The fiber and convergence leader in the North of

June 2018 Disclaimer

This presentation (the "Presentation") has been prepared and is issued by, and is the sole responsibility of Euskaltel, S.A. ("Euskaltel" or "the Company"). For the purposes hereof, the Presentation shall mean and include the slides that follow, any prospective oral presentations of such slides by the Company, as well as any question-and-answer session that may follow that oral presentation and any materials distributed at, or in connection with, any of the above. The information contained in the Presentation has not been independently verified and some of the information is in summary form. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by the Euskaltel Group (including Euskaltel, S.A., Cable y Telecomunicaciones , S.A.U. and Parselaya, S.L.U. and its subsidiaries ( Capital Holding, S.A.U. and Telecable de S.A.U.)), nor by their directors, officers, employees, representatives or agents as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or opinions expressed herein. None of Euskaltel Group, nor their respective directors, officers, employees, representatives or agents shall have any liability whatsoever (in negligence or otherwise) for any direct or consequential loss, damages, costs or prejudices whatsoever arising from the use of the Presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with the Presentation, save with respect to any liability for fraud, and expressly disclaim any and all liability whether direct or indirect, express or implied, contractual, tortious, statutory or otherwise, in connection with the accuracy or completeness of the information or for any of the opinions contained herein or for any errors, omissions or misstatements contained in the Presentation. Euskaltel cautions that this Presentation contains forward looking statements with respect to the business, financial condition, results of operations, strategy, plans and objectives of the Euskaltel Group. The words "believe", " expect", " anticipate", "intends", " estimate", "forecast", "project", "will", "may", "should" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Other forward-looking statements can be identified from the context in which they are made. While these forward-looking statements represent our judgment and future expectations concerning the development of our business, a certain number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors, including those published in our past and future filings and reports, including those with the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (“CNMV”) and available to the public both in Euskaltel’s website ( and in the CNMV’s website (, as well as other risk factors currently unknown or not foreseeable, which may be beyond Euskaltel’s control, could adversely affect our business and financial performance and cause actual developments and results to differ materially from those implied in the forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein. The information contained in the Presentation, including but not limited to forward-looking statements, is provided as of the date hereof and is not intended to give any assurances as to future results. No person is under any obligation to update, complete, revise or keep current the information contained in the Presentation, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. The information contained in the Presentation may be subject to change without notice and must not be relied upon for any purpose. Market and competitive position data in the Presentation have generally been obtained from industry publications and surveys or studies conducted by third-party sources. There are limitations with respect to the availability, accuracy, completeness and comparability of such data. Euskaltel has not independently verified such data and can provide no assurance of its accuracy or completeness. Certain statements in the Presentation regarding the market and competitive position data are based on the internal analyses of Euskaltel, which involve certain assumptions and estimates. These internal analyses have not been verified by any independent source and there can be no assurance that the assumptions or estimates are accurate. Accordingly, no undue reliance should be placed on any of the industry, market or Euskaltel’s competitive position data contained in the Presentation. You may wish to seek independent and professional advice and conduct your own independent investigation and analysis of the information contained in this Presentation and of the business, operations, financial condition, prospects, status and affairs of the Euskaltel Group. Euskaltel is not nor can it be held responsible for the use, valuations, opinions, expectations or decisions which might be adopted by third parties following the publication of this Presentation. No one should purchase or subscribe for any securities in the Company on the basis of this Presentation. 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2 The leading platform in the north of Spain

Geographical complementarity Key metrics

Subs1: 153k Homes Subs1: 284k Addressable Population2: 1.0m 1 passed Subscribers Wi-Fi spots Population2: 2.7m Subs : 350k market Population2: 2.2m (inhabitants) (000’) ~ 790k > 400k ~ 6m ~ 2,200

39% 65% 68% 39% 79% 42% 1 Market position (in respective regions) 31% 42% 83% Total group: c.790k subs

Mobile penetration Broadband mkt Pay TV mkt Key achievements (2017) share (2015) share (2015) From a single region company Consistently leading market position in our regions to a multi-region platform

Shareholder Value-accretive remuneration M&A delivered 2010 2 1 1 43 initiated

Sector-top 4 Financial Now 2 1 1 3 operating and discipline financial metrics preserved Source INE, CNMC, Company internal estimates maintained Notes: 1. Total subscribers (Residential + business) figures as of Dec-17 2. 2016 data from INE 3 3. 3rd operator in the Basque country 4. 4th operator in Asturias Strategic milestones

Initial Public Offering Acquisition of R Cable Platform creation Jul-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 / Today

Successful IPO of the first Spanish Transformational transaction in Euskaltel Acquisition of the remaining 1 1 1 cable company1 in history history independent regional cable business

Fully consistent with consolidation 2 strategy

Highly value accretive with cash flow Support of highly reputed institutional 3 Largest independent convergent cable impact over 20% 2 2 investors platform in Spain

Synergies delivered on time and revised 4 upwards

Support from institutional equity and debt Governance support with the Strong after market performance of 5 investors (€255m equity raising and incorporation of Zegona’s and Jon 3 the stock 3 €900m debt raising) James’ international expertise

Note 4 1. On a Spanish stock exchange We have built a 2x larger business since IPO…

Subscribers (‘000) EBITDA1 (€m) OpCF2 (€m)

Mobile penetration (%) EBITDA margin (%) As % of revenue (%)

53% 77% 49% 48% 35% 31%

>2x >2x ~2x

216 777 341

113 348 156

IPO 2017 IPO 2017 IPO 2017

Notes 1. EBITDA adjusted for management fees, M&A expenses, transaction bonuses and other extraordinary items 2. Throughout the presentation, OpCF defined as (EBITDA – capex) 5 Strong operational and financial profile while doubling size

IPO Statutory figures FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 (Mar-15)

3P / 4P (%) 57.6% 63.3% 65.8% 68.0%

KPIs Mobility (%)1 53.3% 71.7% 77.2% 77.1%

ARPU (€)2 €55.7 €56.0 €58.4 €60.0

EBITDA (€m) €156m €167m €281m €307m

EBITDA Margin (%) 48.7% 47.8% 49.0% 49.3%

OpCF (€m) €113m €114m €185m €198m Financial OpCF margin (%) 35.1% 32.6% 32.2% 31.8% statements income3 (€m) €37m €7m €62m €50m

EPS3 (€) €0.29 €0.13 €0.72 €0.28

Eq. CF per share3 (€) €0.694 €0.23 €0.87 €0.56

Notes: 1. Mobile penetration as a percentage of fixed-line customers 2. For the residential segment 3. Statutory figures including extraordinary and non-recurrent elements 4. EqCF per share at IPO calculated as of 31-Dec-2014 6 The regional integrated telecommunication champion

1 2 Undisputed leading fiber and Supportive macro dynamics across convergence operator in the Basque regional footprint with broader Country, Galicia and Asturias improvement in telecom dynamics

8 3 Strong and experienced Benefitting from strong emotional management team supported by attachment and high-quality client anchor shareholder base base

7 4 State-of-the-art fiber Best-in-class margins and cash flow network fully invested, providing generation underpinned by a prudent financial policy best-in-class service and acting as an entry barrier

6 5

Growth momentum underway Growth through expansion to nearby focused on the lifetime value of the territories client

7 1 Undisputed leading operator

Basque Country Galicia Asturias

Market Share Market Share(1) Market Share

2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4

68% 46% 36% 38% 39% 39% 28% 29% 30% 31%

Residential 20% 16%

Market Share Market Share(1) Market Share(1)

2 2 2 2 2 1 4 56%

35% 33% 35%

23% 27% Business 12%

(1) SoHo SMEs & Large Accounts Fixed

Source: Company estimates and CNMC data. Market share in their respective footprints. (1) Ranking based on market share over cabled areas (2) 2016 data for all segments and region, except B2B Telecable which accounts for 2015 8 1 …on the back of a fully convergent offering

Residential Segment

Successful migration towards 3P/4P… … driving an increase in value per customer

RGUs ARPU (€) (proforma for Telecable acquisition) 3.04x /Sub 3.29x 3.43x 3.52x

60.7 68% 65% 67% 59.4 59%

28% 26% 31% 56.9 36% 55.3

42% 34% 39% 24%

2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 4P 3P

9 2 Supportive macro dynamics

Price war bringing down ARPUs … leading to a rapid shift …driving market consolidation, …and resulting in tariff below EU average towards convergence … content investments and capex inflation and sector recovery

Spanish Telecom market(1) historical revenue growth (%YoY)

High end 4P bundles pricing improved 19% for Orange, Vodafone acquires 35% for Telefonica and 47% Introduction of heavily Orange acquires Ono for €7.2bn for Vodafone since Q2-14 discounted “ Jazztel for €3.3bn Fusión” bundles

1.8% A C A C 0.5% 0.0% (0.5%) (0.9%) (1.6%)

(3.0%) (3.3%) (4.8%) (5.3%) (6.2%) (6.0%) (5.1%)

(7.3%) (7.5%)

(8.8%) (9.8%)

4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 4Q16

Proportion of 3P / 4P bundles almost Three main national operators initiated triples from 24% in 2012A to 67% c.€3.3bn football rights and c.€9.2bn network upgrade investment plans

Sources: CNMC, IMF and Company Filings. Notes: (1) Spanish TMT market includes the following segment as defined by CNMC: fixed telephony, broadband, Pay TV, Business communications, Wholesale, Mobile, TV advertising, Other TV and other revenues. A = Announcement; C = Closing 10 2 Market context : data and TV driven market with increased competition

Contribution to growth Spanish telecom sector1,2

CAGR 11A-21E 04.0%

4.0% 2.1% (0.8%) 02.0% 1.4% 0.6% 1.2% 0.5% 2.0% 1.1% 1.1% 1.3% 1.3% 1.2% 0.6% - 0.5% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017E 2018E 2019E (0.1%) 1.9% - (2.0%) (3.8%) (2.8%) (2.3%) (4.0%) (2.0%) (3.0%) (0.9%) (3.4%) (6.0%) (4.8%) (4.0%) Mobile data (6.9%) (5.5%) (8.0%) Fixed broadband (6.0%) Pay-TV Mobile voice & messaging (10.0%) (8.9%) Fixed telefony (9.5%) Total revenue growth (8.0%) (12.0%) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Data and TV driving moderate industry growth Moderate growth expected for the coming years

Source Arthur D. Little (2015), CNMC Notes: 1. Revenue growth over the 2011A - 2019E period calculated as the evolution of the aggregated revenues of the 5 main Spanish competitors (Euskaltel, Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, MásMovil). The series has been adjusted for Ono and Jazztel acquisitions by Vodafone and Orange. Estimates for 2017E-2019E based on a selection of broker projections for each of the above mentioned companies. 2. 2016 growth excluding Euskaltel, Masmovil and Orange growth. 2017 growth excludes Masmovil 11 3 High valuable, longstanding customer base and best-in-class brand perception

120 Distribution of our customer base within Average seniority of the Brand recognition2 our ARPU bands1 group’s client base

12.00 100

10.00 55% 45% Approachable 80 and close Group average 8.6 years 8.00 Op.1 Op.2 Op.3 Op.4

60 Best quality 6.00 of service

ARPU: Op.1 Op.2 Op.3 Op.4 40 1 €59.6 4.00

20 2.00

I trust more than others 0 - < 10 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - > Op.1 Op.2 Op.3 Op.4 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 100

€/month The one I like most ARPU ARPU Highly valuable customer base Op.1 Op.2 Op.3 Op.4 Note 1. ARPU as of 3Q 2017 of the combined entity (Euskaltel + R Cable + Telecable) 12 2. Kantar media independent study (period of study 1H17) 4 Fully invested network - Best-in-class fiber network

Coverage (6) 87% 55% 72% 35% 39% 61% 36%(1) 81% 47% (%HH)

% of EuroDOCSIS 3.0 100% 100% 100% c.50% 92% 100% c.96% 100%(2) 100%

Access capacity 862 862 862 862 862 600(3) 862 750 862 (MHz)

Households c.500 c.280 c.585 .a. c.580 c.580 c.450 n.a. c.500 per node (avg.)

Fully-owned backbone (4) (5) network ✓        

4G license       ✓ ✓ ✓ via SFR via BASE via Optimus via Vodafone

Future-proofed network supports success-based capex and 17% capex over revenues as medium term target

Source: Company filings. (1) In Core regions (as defined by Telecolumbus). (2) EuroDOCSIS NGN. (3) In August 2014, announced upgrade to 1 GHz in Flanders by 2019. 13 4 Fully invested network - Euskaltel network vs. FTTH challenge

Symmetry not a threat and… … our network is highly recognised by independent third parties

Broadband traffic evolution since Jan-15 (Upload vs Download) September 2017 ranking

90 Growth (%) 1

Gbps 80 100% 3.9 3 4 3.9 3.8 70 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 60 91% 50 3.5

40 3.3

30 3.1 20 14% (13%) 2.9 10

- 2.7 2.7 Jan-15 Sep-15 May-16 Jan-17 Oct-17 2.5 Weekly average download Weekly average upload Previous year - Weekly average download Previous year - Weekly average upload Source: Netflix ISP Speed Index

14 5 Lifetime value of customers | Residential segment

Unrivalled coverage with the Highly attractive and competitive The most complete and innovative fastest broadband offering mobility proposition TV proposition High-quality and comprehensive content The speed leader with the only ultra-fast Full-service, leading MVNO broadband offering across the entire region offering covering different customer groups’ (100% DOCSIS 3.0 network) needs with possibility of adding premium channels Competitive and innovative tariffs to address Ongoing upgrade to DOCSIS 3.1 real customer needs

Superior fiber coverage in the Basque OTT platform offered by Telecable: Country, Galicia and Asturias (2.1m homes Largest WiFi network in the Basque Country, - live coverage of Champions League passed) Galicia and Asturias with more than 400k and Europa League football matches hotspots allowing for data for clients Wide offering of commercial speeds, ranging First hybrid 4K/UHD set top box in Spain from 50Mbps to 350Mbps

Competitive prices offering best value for money and superior service to competitors Enhanced offering providing a superior and differentiated user experience (PVR, VoD, TV Everywhere)

Increased penetration of superior quality services (HD, catch-up TV, VOD, network PVR, start over, time shift...) FY 2017 RGUs: 915k (1) FY 2017 RGUs: 489k (1) FY 2017 RGUs: 393k (1) (77.1% penetration over fixed customers)

Convergent offer with a leading value proposition focused on the lifetime value of the client

(1) Pro-forma for Telecable acquisition 15 5 Leading business segment providing diversification

Diversified through significant B2B(1) presence… … based on strong and unique positioning pillars

Business revenues as a % of total revenues (2)

PF1 27% Strong and local brand

2 27% High technical capabilities in their respective footprint

3 21% Fully oriented offering based on addressing specific customer needs by sector and client

4 12%

Tailor made and complex solutions

5 6%

Dedicated sales force and customer care to deliver

6 5% best results and services

Clear strategy to leverage superior infrastructure, brand and customer service to win in Business

Sources: Company filings. (1) % of B2B revenues over total revenues as of 1H-17 LTM revenues (2) Pro-forma for Telecable acquisition 16 6 Expansion strategy

Market shares across all segments to be balanced Pillars of the expansion strategy

Cantabria 1 Disciplined Navarra Leon

La Rioja 2 Value-accretive

3 Fast time-to-market

4 Ability to leverage brand equity (Spain)

Current presence Potential expansion areas 5 Consistent with overall strategy

Expansion plan will add over 500,000 households 17 6 A two-fold approach

Two-fold strategy

Key details of the agreement New regions Infill projects with Orange

✓ Framework agreement with leading operator

Flexible agreement in terms of: Economics: Indirect ✓ (opex) vs. co- investment (capex) Products and services Agreement with Orange Agreement with Orange (mutualised / indirect access model) Targeted deployment (FTTH – HFC) Support from regional governments Fast time-to-market ✓ Symmetric and up to 1 GB Limited competition in targeted areas Well-defined commercial plan

✓ ICX services included

5 year roll out plan 80,000 residential premises Break-even in 2-3 years No difference in customer 6,200 enterprises ✓ Project IRR > 15% experience

18 7 Resilient top line across business segments

Proforma revenue evolution Revenue outlook

Stable - Low single digit revenue growth (€3.5m) / (0.5%) ✓

€9.3m +€5.9m / +0.8% growth Residential revenue without margin1 Stable net subscriber evolution preserving current market share 715.2 710.5 707.0 Target churn below 14% amid implementation of specific measures in Galicia and Asturias 44.4 36.9 37.0 ARPU growth linked to attractive value proposals Increase 3P&4P penetration in existing customer base 202.2 191.8 206.0 New services will include Mainly due to loss of Increase mobile offering and penetration in Asturias Basque Improved TV functionalities and 4K Deco country government New products penetration: Home connectivity, on-street contract Wi-Fi… Revenue of new regions to amount for 5% of total revenue by 2022 Around 10-15% subscriber penetration over targeted new regions 460.0 476.1 478.3


SoHo will mirror similar trends than residential

Renewed commercial push in SMEs and LA targeting to drive superior 2015 2016 2017 growth rates than residential over the medium term

Residential Business Wholesale and other Penetration of hybrid-cloud, security, big data and alliances

Adjusted for revenue without margin Growth YoY (%) Targeted commercial offering in new expansion areas

Source Company information Note: 19 1. Change of accounting method in 2016: revenue without margin no longer accounted for (2015 revenue without margin included in €713m revenue at €9.3m) 7 Stable gross margin and strong focus on efficiencies to improve cost structure

Proforma gross margin (€m) Proforma EBITDA (€m)

Gross margin as a % of sales (%) EBITDA margin (%)

48.3% 48.2% 74.7% 74.5% 46.7% 72.8% 47.3% 517.3 533.9 526.5 345.3 331.7 341.0

2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 EBITDA margin Adjusted for revenue without margin

✓ Efficient management of Content and ITX costs driving gross Integration synergies and structure optimisation driving EBITDA margin over 75% in the medium term ✓ margin c.50% in the medium term

✓ Renewed commercial effort in brand equity and expansion ✓ TV strategy focused on functionality and customer experience with disciplined approach to new content investment ✓ Unified organisation leading to leaner and more flexible operations Sufficient data allowances under current host agreements to Systems integration, network management and talent management ✓ mitigate ITX costs growth ✓ driving structure optimization 20 7 Stable capex with future spending linked to commercial success and expansion plan

Proforma capex Capex breakdown and outlook

Capex (as a % of sales)

Business as usual 18.5% capex < 17% revenue 16.9% 17.7%

131.7 121.1 124.9

Business integration €20m - €25m and strategic projects investments (2018 - 2019 accum.)

Footprint expansion €20m (excluding SAC) investments (2018 – 2019 accum.)

2015 2016 2017

Recurrent capex to remain in the 16-17% revenue range once Business as usual capex expected to remain below 17% of ✓ platform integration has concluded ✓ revenue

Additional extraordinary capex to be incurred in 2018-2019 ✓ period corresponding to business integration, strategic projects Source Company information and footprint expansion investments 21 7 Rapid deleveraging, supported by best in class EBITDA and cash conversion

Strong EBITDA performance with remaining future upside… + Historical Operational FCF generation

EBITDA margin (%)(1)

48% 48% 48% 46% As % of EBITDA 59% 67% 64% 66% 63% 37% 34% As % of Sales 28% 33% 32% 33% 31% 106 94 82 91 92

K + R + T Liberty Global Nos

PF 2H 15 1H 16 2H 16 1H 17 2H 17

…driving superior cash flow conversion Historical Net Debt and Net Debt/EBITDA(3)

OpFCF conversion(2) and as % of Sales(1)

31% 30% 22% 18% 12% 13%

4.8x 64% 63% 4.2x c.4.5x 48% 37% 35% 35% 1,606 1,385 1,307 2.6x 1,223 1,185

417 1 2 3 4 5 6 PF 1H 15 2015 1H 16 2016 1H 17 2017

Note: Company data (1) 1H-17 LTM numbers 22 (2) OpFCF = EBITDA-CAPEX (3) Leverage shown including synergies. Excluding synergies, leverage equal to 5.1x and 4.7x at R Cable and Telecable closing respectively 7 Strong support from debt and equity capital markets

R Cable Repricing of IPO + acquisition the Commercial Acquisition Debt Pre-IPO Debt + Debt institutional paper1 of Telecable refinancing refinancing refinancing tranche

Total debt Up to €500m €900m €437m €835m (€m) €200m Total equity €250m placed (€m) €840m €255m 4.6x 4.6x 4.6x4.5x 5.5% 4.4x 4.3x

3.5% 3.5% 3.2% 3.1% 3.0% 2.8% 1.5x 2.7x

Dec-14 Jun-15 Nov-15 Sep-16 Jun-17 Jul-17 Current

Average cost of debt Leverage

BB- Oct-15

Aug-17 B1

Source Company information Note: 23 1. Commercial paper issued as of Mar-17 8 Anchor shareholder base

Shareholder structure

21% 21% Zegona 53%55% 15%15% CF Alba Free-float 9% 11%

Board of Directors(1)

VP & Lead Director

Chairman CEO

Proprietary director Executive director Independent director

(1) Proprietary directors in the Board of Directors representing Kutxabank (2), Zegona (1) and Corporación Financiera Alba (1) 24 Conclusion

1 Euskaltel has delivered its ambitious organic and inorganic targets in record-time since the IPO

2 Euskaltel has become a real multi-region platform, deeply rooted in its core markets, but fully prepared to grow and enter new markets

3 We are competing in an evolving scenario that offers new challenges, but also great opportunities

4 We have defined a clear and comprehensive strategy focused on value generation through customer experience, growth and efficiencies, to which the entire organisation is committed

5 The results of the implementation will offer sustained mid/long-term value creation potential to our shareholders

25 Results presentation 1H18 27 July 2018 1H18 key highlights (proforma data)

B2C business stabilized in our three main regions +2,190 fixed net adds (Euskadi, Galicia and Asturias) in 1H18

Expansion plan on track as announced +1,002 fixed net adds in 1H18

B2B revenue recovering +1.3% YoY in 1H18

EBITDA margin growth thanks to announced synergies +26bps YoY in 1H18 and efficiencies

Solid Free Cash Flow generation 16.6% over revenue in 1H18

1H18 results presentation 2 1H18 main figures Financial figures (statutory data) Residential KPIs

€349.3m Total revenue 578.5k Fixed subscribers +25.0% yoy +2.5k qoq

€168.8m Adj. EBITDA 14.9% Churn ratio +22.4% yoy Adj. EBITDA margin 48.3% -74bps qoq

1 €100.8m OpCF €60.0 ARPU global 2 +10.0% yoy OpCF margin 28.9% -0.6% qoq

€28.8m Net income 2,381k Total RGUs +36.6% yoy +32k qoq

Note: 1. OpCF defined as EBITDA-Capex 2. Operating Cash Flow margin excluding expansion capex stood at 31.3% of revenue

1H18 results presentation 3 Operating review

Note: all 2017 data shown are proforma for including Telecable

1H18 results presentation 4 B2C | Consolidation of growth in fixed customers Fixed residential subscribers evolution (000’)



Net adds coming from (4.7) expansion in Navarra: Net adds coming from +0.8 expansion in Navarra: +0.2 592.9 +2.5 (6.1) +0.6

578.5 575.4 576.0

EOPs 4Q16 Net Adds 1Q17 Net Adds 2Q17 Net Adds 3Q17 Net Adds 4Q17 EOPs 4Q17 Net adds 1Q18 EOPs 1Q18 Net adds 2Q18 EOPs 2Q18

1H18 results presentation 5 B2C | Churn approaching annual target while telecom ARPU growing

Churn fixed residential subscribers (% YTD) Residential ARPU (€/month)


17.5% 60.0 17.0% 60.1 Negative impact yoy: 16.6% • Football (0.4€) • Interconnection (0.2€)

15.9% 15.6%

+0.5€ 68.0% 14.9% 3P/4P penetration

1Q17 2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 2Q18 1H17 1H18

Telecom Interconnection Football

1H18 results presentation 6 B2C | Bundling and upselling successful strategy Convergence Broadband Mobile Pay TV

69.3% 85.7% 80.1% 70.6% 3P/4P penetration BB penetration Mobile penetration Pay TV penetration (+69 bps qoq) (+36bps qoq) (+123bps qoq) (+123bps qoq)

RGUs RGUs RGUs RGUs 2,381k 496k 952k 408k (includes RGUs of ‘mobile only’ customers)

1H18 results presentation 7 B2B segment|Consolidating the growth in B2B revenue

Soho subscribers (000’) SME and Large accounts subscribers evolution (#)

105 103 101 100 100

+57 (145) +58 (56)

(74) (18) 2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 2Q18

Fixed Soho ARPU (€/month) 14,963 Negative impact yoy: 14,785 • Football (0.5€) 14,728 • Interconnection 14,670 (0.2€) 69.0 69.0 69.1 68.3 68.1

EOP 4Q16 Net Adds Net Adds Net Adds Net Adds EOP 4Q17 Net adds EOP 1Q18 Net adds EOP 2Q18 1Q17 2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 2Q18

2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 2Q18

1H18 results presentation 8 Expansion | Navarra on track


✓ Postmail Marketing campaigns ✓ Massive campaign

First store opened in Navarra (Ansoain) Second store opened in Navarra (Pamplona)

4,000+ 1,002 Active Active customers customers expected

✓ New areas to be entered

✓ New stores to be opened

1H18 results presentation 9 Financial review

Note: all 2017 data shown are proforma for including Telecable

1H18 results presentation 10 Top line performance

Total revenue (€m) Residential revenue (€m)

(0.8%) Fixed Global ARPU

(4.7) 349.3 +1.6 352.2 (0.7) (1.4) (0.8) (0.7)

238.7 232.1 238.7 0.0% 232.1 77.1% 96.0 97.2 Mobile penetration

17.5 19.9 1H17 1H18 1H17 Lower fixed customer Telecom ARPU fixed Interconnection Football Mobile Only Other 1H18 base subscribers

Wholesale & others Business Residential

1H18 results presentation 11 EBITDA performance

Adj. EBITDA (€m) and Adj. EBITDA margin (% over revenues) Adj. EBITDA evolution 1H18 vs 1H17 (€m)

Mobile host TV content Customer Mobile Fees & +1.7 +2.5 equipment equipment Other (0.3%) (5.1) (0.8) (1.3)

190,0 54,0% +5.6 (3.0) 170,0 (3.1) 52,0%

150,0 50,0% 48.3% 130,0 48.1% 48,0% 169.3 168.8 110,0 169.3 168.8 46,0%

90,0 44,0%

70,0 42,0%

50,0 40,0% 1H17 Revenue Direct costs Commercial and 1H18 1H17 1H18 overhead

1H18 results presentation 12 CAPEX overview 16.8% Recurrent capex in line with guidance 16.7%

95,0 CAPEX (€m) and CAPEX over revenue (%) CAPEX breakdown (€m) and CAPEX over revenue (%)

85,0 45,0 30,0%

40,0 75,0 25,0% 67.9 35,0 59.8 21.5% 65,0 8.5 30,0 20,0% 0.9 19.7% 19.2% 55,0 25,0 16.4% 0.0% 15.2% 15,0% 17.4% 17.0% 20,0 45,0 16.2% 38.4 16.7% 33.9 34.0 15,0 29.0 10,0% 58.9 59.4 26.8 35,0

10,0 5,0% 25,0 5,0

15,0 0,0 0,0% 1H17 1H18 2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 2Q18 Capex ex - expansion Expansion

1H18 results presentation 13 Cash generation OpCF1 (€m) and OpCF margin (% over revenue) Cash allocation (€m)

Over revenue (%) 31.1% 48.3% ex – expansion 70,0 31.9% 32.5% 35,0% 28.5% 29.3% 60,0 27.6% 30,0% (67.9) 50,0 25,0% 28.9%

40,0 20,0% (20.1) 168.8 30,0 15,0% (22.9) 16.6% 56.3 57.3 50.3 50.5 49.2 100.8 20,0 10,0% 22.7 57.9 10,0 5,0% 35.2

0,0 0,0% EBITDA 1H18 Capex OpCF 1H18 Interest expenses WC,tax&others2 FCF 1H18 Dividends Debt reduction since Dec17 2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 2Q18 Net Debt Net Debt/EBITDA3 Average Cost of Debt Average Maturity

€1,571m 4.46x 2.76% 5.0 years

Note: 1. Operating Cash Flow calculated as EBITDA-capex 2. ‘WC,tax&others’ includes €13.3m of non recurrent payments related to the acquisition of Telecable and the optimization of the organizational structure 3. Including €12m of synergies in EBITDA

1H18 results presentation 14 Thank you