Minutes of Glasgow City Council 2019/2020 - Print 7 CONTENTS (1) Minutes of the Council of 20th February 2020, pages 505 to 524; (2) Personnel Appeals Committee of 11th, 18th and 25th February 2020, pages 525 to 526; (3) Contracts and Property Committee of 27th February 2020, pages 527 to 529; (4) Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee of 4th March 2020, pages 530 to 532; (5) Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 12th, 13th, 26th and 27th February and 4th, 11th and 12th March 2020, pages 533 to 545; and (6) City Policy Committees:- (a) General Purposes of 3rd March 2020, pages 546 to 547; (b) Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement of 5th March 2020, pages 548 to 549; (c) Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm of 10th March 2020, pages 550 to 553; (d) Education, Skills and Early Years of 12th March 2020, pages 554 to 556; and (e) Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction of 17th March 2020, pages 557 to 560; (7) Emergency Committee of 5th and 17th March 2020, pages 561 to 563; (8) City Administration Committee of 27th February, 12th and 26th March, 23rd April, 21st May and 4th and 18th June 2020, pages 564 to 594; (9) Scrutiny Committees (a) Finance and Audit of 12th February, 11th March and 24th June 2020, pages 595 to 602; and (b) Operational Performance and Delivery of 26th February and 25th June 2020, pages 603 to 605; (10) Planning Local Review Committee of 18th February, 3rd and 17th March and 26th June 2020, pages 606 to 609; and (11) Planning Applications Committee of 11th February, 10th March and 23rd and 30th June 2020, pages 610 to 613. This print contains minutes of meetings of the Council and its committees. Minutes are a record of the decisions taken by a committee. The Council has given committees a wide range of powers to make decisions but sometimes a committee does not have the authority to decide on a matter and must pass it to the Council to decide. If this is necessary, the paragraph will have a “C” after its number in the minutes and will be submitted to the next Council meeting on 30th July 2020 for approval. When a decision is taken after a division and the vote is taken electronically, a copy of the record of how each member voted is available on request from Committee Services. If you require any further information about this print, please contact Committee Services on 0141 287 3926 for general information. Enquiries about particular committee minutes should be directed to the appropriate Committee Officer. A list of Committee Officers is shown overleaf. Chief Executive’s Department Glasgow City Council City Chambers Glasgow G2 1DU. E-mail: [email protected] COMMITTEE OFFICERS Committee Officer Telephone Appointment of Senior Officers Committee Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926 City Administration Committee Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926 City Policy Committees:- Education, Skills and Early Years Donna Brand 0141 287 4840 Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Carol Jack 0141 287 3534 General Purposes Cathy Birrell 0141 287 7872 Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm Avril Wyber 0141 287 4266 Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement Anne Marie Carr 0141 287 4737 Contracts and Property Committee Lee Sclater 0141 287 3511 Council Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926 Emergency Committee Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926 Licensing and Regulatory Committee Gary McDermid 0141 287 4540 Planning Applications Committee Lee Sclater 0141 287 3511 Planning Local Review Committee Maureen Hughes 0141 287 4377 Public Processions Committee Anne Marie Carr 0141 287 4737 Scrutiny Committees:- Finance and Audit Cathy Birrell 0141 287 7872 Operational Performance and Delivery Maureen Hughes 0141 287 4377 Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee Avril Wyber 0141 287 4266 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 505 MINUTES OF GLASGOW CITY COUNCIL Glasgow, 20th February 2020. Glasgow City Council. Present: The Depute Lord Provost, Philip Braat (Chair). SAQIB AHMED JOSEPHINE DOCHERTY KENNY McLEAN ADE AIBINU LAURA DOHERTY NORMAN MacLEOD SUSAN AITKEN STEPHEN DORNAN ELAINE McSPORRAN KEN ANDREW GLENN ELDER ANNE McTAGGART MALCOLM BALFOUR MICHELLE FERNS HANZALA MALIK ELAINE BALLANTYNE MARIE GARRITY CHRISTY MEARNS DR MARTIN BARTOS ALLAN GOW DAVID MEIKLE ALEXANDER BELIC ARCHIE GRAHAM ANGUS MILLAR RICHARD BELL GARY GRAY JON MOLYNEUX EUAN BLOCKLEY GREG HEPBURN ROBERT MOONEY EVA BOLANDER MHAIRI HUNTER JANE MORGAN MAUREEN BURKE RASHID HUSSAIN MANDY MORGAN BILL BUTLER JOHN KANE MARGARET MORGAN GRAHAM CAMPBELL JIM KAVANAGH EVA MURRAY CHRISTINA CANNON RUAIRI KELLY CECILIA O’LONE PAUL CAREY ELSPETH KERR MARTIN RHODES ALLAN CASEY MATT KERR ANNA RICHARDSON PHILLIP CHARLES THOMAS KERR FRANNY SCALLY ANNETTE CHRISTIE JENNIFER LAYDEN JAMES SCANLON JAMES COLEMAN JOHN LETFORD SORYIA SIDDIQUE ROBERT CONNELLY KIM LONG RHIANNON SPEAR MICHAEL CULLEN FRANK McAVEETY KYLE THORNTON MALCOLM CUNNING DAVID McDONALD MARTHA WARDROP CHRIS CUNNINGHAM ELAINE McDOUGALL ALEX WILSON STEPHEN CURRAN MARTIN McELROY TANYA WISELY TONY CURTIS AILEEN McKENZIE ALLAN YOUNG FEARGAL DALTON JACQUELINE McLAREN DEACON CONVENER LORD DEAN OF GUILD Apologies: Hanif Raja and Maggie McTernan. Attending: C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council; A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M Booth, Executive Director of Finance; G Gillespie, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability; M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; S Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership; and I Robertson, Director of Property and Land Services. COUNCIL 2019-20 506 20th FEBRUARY 2020 7 Suspension of Standing Order No 13 (3) and (5) and variation in order of business agreed. 1 The Council agreed (1) to suspend the provisions of Standing Order No 13 (3) and (5) for item 3 only to allow members to exceed the time limits on speeches, with the mover of any motion or amendment being allowed to speak for up to 15 minutes and all other speakers up to 5 minutes; and (2) to vary the order of business as hereinafter minuted. Minutes approved. 2 The minutes of the Council meeting of 23rd January 2020 (Print 6, pages 437 to 449) were submitted and approved. Minutes of committees submitted and approved. 3 The minutes of the undernoted committees were submitted and approved:- (1) Planning Applications Committee of 28th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 450); (2) Scrutiny Committees:- (a) Finance and Audit of 15th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 451 to 453); and (b) Operational Performance and Delivery of 29th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 454 to 455); (3) Personnel Appeals Committee of 14th and 21st January and 4th February 2020 (Print 6, page 456 to 457); (4) Planning Local Review Committee of 21st January and 4th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 458 to 459); (5) City Policy Committees:- (a) General Purposes of 21st January 2020 (Print 6, page 460); (b) Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm of 28th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 461 to 464); (c) Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement of 30th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 465 to 467); (d) Education, Skills and Early Years of 30th January 2020 (Print 6, pages 468 to 470); and (e) Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction of 4th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 471 to 474); (6) Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 15th, 16th, 29th and 30th January and 5th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 475 to 488); (7) Contracts and Property Committee of 16th January and 6th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 489 to 495); and (8) City Administration Committee of 23rd January and 6th February 2020 (Print 6, pages 496 to 504). Change to Licensing and Regulatory Committee approved. 4 The Council appointed Malcolm Balfour to the Licensing and Regulatory Committee in place of Graham Campbell. Representation on outside bodies approved. 5 The Council approved the following changes to its representation on outside bodies:- 2019-20 COUNCIL 7 20th FEBRUARY 2020 507 Organisation Change Culture and Sport Glasgow (Glasgow Life) Remove Professor Lesley Sawers and appoint Professor John Brown Legal Services Agency Remove Graham Campbell and appoint Rhiannon Spear North West Sector Partnership Remove Paul Carey and appoint Robert Mooney 2020/21 budget considered – Adjournment. 6 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Finance regarding the 2020/21 Revenue Budget, advising (1) of the updated financial forecast, which, having accounted for various measures, left a remaining spending gap of £44.2m; (2) of the local government settlement, which was subject to change until the Budget Bill had been considered by the Scottish Parliament, including the package of measures and specific commitments contained within the national local government settlement together with a range of other measures not directly impacting on the budget-setting for 2020/21; (3) that the Integration Joint Board (IJB) would meet on 25th March 2020 to approve its budget for 2020/21, with the contribution from the IJB to the Council anticipated to be in line with the Council’s approved budget; (4) of the probable outturn for 2020/21; (5) of the Council’s key reserves and the adequacy of reserves held over the medium term; (6) that the financial implications of the Investment Programme would be met from the Financial Costs budget and in addition capital investment of £6m had been identified for Glasgow Life venues subject to sale and leaseback arrangements, which would be funded from prudential borrowing from forecast member distributions from City Property; (7) that the financial forecast had assumed £50m
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