Ussher Bird Notes

Royal Irish Academy: Special list / Liosta speisialta: A009

RICHARD JOHN USSHER, MRIA, (1841-1913) was a speleologist, ornithologist and the main author of Ussher & Warren, The Birds of Ireland, Dublin and London, 1900. Ussher was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy in 1906. He bequeathed his books, papers and correspondence on natural history, cave exploration, and antiquities to the Academy.

The collection known as the Ussher Bird Notes consists of Ussher’s notes and correspondence relating to the various species of bird recorded in Ireland. The original calendar of the collection, compiled by P. Cuffe in 1960-61, was prepared for the web by Mr. Karl Vogelsang of the Academy library in November/December 2003. In the course of checking the names of the genera and species recorded by Ussher, Mr. Vogelsang noted that some names had been altered in the modern reference books on Irish birds. With the assistance of Mr. Eric Callaghan, Department of Zoology, University College Dublin, the currently accepted nomenclature was applied. Thus, the calendar now reflects both the current nomenclature and the superseded terms as used by Ussher.

We hope that the listing will be of use to those who may need to access the Bird Notes. The original calendar has been filed with Ussher’s papers.

Siobhán Fitzpatrick, Librarian, 23/12/2003

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We wish to acknowledge the generous assistance of Mr. Eric Callaghan, Department of Zoology, U.C.D.; of Dr. Julia Sigwart, U.C.D., and of Dr. Nigel Monaghan, Curator, The Museum of Natural History, in revising the calendar. The library records its sincere thanks to Mr. Karl Vogelsang for collating and checking the records.

FURTHER INFORMATION: For a brief biographical sketch of Ussher see R. Lloyd Praeger, Some Irish Naturalists, Dundalk, 1949, pp.170-2 and R.M. Barrington, ‘Richard John Ussher,’ in The Irish Naturalist, v.22, 1913, pp.221-7. The latter includes a bibliography of Ussher’s publications.


No. of Genus / species Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Loxia leocoptera bifasciata Loxia bifasciata (Brehm) 14 White-winged Crossbill Two-barred Crossbill

2 Buteo lagopus Archibuteo lagopus (Gmelin) 24 Rough Legged Buzzard Rough Legged Buzzard

3 chrysaetos Aquila chrysaetus (Linnaeus) 45 Golden Eagle Golden Eagle 4 Apus melba Cypselus melba (Linn.) 5 Alpine Swift Alpine Swift

5 Apus apus Cypselus apus (Linn.) 41 Swift Swift

6 Alauda cristata Alauda cristata (Linn.) 13 Crested Lark Crested Lark

7 Strix aluco Syrnium aluco (Linn.) 8 Tawny Owl Tawny Owl

8 Athene noctua Athene noctua (Scopoli) 1 Little Owl Little Owl

9 Tyto alba Strix flammea (Linn.) 27 Barn Owl Barn Owl

10 Corvus frugilegus Corvus frugilegus (Linn.) 24 Rook Rook

11 Haliaetus albicilla Haliaetus Albicilla (Linn.) 37 White-tailed Sea Eagle Sea Eagle

12 Caprimulgus europaeus Caprimulgus europaeus 39 European Nightjar (Linn.) Nightjar 13 Corvus corone Corvus corone (Linn.) 35 Carrion Crow Carrion Crow

14 Pica pica Pica rustica (Scop.) 16 Magpie Magpie

15 Corvus corax Corvus corax (Linn.) 44 Raven Raven

16 Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocorax graculus (Linn.) 58 Chough Chough

17 Emberiza schoeniclus Emberiza schoeniclus (Linn.) 19 Reed Bunting Reed Bunting

18 Emberiza cirlus Emberiza cirlus (Linn.) 8 Cirl Bunting Cirl Bunting

19 Emberiza calandra Emberiza miliaria (Linn.) 20 Corn Bunting Corn Bunting

20 Emberiza citrinella Emberiza citrinella (Linn.) 10 Yellowhammer Yellow Bunting

21 Delichon urbica Chilidon urbica (Linn.) 25 House Martin Martin

22 Riparia riparia Cotile riparia (Linn.) 26 Sand Martin Sand Martin 23 Progne subis Progne purpurea 2 Purple Martin Purple Martin

24 Ficedula parva Muscicapa parva (Bechstein) 2 Red-breasted flycatcher Red-breasted flycatcher

25 Muscicapa striata Muscicapa grisola (Linn.) 20 Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher

26 Ficedula hypoleuca Muscicapa atricapilla (Linn.) 5 Pied Flycatcher Pied Flycatcher

27 Lanius excubitor Lanius excubitor (Linn.) 12 Great Grey Shrike Great Grey Shrike

28 Lanius collurio Lanius collurio (Linn.) 17 Red-backed Shrike Red-backed Shrike

29 Lanius senator Lanius pomeranus 1 Woodchat Shrike (Sparrman) Woodchat Shrike 30 Corvus corone cornix Corvus cornix (Linn.) 22 Hooded Crow Hooded Crow

31 Buteo buteo Buteo vulgaris (Leach) 18 Common Buzzard Buzzard

32 Loxia curvirostra Loxia curvirostra (Linn.) 39 Crossbill Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus (Bechst.) Parrot Crossbill 33 Hirundo rustica Hirundo rustica (Linn.) 83 Swallow Swallow

34 Emberiza hortulana Emberiza hortulana (Linn.) 2 Ortolan Bunting Ortolan Bunting

35 Plectrophenax nivalis Plectrophenax nivalis (Linn.) 38 Snow Bunting Snow Bunting

36 Calcarius lapponicus Calcarius lapponicus (Linn.) 4 Lapland Bunting Lapland Bunting

37 Corvus monedula Corvus monedula (Linn.) 11 Jackdaw Jackdaw

38 Circus cyaneus Circus cyaneus (Linn.) 33 Hen Harrier Hen Harrier 39 Loxia curvirostra Loxia curvirostra (Linn.) 63 Crossbill Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus (Bechst.) Parrot Crossbill 40 Emberiza pusilla Emberiza pusilla (Pallas) 1 Little Bunting Little Bunting

41 Sturnus vulgaris Sturnus vulgaris (Linn.) 43 Starling Starling

42 Garrulus glandarius Carrulus glandarius (Linn.) 63 Jay Jay

43 Sturnus roseus Postor roseus (Linn.) 12 Rose-coloured Starling Rose-coloured Starling

44 Alauda arvensis Alauda arvensis (Linn.) 12 Sky Lark Sky Lark

45 Calandrella cineria Calandrella brachydactyla 1 Short-toed Lark (Lust.) Short-toed Lark 46 Lullula arborea Alauda arborea (Linn.) 22 Woodlark Woodlark

47 Circus pygargus Circus cineraceus (Mont.) 20 Montagu’s Harrier Montagu’s Harrier

48 Circus aeruginosus Circus aeruginosus (Linn.) 30 Marsh Harrier Marsh Harrier

49 Tringa totanus Redshank’s wing in envelope Redshank

50 3 postcards addressed to R.J. Ussher (in envelope)


No. of Genus / species Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Falco subbuteo Falco subbuteo (Linn.) 10 European Hobby Hobby

2 Larus hyperboreus Larus glaucus (Fabricius) 37 Glaucous Gull Glaucous Gull

3 Accipiter gentilis Astur atricapillus (Wilson) 3 atricapillus American Goshawk American Goshawk 4 Larus ribidundus Larus ribidundus (Linn.) 34 Black-headed Gull Black-headed Gull

5 Pandion haliaetus Pandion haliaetus (Linn.) 31 Osprey Osprey

6 Merops apiaster Merops apiaster (Linn.) 8 Bee-eater Bee-eater

7 Clamator glandarius Coccystes glandarius (Linn.) 2 Great Spotted Cuckoo Great Spotted Cuckoo

8 Coccyzus americanus Coccyzus americanus (Linn.) 1 Yellow-billed Cuckoo Yellow-billed Cuckoo

9 Coccyzus Coccyzus erythrophthalmus 4 erythrophthalmus (Wils.) Black-billed Cuckoo Black-billed Cuckoo 10 Larus fuscus Larus fuscus (Linn.) 28 Lesser Black-backed Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull

11 Catharacta skua Stercorarius catarrhacteo 20 Great Skua (Linn.) Great Skua 12 Larus canus Larus canus (Linn.) 30 Common Gull Common Gull

13 Larus minutus Larus minutus (Pall.) 14 Little Gull Little Gull

14 Larus argentatus Larus argentatus (Gmel) 20 Herring Gull Herring Gull

15 Alopochen aegyptiacus — 15 Egyptian Goose Egyptian Goose

16 Anser anser Anser cinereus (Meyer) 28 Greylag Goose Greylag Goose

17 Anser caerulescens Chen hyperboreus (Pall.) 19 Snow Goose Snow Goose

18 Tachybaptus ruficollis Podicipes fluviatilis (Tunstall) 11 Little Grebe Little Grebe

19 Larus philadelphia Larus philadelphia (Ord) 3 Bonaparte’s Gull Bonaparte’s Gull

20 Xema sabini Xema Sabinii (J. Sabine) 6 Sabine’s Gull Sabine’s Gull

21 Rissa tridactyla Rissa tridactyla (Linn.) 15 Kittiwake Kittiwake 22 Cuculus canorus Cuculus canorus (Linn.) 37 Cuckoo Cuckoo

23 Asio otus Asis atus (Linn.) 26 Long-eared Owl Long-eared Owl

24 Asio flammeus Asis accipitrinus (Pall.) 27 Short-eared Owl Short-eared Owl

25 Gyps fulvus Gyps fielvus (Gmel) 2 Griffon Vulture Griffon Vulture

26 Aquila clanga Aquila clanga (Pall.) 2 Greater Spotted Eagle Larger Spotted Eagle

27 Falco rusticolus Falco islandus (Gmel) 23 Gyr Falcon Iceland Falcon

28 Pagophila alba Pagaphila eburnea (Phipps) 12 Ivory Gull Ivory Gull

29 Larus glaucoides Larus Leucopterus (Faber) 30 Iceland Gull Iceland Gull

30 Otus scops Scops. giu. (Scop.) 12 Scops Owl Scops Owl

31 Alcedo atthis ispida Alcedo ispida (Linn.) 45 Kingfisher Kingfisher

32 Coracias garrulus Coracias garrula (Linn.) 7 Common Roller Roller

33 Dendrocopus minor Dendrocopus minor (Linn.) 2 Lesser Spotted Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Woodpecker 34 Picus viridis Gecinus viridis (Linn.) 8 Green Woodpecker Green Woodpecker

35 Cygnus olor Cygnus olor (Gmel) 13 Mute Swan Mute Swan

36 Gavia arctica Colymbus arcticus (Linn.) 15 Black-throated Diver Black-throated Diver

37 Cygnus columbianus Cygnus Bewicki (Yarr) 36 bewickii Bewick’s Swan Bewick’s Swan 38 purpurea Ardea purpurea (Linn.) 2 Purple Heron Purple Heron

39 Botaurus stellaris Botaurus stellaris (Linn.) 31 Bittern Bittern 40 Falco naumanni Falco cenchris (Naum) 10 Lesser Kestrel Lesser Kestrel

41 Falco tinnunculus Falco tinnunculus (Linn.) 12 Kestrel Kestrel

42 Falco peregrinus Falco peregrinus (Tunstall) 67 Peregrine Falcon Peregrine Falcon

43 Upupa epops Upupa epops (Linn.) 38 Hoopoe Hoopoe

44 Pernis apivorus Pernis apivorus (Linn.) 16 Honey Buzzard Honey Buzzard

45 Nyctea scandiaca Nyctea scandiaca (Linn.) 39 Snowy Owl Snowy Owl

46 Phalacrocorax carbo Phalacrocorax carbo (Linn.) 36 Cormorant Cormorant

47 Phalacrocorax aristotelis Phalacrocorax graculus (Linn.) 13 Shag Shag

48 Falco vespertinus Falco vespertinus (Linn.) 1 Red-footed Falcon Red-footed Falcon

49 Falco columbarius Falco oesalon (Tunstall) 21 Merlin Merlin

50 Ciconia ciconia Ciconia alba (Bechst.) 15 White Stork White Stork

51 Ardea cinerea Ardea cinerea (Linn.) 48 Grey Heron Heron

52 Plegadis falcinellus Plagadis falcinellus (Linn.) 15 Glossy Glossy Ibis

53 Ixobrychus minutus Ardetta minuta (Linn.) 16 Little Bittern Little Bittern

54 Stercorarius pomarinus Stercorarius pomatorhinus 23 Pomarine Skua (Temm.) Pomatorhine Skua 55 Larus marinus Larus marinus (Linn.) 23 Great Black-backed Gull Great Black-backed Gull

56 Falco rusticolus Falco candicans (Gmel) 43 Gyr Falcon Greenland Falcon

57 Ardeola ralloides Ardeola ralloides (Scop.) 19 Squacco Heron Squacco Heron

58 Sula bassana Sula bassana (Linn.) 31 Gannet Gannet 59 Dendrocopus major Dendrocopus major (Linn.) 19 Great Spotted Woodpecker Great Spotted Woodpecker

60 Aquila chrysaetos Aquila chrysaetus (Linn.) 71 Golden Eagle Golden Eagle

61 Stercorarius longicaudus Stercorarius parasiticus 21 Long-tailed or Buffon’s (Linn.) Skua Long-tailed or Buffon’s Skua 62 Milvus milvus Milvus ictinus (Savigny) 6 Red Kite Kite

63 Jynx torquilla Jynx torquilla (Linn.) 4 Wryneck Wryneck

64 Cygnus cygnus Cygnus musicus (Bechst.) 21 Whooper Swan Whooper Swan

65 Elanus caeruleus Elanus coeruleus (Desf.) 6 Black-winged Kite Black-winged Kite

66 Accipiter gentilis Astur palumbarius (Linn.) 3 Goshawk Goshawk

67 Accipiter nisus Accipiter nicus (Linn.) 12 Sparrow Hawk Sparrow Hawk

68 Ceryle alcyon Ceryle alevon (Linn.) 13 Belted Kingfisher Belted Kingfisher

69 Stercorarius parasiticus Stercorarius crepioatus 19 Arctic or Richardson’s (Gmel) Skua Arctic or Richardson’s Skua 70 Nycticorax nycticorax Nycticorax griseus (Linn.) 16 Black-crowned Night Night Heron Heron 71 Botaurus lentiginosus Botaurus lentiginosus (Mont.) 11 American Bittern American Bittern

72 Platalea leucorodia Platalea leucorodia (Linn.) 14 White Spoonbill Spoonbill

73 Egretta garzetta Ardea garzetta (Linn.) 1 Little Egret Little Egret


No. of Genus / species Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Streptopelia turtur Turtur communis (Selby) 29 Turtle Dove Turtle Dove 2 Porzana porzana Porzana marvetta (Leach) 26 Spotted Crake Spotted Crake

3 Podiceps nigricollis Podicipes nigricollis (Brehm) 18 Black-necked Grebe Eared Grebe

4 Branta leucopsis Bernicla leucopsis (Bechst.) 24 Barnacle Goose —

5 Aythya nyroca Fuligula nyroca (Guld.) 13 Ferruginous Duck White-eyed Duck

6 Melanitta perspicillata Œdemia perspicillata (Linn.) 9 Surf Scoter Surf Scoter

7 Tadorna tadorna Tadorna cornuta (S.G. Gmel) 30 Shelduck Shelduck

8 Aythya ferina Fuligula ferina (Linn.) 28 European Pochard Pochard

9 Netta rufina Fuligula rufina (Pall.) 13 Red-crested Pochard Red-crested Pochard

10 Somateria mollissima Somateria mollissima (Linn.) 21 Eider Eider Duck

11 Somateria spectabilis Somateria spectabilis (Linn.) 12 King Eider King Eider

12 Bucephala clangula Clangula glaucion (Linn.) 15 Goldeneye Goldeneye

13 Anas acuta Dafila acuta (Linn.) 26 Pintail Pintail

14 Anser albifrons Anser albifrons (Scop.) 31 White-fronted Goose White-fronted Goose

15 Anser fabalis Anser brachyrhynchus (Buill.) 8 brachyrhynchus Pink-footed Bean Goose Pink-footed Goose 16 Anas penelope Mareca penelope (Linn.) 29 Wigeon Wigeon

17 Mergus albellus Mergus albellus (Linn.) 14 Smew Smew

18 Columba œnas Columba œnas (Linn.) 42 Stock Dove Stock Dove

19 Mergus cucullatus Mergus cucullatus (Linn.) 6 Hooded Merganser Hooded Merganser

20 Mergus merganser Mergus merganser (Linn.) 14 Goosander Goosander 21 Grus grus Grus communis (Bechst.) 12 Common Crane Crane

22 Grus canadensis Grus canadensis (Linn.) 11 Sandhill Crane Canadian Crane

23 Otis tarda Otis tarda (Linn.) 1 Great Bustard Great Bustard

24 Tetrax tetrax Otis tetrax (Linn.) 8 Little Bustard Little Bustard

25 Coturnix coturnix Coturnix communis (Bonnet) 38 Quail Quail

26 Perdix perdix Perdix cinerea (Lath.) 10 Grey Partridge Partridge

27 Columba livia Columba livia (Bonnet) 11 Rock Dove Rock Dove

28 Ectopistes migratorius Edopistes migratorius (Linn.) 1 Passenger Pigeon (extinct) Passenger Pigeon

29 Columba palumbus Columba palumbus (Linn.) 18 Wood Pigeon Ring Dove

30 Crex crex Crex pratensis (Bechst.) 35 Corncrake Corncrake

31 Porzana parva Porzana parva (Scop.) 2 Little Crake Little Crake

32 Tetrao urogallus Tetrao urogallus (Linn.) 12 Capercaillie Capercaillie Ptarmigan; Black Grouse; fossil birds 33 Syrrhaptes paradoxus Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pall.) 28 Pallas’s Sand Grouse Pallas’s Sand Grouse

34 Lagopus lagopus scoticus Lagopus scoticus (Lath.) 11 Red Grouse Red Grouse

35 Fulica atra Fulica atra (Linn.) 9 Common Coot Common Coot

36 Porzana pusilla Porzana bailloni (Vieillot) 2 Baillon’s Crake Baillon’s Crake

37 Phasianus colchicus Phasianus colchicus (Linn.) 11 Ring-necked Pheasant Pheasant

38 Anas strepera Anas streperus (Linn.) 34 Gadwall Gadwall 39 Anas querquedula Querquedula circia (Linn.) 10 Garganey Garganey

40 Podiceps auritus Podicipes auritus (Linn.) 32 Slavonian Grebe Slavonian Grebe

41 Anser fabalis Anser segetum (Gmel) 23 Bean Goose Bean Goose

42 Mergus serrator Mergus serrator (Linn.) 37 Red-breasted Merganser Red-breasted Merganser

43 Gallinula chloropus Gallinula chloropus (Linn.) 12 Moorhen Moorhen

44 Rallus aquaticus Rallus aquaticus (Linn.) 20 Water Rail Water Rail

45 Clangula hyemalis Harelda glacialis (Linn.) 24 Long-tailed Duck Long-tailed Duck

46 Anas crecca Querquedula crecca (Linn.) 9 Green-winged Teal Teal

47 Anas discors Querquedula discors (Linn.) 13 Blue-winged Teal Blue-winged Teal

48 Aythya marila Fuligula imarila (Linn.) 14 Greater Scaup Scaup

49 Puffinus puffinus Puffinus anglorum (Temm.) 22 Manx Shearwater Manx Shearwater

50 Tadorna ferruginea Tadorna casarca (Linn.) 34 Ruddy Shelduck Ruddy Shelduck

51 Anas platyrhynchos Anas boscas (Linn.) 21 Mallard Mallard

52 Melanitta fusca Œdemia fusca (Linn.) 10 Velvet Scoter Velvet Scoter

53 There is no description on this 45 envelope. Misc. 54 There is no description on this 13 envelope. 13 cards with Photos. 55 On this envelope birds not 67 admitted.

56 Alle alle Mergulus alle (Linn.) 35 Little Auk Little Auk 57 Puffinus griseus Puffinus griseus (Gmel) 13 Sooty Shearwater Sooty Shearwater

58 Oceanites oceanicus Oceanites oceanicus (Kuhl) 3 Wilson’s Petrel Wilson’s Petrel

59 Puffinus sp. Puffinus 12 Shearwater, species Shearwater unknown 60 Podiceps cristatus Podicipes crestatus (Linn.) 29 Great Crested Grebe Great Crested Grebe

61 Turdus philomelos Turdus musicus (Linn.) 20 Song Thrush Song Thrush

62 Fratercula arctica Fratercule arctica (Linn.) 20 Puffin Puffin

63 Aythya fuligula Fuligula cristata (Leach) 46 Tufted Duck Tufted Duck

64 Melanitta nigra Œdemia nigra (Linn.) 18 Common Scoter Common Scoter

65 Anas cylpeata Spatula cylpeata (Linn.) 43 Common Shoveler Shoveller

66 Branta canadensis — 10 Canada Goose Canada Goose

67 Large envelope containing — 33 loose sheets; 23 letters and 1 post card; 5 small newspaper cuttings; 2 printed leaflets


No. of Genus / species Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Tringa totanus Totanus calidris (Linn.) 23 Redshank Redshank

2 Calidris alpina Tringa alpina (Linn.) 29 Dunlin Dunlin

3 Haematopus ostralegus Haematopus ostralegus 23 Oystercatcher (Linn.) Oystercatcher 4 Limosa lapponica Limosa lapponica (Linn.) 17 Bar-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit 5 Sterna albifrons Sterna minuta (Linn.) 17 Little Tern Little Tern

6 Sterna paradisaea Sterna macrura (Naum.) 22 Arctic Tern Arctic Tern

7 Pluvialis squatarola Squatarola helvetica (Linn.) 15 Grey Plover Grey Plover

8 Gallinago gallinago Gallinago caelestis (Frenzel.) 43 Common Snipe Common Snipe

9 Scolopax rusticola Scolopax rusticula (Linn.) 51 Woodcock Woodcock

10 Actitis hypoleucos Totanus hypoleucus (Linn.) 22 Common Sandpiper Common Sandpiper

11 Lymnocryptes minima Gallinago gallinula (Linn.) 16 Jack Snipe Jack Snipe

12 Eudromias morinellus Eudromias morinellus (Linn.) 8 Dotterel Dotterel

13 Podiceps grisegena Pocticipes griseigena (Bodd.) 15 Red-necked Grebe Red-necked Grebe

14 Anous stolidus Anous stolidus (Linn.) 5 Common Noddy Noddy

15 Limicola falcinellus Limicola platyrhyncha 1 Broad-billed Sandpiper (Temm.) Broad-billed Sandpiper 16 Pluvialis fulva Charadrius pluvialis (Linn.) 35 Pacific Golden Plover American Golden Plover

17 Tryngites subruficollis Tryngites rufescens (Vieill.) 3 Buff-breasted Sandpiper Buff-breasted Sandpiper

18 Calidris temminckii Tringa temminckii (Leisl.) 4 Temminck’s Stint Temminck’s Stint

19 Calidris minuta Tringa minuta (Leisl.) 12 Little Stint Little Stint

20 Actitis macularia Totanus macularius (Linn.) 4 American Spotted American Spotted Sandpiper Sandpiper 21 Calidris alba Calidris arenaria (Linn.) 20 Sanderling Sanderling

22 Numenius borealis Numenius borealis (Forst.) 1 Eskimo Curlew Eskimo Curlew 23 Limosa limosa Limosa belgica (Gmel.) 55 Black-tailed Godwit Black-tailed Godwit

24 Chlidonias hybridus Hydrochelidon hybrida (Pall.) 2 Whiskered Tern Whiskered Tern

25 Chlidonias leucopterus Hydrochelidon leucoptera 9 White-winged Black Tern (Schinz.) White-winged Black Tern 26 Chlidonias nigra Hydrochelidon nigra (Linn.) 24 Black Tern Black Tern

27 Sterna dougallii Sterna dougallii (Mont.) 20 Roseate Tern Roseate Tern

28 Thalasseus sandvicensis Sterna cantiaca (Gmel.) 47 Sandwich Tern Sandwich Tern

29 Sterna hirundo Sterna fluviatilis (Naum.) 29 Common Tern Common Tern

30 Numenius phaeopus Numenius phaeopus (Linn.) 15 Whimbrel Whimbrel

31 Uria grylle Uria grylle (Linn.) 24 Black Guillemot Black Guillemot

32 Tringa erythropus Totanus fuscus (Linn.) 20 Spotted Redshank Spotted Redshank

33 Calidris fuscicollis Tringa fuscicollis (Vieill.) 1 White-rumped Sandpiper Bonaparte’s Sandpiper

34 Calidris melanotos Tringa muculata (Vieill.) 3 Pectoral Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper

35 Arenaria interpres Strepsilas interpres (Linn.) 12 Turnstone Turnstone

36 Vanellus vanellus Vanellus vulgaris (Bechst.) 22 Lapwing Lapwing

37 Phalaropus fulicarius Phalaropus fulicarius 38 Grey Phalarope Grey Phalarope

38 Tringa nebularia Totanus canescens (Gmel.) 13 Greenshank Greenshank

39 Gallinago media Gallinago major (Gmel.) 22 Great Snipe Great Snipe

40 Burhinus oedicnemus Œdicnemus scolopax (S.G. 10 Stone Curlew Gmel.) Stone Curlew 41 Philomachus pugnax Machertes pugnax (Linn.) 41 Ruff Ruff

42 Vanellus gregarius Vanellus gregarius (Pall.) 10 Sociable Plover Sociable Plover

43 Glareola pratincola Glareola pratincola (Linn.) 2 Collared Pratincole Collared Pratincole

44 No entry.

45 Charadrius hiaticula Aegialitis hiaticula (Linn.) 11 Ringed Plover Ringed Plover

46 Charadrius alexandrinus Aegilitis cantiana (Lath.) 5 Kentish Plover Kentish Plover

47 Pluvialis dominica Charadrius dominicus, P.L.S. 2 Lesser Golden Plover Lesser Golden Plover

48 Himantopus himantopus Himantopus candidus 7 Black-winged Stilt (Bonnat.) Black-winged Stilt 49 Recurvirostra avosetta Recurvirostra avosetta (Linn.) 13 Avocet Avocet

50 Tringa glareola Totanus glareola (Gmel.) 11 Wood Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper

51 Numenius arquata Numenius arquata (Linn.) 33 Common Curlew Common Curlew

52 Tringa ochropus Totanus ochropus (Linn.) 51 Green Sandpiper Green Sandpiper

53 Calidris ferruginea Tringa subarquata (Guld.) 9 Curlew Sandpiper Curlew Sandpiper

54 Calidris maritima Tringa striata (Linn.) 19 Purple Sandpiper Purple Sandpiper

55 Bartramia longicauda Bartramia longicauda 3 Upland Sandpiper (Bechst.) Bartram’s Sandpiper 56 Phalaropus lobatus Phalaropus hyperboreus 22 Red-necked Phalarope (Linn.) Red-necked Phalarope 57 Calidris canutus Tringa canutus (Linn.) 13 Knot Knot

58 Scolopax rusticola Scolopax rusticula (Linn.) 85 Woodcock Woodcock 59 Limnodromus griseus Macrorhamphus griseus 1 Short-billed Dowitcher (Gmel.) Red-breasted Snipe 60 R.M. Barrington 242 Miscellaneous items in envelope. 61 Envelope containing — 21 loose letters; 5 loose ms. sheets; 1 small newspaper cutting; 1 pamphlet (Tours 1906); 1 envelope containing 41 items (newspaper cuttings and a ms. note); 1 envelope containing 11 letters and 2 newspaper cuttings


No. of Genus / species Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Gavia stellata Colymbus septentrionalis 24 Red-throated Diver (Linn.) Red-throated Diver 2 Fulmarus glacialis Fulmarus glacialis (Linn.) 37 Fulmar Fulmar

3 Hydrobates pelagicus Procellaria pelagica (Linn.) 29 Storm Petrel Storm Petrel

4 Alca torda Alca torda (Linn.) 19 Razorbill Razorbill

5 Uria aalge Uria troile (Linn.) 19 Guillemot Guillemot

6 Pinguinus impennis Alca impennis (Linn.) 40 Great Auk (extinct) Great Auk (extinct)

7 Oceanodroma furcata Oceanodroma leucorrhoa 56 Fork-tailed Petrel (Vieill.) Fork-tailed Petrel 8 Puffinus gravis Puffinus major (Faber) 27 Greater Shearwater Great Shearwater

9 Gavia immer Colymbus glacialis (Linn.) 28 Great Northern Diver Great Northern Diver 10 Bound note-book: Notes on Natural History, Richard J. Ussher, Cappagh House, Cappagh, Lismore, Co. Waterford. 11 Bound note-book: Rev. C. Irvine, Mountjoy, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. 12 Bound note-book of Misc. 14 Birds notes loose at back of note- book: 14 items 13 Pamphlet: Lindner, Beobachtungen auf einer ornithol. Reise nach Irland im Juni 1910. 14 Parcel containing letters. 125

15 Parcel containing misc. notes on birds, on loose sheets.

16 Envelope containing misc. 66 items, including small photograph, postcards and small notebook. 17 Extracts from William Yarell, 64 History of British birds, 64 pages. 18 Ornithology notes by Nevin 10 H. Foster, 9 Jan. 1911 (10 foolscap sheets pinned together). 19 1) Birds observed in Co. 7 Mayo by N.H. Foster, 15- 21 May, 1910. 5 sheets. 2) Birds observed in Belclare, Co. Mayo by N.M. Foster, 16-21 June, 1910. 2 sheets. 20 Birds of Clare Island, Co. 58 Mayo (Notes by R.M. Barrington and others). 21 Birds observed in 22 Hillsborough, Co. Down, 1903-1911 by Nevin H. Foster. 22 sheets. 22 8 letters, 1 postcard, 5 misc. 14 items.

23 Notebook: Dr. Burkitt’s collection.

24 The Visitor, v. 20 (6), June 1898. Printed pamphlet.


No. of Genus / species Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Sylvia atricapilla Sylvia atricapilla (Linn.) 29 Blackcap Blackcap

2 Turdus viscivorus Turdus viscivorus (Linn.) 22 Mistle Thrush Missels Thrush

3 Carduelis spinus Chrysomitris spinus (Linn.) 55 Siskin Siskin

4 Acrocephalus Acrocephalus phragmitis 18 schoenobaenus (Bechst.) Sedge Warbler Sedge Warbler 5 Phylloscopus sibilatrix Phylloscopus sibilatrix 32 Wood Warbler (Bechst.) Wood Wren 6 Turdus torquatus Turdus torquatus (Linn.) 33 Ring Ouzel Ring Ouzel

7 Sylvia borin Sylvia hortensis (Bechst.) 54 Garden Warbler Garden Warbler

8 Oriolus oriolus Oriolus galbule (Linn.) 22 Golden Oriole Golden Oriole

9 Erithacus rubecula Erithacus rubecula (Linn.) 16 Robin Redbreast

10 Turdus migratorius Turdus migratorius (Linn.) 6 American Robin American Robin

11 Coccothraustes Coccothraustes vulgaris 27 coccothraustes (Pall.) Hawfinch Hawfinch 12 Phylloscopus collybitus Phylloscopus rufus (Bechst.) 34 Chiffchaff Chiffchaff

13 Carduelis carduelis Carduelis elegans (Steph.) 20 Goldfinch Goldfinch

14 Carduelis chloris Ligurinus chloris (Linn.) 7 Greenfinch Greenfinch

15 Junco hyemalis Junes hiemalis 1 Slate-coloured Junco Black Snowbird

16 Pyrrhula pyrrhula Pyrrhula europaea (Vieill.) 12 Bullfinch Bullfinch

17 Acanthis flammea flammea Linota linaria (Linn.) 15 Mealy Redpoll Mealy Redpoll

18 Fringilla coelebs Fringilla coelebs (Linn.) 13 Chaffinch Chaffinch

19 Turdus iliacus Turdus iliacus (Linn.) 26 Redwing Redwing

20 Saxicola torquata Pratincola rubicola (Linn.) 12 Stonechat Stonechat

21 Locustella certhiola Locustella corthiola (Pall.) 4 Pallas’s Grasshopper Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler Warbler 22 Passer domesticus Passer domesticus (Linn.) 12 House Sparrow House Sparrow

23 Serinus serinus Serinus hortulanus (Koch.) 4 Serin Serin Finch

24 Acanthis cannabina Linota cannabina (Linn.) 14 Linnet Linnet

25 Regulus regulus Regulus cristatus (Koch.) 21 Goldcrest Golden-crested Wren

26 Phylloscopus inornatus Phylloscopus superciliosus 2 Yellow-browed Warbler (Gmel.) Yellow-browed Warbler 27 Sylvia undata Melizophilus undatus (Bodd.) 8 Dartford Warbler Dartford Warbler

28 Phoenicurus ochruros Ruticilla titys (Scop.) 26 Black Redstart Black Redstart

29 Fringilla montifringilla Fringilla montifringilla (Linn.) 37 Brambling Brambling 30 Turdus pilaris Turdus pilaris (Linn.) 27 Fieldfare Fieldfare

31 Œnanthe œnanthe Saxicola œnanthe (Linn.) 29 Common Wheatear Wheatear

32 Phoenicurus phoenicurus Ruticilla phoenicurus (Linn.) 23 Common Redstart Redstart

33 Acanthis flammea cabaret Linota rufescens (Vieill.) 19 Lesser Redpoll Lesser Redpoll

34 Locustella nævia Locustella nævia (Bechst.) 42 Grasshopper Warbler Grasshopper Warbler

35 Saxicola rubetra Pratincola rubetra (Linn.) 38 Whinchat Whinchat

36 Zoothera dauma Turdus varius (Pall.) 3 White’s Thrush White’s Thrush

37 Turdus merula Turdus merula (Linn.) 37 Blackbird Blackbird

38 Cinclus cinclus Cinclus aquaticus (Bechst.) 26 Dipper Dipper

39 Passer montanus Passer montanus (Linn.) 19 Tree Sparrow Tree Sparrow

40 Motacilla alba Motacilla lugubris (Temm.) 16 Pied Wagtail Pied Wagtail

41 Anthus cervinus Anthus cervinus (Pall.) 2 Red-throated Pipit Red-throated Pipit

42 Cisticola galactotes Aedon galactodes 8 Winding Cisticola —

43 Phylloscopus trochilus Phylloscopus trochilus (Linn.) 16 Willow Warbler Willow Wren

44 Sylvia communis Sylvia cinerea (Bechst.) 20 Whitethroat Whitethroat

45 Prunella modularis Accentor modularis (Linn.) 10 Dunnock Hedge Sparrow

46 Certhia familiaris Certhia familiaris (Linn.) 10 Tree Creeper Tree Creeper

47 Parus caeruleus Parus coeruleus (Linn.) 9 Blue Tit Blue Titmouse

48 Troglodytes troglodytes Troglodytes parvulus (Koch) 18 Wren Wren 49 Parus palustris Parus palustris (Linn.) 10 Marsh Tit Marsh Titmouse

50 Parus ater hibernicus Parus hibernicus [Ogilvie 18 Irish Coal Tit Grant] Irish Coal Titmouse 51 Parus major Parus major (Linn.) 10 Great Tit Great Titmouse

52 Aegithalos caudatus Acredula rosea (Blyth) 9 Long-tailed Tit British Long-tailed Titmouse

53 Acrocephalus scirpaceus Acrocephalus streperus 5 Reed Warbler (Vieill.) Reed Warbler 54 Acrocephalus paludicola Acrocephalus aquaticus 3 Aquatic Warbler (Gmel.) Aquatic Warbler 55 Sylvia nisoria Sylvia nisoria (Bechst.) 4 Barred Warbler Barred Warbler

56 Hippolais polyglotta Hypolais polyglotta (Vieill.) 3 Melodious Warbler Melodious Warbler

57 Hippolais icterina Hypolais icterina (Vieill.) 3 Icterine Warbler Icterine Warbler

58 Anthus trivialis Anthus trivialis (Linn.) 8 Tree Pipit Tree Pipit

59 Anthus novaeseelandiae Anthus richardi (Vieill.) 2 richardi Richard’s Pipit Richard’s Pipit 60 Anthus spinoletta Anthus spipoletta (Linn.) 10 Rock Pipit Water-Pipit

61 Anthus pratensis Anthus pratensis (Linn.) 9 Meadow Pipit Meadow Pipit

62 Anthus spinoletta Anthus obscurus (Lath.) 12 Rock Pipit Rock Pipit

63 Acanthis flavirostris Linota flavirostris (Linn.) 19 Twite Twite

64 Pycnonotus capensis Pycnonotus capensis 2 Cape Bulbul Gold-vested Thrush

65 Motacilla cineria Motacilla melanape (Pall.) 14 Grey Wagtail Grey Wagtail

66 Motacilla alba alba Motacilla alba (Linn.) 49 White Wagtail White Wagtail 67 Motacilla flava Motacilla raii (Bp.) 36 Yellow Wagtail Yellow Wagtail

68 Bombycilla garrulus Ampelis garrulus (Linn.) 15 Waxwing Waxwing


No. of Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Lists of Irish birds — 53 53 lists, beginning with R.M. Barrington (to be returned with notes of the sender and of the district to R.J. Ussher, Cappagh, Lismore). [renumbered (a-g) and placed in acid-free envelopes 25/2/99] 2 Note-Book — (Diary 1860-1882) 1 Bird notes with photograph of bird’s nest.

3 Note-Book — Journal of R.J. Ussher 1858-1859, containing 1 an account of the weather and of all remarkable objects of natural history seen every day. 4 Note-Book — Bird notes 1884-1885. 1

5 Note-Book — Notes on natural history 1889-1890, R.J. 1 Ussher. (Some bird feathers inside book). 6 Note-Book — Notes on natural history 1891-1895, R.J. 1 Ussher. (One short letter and one postcard inside book). 7 54 letters from R.M. Barrington (Bray); 76 22 postcards from R.M. Barrington (Bray) to R.J. Ussher, Cappagh, Lismore. 8 Reports on Irish Herons, from various persons (Lord 90 Castletown, Mrs. Young, etc.).


No. of Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Note-Book — Notes on natural history, 1 R.J. Ussher, Cappagh, Lismore.

2 Bundle of letters and cards to R.J. Ussher. 153 3 Bundle of letters and cards to R.J. Ussher, 189 (13 birds’ photographs included)

4 Bundle of letters and cards to R.J. Ussher, 127 (including envelope containing down of Tufted Duck).

5 Papers dealing with Irish birds, 5 Ulster (2), Munster (1), Leinster (2).

6 Papers and notes dealing with Irish birds. 74


No. of Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Two black note-books tied together — 2 Notes on Birds of Ireland.

2 R.J. Ussher and R. Warren, Birds of Ireland, two sets of page proofs, one with corrections by Howard Saunders. 3 Bundle of letters and cards to R.J. Ussher. 268

4 Bundle of letters and cards to R.J. Ussher. 167

5 Bundle of letters and cards to R.J. Ussher. 203

6 Sheets of miscellaneous notes on Birds of Ireland. 28

BOX 10

No. of Original data on envelope No. of envelope items

1 Folio note-book, stiff green and red cover — Notes on birds 1 of County Waterford and adjacent counties by Richard J. Ussher, Cappagh, Co. Waterford. 2 Copybook, stiff dard red cover — Property of R.J. Ussher, 1 containing notes on birds of Mayo by W.H. Good, Westport, 27.12.1890. 3 Small dark red oblong note-book with attached rubber 1 band — Bird notes (R.J. Ussher) 1889-1893.

4 Small black oblong note-book — Bird notes by R.J. Ussher. 1 5 Small dark green oblong note-book — Bird notes by R.J. 1 Ussher 1895-99.

6 Notebook, black leather cover (five loose sheets at 1 beginning of vol.) — Bird notes of John R. Kinahan, Donnybrook. 7 Purple jotter containing notes on Irish birds 1907. 1

8 Envelope labelled ‘Mr. West’s notes on birds near Portora, 78 Enniskillen 1913’ — 2 letters, 76 sheets.

9 Small box containing two smaller boxes of sparrows’ eggs. 5 eggs in all.

10 Envelope addressed to R.J. Ussher containing galley proofs for part of Clare Island Survey.

11 Folder of sheets — questionnaire on ‘Irish Breeding Birds’ 56 1890-92 for Birds of Ireland. All for Munster.

12 Folder of sheets marked ‘Connaught Questionnaire on Irish 31 Breeding Birds 1890-91 for Birds of Ireland’.

13 Packet of letters and cards. 131

14 Packet of letters and cards. 117

15 Packet of letters and cards. 118

BOX 10

This is a handwritten note by library staff of the R.I.A., dated 27/xi/65, appearing after the last typed entry for Box 10 —

Box 10: 27/xi/65

A file of letters and papers of R.J. Ussher (55 letters 1878-1910, numbered and dated and 13 unnumbered and undated — relating to vertebrate zoology and cave exploration in Ireland). These letters and papers were extracted from the Ussher collection temporarily for the use of Miss H. Parkes, T.C.D. some years ago, and have now been returned to the collection and put in the last box = Box 10. 27/xi/65 C.B. [Caitlín Bonfield, R.I.A. Librarian 1961-9]

Collection shelved at: SR/Bay 38