
General Banking Services Charges

(৻ (2012.10רΦಁʥԯˢȹঁႺϷ .1

ע৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ / ႓ר ΐಁඖɺӷϤঽ଩ ಋྫྷ / ޻ʏʻ଩ Ұਜ਼ HKD150.00 / USD18.00 Ɂ̵ྫྷʻ଩ Ұਜ਼ RMB200.00

ঽ଩ ΐԯˢࡈΐϤঽ଩ ಋྫྷ / ޻ʏʻ଩ Ұਜ਼ HKD50.00 / USD6.50 Ɂ̵ྫྷʻ଩ Ұਜ਼ RMB50.00 ᔾ൚༦ RMB80,000.00 Ұਜ਼ RMB200.00ټɁ̵ྫྷʻ଩଩ࠍ Ұਜ਼ HKD200.00 €Й ̊˱ྦྷʿႺϷν൒ړϷˤፒ̯ Йʻ଩ړʸ߬ұႺϷ۪ Й Ұਜ਼ HKD60.00ړʸϬϷ۪ €߮͐ܞᏌ࣐ HKD100.00˞Ұ࠯˟˅͓ۺ ʻ଩˟˅ जνՅ൒͂ؿᚬСړͿႇਿ͂ʻ଩ ̯Ϸ जνՅ൒͂ؿᚬСړͿႇਿ͂Ƀᅕफ़ ̯Ϸ ̡൯ ᑥЛ ڈ˱ ਺Ⴎʻ଩ᖉ HKD25.00 / USD3.00 / RMB20.00 ઎໔൯਺ ̯Δ൯൒ ΣνͧΔݯࠗಋcˇ඘˱ν ൯൒€ Ұਜ਼ HKD25.00 / USD3.00 / RMB20.00 Δ൯൒ ΣνͧΔݯࠗಋcˇ඘̯ڈ˱ ਺Αঽ଩ ઎໔൯਺ ˱ν൯൒€ ɍ࠯˂ʑ೶૜ሏʸ Ұ࠯ሏʸ HKD200.00܃඀ʸכ ˂ಋྫྷ᎝ၫሏʸ՗ಋྫྷ֡ԞሏʸҰ ৻˂൒ ഽȹר HKD5,000.00 Ұ˂ HKD60.00 כ၃΋̡я೶቗Г Ұਜ਼ HKD120.00 c̊˱஦ʻСࢠ(ܘ௖ ࢠזಋྫྷ ᎚యСଅ˱ 10% cֶၤངէ΃พ (Сଅˈ༖c˞༖ঢ়ّݯๅ Ԟሏʸ֡ Ұਜ਼USD15.00c̊˱஦ʻСࢠ(ܘ޻ʏ ຤઒ᚬ஦ʻ ޻ʏ ᎚యСଅ˱ 10% cֶ޻ʏ࠷౗ངէ΃̰ (ࢠ˱ 4% c˞༖ঢ়ّݯๅזพ Ұਜ਼ RMB120.00 c̊˱஦ʻСࢠ(ܘང (ࢠСଅ˱10%זɁ̵ྫྷ էࠗಋႺϷ΃พɁ̵ྫྷ ஝ጪڌᐽࣂ઒ Ұਜ਼ HKD120.00 c̊˱஦ʻСࢠ(ܘ௖ זಋྫྷ ᎚యСଅ˱ 10% cֶၤངէ΃พ (ࢠСଅˈ༖c˞༖ঢ়ّݯๅ Ұਜ਼USD15.00c̊˱஦ʻСࢠ(ܘ޻ʏ ஦ʻ൚༦ࡈ߯ᔾ۹ ޻ʏ ᎚యСଅ˱ 6% cֶ޻ʏ࠷౗ངէ΃ (ࢠ˱ 4% c˞༖ঢ়ّݯๅזพ Ұਜ਼ RMB120.00 c̊˱஦ʻСࢠ(ܘང (ࢠСଅ˱10%זɁ̵ྫྷ էࠗಋႺϷ΃พɁ̵ྫྷ ຤νѢ଩ኣ Ұਜ਼ HKD120.00 / USD15.00 / RMB120.00̰͂א HKD2,000.00 c˘Ε༦˾ԭαʑ̰ כ೶቗ʭ ಋྫྷ τͨЄಁඖΦɃ /ʻˮ޵፣(̯ϷੀϬ৽Յࣱ Ұ˸α HKD100.00 (ʸ۪كಲ೶቗ؿሏʸcɺʹೕԲ஝ USD200.00 c˘Ε༦˾ԭαʑ̰ כ೶቗ʭ ɺ৽ʸ ޻ʏ τͨЄಁඖΦɃ / ʻˮ޵፣(̯ϷੀϬ৽Յ Ұ˸α USD12.00 ( ʸ۪كࣱಲ೶቗ؿሏʸcɺʹೕԲ஝ RMB2,000.00 c˘Ε༦˾ԭαʑ̰ כ೶቗ʭ Ɂ̵ྫྷ τͨЄಁඖΦɃ /ʻˮ޵፣(̯ϷੀϬ৽Յࣱ Ұ˸α RMB50.00 ( ʸ۪كಲ೶቗ؿሏʸcɺʹೕԲ஝ ҰʸҰʨΦɃ൚༦USD1,500.00cܘΦ ᔾν0.25%hҰʨΦɃ USD1,500.00ټ޻ʏ(ʻ଩)ཋමሏʸΦɃ޻ʏଊ൵ ಁכ Ɏc˿ᏵᑥЛ൒͂˞ֶ ҰʸҰʨొՅ൚༦USD1,500.00cܘొ ᔾν0.25%hҰʨొՅ USD1,500.00ټ޻ʏ(ʻ଩)ཋමሏʸొՅ޻ʏଊ൵ ಁכ Ɏc˿ᏵᑥЛ൒͂˞ֶ

1 ע৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ / ႓ר ᔾν 0.125% ಋʏټΦಁܘҰω Ɂ̵ྫྷሏʸΦɃɁ̵ྫྷଊ൵כ ௖Гν൒ HKD15.00 Ԟሏʸ֡ ᔾν 1%hټᔝሏֶΦɃଊ൵ܘҰω Ɂ̵ྫྷʻ଩୮ଉ൒ ΐಁඖɺӷϤᔝሏ / ΦɃଊ൵ʻ˟ ௖Гν൒ RMB200.00 ໤ೕΦ࿇ Ұʸ HKD100.00 ɍ࠯˂ʑ೶૜ሏʸ Ұʸ HKD50.00܃඀ʸכ ˂ಋྫྷ᎝ၫሏʸ՗ಋྫྷ֡ԞሏʸҰ Ұ˂ HKD60.00 ഽȹ HKD5,000.00 כ၃΋̡я೶቗Г כ৻˂൒ Ɂ̵ྫྷሏʸҰ˂̡я೶቗ʭר RMB50.00 RMB5,000.00 Ұ˂ HKD20.00 מʗϷᓃᓈొಁֶᔝሏ Ұඖ͚כ ಋྫྷ᎝ၫሏʸᔝݯȹঁ᎝מಋྫྷ᎝ၫሏʸ ͅొΦמΦొ Ұω HKD20.00 ၫሏʸ HKD2,000.00 c˘Ε༦˾ԭαʑ כ೶቗ʭ ಋྫྷɺ৽ʸ ̰τͨЄಁඖΦɃ / ʻˮ޵፣(̯ϷੀϬ৽ Ұ˸α HKD100.00 (ʸ۪كՅࣱಲ೶቗ؿሏʸcɺʹೕԲ஝ ௖ГΦಁᔾ Ұ˸αν൒ (ܘҰိஒྫྷνՅ) RMB(Ɂ̵ྫྷ)2,000.00 RMB50.00 USD(޻ʏ)250.00 USD20.00 GBP(ߜᔦ)200.00 GBP20.00 ց௖Г EUR(ᅩᖓ)200.00 EUR20.00ܞכΐΈိஒྫྷ೶቗ʭ Φಁᔾc˘Ε༦˾ԭαʑ̰τ AUD(ዌʏ)350.00 AUD20.00 CAD(˱ʏ)350.00 CAD20.00 ͨЄಁඖΦɃ / ʻˮ޵፣(̯Ϸ CHF(๥ɡؒࠂ)350.00 CHF20.00 ੀϬ৽Յࣱಲ೶቗ؿሏʸcɺ NZD(ख़Ϲᙬʏ)350.00 NZD20.00 ၫሏʸ ʸ) DKK(ɽோК࣍)2,000.00 DKK50.00۪كೕԲ஝ʹ NOK(ࢸۤК࣍)2,000.00 NOK50.00 SEK(๥԰К࣍)2,000.00 SEK50.00 JPY(ˀ෋)50,000.00 JPY2,000.00 THB(࣮ਝႽ)10,000.00 THB1,000.00 SGD(ณ˱գʏ)350.00 SGD20.00 ᔾν 0.125% ಋʏټΦಁܘҰω Ɂ̵ྫྷሏʸΦɃɁ̵ྫྷଊ൵כ ௖Гν൒ HKD15.00 ҰʸҰʨΦɃ൚༦USD1,500.00cܘΦ ᔾν 0.25%hҰʨΦɃ USD1,500.00ټ޻ʏཋමሏʸΦɃ޻ʏଊ൵ ಁכ Ɏc˿ᏵᑥЛ൒͂˞ֶ ҰʸҰʨొՅ൚༦USD1,500.00cܘొ ᔾν0.25%hҰʨొՅUSD1,500.00ټ޻ʏཋමሏʸొՅ޻ʏଊ൵ ಁכ Ɏc˿ᏵᑥЛ൒͂˞ֶ ˞ᔾΕɎͶࠉᔾټҰʸҰʨΦಁ/ొՅ ʑc˿ᏵᑥЛ൒͂i AUD500.00 CAD500.00 CHF500.00 EUR500.00 GBP500.00 JPY70,000.00 ᔾټΦಁܘԯˢ̔ྫྷཋමሏʸΦɃ / ొՅࡈྫྷଊ൵ Σ൚༦ɐ߸ࠉᔾc̯Ϸผכ ᔾ 0.1875%ټՅొܘ߮νcֶ 0.3125% ߮ν

ᔾ)i˞ಋྫྷଊ൵ټԯˢஒྫྷ (ಲሃͨЄ ൕɃ / ሒˮʿβ୮ଉ

2 ע৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ / ႓ר जνՅ൒͂ؿᚬСړՅ ̯Ϸొکց౨Φಁ Է౨ ഽɀ HKD50.00˺מɻႺ˺(ਥ̯ሏʸݯಋྫྷሏʸ)/ɻႺᓯ α൒ ɻႺ˺(ਥ̯ሏʸݯɁ̵ྫྷሏʸ)/ɻႺ˺(Ɂ̵ྫྷ) RMB50.00 Ϥ඘઎̖ࠇე HKD50.00˺מΐ۪ʸፘ̖ɻႺ˺(ਥ̯ሏʸݯಋྫྷሏʸ)/ɻႺᓯ ໤ೕɻႺ˺ ΐ۪ʸፘ̖ɻႺ˺(ਥ̯ሏʸݯɁ̵ྫྷሏʸ)/ ɻႺ˺(Ɂ̵ྫྷ)Ϥ඘઎̖ࠇე RMB50.00 ̰ॶνՅณ˺Ϥ઎̖ࠇე ᑥЛ ณ˺ؿਥ̯ሏʸݯಋྫྷሏʸ HKD50.00 ΐฌาᔝ౒ณ˺ ณ˺ؿਥ̯ሏʸݯɁ̵ྫྷሏʸ RMB50.00 Յଊ൵ Ұω HKD20.00ొپዌכ ஦༦—Ⴚ஝˜၉೼Ϭ৽ᓃࡗ ɻႺ˺ ዀొՅଊ൵ ஦༦—ʑΔɻਝႺϷ၉೼˜Ϭ৽ᓃࡗዀొՅଊ൵ Ұω HKD15.00 ɻਝʑΔొՅଊ൵ Ұω RMB15.00כ(ንɻႺ˺(Ɂ̵ྫྷ ஦༦—Ⴚᐲ˜Ϭ৽ᓃࡗዀ ንɻႺ˺஦༦Ɂ̵ྫྷሏʸొՅଊ൵ Ұω RMB15.00 ၉೼ొՅଊ൵ഽɍ ንɻႺ˺஦༦ಋྫྷሏʸొՅଊ൵ Ұω HKD15.00 ஦༦—VISA / PLUS˜၉೼Ϭ৽ᓃࡗዀొՅଊ൵ഽ̒ Ұω HKD25.00 (ဳᆱᔧ਀ HKD100.00(̊˱ɮ̯൒ړ໤ೕ௰ȹ ဳᆱړ ፘ̖Ͳ஫ᔧ਀ʥᝊᆱ൒ HKD200.00(̊˱ɮ̯൒cɰ˳໤ೕ਀) ᖋೕ̯଩(ಋྫྷ / ޻ʏ / Ɂ̵ྫྷ) Ұਜ਼ HKD50.00 ᑪൕّӸͫ ᑥЛעΕ̯଩߇ࠍᖬ ଩ ഽሻ̯଩ԎࠇɃ۪ʸؿሏʸ Ұਜ਼ HKD50.00̯ ˱͚౒ֺஃցν൒cҰਜ਼̊ܘ ઎̖̯଩ HKD50.00 Й̯Ϸ̯଩ Ұਜ਼ HKD50.00ړ ࠖͫ HKD150.00(Σ˱ᖋΛͫcԯ܃ ႺϷ˱ᖋͿᛆ Ұͫ HKD20.00) ሏʸc̊˱ν˱ڃHKD100.00(Ұȹ (ሏʸ೶቗ HKD20.00עᖬ עႺϷᖬ ผ߮࢑ᅢొ͚τᗐʼͧ) Ұͫ HKD300.00ͅ)עᖋሏʸ቗ᔾᖬ˱ ࠖͫ HKD300.00(ΣᖋೕΛͫcԯ܃ (࣊ Ұͫ HKD25.00עؗᖬرᖋೕሏʸল৻ અ˟ಁ઒ᚬ(DDA)Ꮜ࣐ Ұ೫ HKD15.00 / RMB13.00ق࠳ҝֶ͓ۺ x Ϭ৽ᔝሏ˟ಁ Ұ೫ HKD25.00 / RMB20.00 ͐ܞ࠳ҝ੒உֶ͓ۺ અ˟ಁ઒ᚬ(DDA) Ұ೫ HKD150.00 / RMB130.00ق Ϭ৽ᔝሏ ঽΑϬ৽ᔝሏ (ΐಁඖɺӷ) ੒உܞ͐ x Ϭ৽ᔝሏ˟ಁ Ұ೫ HKD150.00 / RMB130.00 Ұ೫ HKD100.00 / RMB90.00 ͐ܞ(અ˟ಁ઒ᚬ(DDAقωਨϷʹ 1%௖Гν൒HKD50.00€ ΃ஒྫྷଊ൵ᑪൕ໮ஒྫྷؿࣁϷޚ˞ ᔾؿ1.25%߮νټᑪൕܘˤਕࣁϷʻ଩޻ʏ / ԯˢஒྫྷ€ ʻ଩c ௖Гν൒HKD100.00€ ݗਆพႺϷֶڲϷʻ଩ ͅɻႺࠗಋd එʤႺϷਕሒiᑥЛ Й˟ࣁϷʻ଩ ͅԯˢႺϷਕሒi0.375% ௖Гν൒HKD60.00€

3 ע৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ / ႓ר ಋʏऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ҰωHKD160.00 ˞ऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ᅆ ޻ʏऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ҰωUSD22.00 ಁԷԯˢႺϷ஦༦ʗϷፒଉ€ ᅩʏऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ҰωEUR20.00 Ɂ̵ྫྷऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ҰωRMB150.00 ಋʏऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ҰωHKD50.00 ˞ऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ᅆ ޻ʏऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ҰωUSD7.00 ಁԷԯˢႺϷ஦༦ཋɥಒ༞ ᅩʏऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ҰωEUR5.00 ፒଉ€ ऋ҄ᔝሏ Ɂ̵ྫྷऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ҰωRMB40.00 כRTGS/ ಋʏऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ΦɃ̋ሬ͂) Ұω HKD12.00 €ᔾ༠೩ࠤHKD1,000.00˞ɐټCHATS) CHATSΦɃ כऋ҄ᔝሏ ޻ʏऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ΦɃ̋ሬ͂ Ұω USD1.50 €ᔾ༠೩ࠤUSD120.00˞ɐټRTGS/CHATS) CHATSΦɃ) כᅩʏऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ΦɃ̋ሬ͂ ΦɃ EUR1.25 ᔾ༠೩ࠤEUR120.00˞ɐ€ ҰωټCHATSΦɃ כɁ̵ྫྷऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ΦɃ̋ሬ͂ RMB10.00 ᔾ༠೩ࠤRMB1,000.00˞ɐ€ ҰωټCHATSΦɃ ঽˮऋ҄ᔝሏ ऋ҄ᔝሏRTGS/CHATS€ HKD150.00 ᔾ༠೩ࠤHKD1,000.00˞ɐ€ ҰωټCHATSכRTGS/CHATS) ̋ሬ͂) τࠉʔ̇ HKD150.00 ሏʸ݅˫ ಲࠉʔ̇ HKD100.00 ȹα༅ࢿ Ұ࠯ሏʸ HKD250.00 ॗՅ᎝ၫֶց౨ሏʸዃ̌༅ࢿ ɀα༅ࢿ Ұ࠯ሏʸ HKD750.00 ޵፣ ɍα༅ࢿ Ұ࠯ሏʸ HKD1,000.00 ɍα˞ɐ༅ࢿ(௖Λȼα) Ұα˱ν HKD1,000.00 Ұͫ HKD50.00 €ȹ࠯˂ϭ௖Λȼαʑؿ༅ࢿ€Ұȹ೶௰൪౨Аȹ့ͫ߮ٶॗՅΈᗘ೶௰৹̯͇ᇼˀ঴߮ؿ௖ HKD70.00 ͐ܞ࠳ҝ੒உ / ͓ۺ ࣟ) Ұω HKD150.00ٲցܞԚ̯͂Ϸڈ)͐ܞ࣊ࠍ઒ᚬᅆಁ Ԝ۪ʸ༅ࢿ৹̯ Ұࠒ HKD50.00 c̊˱ɮ̯൒ొ Ϸ۪ʸ Ұਜ਼ HKD10.00̯ ᓤԴ(ಋྫྷ / Ɂ̵ྫྷ) Ϸ۪ʸ Ұਜ਼ HKD15.00̯ڈ ཋɥᔝሏ ஦༦၉ɐႺϷ˞ཋɥᔝሏ(ऋ҄୮ଉ) (ऋ҄୮ଉ) ᅆಁϭ̯ΔԯˢႺϷ Ұ೫ HKD30.00 ཋɥᔝሏ ஦༦၉ɐႺϷ˞ཋɥᔝሏᅆಁϭ̯ΔԯˢႺϷ Ұ೫HKD10.00 / RMB8.00 ȹdɀӯ Ұ 20 ʏν HKD1.00 ԯ ˢ ႤྫྷҒ౒ ԯˢ Ұ 50 ʏν HKD1.00 ټᐢΦɃܘΦɃ 500 ׻ֶ˞ɐႤྫྷc ɣ൴ႤྫྷΦಁ(̦඘ͱϬϷʗᗘ) ᔾؿ 2% ߮ν Ұω௖Гν൒ HKD50.00 ᔾ༠೩ټΦɃ200ਜ਼ֶ˞ɐ൵଩ / ΦɃ ᐢΦɃܘࠤ HKD100,000.00 ֶ˞ɐc ಋྫྷ / Ɂ̵ྫྷ)ഽʄ)מɣ൴ଊ൵Φಁ / ͚ ᔾؿ 0.25% ߮νټ Ұω௖Гν൒ HKD50.00 ȹˀʑɺ൚༦ 30 ਜ਼ᑥЛ ΦɃɣ൴ʻ଩ ȹˀʑ൚༦ 30 ਜ਼c቗ɎҰਜ਼ HKD1.00 τɁ) Ұω HKD100.00ܛሏʸڈ)ଊ൵Й౒ ᔾν0.25%(Ұω௖Гν൒HKD50.00)cټܘ (ɻਝႺϷᖋೕؿ଩ኣ ̊˱ˤଉϷ൒͂(Στ ᔾν0.375%(Ұω௖Гν൒HKD50.00)cټܘ ൕɃ଩ኣ (ԯˢႺϷᖋೕؿ଩ኣ ̊˱ˤଉϷ൒͂(Στ ঽ଩ HKD100.00 c̊˱ˤଉϷ൒͂(Στ)ʥСࢠ ൬ˮɟ׋මඖɎ Ұਜ਼ HKD150.00(˳൯൒)c̊˱ˤଉϷ൒͂ڈ ͮ଩পν Ұਜ਼ HKD100.00 c ঽ଩ ̊˱ˤଉϷ൒͂(Στ)ʥСࢠ 4 ৻ר൘ಁ .2 ע৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ / ႓ר (ᇼʹᙩ൒ഽʒ ൘ಁᔾؿ0.5% (௖ГݯHKD1,000.00͇ ൘ಁЎֆ̰ొՅۖኣ) ҰαHKD500.00్ܘΦۖ൒(ɰ૜ᑹᅢΧ ڬ࢑൒͂܁ҰͫHKD1,000.00 (Σࣹʥ ˮै΃෮࣊ ̊߮) ᑹಁˀ঴߮ؿ1࠯کᔾ˱νొټᑹಁܘ ؿν൒ ˂Сࢠ(كɺӷ1࠯˂஝)ټ૜ᑹͲᅕ/஫̯ͫکొ ࣊ ҰͫHKD100.00ك໤ೕᑹಁ༅ࢿ஝ ໤ೕʗ౨˟ಁሏʸα೶޵፣ ҰͫHKD100.00 ҰͫHKD200.00 (Σ΃ࣂᖋೕΛͫcԯ ڌעพʥ቗ᔾᖬذ్ܘ ܘ్൘ಁ ܃ҰͫHKD20.00) ࣊ ҰͫHKD100.00كᑹಁ༅ࢿ஝/ڌעᖬ్ܘ۰ݛൎؿָ֚ܧ/໤ೕᔢဳѫ ҡҝܘ్ི߮ૈಁഽʒ (ԝΣԜಁᔾdᑹಁ౨dܘ్ི߮ഽȼd ҰඖHKD1,000.00 (Ɂ೩ړɁʥኪ్ܘ ్ི߮ܘི߮ҡҝݯԯˢ్ܘ¨ི߮§/ ສ΋ࢠ్ܘ¨ສଉ෱§ͅ Ұω͇ᇼHKD2,000.00 (్ི߮ܘ¨ི߮§/ ສ΋ࢠ్ܘ¨ི߮ҡҝݯ§ສଉ෱్ܘԯˢֶͅ) ;۰ۖҰͫHKD200.00 Ԝۖ޸/ʼͧ৹̯ ԯˢʼͧҰࠒHKD50.00ొ Ұω༩౨ᑹಁؿν൒ݯHKD500.00 ഽʒ (߮̊ڬ࢑൒͂܁ဳଉ൒ (Σࣹʥܧ༩౨ᑹಁϷ ˤ͚࢏ლϷܧ൒ഽʒ ҰωHKD500.00 (ᇼʹᙩ൒ ൘ಁᔾؿ 0.125% (௖Гݯ HKD250.00͇ ց౨Φಁ (ᔾ۹ᔝ౨൒ ൘ಁᔾؿ 0.125% (௖Гݯ HKD250.00 ׋൘ಁא (Ⴚdٖ଩dʻ଩d౨଩d ͇ᇼʹᙩ൒ ൘ಁᔾؿ 0.5% (௖Гݯ HKD1,000.00ټพdذ (ᔾ۹ᔝ౨൒ ൘ಁᔾؿ 0.25% (௖Гݯ HKD500.00 ټਥ̯ړᖬʥړ (ᇼʹᙩ൒ ൘ಁᔾؿ 0.5% (௖Гݯ HKD1,000.00͇ ׋൘ಁאಲ (ᔾ۹ᔝ౨൒ ൘ಁᔾؿ 0.25% (௖Гݯ HKD500.00 (ᇼʹᙩ൒ ൘ಁᔾؿ 0.5% (௖Гݯ HKD1,000.00͇ (ᔾ۹ᔝ౨൒ ൘ಁᔾؿ 0.25% (௖Гݯ HKD500.00 ԯˢ൘ಁ 1/8% ( 30 ܘᔾҰ˂߮ν ɺӷ ʨ͛ړኪܘ (࠯Ɂ۪ʸ) (Բ ȹ࠯˂့߮ړኪ dཋd๏) ؿ௖ˋܢ˳) ԲړԲʹᙩ൒ ᅟๅࣟβኪړ඀ˮኪ ڬԲړГν൒ݯ HKD200.00 cԯˢኪ ݯ HKD450.00 .Ԛ͂ᔾ۹Ұʨ߮ν 0.5% p.a̰ܘ ஦ʻᔾ۹ֻኪ൒ / Ϊખ൒ Ұω༩౨ᑹಁؿν൒ݯ HKD500.00 (߮̊ڬ࢑൒͂܁ဳଉ൒ (Σࣹʥܧ༩౨ᑹಁϷ ;۰ۖҰͫ HKD200.00 Ԝۖ޸ / ʼͧ৹̯ ԯˢʼͧҰࠒ HKD50.00ొ

ցȹ࠯ಋྫྷ᎝ၫʥȹ࠯ಋྫྷ֡ԞሏʸАݯ၃΋့߮Ұ˂̡я೶቗ؿሏʸcߗ—Ұ˂̡я၃΋೶቗˜Εಋྫྷ5,000ʏܞഽȹi۪ͅʸ ցሏʸୂ΋ʹᙩؿܞ჏ ʻ ˟˂൒ಋྫྷ60ʏḛ τ ፒ ଉ ڬಋྫྷ5,000ʏcכɐc˿ᏵᑥЛ˂൒hߗ—Ұ˂̡я၃΋೶቗˜Г˞ֶ ҰȹሏʸҰ˂̡я೶቗ዟ့͓߮eܘ৻˂൒ੀרሏʸcτᗐ ৻*ؿר/ۂցଐܞ჋౐Хི߮ؿɁɡ˞ʥፕ̯͂Ϸړผمඬ಄ݛൎ/၃΋֚ܧd18ั˞Ɏ̰ιαɁɡdეՅّٽɐ˞65ัֶ ৻˂൒eרʸc˿͇ᇼᑥЛಋྫྷ᎝ၫʥʻ଩ሏʸ۪ dց౨ΦಁdᖬԴሏʸd̔මᥛࢄdಋʏ̔ම్ܘ৻dᅢΧרɥʨ˜ሏʸdʔ̇ʸd஦ʻۦɻႺଉলd—ΡϬŘ၃΋ሏʸd—ܢ˳* ᙔሏʸټဳ ᆱ ʥൔ ړd˺͂ڌᥛࢄd ഽɀi65ัֶ˞ɐɁɡᑥЛα൒e ஒמઅ൬ϷЙ౒hߗ͚قࣂ̯ϷొԜؿමଅמஒྫྷݯಋྫྷֶɁ̵ྫྷcֺࣹʥؿමଅੀ˞͚מഽɍiΣ۪ʸઔ͂—Ⴚᐲ˜၉೼cߗ͚ અ൬ϷЙ౒eقݯಋྫྷֶɁ̵ྫྷ˞̔ؿஒྫྷcֺࣹʥؿමଅੀ˞ɻਝႺᐲ߯ցؿ๫ˀමଅྫྷ અЙ౒ݯಋʏcʹ˱޸1%ؿᔾ̔Й౒ʹᙩ൒eقഽ̒iΣ۪ʸઔ͂—VISA / PLUS˜၉೼cֺొՅஒྫྷੀ˞VISA߯ցؿ๫ˀමଅ जᄩνᔾ̔൒͂ؿᚬСeړഽʄi̯Ϸ ֈّτ ԯ۰¨ ʥ§ैّສ ԯ۰¨ ི߮ؿ۪ʸe§כഽʒiɺሬ͂ ഽȼiΣҡҝࣹʥ§ສଉ෱¨ܘ్ི߮ §ສ΋ࢠ¨/ ܘ్ི߮cᇼ਄ቇτᗐν൒ඖ͌e - ˞ɐν൒̰ॶသ፣c໯ ੱ ᇼ Ή ̯Ϸᓻࡗ݅໺ जᚬСሁኬτᗐ൒͂ړν൒ᔑԜ਄ϣc̯Ϸ - 5 ৻רᖬԴ .3 €ஒྫྷ߮מ͚ܘΔᖬԴɎͶν൒̯ ৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ᅟๅ ௖Гν൒ ௖ঢ়ν൒ ௐഽר ଩ټ஦༦Ϭ৽ʝӡ଻ ൕሒ̔මਥ ᖬ్ܘዀႺϷ˜—ݚ/ ኣdࠗಋʹ )— HKD100.00/ - Դʔ̇ʥࠗಋʄ %0.25܁ȹټЏמᔾҰ೫͚ټ৽ႺϷ˜—/ ၉ɐႺ ɺሃι͚ RMB100.00 - Ϸ˜—/ Ϭ৽ʝٖ଩ ፬ȹኽʔ̇ඦ ਿᇃ˜)ൕሒ* Դcȹ܁0.25% ɻႺଉল˜—ΡϬŘ ȹঁ—מҰ೫͚ܘ ᔾ߮ ሏʸ ሏʸ ሏʸټι͚ HKD50,000.00 ˞Ɏ/ %0.50 %0.40 ټ຤޵Џ RMB50,000.00 כሬ͂) ಋֺ͚ɐ ˞Ɏ ̟ᖬԴ) HKD50,000.00- ஦༦ʗϷ/ਿɁઅ HKD100,000.00 HKD100.00/ - ਿᇃ ˞Ɏ/ RMB100.00מᚹཋ໷͚ ᖬԴ͚ ȹ܁0.25% 0.30% 0.35% ൕሒ* RMB50,000.00- ৻רמ RMB100,000.00 ˞Ɏ HKD100,000.00 /ɐ˞ֶ 0.25% 0.25% RMB100,000.00 ɐ˞ֶ 1. ൕሒᔶʿя඘ HKD1.00/ - ᖔ˟ ᔾ߮0.10% RMB1.00 2. ɺӷȹʏ͛Аټι͚ܘ #*Ϳ٦ೢ ȹʏν ᔾ߮0.003% - - ᖬဟผνՅټι͚ܘ #ᄩ൒מ͚ ֺνՅמᔾ߮0.005% - - ࠗಋ͚ټι͚ܘ #൒מ͚ ˞Ұ࠯˂Ԝི߮ - ᔾ0.25% HKD50.00ټԜٖ଩ི߮ Ԝಁ˂ ့߮ ஦༦Ϭ৽ʝӡ଻ ҰʹHKD2.50/ RMB2.50 1. ᅆஒΦɃ(຤ ྡྷֶ(ᔾ༠HKD1,000,000.00 HKD30.00/ HKD200.00/ CCASSټؿι͚מዀႺϷ˜( —ݚ/ Ұ೫͚ʹ— ܢ˳)ΦɃذ ৽ႺϷ˜—၉ɐႺ/ ֶ˞ɐ/ RMB1,000,000.00ֶ˞ɐ˿Ᏽ RMB30.00 RMB200.00 (Ϸ˜—Ϭ৽ʝ/ ٖ଩ ᑥЛ ٖ଩ʥඦԴ ਿᇃ˜)ൕɃ я჏ᖔ˟ ࣂذ୮ଉ 2. ΣΦɃྡྷמ͚ —ɻႺଉল˜—ΡϬŘ ȹঁ ൒* ჏൬Ϸ༦ʸc ሏʸ ሏʸ ሏʸ ஦༦ʗϷ/ਿɁ ༦ʸؿʹᙩ൒ Ұʹ HKD2.50/ HKD5.00/ HKD5.00/ HKD30.00/ HKD200.00/ ̊߮ מઅᚹཋ໷͚ ਿᇃൕɃh RMB2.50 RMB5.00 RMB5.00 RMB30.00 RMB200.00 ୮ଉྡྷ 3. Ұ৙ᖬԴዟ͓ ᔾ(ֶΦɃؿٖ଩೩ࠤ) ့߮ټؿι͚מ຤̯ϷΦɃ Ұ೫͚ ଩ ༠HKD1,000,000.00/ RMB1,000,000.00ֶٖذ ʥ͚ν ˞ɐ˿ᏵᑥЛ ৻ 1. Ұ৙ᖬԴዟ͓רؿ ့߮ 2. Ⴎ͚ᖬԴొ௰ HKD100.00/ - ࣂᖔ˟ ᖬԴొՅ൒* ҰʹHKD10.00/ RMB10.00 ؍RMB100.00 3. ᖬԴ຤̯Ϸ ˮc˿ᏵᑥЛ ຤ɻ̕כሬ͂ .4 ೶့ӡ଻ొՅ ࠸ొذʥྡྷ ᖬԴcذྡྷכሬ͂ - ᔝʹफ़Ϳ٦ೢ Ұਜ਼ณᔝʹफ़߮ HKD5.00 HKD5.00 Ԏͅሒʿᖔ˟

6 ৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ᅟๅ ௖Гν൒ ௖ঢ়ν൒ ௐഽר ඦԴi HKD100.00 HKD2,500.00 1. ΈᗘᖬԴ(ٖ଩ ܘ౨ʑ̡яҰˀ቗ᔾ߮: 0.015% ʥඦԴ೩)я჏ ᖔ˟ Ұα5˂31כɓ .2 ˀʥ11˂30ˀ๫ ˂ʒ࠯کˀֶɾ ܛʑൕሒᖬԴֶ τᖬԴΦஒя჏ ˟ဳ൒ ᖔړ ሏʸ کν൒ˀɾכ৻ 3. ߗר Յࣱሏʸ͛඘ᖔ ˟τᗐ൒͂ ɐ̟ᖬԴi 4. ߗሏʸ΃ࣂΦτ —ɻႺଉল˜—ΡϬŘ ȹঁ -- ᖬԴʥඦԴc̋ ဳړሏʸ ሏʸ ሏʸ ჏ʻ˟1ω Ұ˸ HKD100.00 HKD150.00 HKD150.00 ൒cᖬԴʥඦԴ α߮ ԭّՅԯঢ়ّ -- ৻—ႺϷᖬר࣊ ਄๑ΦಁʥԯˢȹঁႺϷעᖬԴ೶቗ֶሏʸᖬ ᗐν൒ޚඖ͌ؿ˜ע /ࢠ߮ 0.50% HKD30.00/ HKD2,500.00ٖܘ * ࢠʹᙩ൒ٖټˤνଊ RMB30.00 RMB2,500.00 ຤̯ϷˤνؿΈ —ɻႺଉল˜—ΡϬŘ ȹঁ ᗘᖬԴя჏ᖔ ሏʸ ሏʸ ሏʸ Ɏᗘ˞ܢ˳ˤνٖͫʹᙩ൒ * HKD30.00/ HKD200.00/ ˟c ٖ˞RMB30.00 RMB200.00 Пi޴ٖd Ұʹ HKD2.50/ HKD5.00/ HKD5.00/ ˤࢠdʔ඀ႏ RMB2.50 RMB5.00 RMB5.00 ᑪdνᑪdԜ d৉ਕ೩ٖ ˤ۪ʸᄚϷᚬ .1 ˤଉɁ ஐcΣ౒ٖdԜ ჏ᄚϷᚬஐؿٖͫ߮c HKD100.00/ HKD2,500.00/ ٖdᔾ̔Ԝٖdܘ * ৻ʥ ˤᄚϷᚬஐʹᙩ൒ר Ұʹ HKD2.00/ RMB2.00 RMB100.00 RMB2,500.00 ӝτʝdνᑪd ͬพ ׶dϷמᔝ౒͚ Ϸ৽ Ԛႏٖᖬ೩ 2. ༦ʸ୮ν൒̊߮ - - ΋ԡʹᙩ൒ * Ұω HKD30.00/ RMB30.00זʗٖͫ

༦ʸ୮νܢ˳ .ᖬԴ༦ʸ۪ʸ / ̯ϷˤଉɁ Ұʹ HKD10.00/ RMB10.00 HKD100.00/ - 1 ʔ̇ΊɎʹᙩ൒ * RMB100.00 ൒ ͚νˀ੣೶כ .2 ့ሏʸκ৖ ೢѫνܢ˳ˤ̨ᔝʹफ़Ϳ٦ೢʹᙩ൒ * Ұ೫ν HKD50.00/ RMB50.00 HKD50.00/ - 1. ɺ RMB50.00 ൒ ͚νˀ੣೶כ .2 ့ሏʸκ৖

7 ৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ᅟๅ ௖Гν൒ ௖ঢ়ν൒ ௐഽר —ɻႺଉল˜—ΡϬŘ ȹঁ Σ੬஦༦̯Ϸͨ ˲ಒ༞ιמሏʸ ሏʸ ሏʸ Є͚ ਥ̯ 1,000ω 700ω 300ω ൕሒٖ଩cҰ೫ Ұ˂ୃֶ߮מЛ൒Щ ͚ ᔾ༠೩ࠤټמࣂంძ ͚ ၉ɐЩࣂంძ൒zਥི̯߮ Ұ˂: HKD10.00 - HKD50,000.00* Ұω݅໺ HKD0.10 (˞༖ঢ়ّݯๅ)c܃ֺτ۪ʸԯ Щ˿Ԕτᔾ̔Л ൒Щࣂٖძ݅໺ ಋכ200ω (*̋ࠉ (מʏٖ଩͚ ၉ɐЩࣂంძ൒z˂൒ི߮ Ұ˂ HKD228.00 - - 1. ಲࠉωᅕЩࣂ ంძ 2. ߗԚ͂๫˂ୃ ᔾ༠ټמ͚߮ HKD1,000,000.00 ಋʏכࠉ̋*) cੀ(מ଩͚ٖ ᏵᑥЛɎ˂˂ ༅঩ ൒ Ɏ˂́ࢽ܃৻@ 3. ೔তר ၉ɐЩࣂంძ൒zϻݚంძ Ұ˂ HKD328.00 - - 1. ЩࣂϬ৽ҡณ ంძ 2. ߗԚ͂๫˂ୃ ᔾ༠ټמ͚߮ HKD1,000,000.00 ಋʏכࠉ̋*) c (מ଩͚ٖ ੀᏵᑥЛɎ˂ ˂൒ 3. ೔ত܃Ɏ˂́ࢽ Ɏˀ́܃৻ݯ HKD1.00 - - 1. ೔তרԷძొ͐ Ұ࠯Էძొ͐ ࢽ 2. ȹঁሏʸ๫˂ מ଩ൕሒ͚ٖ ჏༠೩ࠤ HKD1,000,000.00 c ʿ˿Ԕ 3 ࠯˂ ৻eר ᔾ့߮ټಁؿ˄ܘ-- ༩౨͚νСࢠ ਄๑̯Ϸ֡Ԟሏʸᐽࣂ஦ʻСଅ ᖬԴᥛࢄሏʸࠥಁСଅ —ɻႺଉল˜—ΡϬŘ ȹঁ --1. ܘҰʨሏʸʑ ˄ሏ೶ټሏʸ ሏʸ ሏʸ ؿଊ ̯Ϸ௖ + 1.50% + 2.25% + 2.25% ቗ᔾ့߮ ᎚యС 2. Ұ˂֛Εሏʸ ˟ሏʻټଅ ؿଊ ༦ʸ൒͂ܢ˳ .νٖ׭ᚬऩկপ൒ HKD150.00 - - 1ু ࠥ൘ ̊Ұʹν HKD20.00 2. ಲሃুνܰЯ ʥԯˢ ι˲я඘ᖔ˟ ৻ 3. ຤޵Ϸ/ɻ̕೶ר ့ν൒̊߮ νٖ׭ᚬऩʹᙩ൒ ুΑؿٖࢠ߮ 0.50% HKD20.00 - ຤޵Ϸ / ɻ̕೶ু Α޴ٖdٖᚬ೩Ұʹ HKD5.00 ့ν൒̊߮ু ˤፒႏᑪณٖʹᙩ൒ * Ұ೫͇ᇼν HKD100.00/ RMB100.00 HKD100.00/ - ಲሃܰЯι˲Ᏽ RMB100.00 ৉ٖͫcя඘ᖔ ˟ ొԜ೶௰৹̯ Ұͫ HKD50.00 - - ௖Λȼα

8 ณ˱գᖬԴĶĶֱສӡʥԯˢᏵʗݢٖ଩ ඖ͌ ν൒ᅟๅ ௖Г/௖ঢ়ν൒ ᔾ߮ 0.50% ௖ГUSD20.00ټҰ೫ι͚ܘ ټ຤޵Џ ᔾ߮ 0.04% ௖ঢ়USD393.00ټҰ೫ι͚ܘ ±೶့൒ ᔾ߮0.0075% ௖ГUSD0.01ټҰ೫ι͚ܘ ±ӡ଻൒מSGX͚ ΦɃ/ొՅ൒ ৖̯Ϸν൒̔c̔ංዀ࿚ν൒̊߮c໯ੱᇼΉ̯Ϸ݅໺ٖͫ

Δ઎ಶؿ޻ਝᖬԴ̯ ඖ͌ ν൒ᅟๅ ΔᖬԴν൒ᅟๅνՅ̯ܘؿٖࢠ܃ݢೕٖࢠࣂκ৖30%cκೢכˤνٖࢠʹᙩ൒ ޻ਝདκೢੀ ͐ܞপʔ̇(DTC)τᗐν൒ҰඖڌHKD100.00c̊˱ࠗಋ೶့՗޻ਝΦဳ͐ܞଊஒొՅ൒ Ұඖ HKD600.00ʥˤʻ൒͂ ͐ܞপʔ̇(DTC)τᗐν൒ҰඖڌHKD100.00c̊˱ࠗಋ೶့՗޻ਝΦဳ͐ܞࣵ̔ᖬԴ༎ྊሁᅆʹᙩ൒ Ұඖ HKD200.00ʥˤʻ൒͂ ͐ܞপʔ̇(DTC)τᗐν൒ҰඖڌHKD100.00c̊˱ࠗಋ೶့՗޻ਝΦဳ͐ܞႏٖᖬᔝ౒dϬᗙνᑪdٖᚬνᑪ Ұඖ ʥʔ඀৉ਕʹᙩ൒ HKD600.00ʥˤʻ൒͂

ஒྫྷ့߮eמ͚ܘ * eكֺᔤ߯ʥνՅcΣτҡҝc࢝ɺ̊Ϸ஝מdᖬԴʥ౨ஒԑ৻ဟྦկࡗผֶࠗಋᐲ΋͚֚ܧਂܧ໮೩ν൒ࠗͅಋऋПϷ # ৻ͅ—၉ɐႺϷ˜ొԜeਥི̯߮๫˂̰͂ؿਥ̯Л൒Щࣂంძɺॶ඗֝ϭɎ˂Ԛ͂cϤ˂൒ི߮ؿ൒͂ɺผА஫ʗঽר @ ৻ੀผୄ˅eר၉ɐႺϷ˜೶့ሏʸʑκ৖cߗΐ቗ᔾɺӷϤ̰ॶκಁcЩࣂంძ—כಁeҰ˂൒͂ੀ eك໮೩ν൒ͅณ˱գɾτᗐዀ࿚ᔤ߯ʥνՅcΣτҡҝc࢝ɺ̊Ϸ஝ ±

ഽ:1.˞ɐν൒Σ˞Ұʹ߮cɺӷȹʹАȹʹ့߮e ҰိᖬԴ့߮eמҰʨҰ೫͚ܘcֺτν൒̔עܞ৖̊А .2 ΃eޚ৖ɐͶν൒̔cԯˢࣵ̔ᖬԴν൒ၤ̯ΔᖬԴؿν൒ .3 ৻ʥ̔ංዀ࿚ؿν൒̰ॶသ፣c໯ੱᇼΉ̯Ϸᓻࡗ݅໺eר࠯П .4 जሁኬτᗐ൒͂ؿᚬСeړɐ߸ν൒ඩԜ਄ϣcɻਝႺϷ(ࠗಋ)τࠉʔ̇ .5

9 ৻רඦ৻ᖬԴ .4

৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ᅟๅ ௖Гν൒ ௖ঢ়ν൒ ௐഽר Ұα5כ༦˾ 6 ࠯˂ؿҰˀ଩ࠍᐢࠤୃዶ቗ᔾ HKD100.00 HKD2,500.00 1. ̯Ϸੀܘ ဳ൒ړ 31 11 ˂ яᅕؿ 0.015% ့߮ ˂ ˀʥ̡ 30ˀ੣۪ʸؿ ೶့ሏʸκ৖ τᗐ൒͂cԎ ˞༦˾6 ࠯˂ (Щ12˂1ˀϭ5 ˂31ˀʥ6˂1 ˀϭ11˂30ˀ) ؿҰˀ଩ࠍᐢ পဳ ࠤୃዶ቗ᔾ̡ ৻ яᅕ့߮ר ν൒כʸߗ۪ .2 Յࣱሏکˀ ʸc͛඘ᖔ˟ τᗐ൒͂ 3. ߗሏʸʑ΃ࣂ Φτ—ᖬԴ˜ʥ —ඦԴ˜c̋჏ ʻ˟—ᖬԴ˜ֶ ဳړඦԴ˜— ൒cՅԯঢ়ّ ݯๅ ͚ν - - ν൒HKD300.00מᔝ࠸൒ Ұ৙ඦ৻ᖬԴҰր͚ ৻ר ᔾ0.5%့߮ HKD20.00 HKD2,500.00ټֺνՅؿСࢠܘ Сࢠʹᙩ൒ʥԯˢټˤଉɁ ˤνଊ ৻ ᄚϷᚬஐԑඖר जሁኬτᗐ൒͂ؿᚬСeړഽiɐ ߸ ν ൒ ඩ Ԝ਄ϣcɻਝႺϷ(ࠗಋ)τࠉʔ̇

৻רۂ೶࿚ֲଐ .5 (౨ᚬ)dٖ଩઎㢕ҙ༅ʥٖ଩઎㢕଩ኣ؍଩઎㢕ΦಁÐٖᚬᗸ(ႏٖܢ˳) ৻ ඖ͌ ν൒ᅟๅ ௐഽר ˟඘ᖔکᔾؿ 0.1% 1. ͚˟ٖ଩ټמˤ଱ɍّ Ϳ٦ೢ ͚˟ٖ଩ؿ͚ ᔤ֚ܧਂܧዀ࿚ᄩν 2. ྡྷ჌Ϳ٦ೢଅࠗͅಋऋПϷ ك߯cΣτҡҝc࢝ɺ̊Ϸ஝ ؿ൒͂ जሁኬτᗐ൒͂ؿᚬСeړഽiɐ ߸ ν ൒ ඩ Ԝ਄ϣcɻਝႺϷ(ࠗಋ)τࠉʔ̇

10 1. Deposit and General Banking Services (2012.10) Type of Services Charges/Details CURRENT ACCOUNT Insufficient funds HKD/USD HKD150.00 / USD18.00 per returned cheque RMB cheque RMB200.00 per returned cheque Returned cheque Other reasons HKD/USD cheque HKD50.00 / USD6.50 per returned cheque RMB cheque RMB50.00 per returned cheque RMB cheque amount exceeding RMB80,000.00 RMB200.00 per returned cheque HKD200.00 per cheque Dispatched by The Mark 'good' cheque (plus drawee bank charges) Dispatched by customer HKD60.00 per cheque Stopped payment order HKD100.00 per instruction Special-printed cheque The Bank reserves the right to levy charges Special-printed deposit slips The Bank reserves the right to levy charges By ordinary mail Waived Cheque book delivery HKD25.00 / USD3.00 / RMB20.00 plus By registered mail non-local postage (postage will be waived if delivery address is in HK) HKD25.00 / USD3.00 / RMB20.00 per returned by registered mail cheque plus non-local postage (postage will be waived if delivery address is in HK) Account closed within 3 months after account opening HKD200.00 per account Combined average monthly balance in HKD Monthly fee current account(s) and savings account(s) below HKD60.00 per month 1 HKD5,000.00 HKD120.00 per cheque and O/D interest HKD calculated at prime rate plus 10% or overnight HIBOR (whichever is higher) USD15.00 per cheque and O/D interest Unauthorized calculated at US prime rate plus 10% or USD overnight LIBOR plus 4% (whichever is higher) RMB120.00 per cheque and O/D interest RMB calculated at overnight CNY HIBOR plus 10% Temporary overdraft/ overdrawn HKD120.00 per cheque and O/D interest HKD calculated at prime rate plus 10% or overnight HIBOR (whichever is higher) USD15.00 per cheque and O/D interest calculated at US prime rate plus 6% or In excess of overdraft limit USD overnight LIBOR plus 4% (whichever is higher) RMB120.00 per cheque and O/D interest RMB calculated at overnight CNY HIBOR plus 10% Against uncleared items HKD120.00 / USD15.00 / RMB120.00 per cheque No deposit or withdrawal for 2 years and the balance below HKD2,000.00 HKD100.00 for every six months HKD Dormant A/C (Accounts with zero balance will be closed without notice) No deposit or withdrawal for 2 years and the balance below USD200.00 USD12.00 for every six months USD Dormant A/C (Accounts with zero balance will be closed without notice) No deposit or withdrawal for 2 years and the balance below RMB2,000.00 RMB50.00 for every six months RMB Dormant A/C (Accounts with zero balance will be closed without notice) Subject to 0.25% if daily deposit exceeds USD1,500.00 per account; Deposit USD notes into USD T/T (current) account Daily deposit of USD1,500.00 or below: Waived Subject to 0.25% if daily withdrawal exceeds Withdraw USD notes from USD T/T (current) account USD1,500.00 per account; Daily withdrawal of USD1,500.00 or below: Waived

11 Type of Services Charges/Details CURRENT ACCOUNT Subject to 0.125% of the deposit amount in Deposit RMB notes into RMB (current) account HKD or a minimum of HKD15.00 will be charged per transaction Subject to 1% of the total transfer / deposit Transfer / cash deposit into account to cover RMB cheque handling charges amount, or a minimum of RMB200.00 per insufficient funds transaction SAVINGS ACCOUNT Replacement of a passbook HKD100.00 per account Account closed within 3 months after account-opening date HKD50.00 per account

Combined average monthly balance in HKD current 1 account(s) and savings account(s) below HKD5,000.00 HKD60.00 per month Monthly fee RMB savings account average monthly balance below RMB5,000.00 RMB50.00 per month Cash withdrawal and transfer over the counter HKD20.00 per transaction Flexi-Savings Account Convert 'Flexi-Savings Account' into general savings account HKD20.00 per transaction No deposit or withdrawal for 2 years and the balance below HKD2,000.00 HKD Dormant A/C (Accounts with zero balance will be closed HKD100.00 for every six months without notice) Minimum balance Every six months (per currency) RMB2,000.00 RMB50.00 USD250.00 USD20.00 GBP200.00 GBP20.00 For those accounts remaining dormant EUR200.00 EUR20.00 for more than two years with the AUD350.00 AUD20.00 account balance lower than the CAD350.00 CAD20.00 designated minimum balance CHF350.00 CHF20.00 (Accounts with zero balance will be NZD350.00 NZD20.00 closed automatically without notice to DKK2,000.00 DKK50.00 customers) NOK2,000.00 NOK50.00 SEK2,000.00 SEK50.00 JPY50,000.00 JPY2,000.00 THB10,000.00 THB1,000.00 SGD350.00 SGD20.00 0.125% of the deposit amount or a minimum Deposit RMB notes into RMB (savings) account of HKD15.00 will be charged in HKD per transaction Subject to 0.25% if daily deposit exceeds USD1,500.00 per account; Deposit USD notes into USD T/T (savings) account Daily deposit of USD1,500.00 or below: Waived Subject to 0.25% if daily withdrawal exceeds USD1,500.00 per account; Withdraw USD notes from USD T/T (savings) account Daily withdrawal of USD1,500.00 or below: Waived Waived if daily deposit/withdrawal amount per account within the following limits: AUD500.00 CAD500.00 CHF500.00 EUR500.00 GBP500.00 JPY70,000.00 Other foreign currency notes deposit to /withdrawal from T/T account Subject to 0.3125% of deposit amount, or 0.1875% of withdrawal amount if the daily amount exceeds the above limit Other currencies (any amount): subject to buying/selling of HKD notes FIXED DEPOSIT Fixed deposit Early uplifting The Bank reserves the right to levy charges CASHIER'S ORDER Issuance of a cashier's order (HKD / USD / RMB) HKD50.00 Verification of the purchaser's identity Waived Cancellation of cashier's order and redeposit into purchaser's account HKD50.00 per item Report loss of a cashier's order to HKICL HKD50.00 plus HKICL charges Mark ''good'' - cashier's order HKD50.00 per item

12 Type of Services Charges/Details

BOC CARD BOC Card (with HKD account as the primary account)/ BOC Fast Cash Card2 HKD50.00 Annual fee BOC Card (with RMB account as the primary account)/ BOC Card (RMB) RMB50.00 Replacement due to customer’s loss of a BOC Card HKD50.00 (with HKD account as the primary account)/ BOC Fast Cash Card Card replacement fee Replacement due to customer’s loss of a BOC Card RMB50.00 (with RMB account as the primary account)/BOC Card (RMB) Non-receipt of new card Waived New card with HKD account as the primary account HKD50.00 Replacement of a damaged card New card with RMB account as the primary account RMB50.00 Cash withdrawal via ATMs of “JETCO” Cash withdrawal in Macau HKD20.00 per transaction network Cash withdrawal via ATMs of Bank of China in the Mainland of China HKD15.00 per transaction Cash withdrawal with BOC Card (RMB) Cash withdrawal via “CUP” ATM in the Mainland of China RMB15.00 per transaction network3 Cash withdrawal from RMB account with BOC Card RMB15.00 per transaction Cash withdrawal from HKD account with BOC Card HKD15.00 per transaction ATM cash withdrawal via ''VISA / PLUS'' network4 HKD25.00 per transaction SAFE DEPOSIT BOX HKD100.00 Replacement of a key (plus key replacement cost) HKD200.00 (plus box opening fees and Drilling of box and replacement of lost keys lock replacement costs) BANK CERTIFICATION HKD150.00 (HKD20.00 for each Banker's endorsement additional copy) HKD100.00 (HKD20.00 for each Confirmation of account balance additional account) Auditor's confirmation HKD300.00 per set HKD300.00 (HKD25.00 for each Banker's reference letter additional copy) AUTOPAY Setup or amendment of direct debit authorisation (DDA) record HKD15.00 / RMB13.00 per item Setup or amendment of standing instruction for autopay-out HKD25.00 / RMB20.00 per item Returned autopay (due to insufficient Direct debit authorisation (DDA) HKD150.00 / RMB130.00 per item funds) Standing instruction for autopay-out HKD150.00 / RMB130.00 per item Re-processing of direct debit authorisation (DDA) instruction HKD100.00 / RMB90.00 per item TRAVELLERS’ 1% (subject to a minimum of HKD50.00) If same currency notes are used for buying Sale of travellers’ cheque (USD / Other currency) travellers’ cheques, a commission of 1.25% (subject to a minimum of HKD100.00) will be levied Issued by BOCHK, Nanyang or Chiyu5 : waived Encashment of travellers’ cheque Issued by other : 0.375% (subject to a minimum of HKD60.00) EXPRESS TRANSFER (RTGS / CHATS) Fund transfer to other banks via HKD Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) HKD160.00 per transaction Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) USD Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) USD22.00 per transaction EUR Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) EUR20.00 per transaction (Conducted via branches) RMB Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) RMB150.00 per transaction Fund transfer to other banks via HKD Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) HKD50.00 per transaction USD Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) USD7.00 per transaction Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) EUR Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) EUR5.00 per transaction (Conducted via electronic channels) RMB Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) RMB40.00 per transaction

13 Type of Services Charges/Details EXPRESS TRANSFER (RTGS / CHATS) Inward HKD Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS)(Applicable to incoming CHATS amount equivalent to above HKD1,000.00) HKD12.00 per transaction Inward USD Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) (Applicable to USD1.50 per transaction Inward Express Transfer incoming CHATS amount equivalent to above USD120.00) (RTGS / CHATS) Inward EUR Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) (Applicable to incoming CHATS amount equivalent to above EUR120.00) EUR1.25 per transaction Inward RMB Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) (Applicable to incoming CHATS amount equivalent to above RMB1,000.00) RMB10.00 per transaction Returned Express Express Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) HKD150.00 per transaction Transfer (RTGS/CHATS) (Applicable to CHATS amount equivalent to above HKD1,000.00) OTHER SERVICES Limited company HKD150.00 Company Search Unlimited company HKD100.00 1 year HKD250.00 per account Request for savings / fixed deposit account 2 years HKD750.00 per account records 3 years HKD1,000.00 per account More than 3 years (maximum 7 years) HKD1,000.00 per additional year Request for copy of account statements (from 1 month up to 7 years from the date of request) HKD50.00 per statement cycle Setting up / Amendment of standing instruction HKD70.00 Written funds transfer instruction without using the BOCHK standard form HKD150.00 per transaction Provision of duplicate copy of customer’s information HKD50.00 per page plus operating costs BOCHK’s customers HKD10.00 per item Gift cheque (HKD / RMB) Non-BOCHK’s customers HKD15.00 per item Funds transfer to other local banks via Electronic Electronic transfer (Express Processing) Transfer (Express Processing) by Internet Banking HKD30.00 per item Funds transfer to other local banks via Electronic Electronic transfer Transfer by Internet Banking HKD10.00 / RMB8.00per item 10 or 20 cents HKD1.00 for every 20 dollars Change of coins Others HKD1.00 for every 50 dollars 2% of total amount for deposit of 500 coins or above Bulk coins deposit (presorting is required) Subject to a minimum fee HKD50.00 per transaction 0.25% of the total deposit amount for depositing 200 notes or above or Bulk cash deposit / transaction (HKD / RMB)6 HKD100,000.00 or above Subject to a minimum fee HKD50.00 per transaction Up to 30 pieces per day Waived Bulk cheque deposit Charges for each cheque if more than 30 pieces per day HKD1.00 Cash exchange (Non-account holders) HKD100.00 per transaction 0.25% of draft amount Issued by Bank of China (minimum HKD50.00) plus correspondent bank's charge (if any)

Encashment of demand draft 0.375% of the draft amount Issued by other banks (minimum HKD50.00) plus correspondent bank's charge (if any) HKD100.00 plus correspondent bank's Returned unpaid items charge (if any) and interest Sent for collection HKD150.00 per item (including postage) (applicable to non-bills transactions) plus correspondent bank's charge Clean bills HKD100.00 plus correspondent bank's Returned / Unpaid items charge (if any) and interest

14 2. Loan Services Type of Services Charges/Details MORTGAGE LOAN SERVICE

7 0.5% of loan amount (Subject to a minimum Handling Charge of HKD1,000.00) Custody of Non-discharged Deeds after Full Repayment HKD500.00 per year HKD1,000.00 per letter (plus legal cost, if Lease Consent Letter on Charged Property any) Base on repayment amount to charge 1-month Fee for Full/Partial Principal Repayment (less than 1 month’s prior notice) interest calculating from prepayment date Re-issuance of Notice for Repayment Schedule HKD100.00 per copy Re-issuance of Annual Statement of Instalment Loan Account HKD100.00 per copy HKD200.00 per copy Confirmation of Mortgaged Property and Account Balance (HKD20.00 for each subsequent copy issued simultaneously) Re-issuance of Confirmation of Mortgage/Notice for Repayment Schedule for the Mortgage HKD100.00 per copy Subsidizing Scheme of Hospital Authority/Government Change of Mortgage Term7 (e.g. Repayment amount, tenor, mortgage scheme8, mortgagor, HKD1,000.00 per item guarantor and the like) Change of Mortgage Scheme from "All-You-Want" Mortgage Scheme/"Smart" Mortgage Scheme HKD2,000.00 for each application to other mortgage scheme (or vice versa) HKD200.00 per title deed of property; Provision of Duplicate Copy of Deeds / Documents HKD50.00 per page for other documents

7 HKD500.00 for each overdue repayment Administration Fee for Late Payment (plus legal cost, if any) Handling Fee for Government Rate7 Payment HKD500.00 for each time OTHER LOAN SERVICES (PERSONAL CUSTOMER) 0.125% of loan amount (Subject to Handling Charge a minimum of HKD250.00) Fixed Deposit 0.125% of loan amount (Subject to Renewal Fee a minimum of HKD250.00) Secured Loans 0.5% of loan amount (Subject to Property, Gold & Silver, Securities, Cheque, Handling Charge Postdated Cheque, Guaranteed/Capital a minimum of HKD1,000.00) 0.25% of loan amount (Subject to Preservation Fund Renewal Fee a minimum of HKD500.00) 0.5% of loan amount (Subject to Handling Charge a minimum of HKD1,000.00) Unsecured Loans 0.25% of loan amount (Subject to Renewal Fee a minimum of HKD500.00) 0.5% of loan amount (Subject to Handling Charge a minimum of HKD1,000.00) 0.25% of loan amount (Subject to Renewal Fee a minimum of HKD500.00) 1/8% of guarantee amount (calculated on a Letter of Guarantee monthly basis, rounded to 1 month if less than 30 days) Guarantee Issuance Fee Minimum charge for standard guarantee letter (including water, electricity and gas) is HKD200.00, while other guarantee is HKD450.00 0.5% p.a. on undrawn overdraft limit Commitment /Arrangement Fee for Overdraft Limit (calculated on a daily basis) HKD500.00 for each overdue repayment Administration Fee for Late Payment (plus legal cost, if any) HKD200.00 per title deed of property; Provision of Duplicate Copy of Deeds / Documents HKD50.00 per page for other documents Remarks: 1. Customers should designate ONE HKD savings account and ONE HKD current account for the calculation of the consolidated monthly average balance. If the consolidated monthly average balance is at or over HKD5,000, the monthly fee will be waived. If such balance falls below HKD5,000, a monthly fee of HKD60 will be charged. For accounts other than those designated ones, the monthly fee will be charged to each individual account if its monthly average balance falls below the requirement. Senior citizens aged 65 or above, account holders aged below 18, recipients of Government Disability Allowances/ Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, or BOCHK customers taking up designated products / services* can apply for monthly fee waiver of HKD current and savings account. * Inclusive of Wealth Management, i-Free Integrated Account Service, Kiddie Sky, corporate account, overdraft facility, mortgage, fixed deposits, securities account, FX margin trading service, HKD margin trading service, credit card, safe deposit box and notional precious metals trading services 15 2. Annual fee waiver for those aged 65 or above. 3. For transaction conducted via the “CUP” network, if the transaction currency is Hong Kong dollars or Renminbi, the transaction amount is converted directly at the exchange rates set by BOCHK at the time of the transaction. If the transaction currency involves currency other than Hong Kong dollars or Renminbi, the transaction amount is converted directly at the daily exchange rates set by China UnionPay. 4. For transactions conducted via the "VISA/PLUS" network, the amount withdrawn is converted directly into Hong Kong dollars at the daily exchange rates set by VISA plus around 1% conversion charge. 5. "Nanyang" refers to Nanyang Commercial Bank Limited and "Chiyu" refers to Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited. 6. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the rights to levy extra charge. 7. Not applicable to customers of Home Ownership Scheme and Tenant Purchase Scheme. 8. For the change of mortgage scheme involving "All-You-Want" Mortgage Scheme/"Smart" Mortgage Scheme, please refer to the relevant service fee item. - Other Charges may apply, please contact our staff for details. -We reserve the right to amend the service charges.

16 3. Securities Services Local Securities (The following service fees are charged according to the transaction currency) Services Item Rate / Fee Min Charge Max Charge Remarks Trading through For trading of automated trading HKMA EFN, HKMC and Hong channels (Mobile Brokerage fee of 0.25% per trade for any HKD100.00/ Banking / Internet - Kong Link 2004 Banking / transaction amount RMB100.00 Ltd. bonds, 0.25% Automated Stock for all transaction Trading Hotline)* amounts. Transaction Wealth i-Free General amount per Management Accounts Accounts Brokerage trade: Accounts Fee Below (Applicable HKD50,000.00/ to HKEx 0.40% 0.50% Below Listed RMB50,000.00 Stocks) Trading through branches/ manned HKD50,000.00 HKD100.00/ - trading hotline* Trade- to below RMB100.00 related HKD100,000.00/ Flat rate 0.30% 0.35% services RMB50,000.00 0.25% to below RMB100,000.00 HKD100,000.00 or above/ RMB100,000.00 0.25% 0.25% or above Stamp Duty *# 0.10% of transaction amount HKD1.00/ - 1. Payable by both RMB1.00 the buying and selling parties 2. Charges are rounded up to the nearest dollar Transaction Levy # 0.003% of transaction amount - - SFC charge Trading Fee # 0.005% of transaction amount - - HKEx charge Monthly Stocks Savings Plan 0.25% of contribution amount HKD50.00 - Charge is computed for each plan Purchase through HKD2.50/ RMB2.50 per board lot 1. Through Central automated trading Clearing and channels (Mobile Charge waived if the trading amount of HKD30.00/ HKD200.00/ Settlement Banking / Internet each transaction is HKD1,000,000.00 RMB30.00 RMB200.00 System (CCASS) Banking / Automated or above / RMB1,000,000.00 or above or physical scrip Stock Trading Hotline) deposited (including shares and bonds) Wealth i-Free General are subject to the Transaction Management Accounts Accounts charge Charge* Accounts 2. Plus Scrip Per board lot Transfer Service Purchase through HKD2.50/ HKD5.00/ HKD5.00/ Fee, if applicable, Scrip branches/manned RMB2.50 RMB5.00 RMB5.00 handling HKD30.00/ HKD200.00/ for physical scrip trading hotline; or Charge waived if the transaction amount (or the RMB30.00 RMB200.00 deposited and deposit settlement equivalent amount of stock deposited) is 3. Charge is computed - related HKD1,000,000.00 or above / for each stock service RMB1,000,000.00 or above Stock Withdrawal Fee* HKD10.00/ RMB10.00 per board lot HKD100.00/ - 1. Charge is computed RMB100.00 for each stock 2. Payable on application 3. Securities sold through our bank are NOT subject to the charge. 4. Applies to§ Delivery through CCASS¨ and§physical withdrawal¨ Transfer Deed Stamp Duty HKD5.00 per transfer deed/certificate HKD5.00 - Charged on the selling of physical scrip

17 Services Item Rate / Fee Min Charge Max Charge Remarks Debt securities: HKD100.00 HKD2,500.00 0.015% of average daily balance within the 1. Applies to all period types of securities (e.g. shares, notes and bonds etc.) 2. Applies to Listed Securities: customers who have securities Wealth i-Free General -- transaction record Management Accounts Accounts (s) or securities Safe Custody Fee Accounts holdings in the Half-yearly HKD100.00 HKD150.00 HKD150.00 six month period on or before 31 May and 30 November each year Account 3. The fee is mainte- payable when the nance account is closed before the above payment dates 4. Safe custody fee will only be charged once even though the securities account holds both shares and bonds, whichever is higher Stock Balance Confirmation Fee Refer to the charges of§ Bank Certification¨ in - - Deposit and General Banking Services Dividend Collection Fee* 0.50% on each dividend HKD30.00/ HKD2,500.00/ RMB30.00 RMB2,500.00

Wealth i-Free General HKD30.00/ HKD200.00/ Applies to receipt Management Accounts Accounts RMB30.00 RMB200.00 of securities, such Accounts as bonus issues, Per board lot HKD2.50/ HKD5.00/ HKD5.00/ scrip in lieu of cash Receipt of securities* RMB2.50 RMB5.00 RMB5.00 dividends, initial public offer, offers, rights issues, placement etc. 1. Corporate actions include special scheme of arrangement, right issues, extra right issues, Nominee Corporate Action Service HKD2.00/ RMB2.00 per actionable board lot HKD100.00/ HKD2,500.00/ Charge* RMB100.00 RMB2,500.00 privatization, offers, services change trading and board, warrant corporate exercising etc. actions 2. Plus Share Registrars charges Share Splitting / Consolidation HKD30.00/ RMB30.00 per event - - Handling Charge* Scrip Transfer (to nominee's or HKD10.00/ RMB10.00 per board lot HKD100.00/ - 1. Scrip Fee included client's own name) Service Fee* RMB100.00 2. Debit the Settlement Account on the settlement date Stamp Duty Handling Fee* HKD50.00/ RMB50.00 per instruction HKD50.00/ - 1. Excluding Inland RMB50.00 Revenue charges 2. Debit the Settlement Account on the settlement date

18 Services Item Rate / Fee Min Charge Max Charge Remarks Wealth i-Free General If you successfully Management Accounts Accounts buy/sell securities Accounts through any of our trading channels, Free quotes 1,000 quotes 700 quote 300 quotes per month 200 bonus quotes will be granted to Online real-time quoteHKD0.10 will be charged for each additional HKD10.00 - you for each - basic plan quote used for all accounts. transaction or every accumulated transaction amount of HKD50,000.00* or equivalent, whichever is higher. (*Only applicable to HKD denominated stock transaction) 1. Unlimited real- time stock quote 2. During the service period, if the monthly accumulated transaction amount reaches HKD1,000,000.00* Online real-time quote HKD228.00 per month - - or more, your - monthly plan service fee of the following month will be waived. (*Only applicable to HKD denominated stock transaction) Informa- 3. Effective from the tion following month services@ after registration 1. Unlimited real- time auto-update stock quote 2. During the service period, if the monthly accumulated transaction amount reaches HKD1,000,000.00* or more, your Online real-time quote HKD328.00 per month - - service fee of the - Streaming plan following month will be waived. (*Only applicable to HKD denominated stock transaction) 3. Effective from the following month after registration Price Alert HKD1.00 for each price alert message - - 1. Effective from the following day after registration 2. 3-month service for general accounts with accumulated transaction amount reaches HKD1,000,000.00 or more.

19 Services Item Rate / Fee Min Charge Max Charge Remarks Overdue interest Ref to the O/D interest of Temporary - - Calculated on the Overdraft of Current Account overdue balance Loan interest rate of securitiesWealth i-Free General - - 1. Calculated on the margin Trading Account Management Accounts Accounts debit balance of the Accounts cash balance of the account Our Bank’s + 1.50% + 2.25% + 2.25% 2. Interest charge will Prime rate be posted on the last working day on a monthly basis Unclaimed Entitlement HKD150.00 per claim plus HKD20.00 - - 1. Scrip Fee included Financing Application Fee per board lot 2. Application Fee is and other levied irrespective of services result 3. Plus brokers / HKSCC charges Unclaimed Entitlement Handling 0.50% on cash dividend claimed, and HKD20.00 - Plus brokers / Fee HKD5.00 per board lot for bonus shares / HKSCC charges rights, etc., claimed New Issue Subscription Charge* HKD100.00/ RMB100.00 per application HKD100.00/ Subscription charge is RMB100.00 levied irrespective of result of allotment Reprint Statement HKD50.00 per statement - - Up to seven years

Singapore Securities - Jardine Group Stocks and other bonus issue Item Rate / Fee Minimum/Maximum Charge Brokerage Fee 0.50% of the transaction amount per trade Minimum: USD20.00 Clearing Fee ± 0.04% of the transaction amount per trade Maximum: USD393.00 SGX Trading Access Fee ± 0.0075% of the transaction amount per trade Minimum: USD0.01 Securities deposit/withdraw Except our Bank charges, plus out-of-pocket expenses. Please contact our Bank for details.

US Securities listed in Hong Kong Item Rate / Fee Dividend Collection Fee 30% of dividend deducted as US government withholding tax Remaining dividend charged at the same rate as local securities Withdrawal Fee for Physical Scrip HKD100.00 handling charge per instruction, plus HKD600.00 CCASS and Depository Trust Company (DTC) fee per instruction, as well as out-of-pocket expenses incurred by HKSCC Cross Border Transfer Fee for Receipt / HKD100.00 handling charge per instruction, plus HKD200.00 CCASS and Depository Trust Delivery of Securities Company (DTC) fee per instruction, as well as out-of-pocket expenses incurred by HKSCC Warrant Conversions, Voluntary Take- HKD100.00 handling charge per instruction, plus HKD600.00 CCASS and Depository Trust overs, Tender Offers & Open Offers Company (DTC) fee per instruction, as well as out-of-pocket expenses incurred by HKSCC Service Fee

* Fees are charged according to the transaction currency. # Fees and charges determined and collected by the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, SFC or HKEx are subject to change without prior notice. @ This service is offered by Internet Banking. Unused free basic quotes on Basic Plan cannot be carried forward to the next month. Service fee for Monthly Plan will not be partially refunded. The fees will be debited from the Internet Banking settlement account in the following month. If there is insufficient fund to settle the fees, the real-time quote service will be suspended. ± Fees and charges determined and collected by the authorized organization in Singapore are subject to change without prior notice.

Remarks: 1. Odd lot is treated as one board lot in the calculation of fees and charges. 2. Except otherwise mentioned, all charges are charged on the “per transaction”, “per stock”, and “per day” basis. 3. Except the charges listed above, all other charges for overseas securities are the same as for local securities. 4. Charges for specific services and out-of-pocket expenses may not be listed in the above table. For details, please contact our staff. 5. The above charges are for reference only. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to revise the service fee from time to time.

20 4. Debt Securities Services

Services Item Rate / Fee Min Charge Max Charge Remarks Safe Custody Fee 0.015% of the arithmetic mean of the daily HKD100.00 HKD2,500.00 1. The Bank will accumulated nominal value of the preceding debit the relevant six months fee from customer’s settlement account on 31st May and 30th November every year. The fee is calculated based on the arithmetic Custody mean of the daily Services accumulated nominal value of the preceding six months (from 1st December to 31st May, and from 1st June to 30th November) 2. The relevant fee is payable even if the account is closed before the above payment dates 3. Safe custody fee for shares or bonds, whichever is higher, will be charged for those accounts holding both kinds of securities Receipt Transfer In / Out Request HKD300.00 per transaction - - and Delivery Nominee Collection of interest and other 0.5% of the interest amount received HKD20.00 HKD2,500.00 services corporate actions

Remarks: The above charges are for reference only. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to revise these service fees from time to time.

5. Structured Products Services (including Equity Linked Deposits (Put Option), Equity Linked Investments and Equity Linked Notes)

Services Item Rate / Fee Remarks Fees Stamp Duty 0.1% of the transaction amount of the delivery stock 1. Stamp duty is payable prior to the delivery charged of the stock and 2. The actual rate of stamp duty is determined payable by the Government of HKSAR and is to third subject to change without prior notice parties

Remarks: The above charges are for reference only. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to revise these service fees from time to time.

21 i2012-10̯خ BKD331 40,000 2012-09 C.*