Sayisi Dene Mapping Initiative, Tadoule Lake Area, Manitoba (Part of NTS 64J9, 10, 15, 16) by L.A
GS-15 Sayisi Dene Mapping Initiative, Tadoule Lake area, Manitoba (part of NTS 64J9, 10, 15, 16) by L.A. Murphy and A.R. Carlson Murphy, L.A. and Carlson, A.R. 2009: Sayisi Dene Mapping Initiative, Tadoule Lake area, Manitoba (part of NTS 64J9, 10, 15, 16); in Report of Activities 2009, Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 154–159. Summary metasedimentary units and rafts In the summer of 2009, the Manitoba Geological Sur- of possible Archean provenance. vey (MGS) conducted the first half of a four-week geo- Petrology, geochemistry and Sm- logical mapping course with the Sayisi Dene First Nation Nd isotope analyses of samples at Tadoule Lake, Manitoba. The goals of the program are collected in the Tadoule Lake area will provide constraints to help increase awareness of the region’s geology and necessary to determine the nature, ages and contact rela- mineral resources, provide the basic skills needed to work tionships of exposed rock types. This work may help in a mineral-exploration camp and foster information- interpret geological domain boundaries in the Tadoule sharing between First Nation communities and the MGS. Lake area in conjunction with other projects that are all Four members of the community were hired as student- part of the ongoing Manitoba Far North Geomapping Ini- trainees and three completed the first half of the program. tiative (Anderson, et al., GS-13, this volume). One of the trainees was hired by the MGS as a field assis- tant to geologists working in the Seal River–Great Island Introduction area between Tadoule Lake and Churchill.
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