Managing Tuberculosis Today Hanna Kaur - TB Lead Nurse Specialist BIRMINGHAM & SOLIHULL TB SERVICE Tel: 0121 424 1935 E-mail:
[email protected] OUTLINE: Epidemiology – in Brief (PHE Slides) TB and Diagnosis (Active and Latent) TB Pathway – Case Scenarios Contact Tracing – Screening (NICE 2016) BCG Programme Incident Management TB Service Update on The Collaborative TB Strategy: - Public Health England and NHS England 2015 TB Case Notifications and Rates, England, 2000-2015 Tuberculosis in England: 2016 Report 10,000 16 15 9,000 14 8,000 13 12 7,000 11 10 Number of cases 6,000 9 Rate (per 100,000) 5,000 8 7 4,000 6 3,000 5 4 2,000 3 2 1,000 1 0 0 Year Number of cases Rate per 100,000 I 95% CI Three-year average TB rates by local authority district, England, 2013-2015 London Tuberculosis rate (per 100,000) 0.0-4.9 5.0-9.9 10.0-14.9 15.0-19.9 20.0-29.9 30.0-39.9 40.0-49.9 >50.0 Tuberculosis Cases and Rates in the West Miidlands England, 2002 to 2015 *Data for 2015 for England is not yet available and data for the West Midlands is provisional. Note: 2013 mid-year population estimates from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) were used to calculate rates. Data sources: Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance (ETS) downloaded on 12 March 2016. Prepared by:
[email protected] Field Epidemiology Service (Birmingham), Public Health England Tuberculosis in Birmingham Average 350 Notifications Annually Numbers and rates of TB in Birmingham, the West Midlands and England, 2010-2015 • In recent years, Birmingham has accounted for the majority of cases in the West Midlands; in 2015 35% of cases were Birmingham residents.