Cainozoic Research, 8(1-2), pp. 13-28, December2011 Chondrichthyans from the Clayton Limestone Unit of the Midway Group (Paleogene: Paleocene) of Hot Spring County, Arkansas, USA ¹, ² Martin+A. Becker Lauren+C. Smith¹ & John+A. Chamberlain+Jr. 1 Department ofEnvironmentalScience, William Paterson University, Wayne, New Jersey 07470; e-mail:
[email protected] 2 Department ofGeology, Brooklyn College andDoctoralProgram in Earth and EnvironmentalSciences, City University ofNew YorkGraduate Center, New York 10016; email:
[email protected] Received 7 September 2010; revised version accepted 26 June 2011 LimestoneUnit of The Clayton the Midway Group (Paleocene) in southwestern Arkansas preserves one ofthe oldest chondrichthyan Cenozoic from the Gulf Coastal Plainofthe United assemblages yet reported States. Present are at least eight taxa, including; Odontaspis winkleriLeriche, Carcharias cf. whitei Carcharias Anomotodon 1905; (Arambourg, 1952); sp.; novus (Winkler, 1874); Cretalamnasp.; Otodus obliquus Agassiz, 1843; Hypolophodon sylvestris (White, 1931); Myliobatis dixoni Agassiz, 1843; and a chimaeridofindeterminate affiliation.Also present are lamnoid-type and carcharhinoid-type chondrichthyan vertebral centra. The Clayton chondrichthyan assem- blage derives from an outcrop locatedonly a few kilometersfrom a site exposing an assemblage ofMaastrichtianchondrichthyans from Because and the upper Arkadelphia Marl. these assemblages are closely spaced stratigraphically geographically, they provide data on chondrichthyan taxonomic turnover