A baseline survey of juvenile lamprey populations in the River Feale catchment Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 22 A baseline survey of juvenile lamprey populations in the River Feale catchment William O’Connor Ecofact Environmental Consultants Ltd. Tait Business Centre, Dominic Street, Limerick City, Ireland. t. +353 61 313519 f. +353 61 414315 e.
[email protected] Citation: O’Connor W. (2006) A baseline survey of juvenile lamprey populations in the River Feale catchment. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 22. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland. Cover photo: The River Feale at Listowel © William O’Connor Irish Wildlife Manuals Series Editor: F. Marnell © National Parks and Wildlife Service 2006 ISSN 1393 – 6670 Contents Executive Summary 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Methodology 5 2.1 Selection of sites 5 2.2 Electrical fishing equipment 5 2.3 Description of sites 6 2.4 Identification of lampreys 7 2.5 Assessment of conservation status 7 3. Study Area 9 3.1 The Feale catchment 9 4. Results 11 4.1 Electrical fishing site characteristics 11 4.2 Lamprey catch 12 4.3 Distribution, abundance and characteristics of lamprey populations 12 4.4 Lamprey habitats in the River Feale catchment 19 4.5 Quantitative electrical fishing assessments 21 4.6 Conservation status of lampreys in the Feale catchment 21 5. Conclusions and Recommendations 23 6. Bibliography 24 Appendix 1 List of sites investigated 26 Feale Lamprey Survey 2005 --------------------------- Executive Summary ¾ Three indigenous species of lamprey occur in Ireland; the non-parasitic resident brook lamprey Lampetra planeri, the parasitic anadromous river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis and sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus.