JSM 2017 in Baltimore the 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore, Maryland, Which Included the CONTENTS IMS Annual Meeting, Took Place from July 29 to August 3

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JSM 2017 in Baltimore the 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore, Maryland, Which Included the CONTENTS IMS Annual Meeting, Took Place from July 29 to August 3 Volume 46 • Issue 6 IMS Bulletin September 2017 JSM 2017 in Baltimore The 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore, Maryland, which included the CONTENTS IMS Annual Meeting, took place from July 29 to August 3. There were over 6,000 1 JSM round-up participants from 52 countries, and more than 600 sessions. Among the IMS program highlights were the three Wald Lectures given by Emmanuel Candès, and the Blackwell 2–3 Members’ News: ASA Fellows; ICM speakers; David Allison; Lecture by Martin Wainwright—Xiao-Li Meng writes about how inspirational these Mike Cohen; David Cox lectures (among others) were, on page 10. There were also five Medallion lectures, from Edoardo Airoldi, Emery Brown, Subhashis Ghoshal, Mark Girolami and Judith 4 COPSS Awards winners and nominations Rousseau. Next year’s IMS lectures 6 JSM photos At the IMS Presidential Address and Awards session (you can read Jon Wellner’s 8 Anirban’s Angle: The State of address in the next issue), the IMS lecturers for 2018 were announced. The Wald the World, in a few lines lecturer will be Luc Devroye, the Le Cam lecturer will be Ruth Williams, the Neyman Peter Bühlmann Yuval Peres 10 Obituary: Joseph Hilbe lecture will be given by , and the Schramm lecture by . The Medallion lecturers are: Jean Bertoin, Anthony Davison, Anna De Masi, Svante Student Puzzle Corner; 11 Janson, Davar Khoshnevisan, Thomas Mikosch, Sonia Petrone, Richard Samworth Loève Prize and Ming Yuan. 12 XL-Files: The IMS Style— Next year’s JSM invited sessions Inspirational, Mathematical If you’re feeling inspired by what you heard at JSM, you can help to create the 2018 and Statistical invited program for the meeting in Vancouver (July 28–August 2, 2018). Submit an 14 Recent papers: Annals of invited session proposal at http://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2018/submissions. Probability; Annals of cfm#invited. But hurry: the deadline is September 6, 2017. Applied Probability Turn to pages 4–7 for photos from the conference (and a few more on pages 15 Meetings 12–13). The JSM2017 program is online at http://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2017/ 19 Employment Opportunities onlineprogram/index.cfm. 20 International Calendar of A poster session in the Expo Hall Meetings 23 Information for Advertisers Read it online: bulletin.imstat.org IMS Bulletin 2 . IMS Bulletin Volume 46 . Issue 6 Volume 46 • Issue 6 September 2017 IMS Members’ News ISSN 1544-1881 2017 ASA Fellows recognised at JSM ceremony Contact information The American Statistical Association elected 62 new Fellows this year, among whom are the IMS Bulletin Editor: Vlada Limic following IMS members: Assistant Editor: Tati Howell Mariza de Andrade, Professor of Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic Foundation Contributing Editors: Anirban DasGupta, William B. Fairley, Senior Statistician, President, Analysis & Inference, Inc. Yoram Gat, David Hand, Takis Konstan- topoulos, Xiao-Li Meng, Regina Nuzzo, Byron Jon Gajewski, Professor, University of Kansas Medical Center Dimitris Politis, Kavita Ramanan and Tilmann Gneiting, Professor of Computational Statistics, Computational Statistics Group Terry Speed Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Director, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Mevin B. Hooten, Assistant Unit Leader, Associate Professor, U.S. Geological Survey Contact the IMS Bulletin by email: e [email protected] Xuelin Huang, Professor of Biostatistics, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center w http://bulletin.imstat.org Xiaoming Huo, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology https://www.facebook.com/IMSTATI Snehalata V. Huzurbazar, Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Wyoming Contact the IMS regarding your dues, Christian Léger, Professor, University of Montréal membership, subscriptions, orders or Wenbin Lu, Professor, North Carolina State University change of address: Ping Ma, Professor, University of Georgia IMS Dues and Subscriptions Office Yanyuan Ma, Professor of Statistics, Penn State University 9650 Rockville Pike, Suite L3503A Bethesda, MD 20814-3998 Michael P. McDermott, Professor, University of Rochester Medical Center USA Victor Perez Abreu, Senior Researcher, Center for Research in Mathematics t 877-557-4674 [toll-free in USA] George C. Tseng, Professor, University of Pittsburgh t +1 216 295 5661[international] Jun Yan, Professor, University of Connecticut f +1 301 634 7099 The full list is at http://www.amstat.org/asa/News/ASA-Bestows-Prestigious-Fellow- e [email protected] Designation-Upon-62-Statisticians.aspx Contact the IMS regarding any other matter, including advertising, copyright International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 Plenary Speakers announced permission, offprint orders, copyright The ICM 2018 (August 1–9, 2018 in Rio de Janeiro) is organized under the auspices of the transfer, societal matters, meetings, fellows International Mathematical Union. Plenary speakers include Gregory Lawler and Michael nominations and content of publications: Jordan. Also listed in the Probability and Statistics section are the following invited Executive Director, Elyse Gustafson speakers: Allan Sly, Andrea Montanari, Bálint Tóth, Byeong U. Park, Claudio Landim, Dmitry IMS Business Office PO Box 22718, Beachwood Chelkak, Hugo Duminil-Copin, Jason Miller, Jonathan Taylor, Josselin Garnier, Liza Levina, OH 44122, USA Massimiliano Gubinelli, Noureddine El Karoui, Paul Bourgade, Peter Bühlmann, Richard t 877-557-4674 [toll-free in USA] Kenyon, Sem Borst and Vladimir Koltchinskii. t +1 216 295 5661[international] See http://www.icm2018.org/portal/en/icm-speakers f +1 216 295 5661 e [email protected] David Allison to Head Indiana University School of Public Health in Bloomington Executive Committee IMS Fellow David B. Allison has been appointed dean of the President: Alison Etheridge Indiana University School of Public Health in Bloomington, [email protected] Indiana, USA. Allison, former associate dean for research and President-Elect: Xiao-Li Meng [email protected] science in the school of health professions at the University of Past President: Jon Wellner Alabama at Birmingham, is an elected fellow of the National [email protected] Academy of Medicine. His research includes a breadth of activity— Treasurer: Zhengjun Zhang including basic science using Drosophila (fruit flies), rodent models, [email protected] David Allison epidemiology, human clinical trials, statistical methodology, Program Secretary: Judith Rousseau [email protected] meta‐analysis, mathematical models, and human behavioral research—which is helpful in Executive Secretary: Edsel Peña cross-disciplinary collaborations with faculty from a range of academic backgrounds. See [email protected] https://news.iu.edu/stories/2017/06/iub/releases/16-sph-dean-announcement.html = access published papers online IMS Journals and Publications September . 2017 IMS Bulletin . 3 Annals of Statistics: Ed George and Tailen Hsing http://imstat.org/aos http://projecteuclid.org/aos Annals of Applied Statistics: Tilmann Gneiting http://imstat.org/aoas More Members’ News http://projecteuclid.org/aoas Annals of Probability: Maria Eulalia Vares http://imstat.org/aop Mike Cohen MAA’s representative-at-large http://projecteuclid.org/aop Longtime IMS member Michael P. Cohen has been elected Annals of Applied Probability: Bálint Tóth http://imstat.org/aap representative-at-large for business, industry and government, to http://projecteuclid.org/aoap the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Congress with Statistical Science: Cun-Hui Zhang three-year term beginning February 1, 2018. Mike is a Principal http://imstat.org/sts http://projecteuclid.org/ss Statistician at the American Institutes for Research (AIR). He has IMS Collections over 35 years’ experience in complex survey design and estimation, http://imstat.org/publications/imscollections.htm http://projecteuclid.org/imsc including sample design, imputation, variances, sample size and Mike Cohen IMS Monographs and IMS Textbooks: David Cox power determination, and weighting. This experience includes seven http://imstat.org/cup/ years at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, working on sampling and estimation for the US IMS Co-sponsored Journals and Consumer Price Index and the US Consumer Expenditure Surveys. He spent 13 years at Publications the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the US Department of Education, Electronic Journal of Statistics: Domenico Marinucci http://imstat.org/ejs and seven years at the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics, the last four as their Assistant http://projecteuclid.org/ejs Director for Survey Programs. Mike has served as President of the Washington Academy Electronic Journal of Probability: Brian Rider of Sciences and of the Washington Statistical Society. He was the Treasurer of the Survey http://ejp.ejpecp.org Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association for 2015–16. He is an Electronic Communications in Probability: Sandrine Péché associate editor of the Journal of Official Statisticsand a contributing editor for the Journal http://ecp.ejpecp.org of Experimental Education. He has been an associate editor for the Journal of the American Current Index to Statistics: George Styan http://www.statindex.org Statistical Association, Applications and Case Studies. log into members' area at imstat.org Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics: International Prize in Statistics presented to David Cox Diane Cook http://www.amstat.org/publications/jcgs As we previously reported, IMS Fellow Sir David Cox was named the inaugural recipient log into
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