Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 12-10-1997 Arbiter, December 10 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at
[email protected]. - " . : ~'; . .:. .,.' .' ":: z'; {t ,."~ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 .ti5 bowl' b Eric Ellis O[!lODE;Ns~LGrot.J ItJ . SA~,JrAs f-AtAlL'i cLoSer', HALF-tSRoll-\G"R KUr<,~1-115 l-ovfr< , (;M IV 0 't"'H£)~LF. "',;'" i o II. < EDITORIN CHIEF i »osh Costen i . ART DIRECTOR i c.' .. '.·B6SINESSAi;~~: I . .' Brod Arendrl HEWS lDITOR ! Keny Ali!1ington : SPORTS EDITOR: lefIY Christensen: OPINION EDITOR! . Asendon Ramirez; ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR! Mary Doherty ! ONLlNHDlTOR i Mile A10Dre :. PHOTO EDITOR: .' Kara Brawn i AOVERTISINGDIRECTOR ; Top Ten least . S~anP. Murphy ; CLASSIFIEDS . Mike Mahaney: desirable .'COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANAGER Mark /lalladay Christmas gifts AD DESIGNER . Brenda lipfel , this year The . PHOTOGRAPHERS' ,John Tone i source cARTOONISTS! for . Erie flfis , by Asencion Ramirez NEWS Usa Geetzman i Opinion Editor at STAfF WRITERS i Autumn Haynes, Gene Piecotti : Erica Hill, Toby Stelskal i 10. Doggy chew toys for boys and BSU '. Todd Anderwn, Mark Ta~or i , Carissa Wolf, Daf!llHillman i girls. .. COLUMNISTS i 9. Dictionaries of any kind, no matter how well they're wrapped.