The Geography of an Early Nineteenth Century Machine Shop

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The Geography of an Early Nineteenth Century Machine Shop A Place of Work: The Geography of an Early Nineteenth Century Machine Shop The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Unger, David S. 2013. A Place of Work: The Geography of an Early Nineteenth Century Machine Shop. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University. Citable link Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// use#LAA A Place of Work: The Geography of an Early Nineteenth Century Machine Shop A Dissertation Presented By Da!id Stephen "nger To The History of Science Depart$ent in partial fulfill$ent of the re%uire$ents for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the su&'ect of History of Science Har!ard "ni!ersity Ca$&ridge( Massachusetts May )*+, - )*+, Da!id Stephen "nger All rights reser!ed. Advisor: Professor Peter Galison Da!id S. "nger A Place of Work: The Geography of an Early Nineteenth Century Machine Shop A&stract Between +0+, and +0)1 the Boston Manufacturing Co$pany &uilt a textile factory in Waltha$( Massachusetts. Their factory is known for $any i$portant firsts in A$eri3 can industry, including the first co$$ercially !ia&le power loo$( one of the first !er3 tically integrated factories, and one of the first 'oin stock financed $anufacturing concerns. This successful factory &eca$e the direct $odel for the large textile $ills &uilt along the Merri$ack Ri!er and elsewhere( iconic locations of A$erican post3 colonial industrialization. This dissertation looks at the early de!elop$ent and success of the Boston Manu3 facturing Co$pany fro$ a geographical perspecti!e. It argues that in order &uild a successful factory, the co$pany, its $anagers( and its workers, had to transfor$ their 7place8: a notion that I in!estigate fro$ an econo$ic3geographical and anthropologi3 cal point of !ie/( $o!ing fro$ site( to landscape( to geographic networks. 9n these grounds( I sho/ how the logic of the factory's de!elop$ent was &oth e$&edded in and shaping the e$erging structures surrounding it( and ho/( in turn( the co$pany’s later $o!e to <owell as one of the iconic industrial sites depended on its ha!ing suc3 cessfully learned the &usiness of 7place3$aking8 in its foundational Waltha$ decade. iii Table of Contents Introduction: Work3place and the Industrial World.......................................................+ Place and Work..............................................................................................................1 Chapter 9!er!ie/........................................................................................................+* Chapter +: The Site............................................................................................................+, The Counting House: road Street( Boston..............................................................+= Manufactory Nu$&er 9ne: Waltha$( Massachusetts.............................................,> The Expanding Co$plex and Ne/ Machine Shop...................................................>0 Chapter ): The <andscape................................................................................................1? Manufacturing in Waltha$.........................................................................................=+ Natural Course and Current of the Ri!er...................................................................?1 Di!ided <andscape......................................................................................................0> Chapter ,: The Geography of Supply.............................................................................+*, Boston and Waltha$.................................................................................................+*1 Coal Suita&le for Smiths.............................................................................................++, Iron of All @arieties...................................................................................................+)> Sundry Hardware.......................................................................................................+>* Clear( True and Merchanta&le <u$&er....................................................................+>= Chapter >: The Geography of Work..............................................................................+10 The Se%uence of 9perations......................................................................................+=, Co$ponents and Co$$odities................................................................................+== Contract Machines.....................................................................................................+?) Custo$ Castings.........................................................................................................+?1 E$ployees...................................................................................................................+0* Expanded Shop...........................................................................................................+00 Inside Contractors.....................................................................................................+A) Payroll......................................................................................................................... )*+ Epilogue: The usiness of Place3Making.......................................................................)+) i! Dedication In $e$ory of Harry Rohr and Tho$as W. "nger( who inspired $e wonder ho/ things work. Acknowledge$ents 9!er the years of work on this pro'ect $any people ha!e helped and inspired $e. I would like to thank the $e$&ers of $y co$$ittee: Peter Galison( for ha!ing a clear and a$&itious !ision for this pro'ect( Adelheid @oskuhl( for reading so carefully and pushing $e to $ake &igger clai$s, and Merritt Roe Smith( for pointing $e to the Boston Manufacturing Co$pany archi!es in the first place. Many colleagues in the #ar!ard History of Science Depart$ent ha!e contri&uted greatly to $y thinking. At the risk of lea!ing people out( I would like to especially thank Ale2 Csiszar( Meg Shields For$ato( Daniela Hel&ig( Hanna Rose Shell( Alex Wellerstein and Nasser Cakariya. During the research phase( the archi!ists and li&rarians at the Har!ard's aker <i&rary( the Har!ard Map Collection( the Massachusetts #istorical Society, and the Massachusetts State Archi!es( were all in!alua&le. I ha!e recei!ed patient sup3 port and encourage$ent fro$ $y colleagues at the A$erican Textile History Museu$ during the final phases of this pro'ect. I would also like to thank $y friends and fa$ily who ha!e encouraged, chastised and distracted $e in the appropriate pro3 portion. ! Introduction: Work-place and the Industrial World The Boston Manufacturing Co$pany &uilt a cotton factory in Waltha$( Massachu3 setts in +0+>. <ocated ten $iles west of Boston( the ne/ factory was in a region under3 going a $a'or transfor$ation. Ne/ factories were &eing &uilt in al$ost e!ery town. Ne/ occupations( ne/ $achines, and ne/ ways of co$$unication de!eloped. The econo$ic structure of the region and nation was changing. The transfor$ation /as neither sudden( nor co$plete( &ut nonetheless, at e!ery scale( fro$ indi!idual sites, to larger landscapes( to entire geographic syste$s, New England /as changing. The region now held new kinds of places, and new relationships &etween places, as well as new social and la&or relationships. The industrial and co$$ercial world that e$erged re%uired a great deal of work to create and $aintain. Ne/ sites were constructed, landscapes and en!iron$ents were transfor$ed, and people and things were $o!ed around the region in new patterns. This dissertation is a&out ho/ that world /as &uilt. The story of the Boston Manufacturing Co$pany is one of the $ythic stories fro$ the history of industriali5ation.+ The Boston Manufacturing Co$pany is often + Nathan Appleton( Introduction of the Power Loom ; and, Origin of Lowell( De!elop$ent of A$erican capitalis$.Te2tiles. D<owell, Mass: Printed &y .#. Penhallo/(( +010E. Willia$ 4 Bagnall, Sketches of Manufacturing Establishments in New York it! and of Te#tile Establishments in the Eastern States DFS.l: s.n.G( +A*0E. 4. Clark ain( 7Ele!en Years at Waltha$( +0+,3+0)>: The oston Manufacturing Co$3 pany Machine Shop as an Agent of Technological De!elop$ent and Transfer8 D .A. Thesis( #ar3 !ard "niversity( +A0+E. George S/eet Gi&&( The Saco$Lowell Shops & Te#tile Machiner! 'uilding in New England, ()(*$(+,+- DCa$&ridge( MA.: #ar!ard "niversity Press(( +A1*E. Da!id I Iere$y( Transat$ lantic Industrial .e/olution & the 0iffusion of Te#tile Technologies 'etween 'ritain and 1merica, (2+3$()*0s DCa$&ridge( MA.: M6T Press( +A0+E. Maillou2( Kenneth B. KThe Boston Manufacturing + credited with a long list of A$erican inno!ations: They &uilt the first working power loo$ in A$erica and the first !ertically integrated textile $ill. They were one of the first large textile $ills &uilt north of the Rhode Island sphere of influence( and they are often credited /ith &eing the first $ill to e$ploy Ne/ England far$ girls on a large scale. They were one of the first $anufacturing co$panies to raise capital fro$ selling shares( and one of the first to e$ploy professional $anagers.) The Boston Man3 ufacturing Co$pany's Waltha$ $ill /as also the direct $odel
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