2019/2020 - Print 7
Minutes of Glasgow City Council 2019/2020 - Print 7 CONTENTS (1) Minutes of the Council of 20th February 2020, pages 505 to 524; (2) Personnel Appeals Committee of 11th, 18th and 25th February 2020, pages 525 to 526; (3) Contracts and Property Committee of 27th February 2020, pages 527 to 529; (4) Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee of 4th March 2020, pages 530 to 532; (5) Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 12th, 13th, 26th and 27th February and 4th, 11th and 12th March 2020, pages 533 to 545; and (6) City Policy Committees:- (a) General Purposes of 3rd March 2020, pages 546 to 547; (b) Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement of 5th March 2020, pages 548 to 549; (c) Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm of 10th March 2020, pages 550 to 553; (d) Education, Skills and Early Years of 12th March 2020, pages 554 to 556; and (e) Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction of 17th March 2020, pages 557 to 560; (7) Emergency Committee of 5th and 17th March 2020, pages 561 to 563; (8) City Administration Committee of 27th February, 12th and 26th March, 23rd April, 21st May and 4th and 18th June 2020, pages 564 to 594; (9) Scrutiny Committees (a) Finance and Audit of 12th February, 11th March and 24th June 2020, pages 595 to 602; and (b) Operational Performance and Delivery of 26th February and 25th June 2020, pages 603 to 605; (10) Planning Local Review Committee of 18th February, 3rd and 17th March and 26th June 2020, pages 606 to 609; and (11) Planning Applications Committee of 11th February, 10th March and 23rd and 30th June 2020, pages 610 to 613.
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