Arylo Ch 03 Seal and Heal Love Cracks
We have come to this planet to love ourselves in spite of whatever obstacles others or we ourselves have put in our paths. – Louise L. Hay Adventure #3: Seal & Heal Your Love Cracks Take back your love power and never give away your power to feel loved again Did you know that you were born in love with yourself? Yep, born feeling loved, connected to love, and ready to give and receive love unconditionally. Upon arrival, your heart and soul were full of 100% pure love. Unfortunately the world you were born into, while advanced in many ways, didn’t and still doesn’t operate on the principles of love (at least not yet.) Fear is the name of the game, and fear is the #1 smasher and smusher of anything resembling love. When your pure beam of love dropped into your bouncing baby body, fear, in all its forms – hate, meanness, comparison, doubt, anxiety, judgment, worry, rejection, shame – wanted in as quickly as possible. If you were fortunate, you landed softly into a family who held a tight container of love, not so affected or blinded by their own fears that they projected and handed them down to you immediately. A tribe that did their best to create a place for you to feel safe, cared for, worthy, and special, at least for a time. But very few of us, no matter how great our parents, escaped adolescence without being affected by fear and its “love stealers.” At some point in your life, probably between the ages of 2 and 11, something happened to make you feel separated from the pure, unwavering and unconditional love to which you were born connected.
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