HERITAGE STATEMENT + ASSESSMENT to inform CHANGES TO A PHS (PREVIOULSY PROCLAIMED NATIONAL MONUMENT) Erf 1113, No. 20 Brownlow Road, Tamboerskloof CASE NUMBER: 15062408 HB 0625 E Applicable Legislation S.27 of NHR Act and Heritage Protection Overlay Zone: City of Cape Town Cape Town, October 2015 Prepared for Karin Osler Trust Existing house: Erf 1113, Tamboerskloof, P.Büttgens; 2015 heritage square, 2nd floor, 103 hout street, cape town, 8001, pobox 50460 waterfront, 8002, south africa t: 021 – 422 34 87 c: 082 – 870 5927 f: 021- 426 53 62 e:
[email protected] HERITAGE STATEMENT & Assessment: ERF 1113 | No. 20 Brownlow Road, Tamboerskloof | Oct. 2015 | © Peter Büttgens Architects H E R I T A G E S T A T E M E N T The building and site is a Provincial Heritage Site, as it was declared national monument in terms of “SLIVERKNOWLES”, ERF 1113, TAMBOERSKLOOF the National Monuments Act, 1969. This EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Purpose of this Report proclamation, gazetted in 1990, includes the site as The architect Greg Nortjé approached my office to well as the house. assist with establishing what changes can be made to the PHS building and site and to undertake the The site is located within the Upper Table Valley heritage approvals process. The purpose of this Heritage Protection Overlay Zone which requires report is to establish the primary and secondary consent from the City of Cape Town after heritage significances and components and the clearance from the Environmental and Heritage extent changes may be made that will not Resources Management (E&HRM). The interested negatively impact the significance.