Inverness County Directory for 1887[-1920.]
1 \mxtv) ©ircctori) UBLISHU 1 A FRASER ) i ; . ^ I K 1 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY (FIRE AND LIFE). CAPITAL - - THREE MILLIONS. CHIEF OFFICES: Exchange St., Manchester. HEAD OFFICE FOR SCOTLAND: 133 West G-eorge Street, Glasgow. Edinburgh Office : 12 York Buildings, Queen Street. bhancs office in Inverness -. HIGHLAND RAILWAY BUILDINGS, 24^ ACADEMY STREET. DIRECTOBS TN INVERNESS; ANDREW DOUGALL, Esq. of Strawberry Hill. ALEXANDER ERASER, Esq., Banker. Sir KENNETH J. MATHKSON, Bart, of Ardross aud Lochalsh. ALEXANDER ROSS, Esq. of Riverfield. ANNUAL INCOME 1885. Fire Premiums (Net) . - - . £601,250 Life Premiums (Net) .... 80,279 luierest ou Investments - - - - 49 208 RESERVE FUNDS, 31st December 1885. Life £678,867 Fire 339,726 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Almost every description of Property Insured at Rates as low as those of any other first-class Office. No charge made for Transfers from other Companies, or for removal or alter- ation by Endorsement. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Life Assurance undertaken at Rates more moderate than those of many other first-class Companies. Prospectuses and every information may be obtained from the Agents, or from CHARLES G. BALLINGALL, Rfsident Secretary at Inverness. ADVERTISEMENTS. LONDON AND CANADIAN LOAN & AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED). 53oar6 in §cotlanb. COLIN J. MACKENZIE, Esq. of Portmore. A. D. M. BLACK, W.S., Edinburgh. ROBERT HUTCHISON, Esq. of Carlowrie, Merchant, Leith. W. H. MURRAY, Esq., W.S., Edinburgh. DEBENTURES & DEPOSIT RECEIPTS ARE ISSUED BY THE COMPANY, Bi^ARING- FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST, PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, AT THE OFFICES OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. A a E H T S- STEWART, RULE, & BURNS, MACANDREW & JENKINS, ADVERTISEMENTS. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY.
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