Town of Spencer

Community Resilience Building Workshop Summary of Findings May, 2018

Project No. 20170390. 50

CRB Workshop Base Map

CRB Workshop Outputs: Participatory Mapping Exercise & Risk Matrices

CRB Workshop Presentation Materials Firefighters, January 4, 2018 (Reuters) Cambridge Reservoir, Lincoln, MA (Boston Globe)

1. Introduction to MVP and What It Means to Your Community

2. What is Climate Change?

3. Climate Change in - Northeast Climate Center at UMass - Climate Change Projections in Your Watershed

4. Climate Change Impacts

5. Hazard Mitigation and Emergency Management Planning in Your Community

6. CRB Workshop - Table Teams - Maps - Risk Matrix

7. Final Discussion •

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MVP Designation May Lead to Enhanced Standing in Future Funding Opportunities

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– – – Town of Spencer – Chicopee and Quinebaug River Basin •

• Local Leaders

2. Identify 3. Complete 1. Engage 4. Prioritize 5. Take CC Impacts Vulnerability Community Vulnerability Action and Targets Assessment Bro w ni ng Eames Pond

Br owning Pond (&Dam) , Rd BrVu owning ln erab le Pond Br idge Th om ps on s Po nd

Brooks Pond St. Jose ph's Kettle Brook PowerAbb plant ey St. Reservoir Jo seph's Ab bey Resid ent Car e Tho mpson Po nd Dam, Abbey Solar levelrepairlower con trol o utlet Br ooks Po nd Dam

Spenc er Lac MVP Story BoardMarie DeCiste bbie rnDrive 3 - Dam Buck Hill Conser vation Spen cer co mpr omisedDam - Addroutlet ess pipe A irpo rt Haz Waste Site - Abb ey Cam p M arsh all DaPond m #3

Abb ey Pond Dam #2 See ly e F ar m Pond Dam

Dayc are - Sp ence r Cister n Hastings Rd Shaw Broo k/Paxton Spenc er 1 - Deer Run Rd Road Moose Hill Cistern 2 Vulner able Brid ge Sugden - Br iarwoo d Lane Reservoir Moo seR Hill es Pon ervoi d Da r m

Haz Waste Site - Joe 's Junky ard Tur key Hill Br ook/ Wire Villag e Rd Vulner able L ittlef ield Pond Dam Bridge Borr ego Solar Spen cer NorthSpencerCiste rn 10Rd - Emergency Shelter - W ire Villa ge Scho ol Sh aw Pond Da ycar e - Hospital/Clin ic - Woo dside Rd N Spen cer Rd/Rte 31 Vu ln era ble Bridg e Reliant M edical Group 19 Wood chuc k Other - Lake Hospital/Clin ic L ake W hittemo re Dam Lan e Solar - Me mor ial FairSpe gr ound ncer s W hittemore Medic al Gr oup

Spen cer Spenc er Linc oln Tank/ BoHigh oster lan d Pump St. Sewer Pump Hill Emer genc y Shelter - Manor RestHome Station 2 DaPr vidouty HS Dayc are - Da ycar e - Bay Gr ove St Conse rvation /Rec Are a Path Rd Da ycar e Day car e - Brown St - SibleyF arm -Old Farm Rd (2) Dipo ty Dayc are - Major Employer Muzzy St DaycaDoo re Cho-Price pper Treadwell Specialized Sunset Solar Housin- SMOC g Dayc are Holmes Solar Spenc er Haz Waste Muzzy -Ash St Emer genc y Rich's Da ycar e - Cor nfie ld Rd Dayc are - Ciste rn 4 - Site - Mass. Me adow Dam She lter - Knox Tra il Pond Richland Ave Bell St Electric Prope rty Midd le Sch ool Dam Burn co at Emer gen cy Shelter Dayc are Spencer Co nser vation/Rec Howe Sp ence r Cister n Po nd -Knights of - Ea rley Senior Da ycar e - Area - Burn coat Village 5 - Candlewoo d Pond Wild lif e San c Spen cer Hig hway/SewerColumb us HouCen sing ter Autho rity Ash( St 2) Gar age - M aple St Dr ive Spencer Lake Pip eline, M eado w Lashaway Major Ten nessee Gas Old Sp ortsm en's Po nd Employ er - SolarSpec ia lize d Housing - Dam Perry SpBig enc eY r W T P, Spen cer Fish & GameAster wo od Pla ce Pond Major Chem II User Club Dam - Rep air ou tlet str uctur e Car que stEmploy Auto Par er - ts

MA-4 9 Vulner able Brid ge Spenc er T ran sfer Station Mud Spencer Cedar Pond Inte rmo dal F reig ht Depo t Meadow Po nd

Major Employe r - E Br ookfie ld & Spenc er RR

Day car e Spenc- Sou er thRd

Howe State Day car e - GH Haltinne r Pa rk/Spe ncer Wilson Rd Pond State Fo rest Dam Up per Mo rga n Pond Dam Haz Waste Site - Howe Rese rvoir Dam Lo conto Br ower Sto rag e Pond Pro per ty Dam Be rthia ume Haz Waste Site - Stiles F arm Pond Sweeny 's Gar age/ Sp ence r R es ervoi r Dam Auto Salvage

An tell Pond Dam Quaboag Po nd

Spe ncer Cister n 6 - Cr anb err y Mea dow Po nd Taylor Dr ive Dam

SpencerFire/Police Rad io/Emer g. Comms.

Spe ncer Cister n 9 - Br iarc lif f Lane

Kno w n Flo od ing Area s Un de rgro un d Sto rag e Pond, Lake, Ocean ñ Town Hall $# Tanks SPENCER, MA Evacu ati on Ro ute Ra il r oa ds - A c ti ve S e r vi c e Reservoir "$g Police Station Past Do w ned Tre es Pipeline W etla nd MUNICIPAL VULNERABILITY Sno w D ri ft s Fire Station Wellhead ProtectionZone I ¨ !!!! Powerline Other Identified Hazard Wellhead ProtectionZone II PREPAREDNESS ! Rest Home Stream 00.51 Areas School µ 4 PROGRAM Man m ade S ho relin e Flood Zone Designat ions Þ Co m munity Groundwater Miles ! 1% Annual Chanceof S o u rce Data sources: !Þ Surface Water Intake Flooding MassGIS - Infrastructure, Hydrology, and Administrative Data R eg ul atory Fl oo dw ay ESRI- WorldTopographic Map - Base Map No n -C o mm un it y Þ 0.2% Annual Chance of ! G rou ndw a te r S our ce !Þ Emergency Surface Water Flooding Next Steps: CRB Workshop Who When Where
