Contents 19 Magnetohydrodynamics 1 19.1Overview...................................... 1 19.2 BasicEquationsofMHD . 2 19.2.1 Maxwell’s Equations in the MHD Approximation . ..... 4 19.2.2 Momentum and Energy Conservation . .. 8 19.2.3 BoundaryConditions. 10 19.2.4 Magneticfieldandvorticity . .. 12 19.3 MagnetostaticEquilibria . ..... 13 19.3.1 Controlled thermonuclear fusion . ..... 13 19.3.2 Z-Pinch .................................. 15 19.3.3 Θ-Pinch .................................. 17 19.3.4 Tokamak.................................. 17 19.4 HydromagneticFlows. .. 18 19.5 Stability of Hydromagnetic Equilibria . ......... 22 19.5.1 LinearPerturbationTheory . .. 22 19.5.2 Z-Pinch: Sausage and Kink Instabilities . ...... 25 19.5.3 EnergyPrinciple ............................. 28 19.6 Dynamos and Reconnection of Magnetic Field Lines . ......... 29 19.6.1 Cowling’stheorem ............................ 30 19.6.2 Kinematicdynamos............................ 30 19.6.3 MagneticReconnection. 31 19.7 Magnetosonic Waves and the Scattering of Cosmic Rays . ......... 33 19.7.1 CosmicRays ............................... 33 19.7.2 Magnetosonic Dispersion Relation . ..... 34 19.7.3 ScatteringofCosmicRays . 36 0 Chapter 19 Magnetohydrodynamics Version 1219.1.K.pdf, 7 September 2012 Please send comments, suggestions, and errata via email to
[email protected] or on paper to Kip Thorne, 350-17 Caltech, Pasadena CA 91125 Box 19.1 Reader’s Guide This chapter relies heavily on Chap. 13 and somewhat on the treatment of vorticity • transport in Sec. 14.2 Part VI, Plasma Physics (Chaps. 20-23) relies heavily on this chapter. • 19.1 Overview In preceding chapters, we have described the consequences of incorporating viscosity and thermal conductivity into the description of a fluid. We now turn to our final embellishment of fluid mechanics, in which the fluid is electrically conducting and moves in a magnetic field.