THE REVOLUTIONISTS by Helise Flickstein Based on the true stories of Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton (c) WGAw Twin Forks Agency 18332 W. Port Au Prince Lane Surprise, AZ 85388 623-444-5712
[email protected] FADE IN: INT. ROCHESTER HOUSE - SUSAN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT A WOMAN blows out a candle. TICKING CLOCKS are coming from every direction. The HOUR HAND MOVES from the eleven slot to the twelve. The second hand moves in succession. The CLOCKS STOP working. On the wall with the flicker of the moon is “The Declaration of Sentiments”. Highlighted within the document are the words “All men and women are created equal”. A DRIP OF WATER comes from the outside window as it runs down. The WATER DROPLETS now create PUDDLES on the window sill as it SPLASHES and FLOWS just enough onto the floor. In the mirror reflects a bed, floor and wash stand. Peering deeper into the mirror an outline of a person appears. In the mirror looking back is SUSAN B. ANTHONY (89). INSERT ON SCREEN: WOMAN NARRATING “Something Left Undone” By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Labor with what zeal we will. Something still remains undone. Something uncompleted still. Waits the rising of the sun. By the bedside, on the stair, At the threshold, near the gates, with its menace or its prayer, Like a medicant it waits; Waits, and will not go away; Waits, and will not be gainsaid, By the curves of yesterday Even to-day is heavier made; Till at length the burden seems. Greater than our strength can bear.