A Review of Ten Years Assistance to the Mine Action Programme in Mozambique

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A Review of Ten Years Assistance to the Mine Action Programme in Mozambique James Madison University JMU Scholarly Commons Center for International Stabilization and Global CWD Repository Recovery 10-2005 A Review of Ten Years Assistance to the Mine Action Programme in Mozambique Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining GICHD Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/cisr-globalcwd Part of the Defense and Security Studies Commons, Peace and Conflict Studies Commons, Public Policy Commons, and the Social Policy Commons Recommended Citation Humanitarian Demining, Geneva International Centre for, "A Review of Ten Years Assistance to the Mine Action Programme in Mozambique" (2005). Global CWD Repository. 1165. https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/cisr-globalcwd/1165 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery at JMU Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Global CWD Repository by an authorized administrator of JMU Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A REVIEW OF TEN YEARS ASSISTANCE TO THE MINE ACTION PROGRAMME IN MOZAMBIQUE Geneva, October 2005 Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Centre International de Déminage Humanitaire - Genève A Review of Mine Action in Mozambique October 2005 A Review of Mine Action in Mozambique October 2005 Preface The Review Team wishes to thank the many people who shared their time and thoughts with us, helping to make the mission to Mozambique a success and leading directly to many of the findings contained in this report. Appendix 2 contains a list of the many people we met in conducting this review, and neither space nor energy allow a full acknowledgement of each one’s contributions. We do need, however, to note the pivotal roles played by Marylène Spezzati, the UNDP Resident Representative in Maputo, and Gana Fofang, the Deputy Resident Representative, who foresaw the need for a Review and then made it happen, and by Gamiliel Munguambe, Director of the National Demining Institute (IND), for his support of the Review which allowed the Team such good access to the information and people in IND and, more widely, within the mine action community. We also need to acknowledge those individuals who invested many hours in arranging appointments, flights, accommodation, and the myriad other details on which the success of a mission depends: Maria Isabel dos Santos and Benjamin Sitoe of IND; and Alberto Alface, and Clarisse Nhabangue of UNDP-Maputo. Graeme Abernethy, the Technical Adviser for Operations at IND at the time of the mission, deserves special mention for assistance beyond the call of duty, Terms of Reference, or – in some cases – a decent night’s sleep. In preparing this final report, the Review Team also benefited from many comments received from IND, UNDP, donors, and operators. Special thanks is due to Archie Law, the UNDP Regional Mine Action Adviser for Africa, both for his own comments and for compiling those of others. Finally, we must stress that the findings, conclusions, lessons learned, and recommendations contained in this report represent the views of the Review Team. UNOPS, UNDP, and the Government of Mozambique are not responsible for the content of this report or bound by its recommendations. Tim Lardner Mine action management and operations specialist Pamela Rebelo Evaluation and Mozambican development specialist Roberto Tibana Economic/development management specialist Ted Paterson GICHD evaluation manager and team leader for the Review A Review of Mine Action in Mozambique October 2005 A Review of Mine Action in Mozambique October 2005 Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................... i Introduction........................................................................................................................................................... 1 1. General Background........................................................................................................................................ 7 Key features of the society and economy........................................................................................................... 7 Conflict and Political Developments.................................................................................................................. 8 The Contamination Problem .............................................................................................................................. 9 2. The Mine Action Programme ........................................................................................................................ 13 Origin and evolution......................................................................................................................................... 13 Achievements, contributions, and consequences ............................................................................................. 18 The main mine action organisations................................................................................................................. 26 3. The Role of International Assistance............................................................................................................. 45 Needs assessments and strategies..................................................................................................................... 45 Financial assistance.......................................................................................................................................... 45 Donor coordination .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Analysing Donor Fatigue ................................................................................................................................. 49 Assistance for Capacity Development.............................................................................................................. 50 4. Links between Mine Action and Other Arenas ............................................................................................ 53 The Government Arena.................................................................................................................................... 55 The International Arena ................................................................................................................................... 66 Local Communities Arena................................................................................................................................ 68 Summary .......................................................................................................................................................... 70 5. Development Management in Mozambique ................................................................................................. 73 Constitutional Framework................................................................................................................................ 73 National Economic Management ..................................................................................................................... 76 Aid Coordination and Management ................................................................................................................. 81 Summary .......................................................................................................................................................... 85 6. Assessment of Current Status ........................................................................................................................ 87 Socio-economic impacts .................................................................................................................................. 87 Extent of Contamination .................................................................................................................................. 89 Treaty perspective ............................................................................................................................................ 92 Summary .......................................................................................................................................................... 93 7. Responding to the Remaining Challenge ..................................................................................................... 95 The Different Challenges and Solutions........................................................................................................... 95 Linking with Development Management....................................................................................................... 111 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 113 8. Toward a Sustainable Solution ................................................................................................................... 115 Strategy .......................................................................................................................................................... 115 Policy Framework .......................................................................................................................................... 119 Regulation .....................................................................................................................................................
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