COLORADO MAGAZINE Published Quarterly By
THE COLORADO MAGAZINE Published Quarterly by The State Historical Society of Colorado Vol. XXVlll Denver, Colorado, Apri l, 1951 Number 2 Pioneering Near Steamboat Springs-1885-1886 As Snowx rx LETTERS OF ALICE DENISOK On April 18, 1866, a nine-year-old lad named "William Denison, a native of Royalton, Vermont, wrote a letter to his father, George S. Denison, "·ho was away on a trip, saying: "vVill you buy me a pony? I don't want a Shetland pony because it is cross. I want an Indian pony. I have heard about them." Little did that lad dream that some day he would be riding a western Indian pony on a real round-up for his own cattle. But later, as a young man, he went in search of health and did ranch in Wyoming and Colorado. Toda)· a portrait1 of \Villiam Denison, from the old family homestead in Vermont, has a place of honor in the Public Library in Steamboat Springs. The William Denison Library, established in 1887 by the Denison family, as a memorial to " \Villie" Denison, was, according to an Old Timer, "the pride of Steamboat when it was established. It was a rallying point for the unfolding and intelligence of a struggling little settlement, and when the final total is cast up it will fill a higher niche in the archives of good accomplished than many of the magnificent piles of stone and marble that Carnegie has scattered over the land.' ' 2 From pioneer clays, members of the Denison family have been prominent in many phases of Colorado life.
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