Memoirs of the Queensland Museum

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Memoirs of the Queensland Museum Memoirs OF THE Queensland Museum W Brisbane Volume 45 29 February 2000 PARTl Memoirs OF THE Queensland Museum Brisbane © Queensland Museum PO Box 3300, SouthBrisbane 4101, Australia Phone 06 7 3840 7555 Fax 06 7 3846 1226 Email [email protected] Website National Library of Australia card number ISSN 0079-8835 NOTE Papers published in this volume and in all previous volumes of the Memoirs of the Queensland Museum maybe reproduced for scientific research, individual study or other educational purposes. Properly acknowledged quotations may be made but queries regarding the republication of any papers should be addressed to the Editor in Chief. Copies of the journal can be purchased from the Queensland Museum Shop. A Guide to Authors is displayed at the Queensland Museum web site A Queensland Government Project Typeset at the Queensland Museum CATALOGUE OF PROTOZOAN PARASITES RECORDED IN AUSTRALIA PETER J. ODONOGHUE & ROBERT D. ADLARD O'Donoghue, P.J. & Adlard, R.D. 2000 02 29: Catalogue ofprotozoan parasites recorded iii -1 Australia. Memoirs ofThe Oiwenslcmd Museum 45( 1 ): I 63. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. Published reports ofprotozoan species from Australian animals have been compiled into a host-parasite checklist, a parasite-host checklist and a cross-referenced bibliography. Protozoa listed include parasites, commensals and s\ mbionls but free-living species have been excluded. Over 590 protozoan species are listed including amoebae, flagcllalcs.ciliates and 'sporo/oa" (tlie latter comprising apicomplexans, microsporans, myxozoans, haplo- sporidians and paramyxeaiis). Organisms are recorded in association with some 520 hosts including eulherian mammals, marsupials, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates. Information has been abstracted from over 1,270 scientific publications predating 1999 and all records include taxonomic autliorilies, synonyms, conunon names, sites of infection \\ithin hosts and geographic locations. H Protozoa, parasite checklist, host checklist, bibliography, Australia. Peter J. O'Donoghue, Department ofMicrobiology ami Parasitologx', The University^ of Queensland. St Lucia 4072, Australia; Robert D. Adlard, Protozoa Section. Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane 4101, Australia: 31 Januaiy 2000. CONTENTS literature for reports rele\ant to contemporar>' studies. Such problems could be avoided if all HOST-PARASITE CHECKLIST 5 previous records were consolidated into a single Mammals 5 database. Most researchers currently avail Reptiles 21 themsehcs of various electronic database and Amphibians 26 abstracting ser\'ices but none include literature Birds 34 published eariier than 1985 and not all journal Fish 44 titles are covered in their databases. Invertebrates 54 Several catalogues of panisiles in Australian CHECKLIST .... 63 PARASITE-HOST hosts have previously been published. Mackerras Flagellates 63 (1958) published a four part catalogue recording Opalinids 73 protozoan, helminth and pentastomid parasites in Amoebae 77 monotremcs and marsupials, eutheria. introduced Apicomplexans 79 herbivora and the domestic pig. and man in Aust- ralia. Beumeretal. pubHshed a checklist Micro sporans 106 (1982) of protozoan and helminth parasites of fishes Myxozoans 108 from Australia and adjacent Antarctic territories. Haplosporidians Ill Tliese definitixe works ha\e been of inmtense Param\ xeans 112 value but the> are outdated. Many new species Ciliates 112 liave since been described, the life cycles of LITERATURE CITED 119 several heteroxenous species have been deter- APPENDIX (BiBLIOGRAPFIY). ... 120 mined and many groups (both parasite and host assemblages) have undergone taxonomic revision. Man}- s> nonymies ha\'e been proposed organisms Published records of protozoan and se\ eral problems in the identificationof hosts hosts arc scattered associated with Australian and parasites perpetuated in the early literature tluoughout the scientific literature coxering a have been resolved. wide range of disciplines and fields: including medicine, veterinarv science, zoolog) . limnolog>', Gi\cn the considerable progress made over the marine science, microbiology, entomology, bio- last few decades and the resurgence of interest in chemistr*^- haemalology, patholog}'. molecular protozoology^ in Australia, we consider h timely biology^ genetics, sy stcmatics and evolution. The to take stock of the present situation and to sum- diverse array of potential source documents marise all pre\'ious records into a single work. To presents many difficulties when searcliing tlie facilitate future studies, we ha\e compiled all MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM TABLE 1 . Taxonomic overview and codes used throughout the text. KINGDOM PHYLUM CLASS ORDER CODE Metazoa Chordata Mammalia MAM Reptilia REP Amphibia AMP Aves AVE Chondrichlhyes CHO Actinopterygii ACT Arthropoda ART Echinodermata ECH Annelida ANN MoUusca MOL Platyhelminthes PLA Protista Sarcomastigophora Phytomastig ophorea Dinoflagellida PHY:dm Euglenida PHY:eug Zoomastigophorea Kinetoplastida ZOO:km Proteromonadida ZOO:pro Retortamonadida ZOO:ret Diplomonadida ZOO:dip Pyrsonymphida ZOO:pyr Trichomonadida ZOO:tri Hypermastigida ZOO:hyp Opalinatea Opalinida OPA:opa Lobosea Amoebida LOB;amo Acanthopodida LOB:aca Leptomyxida LOB:lep Heterolobosea Schizopyrenida HET:sch Apicomplexa Gregarinia Neogregarinida GRE:neo Eugregarinida GRE:eug Coccidia Adeleida COC:ade Eimeriida COC:eim Haematozoa Haemosporida HEM:hae Piroplasmida HEM:pir Microspora Microsporea Microsporida MIC:mic Myxozoa Myxosporea Bivalvulida MYX:biv Multivalvulida MYX:mul Actinosporea Actinomyxida ACT:act Haplosporidia Haplosporea Haplosporida HAP:hap Paramvxea Marteilidea Marteilida MAR:mar Ciliophora Spirotrichea Clevelandellida SPIxle Litostomatea Pleurostomatida LIT:ple Vestibulifera LIT:ves Entodiniomorphida LIT:ent Phyllopharyngea Cyrtophorida PHYxyr Endogenida PHY: end Exogenida PHY:exo Oligohymenophorea Hymenostomatida OLLhym Scuticociliatida OLLscu Sessilida OLLses Mobilida OLLmob Apostomalia OLLapo Uncertain status UNC:sta PROTOZOAN PARASITE CHECKLIST published accounts of prolozoan organisms retained for historical reasons despite recent associated will) host organisms in Australia into a e\ idence that these multicellular spore-formers host-parasite checklist, a parasite-host checklist may actually be Cnidaria or Bilateria. The sys- and bibliography. The terms italicised below arc tematic positions of all protozoa recorded in the defined further in the context of this document. host-parasite checklist are indicated by abbrev- iations placed at the start of each record (see li Accounts, Tliis is Pub shed catalogue restricted Table I). to factual accounts published prior to 1999 in reference textbooks, refereed scientific journals Host Organisms. This catalogue contains records and the edited proceedings of major conferences of all protozoa associated w ith a host organism, or workshops (i.e. sources allocated an ISBN/ irrespective ofthe nature of that relationsliip. be it ISSN code and readily available in major hbraries). parasitic, symbiotic or commensal. Hosts pre- Unconfirmed anecdotal obsen'ations, tliesis reports dominantly include vertebrates (mammals, and conference abstracts ha^c not been included reptiles, ampliibia. birds and fish) as w ell as some as they are not recognised as legitimate sources miscellaneous imertebrates (mmnly molluscs, for species descriptions according to the decapods and insects). The classification systems International Code of Zoological Nomenclature follow that of Strahan (1998) for mammals. (1999). Eveiy effort has been made in this Cogger ( 1 996) for reptiles and ampliibians. Sibley catalogue to maintain accurate historical records 8i Momoe (1990. 1993) for birds. Nelson (1994) with due regard for subsequent synonyms for fish and \arious autho rs for artliropods. Eveiy (complete synonymy indicated by the abbrev- effort has been made to use contemporary but iation 'syn/ and partial synonymy indicated by generally accepted classification systems to '^'). the symbol Despite our best cITorts some simplify data retrieval. The catalogue does not published records may lia\'e been overlooked and include any records of free-living protozoa (a we would w elcomc an} additions or corrections. bibliography of free-living protozoa in Australia The catalogue database is managed electronic- lias recently been compiled by David Patterson ally and can be readily upgraded. and Alistmr Simpson at the Uni\ersil>' of Sydney, It should be noted that there remains great pers. comm.). Most records pertain to free- scope for research on protozoan parasites in Aust- ranging wild animals but w here they do not, they ralia. From a taxonomic view point, it is clear that have been annotated appropriately (e.g. zoo we ha\ e little knowledge of the true biodiversity animal, experimental infection). The site of in- of protozoan parasites of our vertebrate fauna, fection within or on the host is recorded to while that of our invertebrate hosts is largely indicate possible tissue or organ specificity as unknown (see Adlard & O'Donoghue, 1998). well as to suggest the potential pathogenic outcome or consequences of infection. Protozoan Organisms. Protozoan nomenclature follows the classification system recommended Australia. The continent of Australia and its by the Societ>' of Protozoologists Committee on adjacent w^aters have been divided into 30 distinct Nomenclature and Systematics (Levine et al.. zoogeograpliic regions on the basis of tlieir fautuj, 1980) which
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