Minutes of

2019/2020 - Print 7


(1) Minutes of the Council of 20th February 2020, pages 505 to 524; (2) Personnel Appeals Committee of 11th, 18th and 25th February 2020, pages 525 to 526; (3) Contracts and Property Committee of 27th February 2020, pages 527 to 529; (4) Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee of 4th March 2020, pages 530 to 532; (5) Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 12th, 13th, 26th and 27th February and 4th, 11th and 12th March 2020, pages 533 to 545; and (6) City Policy Committees:- (a) General Purposes of 3rd March 2020, pages 546 to 547; (b) Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement of 5th March 2020, pages 548 to 549; (c) Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm of 10th March 2020, pages 550 to 553; (d) Education, Skills and Early Years of 12th March 2020, pages 554 to 556; and (e) Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction of 17th March 2020, pages 557 to 560; (7) Emergency Committee of 5th and 17th March 2020, pages 561 to 563; (8) City Administration Committee of 27th February, 12th and 26th March, 23rd April, 21st May and 4th and 18th June 2020, pages 564 to 594; (9) Scrutiny Committees (a) Finance and Audit of 12th February, 11th March and 24th June 2020, pages 595 to 602; and (b) Operational Performance and Delivery of 26th February and 25th June 2020, pages 603 to 605; (10) Planning Local Review Committee of 18th February, 3rd and 17th March and 26th June 2020, pages 606 to 609; and (11) Planning Applications Committee of 11th February, 10th March and 23rd and 30th June 2020, pages 610 to 613.

This print contains minutes of meetings of the Council and its committees. Minutes are a record of the decisions taken by a committee. The Council has given committees a wide range of powers to make decisions but sometimes a committee does not have the authority to decide on a matter and must pass it to the Council to decide. If this is necessary, the paragraph will have a “C” after its number in the minutes and will be submitted to the next Council meeting on 30th July 2020 for approval. When a decision is taken after a division and the vote is taken electronically, a copy of the record of how each member voted is available on request from Committee Services. If you require any further information about this print, please contact Committee Services on 0141 287 3926 for general information. Enquiries about particular committee minutes should be directed to the appropriate Committee Officer. A list of Committee Officers is shown overleaf.

Chief Executive’s Department Glasgow City Council City Chambers Glasgow G2 1DU. E-mail: [email protected] COMMITTEE OFFICERS

Committee Officer Telephone Appointment of Senior Officers Committee Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926 City Administration Committee Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926 City Policy Committees:- Education, Skills and Early Years Donna Brand 0141 287 4840 Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Carol Jack 0141 287 3534 General Purposes Cathy Birrell 0141 287 7872 Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm Avril Wyber 0141 287 4266 Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement Anne Marie Carr 0141 287 4737 Contracts and Property Committee Lee Sclater 0141 287 3511 Council Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926 Emergency Committee Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926 Licensing and Regulatory Committee Gary McDermid 0141 287 4540 Planning Applications Committee Lee Sclater 0141 287 3511 Planning Local Review Committee Maureen Hughes 0141 287 4377 Public Processions Committee Anne Marie Carr 0141 287 4737 Scrutiny Committees:- Finance and Audit Cathy Birrell 0141 287 7872 Operational Performance and Delivery Maureen Hughes 0141 287 4377 Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee Avril Wyber 0141 287 4266 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 505




Glasgow, 20th February 2020.

Glasgow City Council.


DEACON CONVENER LORD DEAN OF GUILD Apologies: Hanif Raja and Maggie McTernan. Attending: C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council; A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; G Gillespie, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability; M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; S Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership; and I Robertson, Director of Property and Land Services. COUNCIL 2019-20 506 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Suspension of Standing Order No 13 (3) and (5) and variation in order of business agreed. 1 The Council agreed (1) to suspend the provisions of Standing Order No 13 (3) and (5) for item 3 only to allow members to exceed the time limits on speeches, with the mover of any motion or amendment being allowed to speak for up to 15 minutes and all other speakers up to 5 minutes; and (2) to vary the order of business as hereinafter minuted.

Minutes approved. 2 The minutes of the Council meeting of 23rd January 2020 (Print 6, pages 437 to 449) were submitted and approved.

Minutes of committees submitted and approved. 3 The minutes of the undernoted committees were submitted and approved:- (1) Planning Applications Committee of 28th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 450); (2) Scrutiny Committees:- (a) Finance and Audit of 15th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 451 to 453); and (b) Operational Performance and Delivery of 29th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 454 to 455); (3) Personnel Appeals Committee of 14th and 21st January and 4th February 2020 (Print 6, page 456 to 457); (4) Planning Local Review Committee of 21st January and 4th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 458 to 459); (5) City Policy Committees:- (a) General Purposes of 21st January 2020 (Print 6, page 460); (b) Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm of 28th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 461 to 464); (c) Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement of 30th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 465 to 467); (d) Education, Skills and Early Years of 30th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 468 to 470); and (e) Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction of 4th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 471 to 474); (6) Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 15th, 16th, 29th and 30th January and 5th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 475 to 488); (7) Contracts and Property Committee of 16th January and 6th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 489 to 495); and (8) City Administration Committee of 23rd January and 6th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 496 to 504).

Change to Licensing and Regulatory Committee approved. 4 The Council appointed Malcolm Balfour to the Licensing and Regulatory Committee in place of Graham Campbell.

Representation on outside bodies approved. 5 The Council approved the following changes to its representation on outside bodies:- 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 507

Organisation Change

Culture and Sport Glasgow (Glasgow Life) Remove Professor Lesley Sawers and appoint Professor John Brown

Legal Services Agency Remove Graham Campbell and appoint Rhiannon Spear

North West Sector Partnership Remove Paul Carey and appoint Robert Mooney

2020/21 budget considered – Adjournment. 6 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the 2020/21 Revenue Budget, advising (1) of the updated financial forecast, which, having accounted for various measures, left a remaining spending gap of £44.2m; (2) of the local government settlement, which was subject to change until the Budget Bill had been considered by the Scottish Parliament, including the package of measures and specific commitments contained within the national local government settlement together with a range of other measures not directly impacting on the budget-setting for 2020/21; (3) that the Integration Joint Board (IJB) would meet on 25th March 2020 to approve its budget for 2020/21, with the contribution from the IJB to the Council anticipated to be in line with the Council’s approved budget; (4) of the probable outturn for 2020/21; (5) of the Council’s key reserves and the adequacy of reserves held over the medium term; (6) that the financial implications of the Investment Programme would be met from the Financial Costs budget and in addition capital investment of £6m had been identified for Glasgow Life venues subject to sale and leaseback arrangements, which would be funded from prudential borrowing from forecast member distributions from City Property; (7) that the financial forecast had assumed £50m of general capital grant and it was proposed to await the final settlement before agreeing any additional capital investment that could be funded from within general grant assumptions; (8) that any new capital investments beyond the provisions referred to above would require to be funded within the overall budget for 2020/21; and (9) of the financial risks. Thereafter Councillor Gow, City Treasurer, made a statement in explanation of the general financial position and, seconded by Councillor Aitken, moved that the Council (a) approve

(i) the following summary of aggregate estimates for the year ended 31st March 2021:- Estimate 2020/21

Service expenditure £2,613,485,300

Service income £971,958,100 COUNCIL 2019-20 508 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Estimate 2020/21

Changes in Balances -£13,045,000

Total Net Expenditure £1,628,482,200

Funded by:- Central Government Grant £1,322,523,000

Balance to be met from local taxes £305,959,200

(ii) the following estimates of net direct service expenditure in respect of all departments etc of the Council for the year ending 31st March 2021:- Service etc Estimate 2020/21

Chief Executive’s Department £76,828,700

Development and Regeneration Services £57,767,100

Education Services £628,657,100

Financial Services £127,482,100

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability £120,537,000

Social Work Services £441,219,800

Related Companies, Joint Boards and Managed Services £105,436,000

Net Direct Expenditure £1,557,927,800

Financing costs £92,972,800

Allocations -£2,732,100

Contributions to/from funds £1,183,100

Contribution from Trading Operations and Related Companies -£7,824,400

Net service expenditure £1,641,527,200

Changes in balances -£13,045,000


(iii) the following revenue savings proposals totalling £26.545m:- Proposal 2020/21 amount


Review of budget investments £5,756,000

Total Corporate £5,756,000 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 509

Proposal 2020/21 amount

Chief Executive’s Department

LEAN service review £154,000

Flexible retirement £60,000

Income maximisation £183,000

ICT technology efficiencies £210,000

Total Chief Executive’s Department £607,000

Development and Regeneration Services

Service re-design £400,000

Review of the Lighthouse (future years’ savings) £0

Reduction in Glasgow Marketing Partnership budget £150,000

Housing administration fee £100,000

Festive lighting £170,000

Joint review with partners for the delivery of the Care and Repair Service £180,000

Review of DRS discretionary grants £450,000

Charging for pre-planning application advice £30,000

Review of department charging and new funding streams (future years’ savings) £0

New Glasgow Guarantee programme arrangements £100,000

Total Development and Regeneration Services £1,580,000

Education Services

Early years operational efficiency target £400,000

Increase community letting charges £30,000

Closure of Blairvadach Outdoor Resource Centre £134,000

Efficiencies in support staff service delivery £1,055,000

Total Education Services £1,619,000

Financial Services

Civil penalties (future years’ savings) £0

Debt management partner’s commission £400,000 COUNCIL 2019-20 510 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Proposal 2020/21 amount

Council Tax single person discount review £650,000

Fitter leaner organisation £150,000

Income maximisation £230,000

LEAN reviews £1,207,000

Scottish Social Security Service £100,000

Total Financial Services £2,737,000

Glasgow Life

Community asset transfer £120,000

Community hubs £17,000

Alternative use for 3 Glasgow Life venues £20,000

Re-provision 9 bowling greens £24,000

Car parking charges introduced at 5 sports centres (future years’ savings) £0

Service re-design through workforce planning £100,000

Re-provision of golf service £750,000

Re-provision 3 Glasgow museums (future years’ savings) £0

Total Glasgow Life £1,031,000

Jobs and Business Glasgow

LEAN reviews £164,000

Property income maximisation £25,000

Lease rationalisation £49,000

Childcare income maximisation £80,000

JBG (Rising Stars) service review (future years’ savings) £0

Employability funding management (future years’ savings) £0

Total Jobs and Business Glasgow £318,000

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability

Introduction of transport client £700,000

Removal of Hot Spot Intervention Team (HIT) – Youth Engagement Service £99,000 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 511

Proposal 2020/21 amount

Service reconfiguration of Partnership Intelligence Unit £98,000

Temporary street cafes – City centre pilot scheme £95,000

Review of gully cleaning operations (future years’ savings) £0

Automation and remote monitoring of the Tidal Weir (future years’ savings) £0

Restricted parking zones £360,000

Review and reconfiguration of street sweeping service £240,000

Security £90,000

Food waste flatted property (future years’ savings) £0

LEAN service review £115,000

Bulk waste collection service charges £500,000

Reducing residual waste £3,000,000

Total Neighbourhoods and Sustainability £5,297,000

Social Work Services

Savings allocation to IJB £7,600,000

Total Social Work Services £7,600,000


(iv) the undernoted rates for the Council Tax for 2020/21:- Valuation Band Council Tax

Band A £924.00

Band B £1,078.00

Band C £1,232.00

Band D £1,386.00

Band E £1,821.05

Band F £2,252.25

Band G £2,714.25

Band H £3,395.70. COUNCIL 2019-20 512 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

(b) note (i) the report by the Executive Director of Finance; (ii) the outcome of the equality impact assessment of the budget options; and (iii) that an assessment of the carbon implications of the budget options had been undertaken but no significant impacts had been identified. Councillor McAveety, seconded by Councillor Cunning, moved as an amendment that the Council (A) approve

(I) the following summary of aggregate estimates for the year ended 31st March 2021:- Estimate 2020/21

Service expenditure £2,613,601,800

Service income £972,329,600

Total Net Service Expenditure £1,641,272,200

Changes in Balances -£13,000,000

Total Net Expenditure £1,628,272,200

Funded by:- Central Government Grant £1,322,523,000

Balance to be met from local taxes £305,749,200

(II) the following estimates of net direct service expenditure in respect of all departments etc of the Council for the year ending 31st March 2022:- Service etc Estimate 2020/21

Chief Executive’s Department £77,645,600

Development and Regeneration Services £57,599,100

Education Services £626,423,600

Financial Services £126,498,100

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability £122,968,000

Social Work Services £441,219,800

Related Companies, Joint Boards and Managed Services £105,108,600

Net Direct Expenditure £1,557,462,800

Financing costs £92,972,800

Allocations -£2,732,100

Contributions to/from funds £1,393,100 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 513

Estimate 2020/21

Contribution from Trading Operations and Related Companies -£7,824,400

Net service expenditure £1,641,272,200

Changes in balances -£13,000,000


(III) the following revenue investment option amounting to £650,000 in 2020/21:- Proposal 2020/21 amount

Communities Fund – Invest an additional £1.9m over 3 years £650,000


(IV) the following revenue savings proposals totalling £26.545m:- Proposal 2020/21 amount


Promote active and public transport for business use £300,000

Review of budget investments £5,366,100 Invest to Improve £1,244,100 Early Intervention and Resilience £642,000 Mental Health and Loneliness £230,000 Participatory Budgeting and Open Spaces £650,000 Inclusive Growth Fund £600,000 Financial and Digital Inclusion £2,000,000

Setting inflation based charging policy £688,500

Total Corporate £6,354,600

Chief Executive’s Department

LEAN service review £154,000

Flexible retirement £60,000

Income maximisation £183,000

ICT technology efficiencies £210,000 Total Chief Executive’s Department £607,000

Development and Regeneration Services

Service re-design £400,000

Reduction in Glasgow Marketing Partnership budget £150,000 COUNCIL 2019-20 514 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Proposal 2020/21 amount

Housing administration fee £100,000

Festive lighting £170,000

Joint review with partners for the delivery of the Care and Repair Service £180,000

Review of DRS discretionary grants £450,000

Charging for pre-planning application advice (future years’ saving) £0

Review of department charging and new funding streams (future years’ savings) £0

New Glasgow Guarantee programme arrangements £100,000

Total Development and Regeneration Services £1,550,000

Education Services

Secondary home to school transport £384,000

Efficiencies in support staff service delivery £1,055,000

Pupil teacher ratios £1,538,000

Accelerated early years operational efficiency target £750,000

Total Education Services £3,727,000

Financial Services

Civil penalties (future years’ savings) £0

Debt management partner’s commission £400,000

Council Tax single person discount review £650,000

Fitter leaner organisation £150,000

Income maximisation £230,000

LEAN reviews £1,207,000

Scottish Social Security Service £100,000

Tackling pensioner poverty £325,000

Total Financial Services £3,062,000

Glasgow Life

Community asset transfer £120,000

Re-provision 9 bowling greens £24,000

Car parking charges introduced at 5 sports centres (future years’ savings) £0 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 515

Proposal 2020/21 amount

Payments to Glasgow City Council (future years’ savings) £0

Service re-design through workforce planning £100,000

Corporate Services saving (future years’ savings) £0

Revise sport and library opening hours (future years’ savings) £0

Review provision of bars and catering in Tramway, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall and City £0 Halls (future years’ savings)

Re-provision of golf service £530,000

Artists in Residence £400,000

Total Glasgow Life £1,174,000

Jobs and Business Glasgow

LEAN reviews £164,000

Property income maximisation £25,000

Lease rationalisation £49,000

Childcare income maximisation £80,000

JBG (Rising Stars) service review (future years’ savings) £0

Employablility funding management (future years’ savings) £0

Efficiency savings £110,400

Total Jobs and Business Glasgow £428,400

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability

Introduction of transport client £700,000

Removal of Hot Spot Intervention Team (HIT) – Youth Engagement Service £99,000

Service reconfiguration of Partnership Intelligence Unit £98,000

Temporary street cafes – City centre pilot scheme £95,000

Review of gully cleaning operations (future years’ savings) £0

Automation and remote monitoring of the Tidal Weir (future years’ savings) £0

Restricted parking zones £360,000

Review and reconfiguration of street sweeping service £240,000

Security £90,000 COUNCIL 2019-20 516 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Proposal 2020/21 amount

Food waste flatted property (future years’ savings) £0

Review of parks (future years’ savings) £0

LEAN service review £115,000

Bulk waste collection service changes £500,000

Total Neighbourhoods and Sustainability £2,297,000

Social Work Services

Savings allocation to IJB £7,600,000

Total Social Work Services £7,600,000


(V) the undernoted rates for the Council Tax for 2020/21:- Valuation Band Council Tax

Band A £926.00

Band B £1,080.34

Band C £1,234.67

Band D £1,389.00

Band E £1,824.99

Band F £2,257.13

Band G £2,720.12

Band H £3,403.05

(B) note (I) the report by the Executive Director of Finance; (II) the outcome of the equality impact assessment of the budget options; and (III) that an assessment of the carbon implications of the budget options had been undertaken but no significant impacts had been identified. Bailie Aibinu, seconded by Bailie Thornton, moved as a further amendment that the Council (aa) approve

(AA) the following summary of aggregate estimates for the year ended 31st March 2021:- 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 517

Estimate 2020/21

Service expenditure £2,612,700,300

Service income £971,528,100

Total Net Service Expenditure £1,641,172,200

Changes in Balances -£13,000,000

Total Net Expenditure £1,628,172,200

Funded by:- Central Government Grant £1,322,523,000

Balance to be met from local taxes £305,649,200

(BB) the following estimates of net direct service expenditure in respect of all departments etc of the Council for the year ending 31st March 2021:- Service etc Estimate 2020/21

Chief Executive’s Department £77,607,700

Development and Regeneration Services £57,797,100

Education Services £626,129,100

Financial Services £126,182,100

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability £124,604,000

Social Work Services £441,219,800

Related Companies, Joint Boards and Managed Services £105,762,000

Net Direct Expenditure £1,559,301,800

Financing costs £91,243,800

Allocations -£2,732,100

Contributions to/from funds £1,183,100

Contribution from Trading Operations and Related Companies -£7,824,400

Net service expenditure £1,641,172,200

Changes in balances -£13,000,000

TOTAL NET EXPENDITURE £1,628,172,200 COUNCIL 2019-20 518 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

(CC) the following revenue investment option amounting to £700,000 in 2020/21:- Proposal 2020/21 amount

Education Services

Dolly Parton Imagination Library pilot £100,000

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability

Environmental Taskforce £600,000


(DD) the following revenue savings proposals totalling £27.6m:- Proposal 2020/21 amount


Review of senior management £1,560,000

Review of membership of external bodies £43,000

Review of budget investments £4,122,000 Early Intervention and Resilience £642,000 Mental Health and Loneliness £230,000 Participatory Budgeting and Open Spaces £650,000 Inclusive Growth Fund £600,000 Financial and Digital Inclusion £2,000,000

Total Corporate £5,725,000

Chief Executive’s Department

LEAN service review £154,000

Flexible retirement £60,000

Income maximisation £183,000

ICT technology efficiencies £210,000

Review of Public Relations team £855,000

Total Chief Executive’s Department £1,462,000

Development and Regeneration Services

Service re-design £400,000

Review of the Lighthouse (future years’ savings) £0

Reduction in Glasgow Marketing Partnership budget £150,000 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 519

Proposal 2020/21 amount

Housing administration fee £100,000

Festive lighting £170,000

Joint review with partners for the delivery of the Care and Repair Service £180,000

Review of DRS discretionary grants £450,000

New Glasgow Guarantee programme arrangements £100,000

Total Development and Regeneration Services £1,550,000

Education Services

Early years operational efficiency target £400,000

Increase community letting charges £30,000

Secondary home to school transport £384,000

Efficiencies in support staff service delivery £113,000

Reduction in English as an additional language service £1,548,000

Closure of Blairvadach Outdoor Resource Centre £134,000

Pupil teacher ratios £1,538,000

Total Education Services £4,147,000

Financial Services

Pensioner poverty £1,300,000

Civil penalties (future years’ savings) £0

Debt management partner’s commission £400,000

Council Tax single person discount review £650,000

Fitter leaner organisation £150,000

Income maximisation £230,000

LEAN reviews £1,207,000

Scottish Social Security Service £100,000

Review of Lord Provost and Council members’ costs £126,000

Total Financial Services £4,163,000 COUNCIL 2019-20 520 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Proposal 2020/21 amount

Glasgow Life

Community asset transfer £120,000

Community hubs £218,000

Alternative use for 3 Glasgow Life venues £20,000

Re-provision 9 bowling greens £24,000

Service re-design through workforce planning £100,000

Re-provision of golf service from 6 to 3 £323,000

Total Glasgow Life £805,000

Jobs and Business Glasgow

LEAN reviews £164,000

Property income maximisation £25,000

Lease rationalisation £49,000

Childcare income maximisation £80,000

JBG (Rising Stars) service review (future years’ savings) £0

Employability funding management (future years’ savings) £0

Total Jobs and Business Glasgow £318,000

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability

Introduction of transport client £700,000

Removal of Hot Spot Intervention Team (HIT) – Youth Engagement Service £99,000

Extend pest control charges to include rats and mice in living areas £100,000

Service reconfiguration of Partnership Intelligence Unit £98,000

Rationalisation of operating hours within Neighbourhoods and Sustainability £173,000

Temporary street cafes – City centre pilot scheme £95,000

Review of gully cleaning operations (future years’ savings) £0

Automation and remote monitoring of the Tidal Weir (future years’ savings) £0

Restricted parking zones £360,000

Security £90,000

Food waste flatted property (future years’ savings) £0 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 521

Proposal 2020/21 amount

LEAN service review £115,000

Total Neighbourhoods and Sustainability £1,830,000

Social Work Services

Savings allocation to IJB £7,600,000

Total Social Work Services £7,600,000


(EE) the undernoted rates for the Council Tax for 2020/21:- Valuation Band Council Tax

Band A £922.67

Band B 1,076.44

Band C £1,230.22

Band D £1,384.00

Band E £1,818.42

Band F £2,249.00

Band G £2,710.33

Band H £3,390.80

(bb) note (AA) the report by the Executive Director of Finance; (BB) the outcome of the equality impact assessment of the budget options; and (CC) that an assessment of the carbon implications of the budget options had been undertaken but no significant impacts had been identified. Councillor Long, seconded by Councillor Young, moved as a further amendment approval of (aaa) the following further savings options:- 2020/21 saving

Councillors to pay to park at the City Chambers £0

End internal mainland UK flights £0

Healthier, cheaper lower carbon meal £100,000

Extra 1% on charges £255,000

Less printing, more money £35,000

£390,000 COUNCIL 2019-20 522 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

(bbb) the redirection of previous years’ carry forward Invest to Improve funding towards staff resources to develop a Green New Deal for Glasgow; (ccc) the redirection of £83,000 of funding for community-based festive lighting from Development and Regeneration Services to Area Partnerships, with each Area Partnership receiving £3,600 new funding towards local festive lighting displays; (ddd) the provision of revenue costs of £625,000 to meet the borrowing costs of a one-off £10m Climate Emergency Implementation Fund; and (eee) the following commitments:- (AAA) any Green savings and investment proposals adopted in this budget be locked in for the duration of this Council term; (BBB) a commitment to working together to co-produce a paper, to be submitted to an appropriate committee before the summer recess, setting out how the city could maximise investment in biodiversity, green network, habitat creation and food growing, using both existing and new capital funding commitments, with a goal of identifying investment opportunities of at least £20m by the end of this Council term; and (CCC) a commitment to reform of the Council’s budget-setting process so that it more closely mirrors that of the Scottish Parliament with a clearly defined period for publication of budget proposals, scrutiny and amendment, prior to the budget meeting, with a paper outlining how that would be delivered coming forward for agreement by August 2020.

Adjournment. 7 The Council, in terms of Standing Order No 17, agreed to adjourn the meeting at 1500 hours for 15 minutes.



DEACON CONVENER LORD DEAN OF GUILD Apologies: Hanif Raja and Maggie McTernan. Attending: C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council; A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; G Gillespie, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability; M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; S Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership; and I Robertson, Director of Property and Land Services.

2020/21 budget – Revenue estimates and Council Tax 2020/21 approved, after division. 9 The Council resumed consideration of the 2020/21 budget. Councillor Gow, with the approval of his seconder, accepted the amendment by Councillor Long, which would be funded by (1) an increase of £210,000 in the Corporate Savings from a review of budget investments; and (2) an increase of £25,000 in the Financial Services savings from LEAN reviews, with there being no effect on the proposed level of Council Tax, resulting in

(a) the following summary of aggregate estimates for the year ended 31st March 2021:- Estimate 2020/21

Service expenditure £2,613,740,300

Service income £972,213,100

Total Net Service Expenditure £1,641,527,200

Changes in Balances -£13,045,000

Total Net Expenditure £1,628,482,200

Funded by:- Central Government Grant £1,322,523,00

Balance to be met from local taxes £305,959,200

(b) the following estimates of net direct service expenditure in respect of all departments etc of the Council for the year ending 31st March 2021:- Service etc Estimate 2020/21

Chief Executive’s Department £76,618,700 COUNCIL 2019-20 524 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Service etc Estimate 2020/21

Development and Regeneration Services £57,767,100

Education Services £628,657,100

Financial Services £127,457,100

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability £120,537,000

Social Work Services £441,219,800

Related Companies, Joint Boards and Managed Services £105,436,000

Net Direct Expenditure £1,557,692,800

Financing costs £93,207,800

Allocations -£2,732,100

Contributions to/from funds £1,183,100

Contribution from Trading Operations and Related Companies -£7,824,400

Net service expenditure £1,641,527,200

Changes in balances -£13,045,000


On a vote being taken electronically, 25 members voted for the amendment by Councillor McAveety, 7 for the amendment by Bailie Aibinu and 45 for the motion as adjusted, which was accordingly declared to be carried. 2019-20 PERSONNEL APPEALS 7 11th FEBRUARY 2020 525


Glasgow, 11th February 2020.

Personnel Appeals Committee.

Present: Michelle Ferns (Chair), Ken Andrew and John Letford. Attending: L Handlin (Clerk); and L Hamilton (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council).

Appointment of Chair. 1 The committee agreed to appoint Councillor Ferns to chair the meeting.

Exclusion of public. 2 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government () Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability - Appeal against dismissal rejected. 3 The committee considered an appeal against dismissal by an employee previously employed in Neighbourhoods and Sustainability. Having heard the appellant, C Mitchell, GMB and K Broadley and G Jackson, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability, the committee, after discussion, rejected the appeal.

Glasgow, 18th February 2020.

Personnel Appeals Committee.

Present: Michelle Ferns (Chair), Ken Andrew and Cecilia O’Lone. Attending: A Moore (Clerk); and J McCormack (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council).

Appointment of Chair. 1 The committee agreed to appoint Councillor Ferns to chair the meeting.

Exclusion of public. 2 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability - Appeal against dismissal rejected. 3 The committee considered an appeal against dismissal by an employee previously employed in Neighbourhoods and Sustainability. Having heard the appellant, M Diver, S McArthur, GMB and T McGowan and B Frankgate, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability, the committee, after discussion, rejected the appeal. PERSONNEL APPEALS 2019-20 526 25th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Glasgow, 25th February 2020.

Personnel Appeals Committee.

Present: Michelle Ferns (Chair), Malcolm Balfour and John Letford. Attending: E Miller (Clerk); and J McCormack (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council).

Appointment of Chair. 1 The committee agreed to appoint Councillor Ferns to chair the meeting.

Exclusion of public. 2 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Neighbourhoods and Sustainability - Appeal against dismissal rejected. 3 The committee considered an appeal against dismissal by an employee previously employed in Neighbourhoods and Sustainability. Having heard the appellant, J Main, Unison and K Broadley and N Coltart, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability, the committee, after discussion, rejected the appeal. 2019-20 CONTRACTS AND PROPERTY 7 27th FEBRUARY 2020 527


Glasgow, 27th February 2020.

Contracts and Property Committee.

Present: Ruairi Kelly (Chair), Norman MacLeod, Ken Andrew, Maureen Burke, Michael Cullen, Stephen Curran, Tony Curtis, Jim Kavanagh (substitute for Hanif Raja), Jennifer Layden (substitute for Christina Cannon), John Letford, Mandy Morgan, Cecilia O'Lone and James Scanlon. Apologies: Christina Cannon and Hanif Raja. Attending: L Sclater (Clerk); E Galletly, Head of Legal and Administration Services; I Robertson, Director of Property and Land Services; A Brooks, City Property (Glasgow) LLP; and S Wearing, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.

Responses to questions noted etc. 1 There was submitted and noted the responses to questions raised by members at the meeting of this committee on 6th February 2020.

St Peter’s Mental Health Supported Living Service – Award of contract approved – Instruction to Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council. 2 There was submitted a report by the Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership, regarding tenders received for the delivery of St Peter’s Mental Health Supported Living service, advising that (1) in 2015, this Council and Partick Housing Association had entered into a Scheme Agreement under the Affordable Housing Supply Programme 2015/16 to develop the former St Peter’s School; (2) the development, due to be completed in February 2020, would consist of 16 mid-market rental properties, 37 social rented properties and 8 units for supported accommodation; (3) an open tender process had been carried out in order to identify a support provider to deliver a mental health supported living service from the site; and (4) the contract would be for a period of 5 years, commencing on 16th March 2020, with an option to extend for a maximum period of 2 years based on satisfactory service review outcomes. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the award of contract for the provision of the St Peter’s Mental Health Supported Living Service to Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH), for an initial period of 5 years, commencing on 16th March 2020, with the option to extend for a further maximum of 2 years, in the sum of £251,820 per annum; (b) noted that any continuance of contractual arrangements beyond the initial 5-year contract period would be subject to satisfactory service review outcomes being achieved; and (c) instructed the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to conclude formal contractual arrangements with SAMH.

Land at Great Dovehill/Bell Street (Ward 9) – Off-market disposal approved – Instruction to Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy and Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council. 3 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding proposals for an off-market disposal of land at Great Dovehill/Bell Street (Ward 9), CONTRACTS AND PROPERTY 2019-20 528 27th FEBRUARY 2020 7

(1) advising that (a) the subject site, detailed in the appendix to the report, was one of 23 previously approved sites for disposal, and in October 2018 City Property (Glasgow) LPP had been instructed to agree Heads of Terms for the disposal with Glasgow Housing Association; and (b) planning permission for the development of a residential scheme of 32 flatted units for mid-market rent had been approved for the site on 4th February 2020; and (2) detailing the negotiated terms and conditions of the disposal. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the off-market disposal to Glasgow Housing Assoication for land at Great Dovehill/Bell Street (Ward 9) for the sum of £363,000, subject to the terms and conditions detailed in the report; (b) approved the termination of the licence agreement with City Parking (Glasgow) LLP who currently used the site as a surface pay and display car park; and (c) instructed the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy, in consultation with the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council, to progress the sale to Glasgow Housing Association.

Collection, processing and recycling of material recycling facility off-takes and fines - Contract award approved. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding tenders received for the collection, processing and recycling of material recycling facility (MRF) off-takes and fines, through Lot 22 – Treatment and Disposal of MRF off-takes of Scotland Excel’s Dynamic Purchasing System for Recyclable and Residual Waste 27/17, advising that (1) the current annual spend for the collection, processing and recycling material recycling facility off-takes and fines was £1,028,685 per annum; and (2) the contract, to be utilised by Neighbourhoods and Sustainability, would be for a period of 3 years from 13th March 2020 to 12th March 2023, with the option to extend for up to a further period of 12 months. After consideration, the committee approved the award of the contract for the collection, processing and recycling of material recycling facility off-takes and fines to Lowmac Alloys Ltd in the sum of £1,273,125 per annum.

Provision of framework agreement for debt management partners, recovery and sheriff officer services - Contract award approved. 5 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding tenders received for the provision of a framework agreement for debt management partners, recovery and sheriff officer services, advising that (1) the current budget was £1,678,778 per annum and the framework had been split into 8 distinct lots to reflect the success of the current framework that was structured in the same manner; and (2) the contract, to be utilised by Financial Services, Legal Services, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability and City Property, would commence on 1st April 2020 and would be for a period of 4 years, at a total estimated spend of £1,250,000 per annum. After consideration, the committee approved the award of the contract of a framework agreement for the provision of debt management partners, recovery and sheriff officer services to George Walker T/A Walker Love, Scott & Co and Stirling Park. 2019-20 CONTRACTS AND PROPERTY 7 27th FEBRUARY 2020 529

Provision of merchant acquirer, equipment and payment gateway services - Contract award approved. 6 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding tenders received for the provision of merchant acquirer, equipment and payment gateway services through Lot 3 – Merchant Acquiring Equipment and Payment Gateway of the Crown Commercial Services Framework, advising that (1) the current annual spend for the provision of merchant acquirer, equipment and payment gateway services was £480,000 per annum; and (2) the contract, to be utilised by the Council, its ALEOs and Strathclyde Pension Fund Office, would be for a 1-year period commencing on 3rd April 2020, with the option to extend for up to a further period of 12 months. After consideration, the committee approved the award of the contract for the provision of merchant acquirer, equipment and payment gateway services to Worldpay Ltd, in the sum of £480,000 per annum. STRATHCLYDE PENSION FUND 2019-20 530 4th MARCH 2020 7


Glasgow, 4th March 2020.

Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee.

Present: Allan Gow (Chair), Richard Bell, Christina Cannon, Ruairi Kelly, David Meikle and Martha Wardrop. Also present: Stephen Kelly, UNISON; and James Corry, UNISON. Apologies: Philip Braat, Mark Dickson, Scottish Water; and Andy Thompson, GMB. Attending: A Wyber (Clerk); R McIndoe, Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund; D Black, Head of Audit and Inspection; S Tough (for the Executive Director of Finance); C Edgar (Head of Communication and Strategic Partnership); I Beattie, E Lambert and G Wood, Investment Advisory Panel; and D Walker, Hymans Robertson.

Hymans Robertson and Club Vita – Presentation noted. 1 The committee noted a presentation by Messrs Steve Hood and Craig Alexander, Hymans Robertson and Club Vita regarding the actuarial valuation 2020.

Minutes of Strathclyde Pension Fund Board noted. 2 The minutes of Strathclyde Pension Fund Board of 26th February 2020 were submitted and noted.

Direct Investment Portfolio – Palatine Private Equity Fund IV - Investment proposal approved. 3 There was submitted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund regarding a proposal to invest in Palatine Private Equity Fund IV within the Direct Investment Portfolio, advising (1) that Palatine was a Manchester-based, regionally focused UK lower mid-market Private Equity investor controlled and owned by its partners who together had over 80 years’ experience of sourcing, executing and managing businesses in the UK; (2) of their investment proposal; and (3) of the expected return from the fund, the main risks and the exit strategy. After consideration, the committee approved the proposal to invest £25m in Palatine Private Equity Fund IV by the Direct Investment Portfolio.

Variation in order of business. 4 In terms of Standing Order No 6, the committee agreed to vary the order of business as hereinafter minuted.

Business plan 2020/21 approved. 5 There was submitted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund regarding the proposed terms of a business plan for Strathclyde Pension Fund Office for 2020/21, detailing performance objectives and development priorities together with the draft budget to deliver the plan. After consideration, the committee approved the 2020/21 business plan and budget for Strathclyde Pension Fund, as detailed in the report. 2019-20 STRATHCLYDE PENSION FUND 7 4th MARCH 2020 531

Pension administration strategy approved. 6 With reference to the minutes of 27th November 2019 (Print 5, page 369) approving the revised pension administration strategy as a draft for consultation with scheme employers, there was submitted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund regarding the conclusion of the review of the pension administration strategy. After consideration, the committee approved the publication of the revised pension administration strategy, as detailed in the report, which would come into effect on 1st April 2020.

Internal Audit – Review of travel, expenses and purchase cards noted – Instruction to Head of Audit and Inspection. 7 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the outcome of an Internal Audit review of travel, expenses and purchase cards at Strathclyde Pension Fund Office. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the audit report; and (2) instructed the Head of Audit and Inspection to submit a further report to this committee with an update on the implementation of the actions contained in the action plan.

Internal Audit – Review of governance arrangements noted – Instruction to Head of Audit and Inspection. 8 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the outcome of an Internal Audit review of governance arrangements within Strathclyde Pension Fund Office. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the audit report; and (2) instructed the Head of Audit and Inspection to submit a further report to this committee with an update on the implementation of the actions contained in the action plan.

Internal Audit – Follow-up audits noted – Instruction to Head of Audit and Inspection. 9 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the outcome of follow-up audits by Internal Audit in relation to Strathclyde Pension Fund Office. After consideration, the committee (1) noted that the recommendations of 13 of the 14 follow-up audits had now been implemented; and (2) instructed the Head of Audit and Inspection to submit a further report to this committee, following the next review date of the 1 outstanding recommendation.

Audit Plan 2020/21 approved. 10 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the proposed Internal Audit Plan for 2020/21 for Strathclyde Pension Fund, detailing the expected direct and indirect audit outputs. After consideration, the committee approved the 2020/21 audit plan for Strathclyde Pension Fund, as detailed in the report.

Review of climate change related risks and opportunities noted – Proposals approved. 11 With reference to the minutes of 6th March 2019 (Print 7, page 514) approving the 2019/20 business plan and budget for Strathclyde Pension Fund (SPF) which included a review of climate related financial disclosures, there was submitted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund regarding the proposed approach by SPF to the management of climate change related risks and opportunities following the conclusion of the review. STRATHCLYDE PENSION FUND 2019-20 532 4th MARCH 2020 7

After consideration, the committee (1) noted (a) SPF’s current approach to climate change; (b) the positive assessment and endorsements of the current approach; (c) SPF’s approach to risks and opportunities; and (d) the conclusion that SPF divestment from fossil fuels was not a realistic, effective or satisfactory solution to climate change; and (2) agreed (a) that climate change be treated as a separate risk and opportunity in developing SPF’s investment strategy and structure; and (b) to continue consideration of the 4 remaining recommendations, as detailed in the report, to enable a series of discussions/workshops to take place to consider the recommendations further, following which an updated report would be submitted for consideration to the September 2020 meeting of this committee.

Strathclyde Pension Fund – Investment performance noted. 12 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund advising of the investment performance of Strathclyde Pension Fund as at 31st December 2019.

Strathclyde Pension Fund – Portfolio summary noted. 13 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund regarding the portfolio summary of Strathclyde Pension Fund as at 31st January 2020.

Investment Advisory Panel – Outcome of meeting noted. 14 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund regarding the outcomes of the Investment Advisory Panel meeting held on 5th February 2020.

Responsible investment – Position noted. 15 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund regarding the responsible investment policies of Strathclyde Pension Fund, advising of (1) the activity for the period to 31st December 2019; and (2) the compliance of investment managers in implementing the Fund’s policies.

Audit Scotland - Annual Audit Plan 2019/20 noted. 16 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund regarding Audit Scotland’s 2019/20 Audit Plan for Strathclyde Pension Fund.

Business plan 2019/20 - Progress noted. 17 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund regarding the progress of the business plan for Strathclyde Pension Fund Office for 2019/20.

Risk register – Position noted. 18 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund detailing the risk register for Strathclyde Pension Fund Office. 2019-20 LICENSING AND REGULATORY 7 12th FEBRUARY 2020 533


Glasgow, 12th February 2020.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Alex Wilson (Chair), Phillip Charles, James Coleman, John Kane, Elspeth Kerr and Rhiannon Spear. Apologies: Alexander Belic, Aileen McKenzie, Hanif Raja and Martha Wardrop. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); G McNaught (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council); S Downie and J O’Brien (for the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability); and D Anderson (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy).

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing 9 applications for various types of licences.

After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:- Applicant and reference Premises/stance Duration Decision number


Mary Equi (HMO04221) 1/2, 447 Sauchiehall 3 years (1) Granted for a restricted period Street (Ward 10) of 1 year, subject to the conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy; and

(2) Warning issued regarding the applicant’s future management of the premises

Lochagan Estates Ltd 1/2, 14 Willowbank 3 years Granted, as amended, subject to the (HMO06240) Crescent (Ward 11) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy

Michelle Lee 2/1, 4 McAslin Court 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions (HMO06301) (Ward 10) detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy

Omar Nabi (HMO06303) 1/1, 18 Woodlands Drive 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions (Ward 11) detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy

Shanshan Lin 3/2, 54 Lymburn Street 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions (HMO06305) (Ward 10) detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy LICENSING AND REGULATORY 2019-20 534 13th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Applicant and reference Premises/stance Duration Decision number


Ahlam Catering Ltd 55 Kingston Street (Ward 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be (LHC00447) 5) in attendance


Connie Green (568) 1194 Argyle Street (Ward 3 years Refused 10)


John Sneddon (ST00109) In the 1st parking bay on 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions the west side of Minerva detailed in the correspondence by the Street, 12 metres west Executive Director of Neighbourhoods of the corner of West and Sustainability Greenhill Place (Ward 10)

Keshan Nahar (ST00572) East side of Ashley 3 years Granted with dispensation from Street, 20 metres north of conditions 11 and 13, subject Woodlands Road (Ward to the conditions detailed in the 11) correspondence by the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability

Glasgow, 13th February 2020.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Alex Wilson (Chair), James Coleman, John Kane and Rhiannon Spear. Apologies: Phillip Charles, Gary Gray, Elspeth Kerr, Hanif Raja and Martha Wardrop. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); G McNaught (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council); and Constable S Roy, Police Scotland.

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 – Requests to consider suspension or revocation of various private hire car drivers’ licences dealt with. 1 There were submitted reports by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding the immediate suspension of various private hire car drivers’ licences, in terms of paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, advising (1) of the circumstances leading to the immediate suspension of each licence; and (2) that the committee was now requested to consider whether it was necessary or appropriate to suspend or revoke each licence, in terms of paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 to the Act. After consideration, the committee dealt with the requests as follows:- 2019-20 LICENSING AND REGULATORY 7 13th FEBRUARY 2020 535

Licence holder and reference Decision number

Abdul Bhatti (PD20157) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Frank Mann (PD23330) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Applications for various types of licences dealt with - Dissent. 2 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing 16 applications for various types of licences.

After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:- Applicant and reference number Duration Decision


Hassan Dastjerdi (PV19757) 3 years Refused, Councillor Spear dissenting

Piotr Masalski (PV19804) 3 years Refused


Mohammad Khaliq (PV19303) 3 years Refused


Abbas Ghulam (PD25612) 3 years Granted

Asad Mohammad (PD25914) Temporary Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance for 6 weeks

Ayyaz Khalid (PD25953) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to undergo a medical examination, Councillor Wilson dissenting

Faheem Asif (PD25972) Temporary Refused for 6 weeks

Stefan-Romica Popescu 3 years Granted for a restricted period of 1 year and warning issued (PD26226) regarding the applicant’s future conduct

Waqar Bhatti (PD26296) 3 years Granted for a restricted period of 1 year and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

David Knox (PD26298) 3 years Granted for a restricted period of 1 year and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

Pawel Kolodziej (PD26299) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance LICENSING AND REGULATORY 2019-20 536 26th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision


Ali Akbar (PD25622) 3 years Refused

Salar Rezaei (PD25755) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

Phool Shahzad (PD26068) 3 years Refused

Junaid Basharat (PD26141) 3 years Granted for a restricted period of 1 year with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct


Peter McEwan (TD14568) 3 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24

Exclusion of public. 3 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public for the following items of business as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Application for private hire car driver’s licence (PD25449) dealt with. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding an application by Robert Scanlan (PD25449) for the renewal of a private hire car driver’s licence for 3 years. After consideration, the committee granted the application with dispensation from condition 23 on condition the applicant undergoes a medical examination during December 2020 and 2021.

Glasgow, 26th February 2020.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Alex Wilson (Chair), Phillip Charles, James Coleman and John Kane. Apologies: Malcolm Balfour, Alexander Belic, Gary Gray, Elspeth Kerr, Aileen McKenzie, Hanif Raja, Rhiannon Spear and Martha Wardrop. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); M Millar, Head of Licensing and Democratic Services; S Downie, C Hughes and J O’Brien (for the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability); D Anderson (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy); and Sergeant L Millar, Police Scotland.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing 12 applications for various types of licences.

After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:- 2019-20 LICENSING AND REGULATORY 7 26th FEBRUARY 2020 537

Applicant and reference Premises/stance Duration Decision number


Courtney Dunn (94) 34 Cowdenhill Circus To 31st Refused (Ward 14) December 2020


Rajan Kapoor 3/2, 44 Minerva Way 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions detailed (HMO06314) (Ward 10) in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy


Sanjeev Kohli MD, 52 Kersland 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions detailed (HMO01135) Street (Ward 11) in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy

Kuldip Kohli MD, 16 Kersland 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions detailed (HMO01241) Street (Ward 11) in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy

Sanjeev Kohli MD, 22 Ruthven Street 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions detailed (HMO00232) (Ward 23) in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy

Manpreet Virdee 19 Oakfield Avenue 3 years (1) Granted, subject to the conditions (HMO03506) (Ward 11) detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy; and

(2) Warning issued regarding the applicant’s future management of the premises

Maxly Property Company 1/1, 45 Cecil Street 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in Ltd (HMO04023) (Ward 11) attendance


George Fleming n/a 3 years Noted the withdrawal of the application (PD25566)

Joshua Ganesalingam n/a 3 years Granted for a restricted period of 6 (PD26345) months

Muhammad Imran n/a 3 years Refused (PD26428) LICENSING AND REGULATORY 2019-20 538 26th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Applicant and reference Premises/stance Duration Decision number


Ashley Carr (573) 1062 Cathcart Road 3 years Refused (Ward 7)


Robert MacMillan South side of Hecla 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions detailed (ST01211) Place, 140 metres east in the correspondence by the Executive of Dunkenny Road Director of Neighbourhoods and (Ward 14) Sustainability

Complaints against holders of various types of licences dealt with. 2 In terms of Standing Order No 6, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing 2 complaints against the holders of various types of licences.

After consideration, the committee dealt with the complaints as follows:- Licence holder and reference number Decision


Iain MacDougall (PV17519) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect


Nadeem Hussain (TD13929) Noted the withdrawal of the item from the agenda

Exclusion of public. 3 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public for the following items of business as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Applications for house in multiple occupation licence dealt with. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing 3 applications for an existing house in multiple occupation licence.

After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:- Applicant and reference Premises Duration Decision number

James Gibson 1/2, 27 La Crosse Terrace 3 years Refused (HMO00116) (Ward 11)

James Gibson Flat 2, 134 Holland Street 3 years Refused (HMO00985) (Ward 10)

James Gibson 10A Burnbank Gardens 3 years Refused (HMO00244) (Ward 11) 2019-20 LICENSING AND REGULATORY 7 27th FEBRUARY 2020 539

Glasgow, 27th February 2020.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Alex Wilson (Chair), Malcolm Balfour, Alexander Belic, Phillip Charles, James Coleman, John Kane, Elspeth Kerr and Aileen McKenzie. Apologies: Hanif Raja, Rhiannon Spear and Martha Wardrop. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); G McNaught (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council); D Anderson (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy); and Sergeant L Millar, Police Scotland.

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 – Requests to consider suspension or revocation of various private hire car drivers’ licences dealt with. 1 There were submitted reports by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding the immediate suspension of various private hire car drivers’ licences, in terms of paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, advising (1) of the circumstances leading to the immediate suspension of each licence; and (2) that the committee was now requested to consider whether it was necessary or appropriate to suspend or revoke each licence, in terms of paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 to the Act. After consideration, the committee dealt with the requests as follows:-

Licence holder and reference number Decision

Zamurad Khan (PD20828) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Jasbir Singh (PD25746) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 2 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing 21 applications for various types of licences.

After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:- Applicant and reference number Duration Decision


S4 Car Hire (PV19819) 3 years Refused


Mohammed Akmal (PD25888) Temporary Refused for 6 weeks LICENSING AND REGULATORY 2019-20 540 27th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision

Zafar Shah (PD26132) 3 years Refused

Zeeshan Javed (PD26150) 3 years Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

Muhammad Ali (PD26275) 3 years Refused

Muhammad Naveed (PD26372) 3 years Refused

Mohammad Asif (PD26411) 3 years Granted for a restricted period of 1 year with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

Elvis Dube (PD26423) 3 years Granted for a restricted period to 30th April 2022 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

Sajid Hussain (PD26435) 3 years Refused

John Maguire (PD26470) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance


Chaudhry Khawar (PD25469) 3 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 on condition the applicant undergoes a medical examination during July 2020 and 2021

Adil Taj (PD26000) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

Rana Anwar (PD26182) 3 years Refused

Mohammad Ashraf (PD26232) 3 years Continued for further information

Muhammad Rashid (PD26261) 3 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct and failure to comply with the conditions of licence

Zana Mohammed (PD26383) 3 years Granted for a restricted period of 1 year with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

Raja Latif (PD26389) 3 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

Amjed Iqbal (PD26409) 3 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct and failure to comply with the conditions of licence

Malik Awan (PD26485) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance


Fereydun Bahrami 2/1, 21 Gibson Street 3 years Refused (HMO04689) (Ward 9) 2019-20 LICENSING AND REGULATORY 7 4th MARCH 2020 541

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision

Fereydun Bahrami 3/1, 21 Gibson Street 3 years Refused (HMO04690) (Ward 9)

Application for private hire car driver’s licence (PD26117) dealt with, after division.

3 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding an application by Dariusz Tabor (PD26117) for the grant of a private hire car driver’s licence for 3 years. Councillor Wilson, seconded by Councillor Elspeth Kerr, moved that the application be refused. Bailie Kane, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved as an amendment that the application be granted for a restricted period of 1 year and that a warning be issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct. On a vote being taken by a show of hands, 5 members voted for the amendment and 3 for the motion. The amendment was accordingly declared to be carried.

Complaints against holders of various types of licences dealt with. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing 3 complaints against the holders of various types of licences.

After consideration, the committee dealt with the complaints as follows:- Licence holder and reference number Decision


Gulniaz Khan (PV20575) No action

Nicholas McLean (PV23167) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Glasgow, 4th March 2020.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John Kane (Chair), Alexander Belic, Phillip Charles, James Coleman, Elspeth Kerr, Aileen McKenzie and Rhiannon Spear. Apologies: Malcolm Balfour, Gary Gray, Hanif Raja, Martha Wardrop and Alex Wilson. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); and G McNaught (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council).

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 – Amendment to policy on the installation and operation of closed circuit television (CCTV) systems in taxis and private hire cars agreed. 1 With reference to the minutes of (1) 22nd January 2014 (Print 6, page 420) when the committee had approved a policy on the installation and operation of closed circuit television (CCTV) systems in taxis and private hire cars; and LICENSING AND REGULATORY 2019-20 542 4th MARCH 2020 7

(2) 16th August 2017 (Print 2, page 261) when the committee had agreed an amendment to the above policy to allow ‘dash-cam’ devices to be used, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding a further amendment to the said policy, advising (a) that the current policy had been approved prior to the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which had come into effect on 25th May 2018 and had introduced significant changes to UK data protection legislation; (b) of the proposed changes to the policy following a review undertaken by officers in the Licensing Section, the amended policy being attached as an appendix to the report; (c) that the main changes made it clear that for the purposes of the installation and use of CCTV systems in taxis and private hire vehicles installed and operated in accordance with the policy, the data controller, under GDPR, would be the holder of the taxi or private hire car licence; (d) that the policy also made it clear that, in line with GDPR, all taxi and private hire vehicles with CCTV must display signage within the vehicle to indicate that CCTV was in operation and display the privacy statement as required by UK data protection laws; and (e) that the proposed changes had been approved by this authority’s Data Protection Officer and that the Information Commissioner’s Office had also confirmed that the proposed changes were acceptable from a data protection perspective. After consideration, the committee approved the amended policy on the installation and operation of CCTV systems in taxis and private hire cars, as detailed in the appendix to the report.

Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and Licensing of Relevant Permanent Sites (Scotland) Regulations 2016 – Arrangements for licensing of mobile home sites with permanent residents – Update noted – Instruction to Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council. 2 With reference to the minutes of 10th April 2019 (Print 1, page 47) when, having considered a report regarding a new licensing system for mobile home sites with permanent residents, the committee had (1) agreed the consultees and fees for Permanent Site Licence applications; and (2) instructed the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to make the necessary arrangements in relation to the new licensing system and to report back to a future meeting on whether the licensing regime had resulted in site owners increasing the costs residents had to pay to live on such sites, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council providing an update regarding the matter, advising that (a) guidance documents and an application form for Permanent Site Licence applications had been produced and that these were available both on this authority’s website and at the Service Desk; (b) a number of general enquiries had been received from members of the public in relation to whether the legislation would apply to them, however, no Permanent Site Licence applications had been received to date; and (c) as no applications had been received, the new licensing regime had not had any impact on the costs for residents to live on such sites at this time. After consideration, the committee (i) noted the contents of the report; and (ii) instructed the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to report to a future meeting providing a further update regarding the matter if Permanent Site Licence applications were received. 2019-20 LICENSING AND REGULATORY 7 11th MARCH 2020 543

Glasgow, 11th March 2020.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John Kane (Chair), Malcolm Balfour, Alexander Belic, Phillip Charles, James Coleman, Elspeth Kerr and Rhiannon Spear. Apologies: Gary Gray, Aileen McKenzie, Hanif Raja, Martha Wardrop and Alex Wilson. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); G McNaught (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council); and F Brady and B Young (for the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability).

Complaints against holders of various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing 13 complaints against the holders of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the complaints as follows:- Licence holder and reference Decision number


Usman Hammed (PD20462) Licence suspended for 6 weeks with immediate effect

Mohammad Rafi (PD20901) Licence suspended for 6 weeks with immediate effect

Ibrahim Kabbah (PD21244) No action

Nadeem Abbas (PD22033) Licence suspended for 6 weeks with immediate effect

Muhammad Saleem (PD22379) Continued for further information

Faruk Bozdag (PD22643) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Abdu Jido (PD23490) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Hassan Sheikh-Noor (PD23848) Continued to allow the licence holder to be in attendance

Ch Mohammed Afzal (PD24143) Licence suspended for 6 weeks with immediate effect

Irshad Ahmed (PD25440) Licence suspended for 3 months with immediate effect


Asadullah Aslam (TD14398) Licence suspended for 2 weeks

Imran Ahmed (TD14458) Licence suspended for 2 weeks

Waheed Chohan (TD12377) Severe warning issued regarding the licence holder’s failure to comply with the Code of Conduct for the use of taxi stances by taxi drivers LICENSING AND REGULATORY 2019-20 544 12th MARCH 2020 7

Complaint regarding the holder of a private hire car driver’s licence (PD21529) dealt with, after division. 2 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding a complaint in respect of the private hire car driver’s licence of Mohammad Riaz (PD21529). Councillor Spear, seconded by Councillor Elspeth Kerr, moved that the licence be suspended for 4 weeks with immediate effect. Councillor Coleman, seconded by Councillor Charles, moved as an amendment that the licence be suspended for 2 weeks with immediate effect. On a vote being taken by a show of hands, 3 members voted for the amendment and 4 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Glasgow, 12th March 2020.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John Kane (Chair), Phillip Charles, James Coleman, Gary Gray, Elspeth Kerr, Rhiannon Spear and Martha Wardrop. Apologies: Malcolm Balfour, Aileen McKenzie, Hanif Raja and Alex Wilson. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); G McNaught (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council); E McGrath (for the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability); and Sergeant S Brown, Police Scotland.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 1 In terms of Standing Order No 6, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing 5 applications for various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:- Applicant and reference number Duration Decision


Pacific Cars Ltd (PV19482) 3 years Continued to allow further information to be issued to the applicant

Pacific Cars Ltd (PV19483) 3 years Continued to allow further information to be issued to the applicant

Pacific Cars Ltd (PV19680) 3 years Continued to allow further information to be issued to the applicant


Fateh Singh (PD25848) 3 years Refused 2019-20 LICENSING AND REGULATORY 7 12th MARCH 2020 545

Applicant and reference Premises Duration Decision number


Time Safe Travel Ltd LG59, 20-23 Woodside 3 years Granted (121) Place (Ward 10)

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 – Requests to consider suspension or revocation of various types of licences dealt with. 2 There were submitted reports by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding the immediate suspension of various types of licences, in terms of paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, advising (1) of the circumstances leading to the immediate suspension of each licence; and (2) that the committee was now requested to consider whether it was necessary or appropriate to suspend or revoke each licence, in terms of paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 to the Act. After consideration, the committee dealt with the requests as follows:- Licence holder and reference Decision number


Zafer Orak (PV18810) Continued for further information


Hadar Rasul (PD20176) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

James Gould (PD21653) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Edward Mellon (PD22465) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Kevin Gaynor (PD23653) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect

Thomas Sweeney (PD24221) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect


David Smith (TD13524) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration with immediate effect GENERAL PURPOSES 2019-20 546 3rd MARCH 2020 7


Glasgow, 3rd March 2020.

General Purposes City Policy Committee.

Present: Elaine Ballantyne (Chair), Ade Aibinu, Alexander Belic, Bill Butler (substitute for Jim Kavanagh), Graham Campbell, Allan Casey, Feargal Dalton, Stephen Dornan, Mhairi Hunter, Robert Mooney, Eva Murray and James Scanlon and Ms Harriette Campbell. Apologies: Dr Martin Bartos, Jim Kavanagh, Martin McElroy and Aileen McKenzie. Attending: C Birrell (Clerk); C Edgar, Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships; H Munro, Electoral Registration Officer; L MacKenzie (for the Chief Executive); and Dr K Meechan (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council).

Electoral Registration – Position noted. 1 There was submitted and noted a report by the Electoral Registration Officer regarding the programme of partnership working by the Electoral Registration Office (ERO) to increase voter registration amongst under- registered groups and to outline plans for ongoing engagement activities to address the proposed registration changes contained within the Scottish Elections (Franchise and Representation) Bill, advising (1) that in July 2018 the UK Government launched is inaugural UK Democracy Week as an opportunity to deliver a progamme of activity to encourage democratic participation; (2) that the Council’s ERO used Democracy Week to pilot an innovative programme of partnership working with the aim of ensuring all citizens of Glasgow had an equal chance to participate in democracy and have their say; (3) that research studies showed that those in the rented housing sector or those in the 2 lowest socio economic groups were less likely to register to vote and subsequently vote; (4) of the 2 pilot partnership working projects, one with Social Work Services and one with Glasgow Life, which had proved successful in reaching citizens who the ERO had previously been unable to engage with using traditional methods and this partnership working would now be extended to Registered Social Landlords; and (5) that the Scottish Elections (Franchise and Representation) Bill proposed to extend voting rights to all foreign nationals with leave to remain, including all those granted refugee status, and to prisoners serving a custodial sentence of 12 months or less and the ERO was currently reviewing its public engagement plans to enable it to promote electoral registration to those groups.

Equality Outcomes 2021 to 2015 – Development proposals noted etc. 2 With reference to the minutes of the Operational Performance and Delivery Scrutiny Committee 24th April 2019 (Print 1, page 17) noting the mainstreaming and progress of the Equality Outcomes 2017 to 2021, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the proposed process for updating and developing the Equality Outcomes 2021 to 2025, advising (1) that the statutory reporting requirement was to produce a mainstreaming and progress report every 2 years, however the Council Family had introduced annual progress report in order to inform the work plan of the Officer Equality Working Group; (2) that the Council Family Group would require to develop, agree and publish a fresh set of Equality Outcomes no later than the end of April 2021, which would set the priorities for 2021 to 2025 and should be based on evidence and informed by the involvement of equality groups; and (3) of the key development stages of the Equality Outcomes 2021 to 2025, as detailed in the report. 2019-20 GENERAL PURPOSES 7 3rd MARCH 2020 547

After consideration, the committee noted (a) the suggested approach for the development of the Equality Outcomes 2021 to 2025; and (b) that the draft Equality Outcomes 2021 to 2025 would be presented to this committee for consideration in early 2021.

Information use and privacy policy – Proposals noted – Recommendation to City Administration Committee. 3 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 15th March 2012 (Print 7, page 653) approving the Council’s information use and privacy policy, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding proposed changes to that policy and to the Scheme of Delegated Functions, advising (1) that on 25th May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force across the EU and in the United Kingdom this was also accompanied by the new Data Protection Act 2018; (2) of the 6 high level principles set out by GDPR, as detailed in the report; (3) that as a controller under data protection law, the Council was required both to comply with the specific provisions of the law but also to demonstrate that compliance and as a result of the updated legislation revisions were required to the policy; (4) of a revised information use and privacy policy together with the policy statement and additional safeguards on processing special category data and personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences, detailed in the appendices to the report; and (5) of the proposed changes to the Scheme of Delegated Functions, detailed in Appendix 3 of the report. After consideration, the committee (a) noted (i) the changes to the data protection law; (ii) the terms of the updated information use and privacy policy; (iii) the terms of the policy statement on processing special category data and personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences; and (iv) the proposed changes to the Scheme of Delegated Functions; and (b) agreed to recommend to the City Administration Committee approval of the updated policy and policy statement and the amendments to the Scheme of Delegated Functions. WELLBEING, EMPOWERMENT ETC. 2019-20 548 5th MARCH 2020 7


Glasgow, 5th March 2020.

Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement City Policy Committee.

Present: Annette Christie (Chair), Laura Doherty, Alexander Belic, Bill Butler, Malcolm Cunning (substitute for Hanif Raja), Christina Cannon, Robert Connelly, Archie Graham, Ruari Kelly (substitute for Michelle Ferns), David McDonald, Aileen McKenzie (substitute for Maggie McTernan), Margaret Morgan and Eva Murray (substitute for Martin Rhodes) and Ms Kathleen Caskie and Ms Veronica Low. Also present: Allan Casey. Apologies: Michelle Ferns, Marie Garity, Kim Long, Maggie McTernan, Hanif Raja and Martin Rhodes and Ms Lorraine Barrie and Ms Sarah McCormick. Attending: A M Carr (Clerk); B Monaghan, Director of Community Empowerment and Equalities; J Laiolo (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy); and P Togher (for the Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership).

Revised homelessness policy noted. 1 There was submitted a report by the Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) providing information regarding an update on the revisions to this Council’s homelessness policy, advising (1) that the Council had substantial legislative duties to people affected by homelessness and these duties were discharged through the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board; (2) that in November 2018 the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities jointly had published a 5-year Ending Homelessness Together Action Plan, a key element of which was to request local authorities to submit Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans (RRTP) by 31st December 2018; (3) that through their RRTPs Councils were to set out how they were going to transform their homelessness systems in order to ensure that homelessness was prevented where possible and, where it did occur, that households were accessing the right support in order that they were re-settled into permanent tenancies as quickly as possible; (4) that the Council had been commended by the Scottish Government for the scope and ambition of its RRTP; and (5) that this Council’s homelessness policy had been revised and updated to more accurately reflect legislative changes, notably the commencement of the provisions in the Homelessness etc (Scotland) Act 2003 and the Scottish Government’s revised Code of Guidance on Homelessness 2019, as detailed in the report. After consideration, the committee noted (a) the report and the revised homelessness policy, as detailed in the report; (b) the action agreed by the Council on 31st October 2019 (Print 5, page 351) following the unanimous approval of a motion regarding this Council’s opposition to evictions, especially during the coldest winter months; (c) that further reports regarding the policy would be submitted to the City Administration Committee and the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board; and (d) that the policy would be reviewed further in March 2023 or sooner if there were any further legislative changes as a result of the Scottish Government’s 5-year Ending Homelessness Together Action Plan. 2019-20 WELLBEING, EMPOWERMENT ETC. 7 5th MARCH 2020 549

Development of begging strategy noted. 2 There was submitted a report by Councillor Allan Casey, Convener of the Begging Strategy Working Group providing information regarding the work being undertaken to develop a begging strategy for Glasgow, advising (1) that begging was a complex issue that had a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable individuals, as well as on wider society and that in the last few years many cities in Scotland had experienced an increase in begging, with a number of Councils exploring options to prevent or deter this activity; (2) that whilst Glasgow City Integration Joint Board had a strategic plan for health and social care within the city of Glasgow, this strategic framework made no specific reference to street begging; (3) that the visibility of begging in Glasgow city centre had become more prevalent in recent years and accordingly, the Glasgow City Centre Strategy Board, chaired by the Leader of the Council, had instructed the development of a begging strategy in June 2017 through a short life working group (SLWG), chaired by Councillor Allan Casey, comprising of a wide range of public sector agencies, third sector groups and private businesses and business networks, as detailed in the report; (4) of the key findings that had been established from the outcome of the research by MacMillan Rome outlined in their report, A Review and Investigation of Responses to Street Begging 2018, that had been commissioned by the SLWG and which had been supported by a range of other activities, as detailed; (5) that the collective evidence gathered during a range of engagement activities had established that the begging strategy should be focussed around the following 3 primary objectives:- (a) to help people on the street who were begging; (b) to reduce the need for people to have to beg; and (c) to help the public to understand what work was being done to offer alternatives to directly giving money to people begging; (6) that in order to achieve this, interventions were intended to be structured around 4 principal themes, namely, alternative giving, financial/social inclusion, environmental enhancements and public perception/ communication, as detailed in the report; and (7) of the time-frame for submission of the draft Glasgow Begging Strategy and Action Plan, which were in the final stages of development, to this committee and the City Administration Committee. After consideration, the committee noted (i) the report and the proposed thematic activity of the emerging Glasgow Begging Strategy, as detailed in the report; (ii) the proposed next steps, as detailed in the report; and (iii) that the draft Glasgow Begging Strategy and Action Plan would be submitted to this committee on 16th April 2020 for its consideration, prior to the proposed public consultation in May/June 2020. NEIGHBOURHOODS, HOUSING AND PUBLIC REALM 2019-20 550 10th MARCH 2020 7


Glasgow, 10th March 2020.

Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm City Policy Committee.

Present: Greg Hepburn (Chair), Saqid Ahmed, Malcolm Balfour, Euan Blockley (substitute for Thomas Kerr), Maureen Burke, Allan Casey, Laura Doherty, Frank McAveety, Elaine McDougall, Elaine McSporran, Hanzala Malik, Angus Millar, Mandy Morgan,Cecilia O'Lone and Allan Young. Apology: Thomas Kerr. Attending: D Brand (Clerk); and I Robertson, Director of Property and Land Services.

Committee annual assessment noted. 1 With reference to the minute of 12th March 2019 (Print 7, page 532) there was submitted and noted a report by the Convener regarding the second annual assessment of the work of the committee (1) intimating that this committee was responsible for addressing the work plan of the Council Strategic Plan themes: A Thriving Economy; Resilient and Empowered Neighbourhoods; and A Vibrant City, and to fulfil the functions of policy development as they relate to Council policies and services on neighbourhoods, housing and public realm but specifically excluding housing functions delegated to the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board; and (2) highlighting various issues, including (a) the current position with regard to co-opted external members; (b) the current work plan, which had been agreed in August 2019 and updated in January 2020; (c) the establishment of a Short Life Working Group to review the focus, emphasis and priorities within the Vacant and Derelict Land Plan, a complementary plan to the Council’s overarching Property and Land Strategy 2019-29; and (d) a stakeholder evidence gathering event which was held in the City Chambers on 5th February 2019 to review student accommodation.

Private Sector Housing Grant programme 2019/20 and priorities for 2020/21 noted – Recommendation to City Administration Committee – Declarations of interest. 2 With reference to the minutes of the City Administration Committee of 29th November 2018 (Print 5, page 409) approving the Private Sector Housing Grant (PSHG) Programme for the financial year 2019/20, including a range of repairs and property management issues across the city while giving an on-going commitment to the provision of PSHG funding for Govanhill, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding the PSHG Programme priorities for 2020/21, advising (1) that the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 had introduced a new policy framework for private sector housing, with a greater focus being placed on owners to take responsibility for the maintenance and repair of their properties and this had determined how the Council prioritised its work programmes, which were set out in the Council’s Scheme of Assistance; (2) that one of the strategic priorities identified within the Glasgow Housing Strategy 2017-21 was to manage, maintain and improve existing housing stock, as this was a key objective in maintaining thriving neighbourhoods, providing good quality housing to attract and retain population, supporting wider strategic regeneration goals and improving energy efficiency in the housing stock; 2019-20 NEIGHBOURHOODS, HOUSING AND PUBLIC REALM 7 10th MARCH 2020 551

(3) that 64% of the city’s housing stock was in private ownership, with this stock having the highest levels of disrepair and a particular area of concern was the condition of around 70,000 pre-1919 tenement properties in the city, which could be found in a number of inner city areas, as detailed, and common repair and maintenance problems were also becoming more prevalent in more modern private tenement developments in private ownership; (4) of the activities and expenditure undertaken in the current programme; and (5) of the proposed programme of funding for 2020/21. After consideration, the committee (a) noted (i) the PSHG programme expenditure for 2019/20 totalling £7.982m; and (ii) the programme proposals for 2020/21, which included tackling a range of private housing repair and property management issues across the city, through a new area based initiative in Ibrox/Cessnock while re-stating the Council’s commitment to the provision of PSHG funding for Govanhill and other partnership areas; and (b) recommended to the City Administration Committee approval of the PSHG programme for 2020/21. In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillors Casey and Mandy Morgan declared an interest in the Assisted Living Programme as members of City Building (Contracts) LLP.

Scottish Government consultation on Housing to 2040 – Response noted. 3 There was submitted and noted a report by Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding the Council’s response to the Scottish Government consultation entitled Housing to 2040, advising that (1) the Scottish Government had released the consultation document, Housing to 2040, on 2nd December 2019 with a closing date of 28th February 2020 for responses and the aim of the consultation was to provide a route map for how the housing sector should look in 2040; and (2) the consultation had a series of 8 questions ranging from affordability to energy efficiency however, Glasgow’s response, as detailed in an appendix to the report, had been organised thematically rather than being answered on a question by question basis as this was deemed to be a more efficient way of answering the consultation given the scope and breadth required to sufficiently set out a route map to 2040.

Employability programme – Developments noted – Declaration of interest. 4 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding the development of a comprehensive employability programme by 2023/24, advising (1) that Glasgow’s Economic Strategy was refreshed in early 2020 and rather than re-write the current strategy, the activity over the first 3 years was reviewed and actions were considered to progress the next 4 years of the strategy, with the key aim of the strategy being to make Glasgow the most productive major city economy in the UK; (2) that a number of the 50 early actions in the strategy had now been completed, as detailed; (3) of the internal drivers of change, including a review of employability services across the Council family, inclusive growth priorities and the ongoing Council Family review; (4) of a number of external drivers for change, including the Scottish Government 'No one Left Behind' plan, which outlined the next steps for the integration and alignment of employability support in Scotland, the Employability Partnership Agreement between the Scottish Government and COSLA, the Glasgow Partnership for Economic Growth, the Glasgow City Region City Deal and funding issues, all as detailed in the report; NEIGHBOURHOODS, HOUSING AND PUBLIC REALM 2019-20 552 10th MARCH 2020 7

(5) of the current and planned activity and future delivery of employability services; (6) of the strategic relationship with Jobs and Business Glasgow (JBG), which was a key strategic delivery partner for the employability provision in the city and employability remained the cornerstone and key function of the company, however over the past 18 months it had become clear that Jobs and Business Glasgow, which the Council had a services contract with, did not currently have the flexibility or resources to react to requests from the Council to deliver additional employability activity and that Jobs and Business Glasgow required a clearly defined Service Level Agreement from the Council setting out what services were required, for what period, together with Key Performance Indicators in order to allow for proper forward planning of their services both in the medium and long term, with a short term approach still being required to be taken until the funding landscape was more clearly defined in 2023/24; and (7) that it was proposed that JBG would continue to be the Council’s core employability services provider, however, where appropriate the Council would also commission Third and private sector provision for specialist services. After consideration, the committee noted the approach to developing a comprehensive employability programme by 2023/24, which included the approach to the commissioning of Jobs and Business Glasgow to deliver employability activity on behalf of the Council. In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillors Doherty and Millar declared an interest in this item as members of Jobs and Business Glasgow.

Review of business support - Progress noted. 5 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding the review of business support provision for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the city, advising (1) of the background to the review, including the changing strategic context following the Enterprise and Skills review and Business Gateway Inquiry that concluded in 2019; (2) of the role of Glasgow Partnership for Economic Growth (GPEG) together with consultation work carried out with the Social Enterprise sector in the city to better understand the support required to meet the Council’s growth ambition in this area; (3) of the new framework in place and the model adopted to ensure that inclusive economic growth was centred at the heart of the city’s refreshed business support for SMEs together with proposals for better aligning services in the city within the Council’s control; and (4) of the next steps, including the GPEG Business and Enterprise Hub continuing to provide an oversight role to ensure that the new Phase 2 programme, which was launched in January 2020 and would run to the end of the ERDF programme in June 2023, was reviewed regularly.

Development of City Centre Temporary Street Café Policy and pilot project noted – Recommendation to City Administration Committee – Instruction to Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy. 6 There was submitted a report by Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding the development of a City Centre Temporary Street Café (TSC) Policy, (1) advising (a) that the development of an updated policy for outdoor street cafes in the city centre was one of the proposed actions of the Glasgow City Centre Strategy 2014-19, which aimed at attracting investment, development and footfall; (b) of the background to the new proposed pilot project which had been developed due to the growth in TSCs since 2014 and, after reviewing the current policy, it had been identified that improvements could be made; 2019-20 NEIGHBOURHOODS, HOUSING AND PUBLIC REALM 7 10th MARCH 2020 553

(c) of the current process which TSC operators undertook to obtain the necessary permissions and the proposed changes which were to be piloted in order to address the concerns raised by businesses and residents, as detailed in the report; (d) that the changes to the TSC process and guidelines would be trialled for 2 years and on successful completion of the pilot period, all new businesses that applied or renewed a permit to operate a TSC would be subject to the new system; and (e) that at the end of the pilot period an evaluation report would be produced to inform the longer-term approach to TSCs across Glasgow city centre and would be brought back to a future meeting of this committee; and (2) detailing in the appendix to the report the draft trial Temporary Street Café application process. After consideration, the committee (i) agreed to recommend to the City Administration Committee approval of the City Centre Temporary Street Café Policy; (ii) noted that an evaluation would be reported to this committee for consideration at the end of the pilot scheme; and (iii) instructed the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy to commence engagement with the 3 businesses in Royal Exchange Square referred to during this meeting to seek their views on the pilot and depending on their feedback, to include this area within the report to be presented to the City Administration Committee. EDUCATION, SKILLS AND EARLY YEARS 2019-20 554 12th MARCH 2020 7


Glasgow, 12th March 2020.

Education, Skills and Early Years City Policy Committee.

Present: Richard Bell (Chair), Susan Aitken, Euan Blockley, Maureen Burke, Bill Butler, Graham Campbell, Christina Cannon, Malcolm Cunning, Stephen Curran, Elspeth Kerr, Jon Molyneux, Margaret Morgan, Eva Murray, Anna Richardson, and Soryia Siddique. Also present: Chris Cunningham Apologies: Ms Alison McIntyre and Ms Michel Woods. Attending: D Brand (Clerk); and M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services.

Glasgow Schools Young People's Forum – Update noted etc. 1 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Education Services regarding the structure of the Glasgow Schools Young People’s Forum and its role in the delivery of Education Services in Glasgow, advising (1) that current legislation, curriculum and improvement documentation stated that learners should be actively engaged in decision making; (2) of the purpose of the Glasgow Schools Young People’s Forum, as detailed in the report; and (3) of the Forum’s current practice and priorities, as well as the next steps to be taken to embed sustainability of the Forum, as detailed in the report. After consideration and having heard a presentation by pupils of Hillhead High School and Castleton Primary School outlining their roles as facilitators and members, respectively, of the Forum, the committee (a) noted the report; and (b) requested the pupils to come back to a future meeting of the committee to discuss how they had developed their approach on subjects such as COP26.

Committee annual assessment noted. 2 With reference to the minutes of 14th March 2019 (Print 7, page 535), there was submitted a report by the Convener regarding the second annual assessment of the work of this committee, (1) intimating that this committee was responsible for addressing the work plan of the proposed Council Plan theme: Excellent and Inclusive Education, and to fulfil the functions of policy development, including consideration of equalities issues, as they relate to Council polices and services for education, skills and early years, but specifically excluding policy decisions relating to children and family social care functions, which were delegated to the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board; and (2) highlighting various issues, including (a) the current position with regard to co-opted members; (b) the current work plan, which had been agreed in August 2019; and (c) various figures relating to views of webcasts of this committee for the period from 31st January 2019 to 28th February 2020. 2019-20 EDUCATION, SKILLS AND EARLY YEARS 7 12th MARCH 2020 555

After consideration, the committee (i) noted the report; (ii) discussed various topics of policy that could be included in the work plan going forward; (iii) agreed (A) that the Convener would meet with the co-opted members in order to support them with fulfilling their role on this committee; (B) to refer to the Business Bureau the issues highlighted in relation to webcast views, the usefulness of the facility and whether this Council could do more to publicise this facility; and (C) that proposals should be developed for a development session for committee members outwith the formal committee meeting, initially in the form of a half-day session, which, following assessment to measure the success of the session, could be extended to include invited speakers to lead discussion on areas identified by members, that would lead to a discussion on priorities, to reflect on what had already been achieved and what gaps existed, together with new ideas that could inform future policy development to form the future work plan of the committee.

Education estate asset plan 2020-30 – Update noted – Recommendation to City Administration Committee - Instruction to Executive Director of Education Services. 3 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Education Services regarding the proposed draft Education Asset Plan 2020-30, advising of current and future needs, demands and challenges of the Education estate and the key themes and challenges which formed the focus of the plan. After consideration the committee (1) noted the draft Education Estate Asset Plan and that the Executive Director of Education Services was planning Ward briefings for elected members; (2) agreed to recommend to the City Administration Committee approval of the Education Estate Asset Plan; and (3) instructed the Executive Director of Education Services to submit reports on progress to future meetings of this committee.

Early Learning and Childcare Consultation 2019 – Update noted. 4 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Education Services regarding the outcome of the statutory Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) consultation, which had been carried out during 2019, (1) advising of (a) the statutory duty for all local authorities to consult with parents and carers on the provision of ELC services and out of school care (OOSC) services every 2 years; (b) the 4 individual consultations that had taken place from May to November 2019 and that the scope had been broadened due to the preparation for the delivery of enhanced entitlement of 1,140 hours from August 2020; and (c) a summary of the responses from each of the 4 consultations, which had indicated that that this Council was on the right track and making good progress in delivering upon the commitment to increase the statutory entitlement to 1,140 hours from August 2020; and (2) detailing in the appendices to the report, the full results of the ELC and OOSC consultations. EDUCATION, SKILLS AND EARLY YEARS 2019-20 556 12th MARCH 2020 7

Early learning and childcare expansion - Phased introduction of extended hours and revised funded provider commissioning arrangements – Progress noted. 5 With reference to the minute of 22nd November 2018 (Print 5, page 368) instructing the Executive Director of Education Services to submit further progress reports on the early learning and childcare (ELC) expansion to a future meeting of this committee, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Education Services regarding the further progress towards introduction of the increased statutory entitlement across the city’s ELC sector and the implementation of revised commissioning arrangements for funded providers, advising (1) that the neighbourhood planning approach had successfully delivered the planned minimum 900 hours for all children who met the criteria and that in November 2019, 31% of the total number of children who attended the city’s funded provider nurseries were accessing the 900 hour entitlement; (2) that in November 2019 87% of this Council’s own nursery capacity had been used to deliver the full 1,140 hours entitlement, which was 10 months in advance of the August 2020 deadline date; (3) of the actions which had been taken to encourage and support uptake of funded hours for eligible 2-year-olds, as detailed in the report; (4) of the progress that had been made in relation to workforce recruitment in this Council’s nurseries in order to deliver the new model; (5) of the success of other innovative developments that Glasgow had adopted to further support the delivery of ELC expansion, as detailed in the report; (6) that the inclusion of funded providers in delivering this model had seen a positive impact for that sector and that work was progressing to complete all necessary checks in advance of the award of contracts in time for full implementation of 1,140 hours in August 2020. After consideration, the committee noted (a) the further progress against the phased introduction of the increased statutory entitlement; and (b) the progress of the work with funded providers regarding the implementation of revised commissioning arrangements in line with the published National Standard for ELC Childcare Providers. 2019-20 ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY AND CARBON REDUCTION 7 17th MARCH 2020 557


Glasgow, 17th March 2020.

Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction City Policy Committee.

Present: Angus Millar (Chair), Annette Christie, Chris Cunningham, Laura Doherty, Allan Gow, John Kane, Aileen McKenzie (substitute for Jim Kavanagh), Franny Scally, Kyle Thornton and Martha Wardrop. Apologies: Paul Carey, James Coleman, Jim Kavanagh, Maggie McTernan and Franny Scally. Attending: C Jack (Clerk); and A Waddell, Director of Operations, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability.

Energy and carbon masterplan – Update on city-wide energy consumption and carbon emissions noted – Instruction to Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability. 1 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 2nd April 2015 (Print 1, page 11) approving the Energy and Carbon Masterplan for the city, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability providing an update on energy consumption and carbon emissions in Glasgow since the baseline year of 2006 and analysing the city’s progress towards the 30% carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction by the 2020 target, advising (1) that the masterplan retained the commitment to achieve a 30% reduction in Glasgow’s carbon emissions on a 2006 baseline and identified 33 key actions aimed at reducing carbon emissions in the 3 main sectors of transport, domestic and industrial/commercial sectors, that would ensure that Glasgow would continue to

successfully reduce CO2 emissions; (2) that the Energy and Carbon Masterplan had 2 main submissions, namely to this Council on an annual basis and to the Covenant of Mayors, due every 2 years from the resubmission date of February 2014; (3) that the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) released data on energy consumption and carbon emissions for local authorities annually, 2 years in arrears; (4) that the information used in the Energy and Carbon Masterplan was based on 2014 Department for Energy and Climate Change datasets; (5) of the Glasgow energy consumption and carbon emissions figures for 2017 and analysis of those figures highlighting that Glasgow had continued to exceed its carbon emissions 2020 target of 30% ahead of schedule; (6) of an analysis of the energy consumption of all the Scottish Local Authorities; and (7) of the significant projects included in the masterplan. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the report; and (b) instructed the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability to provide a further update in 12 months on the city’s progress towards the 30% carbon dioxide reduction target.

Air Quality Management - Revocation and amendment of Air Quality Management Area Orders etc noted – Recommendation to City Administration Committee. 2 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability regarding improvements in local air quality, advising ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY AND CARBON REDUCTION 2019-20 558 17th MARCH 2020 7

(1) that the Environment Act 1995 required that local authorities regularly review and assess air quality within their area of responsibility and that this review and assessment process was the basis of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM), with local authorities requiring to produce annual progress reports; (2) that previous rounds of the LAQM review had seen Glasgow declare air quality management areas (AQMA)

due to elevated levels of the pollutants nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10); (3) of the monitoring process undertaken and results achieved at

(a) Parkhead Cross AQMA that showed NO2 levels had been below the annual mean air quality objective level for several years and the designation as an AQMA could be revoked; and

(b) Byres Road/Dumbarton Road AQMA that showed PM10 levels had been below the annual mean air quality objective level for several years and that the designation as an AQMA could be amended to remove the requirement in respect of this pollutant. After consideration, the committee (i) noted the improvements in air quality in areas previously failing to meet statutory air quality objectives; and (ii) agreed to recommend to the City Administration Committee the revocation of the Parkhead Cross Air Quality Management Area and amendment of the Byres Road/Dumbarton Road Air Quality Management Area.

Bus Partnership – Update noted. 3 With reference to the minutes of 4th February 2020 (Print 6, page 474) noting the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, which contained fundamental changes in the way that bus services could be delivered, there was submitted and noted a report on the Bus Partnership in light of the publication of the Act, advising (1) that in November 2019, the Scottish Government published the new Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 and included terms which, under certain circumstances, local authorities could operate their own bus service and also provided for the introduction of bus franchises; (2) that the Act had removed the ability to introduce Statutory Quality Partnerships (SQP), of which 7 had been put in place in the Glasgow region, or in the event of market failure, Quality Contracts (QC), and in their place was the ability to form a Bus Service Improvement Partnership (BSIP); (3) of the creation, development and collaborative working of the Glasgow Bus Partnership (GBP) between the Council and bus industry leaders; (4) of the opportunity to create a more formal partnership using the BSIP process which would start the process of developing an investment programme required to deliver suitable bus priority measures, which would seek to improve bus services in and around Glasgow and would be complementary to other city initiatives; and (5) of the establishment of a Bus Partnership Fund of up to £500m and that detailed guidance anticipated in May 2020 would give the new BSIP clarity on the scope of funding timescales and priorities.

Connectivity Commission – Update noted. 4 With reference to the minutes of 30th April 2019 (Print 1, page 34) instructing the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability to update members on the work of the Connectivity Commission, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability providing the Council’s response to the recommendations of the Connectivity Commission report, advising (1) that the Glasgow Connectivity Commission had been established in November 2017 to consider measures that would transform Glasgow’s connectivity in support of its drive towards a more inclusive form of economic growth, enabling more people to live, work and play in and around the city region; 2019-20 ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY AND CARBON REDUCTION 7 27th FEBRUARY 2020 559

(2) of the remit and membership of the Commission; (3) that over the course of spring/summer 2018, the Commissioners had heard evidence from all relevant organisations and gathered considerable knowledge of other schemes that had been introduced to improve connectivity, following which recommendations had been presented in 2 phases; (4) of the terms of a motion approved by the Council on 16th May 2019 (Print 2, page 88) following publication of the Phase 2 Connectivity Commission report; (5) of the Commission’s recommendations, together with an update on each one, as detailed in the appendix to the report; (6) of the establishment, remit and membership of the Strategic Transport Group (STG) and Transport Delivery Steering Group; and (7) of the re-launch of the Sustainable Glasgow Partnership Board, which would take place in March 2020 following the Sustainable Glasgow Partnership Summit on 25th February 2020. After consideration, the committee noted the report and that a further update would be submitted to a future meeting.

Domestic bin collections – Update noted. 5 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability regarding changes to kerbside collection frequency, the bin replacement programme (BRP) for flatted properties and recycling markets, advising (1) that following the 2019/20 Council budget decision, the kerbside collection frequency project proposed to alter the collection frequency from 2-weekly to 3-weekly and to extend the current glass collection service from every 4 weeks to every 8 weeks in order to increase the level of material captured for recycling and achieve savings; (2) of the existing and proposed collection arrangements, the policy implications of the collection frequency changes and the comprehensive communication strategy that had been developed with key stakeholders; (3) of progress made with the bin replacement programme (BRP) highlighting the roll-out of phases 2 and 3, as detailed at appendix 1 of the report; (4) of the Blochairn Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) operation and the waste streams managed by the Council and their destinations, as detailed at appendix 2 of the report; and (5) of the recycling market challenges for the Council.

Participatory budgeting project noted – Instruction to Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability. 6 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability regarding progress of the participatory budget project in parks and open spaces, advising (1) that participatory budgeting (PB) was a democratic process that involved citizens having a say on how public money was spent, with the overarching aim in Glasgow to reduce poverty and inequality; (2) that the Council was committed to meeting the target of 1% of local authority budgeting being subject to PB by the end of 2021 and had demonstrated a strong commitment to embedding PB across the city; (3) that as an integral part of the Council’s commitment to PB, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability (Parks Development) had been allocated £150,000 in financial year 2019/20 to be used in a PB project for parks and open spaces, with a view to piloting how PB could be mainstreamed across the city in a thematic pilot; (4) of the methodology, the challenges, the outputs and the early outcomes of the project; and ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY AND CARBON REDUCTION 2019-20 560 27th FEBRUARY 2020 7

(5) that there would be a formal evaluation of the process in partnership with Community Empowerment Services and the Friends of Glasgow’s Parks Forum PB panel. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the outcomes to date for the participatory budgeting project for parks and open spaces; and (b) instructed the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability to provide an update once the evaluation process has been completed.

Fleet Strategy implementation etc noted – Recommendation to City Administration Committee. 7 With reference to the minutes of the City Administration Committee of 12th September 2019 (Print 4, page 334) approving the Council’s Fleet Strategy 2020 to 2030, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability regarding the Fleet Strategy implementation approach and plan, advising (1) that on 27th February 2020 (page 565 hereof), the City Administration Committee had approved the Electric Vehicle Charging policy and outlined a policy on public electric vehicle charging infrastructure; (2) that the Fleet Strategy set out the Council’s commitment to reduce dependency on carbon fuels and the fleet replacement programme would be directly contributing towards achieving a net zero commitment through the introduction of electric vehicles and hydrogen as the preferred fuel source; (3) that the transition into alternative fuel technologies and infrastructure to support the net zero emission ambitions for Glasgow would, in the short term, require additional investment before longer benefits could accrue; and (4) of an initial phase 1 fleet replacement programme, the investment requirements and the phased implementation approach, as detailed in the report. After consideration, the committee (a) noted (i) the phased implementation approach to replace the Council fleet; and (ii) the approach to manage the associated investment requirements of £15m; and (b) agreed to recommend to the City Administration Committee approval of additional capital expenditure of up to £8m, which would be met from existing revenue budgets and additional grant from Transport Scotland. 2019-20 EMERGENCY COMMITTEE 7 5th MARCH 2020 561


Glasgow, 5th March 2020.

Emergency Committee.

Present: Susan Aitken (Chair), the Lord Provost (Philip Braat) and Archie Graham (substitute for Frank McAveety). Apology: Frank McAveety. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; C Edgar, Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships; and L Heggie (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council).

Exclusion of public. 1 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 11 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Coronavirus outbreak - Update noted etc. 2 The committee heard a presentation by Colin Edgar, Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships regarding the planning and contingency approach for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, advising (1) of the background to the current coronavirus situation; (2) that an officer group, the Coronavirus Working Group, had been established (a) to consider issues and potential impacts across the Council Family and city; (b) to co-ordinate planning approaches and responses; (c) to consider preparedness, contingencies, continuity of critical services and response planning; (d) to share information from partners and stakeholders; (e) to agree priorities and monitor the progress of action plans; and (f) to agree matters for escalation or decision to the Corporate Management Team and/or elected members; (3) of the coronavirus planning structure, including an illustrative staged planning and response structure and actions to be considered at each stage; (4) of the following agreed policy positions:- (a) that the Council Family would continue to follow Government and NHS guidance and protocols in relation to travel, self-isolation, good personal hygiene habits and social distancing measures and restrictions on public events; and (b) that all policy, communications and requests for information would be co-ordinated centrally; (5) of key issues and matters for consideration in relation to the internal Council Family and in relation to the wider city; (6) of resilence contingency planning and information sharing arrangements at a national, regional and local level; and (7) of the priorities and next steps. EMERGENCY COMMITTEE 2019-20 562 17th MARCH 2020 7

After consideration, the committee (i) noted the position and that a Council-wide communication on these arrangements would be issued to all staff and elected members by the end of the day, which would provide links to further external information and to information on the Council website that would be updated regularly; and (ii) agreed that (A) a further meeting of this committee would only be required if any new and significant issues arose requiring urgent decisions by this committee; and (B) regular briefings and updates should be provided to all elected members.

Glasgow, 17th March 2020.

Emergency Committee.

Present: Susan Aitken (Chair), the Lord Provost (Philip Braat), Bill Butler (substitute for Frank McAveety) and David McDonald. Also present: Kyle Thornton, Russell Robertson and Allan Young. Apologies: Frank McAveety. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council; and C Edgar, Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships.

Emergency decision-making arrangements approved. 1 With reference to the minutes of 5th March 2020 (page 561 hereof), there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding proposed temporary decision-making arrangements to reduce the need for face-to-face meetings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, advising (1) that to protect the capacity of public services, the Scottish Government had advised that organisers should cancel or postpone all mass events of 500 people or more, indoors or outdoors, however given that the impact of the pandemic would increase in its severity over the next few weeks both the UK and Scottish Governments were likely to introduce further measures to reduce the contact people had with each other, known as social distancing, and had now advised everyone to avoid gatherings and crowded places, such as pubs, clubs and theatres; (2) that given the rapidly changing situation it was proposed that the Council should take immediate steps to put in place revised decision-making arrangements in order to reduce the need for committee and other meetings, in order to free up staff resources, permitting senior staff to focus on the Council’s response to the pandemic; and (3) of a proposal that all Council and committee meetings be cancelled for the foreseeable future and that until further notice all delegations to committees, with the exception of the City Administration Committee, be suspended, with delegations to officers being increased and any required decisions being taken by the City Administration Committee. After consideration, the committee agreed that (a) all Council, committee and Community Planning Partnership meetings be cancelled for the foreseeable future and that until further notice all delegations to committees, with the exception of the City Administration Committee, be suspended, with any required decisions being taken by the City Administration Committee; 2019-20 EMERGENCY COMMITTEE 7 17th MARCH 2020 563

(b) membership of the City Administration Committee be reduced temporarily to the following 6 members:- Leader of the Council, Depute Leader of the Council, Leader of the Majority Opposition, Depute Leader of the Majority Opposition Group, Leader of the Conservative Group and Leader of the Green Group, or substitutes, with any meetings required being held by teleconference; (c) the Chief Executive, all Directors and Assistant Directors etc be authorised, in consultation with the appropriate City Convener or Committee Convener, to deal with any application for a licence, permission, grant or other matters where such action was consistent with the policies and procedures of the Council and where failure to act would result in hardship for any party; (d) if the action proposed by the Chief Executive or a Director would be contrary to Council policy or for any other reason would require political approval, the Director would refer the matter to the City Administration Committee for a decision; and (e) these temporary arrangements be kept under review so that they might be revoked at the appropriate time.

Communications etc – Update noted etc. 2 The committee heard an update by the Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships regarding communications regarding the coronavirus pandemic both to and from elected members and with staff and from the Executive Director of Finance regarding the government announcements on financial support for businesses and individuals during the pandemic, advising (1) that it was proposed that daily situational reporting to elected members would commence immediately; (2) that as a result of the increasing number of enquiries from elected members regarding the coronavirus pandemic, it was proposed that Business Managers or another member of each group be nominated to act as a funnel for information and enquiries from elected members; (3) of the communication that would be issued to staff following this meeting; and (4) of the information currently available on measures announced by the Government to support businesses affected by the pandemic together with what support might be available for individuals. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the position; and (b) agreed that (i) each Group would advise the Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships of the elected member nominated to act as a single point of contact for enquiries and information relating to the pandemic; and (ii) communications issued to staff would be sent to Leaders and Business Managers of each Group for information. CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 564 27th FEBRUARY 2020 7


Glasgow, 27th February 2020.

City Administration Committee.

Present: David McDonald (Chair), Elaine Ballantyne (substitute for Susan Aitken), Maureen Burke, Bill Butler, Annette Christie (substitute for Michelle Ferns), Chris Cunningham, Allan Gow, Archie Graham, Mhairi Hunter, Ruairi Kelly, Thomas Kerr, Jennifer Layden, John Letford, Kim Long, Frank McAveety, Elaine McDougall, Kenny McLean, Martin Rhodes, Anna Richardson, Soryia Siddique and Allan Young. Also present: Robert Connelly. Apologies: Susan Aitken and Michelle Ferns. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council; M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; G Gillespie, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability; I Robertson, Director of Property and Land Services; and A Eccles (for the Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership).

Glasgow Children’s Holiday Food Programme 2020/21 – Funding awards approved – Declarations of interest. 1 With reference to the minutes of the Council of 20th February 2020 (page 523 hereof) approving a budget allocation of £2m for the Glasgow Children’s Holiday Food Programme (GCHFP) 2020/21, Councillor Gow, City Treasurer, presented a report regarding applications for funding from the programme, advising (1) that the GCHFP made a hot meal and snack available to Glasgow nursery, primary and secondary pupils during school holiday periods and the programme was intended to complement existing activities by third sector organisations and for the majority of Council funds to go towards the provision of food; (2) that applications for funding from the 2020/21 programme were sought from third sector organisations and 96 applications totalling £3,264,326 had been considered against a pre-determined criteria, as detailed in the report; (3) that the allocation of funding for the first 2 years of the programme was £2m for 2018/19 and £2m for 2019/20 and it was proposed that unallocated funding of £348,522 from the 2019/20 GCHFP be added to the 2020/21 budget giving a total budget of £2,348,522; (4) that it was proposed that 70 projects, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, be awarded funding for 2020/21, with all of the organisations awarded funding being monitored through the Council grant fund monitoring arrangements to ensure that their projects were on track; and (5) of 26 applications, as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report, that had not been recommended for funding and that these organisations would receive specific feedback on why they had not been recommended for funding from the 2020/21 GCHFP. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the budget allocation and the award of funding from the Glasgow Children’s Holiday Food Programme for 2020/21, as detailed in the Appendix to these minutes; and (b) agreed, in terms of Standing Order No 30 (7) that this decision would not be subject to the call-in process to allow organisations to begin to make arrangements for project delivery, including publicising the Spring Break and to provide adequate time to process the grant awards. 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 27th FEBRUARY 2020 565

In terms of Standing Order No 27, Councillors Gow and Layden declared an interest in relation to NG Homes.

Electric vehicle charge point policy approved. 2 With reference to the minutes of the Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction City Policy Committee of 4th February 2020 (Print 6, page 471) when it had been agreed to recommend to this committee approval of an electric vehicle charge point policy, Councillor Richardson, City Convener for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction, presented a report regarding the proposed policy, which was attached as an appendix to the report, advising (1) of progress made in relation to the ongoing delivery of an electric vehicle charge point network across the city and the engagement events that had been held in George Square for fleet operators, commercial businesses and members of the public, with an event also being planned to coincide with COP26; (2) of the funding awarded, planned initiatives, emerging technologies and the barriers faced in the development of a robust network that could deal with the rising demand for public charges across the city; (3) of the development of a commercial charging hub to provide charges for private and hackney taxis to help facilitate the transition from diesel vehicles and of the consultation with local taxi drivers; and (4) that additional charge points would continue to be added to the network, with the operational charge points totalling 200 by April 2020 and approximately 300 by April 2021, and to raise awareness the Council would be hosting 2 electric vehicle events in 2020. After consideration, the committee approved the electric vehicle charge point policy, as detailed in the report.

Review of Health and Social Care Integration Scheme – Consultation approved. 3 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 10th December 2015 (Print 6, page 395) approving a revised Integration Scheme for the integration of Health and Social Care Services, there was submitted a report by the Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership regarding work ongoing to review the Integration Scheme between this Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, advising that (1) the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 required Integration Schemes to be reviewed within a relevant period of 5 years from initial publication; (2) the Integration Schemes for the 6 Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board area had received parliamentary approval at different times and as a result were subject to different review schedules, however to ensure consistency, where possible, and to reduce duplication of effort, simultaneous reviews would be carried out which would enable the revised Integration Schemes to be agreed at the same time; (3) to take forward the joint review of the Integration Schemes, a short life, pan-Partnership working group, including representatives from all 6 HSCPs, had been established to review and revise the Integration Schemes and an initial review of the Schemes for respective HSCPs was undertaken to identify where edits were required; (4) the key substantive change proposed for the Glasgow HSCP in relation to local governance arrangements was that the terms of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Integration Joint Board would be extended from 1 year to 2 years, which would bring Glasgow into line with that of the other HSCPs in the Health Board area, with the exception of West Dunbartonshire HSCP which was currently 3 years; and (5) in accordance with section 46 of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014, the draft revised Integration Scheme was required to be subject to consultation with the prescribed consultees, as detailed in the report, and it was proposed that the consultation would run until the end of March 2020 and following the consultation exercise, the feedback received would be used to make the necessary revisions to the draft Scheme, which would be submitted to this committee for approval and subsequently to Scottish Ministers for approval by the end of May 2020. CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 566 27th FEBRUARY 2020 7

After consideration, the committee approved the draft revised Integration Scheme, for consultation, as detailed in the report.


Organisation/project 2020/21 award

3D Drumchapel – Summer 20 Programme £ 10,276.75

Achieve More Scotland – Aim High Holiday Camps £ 132,215,00

Baltic Street Adventure Playground – Food Clubs 2020/21 £ 54,031.20

Barnado’s – Youth Involvement Family Support Project £ 7,064.50

Brunswick Centre – The Brunny Club £ 35,734.13

Cadder Housing Association – Cadder and Lambhill Healthy Holiday Club (Food and Activity £ 24,393.00 Programme)

Cassiltoun Housing Association – Castlemilk Together – Food and Fun £ 52,523.52

Central and West Integration Network – Holiday Programme £ 22,400.70

Church House Bridgeton – Churchy Holiday Programme £ 37,499.55

Children’s Wood – G20 Holiday Youth Club £ 33,936.00

Concrete Garden – Outdoor Play at the Back Garden £ 18,327.89

Cranhill Development Trust – Cranhill Family Programme £ 42,585.54

Crookston Community Group – Food Programme £ 32,219.99

CrossReach – Daisy Chain Early Years Project £ 12,630.00

Drumchapel Baptist Church – PowerZone Count Me In Holiday Club £ 7,457.10

Drumchapel United – Fun, Food and Football 2 £ 20,504.50

Easthall Residents Association – Glenburn Fun Holiday Programme £ 46,850.00

Everlasting Foodbank – Kids Holiday Café £ 14,847.44

FARE Scotland Ltd – Holiday Programme £ 185,435,00

FUSE Youth Café – Fuse Activity Kids £ 53,393.08

Geeza Break – TOFFEE Club Food Programme £ 7,882.87

Gladiator Programme Ltd – Football for All Camps £ 16,113.61 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 27th FEBRUARY 2020 567

Organisation/project 2020/21 award

Gladiator Programme Ltd – Fun Factory Active Food Club £ 56,912.20

Glasgow City Mission – Family Holiday Clubs £ 14,621.06

Glasgow East Arts Company – Bridge Holiday Breakfast and Lunch Club £ 51,281.25

Govan Youth Information Project – Holiday Programme £ 47,226.70

Impact Arts – CashBack to the Future £ 2,772.00

Indigo Group – Fun, Food and Families £ 46,888.93

Jeely Piece Club – Holiday Play Programmes £ 76,482.05

Kurdish Womens Community Group – Let’s Eat Healthy £ 28,585.00

Linkes – Holiday Programme £ 4,803.75

Make Do and Grow – Holiday Clubs £ 1,669.50

Maryhill Housing Association – Glenavon Grassroots Grub £ 4,931.64

New Gorbals Housing Association – Gorbals Holiday Fun £ 94,365.12

North United Communities Ltd – Milton, Ruchill and Wyndford Children’s Food Programme £ 76,137.11

NG Homes – Holiday Activity Programme £ 17,720.00

One Parent Family Scotland – Family Activity Days Project £ 16,052.28

Parkhead Youth Project – Seasonal Programme £ 8,598.32

Partick Thistle Charitable Trust – Fun and Games with Thistle £ 89,404.50

Pavillion Brunch Bunch £ 39,003.30

PEEK – Play Create Thrive £ 186,337,00

Quarriers – Opt in 2 Communities Glasgow £ 4,212.00

Queen’s Cross Housing Association – Holiday Programme £ 19,379.50

Queen’s Park Church Govanhill – Holiday Club £ 11,298.10

Reidvale Adventure Play Association Ltd – Food with Fun £ 24,664.50

Reidvale Neighbourhood Centre – Food in Mowth £ 18,522.00

Riverside Hall – Hungry Munchers £ 23,240.00

Royston Youth Action – Holiday Programme £ 18,222.76 CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 568 27th FEBRUARY 2020 7

Organisation/project 2020/21 award

Salvation Army – Beacon Café Holiday Activities Club £ 19,582.00

Saturday Café – Café Holiday Club – Fun and Lunch £ 11,405.70

Shettleston Community Growth Project – Smelly Welly Club £ 4,749.15

Simy Community Development – Adventure Outdoors Programme £ 12,498.04

Sistema Scotland – Big Noise Govanhill – Healthy Holiday Meals £ 4,354.37

Southside Boxing Academy – Summer Holiday Programme at Toryglen £ 9,599.60

Southside Housing Association – Southside Connections £ 43,261.92

Stepping Stones For Families – City-wide Holiday Food Programme £ 42,835.20

St George’s and St Peter’s Community Association – Bee’s Holiday Programme £ 7,032.68

St Paul’s Youth Forum – Dignified Holiday Food 2020/21 £ 36,524.92

St Roch’s Chidcare Service – Royston Primary £ 3,020.00

Temple Shafton Youth Project – Hut Lunch Group £ 7,672.12

Tollcross YMCA – The East End Community Dinner Network £ 1,097.50

Tron St Mary’s Church – Holiday Club £ 3,837.00

Urban Fox Programme – Community Holiday Activity £ 27,732.00

Well-Fed Scotland – Super Suppers@Whiteinch £ 122,338,80

Wing Tsung Scotland – Good Holidays £ 17,261.70

With Kids – Spring/Summer Programme £ 7,757.24

YOMO – Springburn Academy Holiday Programme £ 18,579.05

Young People’s Futures – Holiday Activity Programme £ 75,327.68

Youth Community Support Agency – Holiday Programme 2020/21 £ 7,712.04

Ypeople – St Bernard’s Out of School Care £ 11,466.00

Total £2,347,296.65 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 12th MARCH 2020 569

Glasgow, 12th March 2020.

City Administration Committee.

Present: Susan Aitken (Chair), Euan Blockley (substitute for Kyle Thornton), Maureen Burke, Bill Butler, Annette Christie (substitute for Mhairi Hunter), Chris Cunningham, Michelle Ferns, Allan Gow, Archie Graham, Greg Hepburn (substitute for John Letford), Ruairi Kelly, Matt Kerr, Thomas Kerr, Jennifer Layden, Frank McAveety, David McDonald, Elaine McDougall, Kenny McLean, Jon Molyneux (substitute for Kim Long), Cecilia O’Lone (substitute for Soryia Siddique), Martin Rhodes, Anna Richardson and Allan Young. Apologies: Mhairi Hunter, John Letford, Kim Long, Soryia Siddique and Kyle Thornton. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council; M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; G Gillespie, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability; I Robertson, Director of Property and Land Services; S Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership; and A Connolly (for the Chief Executive).

Treasury Management Strategy, Annual Investment Strategy and Capital Strategy 2020/21 approved. 1 With reference to the minutes of the Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee of 12th February 2020 (page C 596 hereof) when it had been agreed to recommend to this committee approval of the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2020/21, the prudential and treasury indicators for 2019/20 to 2022/23 and the Capital Strategy, Councillor Gow, City Treasurer, presented a report detailing the proposed strategy. After consideration, the committee approved (1) the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2020/21; (2) the prudential and treasury indicators for 2019/20 to 2022/23; and (3) the Capital Strategy.

Common Good Fund budget 2020/21 approved. 2 With reference to the minutes of the Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee of 12th February 2020 (page 595 hereof) when it had been agreed to recommend to this committee approval of the draft budget proposals for the use of the Common Good Fund for 2020/21, Councillor Gow, City Treasurer, presented a report regarding the matter, advising (1) that the former Executive Committee had agreed, as part of the 2014/15 budget, that the budget objective would be to balance the revenue budget without any requirement for a draw from the capital of the Common Good Fund for ongoing operational expenditure, without impinging on the ability of the Council to offer civic hospitality; and (2) of a proposed draft budget for 2020/21, as detailed in the appendix to the report. After consideration, the committee approved the Common Good Fund budget for 2020/21, as detailed in the report.

Banking and treasury management arrangements - Updated list of authorised signatories approved. 3 With reference to the minutes of 14th June 2018 (Print 2, page 156) approving a list of authorised signatories to meet the operational banking and treasury management arrangements of the Council, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance, advising of proposed amendments to the list of officers authorised to sign various document in connection with banking and treasury management arrangements. CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 570 12th MARCH 2020 7

After consideration, the committee approved the following list of authorised signatories:- Mr M Booth Executive Director of Finance Ms M Johnston Director of Financial and Business Services Mr R McIndoe Director of Strathclyde Pension Fund Mr H Munro City Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer Mr S Crichton Head of Corporate Finance Ms C Duncan Chief Accountant Ms C Earl Chief Accountant Mr J Sweeney Chief Accountant Mr C McGuire Chief Accountant Ms A M Campbell Finance Manager Mr P Murphy Finance Manager Ms A Ross Finance Manager Mr I Bell Finance Manager Mr S Tough Finance Manager Ms M Butler Finance Manager Ms J Timoney Head of Customer and Business Services Ms M Carrigan Head of Service Development

Scheme for Establishment of Community Councils 2018 – Formal dissolution of Calton Community Council approved – Instruction to Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding the proposed formal dissolution of Calton Community Council, advising (1) of the background to the issues surrounding Calton Community Council, which had resulted in that community council being suspended for a second time on 11th June 2019 as it had become evident that it was unable to function or to fulfil its general purpose to ascertain, co-ordinate and express the views of the community which it had represented; (2) following the suspension, members of Calton Community Council had been advised that in the event that a Steering Committee was unable to demonstrate sufficient progress towards conforming with the Scheme within 3 months from the date of suspension, there would be no option other than to formally dissolve the community council; and (3) that after only 1 meeting of the Steering Committee, it was evident that certain community council members would be unable to meet the requirements of the Code of Conduct in relation to respect and objectivity between all parties and as a result it was proposed that Calton Community Council be formally dissolved in its current form. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the formal dissolution of Calton Community Council; and 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 12th MARCH 2020 571

(b) instructed the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to intimate the dissolution of that community council by public notice and to take all reasonable steps to secure the return of any remaining administration allowance funds, along with any further banking documentation and other assets in accordance with clause 12.10 of the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils 2018.

Glasgow Communities Fund – Budget allocations and grant awards approved – Declarations of interest. 5 With reference to the minutes of 29th August 2019 (Print 3, page 259) approving the budget for the Glasgow Communities Fund (GCF) for financial years 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 and agreeing to maintain the budget at 2019/20 levels, subject to budget assumptions, Councillor Layden, City Convener for Community Empowerment, Equalities and Human Rights presented a report providing an update on the current position with the GCF and seeking approval of grant recommendations and budget allocations, advising (1) that all applicants to the GCF had been notified on 24th February 2020 that the timetable for making decisions on their applications would be extended by 6 months, with awards being made in time for projects to start from 1st October 2020, for the reasons detailed in the report; (2) that all applicants had also been notified that it was proposed to extend the Integrated Grant Fund (IGF) for 6 months for the reasons set out in the report, with the actual cost of extending those applications being £10,045,368, to be allocated as follows:- Area Allocation City-wide £4,443,220 North East Sector Community Planning Partnership £1,998,552 North West Community Planning Partnership £1,944,772 South Community Planning Partnership £1,658,824 Total £10,045,368 (3) of the anticipated GCF budgets and budget assumptions for each of the next 3 financial years, as detailed in appendix 1 of the report, together with details of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2020 funding model calculations for the 3 sectors, as detailed in appendix 2 of the report; (4) of proposals for the allocation of £4,443,220 for city-wide/central projects for 6 months from 1st April 2020, as detailed in appendix 3 of the report, and that in order to allow organisations to make arrangements for project delivery and provide adequate time to process the grant awards to begin on 1st April 2020, it was also proposed that the call-in procedure be suspended in terms of Council Standing Order No 30 (7); (5) of proposals for the allocation of £1,864,986 for Area Partnerships, as detailed in appendix 4 of the report, which had been revised to take account of SIMD 2020, with £7,326 having been redirected to ensure that no Ward suffered a reduced allocation, together with detailed calculations for those allocations prior to redirection of funding, detailed in appendix 5 of the report; (6) of a proposal that funding of £1,102,526 be transferred into the Council Family from 2020/21 for those priority areas detailed in appendix 6 of the report, with the balance of those funds not transferred being retained within the GCF budget; and (7) that it was anticipated that recommendations for those GCF projects to commence from 1st October 2020, would be submitted to this committee and Community Planning Partnerships for consideration following the summer recess. After consideration, the committee approved (a) the allocations to Sector Community Planning Partnerships in 2020/21, as detailed in the report; CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 572 12th MARCH 2020 7

(b) the allocations to the Area Partnerships in 2020/21, as detailed in the Appendix to these minutes; (c) the 6-month grant awards for city-wide projects in 2020/21, as detailed in the Appendix to these minutes; (d) the transfer of funding of £1,102,526 to the Council Family, as detailed in the Appendix to these minutes; and (e) in terms of Standing Order No 30 (7), that this decision would not be subject to the call-in process for the reasons set out in the report. In terms of Standing Order No 27 (i) Councillor Aitken declared an interest in relation to the Citizens Theatre; and (ii) Councillor McDonald declared an interest in relation to Glasgow Life.


Area Partnership Base allocation 2020/21 allocation (2019/20) (based on SIMD 2020) Linn (Ward 1) £79,467.54 £80,436.78 Newlands/Auldburn (Ward 2) £65,933.55 £66,248.48 Greater Pollok (Ward 3) £90,546.37 £90,546.37 Cardonald (Ward 4) £65,554.72 £67,115.22 Govan (Ward 5) £90,148.56 £90,148.56 Pollokshields (Ward 6) £62,408.19 £62,408.19 (Ward 7) £61,380.72 £61,580.48 Southside Central (Ward 8) £85,842.35 £85,842.35 Calton (Ward 9) £99,046.33 £99,512.15 Anderston/City/Yorkhill (Ward 10) £ 62,195.70 £62,446.05 Hillhead (Ward 11) £61,838.56 £61,838.56 Victoria Park (Ward 12) £59,432.14 £59,732.90 Garscadden/Scotstounhill(Ward 13) £87,055.61 £87,055.61 Drumchapel/Anniesland (Ward 14) £ 83,549.73 £84,175.15 Maryhill (Ward 15) £ 66,107.49 £66,443.71 Canal (Ward 16) £107,236.78 £108,959.02 Springburn/Robroyston (Ward 17) £99,891.61 £100,319.59 East Centre (Ward 18) £114,405.90 £114,591.36 Shettleston (Ward 19) £70,841.26 £72,339.21 Baillieston (Ward 20) £63,744.55 £63,838.30 North East (Ward 21) £87,863.63 £88,194.44 Dennistoun (Ward 22) £65,664.51 £65,664.51 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 12th MARCH 2020 573

Partick East/Kelvindale (Ward 23) £60,284.20 £60,284.20 Total £1,790,440.00 £1,799,721.19 Unallocated £1,919 Special Needs Playscheme Transport £40,000 £40,000 City-wide Playscheme allocations £32,627 £25,265 TOTAL £1,864,986 £1,864,986


Client name/project 2020/21 allocation Action for Children – Youthbuild £36,744 Advice Direct Scotland – Financial Inclusion Service £30,926 Art in Hospital – Visual Arts Workshop programme £3,650 Barnado’s - Apna project £10,400 Birds of Paradise Theatre Company – Annual Programme £7,750 Bridges Programmes – Steps to Employment £6,753 Bridgeton Citizens’ Advice Bureau – Financial Inclusion Service £53,710 Castlemilk Citizens’ Advice Bureau – Financial Inclusion Service £48,451 Castlemilk Law and Money Advice Centre – Financial Inclusion Service £117,271 Celtic Football Club Foundation – Old Firm Alliance £12,500 Centre for Contemporary Arts – Annual programme £31,000 Children’s Classic Concerts £7,750 Chinese Community Development Partnership £2,500 City of Glasgow College – Adult Literacy and Numeracy – Link Project for Liberated Prisoners £19,010 City of Glasgow College – Adult Literacy and Numeracy – Riverside Campus £27,551 City of Glasgow College – English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Network Co-ordination £26,500 Project Clydeside Action on Asbestos - Financial Inclusion Service £28,000 Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights £100,000 Common Guild Ltd – Contemporary Art Gallery Programme £2,900 Community Enterprise in Scotland – Support to Third Sector Organisations £84,856 conFAB – Writers Project £2,000 Creative Therapies - Kinnections £3,000 Cryptic Glasgow Ltd – Tour and CCA Programme £5,000 Cultural Enterprise Office – Arts Business Support and Training Programme £2,500 CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 574 12th MARCH 2020 7

Drumchapel Citizens’ Advice Bureau – Financial Inclusion Service £98,303 Drumchapel Money Advice Centre - Financial Inclusion Service £83,145 Early Years Scotland – SPPA Support, Advice and Information Service £20,000 Easterhouse Citizens’ Advice Bureau - Financial Inclusion Service £107,787 Ethnic Minority Law Centre £68,623 Faith in the Community (Scotland) – Transformation Team £62,832 Friends of SHARMANKA – Exhibition and Performance Programme £5,750 Garnethill Multi-cultural Community Centre £23,500 Glasgow Access Panel £10,000 Glasgow (Central) Citizens’ Advice Bureau – Financial Inclusion Service £139,364 Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living – Employment Project £10,000 Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector – Capacity Building in the voluntary sector £33,300 Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector – Community Engagement Database £2,500 Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector - Connect £16,823 Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector – Equalities Information Officer £12,500 Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector – Learning and CLD Services £37,557 Glasgow Clyde College – ESOL One-Stop Shop £3,823 Glasgow Clyde College – Lifeskills Project – Langside Campus £27,544 Glasgow Clyde College – Pathways to Progress – Anniesland Campus £25,994 Glasgow Disability Alliance – Disability Equality Programme £37,000 Greater Easterhouse Money Advice – Financial Inclusion Service £194,797 Greater Easterhouse Money Advice – Financial Education Development Officer £18,000 Glasgow Film Theatre – Annual programme £22,500 Glasgow Homelessness Network – Poverty Leadership Panel £10,000 Glasgow Homelessness Network – Tackling Poverty Advisory Group – Community Engagement £630 Support Glasgow Humane Society £15,000 Glasgow International Jazz Festival £32,500 Glasgow Kelvin College - Care Leavers Employment Service Adult Learning and Numeracy/Core £11,745 Skills Glasgow Media Access Centre – Annual programme £12,500 Glasgow North West Citizens’ Advice Service £136,963 Glasgow Photography Group – Street Level Photoworks £19,000 Glasgow Play-Resource Association £3,650 Glasgow Print Studio – Annual Programme £19,000 Glasgow School of Art - Exhibitions £2,100 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 12th MARCH 2020 575

Glasgow Sculpture Studios – Annual programme £13,500 Glasgow Women’s Aid £23,019 Glasgow Women’s Library - ALN Project £22,658 Glasgow Women’s Library – Lesbian (LGBT) Services and Resources £3,088 Glasgow Women’s Library – Librarian Services and Resources £14,500 Glasgow Women’s Library – Lifelong Learning £40,460 Glasgow Women’s Voluntary Sector Network – Community Development and Awareness Raising £5,000 Project Govan Law Centre - Financial Inclusion Service £111,330 Greater Pollok Citizens’ Advice Bureau - Financial Inclusion Service £87,736 Hemat Gryffe Women’s Aid £7,198 Indepen-dance – Creative movement classes £5,500 Jeely Piece Club – Transferred Funds £97,317 Legal Services Agency Ltd – Financial Inclusion Service £178,753 Limelight Music – Annual programme £9,000 Mel-Milaap Community Centre – Day Care £25,000 Momentum Scotland – Momentum Adapt £22,070 Momentum Scotland – Momentum Assist £6,886 Money Matters – Financial Inclusion Service - Money Advice Centre £184,008 Move On Ltd – Adult Literacy Programme £12,855 Multi-Cultural Elderly Care £41,560 NSPCC - Childline £4,004 One Parent Families Scotland – Choices Service Glasgow £20,950 Outspoken Arts Scotland – Annual Programme £8,000 Paragon Ensemble Ltd – Annual Programme £8,500 Parkhead Citizens’ Advice Bureau – Financial Inclusion Service £65,405 Playwright’s Studio Scotland - Activities £4,500 Princes Trust Scotland – Get into Employability Programme £44,500 Project Ability Ltd – Annual Programme £36,000 Quarriers – Literacy Project £28,750 Radio Clyde Cash for Kids £17,500 Rangers Charity Foundation SCIO – Old Firm Alliance £12,500 Rape Crisis Centre – ROSEY project £7,310 Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre – Chinese Arts Programme £3,250 RNIB Scotland – Focus on Employability £8,500 Rosemount Lifelong Learning – Young Parent Project £31,740 CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 576 12th MARCH 2020 7

Saturday Cafe £5,474 Scotcash – Money Advisers £28,500 Scottish Drugs Forum – Addiction Workers Training Project £63,945 Scottish Ensemble – Annual Programme £7,500 Scottish Mask and Puppet Centre – Annual Programme £6,750 Scottish Refugee Council – A Fairer Future of New Glaswegians £8,750 Scottish Youth Theatre Ltd – Annual Programme £16,500 Sense Scotland – Mixed Arts Programme £1,600 Solar Bear Ltd – Deaf Youth Theatre £2,250 Sports Council for Glasgow £26,343 Stepping Stones for Families – Glasgow Wide £190,566 Thriving Places £160,000 Transmission Gallery – Annual Programme £6,500 Tron Theatre Ltd – Annual Programme £65,250 Vanishing Point – Artistic Programme £5,500 Victim Support Scotland £6,960 Volunteer Glasgow – Volunteering, Learning and Employability Service £162,819 Vox Motus - Professional Theatre Production £3,250 Wasps Ltd – Artists Studios Annual Programme £3,500 WEA Scotland – Adult Literacies and ESOL support £55,125 Wing Hong Elderly Group – Chinese Elderly Care £58,200 Wise Women – Personal Safety and Confidence Building Project £48,793 West of Scotland Regional Equality Council £21,938 Work Room – Professional Dance Skills Development £1,500 Youth Community Support Agency - Counselling and Family Services £37,956 Youth Community Support Agency – Literacy and Numeracy Support £16,863 YWCA Scotland – Empowering Pathways for Women £35,718 Total £4,443,220 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 12th MARCH 2020 577


Client name/project 2019/20 allocation Chief Executive’s Department Community Champions Awards £ 5,500 Community Engagement Support Programme £15,000 Community Justice Glasgow £110,000 Data Analyst Post £35,000 Govanhill Neighbourhood Management Plan £50,000 Govanhill Partnership £20,000 Grants Contingency Fund £3,000 North East Partnership and Development Fund £2,500 North West Sector Partnership Development Fund £2,500 South Development Budget £2,500 Total £246,000 5% reduction £12,300 Total Chief Executive’s Department re-direction £233,700 Glasgow Life Arts Development Scheme £64,401 Family Youth and Criminal Justice ALN Programme £16,000 Glasgow Sport Award Programme £73,000 Glasgow Unesco City of Music £30,000 North East Glasgow Youth Programmes £60,000 North Glasgow Learning Programme £20,494 North West Youth Programme £63,576 Personal, Social and Emotional Programme £17,634 South East Vibrancy Thematic Plan £30,000 South West Youth Programme £65,257 Toryglen Youth Development Project £54,675 Total £495,037 5% reduction £24,752 Total Glasgow Life re-direction £470,285 Neighbourhoods and Sustainability Anti Social Behaviour Programme £42,044 Challenging Inequalities £20,000 North West Glasgow Violence Against Women £27,967 CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 578 12th MARCH 2020 7

Routes out of Prostitution £289,172 Total £394,183 5% reduction in anti-social behaviour programme only £2,102 Total Neighbourhoods and Sustainability re-direction £392,081 Social Work Services Arts in the City £6,800 5% reduction £340 Total Social Work Services re-direction £6,460


By telephone conference, 26th March 2020.

City Administration Committee.

Present: Susan Aitken (Chair), Archie Graham, Frank McAveety, David McDonald, Kyle Thornton and Allan Young. Apology: Thomas Kerr. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; and C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council.

Response to consultation on establishment of Govan Annex as a school in its own right and opening a new Gaelic Medium Education school in North East of the city (Wards 5, 6, 9 and 10) - Proposals approved. 1 With reference to the minutes of 31st October 2019 (Print 5, page 371) approving a consultation exercise in relation to the establishment of Govan Annex as a school in its own right with a head teacher and dedicated staff, which would become part of the Hillhead/Glasgow Gaelic Learning Community and the development of a 4th Gaelic Medium Education (GME) primary school in the former St James’ Primary School building in the North East of the city (Wards 5, 6, 9 and 10), there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Education Services regarding the outcome of the consultation, advising of the full responses to the consultation, including the response from Education Scotland. After consideration, the committee approved (a) the proposal that Govan Annexe be a school in its own right and the new catchment areas for the 3 GME primary schools, as detailed in the report; and (b) the opening of a new GME primary school in the former St James’ Primary School building and the catchment areas for the 4 GME primary schools, as detailed in the report.

Launch of Council-wide voluntary redundancy scheme – Item withdrawn. 2 This item was withdrawn from the agenda. 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 26th MARCH 2020 579

2020/21 revenue budget adjustments approved. 3 With reference to the minutes of the Council of 20th February 2020 (page 523 hereof) approving the 2020/21 revenue budget, there was submitted a report by Executive Director of Finance regarding an update on the 2020/21 budget, advising that (1) on 27th February 2020 the Council had been notified that additional revenue funding of £95m was to be directed to local government and Finance Circular 2/2020 had identified Glasgow’s total revenue funding as £1,333.1m, an increase of £10.632m; (2) on 28th February 2020 the Council had received notification that the conditions on Integration Joint Board (IJB) allocations had been amended to include a similar flexibility to 2019/20 and local authorities were now able to off-set their adult social care allocations to integration authorities by up to 2% and a maximum of £50m in 2020/21 based on local needs; (3) of the following proposed budget adjustments which would use £9.679m of the additional revenue allocation, leaving a balance of £0.953m and it was proposed that this be allocated as a contribution to reserves for allocation to Council priorities at a later date:- (a) re-instatement of £4.045m to General Fund Reserves; (b) re-instatement of budget pressures of £4.5m for pupil roll pressures and £1m for commercial refuse income; and (c) reversal of budget saving of £134,000 relating to the closure of Blairvadach Outdoor Resource Centre allowing time for alternative delivery models to be investigated; and (4) of additional specific capital grant allocations for Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets and for further investment in energy efficiency, together with an additional £1.044m allocation of General Capital Grant, which it was proposed would be allocated to the existing capital project for General Estate Compliance Works. After consideration, the committee approved the revenue and capital budget adjustments for 2020/21, as detailed in the report.

Changes to committees etc approved. 4 In terms of Council Standing Order No 4, as a matter of urgency, the committee approved the following changes to committees etc on an interim basis pending ratification at the first available meeting of the Council:- Committee etc Change

Business Bureau Appoint Greg Hepburn as Convener in place of John Letford

City Administration Committee (post Appoint Richard Bell and Greg Hepburn in place of Allan Gow emergency arrangements) and John Letford

City Treasurer Appoint Richard Bell in place of Allan Gow

Council Business Manager and City Convener Appoint Greg Hepburn in place of John Letford for Democratic Renewal

Education, Skills and Early Years City Policy Appoint Rhiannon Spear as Convener and remove Richard Bell Committee

General Purposes City Policy Committee Appoint Christina Cannon as Convener and remove Elaine Ballantyne CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 580 23rd APRIL 2020 7

Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm Appoint Allan Casey as Convener in place of Greg Hepburn City Policy Committee

Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee Appoint Richard Bell as Convener in place of Allan Gow

By telephone conference, 23rd April 2020.

City Administration Committee.

Present: Susan Aitken (Chair), Archie Graham, Thomas Kerr, Frank McAveety, David McDonald and Allan Young. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; I Robertson, Director of Property and Land Services; C Edgar, Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships; and E Galletly, Head of Legal and Administration.

Accounts Commission findings on equal pay noted etc. 1 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the Accounts Commission’s findings following the Controller of Audit’s statutory report on the conclusion of the equal pay settlement in this Council, advising (1) that following the Controller of Audit’s statutory report, which was circulated to all members of this Council and considered by the Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee on 15th January 2020 (Print 5, page 452), the Accounts Commission agreed to make findings on the report, which were published on 6th February 2020; (2) of the findings of the Accounts Commission, a copy of which had been circulated to all members of the Council, which had concluded that the Council had successfully delivered a challenging and complicated project within a relatively short period of time and, in particular, welcomed the effective governance arrangements that the Council had put in place to oversee the project, alongside appropriate controls to the calculation and payment of settlements; and (3) that, in addition, the Commission acknowledged the residual liabilities in relation to ongoing claims not covered by the settlement and by the possibility of further claims arising in the period before the Council implemented its new pay and grading structure and strongly encouraged the Council to fulfil its commitment to do so by April 2021. After consideration, the committee noted the findings of the Accounts Commission and acknowledged the ongoing commitment to implement a new pay and grading structure.

UEFA EURO 2020 postponement – Revised arrangements for 2021 approved. 2 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding decisions taken by the Glasgow Events Board and the EURO 2020 (Glasgow) Local Organising Committee Board subsequent to the postponement of EURO 2020 until 2021, advising (1) that following the announcement of the postponement of EURO 2020 until 11th June to 11th July 2021 (provisional dates), UEFA had confirmed that they wished all host cities to remain the same in 2021; (2) that the Glasgow Events Board had subsequently agreed to confirm Glasgow’s commitment to remain part of the tournament in 2021, subject to a reshaped funding package from the partners and a renegotiation of a number of legal obligations with UEFA in support of budget savings; (3) of agreement on a re-shaped funding package, including an additional contribution from this Council, that 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 23rd APRIL 2020 581

brought the total financial contribution from this Council to £3.7m against a total host city budget of £6.2m, with this reshaped funding package and renegotiation of some legal obligations with UEFA enabling Glasgow to reconfirm its position with UEFA as a host city for the EURO 2020 tournament in 2021; and (4) that it was estimated that £10m economic impact would be generated through the visitor economy and social impact would be created through the community engagement activities and, in addition, it was anticipated that following the current health emergency EURO 2020 would make a significant contribution to creating a festival atmosphere once again in the city centre, provide an opportunity for communities to gather and celebrate together and provide a welcome boost to businesses in the city following an exceptionally difficult year. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the contents of the report; and (2) re-affirmed the city’s continuing commitment to hosting this major event in 2021.

Nominated Disposals Programme 2020/21 approved – Instruction to Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy. 3 With reference to the minutes of 13th June 2019 (Print 2, page 166) approving a revised process for nominated disposals of land to Housing Associations, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding the nominated disposals programme 2020/21, advising that (1) the Accelerated Land Release Programme enabled the Council to sell sites to be developed by Housing Associations for the Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP); (2) LAR Housing Trust, which was a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation established to provide below market rented homes in Scotland, funded by loans from the Scottish Government and from Scottish Widows and did not receive funding through the Affordable Housing Supply Programme, was currently interested in a Council-owned site at Killin Street; (3) 11 sites were proposed for nominated disposal to various registered social landlords in the city and LAR Housing Trust over the next 12 months, as detailed in the appendix to the report, all but 6 of which had previously been identified in the Strategic Housing Investment Plan; and (4) disposal of the 11 sites would contribute to meeting the target of delivering 7,500 affordable new homes over the period of Glasgow’s Housing Strategy 2017-22, delivering capital receipts to this Council and bringing benefits to the city economy by helping to maintain construction activity following the COVID-19 lockdown. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the nominated disposal of the 11 sites detailed in the report; (b) noted that City Property would negotiate the nominated disposal of 10 of the sites to various registered social landlords following the sites being declared operationally surplus and the disposal of 1 site to LAR Housing Trust; and (c) instructed the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy to circulate to members of this committee further information on LAR Housing Trust.

Community Asset Transfer - Review of decision - Consideration continued – Instruction to officers. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding an application for review by Beatroute Arts in relation to an asset transfer request decision notice issued under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, advising (1) that Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 introduced a right for “community transfer bodies” to make requests to all local authorities, Scottish Ministers and a wide range of public bodies, for any CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 582 23rd APRIL 2020 7

land or buildings they feel they could make better use of, with the request being for ownership, lease or other rights and the Act requiring those public authorities to transparently assess requests against a specified list of criteria and to agree the request unless there were reasonable grounds for refusal; (2) that Beatroute Arts had made an application to this Council for an asset transfer of 285 Wallacewell Road (Ward 17) and following consideration by the Council Community Asset Transfer (CCAT) officer group, the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy had issued a Decision Notice agreeing to the request, subject to various terms and conditions, as detailed; (3) that subsequently the Council had received a request for review of the terms and conditions contained in the Decision Notice, following which, further discussions took place between Council officers and Beatroute Arts to try to reach agreement on the outstanding issues in the proposed Heads of Terms and whilst some progress had been made, there were still some issues where no agreement could be reached; (4) of a summary of the current position in relation to the outstanding issues, with written submissions from both Council officers and Beatroute Arts explaining their position being detailed in appendices to the report; and (5) that members were asked to consider the review and to either confirm the Council’s decision as set out in Appendix 3 to the report or modify that decision in line with the recommendations set out in Appendix 5 to the report or substitute a different decision taking account of those matters referred to in the report. After consideration, the committee (a) agreed to continue consideration of the review and that negotiations with Beatroute Arts should continue with a view to both parties making concessions, balancing the Council’s support for community organisations with its duty to secure best value and take responsible decisions, with a key driver for the Council being to protect Council assets for future community and public use; and (b) instructed (i) the Director of Property and Land Services to consider whether the conditions could be more proportionate in the particular circumstances and whether all of the conditions were required; and (ii) the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to submit to this committee within 6 weeks a further report providing an update on the position.

Decisions taken under emergency delegated authority noted. 5 With reference to the minutes of the Emergency Committee of 17th March 2020 (page 562 hereof) approving temporary emergency decision-making arrangements to reduce the need for face-to-face meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, including increased delegations to officers, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing a list of decisions taken by officers under those emergency arrangements.

International Workers’ Memorial Day – Recognition agreed - Instruction to officers. 6 In terms of Council Standing Order No 4, as a matter of urgency, and having heard the Chief Executive regarding an approach from the trade unions in relation to marking International Workers’ Memorial Day, which was held annually on 28th April to remember those who had lost their lives at work or from work-related injury and diseases and to renew efforts to organise collectively to prevent more deaths, injuries and disease as a result of work, with the day being commemorated throughout the world and officially recognised by the UK Government, the committee (1) agreed that the Council should recognise the day, particularly in the light of the current COVID-19 pandemic; and (2) instructed the appropriate officers to discuss and agree with the trade unions how the Council and its staff could pay their respects to those workers who had lost their lives. 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 21st MAY 2020 583

By telephone conference, 21st May 2020.

City Administration Committee.

Present: Susan Aitken (Chair), Archie Graham, Thomas Kerr, Kim Long (substitute for Allan Young), Frank McAveety and David McDonald. Apology: Allan Young. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council; C Edgar, Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships; E Galletly, Head of Legal and Administration; C Connolly (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy); and J Ferguson (for the Director of Property and Land Services).

Impact of COVID-19 on Investment Programme – Action agreed. 1 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the Investment programme, advising that (1) the current restrictions on construction would result in delays to the completion dates of a number of existing capital projects and additional costs were being, and would be, incurred on those projects as a result of those delays and from additional requirements for physical distancing which might be implemented in the future; (2) in normal circumstances it would be expected that additional costs should be contained within current project contingencies but that was not expected to be achievable in all cases; (3) the assessment of these costs was a complex and detailed process requiring discussions with individual contractors for each project and until discussions were commenced it was difficult to estimate with any level of accuracy the precise impact on individual projects, however it was likely that in some cases current approved capital budgets would need to be increased to meet these extra costs; (4) it was proposed that officers engage with contractors to agree arrangements that would minimise the cost to the Council but also ensure that construction works completed as quickly as possible; and (5) a governance process overseen by the Executive Director of Finance would be implemented to ensure that project officers were working within appropriate and affordable parameters before issuing instructions to contractors on progression of works. After consideration, the committee agreed that (a) officers engage with contractors to agree arrangements that would minimise the cost to the Council but also ensure that construction works completed as quickly as possible; and (b) details on the implications for the Investment Programme budget would be reported back as soon as possible.

City Deal - Clyde Waterfront and West End Innovation Quarter - Windmillcroft Quay (Ward 5) project approved, in principle – Instruction to Chief Executive. 2 With reference to the minutes of 27th September 2018 (Print 4, page 323), authorising the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy to progress negotiations in relation to 3 proposals for projects to receive City Deal funding towards works to quay walls in private ownership, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding an update on the progress of the Windmillcroft Quay (Ward 5) project, advising (1) that Windmillcroft Quay was a 300m riverfront to an existing private residential development, comprising of 278 dwellings, named as the Waterfront Development, located between the Barclays-Tradeston site and Springfield Quay; CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 584 21st MAY 2020 7

(2) that in 2014 it was documented that the quay wall was deteriorating and in need of urgent repair and at this point the public walkway was closed, leaving no pedestrian or cycle access along a 300m stretch of the river edge between Tradeston and Springfield Quay; (3) that in 2016 emergency demolition and replacement earthworks were required to temporarily stabilise a section of the quay wall, with this work having been instructed by Speirs Gumley Property Management on behalf of the co-owners, however there had been no further work to address the temporary situation or other wall sections that were also in poor condition; (4) that in June 2018 Speirs Gumley Property Management submitted an application for £11.6m grant funding from City Deal, based on the design appraisals and cost estimates at that time, with the application being approved on the basis that the Council carried out the project and the City Deal funding was supported by a contribution from the property owners; (5) that the Windmillcroft Quay project involved a comprehensive programme of structural works to form a new quay wall and in turn provide new public realm at the riverside, including a public core path; and (6) of a summary of the design undertaken and the proposed financial contributions from the owners, together with legal considerations, along with the proposed delivery programme and the benefits to the city and its citizens. After consideration, the committee (a) approved, in principle, the amount of the financial contribution to the project set out in the report confirmed by Speirs Gumley Property Management, on behalf of the co-owners at the Waterfront development; (b) authorised the Head of City Deal, Development and Regeneration Services, to lead on the project delivery as part of the City Deal programme and undertake such further commercial negotiations as might be necessary, taking legal, financial and technical advice on the terms attached to the financial contribution, particularly in relation to the matters outlined in the report; and (c) instructed the Chief Executive to submit a further report to the this committee on the outcome of such further negotiations for final approval.

Review of Community Asset Transfer request decision - Beatroute Arts – Transfer conditions agreed. 3 With reference to the minutes of 23rd April 2020 (page 581 hereof) agreeing to continue consideration of a review of a Community Asset Transfer decision in relation to 285 Wallacewell Road (Ward 17) and that negotiations with Beatroute Arts should continue with a view to both parties making concessions, balancing the Council’s support for community organisations with its duty to secure best value and take responsible decisions, with a key driver for the Council being to protect Council assets for future community and public use, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding the outcome of further negotiations in relation to the terms and conditions of the transfer, advising (1) that following further negotiations both parties were now agreed on all conditions of the asset transfer, with the exception of the pre-emption condition, with the conditions which were now agreed between the parties being set out in Appendix 1 to the report; (2) of the proposed pre-emption condition proposed by each party, with written submissions in support of each of those proposals being detailed in Appendices 2 and 3 to the report; and (3) that the committee was asked to consider the most appropriate pre-emption condition to apply to the Community Asset Transfer, which would be added to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 to the report. After consideration, the committee approved (a) the transfer of 285 Wallacewell Road to Beatroute Arts in relation to the Community Asset Transfer request under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, subject to the agreed conditions detailed at Appendix 1 to the report; and 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 21st MAY 2020 585

(b) the pre-emption condition proposed by Council officers, as detailed in the report, with a time limit of 25 years.

Review of governance and scrutiny arrangements - Moving from response to recovery – Proposals agreed – Instruction to Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council. 4 With reference to the minutes of the Emergency Committee of 17th March 2020 (page 562 hereof) approving temporary decision-making arrangements to reduce the need for face-to-face meetings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and that those temporary arrangements be kept under review so that they might be revoked at the appropriate time, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding a review of those arrangements in terms of governance and scrutiny, advising (1) that the Council had put in place emergency arrangements to ensure that it could respond quickly and flexibly in the current crisis, prioritise resources, provide essential services, protect vulnerable people and support city businesses; (2) that the Council was still in the response phase and there were significant pressures on essential services and reduced staffing levels from the impact of COVID-19 on its staff; (3) that political oversight was a key function of the Council as was its service response in an emergency and it was challenging to balance these functions and demands in the operational response phase without diverting resources from essential services and the emergency arrangements for political oversight and decision-making were designed to focus on essential decisions and to increase the speed and flexibility of decision-making in the response phase to the crisis; (4) that judging how the Council moved from its temporary decision-making arrangements to a more sustainable model of increased political oversight and scrutiny as part of good governance needed to be done in a way that: (a) did not put a strain on resources or operational responses in the city; (b) recognised that the Council was not moving back to business as usual in the short to medium term; and (c) considered the purpose of standing up any additional committee functions and the remit while still in the response and recovery phase; and (5) of various options for a governance framework during the response, unlocking and recovery phase in order to increase political oversight and scrutiny, support local businesses and support recovery by prioritising strategic commitments, as detailed in the appendix to the report. After consideration, the committee (i) agreed (A) to reinstate the full membership of this committee; (B) to remit consideration of scrutiny proposals to the Business Managers, including engagement with the Conveners of the Scrutiny Committees; and (C) to continue work to allow quasi-judicial committees and a Council meeting to take place before the Summer recess; and (ii) instructed the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to submit a further report to the next meeting of this committee updating members on the progress of the development of the proposals.

Decisions taken under emergency delegated authority noted. 5 With reference to the minutes of the Emergency Committee of 17th March 2020 (page 562 hereof) approving temporary emergency decision-making arrangements to reduce the need for face-to-face meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, including increased delegations to officers, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing a list of decisions taken by officers under those emergency arrangements. CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 586 4th JUNE 2020 7

By video conference, 4th June 2020.

City Administration Committee.

Present: Susan Aitken (Chair), Richard Bell, Maureen Burke, Bill Butler, Chris Cunningham, Michelle Ferns, Archie Graham, Greg Hepburn, Mhairi Hunter, Ruairi Kelly, Thomas Kerr, Jennifer Layden, Kim Long, Frank McAveety, David McDonald, Elaine McDougall, Kenny McLean, Martin Rhodes, Anna Richardson, Soryia Siddique, Kyle Thornton and Allan Young. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; G Gillespie, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability; C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council; B Monaghan, Director of Community Empowerment and Equalities; M Johnston, Director of Financial and Business Services; C Edgar, Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships; and P Flynn, Development and Regeneration Services.

Glasgow’s Housing Strategy Affordable Warmth Programme - Energy Efficient Scotland Programme - Area Based Schemes grant award 2020/21. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the award of funding to this Council to deliver energy efficiency improvements to owner-occupied and private rented properties in wholly owned and mixed tenure blocks in Glasgow under the Scottish Government’s Energy Efficient Scotland – Area Based Schemes programme for 2020/21, advising (1) that the Scottish Government’s Home Energy Efficiency Programme for Scotland: Area Based Schemes was introduced in April 2013 as a successor to the Universal Home Insulation Scheme and was an area-based approach to deliver insulation measures to owner-occupied and private landlord-owned properties, which was supported by funding from the Scottish Government and was delivered by local authorities; (2) that Glasgow’s Housing Strategy stated that the Affordable Warmth strategic priority was to tackle fuel poverty, energy inefficiency and address climate change and as part of this, an Affordable Warmth Strategy had been produced setting out Glasgow’s approach to tackling fuel poverty in domestic households and in addition, the action plan linked to the Scottish Government’s Sustainable Housing Strategy and Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing and to this Council’s Sustainable Glasgow Initiative, Energy and Carbon Masterplan, Resilience Strategy and Climate Change Strategy and the award of Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Schemes funding assisted Glasgow to deliver the outcomes of these strategies and plans; (3) of the provisions of the Fuel Poverty (Scotland) Act 2019, including the requirement of the Scottish Government to prepare a Fuel Poverty Strategy, which was due to be published in September 2020; (4) that this was the 8th year of the Area Based Schemes programme and for 2020/21, the Scottish Government had awarded this Council £4,747,427 from the Energy Efficient Scotland Programme, which permitted enabling and administrative costs of £100,000 or 20% of the grant award, whichever was the higher amount, to assist in the delivery of the programme; and (5) of changes to the criteria for the Area Based Schemes. After consideration, the committee (a) agreed to accept the award of £4,747,427 Energy Efficient Scotland funding; and (b) noted (i) the proposed changes to the Energy Efficient Scotland eligibility criteria, particularly in relation to the private landlord sector; and (ii) that the planned programme of energy efficiency works would be reported to the Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm City Policy Committee. 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 4th JUNE 2020 587

Regeneration Capital Grant Fund - Acceptance of funding approved. 2 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the proposed acceptance of capital grant funding from the Scottish Government, advising (1) that the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (RCGF) was a Scottish Government budget developed in partnership with COSLA and local authorities that aimed to provide financial support to projects that would help to deliver large-scale improvements to deprived areas and focused on projects that engaged and involved local communities and demonstrated the ability to deliver sustainable regeneration; (2) that the fund, which had an annual budget of £25m, operated under a bidding process, with Glasgow in competition with local authorities across Scotland, and there was no set financial allocation for Glasgow or prescribed number of projects to be approved, with the bidding process being operated in 2 stages, as detailed in the report; (3) that a key requirement of the Fund was that any allocation should be spent in the appropriate financial year and that any underspend would not be carried forward and the Council had been requested to accept RCGF awards for 2020/21 of £997,776 from a total project value of £3,962,995 for the Laurieston Arches project, £950,000 from a total project value of £2,200,000 for the Elderpark Learning and Community Centre project and £800,000 from a total project value of £1,336,000 for the Milton Family and Community Centre project; (4) of the delivery and financial monitoring arrangements; and (5) that the Scottish Government had announced a further annual round of RCGF bidding and Council officers were working with housing associations, cultural organisations and social enterprises to develop projects and applications and the Council intended to make several strong submissions for the stage 1 deadline of 19th June 2020. After consideration, the committee approved the acceptance of £2,245,355 of Regeneration Capital Grant Fund awards, as detailed in the report.

COVID-19 – Measures to enable physical distancing post-lockdown noted - Spaces for People funding accepted – Instruction to officers. 3 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability regarding measures that the Council was progressing to enable physical distancing in the city centre, local neighbourhoods and on the wider road network once the current lockdown was relaxed, advising (1) that as we moved towards a relaxation of the lockdown, it was important that the Council considered what measures it needed to take to manage the road network differently to facilitate physical distancing, help prevent a second wave of COVID-19 and allow the city economy to start to recover; (2) that it was anticipated that physical distancing would be needed for a significant period of time post-lockdown and that there might be reluctance from the public to use public transport and the Council would therefore need to consider short-term measures to support physical distancing to help combat COVID-19 infection and a medium to longer term approach to enable sustainable travel choices; (3) that those measures were likely to include making more space for pedestrians both in the City Centre and at heavily trafficked local shopping areas and in the medium to longer term, the Council would review how it could facilitate and promote cycling and walking as a commuting choice, with expansion of the school car-free zones across the city also needing to be considered, together with local measures to discourage rat running; (4) that it was essential that the Council focused on measures that would be most effective in preventing the spread of disease and would therefore be working with Sustrans and other local authorities to develop an over-arching strategy that all local authorities could apply and on 28th April 2020, the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity announced a £10m funding package for temporary walking and cycling measures, which would be administered by Sustrans, with the Council having made a successful bid of £3.5m to this ‘Spaces for People’ fund; CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 588 4th JUNE 2020 7

(5) of the objectives of the Council’s strategy together with an action plan, including specific actions in the city centre and in neighbourhoods, together with options for temporary active travel routes in the wider road network, all as detailed in the report; (6) of the development of a communication and engagement strategy and the legal process for implementation of these measures; and (7) that a number of obstacles needed to be overcome in order for these measures to be implemented timeously, including, funding, procurement and availability of materials, with discussions being on-going to resolve these, and a medium to long-term benefit of providing temporary measures to facilitate physical distancing might be that some could become permanent and that active travel became the preferred choice for more people. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the contents of the report; (b) approved the acceptance of the £3.5m ‘Spaces for People’ funding from Sustrans; (c) instructed officers to proceed to roll out the measures identified in the report; and (d) agreed that all temporary measures implemented under this scheme should be evaluated with a view to making them permanent where possible and with full local consultation and that a further report be submitted to the appropriate committee evaluating where this was possible before any relevant Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders and other temporary measures expired.

Review of governance and scrutiny arrangements - Moving from response to recovery – Proposals approved etc – Instruction to Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council. 4 With reference to the minutes of 21st May 2020 (page 585 hereof) instructing the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to submit a further report to the next meeting of this committee updating members on the progress of the development of the proposals for re-instating some committees etc, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding a review of the emergency decision-making arrangements put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and providing an update on proposals to hold a Council meeting and to re-instate some committees, advising (1) of proposed arrangements for reinstating the Operational Performance and Delivery Scrutiny Committee and the Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee before the Summer Recess; (2) of an update on possible arrangements that might allow meetings of the Planning Applications Committee and the Planning Local Review Committee to take place before the Summer Recess; (3) of an update on the arrangements that would be required to hold meetings of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee and the Licensing Board and the actions taken so as to avoid any prejudice to current licence holders; and (4) of the solutions being assessed that might allow a Council meeting to take place and while the project team was confident a digital solution could be developed it had advised that the earliest date it could possibly be available was the week beginning 29th June, however this was ambitious and might not be achieved as it would be dependent on all of the technical challenges and operational challenges being addressed. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the report, including the position in relation to the Licensing and Regulatory Committee and the Licensing Board and the amendment to paragraph 2.1.1 of the report, removing the words “in the new normal”; (b) approved (i) the reinstatement of the Finance and Audit and the Operational Performance and Delivery Scrutiny Committees, as detailed in the report; and 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 18th JUNE 2020 589

(ii) approved the reinstatement of the Planning Applications and the Planning Local Review Committees, subject to the resolution of the operational challenges highlighted in the report; and (c) instructed the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to submit a report to the next meeting of this committee detailing a project plan for holding a virtual Council meeting.

Decisions taken under emergency delegated authority noted. 5 With reference to the minutes of the Emergency Committee of 17th March 2020 (page 562 hereof) approving temporary emergency decision-making arrangements to reduce the need for face-to-face meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, including increased delegations to officers, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing a list of decisions taken by officers under those emergency arrangements.

Area Partnership funding - Decisions taken under emergency delegated authority noted. 6 With reference to the minutes of the Emergency Committee of 17th March 2020 (page 562 hereof) approving temporary emergency decision-making arrangements to reduce the need for face-to-face meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, including increased delegations to officers, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Community Empowerment and Equalities detailing a list of decisions taken by her under those emergency arrangements in relation to Area Partnership funding.

By video conference, 18th June 2020.

City Administration Committee.

Present: Susan Aitken (Chair), Richard Bell, Bill Butler, Chris Cunningham, Michelle Ferns, Archie Graham, Greg Hepburn, Mhairi Hunter, Ruairi Kelly, Thomas Kerr, Jennifer Layden, Kim Long, Frank McAveety, David McDonald, Elaine McDougall, Kenny McLean, Martin Rhodes, Anna Richardson, Soryia Siddique, Kyle Thornton and Allan Young. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; G Gillespie, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability; C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solictor to the Council; C Edgar, Head of Communication and Strategic Partnerships; R Anderson, Head of Human Resources; S Wearing (for the Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City HSCP); and J Laioli, Development and Regeneration Services.

Draft final out-turn for 2019/20 approved. 1 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the draft final out-turn for 2019/20, advising (1) that to conclude the monitoring process for 2019/20, a number of substantive accounting transactions would be required to allow the completion of the Council’s accounts for the year by the extended statutory deadline of 30th November 2020; (2) that the monitoring statements throughout the year had adjusted budgets in respect of additional monies received and additional committee approvals granted and overall there had been a cumulative net budget increase of £33.8m from the original budget; (3) of significant budget changes since period 12, as detailed in the report; (4) that given the profile of expenditure, commitments would extend into 2020/21 and this would be reflected CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 590 18th JUNE 2020 7

as a reduction in the final budget for 2019/20, with £23.1m being carried forward to 2020/21 to meet the undernoted commitments:-

Service Value Programme Chief Executive’s £5.2m British Sign Language Department Community Justice Early intervention and resilience Gaelic development Holiday Food Programme Mental health and loneliness New Communities Fund Open Space pilot Rose Voucher Scheme SDS review Structural reform Invest to Improve Fund Transformation Development and £0.3m I Capital award Regeneration Services Research and development support Education Services £7.9m Access to sanitary products Active Schools Care Experienced Young People PEF/Attainment Scotland funding School Counsellors Sense Over Sectarianism West Collaborative Youth Music Initiative Financial Services £2.8m Cabinet Office funding Community Mental Health Embedded services Financial and Digital Inclusion Financial Inclusion with schools Internal Audit New developments funding Welfare Rights post Neighbourhoods and £0.3m Civitech Challenge Sustainability Free child burials and cremations Intelligent Transport General Fund £6.6m ICT developments Job Evaluation Scheme

(5) that together with monies carried forward from previous years, the total earmarked reserves element contained within the General Fund would be £36.4m; (6) of issues relating to Revenues, the General Fund, Glasgow City Integration Joint Board, trading operations and related companies, the Investment Programme and financing costs and equal pay; (7) of various substantive accounting adjustments directly related to the closure of the accounts; and (8) that after taking into account the adjustments referred to above, the unearmarked general fund balance as at 31st March 2020 was projected to be £30.9m (1.9% of net expenditure), which was an increase of £5.9m. After consideration, the committee 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 18th JUNE 2020 591

(a) approved the various budget adjustments, the carry forwards and the substantive accounting adjustments for 2019/20, all as detailed in the report; and (b) noted that the report would be referred to the Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee.

Assessing the feasibility of Citizens’ Basic Income pilots in Scotland – Action agreed, after division. 2 With reference to the minutes of the Council (1) of 2nd November 2017 (Print 4, page 389) when it had been agreed to reconvene a cross-party working group on trialling Universal Basic Income for the city of Glasgow, noting the cross party work done to date on this; and (2) of 27th June 2019 (Print 3, page 178) when it had been agreed to continue to work hard to counter inequality by structural measures such as supporting progressive taxation, promoting Universal Basic Income as an alternative social security system, and rejecting and dismantling social structures which maintained elites and privilege where it could, as well as investing in community development and asset-based regeneration, which enabled communities to develop locally-led collective solutions to overcome inequality, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the recommendations of the Citizens’ Basic Income (CBI) Steering Group on the feasibility of CBI pilots in Scotland, advising that (a) to progress this work the Council had established a national steering group with 3 other Councils, Edinburgh, Fife and North Ayrshire, supported by NHS Health Scotland and the Improvement Service, with the establishment of the steering group having facilitated a successful joint bid to the Scottish Government for financial support to explore the feasibility of a pilot scheme to test the concept; (b) a feasibility report, detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, had been prepared by the Steering Group to communicate the findings of the project, with the steering group having considered the role of a CBI in reducing poverty by exploring the feasibility of conducting local pilots in Scotland, specifically, including details of the ethical, legislative, financial and practical implementation of conducting a pilot as well as its potential costs, benefits and savings; and (c) the next stage of this work was to submit the feasibility report to the Scottish Government by the end of June with the endorsement of the 4 Councils, with the report recommending to the Scottish Government that a pilot study of CBI was undertaken in Scotland and making a range of recommendations for further work to make this feasible. After consideration, Councillor Aitken, seconded by Councillor Bell, moved that the committee agree (i) to endorse the report as a significant piece of work in exploring the feasibility of a CBI and approve its submission to the Scottish Government; (ii) to present the findings of the report to local stakeholders with a previous and current interest in CBI; (iii) that in recognition of the potential impact on tackling poverty, the report’s findings would be presented to meetings of the Poverty Leadership Panel and the Council’s Social Recovery Task Force; and (iv) that the Council continue to work with other partners on exploring the feasibility of CBI and its potential to impact positively on Glasgow citizens. Councillor Thomas Kerr, seconded by Bailie Thornton, moved as an amendment that the committee notes the contents of the report and declines to proceed any further with the implementation of a Citizens’ Basic Income pilot in Glasgow. On a vote being taken by calling the roll, 2 members voted for the amendment and 19 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried. CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 592 18th JUNE 2020 7

Glasgow City Centre Living Strategy - Vision 2035 approved. 3 With reference to the minutes of 28th November 2019 (Print 5, page 377) approving a proposal to commence public consultation on the draft City Centre Living Strategy (CCLS): Vision 2035, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the outcome of the public consultation process, advising (1) that the consultation survey was structured around the objectives of the CCLS and 74 online responses and 5 written submissions had been received and overall there was strong support for the draft CCLS, with a clear majority finding that the CCLS was easy to read, easy to follow and comprehensive, and agreeing that a more liveable city centre would attract more residents and investment; (2) of specific findings in respect of the following 6 proposed strategic objectives, as detailed in the report:- (a) doubling of the city centre population; (b) vacant commercial space; (c) environment; (d) quality in design; (e) investment; and (f) resilient neighbourhoods; (3) of revisions made to the CCLS as result of the consultation, as detailed in the report; (4) that the CCLS would be used to inform the development of planning guidance and policy, including the City Centre Strategic Development Framework, which would allow the CCLS to be referenced and used in the making of all development decisions in the city centre and future outputs of the CCLS would be incorporated into the planning framework in due course; and (5) of the delivery and governance arrangements. After consideration, the committee (i) noted the outcome of the public consultation process; (ii) approved the final version of the City Centre Living Strategy: Vision 2035 and Action Plan; and (iii) agreed that the progress of the City Centre Living Strategy: Vision 2035 would be reported through the Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm City Policy Committee as part of the City Centre Strategy 2020-25.

Introduction of mechanisms to support workforce reform approved, after division. 4 There was submitted a report by the Head of Human Resources regarding proposals to offer voluntary redundancy to employees across the Council whose severance could be justified by a business case, with the objective of supporting and facilitating service reform activity across the Council over a 3-year period, advising (1) that the Council continued to experience budget tightening and there was no reason to believe that this would abate in the future and that this required service reform, with these reforms requiring access to voluntary redundancy to be successfully delivered; (2) that the Council currently had voluntary severance arrangements in place, however, they had not been reviewed for a number of years and were infrequently used so a review of the arrangements was timely in order to construct an approach best suited to the Council’s current needs; (3) of proposals for a revised Council Redundancy Scheme, in terms of benefits, structure and operation, as detailed in the report; and (4) that the proposals did not apply to teachers, who had different Conditions of Service. 2019-20 CITY ADMINISTRATION 7 18th JUNE 2020 593

After consideration, Councillor Aitken, seconded by Councillor Ferns, moved that (a) the revised redundancy/early retirement arrangements defined in this report be implemented as soon as was practical across the Council to provide severance dates over the next 3 financial years with the objective of supporting and facilitating service reform activity; (b) responsibility for the operational governance of the exercise was placed with the Workforce Planning Board and that it would provide regular updates on the progress of the exercise to the relevant committee; and (c) the scheme on offer would not attract added years but that all other aspects were as currently defined by Council policy, with up to 66 weeks’ pay for those with no access to immediate pension benefits and up to 30 weeks’ pay for those who had. Councillor McAveety, seconded by Councillor Butler, moved as an amendment that the committee (i) note the contents of the report; and (ii) instruct the Head of Human Resources to bring back a more integrated recovery and renewal strategy that reflected options on the future developments of the Glasgow workforce. On a vote being taken by calling the roll, 6 members voted for the amendment and 15 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Glasgow’s Transport Strategies – Acceptance of funding approved. 5 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability regarding the proposed the acceptance of external funding to assist in updating Glasgow’s transport strategies, advising that (1) each year the Council received grants from several government schemes, ring-fenced to promote sustainable transport such as walking, cycling and public transport; (2) the Council had been successful in obtaining £3,000,000 from Sustrans ‘Places for Everyone’ grant fund for “Connecting Communities”, which would be used for the delivery of various transport strategies across the city; (3) the funding would cover the development of a Connectivity Plan for Glasgow (Local Transport Strategy), a City Centre Transformation Plan, Liveable Neighbourhoods Plan, Active Travel Strategy and work on a Bus Services Improvement Partnership, all as detailed in the report; and (4) a condition of the grant funding was that the plans were to be delivered by June 2021 and the Council was also required to contribute £500,000 of funding, which would relate specifically to the production of the Local Transport Strategy. After consideration, the committee approved the acceptance of £3,000,000 in external funding to assist in updating Glasgow’s transport strategies.

Update on review of governance and scrutiny arrangements noted etc. 6 With reference to the minutes of 4th June 2020 (page 588 hereof) instructing the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to submit a report to the next meeting of this committee detailing a project plan for holding a virtual Council meeting, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council, advising (1) of arrangements now made for meetings of the 2 Scrutiny Committees and the Planning Applications and Planning Local Review Committees to take place before the Summer Recess; (2) that the project team working on the digital solution for holding a Council meeting had now completed the project planning exercise and had advised that it should be possible to have a meeting in the week beginning 27th July 2020, however this was dependent on all phases going to plan, including the completion of all necessary training; and CITY ADMINISTRATION 2019-20 594 18th JUNE 2020 7

(3) that it was proposed that the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council provides fortnightly updates to the Council Business Manager and liaises with the Lord Provost in relation to setting a date for a Council meeting as soon as there was certainty that the digital solution would be available and that all the necessary training had been or would have been completed. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the update on committees and on proposed arrangements for holding a Council meeting; and (b) agreed that the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council would provide fortnightly updates by email to the members of the Business Bureau, including the Lord Provost, on the progress towards a digital Council meeting.

Decisions taken under emergency delegated authority noted. 7 With reference to the minutes of the Emergency Committee of 17th March 2020 (page 562 hereof) approving temporary emergency decision-making arrangements to reduce the need for face-to-face meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, including increased delegations to officers, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing a list of decisions taken by officers under those emergency arrangements.

Changes to committees etc approved. 8 In terms of Council Standing Order No 4, as a matter of urgency, the committee approved the following changes to committees etc:-

Committee etc Change Appointment of Senior Officers Committee Appoint Kim Long in place of Allan Young City Administration Committee Appoint Jon Molyneux in place of Allan Young Senior Councillor for the Opposition (Green Group) Appoint Kim Long in place of Allan Young 2019-20 FINANCE AND AUDIT 7 12th FEBRUARY 2020 595


Glasgow, 12th February 2020.

Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee.

Present: David Meikle (Chair), Richard Bell, Bill Butler, Graham Campbell (substitute for Feargal Dalton), Christina Cannon, Malcolm Cunning, Greg Hepburn, John Kane, Ruairi Kelly, Jennifer Layden (substitute for Rhiannon Spear), Maggie McTernan, Hanzala Malik, Angus Millar and Tanya Wisely. Apologies: Philip Braat, Feargal Dalton and Rhiannon Spear. Attending: C Birrell (Clerk); M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; D Black, Head of Audit and Inspection; C McGuire (for the Chief Executive); J Allen (for the Executive Director of Education Services); A Marshall (for the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability); I Fyson (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy); M Hogg (for the Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership); and D MacInnes and A Palacios, Ruffer LLP.

Sundry Trusts - Presentation by Ruffer LLP noted. 1 The committee heard and noted a presentation by Mr D MacInnes and Ms A Palacios, Ruffer LLP regarding Glasgow City Council Sundry Trusts.

Responses to questions noted. 2 There was submitted and noted a list of responses to the questions raised by members at the meeting of this committee on 15th January 2020.

Financial monitoring reports 2019/20 noted. 3 There were submitted and noted financial monitoring reports by the Executive Director of Finance in respect of Revenues, the General Fund, Services, Trading Operations and the Common Good Fund, including Civic Hospitality, for the period from 1st April to 20th December 2019.

Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2015 - Flexible retirement – Position noted. 4 There was submitted and noted a joint report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Finance regarding the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2015, flexible retirement provisions, advising of the number of employees who had been granted permission, under delegated authority, to take flexible retirement under the Council’s flexible retirement provisions in the period from 1st October to 31st December 2019, as detailed in the report.

Common Good Fund budget 2020/21 – Position noted – Recommendation to City Administration Committee. 5 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 5th February 2015 (Print 6, page 464) approving a revised policy on Common Good, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance, advising (1) that this committee considered the Common Good budget annually and made recommendations to the City Administration Committee for its consideration; (2) that the Executive Committee had agreed, as part of the 2014/15 budget, that the budget objective would be to balance the revenue budget without any requirement for a draw from the capital of the Common Good Fund FINANCE AND AUDIT 2019-20 596 12th FEBRUARY 2020 7

for ongoing operational expenditure, without impinging on the ability of the Council to offer civic hospitality, and it was anticipated that the total income expected to be available in 2020/21 from investments, commission and rents would be sufficient to cover total expenditure; and (3) of a proposed draft budget for 2020/21, as outlined in an appendix to the report. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the proposed budget for 2020/21 assuming no change to the existing use of the Common Good Fund; and (b) agreed to recommend to the City Administration Committee approval of the Common Good Fund budget for 2020/21.

Treasury Management Strategy, Annual Investment Strategy and Capital Strategy 2020/21 noted – Recommendation to City Administration Committee. 6 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding a proposed Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2020/21, advising (1) of the reporting framework for the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy (incorporating the Capital Strategy); (2) of the Treasury Management Strategy 2020/21, including:- (a) the Capital Financing Requirement; (b) the prospects for interest rates; (c) the current treasury position, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; (d) the borrowing strategy; (e) the policy on borrowing in advance of need; (f) debt rescheduling; (g) treasury management performance; and (h) the prudential and treasury indicators 2019/20 to 2022/23, as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report; (3) of the Annual Investment Strategy, including:- (a) the investment policy; (b) the creditworthiness policy with financial institutions; (c) the investment strategy; and (d) non-treasury investments; (4) that the latest edition of the Prudential Code placed a requirement on authorities to prepare a Capital Strategy, with specific objectives being to demonstrate that capital investment decisions were taken in line with service objectives and took account of stewardship, value for money, prudence, sustainability and affordability, with the Capital Strategy being detailed at Appendix 6 of the report; (5) of the policy on the use of external providers; and (6) of the role of the Section 95 Officer in relation to Treasury Management, as detailed in Appendix 7 of the report. After consideration, the committee 2019-20 FINANCE AND AUDIT 7 11th MARCH 2020 597

(i) noted the report; and (ii) agreed to recommend to the City Administration Committee approval of (A) the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2020/21; (B) the prudential and treasury indicators for 2019/20 to 2022/23; and (C) the Capital Strategy.

Glasgow, 11th March 2020.

Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee.

Present: David Meikle (Chair), Richard Bell, Maureen Burke (substitute for Maggie McTernan), Bill Butler, Alan Casey (substitute for Christina Cannon), Malcolm Cunning, Greg Hepburn, John Kane, Ruairi Kelly, Hanzala Malik, Angus Millar, Rhiannon Spear and Tanya Wisely. Apologies: Christina Cannon and Maggie McTernan. Attending: C Birrell (Clerk); M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; D Black, Head of Audit and Inspection; G Gillespie, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability; L Heggie (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council); D McClelland (for the Executive Director of Education Services); J O’Hagan (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy); M Hogg (for the Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership); and S O’Hagan, Audit Scotland.

Responses to questions noted. 1 There was submitted and noted a list of responses to the questions raised by members at the meeting of this committee on 12th February 2020.

Best Value Assurance Report – Action Plan update noted etc. 2 With reference to the minutes of the Council of 13th September 2018 (Print 4, page 250) noting the Best Value Assurance Report (BVAR) and approving the Council’s Best Value Action Plan, there was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive outlining the progress made against the BVAR Action Plan, as detailed in the appendix to the report.

Internal Audit – Neighbourhoods and Sustainability - Fuel management – Position noted etc. 3 With reference to the minutes of 2nd October 2019 (Print 4, page 290) noting the findings of an Internal Audit review of fuel management and instructing the Head of Audit and Inspection to submit a follow up report in February 2020, with the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability in attendance, there was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection advising of the findings and progress made by Neighbourhoods and Sustainability in relation to the recommendations made as part of the 2018/19 fuel management audit. After consideration, the committee noted the contents of the report and that a further report advising on the implementation of outstanding recommendations would be submitted in due course.

Audit Scotland – Annual Audit Plan 2019/20 noted. 4 There was submitted a report by Audit Scotland on its 2019/20 Annual Audit Plan for this Council, which (1) summarised Audit Scotland’s assessment of the key challenges and risks facing this Council; and FINANCE AND AUDIT 2019-20 598 11th MARCH 2020 7

(2) detailed the audit work that would be carried out by Audit Scotland for 2019/20 to address those issues. After consideration and having heard S O’Hagan, Audit Scotland, the committee noted the report.

Internal Audit – Audit Plan 2020/21 approved. 5 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the Audit Plan 2020/21, which detailed the outputs that members and senior officials could expect from Internal Audit in 2020/21, advising of (1) the key system areas and control risks; (2) other assurance activities; (3) work not directly contributing to the Annual Governance Statement; and (4) updates on the work of the Corporate Fraud and Investigations Team and Audit Glasgow. After consideration, the committee approved the implementation of the Audit Plan for 2020/21.

Internal audits noted – Instruction to Head of Audit and Inspection. 6 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection advising of the findings of the following audits:- (1) Corporate Review – Software Asset Management; (2) Development and Regeneration Services – Governance Review; (3) Education Services – Governance Review; (4) Financial Services:- (a) Corporate Bank Accounts and Bank Reconciliations; and (b) Council Tax Write-off Process; (5) Neighbourhoods and Sustainability – Alarm Receiving Centre: 2019/20 Review – Part 2; and (6) Social Work Services – Review of Fuel Cards. After consideration, the committee (i) noted contents of the report; and (ii) instructed the Head of Audit and Inspection to submit a further report on the progress towards achievements of the recommendations within the action plans.

Audit recommendations - Progress noted etc. 7 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection providing an update on the status of audit recommendations agreed previously with services and Arm’s Length External Organisations, (1) advising that since the last report had been presented to this committee on 15th January 2020 (Print 6, page 452), services had been responsible for following up 100 recommendations that were due to have been implemented, with a split of these across each service area detailed in the report; (2) intimating that during the period from 20th December 2019 to 28th February 2020, services had satisfactorily implemented 50 recommendations, as detailed in the report; and (3) detailing a summary of outstanding recommendations by service area and priority, together with the register of all recommendations that had still to be implemented. 2019-20 FINANCE AND AUDIT 7 24th JUNE 2020 599

After consideration, the committee noted (a) the progress made in terms of the recommendations implemented; and (b) that further reports advising of the implementation of outstanding recommendations would be submitted in due course.

Internal Audit – ALEO update – Instruction to Head of Audit and Inspection. 8 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection, advising of the findings of the internal audit work undertaken at the Arm’s Length External Organisations within the Council Group. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the contents of the report; and (2) instructed the Head of Audit and Inspection to submit a further report in 6 months and include an update on the implementation of actions arising from the audits undertaken.

Internal Audit – Culture audits – Position noted. 9 There was submitted and noted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the approach being taken by Internal Audit to review culture within the Council family, advising (1) that in recent years Internal Audit had undertaken a number of significant investigations into instances and allegations of non-compliance with Council’s policies, procedures and controls and as part of the response to these, Internal Audit was undertaking a programme of culture audits across the Council family to assess the culture within organisations and services to determine if any improvements could be made to ensure a suitable framework was embedded; (2) of the Council’s approach to review organisational culture, which included elements of the McKinsey 7-S model and maturity model, as detailed in the report; and (3) of the current status of the review, which included (a) an audit of culture at City Building (Glasgow), which had been presented to its Board; (b) presently undertaking culture audits within Financial Services and Neighbourhoods and Sustainability, with the findings being reported to a future meeting of this committee; and (c) the intention to undertake further audits of culture within future Audit Plans as part of a rolling programme across the Council Group and consider findings in the initial audits to determine the most useful approach.

By video conference, 24th June 2020.

Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee.

Present: David Meikle (Chair), Ken Andrew (substitute for Angus Millar), Bill Butler, Christina Cannon, Malcolm Cunning, Feargal Dalton, Greg Hepburn, John Kane, Ruairi Kelly, Maggie McTernan, Hanzala Malik, Rhiannon Spear and Tanya Wisely. Apologies: Richard Bell, Philip Braat and Angus Millar. Attending: C Birrell (Clerk); M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; D Black, Head of Audit and Inspection; L Heggie (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council); C MacKenzie (for the Chief Executive) and S O’Hagan, Audit Scotland. FINANCE AND AUDIT 2019-20 600 24th JUNE 2020 7

Responses to questions noted. 1 There was submitted a list of responses to the questions raised by members at the meeting of this committee on 11th March 2020.

COVID-19 – Financial implications noted. 2 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the financial implications of COVID-19, advising (1) of the financial monitoring arrangements put in place for all services and ALEOs to capture the financial implications of the COVID-19 response, including direct costs incurred, other cost implications, reductions in income generation and also areas of reduced spend; (2) of a summary of the most recent return to COSLA on the financial implications, sent on 15th May 2020 and forecast to the end of June 2020; (3) of a number of additional allocations of funding provided by the Scottish Government to support local authorities with the costs associated with COVID-19; and (4) that future Revenue Budget Monitoring reports would be prepared in the normal way, however the financial implications of COVID-19 would be reported separately from services’ approved budgets so that there was visibility of variances arising from business as usual, as far as possible.

COVID-19 – Internal Audit response noted etc. 3 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the Internal Audit response to the COVID-19 pandemic (1) advising that in accordance with best practice and the Public Sector Audit Standards, the Internal Audit plan was subject to ongoing review to ensure it remained up to date and reflected the changes in business and this was even more important given the significant and fast changing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Council; and (2) summarising the response of the Internal Audit function and the impact on the Internal Audit plan, fieldwork, reporting and future plans, as detailed in the report. After consideration, the committee noted the report and that further updates would be submitted to future meetings.

Annual Accounts 2019/20 noted. 4 There was submitted and noted report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the revised arrangements for the consideration, audit and approval of the Council’s annual accounts for 2019/20 in light of the impact of COVID-19 (1) advising that the Local Authority Finance Circular 10/2020 Local Authority Accounts 2019/20 – COVID-19 outlined the provisions of the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 in relation to temporary powers associated with the production of reports and other documents; and (2) outlining the Council’s approach in relation to the 2019/20 annual accounts, as detailed in the report.

Draft final out-turn for 2019/20 noted. 5 With reference to the minutes of the City Administration Committee of 18th June 2020 (page 589 hereof) approving various budget adjustments and substantive accounting adjustments for 2019/20 and agreeing that the report regarding the draft final out-turn for 2018/19 would be referred to this committee for information, there was submitted and noted the said report by the Executive Director of Finance. 2019-20 FINANCE AND AUDIT 7 24th JUNE 2020 601

Internal audits noted – Instruction to Head of Audit and Inspection. 6 There were submitted reports by the Head of Audit and Inspection advising of the findings of the following audits carried out:- (1) Corporate Review:- (a) One Time Vendor Usage; (b) Payroll Verification – Social Work Services; (c) Privacy by Design; (d) Records Retention and Disposal; (e) Payroll Verification – Education Services; and (f) Taxi Usage; (2) Education Services and Financial Services – Customer and Business Services – Partnership Nursery Payments; (3) Financial Services;- (a) Customer and Business Services – Blue Badge application process; (b) Customer and Business Services – Income Management – John Street Cash Office; and (c) Treasury Management; (4) Social Work Services:- (a) CareFirst Data Quality and Integrity; and (b) PNC Call Handling; and (5) Social Work Services and Financial Services – Review of Fostering Services. After consideration, the committee (i) noted the contents of the reports; and (ii) instructed the Head of Audit and Inspection to submit further reports on the progress towards achievement of the recommendations within the action plans.

Internal Audit – Annual Report and Draft Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 noted – Recommendation to City Administration Committee. 7 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the Internal Audit Annual Report and draft Annual Governance Statement 2019/20, advising that (1) the Annual Report provided an overview of the work of the Council’s Internal Audit Section for the year ended 31st March 2020; and (2) the draft Annual Governance Statement for 2019/20, detailed in the appendix to the report, would form part of the Council’s audited 2019/20 Annual Accounts. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the report; and (b) agreed to recommend to the City Administration Committee approval of the Annual Governance Statement for 2019/20. FINANCE AND AUDIT 2019-20 602 24th JUNE 2020 7

Corporate Risk Management report noted. 8 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding the Corporate Risk Register (CRR) and the Council’s Business Continuity Management Framework, which was reported to committee on a 6-monthly basis (1) advising that as part of the implementation of the new Corporate Risk Management Framework that was launched in April 2018 the CRR had been refreshed to allow risks to be reviewed, redefined, closed, added and reassessed; and (2) summarising the refreshed CRR and the Council’s approach to risk assessment, as detailed in the appendices to the report.

Decisions taken under emergency delegated powers noted. 9 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the decisions taken under emergency delegated powers in relation to the Budget Monitoring process for 2019/20 and the budget for 2020/21.

Exclusion of public. 10 In terms of Section 50A (2) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public was excluded for the remaining item of business as confidential information was likely to be disclosed.

Internal audit – Cash advances investigation – Findings noted – Instruction to Head of Audit and Inspection. 11 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection advising of the findings of an investigation of procedures in relation to use of cash advances. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the contents of the report; and (2) instructed the Head of Audit and Inspection to provide 6-monthly updates on ongoing compliance across the Council Family. 2019-20 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERY 7 26th FEBRUARY 2020 603


Glasgow, 26th February 2020.

Operational Performance and Delivery Scrutiny Committee.

Present: Jane Morgan (Chair), Saqib Ahmed, Elaine Ballantyne, Dr Martin Bartos, Stephen Dornan, Gary Gray, Greg Hepburn, John Kane (substitute for Martin Rhodes), Ruairi Kelly (substitute for Rhiannon Spear), Aileen McKenzie, Jacqueline McLaren and Kenny McLean. Apologies: Ade Aibinu, Rashid Hussain, Martin Rhodes and Rhiannon Spear. Attending: M Hughes (Clerk); A Connolly, Strategic Advisor to the Chief Executive; D Black, Head of Audit and Inspection; A Eccles, (for the Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership); L Norwood (for the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council); and G Slater (for the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability).

Responses to questions noted – Instruction to Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability. 1 There was submitted a list of responses to the questions raised by members at the meeting of this committee on 29th January 2020. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the responses and that responses to any questions raised at this meeting would be submitted to the next meeting of this committee; and (2) instructed the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability to provide information on the latest data for performance indicators for his service for 2019/20.

Operational performance report and progress on “A Healthier City” theme noted. 2 There was submitted a report by the Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership regarding progress made by partners in delivering the activities which supported the “A Healthier City” theme, which was underpinned by the objectives within the Council’s Strategic Plan 2017-22, along with an operational performance report in respect of the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. After consideration, and having heard a presentation by Ms A Eccles, Head of Business Development, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership, the committee (a) noted the report; and (b) thanked Ms Eccles for her presentation.

Attendance management – Quarterly monitoring report noted. 3 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council providing a summary of the Council’s attendance management performance and staff health strategy initiatives for the period from October to December 2019.

Conference attendance approved under delegated authority noted. 4 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council detailing the attendance of elected members at conferences etc, which had been approved in terms of the Scheme of Delegated Functions. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERY 2019-20 604 25th JUNE 2020 7

By video conference, 25th June 2020.

Operational Performance and Delivery Scrutiny Committee.

Present: Jane Morgan (Chair), Saqib Ahmed, Ade Aibinu, Elaine Ballantyne, Dr Martin Bartos, Christina Cannon (substitute for Greg Hepburn), Gary Gray, Rashid Hussain, Aileen McKenzie, Jacqueline McLaren, Kenny McLean, Martin Rhodes and Rhiannon Spear. Apologies: Stephen Dornan and Greg Hepburn. Attending: C Birrell (Clerk); C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council); M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; D Black, Head of Audit and Inspection; R Anderson, Head of Human Resources; and C MacKenzie (for the Chief Executive).

Working arrangements noted. 1 With reference to the minutes of the City Administration Committee of 4th June 2020 (page 588 hereof) agreeing to the reinstatement of this committee together with proposed working arrangements, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council, advising that (1) the committee would work within its current remit without amending the terms of reference and would focus on the current operational response and recovery, with the focus being reviewed and amended as Policy Development Committees were stood up; (2) in line with the Centre for Public Scrutiny guidance, the committee’s work plan would focus initially on the service areas under most pressure in response and recovery, with meetings being held monthly and conducted remotely using MS Teams; (3) meetings would be time-limited and meeting papers should be short with business conducted more through oral presentations and members being requested to submit as many questions as possible in advance of meetings; and (4) the arrangements took account of the current emergency situation, with the committee needing support in its scrutiny function in a way that (a) did not put a strain on the Council’s resources or operational responses in the city; and (b) recognised that we were not moving back to business as usual in the short to medium term.

Interim work plan agreed. 2 With reference to the minutes of the City Administration Committee of 4th June 2020 (page 588 hereof) agreeing to the reinstatement of this committee, there was submitted a report by the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council regarding a proposed interim work plan, advising (1) of proposals for an interim work plan that would focus initially on the 4 service areas under most pressure in response and recovery, namely Health/Care, Sustainability and low carbon, Education and Economy; (2) that the objective was to consider these 4 themes between the August and October meetings and that it might be necessary to adjust a meeting to enable the 4 priority themes to be covered by October; (3) that members were invited to consider and comment on what order they would like to consider the 4 themes, together with the options for completing consideration of the themes by October, including extending a meeting or adding an additional meeting; and (4) that it was anticipated that the number of standard performance related reports the committee would receive over the period from August to October would be limited because the Council was still in the response phase and it was not business as usual. 2019-20 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERY 7 25th JUNE 2020 605

After consideration, the committee (a) noted the report; and (b) agreed that Health/Care would be the first of the 4 themes to be scrutinised at the August meeting, with a decision being taken at that meeting on the order of the other 3 themes to be scrutinised.

Renewal process – Presentation noted. 3 The committee heard and noted a presentation by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the Road to Renewal, advising (1) that the key issues at the heart of the recovery were that we supported economic recovery and did everything to reduce inequality as the economy recovered; and (2) of the process of recovery together with the proposed workstreams.

Human resources activity – Presentation noted. 4 The committee heard and noted a presentation by the Head of Human Resources (HR) regarding HR in lockdown and recovery, advising (1) of the measures taken during lockdown to ensure that no employee would suffer detriment because of COVID-19; (2) of the various other measures, including the success of the volunteering scheme, support and activities focussing on mental health and engagement with trade unions; and (3) of the process for recovery and renewal.

Responses to questions noted. 5 There was submitted and noted a list of responses to the questions raised by members at the meeting of this committee on 26th February 2020. PLANNING LOCAL REVIEW 2019-20 606 18th FEBRUARY 2020 7


Glasgow, 18th February 2020.

Planning Local Review Committee.

Present: Glenn Elder (Chair); Michael Cullen and Malcolm Cunning. Attending: L Sclater (Clerk); and D McAllister and F Milne, Planning Advisors.

Appointment of Chair. 1 The committee agreed to appoint Bailie Elder to chair the meeting.

Request for Planning Local Review - Site on corner of Teviot Street/Gilbert Street (Ward 10) - 19/00079/LOCAL - Erection of flatted residential development (30 units) – Planning permission refused. 2 There was submitted a request by Tucson Properties Ltd for a Planning Local Review of refusal of planning permission for the erection of a flatted residential development (30 units) at a site on the corner of Teviot Street/ Gilbert Street (Ward 10) – 19/00079/LOCAL. After consideration, the committee refused planning permission, subject to an amended reason for refusal No 02 to read:- “02 The proposed building layout (building line, window positions and rear terrace) will create overlooking issues for adjacent private garden ground, and the children’s play area which is adjacent to the southern boundary of the site. It will also create privacy problems for residents.”

Request for Planning Local Review - 358 Byres Road (Ward 11) - 19/00076/LOCAL - Use of retail unit (Class 1) as restaurant (Class 3), frontage alterations including awning, installation of air conditioning units, vents and flue to rear and use of footway as external seating area – Planning permission conditionally granted. 3 There was submitted a request by Grovemoor Properties for a Planning Local Review of refusal of planning permission for the use of a retail unit (Class 1) as a restaurant (Class 3), frontage alterations including awning, installation of air conditioning units, vents and a flue to the rear and the use of a footway as an external seating area at 358 Byres Road (Ward 11) – 19/00076/LOCAL. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission, subject to

(1) an amended condition No 15 to read:- “Notwithstanding the drawings hereby approved, drawings shall be submitted for the prior written approval of the Planning Authority showing details of the proposed shop front and awning, including the proposed roller shutter window mechanism and box in both the open and closed position and the awning at an appropriate height to ensure pedestrian safety, and shall be implemented subject to that written approval. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail. Reason: In order to protect the appearance of both the property itself and the surrounding Conservation Area. Reason: To ensure pedestrian safety.”; and (2) the deletion of condition No 17, as detailed in the report. 2019-20 PLANNING LOCAL REVIEW 7 17th MARCH 2020 607

Glasgow, 3rd March 2020.

Planning Local Review Committee.

Present: Glenn Elder (Chair), Robert Connelly and Hanzala Malik. Attending: M Hughes (Clerk); and D McAllister and F Milne (Planning Advisors).

Appointment of Chair. 1 The committee agreed to appoint Bailie Elder to chair the meeting.

Request for Planning Local Review - 108 Bruntsfield Avenue (Ward 3) - 19/00088/LOCAL - Erection of single storey extension to side and rear, raised decking and erection of outbuilding – Planning permission refused. 2 There was submitted a request by Marie McMenamin for a Planning Local Review of refusal of planning permission for the erection of a single storey extension to the side and rear, raised decking and erection of outbuilding at 108 Bruntsfield Avenue (Ward 3) - 19/00088/LOCAL. After consideration, the committee refused planning permission, subject to an additional reason for refusal No 03 to read:- “03 The proposed rear extension, by reason of the steps at the side elevation being located less than 900mm from the nearest boundary with the neighbouring dwellinghouse, would not allow sufficient space for the external movement of refuse bins, garden equipment, etc, from the front to the rear of the property. As a result the proposal is contrary to CDPI: The Placemaking Principle and SGI: The Placemaking Principle (Part 2, Residential) Development - Alterations to Dwellings & Gardens) of the City Development Plan (adopted March 2017).”

Request for Planning Local Review - 134a Renfrew Street (Ward 10) – 19/00089/LOCAL - Formation of vehicular access to car park - Planning permission conditionally granted. 3 There was submitted a request by Inehaze Ltd for a Planning Local Review of refusal of planning permission for the formation of vehicular access to a car park at 134a Renfrew Street (Ward 10) – 19/00089/LOCAL. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission, subject to an additional condition No 05 to read:- “05 Before any work on the site is begun, details of the colour of the proposed roller shutter shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Reason: In order to protect the appearance of both the building itself and the surrounding Conservation Area.”

Glasgow, 17th March 2020.

Planning Local Review Committee.

Present: Michael Cullen (Chair), Anne McTaggart and Cecilia O'Lone. Attending: L Sclater (Clerk); and D McAllister (Planning Advisor).

Appointment of Chair. 1 The committee agreed to appoint Councillor Cullen to chair the meeting. PLANNING LOCAL REVIEW 2019-20 608 26th JUNE 2020 7

Site at Springburn Road/Auchentoshan Terrace (Ward 17) - 20/00001/LOCAL - Erection of 2-storey public house (Sui Generis) with function suite – Application under Section 42 to delete condition 16 of previous consent 15/00064/LOCAL – Consideration continued. 2 There was submitted a request by Mr Jack Welsh for a Planning Local Review of conditions relating to planning permission for the erection of a 2-storey public house (Sui Generis) with function suite on a site at Springburn Road/ Auchentoshan Terrace (Ward 17) 20/00001/LOCAL, seeking under Section 42 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the deletion of condition 16 of previous consent 15/00064/LOCAL. After consideration, the committee continued consideration of the application and requested that the applicant submit further drawings at a 1-500 scale, for both the exisiting and proposed site, and that those drawings should be submitted within one month.

Request for Planning Local Review - 42 Blackhill Crescent (Ward 15) - 19/00090/LOCAL - Erection of 2-storey side extension to dwellinghouse –Planning permission refused. 3 There was submitted a request by Mr Sean McGeady for a Planning Local Review of refusal of planning permission for the erection of a 2-storey side extension to a dwellinghouse at 42 Blackhill Crescent (Ward 15) – 19/00090/LOCAL. After consideration, the committee refused planning permission, subject to an amended reason for refusal No 03 to read:- “03 The proposed extension would not be set back the minimum 1.5 metres from the front building line and the ridge of the roof has not been lowered with the result that the extension is not subordinate to the existing house. The proposal would contribute to an unbroken massing on the street to the detriment of visual amenity and the character of the street scene.”

By video conference, 26th June 2020.

Planning Local Review Committee.

Present: Glenn Elder (Chair), Michael Cullen and Anne McTaggart. Attending: M Hughes (Clerk); and D McAllister and F Milne (Planning Advisors).

Appointment of Chair. 1 The committee agreed to appoint Bailie Elder to chair the meeting.

Request for Planning Local Review - 403 Sauchiehall Street (Ward 10) - 20/00003/LOCAL - Installation of ATM and associated signage (Retrospective) - Planning permission refused. 2 There was submitted a request by Cardtronics UK Ltd for a Planning Local Review of refusal of planning permission for the installation of an ATM and associated signage (Retrospective) at 403 Sauchiehall Street (Ward 10) - 20/00003/LOCAL. After consideration, the committee refused planning permission. 2019-20 PLANNING LOCAL REVIEW 7 26th JUNE 2020 609

80 West Nile Street (Ward 10) – 20/00006/LOCAL – Use of shop (Class 1) as restaurant (Class 3) and external alterations - Planning permission conditionally granted. 3 There was submitted a request by Market Street Ltd for a Planning Local Review of refusal of planning permission for the use of a shop (Class 1) as a restaurant (Class 3) and external alterations at 80 West Nile Street (Ward 10) – 20/00006/LOCAL. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission, subject to an additional condition to read:- “The use hereby approved shall cease five years from the date of this permission, unless a further application for the continuation of the use has been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority. Reason: To enable the planning authority to review the acceptability of the use of this property in the light of circumstances prevailing at that time.” PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2019-20 610 11th FEBRUARY 2020 7


Glasgow, 11th February 2020.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: Glenn Elder (Chair), Dr Martin Bartos, Allan Casey, Annette Christie, Robert Connelly, Tony Curtis, Josephine Docherty, Laura Doherty, Jacqueline McLaren, Elaine McSporran, Anne McTaggart, Hanzala Malik and Jane Morgan. Apologies: James Coleman and Cecilia O'Lone. Attending: L Sclater (Clerk); I Mason (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy); and V Bond (for the Chief Executive).

311 Woodlands Road (Ward 11) – 19/02759/DPO - Use of teachers’ centre as public house and internal and external alterations – No objection to discharge of planning obligation relating to planning permission 97/00030/DC approved. 1 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by STUC Training Ltd for the discharge of a planning obligation, thereby removing the availability of overflow car parking within the adjacent site at 333 Woodlands Road for patrons of the public house at 311 Woodlands Road, relating to planning permission 97/00030/DC – use of teachers’ centre as public house and internal and external alterations at 311 Woodlands Road (Ward 11) – 19/02759/DPO. After consideration, the committee agreed that there be no objection to the discharge of the planning obligation.

10A Loudon Terrace (Ward 23) - 19/02064/FUL - Erection of one and a half storey dwellinghouse to rear garden of flatted dwelling – Planning permission refused. 2 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by Mr Duncan Frew for planning permission for the erection of a one and a half storey dwellinghouse to the rear garden of a flatted dwelling at 10A Loudon Terrace (Ward 23) – 19/02064/FUL. After consideration, the committee refused planning permission.

Glasgow, 10th March 2020.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: Glenn Elder (Chair), Allan Casey, Annette Christie, James Coleman, Michael Cullen, Malcolm Cunning, Tony Curtis, Josephine Docherty, Laura Doherty, Jacqueline McLaren, Elaine McSporran, Anne McTaggart, Hanzala Malik, Jane Morgan and Cecilia O'Lone. Apologies: Dr Martin Bartos and Robert Connelly. Attending: C Birrell (Clerk); and K Clark, S Connelly and L Pasi (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy).

707 Balmore Road (Ward 16) – 19/03799/FUL -– Planning permission refused. 1 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by Balmore Properties for planning permission for the sub-division of a retail unit to form a hot food 2019-20 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 7 23rd JUNE 2020 611 takeaway (Sui Generis) frontage alterations and installation of a flue at 707 Balmore Road (Ward 16) – 19/03799/ FUL. After consideration, the committee refused planning permission.

21 Elmwood Avenue (Ward 12) - 19/03252/FUL – Erection of extension, formation of balcony, rooflight, external alteration and replacement windows to rear of dwellinghouse – Planning permission conditionally granted. 2 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by Mr Ross Stewart for planning permission for the erection of an extension, formation of a balcony, rooflight, external alteration and replacement windows to the rear of a dwellinghouse at 21 Elmwood Avenue (Ward 12) – 19/03252/FUL. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission.

Site on corner of Queen’s Park Avenue/Crosshill Avenue (Ward 8) - 19/03370/FUL – Erection of detached dwellinghouse - Renewal of planning permission 16/02744/DC – Planning permission conditionally granted. 3 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by Mr Sultan Mehmood for a renewal of previously approved planning permission (16/02744/DC) for the erection of a detached dwellinghouse at a site on the corner of Queen’s Park Avenue/Crosshill Avenue (Ward 8) – 19/03370/FUL. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission.

Site formerly known as 285 Burnfield Road (Ward 2) – Outcome of appeal to Scottish Ministers noted. 4 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding the outcome of an appeal to Scottish Ministers for the site formerly known as 285 Burnfield Road (Ward 2) – 18/02295/FUL.

By video conference, 23rd June 2020.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: Glenn Elder (Chair), Dr Martin Bartos, Allan Casey, Annette Christie, Robert Connelly, Michael Cullen, Malcolm Cunning, Josephine Docherty, Laura Doherty, Jacqueline McLaren, Elaine McSporran, Anne McTaggart, Hanzala Malik, Jon Molyneux, Jane Morgan and Cecilia O'Lone. Attending: L Sclater (Clerk); K Clark, S Connelly and L Pasi (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy).

Jimmy Johnstone Academy of Football, 835 Cathcart Road (Ward 7) – 20/00761/FUL - Temporary use of land for siting of storage containers to be used as changing facilities - Planning permission conditionally granted. 1 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by the Jimmy Johnstone Charitable Trust for planning permission for the temporary use of storage containers to be used as changing facilities at the Jimmy Johnstone Academy of Football, 835 Cathcart Road (Ward 7) – 20/00761/FUL. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2019-20 612 23rd JUNE 2020 7

After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission, subject to (1) an amended condition No 3 to read:- “All external colours shall be approved in writing by the Planning Authority before they or any relevant materials are used on site. The shipping containers shall be painted or otherwise finished in accordance with these approved colours, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning Authority. Reason: In order to protect the visual amenity of the site”; and (2) an advisory note to read:- “For the avoidance of doubt, the applicant is advised that the planning approval relates to the provision of additional changing room accommodation and is not for the use of by any particular group, to the exclusion of any other. This decision does not show any bias in favour of any particular client group”.

Former Garscadden Primary School, 15 Hurlford Avenue (Ward 10) - 20/00204/FUL – Erection of residential development (70 units) and associated works – Planning permission conditionally granted – Declaration of interest. 2 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by the Wheatley Group for planning permission for the erection of a residential development (70 units) and associated works at the former Garscadden Primary School, 15 Hurlford Avenue (Ward 10) - 20/00204/FUL. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission, subject to (1) an additional condition to read:- “Prior to the commencement of construction the applicant shall investigate the potential for incorporating opportunities for growing spaces, details of which shall be submitted for the written approval of the Planning Authority. The plans shall include the design and layout of growing spaces or raised planters, with a particular focus on provision for the flatted element of the scheme. If agreed the development shall be completed in accordance with the approved scheme and maintained in perpetuity. Any equipment or features which are damaged, removed and/or rendered unusable shall be replaced by the landlord or other responsible parties. Unless otherwise agreed in writing replacement shall be replaced like for like. Reason: To ensure the development meets the requirements of IPG12 and ensure the continued contribution of the amenity space in the wider area.”; and (2) the completion of an agreement under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. In terms of Standing Order No 27, Councillor Casey declared an interest in this item of business and left the meeting during its consideration.

185 Pikeman Road - (Ward 13) - 19/03504/FUL - Erection of 2 dwellinghouses and associated works – Planning permission conditionally granted – Declaration of interest. 3 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by Casa Developments for planning permission for the erection of 2 dwellinghouses and associated works at 185 Pikeman Road - (Ward 13) - 19/03504/FUL. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission. In terms of Standing Order No 27, Councillor Cullen declared an interest in this item of business and left the meeting during its consideration. 2019-20 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 7 30th JUNE 2020 613

By video conference, 30th June 2020.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: Glenn Elder (Chair), Dr Martin Bartos, Allan Casey, Annette Christie, Robert Connelly, Michael Cullen, Josephine Docherty, Jacqueline McLaren, Elaine McSporran, Anne McTaggart, Hanzala Malik, Jon Molyneux, Jane Morgan and Cecilia O'Lone. Attending: L Sclater (Clerk); and S Connelly and B Greenock (for the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy).

Site at Laurieston Road/Crown Street (Ward 8) - 19/02640/FUL - Erection of residential development (33 Units) and associated works – Consideration continued, after division. 1 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by Gorbals Housing Association for planning permission for the erection of a residential development of 33 units and associated works at a site at Laurieston Road/Crown Street (Ward 8) – 19/02640/FUL. After consideration, Bailie Elder, seconded by Councillor Casey, moved that planning permission be approved, subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. Bailie Dr Bartos, seconded by Councillor Jane Morgan, moved as an amendment that planning permission be refused. Councillor Cullen, seconded by Bailie Josephine Docherty, moved as a further amendment that the application be continued to allow further dialogue to take place with the applicant. On a vote being taken by calling the roll, 4 members voted for the amendment by Bailie Dr Bartos, 5 for the amendment by Councillor Cullen and 3 for the motion. As none of the proposals had received the support of a majority of the members voting, the motion by Bailie Elder, having received the fewest votes, was dropped and a further vote was taken by calling the roll on the remaining proposals when 10 members voted for the amendment by Councillor Cullen, with one abstention. The amendment by Councillor Cullen was accordingly declared to be carried.

Site at Govan Cross Shopping Centre/Govan Underground/Water Row/Govan Road (Ward 5) - 19/00650/PPP - Erection of mixed use development, including residential and commercial uses etc – Planning permission in principle conditionally granted. 2 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy regarding an application by Govan Housing Association for planning permission in principle for the erection of a mixed use development, including residential and commercial uses (Class 1 retail, Class 2 financial, professional and other services, Class 3 food and drink, Class 4 business and Class 11 assembly and leisure) with associated access, parking, open space, renewable energy infrastructure scheme and public realm works at a site at Govan Cross Shopping Centre/Govan Underground/Water Row/ Govan Road (Ward 5) - 19/00650/PPP. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission in principle.