Townsendia Condensata Parry Ex Gray Var. Anomala (Heiser) Dorn (Cushion Townsend Daisy): a Technical Conservation Assessment
Townsendia condensata Parry ex Gray var. anomala (Heiser) Dorn (cushion Townsend daisy): A Technical Conservation Assessment Prepared for the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Species Conservation Project May 9, 2006 Hollis Marriott and Jennifer C. Lyman, Ph.D. Garcia and Associates 7550 Shedhorn Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 Peer Review Administered by Society for Conservation Biology Marriott, H. and J.C. Lyman. (2006, May 9). Townsendia condensata Parry ex Gray var. anomala (Heiser) Dorn (cushion Townsend daisy): a technical conservation assessment. [Online]. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. Available: [date of access]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to several of our colleagues who have authored thorough and clearly-written technical conservation assessments, providing us with excellent examples to follow, including Bonnie Heidel (Wyoming Natural Diversity Database [WYNDD]), Joy Handley (WYNDD), Denise Culver (Colorado Natural Heritage Program), and Juanita Ladyman (JnJ Associates LLC). Beth Burkhart, Kathy Roche, and Richard Vacirca of the Species Conservation Project of the Rocky Mountain Region, USDA Forest Service, gave useful feedback on meeting the goals of the project. Field botanists Kevin and Amy Taylor, Walt Fertig, Bob Dorn, and Erwin Evert generously shared insights on the distribution, habitat requirements, and potential threats for Townsendia condensata var. anomala. Kent Houston of the Shoshone National Forest provided information regarding its conservation status and management issues. Bonnie Heidel and Tessa Dutcher (WYNDD) once again provided much needed information in a timely fashion. We thank Curator Ron Hartman and Manager Ernie Nelson of the Rocky Mountain Herbarium, University of Wyoming, for their assistance and for continued access to their fine facilities.
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