Ecjjoolsi I Nioilnrate Cost, Aoliool in Narii Wnnted Snih N More
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I -- 'THE SUN, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1914, 8 COTOTESS. SEEKS DIVORCE, FRAWLEY TRIP STIRS HOTH SALE BRINGS NEW SPERRY DRIFT COMPASS P1 Karl nnssrll to nr.Sncil br Wife lie UP CRY OF JUNKET Wed Twice). A TO GUIDE SEAPLANE AMERICA Special Cable Detpntch to Tn 9tK. TOTAL OF $.93,050 A parallel liOKDOM, July 10. Countess Uussell, transatlantic formerly Mrs. Afol'lle, Somervllle, nco Device-Fact- ory Cooke, will apply the divorce Inventor Leaves to Install His Latest Notice how transiitlantic travel gravitates to Jfmv in Buropo With Senators to, division of the High Court of Justice on Monday George D. Smith Again a Heavy the big new liners, taxing even their increased for a Working Night and Day to Have Miirfnusli and Foley nt restitution of her conjugal rights, Jluyer at the Last accommodations to capacity. which Is the. first step tnwnnl obtaining a Stabilizer Ready for Flight. Slate's H.xpcnsc. divorce under the ICnpllsh law. Tho I3arl'a marriage to the Countess Session. This is the age of progress, and the world is some fourteen yenrs ago caused him to Elmer A. Sperry, the Inventor of tho and makes head reilstanoe with no lift- quick to see the advantages of these new levia- ASSHMHLYMEN AKOI'.SKI) serve a prison term. In 1890 Earl Rus- gyroscopic stabilizer for flying machines, ing surfaco In Hying. MANY Is Impossible thans over vessels of less modern types. sell married Mnbcl Scott, daughter of Sir INTERESTING ROOKS left tho city for Hammondsport last night It to tell when the Amer- Claude Scott, a noted society beauty. ica will be ready for shipment to New- Ten to confer with Lieut. John C. Porte and foundland. Any years later he went to day tha experimenters tho United States Glenn Curtlss. He will perfect the In- may lilt uion the right surfaces to get tho To locate, your business in the Equitable Fio on Panama Fair Cominis and married Molllo Cooks after he had Madonna of Van ,der Weyden stalling of the drift compass, which he big flying boat off the water. Then Lieut. Building is to realign it to a new era in com- 8ion. I)ii They Soy Tour obtained a Nevada, divorce from his first also Invented, and wilt discuss the possi- J'orto will leave on the next train for New York, wife. When he relumed to England h School Fetches 87,350 at bility of getting a etablllzer ready In and the boat will bo pulled mercial progress and to give it the stimulus back to tho factory for quick overhaul- Was Kept Secret, was arrested on a charge of committing time for the America's flight a of improved bigamy Christie's. transatlantic ing before the transatlantic flight efficiency. In his marriage to Miss Cooke On From the offices of the Sperry Gyro- In a ground trial early this morning the Amer- tho that his Nevada divorce was scope Company, at 126 Nassau street ica ploughed through the lake and would Panama-Pacifi- c Mcntirs of the State not valid In England. Brooklyn, yesterday It was said that work not waterplane at all. It was found that fyCMC now Detns made from May 1, 1015. The bultdtna, horn-txst-r, reposition ('tiiitnWt.lon have been sur-pri't- il Special Cable Detpatch to Tni Sen. the pontoons He was found rullty by tho House of was being rushed on a gyroscope for the had been set at an angle U due to be completed 2 or 3 month ahead of that date. to recently that State Sena-to- ri which a tc.irn Lords and sentenced to Im- London, July 10. The fourth and last caused suction under the tall. ' I'ranlcy, John K. Murt&Ufh three months Rodman Wanamaker boat, but that It The angle was changed Jhihc prisonment In clay of the sale of the fourth portion of for the tests this A Koley, thrco uf tliclr mem Holloway Jail. He served would be lmpoeslble to have ready In anernoon planed ?t '. the Huth collection of printed and it and she with about 1,500 ,(J"' hi liiirnpr Ht the expense his term, but was afterward granted a books time to Install It unless the start of the pounds useful load, but the ends of the, Equitable Building Ut. 'f manuscripts at Sotheby's brought a total pontoons o( th otiitnlvlcni free pardon In respect to the felony re- flight Is postponed. seemed to hold her to the water. Office, 27 In e .T.y iim non there have becti a few corded ngalnst him. of H.IB8 (521,290). The grand total was Lieut Porte Is chatlng at the delay and Temporary Pine Street A special stabilizer Is being built upon Mr. murmur' from ecrtnln quartern, one or The tlrst Countess $93,030. George D. Smith, the New York Curtlas and Ills men aro working na Russell obtained a which the Sperrye have been working for night and day to get tho boat rendy so m.rut.oi hlntinR that to Ioiir divorce from tho book dealer, bought the following at the for 'there were fiee trips iibro.ul going nrotinJ Earl and he married weeks, but It will take almost four weeks the flight. Lieut. Porte feels that he - Mollle Cooko again In prices named: get they roulrtn't f- why only State Sena- England. more to finish It The parts of tho etabll must away this month, yet If the , tors tlioulil Ret them. Thero are five A first edition of "Luclanua Samosa- - Izer which won the French War Depart America la not ready until August, which INSTKCCTIOf. AAA Imi.A Is considered a very bad able Aes' nibtymen nt the eommlnalim, tenus," dated 1490, ($335)! ; a i iA, tillv,vw n.t. i,h month over the t7 nrsi i.i. Azores course, he fly l'OIl CURLS AMI VOU.NO WOSIEN. to ny notlilni? of miscellaneous citizen;, edition of John I.ydgate's "Tii. ued, but that apparatus has been held will then. CHINA -- Elmer A. Sperry. gyro-- 1 ome cf hom might Ilia made the sacr- WILL ASK FOR sege innate, UJ) m ahpment from Krancc. The Sperry Inventor of the NEW YORK'S 1VOI.ItbToy,IAS8AOHfJ.SKTT8. and Dystiuocyon of TrOye, ! nlc-h- scope ifice, eeelwc that all necessary expenses fartnrv unrlltiu f nnrl ilnv tn pet aeroplane stabilizer, Is expected ($350); "The Churle and the Bryde." by out the gyroitcopo for Lieut. Porte. here to test his speed and drift are. paid. recording There if no question of the appoint- A LOAN the same author, dated 1S55, 223 The gyroBcope which won tho Freneh Instrument that was made for PRIVATE Quincy $100,000,000 the America. This Instrument Is at- Mansion School ment of the three Senators who jailed ($1,125) : a first edition of "A Moste Ex- prlzo is being held up on tho other side, now on 15. They were the Sperrya said, by a competitor, who tached to the new navy hydroaeroplane. IOtt Olltl.S. Wollaston (Qnlncr) tttlh their wives Juno cellent Comedle of Alexander, Campaspe nnd Mr. Sperry fly SCHOOLS Mui. appointed by Chairman Norman 15. Maclc has attached cblmlng Infringement will as a passenger i In liUtorla Qutncy. Beautiful location, all and Diogenes," by 240 It ' a commission and the John Lyly, They havo innruotod representatives to with Lieut John II. Towers. U. S. N., In mil' from Boston Kttata of elavan ares, of the Ad- ($1,200): Lyndewode's the tests. Aihletlc fields, artlflclal lake, laboratory, art Assemblyman John n. Tale, follow. Government Needs Cash "Constltutloncs put up u bond to got It back here ns soon room, gymnanlum, aemtily halt, tan musts !ng a resolution adopted at the June meet- Proulnclales Eccleslae Angllcae," dated as possible. mi:n ami hots. rooms. Numerous elective Advancsd orle vance England emld inuo I'. Music. mil Art. Preparation ing of the commission. Sends 1496, 113 ($305); "The Workes of the "Tho gyroscope we are building." tor foreign Umutri so as SEEKS STARTING POINT. traval Certlfleate for celiacs, Tha resolution In effect Is: "Resolved Famous nd Worthle Knight. Sir David Mr. Sperry. "will not weigh much ST. PAUL'S Mrs. IIQHAfK .M. WIl.LtHD. Principal. that a committee be appointed to secure Warning to Pekin. the one whloh won tho lYench prlre. M.IKKII.. Mndesay of the Movnt, alias Lion, King CisMen C'llv l.nng tulanrt. IIOI.IJIIAVSHtmo, PENXSri.VANTA. ethlblts for the exposition." While there That one weighs forty pounds. This one Porte'a Itepreaen tnt lvf Rlnmlnrs WALTBIt It. MAUi 11, Hciumset.r. of Armes," dated 1628. 11 ($RS0) ; "The no mention made of Europe there will hnve a number of Improvements, SI. rs an Environs London," ly llnrlinr Johns. wss no restriction analnst It and the Special Cubit Betpatcheii to Tni Srs. of by the llev. Daniel which will bring tho weight don to "nr mil tAitn:.Trifs phivati: sniooL Miss Cowles' SrhnnlaWtk VVa rrtrU commission has n JISO.OOO appropriation l.ysons, 1,800 less than forty pounds." St. Johns, N. P., July 10. Mr. roit iints. Ball) Ilnllldarshnrg, I.ONDON, 11. with engravings of portraits Walker. V.'rsl flO Col, Ullcbland Penna. hesitancy on score July A Pekin despatch compass In- ai(Mt; I'nd r Tel rollrira preparatory. Advance.! oourco for tnere was no the of und views, 5S0 ($2,900), Tho drift which has been Lieut. Pofte'a representative, visited many Outdoor I so I to the Dull Telegraph says China will will be 1xercle.