University Malaysia (2008 - 2009).  Lecturer, (2000 - 2008).  Taiwan Fellowship, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (April-June 2017).  Visiting scholar, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (15-23 December 2018).  Visiting Professor, Soka University, Japan (7 May - 24 July 2016).  Visiting Researcher, University of Queensland, (15 March – 15 April 2016).  Visiting Researcher, Deakin University, Australia (1-14 March 2016).  Visiting Researcher, Monash University, Australia (February 2016).  Visiting Professor, Helsinki School of Business, Finland (12-23 Nov 2012; 3-14 June 2013).

EDITORIAL  Editor, Cogent Economics & Finance (2017 -).  Editorial Board, Corporate Governance: An International Review (2018 - ).  Editorial Reviewer Board, Corporate Governance: An International Review (2009 -2018).  Editorial Review Board, Management and Organization Review (2015 - ).  Editorial Board, Water Conservation Science and Engineering, Springer Nature, Switzerland AG (2019 - ).  Editorial Advisory Board, Chinese Studies (2020-).  Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Contemporary Issues and Thoughts (2011-)  Editorial Board, International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies (2019-) Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Contemporary Issues and Thoughts (2011-) .  Oxford Advisory Board ( ), Essentials of Managerial Economics Theory & Application (South East Asian Edition) (Feb 2012), Oxford Fajar, a subsidiary of Oxford University Press.  Committee Member, EXCO, Malaysian Finance Association (2019-2021).


Professional Memberships

1. Executive Committee Member (EXCO), Malaysian Finance Association (2019-2021). 2. American Economic Association (member since 2008). 3. Canadian Economics Association (2015-2018). 4. International Association for Chinese Management Research (member since 2015). 5. Monash Institute of Graduate Research (MIGR) (Academic Membership since Aug 2012). 6. Malaysian Economic Association (Life member since 2005). 7. Malaysian Finance Association (Life membership since 2019). 8. International Statistical Institute (2015-2016). 9. Malaysian Social Science Association (Life member since 2008). 10. Early career researcher (ECR) Monash University (2013-2017).


 Dean’s Blue Letter 2020, achievement of overall satisfaction score, ECM5953 (Economics), Monash University Australia.  Best Reviewer Prize Award 2019; 2012. Corporate Governance: An International Review (Awarded: 8 April 2020).  Engagement, Innovation, and Impact (EII) Award 2018 for Research Impact, awarded by Monash University, Malaysia, Dec 2018.  Department of Economics Teaching Prize Award 2018 for outstanding unit evaluations in ECM5921 “Introduction to International Economics”.  Department of Economics Teaching Prize Award 2018 for outstanding unit evaluations in ECW2721 “Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange”.  Long Service Award 2018, awarded by Monash University Malaysia, Dec 2018.  Visiting Fund, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, TW$ 45,000, Dec 2018.  Best Paper Award, The International Conference on Applied Economics and Policy 2017, University Malaya, Aug 21-22, 2017.  Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award, Energy Economics, Nov 2017.  Research Fund, Soka University, Japan, JPY150,000, May-July 2016.  Visiting Researcher Grant, The University of Queensland, Australia, $2,580, March – May 2016.  Best Reviewer Prize Award 2012, Corporate Governance: An International Review.  Pro-Vice-’s Award for Excellence in Research, Monash University Malaysia (2012, Rounds 1&2)  Pro-Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Monash University Malaysia (2009, Rounds 1&2, 2010 Round 2, 2011 Rounds 1&2).  Department of Economics Teaching Prize 2013 for Excellent Teaching and Learning in ECC1100 (Principles of Microeconomics), Monash University Australia.  Department of Economics Teaching Award 2009 for Outstanding Unit Evaluations in ECW2731 (Managerial Economics), Monash University Australia.  Department of Economics Teaching Award 2011 for Outstanding Unit Evaluations ECW2731 (Managerial Economics), Monash University Australia.  Best Research Paper Award, -ASEAN Symposium 2012, International Congress on Innovation and Regional Economic Development, Hefei, 2-3 Dec 2012.  Best Paper Award 2010: Management, People, Knowledge & Organizations (Academy of International Business-MENA 2010), Dubai, 10-13 Dec 2010.  Research Supervisor Accreditation Program 2010 (Levels 1 & 2), Monash University Australia.  DIISR Research Fund Distribution Award 2010, Monash University Malaysia.  Best Presenter Award 2009, The Global Business & Economics Research Conference, Istanbul.  Silver Medal Award for the invention/innovation at Invention Exhibition, Research and Innovation, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2009.  Dean’s Award for Best Publications 2008, Multimedia University, Malaysia.  Bronze Medal Award for the invention/innovation, Research Management Centre (RMC) Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2006. Title: Monetary Conditions Index (MCI) and Economic Performance in Malaysia.



 MalaysiaKini. Stimulus plan: Economists laud household and wage subsidies, hope for prudent rollout, 28 March 2020.  MalaysiaKini. Economists: Loan moratorium a relief but SMEs need more to weather income loss, 25 March 2020,  MalaysiaKini. Economists foresee recession, digitisation a silver lining, 26 March 2020,  Postgraduate Prospectus 2020 – Featured lecturer, Monash University Malaysia, Page 20.  Invited by Reserve Tank Sdn Bhd & Geometry to deliver script for CIMB Sound of a Nation Case Study This video shooting is for an award video submission to Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, a global event for creative communications industry, 30 March 2019.  Malaysiakini. Experts, consumer groups concur with minister's 'rent first, buy later', 4 April 2017,  The Sun Daily, Postgrad Focus. River and fish pollution in Malaysia, 28 March 2017, page 16.  The Star, Featured. River pollution and public health, 15 Nov 2016.  Media exposures – Interview by Seikyo Shimbum on Education, Tokyo, 2016 July 11.  Media exposures – Research Grant Awarded by the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) ( at & China Press at [News release on 29 Oct 2013].  Media exposure - broadcast in TV3 program (Majalah 3) [18/11/2013].


1. Herath, G., & Poon W.C. (2019). Comments on U.S.-China Trade War: Potential Trade and Investment Spill- overs into Malaysia, by Tham S.Y, Kam A.J.Y., and Tee B.A. (2019). Asian Economic Papers, 18(3), 138- 140. 2. Rangel, G.J., Ng, J.W.J., Murugasu, T., and Poon W.C. (2019). Measuring Malaysian Housing Affordability: The Lifetime Income Approach, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 12(5), 966-984. 3. Cheong, A., Sandhu, M. S., Edwards, R., & Poon W.C. (2019). Subsidiary knowledge flow strategies and purpose of expatriate assignments. International Business Review, 28(3), 450-462 (ABDC: A-ranked). 4. Rangel, G.J., Ng, J.W.J., Murugasu, T., and Poon W.C. (2019). A micro-level view of housing affordability in Malaysia using an age cohort-housing type analysis. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 56(1), 1- 22. 5. Lee C.C & Poon W.C. (2018). Wealth transfers in rights offerings and the protective instruments. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 14(3), 335-357. (ABDC: Tier A). 6. Hasanov, A.S., Poon W.C., Al-Freedi, A. & Heng Z.Y. (2018). Forecasting volatility in the biofuel feedstock markets in the presence of structural breaks: A comparison of alternative distribution functions. Energy Economics, 70, 307-333. (ABDC: Tier A*). 7. Yang, L., Tjiptono, F., & Poon W.C. (2018) Will You Fly with This Airline in the Future? An Empirical Study of Airline Avoidance after Accidents. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(9), 1145-1159. (ABDC: Tier A). 8. Lee, C.C., Poon W.C., & Sinnakkannu, J. (2018) Selection bias and the underwriter certification of the largest shareholders in seasoned equity offerings. International Review of Finance, 18(2), 217-251. (ABDC Tier A). 9. Chuah, L.L., Poon W.C., & Guru, B.K. (2018). Uncertainty and private investment decision in Malaysia. Modern Applied Science, 12(9), 71-86. (ERA 2010: Tier A) 10. Poon W.C. & Leeves, D. G. (2017). Research output: evidence from economics departments in the Asia- Pacific region. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 22(4), 604-620. (ERA 2010: Tier A). 11. Poon W.C. & Leeves, D. G. (2017). Is there gender gap unequivocally? Evidence from research output 1958-2008. Scientometrics, 111(3), 1687-1701. (ABDC: Tier A). 12. Poon W.C., Herath, G., Sarker, A., Masuda, T., Kada, R. (2016). River and fish pollution in Malaysia: An ergonomics perspective. Applied Ergonomics. 57, 80-93. (ERA 2010: Tier A*). 13. Joshanloo M., Rizwan M., Khilji I. A., Ferreira M. C., Poon W.-C., Sundaram S., Ho L. S., Yeung V.W.-l., Han G., Bae J., Demir M., Achoui M., Pang J. S., Jiang D.-Y., Lamers S. M. A., Turan Y., Lepshokova Z. K., Panyusheva T., Natalia A., Asano R., Igarashi T., & Tsukamoto S. (2016). Conceptions of happiness and 3

life satisfaction: An exploratory study in 14 national groups. Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 145-148. (ABDC: Tier A). 14. Rachagan, S., Marshall,S., Poon W.C., Satkunasingam, E. (2015). Board Diversity - Lessons from Malaysia". International Journal of Corporate Governance. 6(2-4), 194-216. (ABDC: Tier B). 15. Leeves, G.D. and Poon W.C. (2015). Chinese universities economic research output 2000-2010. Journal of Asian Economics, 40, 1-9. (ERA 2010: Tier A). 16. Joshanloo, M., Weijers, Dan, Jiang, D., Han, G., Bae, J., Pang, J.S., Ho, L.S., Ferreira, M.C., Demir, M., Muhammad, R., Khilji, I.A., Achoui, M., Asano, R., Igarashi, T., Tsukamoto, S., Lamers, S.M.A., Turan, Y., Sundaram, S., Yeung, V.W.L., Poon W.C., Lepshokova, Z.Kh., Panyusheva, Panyusheva, T., & Natalia, A. (2015). Fragility of happiness beliefs across 15 national groups. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(5), 1185-1210. (ABDC: Tier B). 17. Narayan, P.K., Sharma, S., Poon W.C. & Westerlund, J. (2014). Do oil prices predict economic growth? New global evidence. Energy Economics, 41, 137-146. (ABDC: Tier A*) 18. Lee C.C., Poon W.C., & Jothee, S. (2014). Why are rights offers in Hong Kong so different? Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 26, 176-197 (ABDC: Tier A) 19. Sandhu, M.S. & Poon W.C. (2014). Relationship between individual cultural values and knowledge sharing in selected multinational companies in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Economics. 13(1), 1-24. (ABDC: Tier B) 20. Poon W.C. (2014). Monetary conditions in the Philippines: An assessment from DOLS and ARDL. Journal of Asia Pacific Business, 15(4), 290-306. (ERA 2010: Tier B) 21. Joshanloo, M., Lepshokova, Z. Kh., Panyusheva, T., Natalia, A. Poon, W.C., Yeung, V.W., Sundaram, S., Achoui, M., Asano, R., Igarashi, T., Tsukamoto, S., Rizwan, M., Khilji, I., A., Ferreira, M.C., Pang, J.S., Ho, L.S., Han, G., Bae, J., & Jiang, D. (2014). Cross-cultural validation of fear of happiness scale across 14 national groups. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(2), 246-264. (ABDC: Tier A) 22. Poon, W.C. & Lee, Y.S. (2014). Inflation Targeting in ASEAN-10. South African Journal of Economics. 82(1), 141-157. (ABDC: Tier B) 23. Poon W.C., Yap A.K.H. and Lee T.H (2013). The Outcome of Politically Connected Boards on Commercial Bank Performance in Malaysia. Modern Applied Science, 7(1), 35-50. (ERA 2010: Tier A). 24. Poon. W.C. & Hooy C.W. (2013) Exchange Rate Volatility, Exchange-Rate Regime and Trade in OIC Countries. Journal of Asia Pacific Business, 14(3), 182-201. (ABDC: Tier B) 25. Poon W.C. and Lee C.K.C. (2012). E-service quality: An empirical investigation, Journal of Asia Pacific Business, 13(3), 229-262. (ABDC: Tier B) 26. Poon, W.C. (2011). Monetary policy stance for ASEAN-five: The ARDL approach. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, 7(2), 93-103. (ABDC: Tier B) 27. Poon W.C. (2008). Users’ Adoption of E-banking Services: the Malaysian Perspective. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 23(1), 59-69. ( ABDC: Tier A) 28. Low, K.L.T. and Poon W.C. (2008). The utilization of fuzzy logic in corporate governance assessment in business economics. International Journal of Corporate Governance, 1(2), 146-161. DOI: 10.1504/ijcg.2008.020628 (ABDC: Tier B) 29. Poon W.C. and Low K.L.T (2005). Are travellers satisfied with Malaysian hotels? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 17(3), 217-227. (ABDC: Tier A) 30. Poon W.C. and Yong D.G.F. (2005). Comparing satisfaction levels of Asian and Western travellers using Malaysian Hotels. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 12(1), 64-79. (ABDC: Tier B) 31. Poon W.C., Choong C.K. and Muzafar S. H. (2005). Exchange Rate Volatility and Export for Selected East Asian Countries: Evidence from Error-Correction Model. ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 22(2), 144-159. (ERA: Tier B) 32. Poon W.C., Low K.L.T. and Yong D.G.F. (2004). A study of the Web-Based Learning (WBL) Environment in Malaysia. The International Journal of Educational Management. 18(6), 374-385. (ABDC: Tier B) 33. Low K.L.T., Seetharaman, A. and Poon W.C. (2001). What Do Institutional Investors Want? Evidence from Malaysia. Corporate Governance International, 4(4), 23-35. (ABDC: Tier B)


1. Poh, P.E., Wu, T.Y., Lam, W.H., Poon, W.C., & Lim, C.S. (2020). Waste Management in the Palm Oil Industry. Switzerland AG: Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-39549-0 2. Poon W.C. (2015). Malaysian Economy. Third Edition. SJ Learning. Selangor, Malaysia. ISBN- 978-967- 12649-3-5 (Paperback), ISBN- 978-967-12649-4-2 (hardcover). 3. Poon W.C. (2008). Malaysian Economy. Second Edition. Pearson Education, Prentice Hall. Selangor, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-3927-12-8. 4

4. Poon W.C. (2004). The Development of Malaysian Economy. Pearson Education, Prentice Hall. April. ISBN983-2639-89-1.


1. Herath, G. & Poon W.C. (2021). Chapter 31 Rural tourism in Asia: Evaluating the challenges to maximise benefits to rural communities, in Sandeep Kumar Walia. The Routledge Handbook of Community Based Tourism Management: Concepts, Issues & Implications. Routledge. ISBN 9780367223915. 2. Sarker, A., Poon W.C., & Herath, G. (2018). Chapter 11, Natural Resource Use, Institutions, and Green Ergonomics, in Thatcher, A., and Yeow, P.H.P. (eds), Ergonomics and Human Factors for a Sustainable Future; Current Research and Future Possibilities (p.271-297). Palgrave Macmillan, published by Springer, Pte Ltd., ISBN: 978-981-10-8071-5. 3. Khong, R.W.L. & Poon W.C (2014). ASEAN Islamic Banks: Level of Efficiency and Productivity, in Jothee Sinakkannu, M.Nair and Lee H.Y. (eds), Islamic Business: Contemporary Issues and Economic Development. (p.125-150). LexisNexis. ISBN: 9789674002312. 4. Poon, W.C., Rajapakse, J., & Siew E.G. (2012). Economic Impact of the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: A Theoretical Framework. In Yair Holtzman.(Ed), in Advanced Topics in Applied Operations Management, pp.15-30. Intech Open Access Publishing. ISBN 978-953-51-0345-5. 5. Poon W.C. & Gamini Herath (2012). Institutional Issues in the Provision of Water and Sanitation Services in Malaysia. In Gamini Herath, in Institutional Aspects of Water Management: Evaluating the Experience (pp.193-214). NY, U.S.: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-61470-395-2. 6. Poon W.C., Low L.T.K. & Yong G.F.D (2004). Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of a Web-Based Learning (WBL) Environment: An Assessment from the Malaysia Perspective. In Morgan, K., Brebbia, C.A., Sanchez, J., and Voiskounsky, A. (Eds.), Human Perspectives in the Internet Society: Culture, Psychology and Gender (pp.479-488). Southampton, Boston: WIT Press. ISBN: 1-85312-726-4.


 PhD supervisions

1. Lee Chin Chong (Main supervisor), Monash University (Completed). 2. Chuah Lay Lian (Associate supervisor), Monash University (Completed). 3. Balamurugan Nallamuthy (Main supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 4. Eugene Lim Wei-Hsiung (Main supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 5. Cheng Fang Ling (Main supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 6. Yong Kuan Chen (Main Supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 7. Tan Han Chong (Main supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 8. Pratiba Narayanasamy (Main supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 9. Lua Hooi Ming (Associate supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 10. Firdous Mohd Farouk (Associate supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 11. Geetha Maniam (Associate supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 12. Lim Chean Shen (Associate supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 13. Dora Lawrencia (Associate supervisor), Monash University (On-going).

 MPhil/ Master in International Business supervisions 14. Ho Sze Yin (associate supervisor), Multimedia University (Completed). 15. Yap Chin Fook (associate supervisor), Multimedia University (Completed). 16. Vivian Goh (Main supervisor), Monash University (Completed). 17. Tan Han Chong (Main supervisor), Monash University (On-Going)

 Master In International Business supervisions 18. Vivian Goh (Main supervisor), Monash University (Completion).

 Honours Supervisions 19. Tan Min Hong (Associate supervisor), Monash University (On-going). 20. Lee Yong Shen (main supervisor), Monash University (Completed). 21. Fathima Nabeelah Yoonoos (main supervisor), Monash University (Completed). 22. Saw Yeong Hoong (main supervisor), Monash University (Completed). 5

23. Tang Kee Chong (main supervisor), Monash University (Completed). 24. Stephen B. Choo Wei-Jye (Associate supervisor), Monash University (Completed). 25. Cheng Fang Ling (main supervisor), Monash University (Completed). 26. Nur Suraya Abdul Hamid (main supervisor), Multimedia University (Completed). 27. Rusiha Abd Rasid (main supervisor), Multimedia University (Completed). 28. Zulaikha Mohd Basir (main supervisor), Multimedia University (Completed). 29. Ong Tee Pei (main supervisor), Multimedia University (Completed). 30. Liw Teik Leong (main supervisor), Multimedia University (Completed). 31. Yee Yen Lu (main supervisor), Multimedia University (Completed). 32. Nurazreena Azizan (main supervisor), Multimedia University (Completed).

 Postgraduate Diploma Supervision 33. Yong Kuan Chen (main supervisor). Monash University (Completed).



Journal (International)  Corporate Governance: An International Review, Energy Economics, Emerging Markets Review, Energy Policy, Economic Papers, South African Journal of Economics, Economic Modelling, Journal of Asian Economics, Studies in Economics and Finance, Cogent Economics & Finance, Cogent Business & Management, Habitat International, Advance Science, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Information Systems, Journal of Asia Pacific Business, Energy Policy, Economic Papers, Global Journal of Political and International Relations, International Journal of Social Economics, International Journal of Economic Policy Studies, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, International Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Journal of Ergonomics, etc.

Journals (Regional)  Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, International Journal of Management Studies, Social & Management Research Journal, Asian Academy of Management Journal, International Journal of Economics and Management.

Conference:  Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2020, 10th Asian Academy of Management International Conference, 14th Malaysian Finance Association Conference, USM-AUT International Conference, 8th Asian Academy of Management International Conference, 9th Asian Academy of Management International Conference.

E-Book:  Bentham Science Publishers (2009). Book title: Rule Developing Experimentation: A Systematic Approach to Understand & Engineer the Consumer Mind.

Book chapter:  Thatcher, A., and Yeow, P.H.P. (eds) Ergonomics and Human Factors for a Sustainable Future; Current Research and Future Possibilities. Palgrave Macmillan, published by the registered company Springer, Singapore Pte Ltd.

THESIS EXAMINATION/ EXTERNAL EXAMINER/ EXTERNAL MODERATOR/ READER 1. External Moderator: DBA Program, Help University (2019) 2. External Examiner, DBA, Viva Voce Oral Examination, Help University (2019). 3. External Examiner, PhD thesis, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) (2019). 4. External Examiner, Master Viva Voce, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) (2018 & 2019). 5. External Examiner, Master Dissertation, University Malaya (2018). 6. External Examiner, PhD Viva Voce, (2018). 7. External examiner (Group), University Sains Malaysia (2017). 8. External Examiner, PhD Viva Voce. Asia e University (2016). 9. External examiner, DBA Thesis, Southern Cross University (2014). 6

10. Examiner, Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (CTIM) Professional Examination, (2014 - current). 11. External Examiner, MBA Dissertation, Multimedia University (2008). 12. Reader, PhD, Asia e University (2013). 13. Examiners, , set final exams for two units: 1) Malaysian Economy, 2) Mathematical Economics (2012). 14. External Moderator, Bachelor of Economics (Hons) program, HELP University (2015- 2017). 15. Module leader, University Technology Malaysia, SPACE Executive Diploma Programs (Economics), (2008-2009).

Conference Organizing Committee  Organizing committee (Program; Session Chair). Malaysian Financial Association Conference, MFAC 2020 Nov 17-20.  Scientific reviewer for the Human Factors & Sustainable Development Technical Committee (HFSD TC) session tracks, The 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA2021), Vancouver.  International Technical Committee, 10th International Conference on Business and Economics Research (ICBER 2020), Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China, July 15-17, 2020.  Scientific Committee Member, International Conference on Business, Commerce and Management Studies (BIZCOM 2020), , Malaysia, 12–13 March 2020.  Chair, 12th Doctoral Research Colloquium, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia, 17-20 July 2019.  Committee member, International Conference on Internet-Business: Business Trends, Systems and Education, Multimedia University (2007).  Organizing committee (Programme and Speaker), Regional Development International Conference and Exhibition: Building the Foundation for Regional Development, Multimedia University (2008).  Organising Committee, International Conference on Climate Change and Natural Disasters in Asia: Emerging Food Security and Eco-Health Issues”, Monash University Malaysia & Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan (2013).  Organising Committee, International Conference on Sustainable Development: What Have We Learnt after 30 years? Monash University Malaysia (2014).  Scientific Programme Committee, International Statistical Institute - Regional Statistics Conference (ISI- RSC 2017), 21-24 March 2017, Bali. Committee-(SPC)  Technical Committee members, International Ergonomics Association (IEA) (2016-current)  Technical Committee members, 8th International Conference on Economics, Business and Management (ICEBM 2017), Townsville, Australia, 17-19 Nov 2017.  Technical Program Committee, The 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Conference 2017.  Conference Advisory Board, International Congress on Pervasive Computing and Management (ICPCM 2009 & ICPCM 2010).

Discussant/ chair o Chair, Monetary and Financial Policy session, 9th International Conference of the Japan Economic Policy Association, 27-28 Nov 2010. o Chair, Understanding the Macroeconomics Issues and Policy session, International Statistical Institute Regional Statistics Conference, Central Bank of Malaysia, 16-19 Nov 2014. o Discussant, Eleventh International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association (EAEA), Philippines, 15-16 Nov 2008. o Discussant, 3rd Bank Negara Malaysia Economics Research Workshop - The ASEAN Economic Community: Vision, Opportunities and Challenges, Central Bank of Malaysia, 9 Nov 2015. o Discussant, International Conference on “30 years after Doi Moi Policy in ”, Research Center of Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 29-30 June 2017.

Workshop Organizer  Organised Applied Panel Data Analysis Workshop, 25-26 June 2012.  Organised SEM-PLS Research Workshop, 1-2 July 2015.


Workshop Facilitator  Invited to be facilitator for Panel Data Analysis Workshop, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, 2017 Jan 12- 13.  Invited to be facilitator for Time Series Econometric Workshop, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, 2016 Nov 14.  Assisted facilitator to conduct SPSS workshop, 26-27 Sept 2018

Research Grant Assessor  Panel Reviewer, Ministry of Education research fund (National level) (2019).  RMC Evaluation Panel, External Research Grant (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, Monash University Malaysia (2017; 2018; 2019).  RMC Panel Swinburne University of Technology, Fundamental Research Grant S (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education (2019).  RMC Panel Universiti Teknologi Petronas, FRGS, Ministry of Higher Education, (2017).  Research Grant Programme Panel expert, Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) (2012-2014).  Chair, Working Party on Research Grant Recommendation Exercise (2010-2011).  Chair, Working Party on Research Grant Final Deliberation Exercise (2011-2012).  Committee member, Research Grant Recommendation Exercise (2009-2015).  Committee member, Working Party on Final Deliberation Exercise (2009-2015).

As invited speaker in Symposium/Forum/ Conference/ Faculty Research Seminar

 Invited Speaker, “Survival tips: Research and publication experience”, Multimedia University, 26 Nov 2020.  Invited Speaker, Macroeconometric Modelling Workshop 2019, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-6 December 2019.  Keynote Speaker, Symposium for postgraduate students, “Shareholder participation and wealth transfers associated with open offers”, Department of Finance, National Chung Cheng University, Chia- yi County, Taiwan, 13 December 2019.  Plenary Speaker, Research Colloquium, Asia e University, 12 Jan 2019.  Guest speaker, Seminar, Instutute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 18 December 2018.  Guest Speaker, PhD Program on Strategy and Development of Emerging Industry, National Chi-Nan International University, 12 December 2018.  Commentator, ECR Seminar and Workshop Series 6/2018, “Handling students' complaints: A psychological safety perspective", Monash University Malaysia, 4 Dec 2018.  Presenter, Professorial Advisory Group (PAG) Lunchtime Talk Series Pechakucha, “The improbable of Cobb-Douglas Utility Function”, Monash University Malaysia, 28 June 2018.  Invited speaker, Taiwan Fellowship Forum 2018, Jointly organized by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Malaysia (TECO) and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), 15th May, 2018  Guest speaker, “Be Fearless, Be Bold” event, “Economics: why your future depends on it?”, Berjaya University College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 March 2018.  Invited speaker, “Do institutional innovations matter in growth-remittances nexus? Evidence from Malaysia”, National Ocean University, Taipei, Taiwan, 8 Dec 2017.  Invited speaker, Macroeconometric Modelling Workshop, MMW2017. Topic: “Oil trade balance, Income and remittances: An empirical investigation for developing countries”, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Dec 7-8, 2017 [Fully sponsored by Academia Sinica].  Research Seminars, the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Topic: “Do institutional quality matter in growth-remittance nexus: Evidence from Malaysia”, June 27 2017.  International Conference on Social Science, Literature, Business and Education, Vienna, Austria, 17-18 March 2017.  Speaker/facilitator, “Understanding the Socio-Cultural Linguistic Milieu of Malaysia", jointly organized by the Institute of Professional Development (IPD), Open University Malaysia, and Soka University, Japan, 3 March 2017.  GA21 Research Seminar Series 2/2017, “Remittances, Institutional quality, and economic growth in Malaysia”, Monash University Malaysia, 10 August 2017.  Guest speaker, Young Entrepreneurs International Business Symposium 2015, "Young Entrepreneurship - leading with aspiration", Bukit Intan Kiara, Selangor, 12 April 2015 (for 200 youth delegates from high performance schools from , Japan, Philippines, Kazakhstan, and Malaysia). 8

 Guest speaker, Faculty's Research Seminar, “Do oil prices predict economic growth”, University Tunku Abdul Rahman. 26 Feb 2014.  Guest speaker, Centre of Excellence for Knowledge and Innovation Management, “How oil price changes affect wellbeing?”, Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Malaysia, 9 April 2014.  Guest speaker, 8th Research Institute for Humanity and Nature International Symposium: Risk Societies, Edge Environments: Ecosystems and Livelihoods in the Balance, Topic: “Economic Development, Environmental Degradation, and Public Health”, Kyoto, 23-25 Oct 2013 [Expenses fully sponsored by RIHN, Japan).  Guest speaker, MBA students from Butler University, USA. “The Malaysian Economic development: An Overview”, Monash University Malaysia, 25 June 2012  Guest Speaker, School of Business Research Teaching & Learning Seminars. “Integration of Wireless Pen with Enquiry-Based Learning Approach in Lecturing Managerial Economics”, Monash Univeristy Malaysia, 20 Dec 2011.  Guest speaker, Masters in Communications and Cultural Studies students (AST 4/5000: Contemporary Issues in Asia”), “ASEAN Free Trade Area”, 19 May 2010.  Teaching and Learning Seminar Series No.6. “Using technology-enhanced approach in problem solving”, Monash University, 8 July 2010.  Invited speaker, Conference on Global Economic Crisis: Origin, Effects and Policy Responses, “The predictive power of output growth, inflation, and interest rate on stock return and volatility: A comparison”, Islamic Science University of Malaysia, 25-26 July 2009.  Guest Speaker, School of Business Research Seminar, “Modelling Monetary Transmission Channels: The Case of Philippines”, Monash University Malaysia, 23 April 2009.


Administrative Roles  Director, Graduate Research Programs (2019 -).  Deputy Chair, Campus Graduate Research Committee (2020-)  Deputy Course Director (Undergraduate) (2017 – 2019)  Deputy Chair, AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) Assurance of learning (AOL) Committee (2018 Oct -)  Chair, Staff-Student Liaison Committee meeting (2017 - 2019)  Chair, Academic Progression Committee (APC) (2018)  Chair, hearing sessions meeting (2018)  Writer, the AACSB Continuous Improvement Review (CIR) Report, Cluster 13: Student Academic and Professional Engagement (2018-2019)  School’s representative, Campus Ethics Committee (2017 - 2018).  School of Business representative, Campus Academic Staff Development Committee (2012–2014).  Member, School Research Committee (2008-2015).  Committee, Conference listing (Econs) (2009).  Member, Monash University Sunway Simulated Trading Lab (2014 -2015).  Coordinator, School Research Seminar (2009-2010).  Member, Alternative Departmental Representative, Graduate Operations Committee (2009-2013).  Member, Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) (Departmental Representative II) (2009-2013).  Counsel, International students with unsatisfactory attendance record (below 80% attendance and absent for 3 consecutive days) (2016-2017)

TEACHING EXPERIENCE  Economics for Managers (MBA5603), Master of Business Administration, 2017  Economics (ECM5953), Master in International Business, 2016  Introduction to International Economics (ECM5921), Master in International Business, 2018-2019  Principles of Microeconomics (ECC1000), Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), 2011-2012  Introductory Microeconomics (ECW1101), Bachelor of Business and Commerce, 2012-2013  Introductory Macroeconomics (ECW1102), Bachelor of Business and Commerce, 2014-2015  Trade, Finance, and Foreign Exchange (ECW2721), Bachelor of Business and Commerce, 2013-2019  Managerial Economics (ECW2731), Bachelor of Business and Commerce, 2008-2009  Business, Competition and Regulation (ECW3830), Bachelor of Business and Commerce, 2009-2010


 Microeconomics (1st year)  Macroeconomics (1st year)  Malaysian Economy (2nd year)  Economic for Business (2nd year)  Basic Economics, Management and Accounting (Economic section) (1st year)  Seminar in knowledge economics (3rd year)  Econometric 1  Economic for Managers (MBA)

(Helsinki School of Business, Finland)  Introduction to Microeconomics (2012 Fall)  Managerial Economics (2013 Summer)

(Soka University, Japan)  International Business Finance (May-July 2016)

External Grants

Funding Project Researcher/s Research Title Funding body amount Duration (RM) 2011 Shelley, M., Elsa, S., Corporate Governance and Firm Performance Monash University A$1,366 Shanthy, R., Poon, W.C. in Malaysia Australia 2011 Stress, Coping Capability, Self-Esteem, General Lim Y.M, Poon W.C, Lee Health, and Academic Performance of UTAR 27,200 T.H., Tam C.L., Yap C.S. University Business Students 2012 – Assessing socio-economic and environmental RIHN – Research 2013 G.Herath, A.Sarker, risks for food and health security in Langat Institute for 36,000 Poon W.C., & Ryohei, K. River Basin in Malaysia. Humanity & Nature

2013 Assessing socio-economic and environmental G.Herath, A.Sarker, risks for food and health security in Langat RIHN 40,000 Poon W.C., & Ryohei, K. River Basin and the Klang River in Malaysia. 2013- MOSTI - Ministry of 2015 Poon W.C., Choong, C.K., Remittances, Institutional innovations and Science, 69,760 Lam S.Y. economic development: A comparative analysis Technology & Innovation 2013- Malaysian A Fair and Open Market for Accounting 24,960 2014 Poon W.C., Gareth, L. Competition and Services: Evidence from a Field Experiment Commission 2013- A.Sarker, Poon W.C., Neuroeconomic Underpinnings of FRGS, Ministry of 2015 G.Herath, S.M. Samsul, Noncooperation and Cooperation in 54,500 Education H. Sustainable Use of Shared Natural Resources 2014 – Gary J. R., Poon W.C., Ng, Measuring housing affordability in Malaysia FRGS, Ministry of 98,100 2017 J.W.J., Thangarajah, M. using a lifetime income measure. Education 2014 – Forecasting Malaysian Agricultural Commodity FRGS, Ministry of 2016 Akram H., Poon W.C. Price Returns and Volatility: Evidence from 47,500 Education Asymmetric GARCH-class of Models. 2015 – Chan S.G., M.Zaini A.K., 2016 Poon W.C. Zulkufly, Modeling the effects of Goods and Services Tax FRGS, Ministry of 60,400 B.R., Koh E.H.Y., on country’s economic performance. Education M.Zulkhairi, M. 2015- Poon W.C., Muzafar, The Effects Of Socioeconomic Status On FRGS, Ministry of 2018 S. H., Watabe, M., Cognitive Brain Function Among Young 82,200 Education Schaefer, A. Malaysian Adults May – Poon W.C., Low K.H., F&B Market and technology trend Adastra IP (M) 23,000 Oct 2019 Cheah, K.A. landscape Sdn Bhd


2019- Chuah L.H, Poh P.E., 2022 Poon W.C., Chow Monash S.C., Lekhsan O., Thet University T. H., Tjiptono, F., Sustainable Rural Transformation for Malaysia-ASEAN Srikhumsuk, P., Water Security and Quality of Life Sustainable 250,000 Setyawan, A., Improvement in the ASEAN region. Development Gunanto, E., Fu J. Y., Research Grant Than S., & Yee, C.C. Scheme 2019 2019 – Rangel,G.J., Hooy Constructing Rental Housing Indices for 2021 C.W., Poon W.C., the Malaysian Housing Market: Is Renting FRGS, Ministry of Ng, J.W.J., An Affordable Option for Malaysian Education 91,730 Thangarajah @ M.T., Households & Yong, T. 2019 – Modelling Economic And Environmental Poon W. C., Poh P.E., FRGS, Ministry of 2022 Performance Of Upcycling Palm Oil Manjit S.N. S., & Education 82,200 Biomass Waste To BioOrganic Fertilisers Rangel, G.J. Framework 2019– Long Term A. Schaefer, Poon 2024 Research Grant W.C., Yong M. H., L. Modulating neural markers of age-related Scheme (LRGS), 1,465,600 Philips, I. Jentzsch, C. decline in cognitive function: A Ministry of van Reekum, A. Pany, longitudinal approach Education V. Subramaniam Malaysia 2019– Long Term 2024 Research Grant N.A.Shahrier, Ho, Cost-Benefit Analysis on Interventions Scheme (LRGS), S.F., Poon, W.C. A. 94,000 targeted for the Elderly Ministry of Zarei, R.M. Razali Education Malaysia 2020 QR_Global Challenges M.H.Yap, P.T. Bảo, The impacts of individual socioeconomic Research Fund Pound Md. Kamrul H., Poon status on breast cancer awareness and the (GCRF) UCRKE 11,600 W.C use of digital health technology Investment2019- 2020