Glasgow, 8th December 2016.

Glasgow City Council.

Present: The Lord Provost, Sadie Docherty (Chair).




Apologies: Elizabeth Cameron, Margot Clark, Jahangir Hanif, Billy McAllister, Pauline McKeever, David Meikle, Paul Rooney, Austin Sheridan and Sohan Singh.

Attending: C Forrest, Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council; A O’Donnell, Chief Executive; M Johnston, Acting Executive Director of Financial Services; R Brown, Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services; M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; D Williams, Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership; and G Gillespie, Assistant Director of Land and Environmental Services.

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU Death of former Councillor Pat Keegan.

1 The Lord Provost referred to the recent death of former Councillor Pat Keegan and extended the House’s condolences to his family.

The House stood in silence as a mark of respect.

Emergency motion dealt with.

2 The Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council intimated that, in terms of Standing Order No 12(2), an emergency motion by Councillor Susan Aitken on the proposed closure of Glasgow Job Centres had been delivered to the Chief Executive prior to the meeting.

The Lord Provost having agreed that the motion was relevant, competent and urgent, the House agreed to deal with it at this meeting.

Minutes approved.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of 27th October 2016 (Print 5, pages 261 to 266) were submitted and approved.

Minutes of committees submitted and approved.

4 The minutes of the undernoted committees were submitted and approved:-

(1) Planning Local Review Committee of 25th October and 8th November 2016 (Print 5, page 267);

(2) Health and Social Care Transition Board of 9th November 2016 (Print 5, pages 268 to 270);

(3) Planning Applications Committee of 11th October and 15th November 2016 (Print 5, pages 271 to 272), subject to an amendment in the sederunt on page 271 with ‘Also present’ being substituted by ‘Apologies’;

(4) Scrutiny Committees:-

(a) Operational Delivery of 3rd November 2016 (Print 5, pages 273 to 275); and

(b) Finance and Audit of 12th October and 16th November 2016 (Print 5, pages 276 to 281);

(5) Personnel Appeals Committee of 25th and 28th October and 8th, 18th and 22nd November 2016 (Print 5, pages 282 to 284);

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU (6) Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 12th and 13th October and 2nd, 3rd, 16th, 17th and 23rd November 2016 (Print 5, pages 285 to 309);

(7) Policy Development Committees:-

(a) Public Petitions and General Purposes of 11th October 2016 (Print 5, pages 310 to 311);

(b) Regeneration and the Economy of 15th November 2016 (Print 5, pages 312 to 314);

(c) Sustainability and the Environment of 23rd November 2016 (Print 5, pages 315 to 317); and

(d) Children and Young People of 13th October and 24th November 2016 (Print 5, pages 318 to 321); and

(8) Executive Committee of 27th October and 10th and 24th November 2016 (Print 5, pages 322 to 334).

Changes to committees etc approved.

5 The Council approved the following changes to committees etc:-

Committee Appointment

Executive Committee Remove Dr Nina Baker and appoint Martha Wardrop and remove Kieran Wild as substitute and appoint Dr Nina Baker as substitute

Health and Social Care Transition Board Remove Mhairi Hunter and appoint Susan Aitken

North West Sector Community Planning Appoint Helen Stephen Partnership

Personnel Joint Consultative Forum Remove Paul Rooney and appoint Philip Braat

Representation on Strathclyde Partnership for Transport approved.

6 The Council agreed to appoint Fariha Thomas to Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, with Malcolm Cunning as substitute.

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU Questions.

7 Answers to the undernoted questions, of which notice had been given under Standing Order No 11, were given as undernoted:-

Question Questioner Answered by

“To ask the executive Bailie Dr Nina Baker Councillor Malcolm spokesperson for Education Cunning, Convener of how many young people have Children and Young completed the various streams People Policy of the Enhanced Vocational Development Committee Inclusion Programme?”

“To ask the executive Bailie Dr Nina Baker Bailie Fariha Thomas, spokesperson for Chair of Community Regeneration how many Safety Glasgow responses were obtained from the survey on begging undertaken in April?”

“Can the Executive Member Councillor Kieran Wild Councillor Matt Kerr, for Social Justice confirm that Executive Member for the Council supports the Social Justice principle of a Basic Income for everyone and will ask the UK Government for a pilot scheme to be conducted in Glasgow?”

“Can the Executive Member Councillor Kenny Councillor Maureen Burke, for Jobs, Business and McLean Convener of Regeneration Investment advise how the and the Economy Policy city’s greenspaces, such as Development Committee Broomhill Avenue, are protected by the policies in the City Plan?”

“Can the Leader of the Council Councillor Kenny Councillor Maureen Burke, advise if the Council will use its McLean Convener of Regeneration statutory powers to intervene and the Economy Policy in the reported dispute Development Committee between owners of residential and commercial properties at Benalder Street, following the wall collapse in August which resulted in the evacuation of a block of tenements and commercial premises?”

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU “Can the Leader of the Council Councillor Angus Millar Councillor Maureen Burke, tell us what plans the Council Convener of Regeneration has to facilitate the timely and the Economy Policy reopening of Benalder Street Development Committee and Cooperswell Street, and what measures it will take to minimise the impact of redirected traffic on streets and communities in Yorkhill?”

“Can the Leader of the Council Councillor Mhairi Hunter Councillor Martin Rhodes, confirm when he last met with Executive Member for union officials regarding the Personnel Community Safety Glasgow dispute and what matters were discussed?”

“Can the Leader of the Council Councillor Malcolm Councillor Martin Rhodes, confirm when he last met with Balfour Executive Member for union officials regarding the Personnel Cordia janitor’s dispute and what matters were discussed?”

“Can the Leader of the Council Councillor Anna Councillor Martin Rhodes, advise how the janitor’s Richardson Executive Member for dispute has affected the Personnel Council through overtime costs, transfer of staff to cover gaps in service and the use of private contractors?”

“Can the Leader of the Council Councillor Alex Wilson Councillor Martin Rhodes, confirm when he last met with Executive Member for union officials regarding the Personnel Access dispute and what matters were discussed?”

“Can the Leader of the Council Bailie Eva Bolander Councillor Archie Graham, detail when Glasgow City Depute Leader of the Council first became aware of Council the contract notice published by City of Edinburgh Council in relation to IT services and provide full disclosure of the steps taken to ensure the suitability of the framework for Glasgow City Council?”

“Can the Leader of the Council Councillor Susan Aitken Councillor Frank explain why Glasgow has McAveety, Leader of the

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU continued to pursue the CGI Council option for Glasgow, despite clear risks of privatising the Council’s ICT services?”

Closure of Glasgow Job Centres – Emergency motion dealt with.

8 With reference to paragraph 2 above, Councillor Aitken, seconded by Councillor McAveety, moved that

“Council utterly condemns the United Kingdom Government’s proposals to close half of Glasgow’s Job Centres. Job Centres are a vital component in the network of agencies and organisations assisting people into work. This proposal will marginalise tens of thousands of Glasgow’s most vulnerable citizens.

This Council does not accept that property divestment is a suitable justification for the Department of Work and Pensions to close 8 Job Centres at Anniesland, Bridgeton, Cambuslang, Castlemilk, Easterhouse, , Maryhill and Parkhead. Despite improvements in employment rates in Glasgow, there is still a significant need for Job Centres, especially in these locations.

Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to Damien Green MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, to urgently discuss this matter and find a solution that does not undermine the efforts of thousands of Glaswegians who are trying to find work.”

The Council approved unanimously.

Bus services in Glasgow – Motion approved, after division.

9 Councillor McAveety, seconded by Bailie Simpson, moved that

"Council recognises the importance of public transport in connecting our communities; is deeply concerned about the cuts to bus services across Glasgow, leaving communities stranded and isolated; is further concerned that there are poverty and health implications of these changes with many local people unable to directly access vital local facilities, such as hospitals, doctor's surgeries and shops; believes there to be a strong and compelling case for greater regulation and intervention to halt the decline of bus services in Glasgow and across ; further believes that community consultation must be central to this process; resolves to continue to press bus operators to restore vital local bus services and to fight to ensure that passengers and communities come before profit; and agrees that the Leader of the Council should write to the Scottish Transport Minister to express this Council's concerns and request that the Scottish Government legislate to re-regulate the bus industry."

Councillor Aitken, seconded by Councillor Letford, moved as an amendment that:-

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU "Council recognises the importance of public transport in connecting our communities and remains deeply concerned about the loss of bus connections across Glasgow and recognises the historical decisions taken across Scotland at the time of deregulation.

Council further notes the long-standing structural limitations of public transport in Glasgow, in which communities across Glasgow find services travelling into and from the city centre rather than supporting rapid and effective connections around the city.

This Council therefore agrees that the Chief Executive of the Council writes to the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf MSP, to highlight the issues facing Glasgow’s public transport users, to offer insights into the steps taken by this Council to work with transport providers and to seek a review of Regional Transport Partnerships in Scotland."

Councillor Dr Bartos, seconded by Bailie Dr Baker, moved as a further amendment that:-

“Council recognises the importance of public transport in connecting our communities; is deeply concerned about the cuts to bus services across Glasgow, leaving communities stranded and isolated; is further concerned that there are poverty and health implications of these changes with many local people unable to directly access vital local facilities, such as hospitals, doctor's surgeries and shops; believes there to be a strong and compelling case for greater regulation and intervention to halt the decline of bus services in Glasgow and across Scotland; further believes that public ownership of public services provides the best opportunity for the interests of communities to be achieved with consultation; that for public health and sustainability reasons active travel, low carbon and electric vehicles need to be the primary methods of local journeys; resolves to keep an open mind to any proposal which would create a publicly owned Glasgow Electric Overground bus service, or which could improve affordability of journeys for low and unwaged; meantime resolves to continue to press bus operators to restore vital local bus services and to fight to ensure that passengers and communities come before profit; and agrees that the Leader of the Council should write to the Scottish Transport Minister to express this Council's concerns and request that the Scottish Government legislate to re-regulate the bus industry."

During the debate, Councillor McAveety, with the agreement of his seconder, accepted the amendment by Councillor Dr Bartos.

On a vote being taken electronically, 25 members voted for the amendment by Councillor Aitken and 36 for the motion, as amended, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

School attainment figures – Motion dealt with, after division.

10 Councillor Dalton, seconded by Councillor Cunningham, moved that

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU "Council notes the progress made in attainment by our pupils in Glasgow, and across Scotland. Furthermore, Council recognises the ongoing improvements in positive destinations for Glasgow school leavers in 2014/15 and thanks pupils, parents and staff for their hard work and dedication.

Council notes that an attainment gap continues to exist between pupils from different socio-economic backgrounds and between schools in different parts of Glasgow. Council believes that closing the gap in education is crucial to ensuring that all of Glasgow's children and young people have equal opportunity to fulfil their potential, as well as to addressing other deep-seated inequalities in the city. Council resolves to re-double efforts to close Glasgow's attainment gap and to address skill gaps and skill shortages via the education service in Glasgow, working with partners in further and higher education and within the business community in the city.

Council further resolves to work positively with the Scottish Government to develop and deliver new approaches to educational provision which will complement and expand existing provision. Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills to offer any and all assistance to the Scottish Government to close the attainment gap."

Councillor Cunning, seconded by Councillor Curran, moved as an amendment that the last paragraph of the motion be deleted and replaced with

“Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills to highlight Glasgow’s achievements in successfully raising attainment through evidence based approaches despite the Council’s reducing settlement and increasing demand; notes that these successes are a result of local decision-making; believes that decisions regarding our children’s education are best achieved locally; and resolves to continue to work positively with the Scottish Government and other partners in the best interests of all Glasgow’s school children”.

Councillor Wardrop, seconded by Councillor Dr Bartos, moved as a further amendment, that the last paragraph of the motion be deleted and replaced with

“Council further resolves to work positively with the Scottish Government to develop a strong, shared focus on enabling every pupil to realise their potential. Council will seek to deliver new approaches to mitigating the effects of poverty related attainment in school development and allow each pupil an enhanced learning experience. Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills to offer to work in partnership to raise attainment and ensure that resources are targeted properly and used effectively to close the attainment gap."

During the debate, Councillor Dalton, with the agreement of his seconder, accepted the amendment by Councillor Wardrop.

On a vote being taken electronically, 32 members voted for the amendment by Councillor Cunning and 28 for the motion, as amended.

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU

The amendment by Councillor Cunning was accordingly declared to be carried.

Funding for cycle lane projects – Motion approved.

11 Councillor Wild, seconded by Councillor Dr Bartos, moved that

"Council congratulates our Land and Environmental Services department on having secured £3,250,000 from Sustrans Scotland and the Scottish Government's Community Links PLUS scheme for the South City Way segregated cycle lane project. The South City Way provides segregated cycle lanes from Glasgow's South Side all the way into the heart of the city, going from Victoria Road to Stockwell Street junction near Merchant City.

In addition to the project the Council will prioritise developing the Woodside "Mini- Holland" scheme, a North City Way between Queen Street Train Station to Hawthorn Street through Sighthill and an East City Way between the city centre and Dennistoun."

The Council approved unanimously.

Affordable Warmth Dividend – Motion approved.

12 Councillor Kerr, seconded by Bailie Scanlon, moved that

"Council is concerned that our elderly population is disproportionately at risk from drops in temperature during winter months; welcomes the payment of Glasgow's £100 Affordable Warmth Dividend which has supported around 25,000 of Glasgow's elderly citizens since it was launched in 2011; encourages all eligible citizens to apply for the Affordable Warmth Dividend and resolves to continue to ensure that the most vulnerable in our city are protected."

Councillor Wild, seconded by Councillor Wardrop, moved as an amendment that the following be added to the motion:-

“Council notes that the numbers of households living in fuel poverty in Glasgow has increased from below 20% in 2001 to over 30% today. Council regrets that the Scottish Government will fail to meet its statutory duty under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 to ‘ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that people are not living in fuel poverty in Scotland by November 2016’. Council resolves to work with all stakeholders including Energy Action Scotland and the Scottish Government to deliver a new Affordable Warmth Strategy for Glasgow which aims to eliminate fuel poverty.”

During the debate, Councillor Kerr, with the agreement of his seconder, accepted the amendment by Councillor Wild. Thereafter the Council approved unanimously.

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU Wee Glasgow Loan – Motion approved.

13 Bailie Garrity, seconded by Councillor Curran, moved that

"Council is concerned that Glasgow citizens borrow over £57m annually through payday lenders, home credit, pawnbrokers and rent-to-own outlets; recognises the importance of ensuring that our vulnerable citizens are not financially excluded and have access to affordable credit and bank/credit union accounts; welcomes the launch of the 'Wee Glasgow Loan' which provides a cheaper and fairer alternative to High Street lenders for affordable credit; understands that the loan will be available to all Glasgow's residents and will be based more on affordability than the credit scoring system; recognises that this is part of a much wider strategy by the Poverty Leadership Panel called 'People Make Glasgow Fairer Strategy' which was launched in October this year and is a city-wide and all age strategy to tackle poverty; praises all those involved in this fantastic project and resolves to continue to work with our partners to help reduce poverty for our citizens."

The Council approved unanimously.

Glasgow City Women’s Football Team – Motion approved.

14 Councillor Graham, seconded by Councillor Stephen, moved that

“Council congratulates Glasgow City Women’s football team on making Scottish history by winning 10 successive Scottish Women’s Premier league titles in a row; believes this to be the result of the hard work and dedication of the team, including players and behind the scenes staff; further congratulates the Scottish Women’s Football Association on the work done to grow and promote women’s football in Scotland to generations of girls and women, and, significantly, the marvellous achievement of the Scottish Women’s National team in qualifying for their first major international tournament – the Women’s European Championships in 2017; and wishes all those involved every success for the future”.

The Council approved unanimously.

State Pension Age – Motion approved.

15 Councillor Hunter, seconded by Bailie Thomas, moved that

"Council supports the equalisation of the State Pension Age between men and women but deplores the unfair way that changes have been made, faster than originally planned and with little or no notice given to those affected, giving them insufficient time to prepare for a later retirement date; is concerned that as a result many women born in the 1950s are living in hardship; praises the Women Against State Pension Inequality Campaign for the tireless work they have been engaged in to highlight this issue.

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Prime Minister asking her to intervene and instruct ministers to make fair transitional pension arrangements for women born on or after 6th April 1951 who have unfairly borne the burden of the increase in the State Pension Age; and more specifically calls on the UK Government to take immediate steps which enables letters to be sent now to men and women, review the design of the new 'State Pension Statement' and develop a programme for ongoing awareness raising and education."

The Council approved unanimously.


16 In terms of Standing Order No 5 (m), the time being after 1630 hours, the Council agreed to adjourn, the remaining item of business being 8 (h).

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU