Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Held in Point of Discussions Back in 1958
INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria CONTENT Guenter Mank, Head, Physics Section Alan Aqrawi, Physics Section Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications CREDITS Photography: UNOG Archives Geneva (page 4,5,6,16,17,20,24,25,26), Nuclear Fusion Institute RRC "Kurchatov Institute" Russia (page 9,18,19), KFA Kernforschungsanlage Juelich Germany (page 10,11,15), ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA (page 6), IAEA Archives Vienna (page 8). DESIGN Alan Aqrawi © IAEA, 2008 INDEX FOREWORD Foreword “Celebrating fifty years of fusion… Foreword 2 …entering into the burning plasma era.” Energy in all its forms has always driven been achieved every 1.8 years. New human development. New technologies in developments in science and engineering energy production, starting from the use of fire have led to an optimized magnetic prototype The 2nd Geneva Conference - Introduction 4 itself, have driven economic and social reactor, with corresponding cost savings. development. In the mid-1950s, nuclear Inertial confinement experiments have energy created new hope for an abundant achieved similar progress. The culmination of source of that energy for the world. international collaborative efforts in fusion is the start of construction of the International Declassification 6 To promote this groundbreaking technology, Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), and to host a neutral ground for substantive the biggest scientific endeavour the world has scientific debate, the United Nations in 1955 ever seen involving States with more than half organized the first of a series of conferences of the world’s population.
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