Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-08-03
• j ) . •~! • • ~ .~tlon Calendar ,&OO';"I':D 1'0008 .j.... ,. N. P ..... 4 OIplre A_i. 71 MBAT ,Ia",p U npl... A.,. 81 . P&OOI':!lBI!D roOD • Coole, • talll,. •• 8 and T uplr. 8.pl. 2.: OA80LDlII " ee.,.. ..plr. 8opl. 21; II'UI!:I. OIL , ... 4 •••••••• '.~. 48. .plre Se,l. l!a. SUOA ••Iamp. 15 .... 18 ....... IOWA: Cooler loUy. e.nnln •• ex,lre Oel. I.: 8HOE8 .'amp 11 •• ,Ir•• 001, '~,,' ' HE". to. DAiLY. .IOWAN II; tVEL OIL ,er. l 0•• ,0.1. '.I.. 'tt, •• ",...... ,. 14 elc. Iowa City's Morning NJtwspaper 1 Iy high = FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY,IOWA TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1~43 VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 264 ~ 214 , Y and . , lrior to Innual nn aJf. e. '. lamina. le PUr. I gUld_ ens ssion to a did not st Year ly Iron; GERMANS REPORTED OCCUPYING ALL NORTtiEN ITALY d frOIll Pre-Pearl Harbor falhen.W91 It it Is high apPly_ 1 grade Be (ailed $tarting Qclobu·..1 ! ~ serv~ I ng the JplYi ng But Official. Estimate That Only About One Out Iof hery 22 FQthers Will Be Put Into :sion /() . Uniform This Year ho did Bettind Axis Lines school WASHINGTON (AP- Local draft boards were authorited Italian Peo~le Told Mainland Imina. m. to by selective service y stcl'day to ~all up pre-Pearl Harbor fathers after October 1; but only to the extent "absolutely required " I to I. Until I5 'Days meet thei r monlhly qllotaR. Will ' Undergo Invasion 'Soon' lOy be One authoritative estimate wits that onl y some 300,000 fath ~ rs I ~ ipal ' s Jiving with and $upporiing chi/dr'en born before last Septem~r 700.
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