
15ICML 159--P Multicenter standardization isachievable ofCD30 by FCM, usinginparticularthe AC10 and makingit therefore apowerful In 85cases realized IHChasbeenalso clone BerH2 (Dako). withthe Absare BCand BD testedif onlynMFI30>1% Ancell. withAb The meanfluorescence intensity of CD30isnormalized(MFI) in% compared to CD4( (Ancell) which recognizes sameepitopeas BV. strategy. Abs recognizing differentCD30 epitopes are tested:BerH83 HRS4 (BD), AC10 (BC)and BD cytometers Biosciences (BD,= 9)orBeckmann Coulter (BC,n =9)are the Euroflow usedwith suspensions,10bonemarrows,node 28 others) (www.mfi30.fr). malignant T Among 18 centersparticipated to thefirst step standardization, of cases12 included (n=155) :5ALCL, 70 B CD30 expression by flowcytometry (FCM) inmalignantB Tand correlate to CD30expression defined byimmunohistochemistry objective(IHC). The ofthismulticentric study isto standardiz anaplasticlymphoma (HL)and large cell (ALCL) lymphoma that typicallyexpressed theCD30.However, theresponse to BV isdif The Brentuximabvedotin (BV),an anti 2/Second step = inclusion 1/First step = standardization 12 HospitalierUniversitaire , , de EFSBFC ,Universitéde Franche Comté, Besançon, France, , France Alsace (GHRMSA),France, 1 On 3cell lines, all thecenters obtain similar results (z Using 3cell lines withdifferent (SUDHL4,K562 and L82) expression FCM CD30, of protocol discordant groups byFCM. All ALCL are positive by techniques. both All T 21/64 (33%)are inpositive or discordant groups by FCM. 6/13 Sezary are positive by7/24 IHC(46%)and(29%)are inpositive expression ofnon group,of 52inthenegative in7out and group 1 PTCL (2AITL, When tested,IHC is positive all cases in of positivehigh groupdim positive 7 (10),4 outof inthe in group, 16 10outof - - - - FCM results has allowed to define 4groups : Laboratoire d'HématologieCellulaire, Groupement Hospitalier de ,Sud/HospicesCivils France, was standardized and validated (robuststatistics). Laboratoire d'Hématologie,Centre HospitalierUniversitaire deStrasbourg,France a negative group a discordant group a dimpositive group a highpositive group Lucile Baseggio EATLcase:group (FCM) High positive Ancell CD30 Lucile Baseggio Biology and Pathology with nMFI30<1%AbAncell. Ab; with nMFI30>1%AbAncell<1% another with and with nMFI30between5% with3 Abs 1 and the tested; - with nMFI30>with 5%withthe3Abs tested; 5 cell proliferations (24Sezary, 26 PTCL Laboratoire debiologie, HopitalFoch , France, Franck Genevieve Multicentric MFI30 study: standardization of CD30 expression 1 , Agathe Debliquis - (n = 109)(n tumoral cells presentmicroenvironment in or by intracytoplasmic staining. 10/38 DLBCLare positive by IHC(26 3 (n = 19)(n LaboratoireCentre d'Immunologie, HospitalierUniversitaire deGrenoble, France, (n = 16)(n (n =11) tool for clinical trialsto extend the treatment ofBV to variousNHL. 8 (12 centers, 155 cases) by flow cytometry inNon , JulienGuy 10 Laboratoire d'hématologie,C HUAmiens IHC concordance 2 (18 centers) , Marie - CD30 monoclonal CD30 monoclonal antibody conjugated (Ab) to chemotherapy, shown has its efficacy inHodgki 9 , Véronique Harrivel - Christine Jacob 8 Laboratoire d'Hématologie,Centre HospitalierUniversitaire d’, France, - CD30 NOS, 14 T - MATERIALS andMETHODS score between 6 Service d'HématologieService Biologique, HopitalAPHP Cochin , France, 3 INTRODUCTION , Sabrina Bouyer CONCLUSION - PLL, 8 AITL, 2 EATL, 8 AITL, PLL, 6 T/NK 10 - - RESULTS NOS and 4 DLBCL). This lastNOS and4DLBCL). discordance couldbe explained by CD , Remi Letestu cell proliferation. DOI: 10.3252/pso.eu.15ICML.2019 - Picardie, , France, - 2 and +2). 2 and+2). - PLLs, DLBCL 4 , HindBennani 2 11 Laboratoire d’Hématologie,Groupe Hospitalierde la Région Sud Mulhouse , Caroline Mayeur DLCBL case:group (FCM)dim positive - CD30 Ancell Hodgkin lymphoma 4 Negative group Service d'HématologieService Biologique, Centre HospitalierUniversitaire de 11 n=109 - Laboratoire d'hématologie,Hôpital Avicenne, Bobigny,France, nMFI30 CNS and LGLCNS and are negative. Poster - LGL) from various samples (74 bloods 5 , Nicolas Chapuis presented without Anti PE PE - CD30 Abs ). at: - Rousse Printing Discordantgroup n=19 supported 12 9 , Bernard Drenou Service Service d'Hématologie Centrebiologique, 6 - by , Francine GarnacheOttou NHL including 64 DL NHL including : IHC discorcordance 7 Laboratoire Hématologie, UMR1098, Dim group n=16 in 2 the discordantthe Positive group n=11 e a CD30 , 43 lymph or fic BCL, 80 BCL, nd evaluatend 30 ult toult %) and %) and 7 , n