Gentrification in West Broadway?
Gentrification in West Broadway? Contested Space in a Winnipeg Inner City Neighbourhood By Jim Silver ISBN 0-88627-463-x May 2006 About the Author Jim Silver is a Professor of Politics at the University of Winnipeg, and a member of the Board of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Acknowledgements For their various contributions to this project, I am grateful to Roger Barske, Nigel Basely, Ken Campbell, Paul Chorney, Matt Friesen, Linda Gould, Brian Grant, Rico John, Darren Lezubski, Jennifer Logan, John Loxley, Shauna MacKinnon, Brian Pannell, Boyd Poncelet, Bob Shere and Linda Williams. Thanks also to the University of Winnipeg for awarding a Major Research Grant that made research for this project possible. This report is available free of charge from the CCPA website at Printed copies may be ordered through the Manitoba Office for a $10 fee. CANADIAN CENTRE FOR POLICY ALTERNATIVES–MB 309-323 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 2C1 PHONE (204) 927-3200 FAX (204) 927-3201 EMAIL Contents 5 Introduction 7 1 Gentrification: A Brief Review of the Literature 12 2 The West Broadway Neighbourhood 18 3 The Dangers of Gentrification 20 4 Evidence of Gentrification in West Broadway 25 5 Why is Gentrification Occurring in West Broadway? 28 6 The Importance of Low-Income Rental Housing for West Broadway’s Future 31 7 Prospects for West Broadway 33 References GENTRIFicATION in WEST BROADWAY? Contested Space in a Winnipeg Inner City Neighbourhood By Jim Silver Since the mid-20th century, urban decline has rehabilitation of deteriorated but architecturally become almost ubiquitous in North American unique housing, stabilization of the population inner city neighbourhoods.
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