Fileweaver: Flexible File Management with Automatic Dependency Tracking Julien Gori Han L
FileWeaver: Flexible File Management with Automatic Dependency Tracking Julien Gori Han L. Han Michel Beaudouin-Lafon Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Inria, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique F-91400 Orsay, France {jgori, han.han, mbl} ABSTRACT Specialized tools typically load and save information in pro- Knowledge management and sharing involves a variety of spe- prietary and/or binary data formats, such as Matlab1 .mat cialized but isolated software tools, tied together by the files files or SPSS2 .sav files. Knowledge workers have to rely on that these tools use and produce. We interviewed 23 scientists standardized exchange file formats and file format converters and found that they all had difficulties using the file system to communicate information from one application to the other, to keep track of, re-find and maintain consistency among re- leading to a multiplication of files. lated but distributed information. We introduce FileWeaver, a system that automatically detects dependencies among files Moreover, as exemplified by Guo’s “typical” workflow of a without explicit user action, tracks their history, and lets users data scientist [8, Fig. 2.1], knowledge workers’ practices often interact directly with the graphs representing these dependen- consist of several iterations of exploratory, production and cies and version history. Changes to a file can trigger recipes, dissemination phases, in which workers create copies of files either automatically or under user control, to keep the file con- to save their work, file revisions, e.g. to revise the logic of sistent with its dependants. Users can merge variants of a file, their code, and file variants, e.g.
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