Collarfor, YOUNG MEN 10
13 TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, MARCII 11, 1921 row are: Marsh field vs. McMinnvllle, US, THOUGHT LOST, DARCY REPORTED MATCHED HOPES OF SIX HIGH and Salem vs. Eugene. KIDILL ARRANGES DOUBLE GRIP HOOP SElMI-FIXAL- S today WITH GIBBONS IN TITLE GO SHOWS UP II AUTO SCHOOL FIVES FADE Finals of Xorthwest Tourney at E BOUTS Letter From Portland Middleweight Declares Match Is Main Seattle Due Tomorrow. Event in New York on March 22. SEATTLE, Wash., March 10. Sem- ifinals in the basketball championship series of the Pacific Northwest asso- Southpaw Adds Laurels to BT DICK SHARP. McCarthy has two jobs to fill, now First Round of Basketball ciation of the Amateur Athletic union Main Events for Thursday NFORMATION that Jimmy Darcy. that Carroll is going elsewhere, and of America wilF be played tomorrow he has eight applications. night, and the finals are scheduled Might Are Booked. Traveling Reputation. I Tugged Portland middleweight, Tourney Completed. Saturday night. would battle Tommy Gibbons of Ray Rowher, last year captain of In tonight's games the System Sign St. Paul In the main event of a box- the University of California baseball team of Seattle defeated Renton, ing card at Madison Square garden. team, and Pierce Works, first base- Wash., volunteer fire department, 20 iT New York, March 22, is contained In man of the same team, have been to 16; Battery A, Walla Walla. Wash., m?mr wctfi BEAVERS WORK 4 HOURS a letter received yesterday from signed by the Pittsburg Pirates. The STATE TITLE AT STAKE defeated the Northern Life, Seattle, SHADE TO FIGHT MURPHY Jimmy.
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